Taito G-Net (e)

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 22:50:08 EDT

                           \        TAITO G-NET System and Games FAQ        /
                            >       by Chris Mullins, copyright 1999       <
                           /     VERSION 1.0  e-mail:CMull11217@aol.com     \
                          / -------------------------------------------------\

                          Want to see my other FAQs I made? If so, then go here:
                This faq is made by Chris Mullins for reading to anyone 
who wants to know about the Taito G-NET System, by Taito. Happy


   Frequently Asked Questions
   Game List
   Market Prices
   Phone Numbers
   Past Updates
   Coming Soon To My FAQ!

Frequently Asked Questions

----What is the Taito G-NET system, and what are the specs for it?
       The TAITO G-NET System is Taito's newest hardware for the arcade. Capable of
accurately playing 2D AND 3D games, this is the board to watch. It is capable of
some HEAVY DUTY games, like the Sega NAOMI system.
        The board itself, is about as big as a CPS3 or CPS2 full kit board, and has
cartridges that plug into it(carts are non-encased). There are different types of
games for this board, but each will run on each board(Raycrisis will run on a mother-
board with Chaos Heat, for example).
        There aren't any medium-resolution games to speak of, so they should play fine 
on your Super Gun, no worries.
        I NEED THE SPECIFICATIONS for this system.  If anyone has the specs for this
system, please let me know.  I'll credit you to the fullest.

----What does the TAITO G-NET system set look like?
         Well, imagine any of the Sega Model 3 boardsets, or imagine the CPS3 without any
casing.  It handles shock well, unlike the CPS3 system.  There are many capabilities of this
system, much like Sega's NAOMI. It resembles the Capcom CPS3 system, rather than the Neo Geo 
MVS System.

----How much does a TAITO G-NET cost?
          Even though the TAITO G-NET system has been out for over a year now, it's just
now started to get in full swing. So, the cost is kind of steep right now, and will be 
for a long while.
          Expect a price tag for the Kit(you can mostly buy Japanese or Asian kits, US ones
aren't that common), which includes the G-NET motherboard and a game, for
about $1,600($1,600 for Super Puzzle Bobble).

----Is the TAITO G-NET JAMMA-compatible?
       Yes, it is indeed JAMMA, although some games may be medium resolution,
which means you need a special monitor to run certain games.  Some games may
have special appendages, like CD-ROM hookups, etc,

----Are there any Third Party Game Manufacturers for the TAITO G-NET?
       There are no third party companies making games for the TAITO G-NET, but
Taito is lobbying for other companies to ditch Sega's NAOMI hardware, and go
with Taito's new arcade hardware.  It's working somewhat, as some companies
are thinking of switching to Taito's new system.

----How do I design a game for the TAITO G-NET?
       Whoa, whoa, settle down! Remember, this is a topic, which has a
lot more to it than the space I've devoted here on it. I'll give you the
rundown on the sequence of events, in order to program a game for the
     1. Get a developers' kit from Taito, so you have the exact programs and 
tools that Taito uses themselves to make games for the Taito(This
step can be sidestepped, but making a game compatible with the G-NET later
can be quite a hassle). Make sure you have an EXTREMELY powerful computer,
or even trying to program a G-NET game will be futile.
     2. Now, get some developers' programs, load your computer up with RAM,
and get a very good graphics card. Also, start learning to program in C
(ANSI C, or Objective C), because you'll have to program the game this way(maybe
Assembly code?).
     3. Get an EPROM burner, which programs the ROMs needed for a G-NET cart.
You'll have to use a better, more finished ROM for the finished product, 
and construct a cartridge.
     4. Playtesting. You have to playtest this game for bugs, and to test
certain spots in a game, a LOT! But, if you need to test something that's
far in the game, that's what codes are for, to get there in a flash(they are
programmed in the game). Afterwards, you're almost done, but you may need to
do a couple more steps.
     5. Design the artwork for the game. Make sure that it looks professional.
This is very important, as good artwork complements a good game, but bad
artwork will make a good game look bad.
     6. The final step, is to either send the EPROM to Taito, and they may buy
the rights to the game(for some good money), or you can pay the licensing
fee, and make G-NET Carts as a company. But, the licensing fee will
run, on an average, over $500,000, so for most people, that is not a feasible
option anymore.
     Hope this helps, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me,
I know some more about the subject, and I can share that with you, if you're

----How do I play the TAITO G-NET setup on my TV?
          You need a machine called the Super NOVA(Super Gun), which is an RGB->NTSC
converter, and JAMMA harness all in one!  You get 2 heavy duty joysticks with it as well!
It comes with also the extra button wiring(if you don't have one, ask stevee@microsoft.com
for one, he has many of them).
           How do you get one of these?  Well, for $295, you can get one from MAS Systems
(the innovator of the Super Gun), at (714)831-5760.  And sorry, you can't get a cheaper
model in the U.S.A. :(  I'd advise you to get an S-Video capable TV, otherwise your arcade 
games will look like shit(yes, making it composite will make it look like pure dog poop.  
Trust me on that one.  You might need a special JAMMA converter, but it's not necessary to
make the games work well.

----Why can't I find my favorite TAITO G-NET kit?
       Most arcade vendors still don't want to take a chance on getting a G-NET kit,
but there are some places that do have them in stock.  Look below for places, or ask
on the newsgroups throughout the internet, and try to make good contacts. They will
most likely get the items you need.
       Getting cartridges is harder, rather because distributors want to sell kits,
to get rid of motherboards, and selling just the carts do not sell motherboards. ;(
       The Japanese love the G-NET system, so it'll be a lot easier trying to get Asian
or Japanese G-NET games, than US versions of those games.

----How come my TAITO G-NET games don't work?
        Well, you have to clean the games! I can speak from experience, and
carts can get very dirty, and cleaning them shows you how much dirt
there is on them.  You take a solution of Isopropyl Alcohol and
water, and clean the contacts with a Q-Tip.  Also, if you just yank out
the games instead of taking them out carefully, contacts, over time, 
will partly come off.  So treat your carts well, and they will last a long time!
         Or, you could have pushed the cartridge too far in, which
will make games screw up. Put the carts in ALMOST all the way, and push 
them back up a LITTLE bit to make them work. Always put the cartridge in, game logo in
front, or else you may mess up the system contacts.
        Also, maybe the monitor you're using is not set for the right resolution, either
15 KHz, or 24 KHz....where applicable, of course...:)
        And, always check your power supply, and other connections. If that
doesn't work, return to your arcade distributor or Taito for repair.

----What's the current status of the TAITO G-NET?
        The current status of the G-NET is very good.  With promising games coming
out, and third party commitment coming up, Taito may get the ball rolling once

----I want to get a TAITO G-NET system(Arcade machine or Super Gun->G-NET board),
but where, or how do I go about finding one?
        That's a tough call.  First, decide if you have enough money
($3000 or so for a new TAITO G-NET with a 50" monitor), and the space
to hold a big arcade machine.  If not, you can purchase a Super Gun
system from MAS Systems, and attach a G-NET board to it, in order to play
G-NET carts on your TV(costs $1500+ for the package).
        If you want the Super Gun package, you can find it pretty
easily.  You call up MAS Systems, order the Super Gun, then you buy an
G-NET board and cartridges from the places listed below. But, if you want
an arcade machine for G-NET games, that's another matter......
        Call up all the "Amusement Machines" dealers in the phone book
in your area, and ask them these questions:
    1. Ask if there are any arcade auctions in the area.
    2. See if there are any machines for sale at the dealer.
    3. Ask if any other dealers in your area might have what you're
looking for.
        Then, you can check out the dealers(including the ones I listed
below, and across the internet), and see if buying used, or buying
one new makes sense. 
        But, shipping is the most important deal, when it comes to
purchasing an arcade machine. And, it's not cheap, not at all.
Even if you buy one locally, you need to find a way to pick it up, and deliver
it safely to your destination. If you buy one from a dealer that's more than 100 or 
so miles away, the most(seemingly)effective way of shipping is by freight truck. 
Well, that adds about 2 weeks to your delivery time, and costs about $250 or so to
ship. It costs money to actually get the machine, you know. 
        So, you can make the most cost-effective decision that way, by knowing
about your choices, and making the right one.  But, please remember, that
a video game is JUST a video game.....

----Aw come on!  I want cheap Japanese boards in my arcades!  It'll save me money....
         I'm sure it will save you money too.  But, the reason why it is comprehended as
copyright infringement, is that it's taking away from Taito of America's sales,
and giving some to the Japanese, which is something that Taito doesn't like.  Also, who
wants to see Japanese kanji in an American arcade, when 95% of the population has no
Japanese learning experience whatsoever?  
         Some places it is allowed, when Japanese majority is over 75% of a certain place.
But when you get Japanese boards, Taito of America REFUSES to service them, so
there's another reason to get U.S.A. boards. If you're a collector, then Japanese or Asian
boards are right for you.  But, U.S.A. boards are worth the extra money, as they are easily 
serviceable, don't depreciate as much, and are more lucrative as a whole.  Perfect for the
arcade, and for distinguished collectors. Sure, Japanese and Asian boards work on the 
motherboards(or US games on Japanese boards, I think), but get US stuff, if you can.

----I'm tired of my TAITO G-NET cart. Where do I sell it?
         Well, I'm assuming that you don't know anyone else with 
the TAITO G-NET system. What you do, is follow this
checklist below:
     1. Make sure that you WANT to sell the game(s) in question.
     2. Try to determine a good market value for your game, by 
checking out the various newsgroups associated with this(rec.games-
.video.marketplace comes to mind), and go from there.
     3. Put Ads over the internet, telling how good of condition
it is in, the price, does it come w/ box or instructions, and other
general info that the people may need to make a judgment on the
     4. Contact me! Depending on the game, I'll pay a good price 
for the TAITO G-NET game. Just ask!
        That should be enough to get you on your way to selling
games over the internet.

----Can I Contact TAITO?
         Of course you can, below are the respective addresses for inquiry to
TAITO's PCBs and inquiries to other Taito-made products.

  390 Holbrook Drive
  Wheeling, IL 60090

 Game List
     This is a list of all the TAITO G-NET games out now, or are coming out soon. 
Beside them, are ratings for the games...all names in JAPANESE.

4 Separate Games Indexed
                                             Rating(1 worst-10 best)
Chaos Heat  (first-gen G-NET game, side-scroller)       7
Raycrisis   (sequel to Raystorm, great)                 8
RC de GO!   (mini-race car game, realistic)             7 
Super Puzzle Bobble  (the ultimate Puzzle Bobble game) 10

Japanese-American Name Translations: following, are translations to American:

 All games released for this system have the same names on both borders.

Market Prices

 This is an accurate listing of what TAITO G-NET Hardware and software run, pricewise I mean.

 First price is BUY price, second is SELL USED price, third is BUY NEW price(all PCB), and fourth is
when if it is a dedicated CABINET, complete, full-size(50" screen, or sit-down driving) arcade game,

 TAITO G-NET Motherboard  400   650   799   n/a

 Chaos Heat                90   180   700  1999
 Raycrisis                100   240   950  2499
 RC de GO!                n/a   n/a  1750  3999
 Super Puzzle Bobble      550   800  1600  2999
Phone Numbers

       These are all retailers that should carry the TAITO G-NET system, or has at 
one time carried it. Please enjoy!
       You can ask TAITO of a list of arcade distributors that carry TAITO G-NET products,
which is recommended.

50th State Coin-op:(800)424-5050 (doesn't have a good selection at all)"www.gamegod.com"
Automaticos Valls:(34)96-291-7026 (this place in Spain has got the goods)"www.automaticosvalls.com"
Bondeal: no phone # (a great source for arcade stuff)"www.bondeal.com.hk"
Bumper:(61)3-9696-9690 (Australia's best Source)"www.bumper.com.au"
Coinop International:(612)321-9632 (very good source of stuff, great to deal with)"www.coinopintl.com"
Cosmic Amusements: (852)2388-2101 (lackluster source)"home.netvigator.com/~cosmicco"
Creideas: no phone # (great foreign source for equipment)"www.vnet.es/creideas"
Fuuki: no phone # (excellent Japanese Source)"www.mediawars.or.jp/~fuukico/"
Game City:(626)573-3832 (has boards and other video games)"www.gamescity.com"
Great Western Trading:(541)726-1813 (has some boards)"www.gwtrading.com"
Hugo Neumann:(800)998-4846 (good, but high priced carts sometimes)
Kimble:(353)42-36574 (Ireland's finest supplier of arcade equipment)"www.kimble.ie"
MAS Systems:(714)831-5760 (accessories, and the Super NOVA dealer!)"www.massystems.com"
Midwest Amusements:(847)364-7722 (has some carts, a couple rare ones)"www.midwestamusement.com"
MHP Ent. Ltd.:(44)125-45-6029 (another source in the UK, call for info)"www.mhpuk.mcmail.com"
Mondial Group:(914)738-7411 (is a little high in the price department)"www.mondialgroup.com"
Outer Limits Amusements:(800)474-2637 (has some decent stuff, nothing special)"www.outerlimitsgames.com"
Rent-A-Game:(416)650-3718 (Canadian supplier of units)"www.rent-a-game.com"
Sage Electronik AG:(41)61-691-1555 (Swiss dealer)"www.sage-ag.ch"
State Sales and Coin:(410)646-4100 (boards, complete machines)"www.sscoin.com"
Tuning:(49)89-311073 (Germany's source of good boards, quality, and sometimes high priced)"www.tuning.com/english"
Video Connection:(800)444-6854 (everything, board prices are high)"www.videoconnect.com"

Past Updates

 v.1.0: This is the first iteration of my TAITO G-NET FAQ! (6/18/99)

 Coming Soon to my FAQ!

 v.1.1: More questions added as I get the system!


I would wish to thank MAS Systems, Steve Eisner, and Chris Ray. 
Any comments or questions about this FAQ and the TAITO G-NET?  E-mail me at 
Cmull11217@aol.com.  Happy gaming!


< | Chris Mullins's TAITO G-NET System FAQ 1.0 END  | > 