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Faery Tale Adventure 2 - Halls of the Dead (FAQ) (e)

Spoilers to Tapstones and the Golden ApplesTAPSTONES AND APPLES
It is not necessary to retrieve the items listed below if you are just 
adventuring for the sake of adventuring...but if you are planning on finishing 
the game (either one way or all ways) you will need these items.
THIS IS A LARGE SPOILER, so proceed only if you are having trouble locating a 
tapstone or a golden apple.
      AroblinThe Blue Tapstone is here, in the very bottom level of the Dwarven 
      Mines.  The mines are a blast to wander in, and many good things can be 
      found in here before leaving.   The tapstone is located in the middle of 
      the Lava Flow, and you must enter the flow from the north or south.  Sure 
      hope you have some Dragonskin boots for all before walking in lava!!
      HatakIn the Ruins of Gleng'l Zur is where you will come across the Orange 
      Tapstone.   The trick to obtaining this stone is to "open" the ancient 
      pyramid by pressing the stone levers in the columns at the top of the 
      pyramid.  You will see an altar, and this will tell you that you are on 
      the right track.  Look at the Lower levels of steppes for the doors each 
      HethrallinThe Blue Tapstone is located here, among the Drow of Ffar.  You 
      must have a counter-weight of just the correct size and weight to release 
      this stone.  Hint: this weight can be found on a 'similar' dais quite near 
      the tapstone.  And it is barren of all flesh!
      KarminacThe Red Tapstone of Karminac is held in Roska's Castle on the far 
      western reaches of Ffar.  You will have to fight through quite a crowd to 
      get to it in the lower level of the castle.  Now don't forget to search 
      the entire castle, there are more things to be found here!
      MaldavithThe Purple Tapstone of Maldavith has been hidden well, and is 
      difficult to get to for the hyperactive adventurer.  You must have 
      patience searching out and obtaining this one.  It is located just off 
      Maldavith in the sunken city of Tamnath.  Pull various levers to release 
      the water from the rooftops, and you will find what you seek in the first 
      of them!
      MonsThe Yellow Tapstone of Mons is in the cold reaches of the 
      north...trapped solid in ice.  How do you release it you ask?  Well you 
      must search another close cave and find the Tek Hammer.  Only its power 
      can shatter the giant's ice around the stone and free it.  And yes, this 
      hammer is quite useless after this!
      PentereThe Green Tapstone of Pentere was my favorite to retrieve.  You 
      must search the city of Bilton and adjoining Pentere quite well to reach 
      the underground lairs.   After defeating many a critter, you will emerge 
      in the northwest corner of the city, and fight quite a horde of monsters!  
      The tapstone is then yours, and the Golden Tree will spring back to life!

What do you do with the seven tapstones you ask?  Well you will use them upon 
arriving at Sariloth's doorstep.  If you confront him before placing them upon 
their dais' - he will defeat you and rule over Ffar for eternity.
      IrrasstikanThis black dragon is located in the deep reaches of Amber 
      Castle, and keeps a legion of undead guarding it.  You must fight and 
      defeat Irrasstikan to obtain its Golden Apple.  Best of luck, a dragon's 
      breath is death!
      KaidarKaidar is one of the Drow leaders, and you must defeat him to 
      retrieve his Golden Apple.  And as an afterthought, the guards 'may' not 
      like you too much after you defeat him!  He is located in the Drow Cave to 
      the south.
      RoskaRoska is but of course in his Castle to the Northwest reaches of 
      Ffar.  You must fight through his annoying guards to get to him, and then 
      defeat him to get his Golden Apple.

What good are the apples you ask?   Well they allow you access to the 
Underworld, which is the Realm of Sariloth, Thorolis's foe!  You want neither 
Thorolis OR Sariloth to defeat and rule Ffar - but a combination of the two!  If 
you cannot figure out where to place the apples, go to the statue you started at 
in Padavis, and look closer at it!

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