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Tekken Tag Tournament (e)

   Tekken Tag Tournament
-+=------Jun FAQ--------=+-
        \   by   /
  -= 7th September 1999 =-

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Tekken and its sequels are registered trademarks of Namco.

Copyright 1999 by Lump.

-: Version History

v1.0 7/9/99: First release.

-: Contents

1. Intro
2. Movelist
3. Move details
  3.1. Throws
  3.2. Special Moves
  3.3. Other strings
4. Strategies
  4.1. General
  4.2. Jun's strings
  4.3. Juggling
  4.4. Movement
  4.5. First move
  4.6. Tagging
  4.7. Counter attacking
  4.8. Poking
  4.9. Okizeme
5. Vs tactics
6. Miscellaneous info
7. Credits

-: Intro

Well everyone's wish came true and she's back. One of the meaner characters in
the game with her strong blend of speed, power and confusion tactics. Probably
her best attribute is her various strings which you can vary to just about
anything with the attack levels going everywhere. One of the worst things about
Jun is that she doesn't really have any powerful juggles to speak of (I might
find one in the near future hopefully). Oh well. Anyways, read on and hopefully
you might just learn something useful.

-: Movelist

Note: Taken from Catlord's ( TTT movelist 1.12.

Read them. Learn them. Memorise them. Chances are, if you try all the moves a
few times each, you'll find which ones are cruddy and which ones fit your style
of play.


(Front) 1+3                 Arm Bar {1}
        2+4                 Serpent Twist {2}
        2+5                 Tag Serpent Twist {2}
        d/f+2+3             Striking Shiho-Nage
        b+1+2 [~5]          Whip [Headbutt - Only with Jin or Heihachi Team]
(Left)  (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)   Cloud Taste {1}
(Right) (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)   Wind Wheel {2}
(Back)  (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)   German Suplex

Special moves
(b_SS)+1                  Sparrow Trap  *Throws on CH*
WS+1                      Sparrow Gut Punch  --> See Note 2
1+2                       Double Palm
(f+2)_(d/f+1+2)~d/b       Dash Forward
(f+2)_(d/f+1+2) [~5]      Dashing Uppercut [Tag]  *Juggles*
f,f+2                     Demon's Paw
d/b+2 [~5]                Rock Shooter [Tag]  *Juggles*
(FC_d/f_D/F)+2            Sweeping Sparrow  --> See Note 3
2+3                       Sparrow Pirouette
b_SS+2                    Diving Arrow
  >1+2                      Spinning Nest
  4                         Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
  1                         Screw Punch
    3                         Front Kick  *Front Kick strings*
    4                         Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
1,2                       2 Punches
1,3                       Punch, Lowkick
f+1,4                     Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
1,1,3                     Punch, Screw Punch, Frontkick  *Front Kick strings*
1,1,4                     Punch, Screw Punch, Can-Can  *Juggles*
1,4                       Punch, Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
f+4                       Lightning Crescent
3+4                       Cartwheel Kick
FC_WS+3+4,3+4             Cartwheel Helicopter
WS+3                      Sparrow Flip
d+3+4                     Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
b+3 [~5]                  Backflip Kick [Tag]  *Juggles*
  2 [~5]                    Dashing Uppercut [Tag]  *Juggles*
  4                         Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

SS+4                      Boomerang Stomp
u~u/b                     Backflip

(d/b+4)_(3~4)             Leg Cutter String
  3                         Cartwheel Kick
  1+4                       White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  4                         Double Leg Cutter
    3                         Cartwheel Kick
    1+4                       White Heron  *White Heron strings*
    4                         Triple Leg Cutter
      3                         Cartwheel Kick
      1+4                       White Heron  *White Heron strings*

f+1,3                     Front Kick String
  1+4,2                     White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  1                         High Punch
    2                         Twin Punch
    4                         Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
    1,3                       Screw Punch, Front Kick  *Front Kick strings*
    1,4                       Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

1+4,2                     White Heron String  --> See Note 4
  (4_D+4)                   (Lightning Crescent_Sweep Kick)
  1                         Punch
    1,3                       Punch, Frontkick  *Frontkick strings*
    1,4                       Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
    4,[4],[4],3             Punch, Sweep Kick[s], Cartwheel Kick

d/f                       Low Parry  --> See Note 5
b+(1+3)_(2+4)             Reversal

(F+3)# [D_B to cancel]    Spinning Heel Drop  *Unblockable*

NOTE: Release Forward to stop spinning and execute kick.

(WS)+2:1:1:1::2:1::4:3::3+4   Tenstring
(WS)+2:1:1:1::2::1+4::1:3+4   Tenstring
(WS)+2:1:1:3                  Fourstring


Note 1: As you can see, the above was basically close to an exact copy from
Catlord's TTT movelist. I haven't modified the guts of it (just removed some
capitals and got rid of a f+1,3 error) to preserve its identity. So I've just
listed below some notes about some grey areas of the moves.

Note 2: I think this move acts much like Kazuya's Gutpunch (WS+2) in that her
Sparrow Gutpunch (WS+1) stuns. There's no block stun for the move but I think
even when the move hits normally, it causes a slight stun and a longer stun
when it connects as a counter.

Note 3: I'm not 100% convinced that the Sweeping Sparrow (FC_d/f_D/F)+2 command
is correct (the d/f+2 will do Jun's basic juggle starter. If you still don't
get what I'm saying, Jun's d/f+2 is the same as her standing 2 juggle starter.
Try it.).

Note 4: Another thing to mention is the final string listed for her White Heron
variations. Where it says "Punch, Sweep Kick[s], Cartwheel Kick", I think it
should be Leg Cutter "*Leg Cutter Strings*" since I've done the Cartwheel Kick
by pressing only 3 after one of those sweeps/Leg Cutters. Also, the second 1
punch in a White Heron string is a Screw Punch (looks like a f+1), not just a
normal punch. So the revised White Heron String should be like...

1+4,2                     White Heron String
  (4_D+4)                   (Lightning Crescent_Sweep Kick)
  1                         Punch
    1,3                       Screw Punch, Frontkick  *Frontkick strings*
    1,4                       Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
    4                       Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

Note 5: Jun's Low Parry (d/f) is the generic TTT Low Parry. There is NO
animation for it so if you go around tapping d/f into thin air, she'll just
duck as she normally would if you, say, tapped d. The Low Parry animation will
only come online when you successfully Low Parry an attack.

-: Move details

OK so now you know how to do the moves and their names (well, you know how it
is, there's probably a billion different names for each move... oh well). But
how do you use them effectively? This section goes into the details of Jun's
moves. At the end of each move's comment, I'll include a rating for the move
out of 10, 10 being a bloody good move and 0 being yesterday's garbage.

* Throws

> Front throws

1+3  Arm Bar
2+4  Serpent Twist

These are your basic front throws. Quick and easy to do but almost always the
Striking Shiho-Nage (d/f+2+3) throw is better since it deals more damage.
Rating: 7/10

2+5  Tag Serpent Twist

Probably the safest way to tag with your partner. This is the move I usually
use when trying to tag (tag juggles are the other alternative. More on that
Rating: 8/10

d/f+2+3  Striking Shiho-Nage

Best front throw for damage. Basically a kind of a quick headlock into a
painful bop on the noggin.
Rating: 8/10

b+1+2 [~5]  Whip [Headbutt - Only with Jin or Heihachi Team]

A selective tag throw. Use it only if you want to tag AND your teammate is
either Jin or Heihachi (perhaps also Kazuya... but I haven't checked yet). It
does puny damage when you don't do the tag followup though so keep in mind
that you may have better alternatives.
Rating: 2/10

> Side throws

Left  (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)  Cloud Taste
Right (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)  Wind Wheel

A couple more basic throws. Generally, better versions of their front throw
counterparts since they do more damage.
Rating: 8/10

> Back throws

(1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5)  German Suplex

Inescapable and does chunks of damage. Because of Jun's limited juggle damage
ability, it may be better to punish a vulnerable back turned opponent with a
back throw rather than start a juggle.
Rating: 10/10

* Special Moves

(b_SS)+1  Sparrow Trap  *Throws on CH*

Whoa talk about execution time. I nearly fell asleep at the joystick before the
move came out. Jun basically does a wild sweep with her arm, and boy is it
useless. Unless your opponent is asleep too, he/she isn't going to fall for
this move. Prepare to be major countered if you accidentally do the move. If
you're impossibly lucky and hit someone for a counter with the Sparrow Trap,
Jun grabs her opponents leg and pushes it hard into their pelvis, rather nasty
Rating: 0/10

WS+1  Sparrow Gut Punch

Jun does a short lunging gut punch at her opponent's. This is a rather nice
addition to Jun's arsenal. It acts something like Kazuya's Gutpunch. There are
several good points to mention about this move. Firstly, it comes out rather
fast. Compoundly, since it is a WS move and hits mid, you can train your
opponent to block low (maybe with a couple of random Leg Cutters or d+1 pokes
- watch out for Low Parries though), then smack in a Sparrow Gut Punch while
they crouch. Which brings me to the next point. The move stuns, even if it hits
normally (longer stun on counter hit) which means you can usually connect
Can-Can Kicks  (d+3+4) juggle starter into a juggle after the Gutpunch hits
(although very unlikely if it wasn't a counter hit). Brilliant. Finally, a
blocked Sparrow Gut Punch will push the opponent away a bit, usually out of
retaliatory range (you may still get hit by fast dashing moves although I doubt
it). Oh yeah, I forgot. One of the best uses for the move is as a retaliatory
move against various blocked low sweeps. In TTT, there are several low sweeps
which, when blocked, cause the attacker to stagger a bit (kinda like losing
their footing). An example would be the 3rd hit of Jin's u/f+4,4,4,4. Anyway,
if you manage to block one of these special sweeps, do a WS+1 out of your
crouch position and, if you're lucky, a juggle.
Rating: 8/10

1+2  Double Palm

Looks like Jun's been to Heihachi-school. Remember Heihachi's Chi Palm (1+2)?
Yes that's right, the move which came out faster than lightning on steroids and
tumbled you half a screen away. Well, here's the baby version of it. Jun takes
a big step forward (its very fast) and does like a push-away with one hand
below the other (like the Chi Palm execution... well... sorta). If it hits, her
opponent crumples quickly to the ground. What makes this move rather silly
firstly is its range. Even with that initial sneak-in shuffle, Jun basically
has to be close to throw range to connect with this move. Also, it doesn't do
much damage which rules this move out as a power move. Something good about it
though is that her opponent will end up face down, feet away on the ground,
setting up for some nice okizeme if you wish (although Okizeme isn't going to
provide much in the way of damage for Jun).
Rating: 2/10

(f+2)_(d/f+1+2)~d/b  Dash Forward

This move ain't TOO bad actually. It's a Dashing Uppercut (f+2) cancelled
during execution. So what you end up with is a very quick dash forward which
recovers crouching. Unfortunately, Jun only has a few WS and FC moves to pick
from. Personally, I find that the Dash Forward is rather nice to set up for a
quick throw since your opponent may not be used to seeing this weird move come
out of nowhere. A note here, this move won't work inside juggles as it brings
you too far forward (except after a Backflip Kick (b+3)).
Rating: 4/10

(f+2)_(d/f+1+2) [~5]  Dashing Uppercut [Tag]  *Juggles*

This is one of her best retaliatory moves. Jun quickly dashes forward and does
a quick rising uppercut. It's her highest juggle starter (same as the Backflip
Kick (b+3)) and if you want to experiment with trying to find a juggle
different from the standard White Heron combo (1+4,2,4), then this is the move
you're gonna want to use. This move has quite a long range and executes rather
fast too. The downside is that if you whiff or they block it, you might be in
for some rough loving. Only use it when you know it's going to connect.
Rating: 9/10

f,f+2  Demon's Paw

Here it is then, the power move she needed. Jun crouch-lunges while extending
one palm forward. There's also a tiny sidestep involved with the move (barely
detectable, Jun sidesteps slightly towards the screen). Fast execution, big
range, pushes away opponents when blocked, good priority, bufferable from
running and good damage. Woohoo. The Demon's Paw doesn't do anything near the
psychotic damage of Paul's Deathfist but the damage is good anyhow. On a normal
hit it will fling the opponent backwards and he/she will land and slide a ways
on his/her back while on counterhit it will send them tumbling away head over
heels. The move also sets up a nice running Shoulder Ram or any other running
pain move. Good times to use this move is to stand just outside a grounded
opponent's sweep range, wait for them to whiff a sweep, then smack 'em with a
f,f+2. Also good as a retaliatory move, although you may do more damage by
doing a f+2 into a juggle. Also good if you SOMETIMES begin a round with Jun
in the background, tag (5) into her as the round begins and buffer a f,f+2 as
she runs into the screen. Usually your opponent has started the round with an
attack which is more than likely to get eaten up by the Demon's Paw. Follow up
with a running attack. As I said, only do this sometimes since there's nothing
worse than being predictable.

Oh something I forgot. This move has amazing tracking ability. Unless I've been
hallucinating, I've done a Demon's Paw against a cartwheeling Ling and Jun spun
around a huge arc as she tracked Ling about.

The way I wrote the above paragraphs make the move look unbeatable. But alas it
is not. Do NOT whiff with this move since without the block push-away, the
recovery is not good at all. The range is deceiving sometimes because of its
long range and you can sometimes overestimate it.
Rating: 9/10

d/b+2 [~5]  Rock Shooter [Tag]  *Juggles*

Hmmm... I have my reservations on this move. What Jun does is swing one of her
arms in an enormously exaggerated uppercut. Does average damage and juggles but
the thing is that the execution time and recovery time is rather poor, not
good traits for a juggle starter.
Rating: 1/10

(FC_d/f_D/F)+2  Sweeping Sparrow

I'm assuming that this move is the quick version of the Sparrow Trap (b+1)
since the command for the move is rather dodgy. Anyway, it sounds about right.
It's basically a quick sweep with one of her arms. Not too bad I guess. If you
want a quick and easy knockdown, this is one possible move to use.
Rating: 5/10

2+3  Sparrow Pirouette

Jun goes into a quick parry stance then does a big roundhouse kick. The initial
frames of the move have her go into a parry stance. During these frames, Jun
will parry any high/low attacks away and the following kick will connect.
Looks cool and pretty useful too. It's quite safe to use in most cases because
of the parry frames but note that many times you can still trade hits with the
parried attack. The kick itself does average damage. If the kick is blocked,
Jun's opponent will get turned slightly to their side and also causes a very
very short block stun. All this boils down to is that Jun is safe if the move
is blocked. Unfortunately, the move hits high.
Rating: 8/10

b_SS+2  Diving Arrow
  >1+2  Spinning Nest
  4     Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
  1     Screw Punch
    3   Front Kick  *Front Kick strings*
    4   Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

The b+2 Diving Arrow string starter is an OK alternative to the other three
string starters. It's a simple punch aimed slightly downwards. Hits mid so
it's better to use when, say, you wanted to use 1,1,4 (high, high, low, high)
you can use the b+2,1,4 instead (mid, high, low, high).
Rating: 6/10

The Spinning Nest (1+2 after Diving Arrow) is a quick short elbow to the gut.
Probably the closest move this resembles in usage and feel is King's Uppercut
-> Backhand (1+2,1). Not bad as a poking move since it recovers quickly.
However, the damage isn't great so keep it generally as a poking maneuvre.
Rating: 6/10

The rest of the moves possible in this string are covered later on.

1,2  2 Punches

The standard 1-2 punches. Jun's 1-2 punches aren't as fast as some other
characters' but it does it's job OK. Basically two quick jabs to the face.
They both hit high so look out. I usually only use this move as a front to a
throw. By that I mean do a 1,2 when you're close and quickly tap d/f+2+3 or
2+5 etc. as you come out of the second jab. You should be still close enough
to connect with the throw. Your opponent may not realise what's coming before
it's too late.
Rating: 8/10

1,3  Punch, Lowkick

A quick high punch into a low sweep. It can catch some unaware opponents but
the damage for any of the two attacks is pretty tiny. Also, the sweep is one
of those sweeps which cause you to "lose footing" if they block it.
Rating: 2/10

f+1,3  Screw Punch, Midkick  *Frontkick strings*
f+1,4  Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

The Screw Punch (f+1) itself is not bad. Jun twirls around on one leg and
pokes with a mid punch. You may notice that the Screw Punch appears within
many strings. One thing to keep in mind is that if you use the Screw Punch as
a start to a string, it comes out about twice as fast than if it is executed
within a string. For example, the Screw Punch in the f+1,3 (first hit) comes
out much faster than the Screw Punch in the 1,1,3 string (2nd hit). The
followup moves are discussed later on. Here I just wanted to rate the Screw
Rating: 8/10 (for the Screw Punch only)

1,1,3  Punch, Screw Punch, Frontkick  *Front Kick strings*
1,1,4  Punch, Screw Punch, Can-Can  *Juggles*
1,4    Punch, Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

These are some other standard ways to get into Jun's strings. Try to vary
between ways to enter into the strings and you'll find that your opponent will
get confused quicker. The punch is a standard high jab. Oh, remember what I
said before about the Screw Punch in the middle of strings - it comes out
slower. The followup moves are discussed later on.
Rating: 6/10 (for the 1,1 and 1 string starters only)

f+4  Lightning Crescent

Jun does a fast downward kick with her heel. It doesn't have the longest of
ranges and not too much damage to boot although it is a safe move to do
anytime. It's really only useful within the White Heron confusion combos.
Rating: 5/10 (as a move by itself)

3+4  Cartwheel Kick

This is a rather useful move I must say. Jun does a strong jumping cartwheel in
this move. The Cartwheel Kick has a lot of good things going for it, including
big damage and fast execution and recovery times. It hits mid and it usually
used during the Leg Cutter strings. Used by itself it's not bad either. For
some reason people keep getting hit by the move... I don't know why... By the
way, it doesn't hit grounded opponents.
Rating: 8/10

FC_WS+3+4,3+4  Cartwheel Helicopter

Looks and feels like Ling's Flower Power. The only good things about this move
is that it has a really big range, hits mid, does good damage and looks rather
nice. Bad thing is that the execution and recovery times are horrid. Keep to
the Cartwheel Kick (3+4).
Rating: 3/10

WS+3  Sparrow Flip

Jun cartwheels backwards (a proper cartwheel with hands on the ground etc. not
like the jumping cartwheel of the Cartwheel Kick). Another high priority and
damage move but it's probably better to stick to the Sparrow Gut Punch (WS+1)
as a WS move.
Rating: 6/10

d+3+4  Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

Her death move. Only ultra experienced and/or psychic opponents can see this
one coming. It's basically a small vertical double jumpkick. What makes it so
outrageous is that the first hit hits LOW (second hit hits HIGH) but if the
first hit hits the second is guaranteed. Of course when the second is
guaranteed then you get yourself a free juggle. But that's not all either. The
move itself does good damage (check it out on counter hit!) and the execution
time is pretty good. As with the Screw Punch, the Can-Can Kicks execute about
twice as fast when used by itself (i.e. not within a string) as opposed to
being used inside a string. Take for example a 1,1,4 string. Time the period
between the second punch and the Can-Can Kicks and you'll notice what a
difference it makes rather than using the standard d+3+4 command.

There are some pitfalls in this move. Firstly, even a good player can overuse
this move, thus becoming predictable. If your opponent learns to crouch block
at the right time, you will whiff with the second hit of the Can-Can Kicks
(since it hits high and crouching opponents can duck under high attacks).
There's also low parries which everyone now posseses which could land you in
big trouble. The range of the move is also something to think about, however
the range is slightly deceptive, it actually hits further than where the
animation shows it. Also to take to mind is that the high kick has a longer
range than the initial low kick.
Rating: 10/10

b+3 [~5]  Backflip Kick [Tag]  *Juggles*
  2 [~5]  Dashing Uppercut [Tag]  *Juggles*
  4       Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

The Backflip Kick looks much like the Sparrow Flip (only slightly different)
and is more useful. Although it juggles, the only move you can just about
possibly connect with is the Dashing Uppercut (2) followup after the Backflip
Kick (i.e. b+3,2). Also a good alternative is to tag in your teammate if you
connect with the Backflip Kick for a safe tag-in.
Rating: 7/10

The Dashing Uppercut followup is somewhat useful after the Backflip Kick. If
the Backflip Kick hits, then the uppercut followup will guarantee extra damage.
If the kick is blocked however, the uppercut can be a risky sucker move (e.g.
opponent blocks kick, runs after Jun, uppercut comes out of nowhere to mash
unsuspecting opponent). This is risky business so don't use it often.
Rating: 6/10

The Leg Cutter after the Backflip Kick will only just connect with your
opponent (because Jun slides forward as she does the Leg Cutters). The Leg
Cutters do quite a lot of damage and can start some confusing stuff. Not bad
but not that good either because of how far you are from your opponent after
the b+3.
Rating: 6/10

SS+4  Boomerang Stomp

Exactly like Jun's Sparrow Pirouette (2+3) except without the starting parry
and block effects. The upside is that it comes out quicker than the pirouette.
Otherwise, it's still the same move.
Rating: 6/10

u~u/b  Backflip

A quick backflip to get away from your opponent. It travels further than the
Backflip Kick (b+3) and is usually rather safe to use. I hardly ever use this
move since I play a very aggressive Jun but it looks cool anyway.
Rating: 3/10

(d/b+4)_(3~4)  Leg Cutter String
  3            Cartwheel Kick
  1+4          White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  4            Double Leg Cutter
    3          Cartwheel Kick
    1+4        White Heron  *White Heron strings*
    4          Triple Leg Cutter
      3        Cartwheel Kick
      1+4      White Heron  *White Heron strings*

The Leg Cutter string is a brilliant string since it has powerful low and mid
level attacks as well as having the ability to string to the White Heron

Leg Cutter: A forward moving low sweep which does big damage and has a large
range because of the forward sliding Jun does during the move. The sweeps do
not knock down which means that you can continue the confusion massacre with
more Leg Cutters, a Cartwheel Kick or start the White Heron strings. Also,
the sweeps doesn't have Jun stun if the sweeps are blocked (remember that
certain sweeps when blocked have the attacker get stunned slightly).
Rating: 10/10

Cartwheel Kick: Can be chained after any of the Leg Cutters which makes it
rather annoying for your opponent who has to guess when this big damaging mid
attack is going to land on them. Read the previous entry for the Cartwheel
Kick for more information about the move itself.
Rating: 8/10

White Heron: The White Heron strings are Jun's most devastating (since she can
do basically anything during the strings) and the fact that you can link it
after any of the Leg Cutters make for a confusion convention. Watch your
opponent go cross-eyed as you mix and match between strings.
Rating: 10/10

f+1,3    Front Kick String
  1+4,2  White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  1      High Punch
    2    Twin Punch
    4    Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
    1,3  Screw Punch, Front Kick  *Front Kick strings*
    1,4  Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

This is probably Jun's worst string starter (if any can be called bad) as it's
rather slow and easy to see coming. I tend to always buffer a left side
chicken when doing the Front Kick (f+1+3 immediately after the Front Kick)
since it comes out extremely slow after either a f+1,3 or 1,1,3 starter. The
good thing about the string is that you can jump into any of the other strings
from here.
Rating: 6/10 (for the Front Kick)

The Twin Punch (2) is a unique move in this string but as for its uses, stay
away from it. It hits high doesn't do much damage either.
Rating: 1/10

1+4,2      White Heron String
  (4_D+4)  (Lightning Crescent_Sweep Kick)
  1        Punch
    1,3    Screw Punch, Frontkick  *Frontkick strings*
    1,4    Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
    4      Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

Note: This is my revised version of the White Heron string.

The White Heron string is undoubtedly Jun's best string. Its confusing like
nothing on earth when you use it properly and has a rather big damage
potential. The White Heron string starter itself is a very fast kick to the
shins (it's a special mid), then a high back turned jab. The 2 after the 1+4 is
another high back turned jab. As I said, it's very fast to come out, forcing
your opponent to block all of it usually (unless you get too predictable where
your opponent may duck the second high punch and bop you) and straight into
White Heron confusion mania. The initial shin kick also floats opponents who
aren't in a "normal" position i.e. maybe falling to the ground, rising off the
ground, not standing, not crouching etc. This sets up the White Heron for a
few things, such as continuing a juggle, juggling an opponent rolling off the
ground etc. I haven't tried this on big characters like Kuma and Gun Jack who
can be hit with many more attacks while lying on the ground but I don't think
the White Heron will connect in this manner (or else you can infinitely juggle
Rating: 10/10

The standard White Heron combos (1+4,2,4 and 1+4,2,D+4) are very useful so
don't scoff them in favour of the other strings. The sweep kick version (D+4
after White Heron starter) is extremely useful in that it will hit low at
least one hit before any other attack within the White Heron variants. So if
your opponent stays standing, waiting to block another high punch, the sweep
will take them off their feet. The Lightning Crescent version hits mid. Mixing
between these two are the beginnings of the White Heron confusion system. As
you can see, if you train them to block high a lot (using the Lightning
Crescent version), you can then vary your next attempt into the high punch ->
other strings which they won't realise to duck or sweep them away with a quick
sweep (1+4,2,D+4). Note that the sweep kick is one of those special sweeps
which will have you stunned for a tiny bit of time if they block it.
Rating: 10/10

d/f  Low Parry

Perhaps not as good as a proper Low Parry but the generic low parries still do
the trick. The timing is the same (just when you think the low attack is going
to hit, tap d/f). The bad thing about these generic low parries is that you
can't do them from a crouching position. So for example, if you were caught
blocking the first of King's Ali Kicks (d+3+4,4,4) then you'll have to block
them all since you can't low parry from crouching. What this does is force you
to anticipate to a greater level when the low attacks are going to come. Good
thing all you have to do is tap d/f. By the way, follow up a successful low
parry with a f+2_d+3+4 -> juggle.
Rating: 10/10

b+(1+3)_(2+4)  Reversal

High and mid punch and kick reversal. Remember you can only reverse attacks
where a limb has been fully extended (full punches, jabs, kicks are OK but
elbows and knees are not). The reversal does quite some damage and very useful
in turning the attacking initiative but with the advent of chickens (attack
reversal reversal), reversals have become a risky commodity. By the way, b+1+3
is the same as b+2+4.
Rating: 9/10

(F+3)# [D_B to cancel]  Spinning Heel Drop  *Unblockable*

NOTE: Release Forward to stop spinning and execute kick.

Jun's big unblockable is really two moves in one. Basically, a f+3 will have
Jun do a normal spinning kick (looks like the Lightning Crescent) which does
big damage for its speed. But if you "charge" up the move i.e. hold forward on
the joystick, Jun will continue to spin around, bringing her forward rather
fast. If you keep charging, blue sparks will begin to form around the human
tornado and if you never let go of the forward motion she will automatically
do the kick at a certain time and will do an unblockable kick which does quite
some damage. Looks very cool and because of the "two moves in one" you can
mess around with it rather safely. You can also cancel it by moving the
joystick to D or B positions as she's spinning.
Rating: 6/10

* Other strings

(WS)+2:1:1:1::2:1::4:3::3+4   Tenstring
(WS)+2:1:1:1::2::1+4::1:3+4   Tenstring
(WS)+2:1:1:3                  Fourstring

Because of Jun's infinite strings, her tenstrings aren't really that useful.
But they can be used somewhat if you want to mix up your game some more. Her
fourstring goes under the same criteria. Personally I think that using these
strings are just a waste of of memorisation time.
Rating: 2/10

-: Strategies

This section will hopefully provide some pointers to using Jun effectively.

* General

Because of Jun's strings, it's very easy to get carried away into being over
aggressive. Although being offensive with her confusing strings is probably
her greatest strength, there are points in her strings where she is very
vulnerable. Learn when it's time to play defensive. When you do go defensive
though, try to keep being defensive in as short a time as possible. By that I
mean try to get back into attacking as soon as you can. This means that you
use those reversals and parries. Also don't forget those quick attacks which
can stop your opponent's onslaught (e.g. d+1 or d+2 or 2 etc.).

Throw a lot. Everyone knows Jun isn't a throwing character... which is exactly
the reason why you should throw a lot. Players won't be expecting that throw
to smack them when they aren't looking.

Beware of good players who crouch a lot. Although Jun has strong mid attacks,
some of her strings leave Jun very vulnerable when an opponent crouch blocks
them. Take for example the popular 1+4,2,1,1,4 string. Your opponent can crouch
block the first hit (special mid) and stay ducking under three high attacks
until that Screw Punch comes along. That's a long time for your opponent to
conjure up some kind of super demolition job on you before you can recover
properly. If you see your opponent ducking successfully during your strings,
it's best to stop the string then and there or do a mid attack if the string
allows it.

Jun is better than most at a reasonably close range. She's fast and moves well,
and your opponent won't be able to react as well to her varying attack levels
when close. Also at this range you can plop out that Can-Can Kicks every so
often and up goes your opponent. You will need to practice quite a bit to stay
at this range safely but once you get it down, you'll find that it's a nice
zone to play around in.

Abuse the Can-Can Kicks (d+3+4) - the standalone version (not within strings).
Whenever you find yourself close to your opponent, pop this out. The initial
low kick is impossible to see coming and with that you can take out about 1/4+
of your opponent's lifebar. In Tekken terms this may not seem like much but
the fact is, your opponent cannot possibly react to a Can-Can Kicks and you
should catch your opponent out about 90% of the time whenever you pull out the
move within range. By the way, the range of the attack is actually slightly
bigger than the animation suggests.

By far the most important thing to keep in mind is to be inconsistent.
Unpredictability is something you should aim to develop into an art form.

* Jun's strings

Jun's greatest power is undoubtedly her confusing strings. So don't be afraid.
to use them over and over again, just as long as you remember to vary your
strings. Also, great as the White Heron string can be, you shouldn't forget
about the other two string starters. To help you out, I'm providing the attack
levels of the strings (note that they may not be 100% correct).

h = high attack
m = mid attack
l = low attack
s = special mid attack

Command        Attack level       Name

(d/b+4)_(3~4)       l             Leg Cutter String
  3                 m             Cartwheel Kick
  1+4               s,h           White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  4                 l             Double Leg Cutter
    3               m             Cartwheel Kick
    1+4             s,h           White Heron  *White Heron strings*
    4               l             Triple Leg Cutter
      3             m             Cartwheel Kick
      1+4           s,h           White Heron  *White Heron strings*

f+1,3               m,m           Front Kick String
  1+4,2             s,h,h         White Heron  *White Heron strings*
  1                 h             High Punch
    2               h             Twin Punch
    4               l             Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*
    1,3             m,m           Screw Punch, Front Kick  *Front Kick strings*
    1,4             m,l,h         Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*

1+4,2               s,h,h         White Heron String
  (4_D+4)           m_l           (Lightning Crescent_Sweep Kick)
  1                 h             Punch
    1,3             m,m           Screw Punch, Frontkick  *Frontkick strings*
    1,4             m,l,h         Screw Punch, Can-Can Kicks  *Juggles*
    4               l             Leg Cutter  *Leg Cutter strings*

Also note that from every string you can enter any other string. With this
fact, you can construct infinite strings with many variations in them. Try not
to use too many high attacks in a row e.g. 1+4,2,1,1,4. In the example string
there's three high attacks in a row. Now don't get me wrong, this string is ok,
but try not to use it like three times in a row. For variation, try a
... 1,1,3 ending to hit mid when your opponent thinks to duck or parry low the
Can-Can Kicks, then pull out the ... 1,1,4 ending to hit low if they stay
standing for a reversal or mid/high block. Alternatively (one of my favourites)
is doing the 1+4,2,1,1 and stopping the string. More experienced players will
be crouching in anticipation of the Can-Can Kicks. Tap 2 straight after you
recover from the Screw Punch of the string and if your opponent was crouching,
you can followup the 2 with a juggle.

If you're trying to learn the strings, first learn the string starter commands.
There a few ways to get into the strings ...

Leg Cutter entries:
Front Kick string -> 1,4
White Heron string -> 1,4

Front Kick entries:
Front Kick string -> 1,1,3
White Heron string -> 1,1,3

White Heron entries:
Leg Cutter string -> after any Leg Cutter, 1+4
Front Kick string -> 1+4

After looking at the movelist for a while, you start finding a pattern for the
strings. It shouldn't take too long to know all her moves and strings.
Remember, mix it up. Used properly, your opponent will have very little chance
of retaliation. Oh yeah, buffer in chickens whenever possible. Smart players
will want to reverse you whenever they can to shift the initiative of the
round. Don't forget to keep away from very long strings. Doing several shorter
strings is better than one big one.

* Juggling

Juggling with Jun isn't as rewarding as with other characters. But juggling is
always an important part of any character's arsenal so here's a small section
on it.

She has a few juggle starters...

d+3+4 (or any other string which ends with a Can-Can Kicks)

Of these, the easiest and probably one of few OK juggles she can follow up with
is a White Heron combo. So wait for your opponent to nearly land on the ground
then go with the:


Can-Can Kicks into a White Heron juggle is probably her most damaging juggle
(about half a life bar on counterhit and 1/4+ lifebar normally.). With the f+2,
you may be able to fit in this juggle:

3+4, f,f, 1+4,2,4

The Backflip Kick (b+3) is a weird juggle starter since it brings you too far
away for anything substantial. Only followups for this one are:

b+3,4,4 (third Leg Cutter won't connect)
b+3~5 -> teammate's juggle

The first two alternatives won't do anything substantial damage wise, so go for
the tag juggle instead.

* Movement

Remember, Tekken is a 3D game so use those sidesteps frequently. Sidetepping
lets you strafe around your opponent while constantly facing him/her, while
your opponent has to realign themself to face you. It also makes you harder to
hit, which is a good thing. Back dashing (b,b) and forward dashing (f,f) are
good zoning maneuvres too. Always be on the move when you're not blocking or
attacking. Since I used to use Ling a lot I tend to move my character around
like a hyperactive insect on steroids.

Don't forget to tech roll whenever you can. This will usually prevent you from
getting caught in vicious Okizeme (keeping a grounded opponent on the ground)
tactics and will have you quickly recover so that your opponent will have
little time to take advantage of your knockdown.

* First move

One of the more interesting aspects of a fighting game which starts opponents
off rather close to each other is the initial move. Here are a few thoughts on

Jun starts the round (active character):


The high/mid reversal may catch those offensive types when starting a round.
Rather stylish too.


Since the Demon's Paw comes out fast, it might out-prioritize your opponent's
initial attack.


Quickly retreating at the start of the round might have you find that a big
attack from your opponent whiff (Paul's Deathfist comes to mind). Dash back
in and counter hit your opponent as they recover.


The Leg Cutter string will have Jun crouch low as she spins about, ducking
under a lot of attacks. Also since it hits low and moves forward, your
opponent may get caught.


The Backflip Kick has good priority and you have a chance to eat up your
opponent's initial attack and you also get a bonus juggle.

Jun starts in the background (inactive character):

Tag -> f,f+2

I've found that this is one of the more effective first attacks I've ever used.
Let me explain in case you're a bit confused on the above notations. Let's say
your team is Anna and Jun with Anna starting the round as the active character.
As the round starts, quickly tap 5 to tag in Jun. As Jun rushes in, quickly
buffer a f,f+2 Demon's Paw. Remember, anything is bufferable after a tag. For
some reason, people usually get hit by this. Followup with a running attack.

* Throwing

As with juggling, Jun isn't exactly right up there with her throwing prowess.
However, her d/f+2+3 Striking Shiho-Nage throw is still pretty good damage
wise. Here are some tips to get you to connect that throw more often...

1,2 -> throw

Get close to your opponent and do the 1-2 punches. Quick and easy but the
important thing is that it still keeps you close for a throw attempt. To
buffer this into the d/f+2+3 throw, do 1,2 and hold the 2, then tap d/f+3.

1+4 -> throw

Much like the 1-2 punches in it's usage. People will be expecting the rest of
the White Heron to come out, until you bop them in the face preferably with a

f+2~d/b -> throw

The dash is quite fast and looks like Jun is about to attack with something.
Give em a rude awakening with a throw.

b+2,1+2, f, -> throw

This one's rather amusing. The Diving Arrow into Spinning Nest recovers rather
quickly and leaves you pretty close to your opponent too. What makes it
strangely effective is that your opponent is gonna go "is that it?", as
they're expecting something more that just that Spinning Nest. So walk forward
and throw them in their split second of bemusement.

* Tagging

Tagging is a risky business. If your Tekken TT machine has a info sheet on it
(you know that long-ish piece of paper which gives like 5 moves for a few
characters plus some how to play guidelines) then you might notice it says
"... tag often". This is good if you do so carefully but like the capcom "Vs."
games which popularised the tagging feature, after a tag you're quite
susceptible to attacks. If you just tag for no reason at all, your teammate
will undoubtedly come into action, straight into a fat juggle. Best ways of
tagging are using the 2+5 tag throw (I like this move) and using a tag-able
juggle starter. Tag juggle starters are good since the tag only happens when
the attack connects, therefore you don't have to worry about stuffing it up.

Note that after a tag, the character coming in can buffer his/her entrance
with a move. So if you find yourself having to resort to an unsafe tag, try
buffering your entrance with something like a d+1_d+2 and hopefully this will
interrupt your opponent's attack.

* Counter attacking

There are many instances where a small mistake by your opponent will leave
enough of an opening for you to take advantage of. The worst mistake I've seen
players use is by tagging just because his/her lifebar was low, not considering
if it was safe to tag in the first place. Of course if the situation is
desperate, you or your opponent will have to take your chances. But often this
isn't the case and players will tag for reasons beyond that of safety
consideration. This is a perfect opportunity for you to catch the incoming
tagged player with a juggle. If you see that your opponent has tagged, quickly
tap f+2. You have to be quick though since there is only a small window where
your opponent's incoming character cannot attack and when he/she can buffer in
an attack with the tag. Which is why I prefer to use the f+2. This move rushes
Jun forward, connecting with the incoming opponent much quicker, and therefore
a better guarantee to hit before he/she can pull out an attack. Experience will
teach you to stay alert and look out for counter-tag opportunities.

If you find that your opponent has ended up with a big recovery after a move,
almost always the best thing to do is a f+2 -> juggle when long range and
d+3+4 if short range.

Low Parrying is perhaps the best form of counter attacking. If you know, or for
that matter suspect, that a low attack is heading your way, simply tap d/f.
It's almost always safe to use at random (only very lucky attacks will punish
a whiffed d/f motion). It will leave your opponent stunned long enough so that
you can either go for a d+3+4 or f+2 (depending once again on the range) for
some good damage.

It's also not a bad idea to pull out a quick, high priority move if you know
your opponent is about to attack, for a chance to major counter him. Just a
simple 2 or a White Heron starter are two good moves for a quick interrupt.

* Poking

Poking is a style of playing whereby you execute quick, short strings or quick
single attacks to annoy your opponent as well as zoning him/her at the same
time doing small chunks of damage. Poking with Jun successfully takes quite
some practice actually, since the variety of her moves doesn't allow for a
strong poking game. By the way, there is a slight distinction between poking
and Jun's infinite string potentials. Using Jun in this way (keep on attacking
with her strings without letting up) is commonly known as a "bulldog" tactic,
more of a poker who doesn't stop. However, personally I make the greater
distinction that poking is using quick and safe attacks to keep an ongoing
pressure on the opponent. Using Jun's strings to their full lengths are
certainly not safe to use and therefore not exactly poking when used this way.
However, there are still times when switching to a poking style of play during
a round will prove fruitful. Her best pokes would be:

Short White Heron strings.

Mixing around with these attacks should keep Jun with a good poking strategy.
The b+3 and WS+3 were omitted since they bring Jun to far away afterwards,
leaving your opponent enough breathing space (therefore you lose your poking
pressure game).

* Okizeme

The tactic of keeping a grounded opponent on the ground. Okizeme isn't one of
Jun's strong points since she doesn't posses a move(s) which caters for this
speciality (unlike Nina's FC, d/f+4 sweep for instance). However, with enough
practice and a good dose of luck, you can keep your opponent grounded for a
time. Here are some common scenarios:

Opponent tries to roll back or forwards:
- f+2_f,f+2 should catch the rolling opponent.
- WS+3_b+3 will do as above but takes some experience to connect with an
  opponent rolling backwards.
- 1+4,2,4 will knock them straight back to the ground (the initial special mid
  ankle kick floats your opponent). You have to be close to the grounded
  opponent as they roll (making this a risky tactic).

Opponent tech-rolls close to you:
- 1+4,2,4 is just about the only thing fast enough to catch a tech-rolling
  opponent. However, they have to be very close to you for the White Heron to

Opponent is going to do a Rising Mid Kick (4 while grounded) or a Rising Low
Kick (3 while grounded):
- Place yourself just outside of the kick range and wait for the anticipated
  kick. You can punish the whiffed kick with a f+2_f,f+2. You can practice this
  tactic against the computer since it almost always goes for a Rising Low Kick
  if you place yourself just outside its range.

The other scenarios aren't really ideal for you to excercise an Okizeme tactic.
In the other circumstances, simply hit the grounded opponent for extra damage
(with a 3+4_3~4 ideally).

-: Vs tactics

This section is a quick rundown on how Jun measures up against the other Tekken
TT characters.

* Alex/Roger

* Anna Williams

Strengths:  Quick strong moves, some confusing strings, has a cool wardrobe.
Weaknesses: Multiparts are easy to break.

Anna can be difficult when used under the right hands, but if you limit to
using moves with little recovery time, Anna won't have many opportunities to
slash out with her quick counter attack moves. You should stick to insistently
poking to keep Anna from poking you back with her strings and moves. Her
multiparts are easy to break out of so they shouldn't be a problem.

* Armor King

Strengths:  Very powerful moves, painful throws.
Weaknesses: Ali Kicks often over-used, moves often leave him on the ground,
            long recovery on some moves.

A.King is a power-based character and the damage he wheels and deals reflects
this. However, he does lack the ability to apply pressure constantly which
leaves you free to take the offensive initiative. He also lacks a high/mid
reversal which makes it easier for you (don't have to buffer chickens in
difficult spots). Needless to say, you should be able to follow an all-out
attack on A.King. Doing this also keeps A.King from striking back with his
power moves. Also, too many players over-use the Ali Kicks (d+3+4 ...). If you
get hit by the first kick, hold forward and tap d/f as soon as the second kick
is coming out. The holding forward bit reduces the stun time and the d/f will
low parry a second Ali Kick. If only the first Ali Kick was used, the recovery
time on the kick is long enough and the recovery on the d/f motion short enough
for you to follow up with a f+2 -> juggle.

* Baek Do San

Strengths:  Strong and confusing strings, moves are quick to come out.
Weaknesses: Moves are very linear.

Baek and Jun share common playing goals, so this will probably be either a
battle of who gets to pull their strings out more often, or more of a defensive
mind game on both sides. The first suggestion is the more usual though.
Fortunately, Jun has a high/mid reversal and Baek doesn't, which means that
Baek will have to fuss over buffering chickens all day. If he's incessantly
pushing with his strings and you're at a defensive, backdash till you're a
little out of range of his kicks. If he starts his strings from long range,
you should be able to sidestep before or after the first attack, leaving Baek
super-vulnerable since his moves don't track well. You can actually win just
by sidestepping around until he starts a string, whereby his attacks will
probably whiff and you can deal out some pain.

* Bruce Irving

Strengths:  Powerful moves, short but confusing strings, lots of power moves.
Weaknesses: Strings are linear, long recovery time on some moves.

Bruce can be a real pain sometimes, but fortunately he isn't as fast as Bryan,
although admittedly Bruce can do more damage. If you pay attention to how your
opponent plays, you should be able to spot most of the low hits during Bruce's
strings. However, it's easier to just bug Bruce with your bag full of strings
(he has no high/mid punch/kick reversal making life easier for you) so that he
can't start up his offence.

* Bryan Fury

Strengths:  Good power moves, short but confusing strings, very fast
            unblockable (f+1+4).
Weaknesses: Strings are linear, lack of good stand-alone low attacks (i.e.
            mostly high and mid attacks).

Bryan is one of the faster characters in the game, combined with the damage he
does and some confusing strings, he can be one mean guy. There is, however,
some holes in his game. Bryan's game plan revolves around ticking life off you
with his strings, and the occasional big kahuna power move which takes a
healthy chunk off your lifebar. As with these linear attacking characters, you
should sidestep a lot and many of Bryan's moves are going to whiff. The 2+3
Sparrow Pirouette does wonders against Bryan actually. Because a lot of his
moves are aimed high/mid, the 2+3 successfully parries and connects at a high
rate of success. Watch out when you're attacking high though, Bryan has very
good WS moves and well as a decent high/mid punch parry -> Mach Breaker. Find
a balance between defence and offence against Bryan, and don't forget to use
those sidesteps.

* Eddy Gordo

Strengths:  Powerful moves, lots of low attacks, some confusing strings,
Weaknesses: Some start-up and recovery time on his moves, susceptible to Low

One of the scrubs' favourite characters (because you can have limited success
with Eddy by simply mashing 3 and 4 and waggling the joystick). Good Eddy
players are a rare commodity these days but if ever you go up against one, he
can be a real royal pain. Eddy is nearly as good as Jun in mixing up
low/mid/high attacks with his strings and deals out big damage too. Fortunately
you can basically follow either a snuff out tactic (just go all out with your
strings and Eddy shouldn't be able to attack back anytime soon) or more of a
counter attack tactic. The first alternative is the easier and maybe safer of
the two. The second alternative can be sometimes risky but Eddy does show a lot
of openings for counter attacking. For example, during his handstand position,
you can simply do a f,f+2 and knock him out of it (if Eddy tries to attack when
the f,f+2 is already coming out, he will usually get hit for a major counter).
Also, since he has so many low attacks, you can have fun with that Low Parry.

* Forest Law

Strengths:  Powerful juggles, damaging Punch Parry (b+1+2) followups, Dragon's
            Tail (d/b+4), fast character.
Weaknesses: Bad recovery on some moves, not too many low attacks.

Law can do some serious damage once he has you up in the air for a juggle or he
pulls out that Punch Parry of his at the right time. Against Law, never ever
start your strings from long distance, always ensure that the first hit of
your string will at the very least be blocked. This is because the more alert
Law players can Punch Parry you during one of the many high jabs Jun does
during her strings, setting you up for big damage. His Flipkicks can do serious
damage too, setting up a juggle for more big damage. The more patient Law
Okizeme players will use the Dragon's Tail to good measure. If you get knocked
down without a chance to tech-roll, stay down. If Law hasn't done the Dragon's
Tail yet (will whiff on lying down opponents), then tap 2 to roll sideways.
Hopefully this will cause Law to flinch and do the Dragon's Tail. Also try
using the Lightning Ankle Kick (d+4 when getting off the ground) once in a
while, it may out-prioritize the Dragon's Tail. Perhaps you should keep a
defensive/counter attacking tactic against Law i.e. wait for him to make the
mistake. Fortunately, he doesn't have too many good low attacks to bother you
with (although the Dragon's Tail alone can be annoying).

* Ganryu

Strengths:  Very powerful moves, Thigh Quake (d+4), Quick Sumo Rush (f+1+2).
Weaknesses: Generally slow, slow recovery times on some moves, most attacks
            are high/mid, linear moves.

Ganryu can do immense damage with some of his moves. Take for example that
Quick Sumo Rush, it comes out very fast and does about as much damage as Paul's
Deathfist (qcf+2). Another is that Thigh Quake of his. If you ever get
grounded without tech-rolling, get up as soon as you can. Because if you give
Ganryu enough time, that Thigh Quake is going to take out a huge chunk of your
life. Apart from a few choice moves though, Ganryu doesn't excel in other
aspects of gameplay. The Kabuki Low Palm is an infinite string of low poke
attacks. Be sure to block low and/or Low Parry them once you spot Ganryu doing
the move (Ganryu looks like he's hopping on one leg in a dopey stance and
pushing his palm to around waist height - very easy to spot). It looks like a
bunch of mid attacks though because of where it hits but, well, now you know.
Because Ganryu is rather slow and possesses rather linear moves, you should get
into the habit of sidestepping rings around him, poking away at him.
String'ing him to death with your infinites may also give you some success,
although watch out for that mid/high Punch Parry (b+1+3_b+2+4).

* Gun Jack

Strengths:  Powerful moves, Punishment Drop (u/f+1+2) -> Gigaton Punishment
            (b,d/b,d,d/f+2) multipart, Megaton Sweep (b,d/b,d,d/f+1).
Weaknesses: Generally slow, extremely long recovery times, long startup times
            on various moves.

Smack smack, gameover. That's about how fast Gun Jack can defeat somebody... if
he can hit anyone that is. Getting hit by most of Gun Jack's moves is more a
case of an accident or carelessness on your part and not by any great
attributes of Gun Jack's moves. However, he has a few choice moves which can
pose some pain. First and foremost is his Punishment Drop -> Gigaton Punishment
multipart... it's eeeeevil. It does whopping loads of damage and the escape
for the Gigaton Punishment is very hard (as the punch is just about to
rearrange your face, tap b). If you ever get the chance to use Gun Jack, try
just tapping u/f+1+2 for the Punishment Drop and look at how far his long arms
extend for the throw. Looking at this fact, his throws have a big range as
well. His Megaton Sweep comes out at a slightly slow speed and does decent
damage as well as having big range, not too bad a move actually. However,
there's enough start up time in the move so that you should be able to block
it on instinct. Defeating Gun Jack shouldn't really be a problem. You can use
just about anything on him, since he's slow and has no reversals. Even his
jabs are slow to come out... which means you can have a jolly time abusing your

* Heihachi Mishima

Strengths:  Powerful moves, powerful juggles, Hell Sweeps (f,N,d,D/F+4), Twin
            Pistons (d/f+1,2), Deathfist (qcf+2), Wind Godfist (f,N,d,D/F+2),
	    Chi Palm (1+2), Slice Kicks (f,N,d,d/f+3,N (hits mid)_f,N,d,D/F#+3
	    (hits low)).
Weaknesses: Some recovery times on various moves.

Heihachi is one powerful old geezer. He has confusing attacks, powerful
attacks, fast attacks, all-of-the-above-plus-it-juggles attacks... and the list
goes on. Don't let him poke you around too much, you'll know you're being set
up for something once Heihachi gets into poking. Try to poke back when you can.
Jun and Heihachi are on even ground when poking around with strings and
whatnot, with Jun having better all-round speed and Heihachi more power.
However, when it gets to juggling, Heihachi is downright destructive (although
with tag-juggles, it doesn't make too much of a difference now). Against a
good Heihachi player, you'll find your strings being countered more than usual
(a favourite being with his Chi Palm). Stick with string variants with only a
few high attacks and you should do alright. Also, I suggest putting more
emphasis on her short strings (like maybe b+2,1,4 or f+1,4 or 1+4,2,(4_d+4)).
Try to find a balance between attacking and defending depending on your
opponent's style of play. It takes lots of experience to take on a good
Heihachi player.

* Hwoarang

Strengths:  Powerful juggles, good pokes, fast moves.
Weaknesses: Very linear attacks, lack of low attacks.

Hwoarang can be a really annoying guy sometimes. A lot of the Hwoarang players
I've played poke a lot, and to good measure too. His moves come out rather fast
and are usually safe, setting up for a good pokey game. But the lack of low
attacks in his arsenal make him bearable when on the defensive. You can take
the sidestepping deal against Hwoarang because of his horribly linear moves
and you should on the right track to winning. Try not to go for risky moves,
it's not worth it - his juggles are painful.

* Jin Kazama

Strengths:  Very powerful juggles, quick and powerful moves, good low attacks.
Weaknesses: None when used correctly.

Always nice to see some family bickering. Jun's son has inherited various
characteristics from his parents (Jun and Kazuya) and is a favourite character
among experienced players. I've played against heaps of Jin players and they
usually fall under two categories. Scrubby Jin's who rely on his pre-canned
five -> elevenstrings or the more difficult poking types. Against the first
type, go all out offensive - nothing annoys those scrubs worse than denying
them the only thing they can do. However, the second type is another story.
Jin is fast, has reversals and not really any big weakness I can see. As with
Heihachi, you should keep to using Jun's shorter strings to confuse your
opponent with quick strings. Keep him unbalanced. What this does is make your
opponent predictable since you aren't giving him/her time to think about their
gameplay. If you happen to be on the defensive, it might be better to actually
stay close to Jin since his more damaging moves have a slight startup time but
good range (therefore you can counter these moves easier when you're close up).
The tactic you'll have against Jin really depends on how your opponent plays
since Jin is a flexible guy. Ditch those maternal instincts and smack him in
the face.

* Julia Chang

Strengths:  Some confusing strings, good crouching moves, good low attacks,
            good running moves, good juggles.
Weaknesses: Bad recovery and startup times on many moves.

Julia can really hurt you with her low attacks and attacks from crouching. What
this means is that you should stay away from too many high attacks to avoid
getting beat to a pulp. Julia is surprisingly slow and you get do a lot of
damage just by sticking close to her. Julia needs her space to perform well so
get in her face and use your quicker pokes to squeeze in those hits. Take
advantage of the speed difference between the two of you. She has big damage
juggles and a pretty good Okizeme to back it up, so don't give her too much
room to breathe else you'll be K.O.'ed before you even know what happened.

* Jun Kazama

Strengths:  Very confusing strings, quick moves, good power/speed balance,
            Can-Can Kicks (d+3+4).
Weaknesses: Limited personal juggle followups.

Woohoo a mirror match. Jun vs. Jun games (not to mention any mirror match) are
always interesting due to the various strategies employed. Firstly, if you get
caught on the defensive against the other Jun, you'll have to know when and
which moves of her strings breakable. For her most popular string, the White
Heron, you need to react quickly. Duck as soon as you detect the White Heron.
Hopefully you saw it before the 2 of the 1+4,2 White Heron starter came out.
If you did, then do a d+1_d+2 to break the string. Also, if you see _any_ Screw
Punches, do a f+2_f,f+2 straight after you block the Screw Punch. This will
always work since followups after the Screw Punch suffer under the lag of the
Screw Punch. Try to use your reversals in between attacks within strings,
these are the points where it's hardest to buffer chickens. A good way to get
back the initiative of the round is to use the 2+3 Sparrow Pirouette to eat
through high/mid attacks.

Offensively, go for the shorter strings since you have to assume that your
opponent will have a keen sense of what's coming next in her strings. The
standard White Heron combos (1+4,2, (4_d+4)) will do wonders when mixed up.
Try to use the Leg Cutters (3~4) as a starter to your strings once in a while,
just for variety. Sidestepping around Jun won't have too much success since
the only attack you're likely to sidestep well is her Can-Can Kicks, since
her other attacks have great tracking (even her strings). Speaking of Can-Can
Kicks, be sure to use this move as a standalone attack when you can (i.e.
specifically the d+3+4 command) since it's next to impossible to detect that
initial low kick, therefore free juggle and probably around half a lifebar of
damage. Good stuff. Buffer chickens whenever humanly possible to stop those
reversals hurting you too much. Keep on the offensive as much as you can, you
really can't win just by staying defensive, you'll eventually cave in to her
confusion tactics.

* Kazuya Mishima

Strengths:  Powerful moves, quick recovery on moves, powerful juggles, all
            moves are outstanding, several stunning moves which can be
	    followed up.
Weaknesses: Lack of moves (though not really a weakness in Kazuya's case).

Kazuya has changed quite a bit since the old days. He still has big fat juggles
but it seems that he's gone down the "power character" road since Tekken 2.
His crouch dash forward confuser (Hell Sweeps and Wind Godfist) is now gone (a
VERY good thing if you're vs. Kazuya), his Twin Pistons has now been changed
to a WS move, the Gutpunch is a standing move and of course he's been toned
down a little since before. Saying this, there are a few things to commit to
memory when playing against Kazuya. Whenever he crouch dashes, block low. The
Wind Godfist (coming from a crouch dash) is now a special mid attack and his
Hell Sweeps (also from the crouch dash) is a low attack - which means that if
you crouch, you won't immediately suffer any consequences. I said immediately
because Kazuya can still crouch dash and do nothing with it, but followup with
a separate mid attack while you wait for the Wind Godfist or the Hell Sweeps
(much like the 1+4,2,1,1 stop then 2 strategy I outlined earlier) to come
knocking. And that's just about the only time you should ever block low
against Kazuya. Just about all his other attacks hit mid, and they all hurt. 

* King

Strengths:  Great pokes, numerous multipart throws, powerful throws, some
            powerful moves.
Weaknesses: More damaging multiparts are easy to escape, limited juggling
            ability, hardly any low attacks.

King has one of the best poking arsenals in the game. So many of his moves come
out fast, do decent damage, have range and no retaliatory openings. And this is
how most King players are going to do most of their damage on you. Because King
can be dangerous at various ranges (close range means painful throws, further
away means pokes), you aren't really left with much to work on. You can just
stand there and block everything (not as if you're going to get hit by a low
attack anytime soon) but you're not going to win that way. You should try to
get semi-close to him (max range of the Can-Can Kicks is perfect - his throw
range is less than the Can-Can Kicks range) and gnaw away at him with various
short strings with a random Can-Can Kick here and there. If you get caught in
one of his multiparts and you don't know it's escape sequence, try tapping 2~1
right after you see the hit animation for every throw. Mashing the buttons
isn't as effective.

* Kunimitsu

Strengths:  Jumping Headthrow (f+1+4), quick unblockables.
Weaknesses: Several moves have horrible recovery rates.

* Lee Chaolan

* Lei Wulong

Strengths:  Confusion galore, good low attacks, good attacks from any position.
Weaknesses: Several moves have recovery time.

Lei can be severely annoying once he gets going. You'll notice that you're
gonna eat a lot of low attacks, mainly because he has so many of them. If you
stay close to Lei though, he can't exactly get into any of his stances so that
cuts out a lot of his options. Which is a good thing, so do that. Also, if Lei
is lying around on the ground (as he usually does), do a Leg Cutter or
Cartwheel Kick to thump him and coax him to get back up on his feet. You really
can't beat a good Lei player if you give him room and time, you'll inevitably
fall under his confusion tactics, so keep close.

* Ling Xiaoyu

Strengths:  Very fast character, good at evasion, attacks have very little
            recovery time, good pokes.
Weaknesses: Doesn't do a lot of damage, her better options are when she has her
            back turned, not many low attacks.

Ling is basically a set-up character. She'll be poking around, enticing you to
retaliate and pow, usually straight into a Reverse Hook Kick (back turned 4)
and into a juggle. Ling can be a hassle at times because her moves come out
lightning fast (therefore perfect for interrupting your strings) so really
stick with your shorter strings against her. She is, however, very vulnerable
to reversals so go reversal-happy until Ling starts to buffer chickens. You'll
find yourself having to counter attack most of the time against Ling since
she's just too fast and will inevitably dictate the round. If Ling goes into
Phoenix stance, or even back-turned, try a Cartwheel Kick to pop her out of it.
A Demon's Paw will whiff against the Phoenix stance and may get major countered
by Ling's Reverse Hook Kick.

* Michelle Chang

Strengths:  Some confusing strings, good crouching moves.
Weaknesses: Bad recovery on moves.

Personally I think Julia is a stronger character than Michelle. However,
Michelle does have the Sliding Doublekick (d/f+3+4) which goes under high
attacks and launches high for a juggle (but this move alone doesn't compensate
for Julia's other great moves). But as with just about all her moves, if it's
blocked or it whiffs, then you have quite a bit of time to retaliate. As with
Julia, I think that sticking close to Michelle and pulling out short strings is
the way to contain her.

* Nina Williams

Strengths:  Good juggle starters, confusing short strings, fast character,
            Dragon's Tail (FC d/f+4), crouch dash forward confusion.
Weaknesses: Some recovery time on several moves.

Nina is one of the better set-up characters in the game. She has a very wide
variety of moves and can be very confusing at times. One the favourite things
Nina players use a lot is her crouch dash forward guessing game. What usually
happens is that Nina crouch dashes and tries to start one of her multiparts
from that dash (two different starters) which will catch you if you block high,
and if you duck in anticipation of it, Nina can pull out her Roshambo Kick
(that evil groin kick) to smack crouchers. If you get caught in this situation,
the best thing to do is stay standing and cop the multipart. At least you can
escape them easily.

Nina has one of the best juggle starters in the game (Divine Cannon d/b+3+4),
but it does have its setbacks. Although it pushes away when blocked, Nina is
still slightly vulnerable when her Divine Cannon is blocked. If you block one
of these, try a f+2. Hopefully it'll connect for a juggle. Her Divine Cannon
combo (d/b+4,3) doesn't seem to push as far as the normal Divine Cannon when
blocked, so more vulnerable to retaliation.

As with a lot of characters, try to stay within range of your Can-Can Kicks.
At this range Nina can't do her crouch dashing confuser (if you see her try it,
you can Can-Can Kick her while she's dashing) and should stop a lot of her
moves (Double Palm or Blonde Bomb as it's otherwise known, Divine Cannon to
some degree, several of her confusing strings). At this range you have a slight
advantage so take it (and remember those chickens!).

* Paul Phoenix

Strengths:  Deathfist (qcf+2), very powerful moves, powerful tenstrings, moves
            come out fast.
Weaknesses: Recovers like a snail on crack after many of his moves.

The first thing that anyone thinks of when talking about Paul is his Deathfist.
It has does some serious DAMAGE (around 60% of a lifebar with one major counter
Deathfist, a little less than 1/3 lifebar on normal hit), comes out fast, has
enormous priority, has gigantic range (the punch itself is long range, add to
that a crouch dash distance and you've covered a marathon distance), hits mid
and pushes opponents back when blocked. Wow. And ouch too if you're at the
wrong end of one of those punches. But fortunately, there is still a window of
opportunity to punish Mr Phoenix after you block one his trademarked punches.
It doesn't seem to push opponents as far away as in Tekken 3 and you will
recover before Paul will. You can actually hit his arm as he recovers (try a
f+2 or even d+3+4 if close enough - if these two moves aren't fast enough, try
a f,f+2).

Paul Falling Leaf combo (d+4,2) has been toned down now, with the initial sweep
only knocking down on counterhit. It also has enormous recovery time, so you
can have fun smacking him. Another favourite move is his Double Jumpkicks
(surprise surprise it does lots of damage) and you shouldn't try to attack him
after he lands since he can still do a kick after he lands - at which point
you'll probably be pushed too far away for anything. His tenstrings can do some
pain if you're clueless about them. His most popular one (1231421421) is easy
to see coming - look for a couple of jabs (just about the only time a Paul
player will use jabs is when starting a tenstring) then a high kick then
another jab. The next (5th) hit will hit low at which point you can use a Low
Parry or block the sweep and do a d+1_d+2 straight after it. Unfortunately Paul
can also do a 12312 fivestring where the 5th hit is a mid hit. If you try a
Low Parry for the 5th hit though, you will recover in time to block mid (the
final hit of the fivestring come out slowish).

You can beat Paul by playing defensive (wait till he does a move with spastic
recovery time then smack him) or by staying close and poking around (more
risky because his moves come out fast).

* Wang Jinrei

* Yoshimitsu

Strengths:  Good pokes, good unblockables, Bad Breath (b+1+2,1_2_3_4), weird
Weaknesses: Recovery time on some moves.

Yoshimitsu is confusing but not exactly for the reason of varying attack levels
- rather because his moves are just unique in Tekken, and rather weird. Yoshi
can be a very good poker, especially when mixed up with some of his faster
unblockables. Speaking of unblockables, you can't really go past Yoshi's Bad
Breath, one of the better moves in the game. The Bad Breath stance itself
(b+1+2) is deceptive, since he sways backwards, evading a lot of high/mid
attacks. The unblockable breath from that stance comes out fast, does
considerable damage for its worth and even crumple stuns with followups
available when it hits. It doesn't have the best of ranges though, but most
Yoshi players can work around that. But back to his poking game, Yoshi has some
superb pokes (Savior Boot! d/f+4 comes to mind) and can keep Jun zoned pretty
well. Again, you might do well by staying close to him and plugging away, this
way stopping most of his unblockables (most of which have some sort of
start-up delay) and at this range you have all of your options. Yoshi can be
played in a number of different ways, so watch how your opponent goes about
and adapt your tactics to it.

-: Miscellaneous info

* Profile

Name : Jun Kazama
Nationality : Japanese
Style : Kazama Style Martial Arts
Age : 22 during second Iron Fist Tournament
Bloodtype : AB
Height : 170 cm 
Weight : 54 kg
Occupation : Wildlife Protection Officer
Hobby : Birdwatching
Likes : Basking in the woods
Special : Highly psychic

Jun entered the second Iron Fist Tournament to confront Kazuya, the
Tournament's sponsor (and victor of the first tournament) about his involvement
in the smuggling of animals. Once in his prescence she sensed a great darkness
emanating from him. She became determined to excise the demon which held him.

Despite her stunning moves and stamina, Jun was not the ultimate victor of the
Tournament. Once defeated, however, she could go to Kazuya and discover the
source of the darkness she sensed from him. The closer she came to him, the
stronger the feeling became until it nearly overtook her. But Jun found Kazuya
and though his aura frightened her, she was strangely attracted to him and
found herself entangled in his plans. 

Jun left the Tournament and returned to her beloved forest. There she gave
birth to a son, Jin, and there she raised him in the light. She taught him
self defense and to appreciate nature and the creatures who share our world.
She never mentioned his father. He did not find out the story of his birth
until he was 15 years old.... 

Note: The above profile section was teken from:

-: Credits

Catlord :
For producing the most up-to-date movelist available.

Xiaoyu Land :
Background info on Jun.

-: Future updates

* Inevitable corrections
* Update vs. giudes
* More juggles (there has to be more out there somewhere...)
