Andere Lösungen

Tekken (e)

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PSX TEKKEN FAQ v.7 by loki
Copyright 1995 by This FAQ may freely be distributed among
the PSX Tekken community in non-altered form. This FAQ cannot be published
in whole or in part without the author's permission ( or
sold for any profit. Any use of this FAQ (after author's consent) must
give proper credit to the contributors.
 Here's the PSX Tekken FAQ for all you proud Sony Playstation owners who own
this incredible arcade translation. Many improvements have been made over
the original arcade version in such areas as speed, graphics, animation and
gameplay. There are a total of 18 characters to choose from, all featuring
creatively different costumes and special moves. This FAQ is derived from
the the arcade Tekken FAQ published by Slycer. All moves in here have been
verified and notated in the easiest way to pull them off. Some have not been
included yet as they have not been verified, also  tap/holds/rolls for
controller motions will be continually refined in future versions. Make note
that some joystick combinations have been changed between the arcade and
home console versions. Enjoy!
   Changes since last version:
       - start with double ships in Galaga
	- more moves for every character!
	  (many thanks to Gouki & others for filling in the gaps!)
	- refined move notations
	- more character's history (including bosses!)
 Towards the end of the 20th century, a mysterious challenge went out to
all who were deserving.  No one knows from where it originated, but its
draw was irresistible.  The promise of power and riches beyond those
attainable by the common man all to go to the survivor. From the depths
of the lower earth to the far reaches of the outlands the call escaped
no one. Many perished during the mortal street fights that were only a
preview of the challenges that were to come. Only 8 remain, those with
the true killer instinct, all ready to die, to gain the title of "TEKKEN",
"Lord of the Rave War."

       F = Forward           LP = Left Punch (square)
	D = Down              RP = Right Punch (triangle)
	B = Back              LK = Left Kick (cross)
	U = Up                RK = Right Kick (circle)
	HCB = Half-circle Back
	HCF = Half-circle Forward
	, = denotes an individual press
	+ = designates these must be pressed simultaneously
	taps = designates the keypad must be lightly tapped (not pressed)
	crouches = signifies that your character must perform the move
	           after reaching a crouched position, the low-point of
	           their knee bend, then releasing D and continuing with
	           the button sequence
	hold = designates that the last button should be held until noted
	rolls = movement slide from one button to another w/o lifting
	"()" = notates a grouping of simutaneous button presses
	¥knockdown¥ = denotes this move knocksdown your opponent
	¥stuns¥ = denotes this move stuns your opponent
 Note: You can set the controllers to setting where the top buttons are
 assigned tasks, this is accessible via the Title Screen/Test Mode/ 
 Options Mode/Key Config/. You alter the settings by moving the keypad l/r
 until all buttons are assigned w/ the "Free Setting" selected.
       L1 = pressing LP/LK simutaneously
	R1 = pressing RP/RK simutaneously
	L2 = pressing LK/RK simutaneously
	R2 = pressing LP/RP simutaneously
 Basic Attacks:
       Left Punch: LP
	Right Punch: RP
	Left Kick: LK
	Right Kick: RK
	Low Punch: D + LP [or RP]
	Weak Uppercut: D(crouch), + LP [or RP]
	Low Kick: D + LK [or RK]
	Rising Kick: D(crouch) + LK [or RK]
 Jumping Attacks: (note: U may be substituted by UB/UF)
       Jump High: U
	Jump Low: (tap)U
	High Jumping Punch: U + LP [or RP]
	High Jumping Kick: U + LK [or RK]
	Low Jumping Left Punch:(tap)U + LP [or RP]
	Low Jumping Kick:(tap)U + LK [or RK]
	High Power Sweep: U, (almost down) LK
	High Power Punch: U, (almost down) LP
       (more to be added in future FAQ versions)
       Forward: F, F
	Backward: B, B
 Running Attacks:  (approx. 1-2 screen lengths from opponent)
       Run: F, F, F (press any keypad to interrupt run)
	Run Tackle: F, F, F (uninterrupted)
	Run Diving Attack: F, F, F, (LP+RP)
	Run Slide Attack: F, F, F, RK
	Run Kick Attack: F, F, F, LK
 Recover Attacks:
       (note: there are slight variations between characters. Also if
	 your character performs a move that makes them "fall", you can
	 perform these moves as you get up)
       Striaght Up: repeatedly tap U
	Roll Forward: repeatledly tap F
	Roll Backward: repeatedly tap B
	Kick Up Attack: B + (LK+RK)
	Forward Diving Roll: F + (LP+RP) 
	Back Roll and Forward Attack: B, F + (LP+RP)
		(opponent must be in front of you for forward attacks)
 Ground Attacks:
       (use any combo of UB/U/UF with RP for placement of pounce,
	 any variation of a pounce for a special character will be noted
	 in the moves section)
       Low Pounce: U + RP (anytime)
	High Pounce: U + RP (hold both for duration of move)
 10-Attack Strings:
       The 10-Attack Strings are a series of punch/kick attacks characters
	can execute. If successfully executed, these attacks can do a
	considerable amount of damage on your opponent. However, they can 
	be escaped, blocked, or counter-attacked (i.e.while your in a 10-
	hitter, your opponent might be able to perform a throw move on you).
	Variations can be performed on the attack strings, yet you must
	follow the notated moves in this faq to achieve the full 10 hits.
	These attacks are impressive to witness and hard to block if part
	of the string connects.
 Unblockable Attacks:
       These attacks generally take a while to execute, which allows your
	opponent to knock you out of it's execution. If they do connect,
	these attacks cannot be blocked and do considerable damage. The
	amount of damage is variable when your playing in the 2-player 
	where handicaps can be adjusted.
 Hard Pounces:
       Normally to execute a pounce attack, you just hit U + RP when
	opponent is on the ground. This causes you to automatically jump
	into the air and land on your opponent with a pounce attack that is
	usually different from your character's regular ground punch while
	jumping. When normal pounces tend to "home in" on the opponent to
	some extent, heavy pounces have a set range, which is rather short,
	so you must aim correctly if you want to hit the them. Also, hard
	pounces can be done any time, even if they're not on the ground.
	If you do a hard pounce while your opponent is just standing there,
	expect to get hit. Hard pounces are also slower than normal pounces,
	so your opponent has more time to recover before you hit, and there
	is a greater lag time for you after doing a heavy pounce, giving
	your opponent more time to retaliate.   
       As most games, all throws must be performed at a very close range.
	Many people have accused Tekken of being cheap because so many 
	type moves are included in the game. I feel that this makes for
	much more strategic game play and although every player has two basic
	throw moves (LP/LK, RP/RK), the more elaberate throws are harder to
	pull off in the heat of battle against good players. Briefly (as 
	Technique Section will be added sometime), it's very easy to see 
	someone's trying to pull a throw on you, most characters will be
	attempting to 'grab' at the air. It's very easy to hit or counter-	
throw them at this point when their unsuccessful grab is relaxing
	and pulling back to their body. Executing a throw move while your
	opponent is performing a jumping attack will cause them to be
	"bounced" back onto the ground unhurt, with their jumping attack
	and your throw attack unsuccessful (damage-wise).
 Kazuya Mishima:
       Double Kick hold: (LP+LK)
	Hip Toss: (RP+RK)
	Headbutt: F, F + (LP+RP)
       Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
	Spinning Backhand: F + RP
	Double Punch: LP, RP (rolled)
	Punch, Spinning Backhand: RP, RP
	Double Punch Spinning Backhand: LP, RP(rolled), RP
	Lunging Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
	Double Walking Uppercut: DF + LP, RP
	Double Jab, Power Punch: LP, LP, RP
	Somersault: D, UF + (LK+RK)
	Axe Kicks: F, F + LK	¥stuns¥
	           F, RK		¥stuns¥
	Double Axe Kick: D(crouch/or hold),(release D) RK, RK	¥stuns¥
	Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK
	Foot Sweep: F, D, DF + RK
	Double Foot Sweep: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK
	Jumping Spin Kick/Foot Sweep: UF(tap), RK, RK
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LK, RP, LP, RP, LP, RK, RP, LP
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Punch - UF + (RP+RK)
 Paul Phoenix:
       Shoulder Throw: (LP+LK)
	T-Flip: (RP+RK)
	Rollback Toss: B + (LP+LK)
	Forearm Smash: F, F + (LP+RP)
       Hammer Fist: D + LP             ¥stuns¥
	Hammer Fist/Power Punch: D + LP, F + RP
	Elbow Rush: D(crouch), F + RP
	Ground Punch: D + RP
	Power Punch: D,DF,F + RP
	Punch/High Kick: RP, LK(rolled)
	Double Jump Kick: U(tap) [or UF/UB(tap)] + LK, RK
	Lunging Jump Kick: F, F + LK
	Lunging Double Jump Kick: F, F + LK, RK
	Lunging Double Jump Kick/Roundhouse: F, F + LK, RK, RK
	Lunging Double Jump Kick/Sweep: F, F + LK, D(hold) + RK, RK
	Forward Flip: F, F + RK	¥stuns¥
	Foot Sweep: D + LK
	            D + RK
	Foot Sweep/Elbow Rush: D + RK, RP(rolled)
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LK, RP, LP, RP, LP, RK, RP, LP(rolled)
 Marshall Law:
	Death From Above: (LP+LK)
	Face Smash: (RP+RK)
	Knee Bash: F, F + (LK+RK)
       Punch/Backhand: RP, RP
	Punch/Double Backhand: F (hold throughout move) + RP, RP, RP
	Triple Head Kick: LK, LK, LK
	Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK
	Flipkick: D(crouch), U + RK
	Power Flipkick: D(crouch), U + (LK+RK) (will land you on your back)
	Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), U(tap) + RK
		(note: all flipkicks can use UB/U/UF)
	Triple Roundhouse: RK, LK, RK (rolled)
	Low Kick/Triple High Kick: D + LK, LK, LK, LK
   10-Attack String:
        (tap)DF + LP, RP, RP, LP, LK, LK, LK, RK, LK, RK
   Unblockable Attack:
       Dashing Fist: DB + LP + RP (tap U, U to abort attack)
 Nina Williams:
       Arm Throw: (LP+LK)
	Reverse Toss: (RP+RK)
	Handstand Toss: F + (LP+LK)
	Elbow Bash: DF, DF + (LP+RP)
	Chin Bash: D, DF, F + (LP+RP)
		-During Chin Bash: 
			a) Leg Scissors Arm Snap - LK, RK, LK, (LP+RP)
			b) Sidestep Arm Snap - LP, LK, RP, LP
		  -During Sidestep Arm Snap:
			  a) Falling Arm Snap - RP, LP, LK, RK, (LP+RP)
			  b) Double Arm Snap - LK, LP, RK, (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
       Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Punch/Roundhouse: RP, RK(rolled)
	5 Punch Combo: LP, RP, LP, RP, LP (rolled)
	Flip Tumble: F, F + RK 	¥stuns¥
	Double Punch/Roundhouse: LP, RP, RK (rolled)
	Double Punch/ High Kick: LP, RP, LK (rolled)
	Flying Kick: F, F, F + LK
	Triple Kick: DF + LK, LK, LK
	Mid Kick/Punch: DF + LK, RP
	Triple Kick/Punch: DF + LK, LK, LK, RP
	Mid Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RK
	Triple Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, LK, LK, RK
	Mid Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LP
	Triple Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LK, LK, LP
	Kick/Spinning Chop/Double Punch: DF + LK, LP, RP, RP
	Kick/Punch/Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
	Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
	Hop Kick/Roundhouse/Kick: UF + RK, LK, RK
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP, RP(rolled), LK, LK, RP, LP, RP, RP
   Unblockable Attack:
       Crane Chop: DB, LP + RP (tap U, U to abort attack)
       Blanket: (LP+LK)
	Lifter: (RP+RK)
	Backbreaker: HCB + RP
	Piledriver: HCF + LP
       Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
	Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP(rolled)
	Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
	Double Slap: LP, LP
	Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
	Double Uppercut: DF(crouch) + LP, RP
	Triple Uppercut: DF(crouch) + LP, RP, LP
	Crouch Double Slap/Uppercut: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
	Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
	Cop a Squat: D + LK + RK
	Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
	Triple Drill Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP
	Triple Drill Punch/Uppercut: DB + LP, LP, LP, RP (timed)
	Mega Crouch Combo:ÊD(crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
   10-Attack String:
	D + RP, LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP, LP + RP
   Unblockable Attack:
	Windup Punch: B, DB, D, DF, rotate controller counterclockwise
	              until Jack reaches the count of 5, then tap LP. 
	              - if count isn't at 5, punch can be blocked
	              - if count reaches 5, it is an instant 1-hit kill
   Hard Pounce:

       Knee Bash: (LP+LK)
	Suplex: (RP+RK)
	Piledriver: D, DF, F + LP
	Whirlwind Toss: F, B, DB, D, DF, F + LP
	Scissor Flip: DF(tap) + (LK+RK)
	DDT - DB(tap), DB + (LP+RP)
	Side Body Blow: DF(tap), RP
	Hammer Elbow: DF, LP 	¥stuns¥
	Jumping Hammer: UF + (LP+RP)
	Forward Dive: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Double Punch/Uppercut: LP, RP, LP(rolled)
	Bunch'a'Punches: LP, RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP
	High Uppercut: F, F + RP
	Low Uppercut: F, F, RP (hurts opponents on the ground)
	Crouching Uppercut: D, F + RP
	Double Punch/Uppercut: LP, RP, LP(rolled)
	Big Boot: F, F + RK
	Drop Kick: F, F + (LK+RK)
	Spinning Drop Kick: F, F, F + (LK+RK)
	Spinning Drop Kick/Dive: F, F, F(hold remainder) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
	Triple Slide Kick: DF(crouch) + RK, RK, RK	¥stuns¥
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP, RK, RK, RK, RK, LP, LK
   Hard Pounce:
       Elbow Drop: UF [or U] + (RP+RK)
	Knee Drop: UF + (LK+RK)
       Flying 69 Slam: (LP+LK)
	Trip Smash: (RP+RK)
       Tornado Spin: B + LP (can be pressed up to 5x)
	              (If done 5x, Yoshimitsu will become dizzy & colapse)
	Tornado Sweep: DB(hold) + LK (up to 5x, dizzy on the 5th)
		-The Tornado moves are interchangable (ex. 3spins/2sweeps)
		 and are best pulled off if you roll from B into DB
	Twist Hit: F + RP
	Knee Rush: F, F + RK
	Roundhouse/Mid Kick: LK, RK(rolled)
	Kick/Double Roundhouse: RK, RK, RK
	Forward Cartwheel: F, F + (LK+RK)
	Forward Cartwheel/Diving Corkscrew: F, F(hold) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP(rolled), RK, RK, RK, RK, LP, LP, LP
   Unblockable Attack:
       Sword Slash: DB + LP
	Sword Skewer: B, B + LP
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Stomp: UF + (LK+RK)
 Michelle Chan:
       Bridge Slammer: (LP+LK)
	Hook Slammer: (RP+RK)
	Reverse Checklift: RP, B (RP must hit opponent) + (LP+RP)
	Sky Uppercut: DF + RP, LP (RP must hit opponent)
       5 Punch Attack: RP, LP(rolled), LP, LP, RP
	Double-Fisted Body Blow: F, F + (LP+RP) ¥stuns if blocked¥
	Uppercut: D(crouch), RP
	Uppercut/Hammer/Uppercut: D(crouch), RP, LP, LP
	Roundhouse: D(crouch), LK
	Vertical Kick: DF + LK
	Power Vertical Kick: D(crouch), RK
	Sleep Sweep: DF(crouch), RK
	Sleep Sweep/Flying Kick: DF(crouch), RK, LK(rolled)
        Sweep Kick: D + LK
	            D + RK
	Sweep Kick/Low Kick: D + RK, RK (holding D)
	Sweep Kick/High Kick: D + RK, RK (D released) 
	Sweep Kick/Uppercut: D +, RK, LP(rolled)
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/Uppercut: F + RK, D + RK, LP(rolled)
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/Low Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (holding D)
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/High Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (released D)
   10-Attack String:
       RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP, LK, LK, LK, RK, RK, LP
   Unblockable Attack:
       Running Uppercut: B, B, B(hold till her left leg rises)
	                  Tap LP as her leg is in the air to run/uppercut
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Stomp: UF + (LK+RK)
 Lee Chow Lang: (derivative of Law)
       Backside Takedown: (LP+LK)
	Face Smash: (RP+RK)
	Knee Bash: F, F(hold) + (LK+RK)
       Punch/Backhand: RP, RP
	Double Punch: LP, RP (rolled)
	Double Punch/Backhand: LP, RP(rolled), RP
	Double Punch/Double Backhand: F(hold) + LP, RP(rolled), RP, RP
	Uppercut/Punch/Backhand: DF + LP, RP, RP
	Backflip: B, B, B
	Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + RK
	Power Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + (LK+RK)
	Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF(tap) + RK
	Axe Kick: F, F + LK
	Double Axe Kick: D(crouch), LK, LK
	Low/High Kick: D + RK, RK
	Triple High Kick: LK, LK, LK
	Triple Low/Mid Kick: D + RK, RK, RK, RK
	Double Kick/Roundhouse: D + RK, RK, LK
	Double Kick/Roundhouse/High Kick: D + RK, RK, LK, RK
	Double Jump Kick/Roundhouse: F, F, LK, RK, RK
	Double Jump Kick/Sweep: F, F, LK, D(hold) + RK, RK
		(for the above two moves, the dbl jump kick may be more
		 consistently pulled off by pressing F, F, F + LK)
	Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK
	High Kick/Roundhouse: RK, LK(rolled)
	High Kick/Roundhouse/High Kick: RK, LK, RK(rolled)
	Low Kick/Triple High kick: D + LK, LK, LK, LK
	Spinning Slide: F, F, (LK+RK)
	Multikicks: D(crouch), LK, LK, D(tap), LK, LK... (repeat pressing)
	            (LK, D(tap), LK,... must be performed quickly to work)
	            The multikick will continue while you tap LK, while
	            doing so you can press the following for variations in
	            the move at any time while LK'ing.
		- High Attack: hold U ( Axe kick, Mid Kick)
		- Mid Attack: hold F [or neutral] (Mid Kick, High Kick)
		- Low Attack: hold D (Low Kick, Mid Kick)
   Unblockable Attack:
       Dashing Fist: DB + (LP+RP) (tap U, U to abort attack)
 Kuma: (derivative of Jack)
       Blanket: (LP+LK)
	Headbutt: F + (RP+RK)
	Bear Hug: (RP+RK) (note: will not work on another Kuma)
       Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
	Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
	Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
	Low Double Slap/Hammer: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
	Double Uppercut: DF(hold) + LP, RP
	Triple Uppercut: DF(hold) + LP, RK, LP
	Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
	Cop a Squat: D + (LK+RK)
	Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
	Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
	Mega Crouch Combo: (crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
   Hard Pounce:
       Cannonball: UF + (LK+RK) (can be combined with sitting punches)
 Wang Gin Lei: (derivative of Michelle)
       Spin Toss: (LP+LK)
	Backlash: (RP+RK)	¥stuns¥
	Reverse Check: RP, B (RP must hit opponent), (LP+RP)
	Sky Uppercut: DF + RP, LP (RP must hit opponent)  
       Palm Rush: F + RP
	Hammer: DF + LP
	Bolwer Smash: DF + (LP+RP)
	Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Strong Uppercut: D(crouch), RP
	Punch/Hammer: RP, LP(rolled)
	Punch/Hammer/Uppercut: RP, LP(rolled), LP
	Uppercut/Hammer/Uppercut: D(crouch), RP, LP, LP
	5 Punch Attack: RP, LP(rolled), LP, LP, RP
	Sleep Sweep: DF(crouch), RK
	Sleep Sweep/Flying Kick: DF(crouch), RK, LK(rolled)
	Sweeping Kick: D + RK
	Sweep Kick/Low Kick: D + RK, RK (holding D)
	Sweep Kick/High Kick: D + RK, RK (released D)
	Sweep Kick/Uppercut: D + RK, LP(rolled)
	Jumping Foot Dive: F, F, F, LK (at least one B,B or F,F away)
	Vertical Kick: DF(tap), LK
	Power Vertical Kick: D(crouch), RK
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/Uppercut: F + RK, D + RK, LP(rolled)
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/Low Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (holding D)
	High Kick/Sweep Kick/High Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (released D)
   10-Attack String:
       RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP, LK, LK, LK, LK, RK, RK, LP
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Stomp: UF + (LK+RK)
 Anna Williams: (derivative of Nina)
       Arm Throw: (LP+LK)
	Reverse Toss: (RP+RK)
	Handstand Toss: F + (LP+LK)
	Elbow Bash: DF, DF + (LP+RP)
	Chin Bash: D, DF, F + (LP+RP)
		During Chin Bash: 
			a) Leg Scissors Arm Snap - LK, RK, LK, (LP+RP)
			b) Sidestep Arm Snap - LP, LK, RP, LP
		  During Sidestep Arm Snap:
			  a) Falling Arm Snap - RP, LP, LK, RK, (LP+RP)
			  b) Double Arm Snap - LK, LP, RK, (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
       Knife Strike: D(crouch), F + LP
	Side Knife Strike: D(crouch), F + RP
	Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + RK
	Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF(tap) + RK
	Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Hand Sweep: DF(crouch) + RP
	Flip Tumble: F, F + RK	¥stuns¥
	5 Punch Combo: LP, RP, LP, RP, LP (rolled)
	Double Punch/Roundhouse: LP, RP, RK (rolled)
	Double Punch/ High Kick: LP, RP, LK (rolled)
	Kick/Punch: DF + LK, RP
	Triple Kick/Punch: DF + LK, LK, LK, RP
	Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RK
	Triple Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, LK, LK, RK
	Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LP
	Triple Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LK, LK, LP
	Punch/Roundhouse: RP, RK
	Triple Kick: DF + LK, LK, LK
	Kick/Spinning Chop/Double Punch: DF + LK, LP, RP, RP
	Kick/Punch/Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
	Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
	Hop Kick/Roundhouse/Kick: UF + RK, LK, RK
	Flying Kick: F, F, F + LK
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP, RP(rolled), LK, LK, RP, LP, RP, RP
   Unblockable Attack:
       Crane Chop: DB, (LP+RP) (tap U, U to abort attack)
 P. Jack: (derivative of Jack)
       Blanket: (LP+LK)
	One Arm Lifter: (RP+RK)
       Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
	Lightening Hammer: D + LP
	Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
	Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Double Slap: LP, LP
	Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
	Double Uppercut: FD(hold) + LP, RP
	Triple Uppercut: FD(hold) + LP, RK, LP
	Low Double Slap/Uppercut: D + LP, LP, LP
	Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
	Cop a Squat: D + LK + RK
	Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
	Winding Uppercut: B, DB, D, DF + LP
	Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
	Triple Drill Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP
	Triple Drill Punch/Uppercut: DB + LP, LP, LP, RP(timed)
	Mega Crouch Combo: (Crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
   10-Attack String:
        D + RP, LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP, LP + RP
   Unblockable Attack:
       Windup Punch: B, DB, D, DF, rotate controller counterclockwise
	              until Jack reaches the count of 5, then tap LP. 
	              - if count isn't at 5, punch can be blocked
	              - if count reaches 5, it is an instant 1-hit kill
   Hard Pounce:
       Low Cannonball: UF, (LK+RK) (can be combined with sitting punches)
 Armor King: (derivative of King)
       Knee Bash: (LP+LK)
	Suplex: (RP+RK)
	Piledriver: D, DF, F + LP
	Whirlwind Toss: F, B, DB, D, DF, F + LP
	Scissor Flip: DF(tap) + (LK+RK)
	DDT - DB(tap), DB + (LP+RP)
       Double Punch/Uppercut: LP, RP, LP(rolled)
	Bunch'a'Punches: LP, RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP
	Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
	High Uppercut: F, F + RP
	Low Uppercut: F, F, RP
	Power Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
	Crouching Uppercut: D, F + RP
	Hammer Elbow: DF, LP 
	Jumping Hammer: UF + (LP+RP)
	Side Body Blow: DF(tap), RP
	Forward Dive: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Big Boot: F, F + RK
	Drop Kick: F, F + (LK+RK)
	Spinning Drop Kick: F, F, F + (LK+RK)
	Spinning Drop Kick/Dive: F, F, F(hold) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
	Triple Slide Kick: DF(crouch) + RK, RK, RK	¥stuns¥
	Multi Slide Kicks:	¥stuns¥
   10-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP, RK, RK, RK, LP, LK
   Hard Pounce:
       Elbow Drop: UF [or U] + (RP+RK)
	Knee Drop: UF + (LK+RK)
 Ganryu: (derivative of Jack)
	Cresent Throw: (LP+LK)
	Shoulder Throw: (RP+RK)
	Reverse Toss: B + (RP+RK)
       Double Chop: LP, LP
	Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
	Double Chop/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
	Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
	Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
	Double Slap: FD(hold) + LP, RP(rolled)
	Triple Slap: FD(hold) + LP, RP, LP(rolled)
	Crouch Double Slap/Uppercut: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
	Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
	Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
	Sumo Palm Rush: D + RP
	Double Palm Rush: D + RP, RP
	Rising Palm: DF + RP
	Hundred Hand Slap: F + LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, RP(rolled)
	                   (can also be started with RP)
	Mega Crouch Combo: D(crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
	Sumo Foot Stomp: D + RK
   Hard Pounce:
       Low Cannonball: UF, (LK+RK)
 Kunimitsu: (derived from Yoshimitsu)
       Flying 69 Slam: (LP+LK)
	Trip Smash: (RP+RK)
       Tornado Spin: B(hold) + LP (can be pressed up to 5x)
	              (If done 5x, Yoshimitsu will become dizzy & colapse)
	Tornado Sweep: DB(hold) + LK (up to 5x, dizzy on the 5th)
		-The Tornado moves are interchangable (ex. 3spins/2sweeps)
		 and are best pulled off if you roll from B to DB
	Twist Hit: F + RP
	Knee Rush: F, F + RK
	Roundhouse/Mid Kick: LK, RK(rolled)
	Kick/Double Roundhouse: RK, RK, RK
	Forward Cartwheel: F, F + (LK+RK)
	Forward Cartwheel/Diving Corkscrew: F, F + LK + RK, F, F + (LP+RP)
   7-Attack String:
       LP, RP, LP(rolled), RK, RK, RK, RK, LP
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Stomp: UF + (LK+RK)
 Heihachi Mishima: (derived from Kazuya)
       Noogie Cracker: (LP+LK)
	Piledriver: (RP+RK)
	Headbutt: F, F + (LP+RP)
       Hammer: D(tap), LP
	Hammer/Power Punch: D(tap) + LP, F + RP
	Punch/Spinning Backhand: RP, RP
	Double Jab: LP, LP
	Power Punch: D, DF, F + RP
	Double Jab/Power Punch: LP, LP, RP
	Double Punch: LP, RP(rolled)
	Double Punch/Spinning Backhand: LP, RP(rolled), RP
	Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
	High Uppercut: DF + RP [or LP]
	Power Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
	Super Uppercut: F, F + RP
	Double Walking Uppercut: DF + LP, RP
	Back Sidestep Jog: B, B, B (always counterclockwise)
	Somersault: D, UF + (LK+RK)
	Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK
	Power Mid Kick F, D, DF + LK
	Power Low Kick: F, D, DF(hold) + LK
	Axe Kick: F, F + LK
	          F + RK
	Double Axe Kick: D(crouch), RK, RK
	Sweep, Roundhouse: D + LK, LK (2nd LK requires timing, pressed
	                   when the first sweep is done, and before
	                   Heihachi starts rising from a crouch position)
	Triple Sweep: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK, RK,
	Triple Sweep/Axe Kick: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK, RK, (release DF) RK
	Jumping Spin Kick/Foot Sweep: (tap) UF, RK, RK
   Hard Pounce:
       Hopback Punch - UF + (RP+RK)
     Players are welcomed with a game of Galaga while the CD is loading
     (as Namco did with Galaxian in Ridge Racer). You will be presented
     with a Challenge Stage in which you must shoot 40 enemies before
     advancing to the next Bonus Stage, there are 8 total. The X button
     is your normal fire button while the top (triangle) button functions
     as an 'autofire'. If you miss shooting all 40, you may repeat the
     stage by pressing Select. If you press select at the end of the 8th
     stage, you will be returned to the 1st stage again. Once you complete
     all 8 Challenge Stages the game will begin loading, if you have a 
     memory card in your PSX at this stage, it will automatically load
     your saved game at this point. Note: You will gain access to Devil 
     Kazuya if you defeat Galaga with a minimum of one continue. This is 
     best done if you clear the opening stage in 18.5 seconds or under, 
     which will grant you another ship (double shooter). You still need
     to  keep a pattern down for the next levels to be successful, and if
     Additional: To automatically start with dual ships in Galaga just
     press and hold the up(d-pad), L1, triangle, and cross buttons while
     the PSX is powering up on the player 2 controller. You will then
     begin Galaga with the dual ships.
 CG Cinemas:
     There are two basic FMV intros to the game, one introducing all the
     characters in their native environment (Michelle running through the
     desert, Paul riding a motorbike, King in a chapel, etc.), the other
     being an action profile on Kazuya. Only the 8 normal characters
     feature ending CG sequences once they defeat Heihachi Mishima.
     (note: these will be added in the next version)
 Using Bosses:
     All bosses can be accessed once defeated, this is done quickly and
     easily by turning the difficulty setting in the Options screen to
     "Easy". Each character has his/her own mid-level boss with Heihachi
     Mishima being the last. You will gain access to them once you defeat
     the mid-level boss and Heihachi, weither you use continues doesn't
     matter. The bosses will then be accessible to either the left of
     Yoshimitsu or the right of Michelle in the Arcade mode. In the two
     player mode, it will be displayed as a long list of names. To access
     Heihachi, you must defeat him and all the characters before him
     without using continues, you may use any character in doing so. The
     opponents for Heihachi are all the mid level bosses, with his Boss
     being Devil Kazuya. To access Devil Kazuya, you must defeat Galaga
     (see above) and while only in 'Arcade' mode, position your selection
     on 'Kazuya' and press 'Start' instead of a punch/kick. The following
     are the Boss assignments:

        PLAYER                  MID BOSS                FINAL BOSS
        ------                  --------                ----------
        Kazuya Mishima          Lee Chow Lang      -+
        Paul Phoenix            Kuma                |
        Marshall Law            Wang Gin Lei        |
        Nina Williams           Anna Williams       |-- Heihachi Mishima
        Jack                    P. Jack             |
        King                    Armor King          |
        Yoshimitsu              Ganryu              |
        Michelle Chan           Kunimitsu          -+
        Heihachi Mishima                                Devil Kazuya

 View Options:
     There are 3 different views to choose from during play. As soon as
     [Select View] appears, pressing 'Select' will change views from a
     Side View to a 3/4 view, and then to an extreme overhead 3/4 view if
     pressed again.
 Optional Listed Names Feature in Arcade Mode:
     If for some reason you prefer to look at a list of names to choose
     from in the Arcade mode instead of the portraits of each character,
     you can do so by pressing both L1 and R1 on top of the controller
     simutaneously before and while your selecting "Arcade" from the title
     Devil Kazuya cannot be selected in this mode, only in 'Arcade' mode.
     The Handicap meter that appears when you select a character can be
     adjusted by moving your joypad left/right. Decreasing the stars to
     the left will make your attacks more damaging, while increasing the
     stars to the right will do the opposite, making your attacks less
     To exit the 2-Player mode (also Arcade mode or during any match),
     just simutaneously press 'Start' and 'Select'. This will bring you
     to the title screen.
OPTIONS MODE SCREEN: (->TitleScreen/TestMode/OptionsMode/)
 Difficulty Level:
       There are five difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard, and
	Ultra Hard. Warning: Ultra Hard may be hazardous to your health! };>
 Fight Count:
       Determines the number of rounds you must win to defeat your opponent.
       Settings allow you to choose any round from 1 to 5.
 Round Time:
       The amount of time a round lasts. Selections are from 20, 30, 40,
	50, or 60 seconds and Infinite.
 Speaker Out:
       Settings for Mono (yuck) or Stereo (yea!).
 BSM Select:
       Allows you to choose from the 'Original' arcade music (yuck) to the
	great PSX 'Arrange' selections. Also featured is a 'Silent' mode
	which is especially great for those bone-cracking moves.
 2P Game Wins Shown By:
       Your choice of Numbers (boring) or Fruit (ala PacMan).
 Character Change At Continue:
       When turned to 'Yes' this allows you to change characters when you
	lose in 'Arcade' mode. Otherwise 'No' will only allow you to choose
	the character you started with in 'Arcade' mode.
 Key Configuration:
       This allows you to modify the assignment of your controller buttons.
	Preset 1: Square = LP / Triangle = RP / X = LK / Circle = RK
	Preset 2: L1 = LP / R1 = RP / L2 = LK / R2 = RK
	Preset 3: Square = LP / Triangle = RP / X = LK / Circle = RK
	          L1 = LP = LK  / R1 = RP + RK
	          L2 = LK + RK / R2 = LP + RP
 Note: All missing character stories will be added in a future versions.
 Costumes can be selected by pressing either the punch or kick buttons.
       LP/RP = Costume 1
	LK/RK = Costume 2
 Kazuya Mishima: Japanese
     Kazuya is a scuffle Karate Fighter with an even temperament and a
   cool head. He's the legitimate heir to the Mishima financial empire,
   he was banished by his father for a crime he did not commit. In their 
   final battle, he was left to  die by his father and he still bears
   the scar on his chest as a contsant reminder. He wishes to use the
   tournament winnings to finance the overthrow of his father's forces.
       Fighting Style: Mishima style Karate
	Height/Weight: 181cm/76kg
	Age/Blood Type: 26/AB
	Likes: His father's disapproving face
	Hobby: Sneaker collecting
	Job: Interrupting his father (He's a rich man's son so he doesn't
	                              have trouble with money)
       Costume 1: Basic white/greyish karate pants with black belt, red
	           studded gloves and foot guards.
	Costume 2: White tanktop shirt, bluejeans with one ripped knee,
	           red studded gloves, and red nike shoes.
 Paul Phoenix: American
     Driven to be the best of the best, Paul travels the world in search
   of the perfect opponent. He is a judo expert but he is skilled in many
   forms of the Martial Arts. There is only one fighter in this tournament
   who is ranked on an equal level to Paul. His goal is to eliminate any
       Fighting Style: Judo and his own methods
	Height/Weight: 187cm/81kg
	Age/Blood Type: 25/O
	Likes: Pizza
	Hobby: Motorcycles
	Job: Unemployed (When he needs money he makes it by being a
	                 bodyguard or streetfighter)

	Costume 1: Red karate type outfit with black belt, black boxing
	           type gloves/foot guards, and tatoo on the arm.
	Costume 2: Black leather biker outfit with hotrod flames on the
	           the sides of the legs/arms. Jolly Roger skull with more
	           flames on the back of the jacket, black studded gloves
	           and biker boots.
 Marshall Law: Chinese
     Law is a martial arts master who, while his dream is to open his own
   dojo, works in a Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. He
   is participating in the Rave War so he can use the prize money to open 
   his dojo.
       Fighting Style: Martial Arts
	Height/Weight: 179cm/69kg
	Age/Blood Type: 25/B
	Likes: Money
	Hobby: Fishing
	Job: Works at a Chinese Restaurant and is also a substitute
	     instructor at a martial arts dojo.
       Costume 1: Jumpsuit (longsleeve charcoal grey top/yellow bottom),
	           white shirt and tennis shoes
	Costume 2: Black wrist cuffs, black chinese pants w/red cuffs,
	           and black chinese shoes/slippers.
 Nina Williams: British
     Nina acquired her unusual combination of skills from her parents. Her
   father, once an assassin for the IRA left Ireland to escape his past.
   His marriage to a British Aikido champion created a bloodline that would
   spawn a child with incredible talent and a killer instinct. Nina was
   kidnapped by an underground force and drugged into believing that that
   the Rave War sponsor must be assassinated. God help anyone who gets in
   her way.
       Fighting Style: Vital point (bone method) martial arts and Aikido
	Height/Weight: 161cm/49kg
	Age/Blood Type: 20/A
	Likes: Tom from Tom and Jerry, milk tea, & scotch
	Hobby: Travel
	Job: Assassin
       Costume 1: Blue/purple bodysuit, yellow belt, black wrist cuffs.
	Costume 2: Black half top & elbow length gloves, black calf
	           long pants w/3 slits along the sides, babydoll shoes.
 Jack: Russian
     Jack is an android. A killing machine who only knows one thing,
   "Don't stop until all your enemies are gone."  Made by the Soviets
   prior to the great disarmament. He was thought to be destroyed in the
   early 90's along with the nuclear warheads. Protected by a madman whose
   goal is to turn Russia back into a Communist power, Jack can be very
   difficult to stop. If he wins, international sparks will fly.
       Fighting Style: Power (no brains) Fighter
	Height/Weight: 235cm/168kg
	Age/Blood Type: 3/none
	Likes: Akihabara parts centre
	Hobby: Giving himself an overhaul
	Job: Working in a scrapyard
       Costume 1: Green tanktop/camoflage pants, black studded gloves,
	           and black army boots.
	Costume 2: Olive tanktop/camoflage pants, black studded gloves,
	           and olive canvas boots.
 King: Mexican
       Fighting Style: Pro wrestling
	Height/Weight: 190cm/85kg
	Age/Blood Type: 30/A
	Likes: Jaguar (the animal)
	Hobby: Seeing children's smiling faces
	Job: Pro wrestler
     King was once a ruthless killer. Orphaned at birth, he was a street
   child who only knew a life of crime. Found half dead by a Marquez Priest,
   he was nursed back to health and joined the order. His dream of building
   an orphanage can be realized by winning the Tournament.
       Costume 1: Blue/black tights, grey knee pads, and black boots.
	Costume 2: Blue collared shirt, white suspenders, red/white
	           checkered tie, white pants and black shoes.
 Yoshimitsu: Japanese
     Leader of the "Manjito", an international criminal organization. The
   "Manjito" only steal from those who profit by commiting injustices, so
   they are a group of righteous robbers who eliminate merciless people.
   While he serves as a decoy in the tournament, Yoshimitsu's henchmen
   will be stealing the operating funds of the Rave War.
       Fighting Style: Manjito Jujitsu
	Height/Weight: 178cm/63kg
	Age/Blood Type: Unknown/O
	Likes: Video Games
	Hobby: Watching Sumo Wrestling
	Job: Leader of the Manjito
       Costume 1: White armor with red striped accents and demon mask.
	Costume 2: Silver armor with additional sheilding on the
	           shoulders-elbow, chainmail waist area, and arms/legs
	           armor has a segmented look,black shoes and demon mask.
	Weapon:    Sword
 Michelle Chan: Native American
     The daughter of the Hong Kong man that Heihachi sent to search for
   ancient treasure buried in Native American land and a local woman. On her
   eighteenth birthday, Michelle's mother told her that her father had been
   killed by Heihachi, so she has entered the Rave War in order to extract
   revenge on "Mishima".
       Fighting style: Various Chinese martial arts
	Height/Weight: 163cm/53kg
	Age/Blood type: 18/B
	Likes: Buffalo
	Hobby: Hunting
	Job: Unemployed (Travelling the world in search of the person who
	                 killed her father)
       Costume 1: Red headband w/feather, brown suede fringed jacket,
	           white shirt, cut-off bluejean shorts, white kneepads,
	           brown gloves and knee calf-high moccasin boots.
	Costume 2: Charcoal grey long-sleeve shirt, white pants, brown
	           gloves and shoes.
 Lee Chow Lang: Chinese (The Silver-haired Demon)
     Lee is Heihachi's adopted son and Kazuya's rival. From childhood,
   he was included in the same training (to become head of the Mishima
   family) as Kazuya. Of course their combat skill is equal, but those
   who know his power fear the "Silver-haired Demon".
       Costume 1: Frost hair, armless blue top w/zipper up the front,
	           boxing-type gloves, black leather pants and brown boots.
	Costume 2: Black tuxedo, red rose in breast pocket, boxing-type
	           gloves and black shoes.
 Kuma: Bear (Today's dinner is human meat!)
     Kuma is Heihachi's pet watchdog.  Generally speaking, bears are
   cruel animals and Kuma is the worst of the lot. What makes him even
   more terrible is the fact that his favorite food is human flesh.
   Before fighting Heihachi, Paul must face Kuma's overwhelming power.
   Be careful not to get eaten.
       Costume 1: Brown grizzly bear with white claws and mane.
	Costume 2: White polar bear with red claws.
 Wang Gin Lei: Chinese
       Costume 1: White cap, orange chinese-type jacket with a design of
	           a winding dragon on the back, green belt, black pants,
	           orange lower leg coverings and black chinese slippers.
	Costume 2: Red/blue beanie, similar green jacket with dragon, blue
	           belt, black pants with green lower leg coverings, and
	           black chinese slippers.
 Anna Williams: British
     Briefly (not a translation) she is the younger sister of Nina by
   three years.
       Costume 1: Red strapless dress that flows into one pants type leg
	           garnished with an exotic bird design, and the other leg
	           exposed in nylon. Red arm length gloves and high heels.
	Costume 2: Blue version of the same dress.
 P. (Prototype) Jack: Russian
       Costume 1: A mis-match of parts which include a rocket on the back,
	           a contruction yellow type cone drill for a right arm/hand,
	           a U-clamp hand and metal lower left arm, metal jointed
	           hip, and a metal left lower leg.
	Costume 2: A more cyborg look, all mechanical body with Jack's head
	           sporting sunglasses. Left arm looks like a cannon, the
	           right a spinning spiked mace.
 Armor King: Mexican (Former Pro Wrestling World Champion)
     Armor King was King's rival as a new member. Years ago, during a
   match, King made a mistake and smashed one of Armor King's eyes. After
   that, King bathed in the spotlight of the Pro Wrestling World while
   Armor King went down the opposite road of a missing eye handicap.
       Costume 1: Black armor costume with huge shoulder spikes, red right
	           eye, steel forearm guards with spikes, and metal shin
	           guards and shoes.
	Costume 2: Blue version of the same costume.
 Ganryu: Japanese
       Costume 1: Traditional sumo wear in purple, white wrist wrappings
	           and ankle wraps.
	Costume 2: Traditional karate-type outfit in white with a blue belt.
 Kunimitsu: Japanese (Traveling the world for greed)
     Kunimitsu was a member of the Manjito crime syndicate. But when he
   stole for his own self-interest, he was expelled by the leader,
   Yoshimitsu. Even after that, he continued to steal without reforming.
   Now his reason for entering the tournament is to plunder the treasure
   that Heihachi stole from the Native Americans.
       Costume 1: Black shirt, purple/black stripped jumpsuit costume,
	           double ponytails, grey boots/gloves and demon mask.
	Weapon:    Double-ended 4-edge daggers
       Costume 2: Black shirt, dark brown/black stripped jumpsuit costume,
	           double ponytails, grey boots/gloves and demon mask.
	Weapon:    Two hand sickles
 Heihachi Mishima: Japanese
       Costume 1: Black karate-type outfit w/lion on the back, light grey
	           hand and ankle wrappings.
	Costume 2: Blue karate-type outfit w/lion on the back, sleeves torn
	           off from the biceps, light grey hand and ankle wrappings.
 Devil Kazuya: Japanese
	Costume: Blue tights, black underwear, boots and gloves.
	         Hair twice as spiky as the normal Kazuya.
 Acropolis: Roman temples/ruins and water in the background.
 Chicago: On a rooftop overlooking Chicago city at night.
 Monument Valley: Desert at sunset, with cliffs in the distance.
 Fiji: In a park overlooking a beach, palm trees, and the ocean.
 Angkor Wat: Clearing in a tropical setting with temple ruins in the BG.
 Szechwan: Mountainous lush tropical background.
 Kyoto: Garden area with trees and the temple Heian Jingu in the background.
 Windermere: Park setting with trees, stone oblisks, a lake and mountains.
 Stadium: Baseball stadium with a small monitor on the scoreboard that
          displays your fight in realtime.
 King George Island: You fight on a floating flat glacier in artic
                     surroundings with other glaciers, the water and snow!
                     (note: press pause to see the rocking of the glacier)
 Venezia: Fought overlooking water canals and Italian architecture.
  Cool Ascii Title:
  From Tekken Arcade FAQ:
       - (Slycer)
  For Tekken PSX FAQ:
	- filling in the gaps
	- Law/Michelle/Yoshimitsu Bio
	- (& Satsuki): additional Bio info
	- accessing Devil Kazuya
	- Lee's multikicks/misc, Heihachi additions
	- maestas@CS.Arizona.EDU: misc character moves
	- trick with the listed names in Arcade mode
	- Nina chin bash correction
	- informing me to the dual ship code
	  originally published in 'The Playstation', Vol 6
       - only looking for character's complex special moves (throws) no
	  simple moves (ie. D + RP kinda thing). all moves must be notated
	  in the same fashion as presented in this FAQ.
	- using Kunimitsu's weapons
	- using P. Jack's other arm as a special move
	- Armor King's multi-slide kicks (I can't get it consistantly)
	- any easter eggs
Thanks for checking this FAQ out. If you have any contributions on moves,
combos, corrections, or constructive critisism, email me at