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Tekken 2 Super Big Cheese Guide V3.0

I) V.S. Human Cheese
*  1) General move Cheese
*  2) Individual Character Cheese
   3) Prohibited Cheese
   4) Physical Cheese
   5) Special Section: Strategies V.S. Human Paul

II) V.S. CPU cheese
   1) Exploring CPU Pattern
*  2) Specific CPU Cheese for each Human Character
*  3) General CPU Cheese 
*  4) Cheese V.S. the sub-boss 
*  5) Cheese V.S. CPU Devil and Kazuya
*  6) Time Record Cheese
*  7) Let’s Put It Together and Finish the Game Once For All .......

III) Bonus Section
*  Top Ten Cheesy and Fun Stuff You Can Do in Tekken 2

Introduction to Tekken 2 Super Big Cheese Guide
Different parts of the world have different rules in playing Tekken 2. In some
places they  insist on a "no-throw" system, in other places you HAVE to give
second round, in some other places you cannot hit people on the ground. But in
my area, we fight dirty. My usual free-loader gang don’t give a damn about
manners and rules. They just use whatever it takes to win. This guide is a
description of what they did for a living. Personally I think cheesy stuff will
only work V.S. players up to medium level i.e. class 6 (read my character power
chart v1.1, if you care) in the first few times or in a surprise attack. If you
do it consistently people will know how to block them all. But the key point is
that  someone out there will not hesitate to do them to you, and you have to
know how to get around them. It is very hard to find a master player who would
do cheesy stuff. (Are they too proud of ruining  their reputation?) But a master
who do cheesy stuff will be even more powerful.

Please accept my gratitude for those who contribute to this guide.
Sooner or later there will be a Cheese Guide V4.0 coming to rgva if there is
enough interest. Please email me if you appreciate my work or have additional
information to add. Thanks.

My email address: 

There are 4 kinds of cheesy move V.S. human. Use them accordingly.

1) General moves cheese
General move cheese can be done by every character to another character. If you
do it over and over again it will be very annoying. It is somewhat basic, but if
you can incorporate it into your level 2 cheese it can be powerful.

Jump kick (f,f,f+3) : Some people has trouble blocking jump kicks and it can be
a very annoying weapon. The correct way to block it is to stay neutral.

Slide (f,f,F+4):  To block slide kicks you have to block low.
Slide has a second purpose: to prevent people from getting up. But you can
rolling to the side to avoid this.

Shoulder ram (f,f,F): Most people has trouble blocking shoulder ram. The correct
way to avoid this is to up kick (U+4) at the right moment. One neat trick for
all you Law/ Lee people out there: When someone is shoulder-ramming you from far
away, do your backflip (3+4). It will nail the opponent when the backflip comes

Running stunt (f,f,F,N): As long as the opponent is anticipating your running
attack, suddenly you stop running by neutraling the joystick (N), and tap into
your own combo of choice. 

Sweep (d+3): Most characters has a sweep move (d+3). You can do this when the
opponent is down. When they try to get up, dash forward to do it again. Works
great V.S. people who don’t know how to get up.

Unblockable: Almost every unblockable can be timed to hit the opponent when he
gets up. The best way to avoid this not to get up if you see the opponent
charged up. (Be aware that some unblockable can hit people on the ground, you
have to roll away quickly to avoid this)

Throw (1+3, 2+4): The origin of this tactic may be from Chun Li in the original
SF2 series. Kind of different in Tekken 2 since you can duck to avoid being
throw. But nevertheless use it when the opponents whiff their attack. Normally I
think multipart is not very useful in higher level of gameplay. But some throws
do a lot more damage than the others.
e.g King’s giant swing (f,HCT+1), Jack-2 back breaker (QCB+2), or Wang’s Reverse
body check. (d/f, d/f+2+4) (can be chained into combos)

High and Low Cheese: The consistent use of low attacks will make your opponent
block low more. If they start block low more, you can tap into your high attacks
e.g.  Heihachi’s uppercut (f,f+2) or Law’s Flip kick (3+4) to kick their ass. 

Run away cheese: As long as you are ahead, keep backing off (Or jump backward).
If the opponent try to shoulder ram you, just jump forward over them and repeat.

Low kick cheese: Believe it or not, keep doing the (d+4) kick is a very good
cheese V.S. both CPU and human, and break them out of a chain of moves. (not
useful V.S. powerful character)

Low punch cheese (d+1): same as Low kick cheese. (see above)

1/4 sec cheese: You have to know EXACTLY when the game will begin after the
announcer say "fight". My observation is that on so many occasions the human
players waste about 1/4 sec when the game begins and just stand there and do
nothing. It is because they have bad timing and think that the game begin 1/4
sec later. I think the CPU has that kind of lag time, too, but it is shorter
when the level goes higher. How to make use of that lag time?
i) If you are using the character with long arms (the Jack’s, Bruce, etc) you
can immediately do a special throw. (e.g. Jack’s backbreaker QCB+2). 
ii) If you are using characters will long sweep distance (e.g. Michelle, Wang),
do a leg-sweep-something combo. (e.g. Wang’s leg sweep+uppercut D+4,1)

2) Individual character cheese
Individual character cheese are specific cheesy moves that can pull out by
individual characters. Repeat them when necessary.

A. King: His rushing Ali kick (f,F,4,4,4,4,4) has a very high priority and can
be used as a counter move. 
- from littleTheo 

Michelle: Do your 2+b punch over and over again to abuse your opponent. When you
finally sick of playing around with him, throw him from behind (1+2). 

Michelle: Do a double or triple dashing elbow. (f,f+1,f,f+1,f,f+1,....)
This move has almost no setup time and cannot be reversed. If the opponent block
the first one or you whiff, keep doing it. The opponent will try to do something
after you whiff but end up eating your second  elbow.

Jun: Keep doing your annoying 3-leg-sweep attacks (d/b+4,4,4, don’t use
3~4,4,4), especially when the opponent is down. This will sure piss people off.
This tactic is particularly  useful V.S. some sleeping Lei.  On one occasion,
the opponent simply gave up and stared at me. Of course I took my time and
inflicted even more damage. Finally he pull out his ultimate weapon - his girl
friend - to beat me up. :P
When opponent starts to  block low more, tap into your cartwheel kick (3+4) or
rushing uppercut (f+2). Alternatively you can tap into your infinity combo after
the sweeps. (d/b+4,4,4,1+4,2,1,2,4,4,4,.....)

Jun: Interchange your punch, punch, can-can, (1,1,4), and punch, punch, kick
(1,1,3). One hit low and the other hit high. Keep the opponent guessing. 

Jun: Do your infinity combo: 1+4,2,1,2,4,4,4,1+4,2,1,2,4,4,4,.....
If the opponent start to block low, do 1+4,2,4 instead. This will hit high and
knock your opponent down.

Jun: After backflip (b+3), do rushing uppercut (2) or leg sweep (4,4,4). Again
this will confuse the opponent like hell. (These are just a few of Jun’s tricks.
Watch for the Complete Devilish Guide to Evil Jun v1.0 coming soon to rgva)

Nina: She has a 4-hit combo that goes 1,2,d+3,2 right?  This goes, punch-punch,
low-kick, uppercut.  IF YOU'RE quick (experiment with the timing) you can really
make people mad by doing this: Right before they hit the ground, do d+3,2 and
you'll knock 'em back up again. They'll to be too far away to keep doing it
again (plus that would be an infinite juggle) BUT you can hit them with d+4,1
and she'll low kick then spinning chop; putting herself (if you're timing's
right) in perfect range to hit with d+3,4 low-kick, highkick.  Each of these
three little "pokes" are done, right before they hit the ground.  You can ALWAYS
manage a 9-hit if the first four connect, and USUALLY a 10-hit!!  Think about
it, a 10-hit combo where ALL hits connect!!
- from Eric R. Gavin 

Paul, Wang, Heihachi: Keep doing your throws. Eventually the opponent will duck
down more to avoid being thrown when you close in. As they duck down more, you
do your death fist instead and sent them fly across the screen. 

Paul, Wang, Heihachi: once you hit the opponent with your death fist (QCT+2),
wait for 1/4 second and then run towards your opponent. If you do it right, and
your opponent is rolling to the side to get up, the axis will shift a little bit
and you end up at the back of him. You can do another death fist to his back for
a total damage of 80%.

Paul, Heihachi: Follow the opponent who is being knocked down, and use you tile
splitter (d+1) to slam them down when they try to get up.

Paul: Use his tackle (d/b+1+2) as a counter attack to high attacks.

Paul: Move close to your opponent who is knocked down and do the falling leave
combo (d+4,2). Either the sweep will connect, or the elbow will connect, or

Wang: Use the whirlwind throw (d/f+1+3+4) as a counter attack to high attacks.

Lei, Law: Unlike Paul, their unblockable (Lei: B+1+4,4  Law: d/b+1+2) can hit
people on the ground. Just pull it out when the opponent is down. (especially
V.S. someone who doesn’t know how to get up)

Baek: His 10-hit string (especially the one with the unblockable at the end) is
good enough V.S. anybody up to medium level.

Lee: most people has trouble blocking the 3 low kick, 1 medium kick combo

Lee: his Shredder combo f,f,f,3,4,4  will usually go through most high attacks
and it can be initiated so quickly that the opponent will not be ready for it.
Lee: After a opponent falls down use the Infinite kicks combo as soon as they
rise for extra hits

Lee: Do the Silver Fang d/b 1+2 to fool your opponent to come at you then cancel
it by pressing u,u and beat them with a combo

Lee: Do the throw 2+4 and go behind your opponent (this will sometimes make your
rise with a kick rather than rolling away) if your opponent does kick block it
and throw again (This one works only about 25% of the time)
- Most of these Lee’s cheese are from 

Yoshi: use your teleport (to confuse the opponent like hell, and throw the
unaware from their back. (WC+3+4  Sit Down, F or B to teleport, N to heal)

Yoshi: Dash back, sit, heal, dash back, sit and  heal. Repeat. This will work
against passively aggressive people. 

Yoshi: hit middle. As a sidenote, one extremely cheezy thing to do is the first
7 hits of his tenstring 1,2,1,4,2,2,2 against people who don't have reversals.
This part can be done over and over and over again since you can start your
1,2,1 immediately after the 2,2,2 usually beating your opponent to his move. In
any case, the first punch and the kick hit high while the rest hit middle so
it's almost like an infinite middle hitting string. You can also sneak in a low
punch after 2,2,2 before starting your 1,2,1 again. 
- from Brian Fan 

King: The stomach smash (f, f, N+2) is a very good counter move to high attacks.
   1+2   Backbreaker   or   1+2,d,u,3+4   Sky Pile driver
This move catches so many people off guard!!  I go across screen just outof
reach, tap f,f wait a second then press 2, and Bamm!! Back breaker and sometimes
I'll do the Sky Pile Driver just to destroy the opponents
- from SPECTRE350 

Devil: After your throw, quickly do the air laser (3+4) , it will hit the
opponent on the ground. But your opponent  can roll aside to avoid this.

Devil: When the opponent whiffs his attack, quickly do (1,1,2) punch combo. It
will knock them down. Then do the air laser (3+4), it will hit the opponent on
the ground. Then do the ground laser (1+2) non-stop to prevent him from getting
close again. If he duck all the time, quickly do your air laser again. 

Jack-2: Do you scissors and meltdown (f+1+2,1+2) when the opponent whiff his
attack. If the opponent finally wise up and block low for the meltdown, do a
scissors and megatron instead (f+1+2,d/f+2). The second hit will hit high. This
will confuse your opponent like hell

Jack-2: machine gun punch (d/b+1,2) is a very good counter move to any strings
of attacks.

3) Prohibited Cheese
These cheesy stuff are strictly prohibited unless you do them on friends. Only
they MAY forgive you.

1) Pretend to give second round but kill your opponent instead. 
To use this tactic you have to win the first round. In the second round you
fight the guy as usual, but half way you sort of give up and just stand there
(to give second round). Most of the people (I did fight someone who did not
accept a mercy round) will be too happy to go in for the kill and  put down
their guard. Time to go for you own kill. Do you best combo and destroy them. Of
course you have to put up that innocent and surprise look onto your face later
and say something like "Oops, sorry". Very cheesy and cruel, but win.

Same tactic can be used in the Street Fighter series for offering  a fireball
draw game. (Details Omitted)

2) Play dumb on the first 2 round and go for the kill in the third round.
To use this tactic you have to find someone who will give you second round. You
sort of play the dumb guy in the first 2 rounds. Normally they will put their
guard down a little bit in the third round. But you just go berserk and attack
in a frenzy like you have never attacked before. Very cheesy and abusive, but

3) At the beginning of the round (especially the third round), say something to
your opponent like, "Can you let me try something first? My joystick is not
working". Of course, the something that you try is your best combo, which is
done onto your opponent! Very cheesy and twisted, but win.

4) Let the opponent pick his character first every time, and then select their
nemesis. This will really piss people off if you do it every time.

i) Pick fast characters V.S. slow characters (e.g. Jun V.S. "The Jacks family"),

ii) Pick power characters V.S. fast characters (e.g. Paul V.S. Jun)
iii) Pick long range characters V.S. power character (e.g. Bruce/ Jack V.S.

5) Act Like crazy.
GOING crazy is one good way. I've never done it before but I have
seen one do it very well (I'm still asking myself if he meant it to be a psycho
attack). What he does is that in mist of the game he would suddenly start
yelling and screaming (not that loud but enough to make you hear him...well). He
would say things like "DIE DIE DIE!!!". If he's winning he would say "Ready to
die?". Or if you can't seem to land a hit on him "Ha, you can't catch me".
Another thing that works really well is laugh out loud when you're winning trust
me your opponent will get nervous fast (of course this can sometimes backfire
when you start losing ;)).
- from Kevin Pak 

4) Physical Cheese
Physically harass the opponent (w/o the help of your gang, depend on your size).
Details intentionally omitted.

5) Special section: Strategies V.S. Human Paul
So very often I hear the statement about Paul that he is the best character in
the game and he has no known weakness. This is an overstatement. Here it is, I
propose a couple of Paul’s weaknesses for you readers. The discussion is
open-ended and any comments are welcomed.

i) Paul doesn’t have too many low attacks. What that means is:
a) You only have to block high for most of the attack. To avoid the falling leaf
(which attack low first) you just have to keep your distance, wait for it to
whiff and retaliate. 
   b) Most of his moves can be reversed since they hit high or medium.
   i.e. his 10 hit string, power punch, jumping kicks, tile splitter. All you
have to do is to practice the timing for the reverse. The one button reverse
strategy will work here. (What is that? Read my Wang’s FAQ v1.0, if you care)

ii) He doesn’t have too many combos. Most of them are 2 hitters. Usually the
first hit will be a close range attack, and the second is a power punch. e.g.
tile spitter, death fist, or dash elbow, death fist. 
The first move has a huge setup time and can be seen beforehand, and  counter or
reverse easily. 

iii) Bait reversal
Use Characters with reversal. E.g Jun, Wang, Nina, Anna. Duck down all the time.
Paul player will be very happy to attack you with the jump kick or death fist.
But you are well-prepared. Reverse him. The timing is tricking but the payoff is

II)  V.S. CPU cheese for Tekken 2 Version B
Never underestimate CPU cheese, it can be your ultimate money saver.
If you use the stuff mention in this section accordingly, you will have at least
50% chance  of finishing the game even if you pick a new character, but you may
have a sucky time. For additional information, please refer to the individual
character cheese guide V.S. CPU written by Victar .

To me there are 5 categories of gameplay V.S. CPU:
- have fun and win
- no fun but win
- have fun but lost
- no fun and lost
- no fun and lost perfect to the CPU

Most CPU cheese will fall into the second category.

1) Exploring Computer Patterns -
The computer fall into patterns that you can take advantage of:

CPU Lei WuLong: His punch + back punch is every Tekken player’s dream. Just back
throw him.
CPU Michelle, Wang: Horrible recovery time with her down punch+leg sweeps and 3
hit combos. Attack with any power move.
CPU Yoshi, Kuni: Attack after his second turn around kick
CPU King: There is a pause after his third Ali kick. Also he has a move which he
springs up from the ground and face you with his back. Use any combo of your
CPU Paul: He loves to do his falling leaf combo, which has a huge recovery time.

CPU Law, Lee: He loves to do his rushing punches. Use counter move or reverse
throw to destroy him.
CPU Jack-2, Kuma, P-jack: His second scissors hand can be reversed very easily.
Also attack him after his sitting punches, when he is rolling back.
CPU Nina: She loves to do her low kick, hand chop combo.
CPU Jun: Low punch (d+1) her out of her cartwheel.

2) Specific CPU cheese for each human character
If you don’t have any fun in exploring CPU pattern and too sick of repeating
general cheese, here is a guide of individual character’s cheese V.S. CPU.

Yoshi: All you need is to do just one hit to the CPU character. And then you can
just teleport back and forth (and heal, too). If you win the first round, you
just have to teleport forever in the second round and aim for a double K.O.
Boring, but win.

Yoshi: start off a round is run up to your opponent and use the missle
press on him/her. This works for me 90% of the time since this throw
is not escapable. 
- from Brian Fan 

Lei: CPU cheese God have so many cheesy tactics with no skill involved
whatsoever. I strongly suspect that someone can finish the game with their eyes
closed. Anyway I will list only 3. 
1) Use (d+3+4) to lay down. When the opponent whiffs his attack, do (3+4) to
kick him into the air.
2) use your rushing punches and trip kick. (f, N, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3)
3) f,f,F+3(stun) then do his crescent kick(3) as quick as
possible and  it will hit the CPU. 
  - from Lo Yat Nam 

Lei: Quick Drop, Getup Kick, Phoenix Kick, Power Kick (d+3+4, 3+4, b+1+4, 4)
- from Ben Weng  

Paul: Just time you death fist when the opponent start to roll and get up. 

Paul: Overhead slam, sweep, elbow (D+1, 4, 2) is very useful V.S. the CPU. Time
your unblockable afterward.
- from Mark Carravetta 

Paul :Here's another vs CPU Paul cheeze. This only works against the heavy
characters though (King, Kuma, Jack-2, and Devil are the only ones I have
successfully done it against). After you have made the CPU fall run up to him
and do Pauls scissor kicks (f,F+3,4). At higher levels do only the first of the
two kicks. This is what happens: as you run in and jump kick the CPU will do one
of the two things. Either he will try to roll sideways or he will try and get up
with any of the other ways. If he doesn't roll sideways your scissor kick will
automatically hit him because those specific characters take longer than others
to get up and guard. If he does roll sideways your jump kick will miss him. The
CPU will then attempt to kick you. Because you missed your kick Paul should've
flown right passed where the CPU *should've* been so when the CPU gets up both
of you will be facing the wrong way. Because the CPU side rolled he will be on a
wrong axis so his kick will miss. Your character on the other hand has time to
change to the right axis so as soon as you land press 3 and Paul should kick the
CPU out of his kick. Once again it will be counted as a major counter so there
will be extra damage. This is the simplest way to use this cheeze but I'm sure
you can change the kick to more powerful attacks or even combos.
- from Kevin Pak 

Nina: Do your lifting-toss, arm break multipart right at the beginning of the
game or do your overhead throw.

Jun: Do your cartwheel (3+4) from the edge of her range. When the CPU opponent
close in, do your d+1, and then dash back. Repeat.

Anna: At the start of the match, walk up to the CPU and (F+1+3) throw him/her
across the screen. Then when the CPU starts to get up, (d/b+1+2) give it a
'Hunting Swan'! If your timing is correct you will get a Perfect!
 - From Brian R. Miller 

Heihachi: There is an easy way to beat the CPU.  Keep doing the Wind
Godfist until it connects.  Follow that up with a float combo of your
choice.  Then, as the CPU is getting up, move in and back out of the
way.  The CPU will usually do a high rising attack, and at this point,
you should do a crouch dash into the Thunder Godfist for a KO.  Try to
time it so that you are crouch dashing underneath the high rising attack.
- from Abbott Wang 

Jack-2: Back breaker, hell press, face bash (QCB+2, 1+3, 1+2) always yield a
100% damage. Use (1+2), (1+2) to retaliate when any opponent whiffs his attack.
It has enough range and power.

Jack-2: Back breaker, dash back, back breaker (QCB+2, b,b , QCB+2) is a good
combo V.S. the CPU.
- from Tiri 

P-Jack: Tile Splitter, Death Fist, Dive Bomber, Hip Press will suck the CPU into
it if you get the tile splitter connected.
(WC+1,2, 3+4,u/f+3+4)

P-Jack:, Dive Bomber, Hip Press (2+4, b,d/b,d,D/F+2)
CPU-opponent always rolls to the side and then forward right into your
Dive Bomber.
- these P-jack cheese are from Tiri 

Devil: Use (1, 1, 2) punch combo to knock down the computer after he whiffs his
attack. Quickly dash backward (b,b) and then start the air laser. The computer
will try to roll forward to avoid this, but get nailed in the process. If you
miss and the computer will try to back throw you, just use d+1 to break out of

Kuni: For more Kuni vs CPU fun, stab it with b+2 whenever it whiffs a string
(and it pretty much has to be an *entire* string, not just a single attack,
unless you have godlike reflexes. Use the jumping knee to
retaliate against whiffed single attacks). This is easiest to do to CPU
Michelle/Yoshi; it also works on Nina and Law, once you learn to recognize how
their strings end. The entire string has to whiff (just blocking it isn't good
enough). If you're too slow or too far away, the CPU will dash out of range,
then punish you with a hop kick. That's right, a hop kick.
- from Victar 

Kuma: (2+4, 1,1,1)
Do the bear hug, and then the bear punch combo after dash-in dash-out.
- from  Al Slater 

Roger/Alex: Roger/Alex: 1+3,f,f,b+1 (do quickly, f,f is just for distancing)
Unblockable will hit as opponent gets up with a roll (CPU always rolls after
1+3, except Lei sometimes).  If they attack as they rise, match is over in 3
seconds, if not, you have to run over and low kic/Ali kick. Also, b+1 after back
throw (vs Lei) immediately ends round. VS. Kazuya/Devil: whiff a frankensteiner,
keep trying to roll+3 until the CPU whiffs it's ground attack, then b+1 will hit
if they roll as they're getting up (greater than 50% chance they'll do this on
my machine).
- from John E Larkspur 

King: Multi-Part is good to use to get the match over quickly, but it does take
time. The computer has only blocked me once, and that was when I was fighting
Yoshimitsu. The computer blocked the German Suplex. Other than being slow, it
can really get the match over quickly, if you can do it.
-from Gregory C. Square 

3) General CPU cheese
If exploring CPU pattern doesn’t fit you taste, you can use the general CPU
cheese instead. General CPU cheese can be performed by most of the character.

i) Dash-in, dash out cheese
After you knock the CPU character down, quickly dash forward, and then dash
away. Almost every time the CPU will rise up with a high kick, and miss. (except
for Lei, who always roll back). You can destroy him very easily this way. 
- From Hugh King 
After dash-in, dash out, the CPU opponent will whiff his high kick. You have
several opinions:
  a) bait reversal (reverse the opponent using b+1+3, b+2+4 etc). 
     - from Aureliand G. 
  b) unblockable (see Time Record Cheese) 
  c) death from above (see below)
  d) power punch (Paul, Wang, Heihachi)
  e) virtually any juggle combos

ii) Low punch cheese 
As the CPU character is approaching, quickly do a (d+1) and then dash away.
Repeat. It is a kind of boring, but you will win. Use this tactics to soften up
your toughest CPU opponent. 
- From Victar 

iii) unblockable cheese
Quickly do your unblockable when the CPU character is down on the ground. A key
point is that different characters has different unblockable setup time. And the
distance is important, too.

iv) Death from above
Knock the CPU down (by a hit or throw) , dash forward to stand on its knees, hit
U+2 when it rolls sideways. The pounce will hit the opponent when he whiffs his
high kick attack.
-  From Victar 
Bear in mind that not everybody has a (U+2) pounce. You have to use their own
pounce/ stomp accordingly. e.g Michelle’s (u/f+3+4).
Actually with this cheese pattern and the low punch cheese you can take
on almost anybody (CPU) with anybody and beat the game. But again, you may have
a sucky time.

v) Run away cheese
As long as you are ahead of energy and time is running short ( < 5 secs) , dash
away (b,b) from the CPU. Don’t be a romantic fool.

4) Cheese V.S. the subboss
I must admit that I only play a handful of characters. So some of the stuff in
this section is merely my observation. Also bear in mind that I only pinpoint
the most easy strategy. If you want more details you have to check the
individual character’s FAQs. (Where are they? One good location is:
Michelle V.S. Ganyru : see the Time Record Cheese Section below. 

Jun V.S. Wang: Stand at medium distance, wait for this dirty old man to do a
string e.g. leg sweeps etc, and then do f+2, 3+4, d+3 for a 50% damage. (Some
more CPU cheese info can be found in The Complete Devilish Guide to Evil Jun
v1.0 that is coming soon to rgva)

Lei V.S. Bruce: Just lie down (d+3+4), wait for Bruce to whiff his attack and
then use 3+4 to retaliate.

Paul V.S. Kuma: Pauls power fist is much more useful than his falling leaf combo
(it hits a lot easier). Here's a great cheeze you can use. At the start of the
round dash back twice then hold back (b,b,b,B). Kuma usually won't do much and
even if he does you'll be out of range. Wait for him to run at you then when he
is about 2 to 3 steps away from you do the power fist. You should hit him just
as he starts one of his combos or attack (Kuma's attacks are very slow so the
timing should be quite easy). Because this will act a a Major counter Kuma will
be thrown way back. At this point you can either time your unblockable (or even
better run in then do the unblockable) or just run in and step on him after that
any normal kick or punch should finish him off.
- from Kevin Pak 

Jack V.S. P-jack: Just use (1+2), (1+2) when P-jack whiff its/his (?) attack.
(Uppercut Rush, sitting punches, etc) It has enough range and power.

Nina V.S. Anna: Nina: Lifting Toss, arm break, (wait for CPU to start rolling)
U+2. Gets 'em every time. For some reason, the CPU never(?) escapes the Lifting
- From Victar 

Wang V.S. Jun: See time record cheese below. 

Heihachi V.S. Lee:
Very Simple Method to beat Lee with Heihachi: f,f+LP+RP (headbutt)
then immediately that this connects: d/b+LK (just beat it if you like) to sweep
him as he falls from the butt. This makes Lee fly away from you. (if you wait
till he hits the ground before sweeping he won't go far enough away). Lee will
then come running at you. Time another f,f+LP+RP as he closes in and repeat
until Heihachi needs a new stepson... :)
- From Tim Peers 

Heihachi V.S. Lee: Keep hitting Lee and afterwards with this combo.
d/f+2(uppercut),1(as they are going down),4~3(backflip)
I usually turn the uppercut into a dragon punch motion f,d,d/f
It gives me a good range to crouch dash in and catch Lee.
After one execution, back off and keep out of sweep distance.
Wait for Lee to come in and counter with another uppercut.
The game is easier this way. Oh another good move to work on is the hell sweeps
- from Little Theo 

Lee V.S. Heihachi: I used to HATE CPU Heihachi, but I don't think he's so bad
anymore. Start off the round with the chastisement punch, or better yet, the
inescapable knee bash. If he ducks/escapes the throw, you're still no worse off
than before. If you knock him down with it, though, you're set - stand almost
but not quite next to him, and do Lee's razor kick string (D+4, 4, 4, 4) as he
gets up. If you time it right, he'll try to kick you as he stands, and you'll
knock him down (the razor kick string is a true combo when it strikes as a
counter-hit). Dash up to him and repeat. You can do this to
Heihachi/Kazuya/Devil whenever you knock them down, unless it's with Lee's
falling headlock throw ('cause then you fall down with 'em. :) Lee's razor kick
string is an excellent counter to the CPU's missed kicks & such, but don't go on
the offensive with it too often or the CPU will block all four kicks and throw
you while you recover.
- from Victar 

5) Cheese V.S. CPU Devil and Kazuya
- Entire section From Victar  (This guy knows and tries
every moves in Tekken 2 :P)

Lei: The CPU-killing Cheeze God of Tekken has a LOT of options, but the most
efficient one is f, N, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3

Jun: Cartwheel kick from the edge of her range. Crouching punch. Dash
away. Repeat.

Ganryu: (WC) D+2, 2, 2... (assuming your machine has block-damage)

Michelle: Let Kazuya/Devil run into F+1, 2+3, 1

Jack-2, P. Jack, Kuma: D+3+4, 1, 2, 1, 2, roll away, repeat. When
you're knocked down, get up with 1+2, 1, 2, 1, 2 (roll away).

Nina: Lifting Toss, arm break, (wait for CPU to start rolling) U+2.
Gets 'em every time. For some reason, the CPU never(?) escapes the Lifting Toss.

Anna: D+2, N+4. If you do this as a string (i.e. tap N+4 just as Anna's
crouching punch makes contact) CPU Kazuya/Devil will eat either the punch, the
kick, or both. But you have to make the attacks flow together as a string or the
CPU might hit you out of it. This also works for Nina, BTW.

King, Armor King, Alex/Roger: Let 'em run into the Frankensteiner,
especially after they're knocked down.

Baek: After a knockdown (such as d/b+1+3), dash away, d/b+3+4. Also,
whenever Kazuya/Devil whiffs an attack, retaliate/tick off block-damage with
D+3, N+3, 3.

Bruce: b+4 over & over

Kazuya: after a knockdown (such as f, f+1+2), D+3, dash away, wait for the CPU
to stand up, B+1+4. Also, u/f+4, 4, 4, 4 is handy for ticking off block-damage.

Law: after a knockdown (such as 1+3), hit the CPU out of its rising attack with
F+2, 2, 2

Lee: after a knockdown (such as the Chastisement Punch), hit the CPU out of its
rising attack with D+4, 4, 4, 4

Paul: (1+3)~B, tap back twice to turn around, wait for the CPU to stand up,

Wang: D/F+1+3+4 (if Kazuya/Devil ducks, do a crouching punch and try
again), dash part-way up to CPU, b, B+1, air juggle. You can also start this
pattern with d/f,D/F+2+4. Use F+2 to tick off block-damage, especially after
Kazuya/Devil whiffs an attack.

Yoshimitsu: let him run into d/b+1, over & over

Everyone: let Kazuya/Devil run into your crouching punch, dash away,

Paul:  Bait Kazuya into using the tackle (shouldn't be too hard since it seems
to be his favourite move). Then counter it before he punches you. You should
normally get up a few secs faster than him, use this time to position yourself
for the unblockable. Another way to beat Kazuya is to only use reversals. Almost
all of Kazuya's attacks are reversable (even the tackle, do the reversal just
before he touches you)  and with a little practice you will find it easy as well
as a lot of fun.
- from Kevin Pak 

6) Time Record Cheese
Time Record Cheese is the best 100% CPU cheese, made for destroying EVERY CPU
opponent INSTANTLY and aim at setting up a time record. Most of them will give
you a time around the 3 minutes area if you do them flawlessly. Most of them are
done best at the beginning of a round. Alternatively they can be pull off as a
life saver if you energy is running low. 

Michelle: (WS+4, f,f, b,b, f+1+4#,2+3,1).
This one is a 5 to 6 secs 100% cheese V.S. CPU. 
First you do a Blue Sky Cannon kick (WS+4) at the beginning of each round. It
will work against every character if you do it fast enough. Then you dash in
(f,f)  wait for the opponent to roll, dash back (b,b). (The CPU opponent will
rises up will a high kick,  and whiffs) Do your  unblockable (f+1+4) IMMEDIATELY
after the dash back. Pause for 1/4 sec, then do (2+3,1) to juggle. Just to
remind you that the last 3 moves (f+1+4#,2+3,1) I name it "Michelle super move
combo" in Michelle's FAQ v2.0. If you can do it before, you should not have
problem doing it here. 
- inspired by an unknown guy in the arcade

Wang: "The Jumpy Old Man Cheese" (WS+4, f,f, b,b, b,b+1, U+4)
This one is a 3 to 4 secs 100% cheese V.S. CPU. For more style you can use the
death fist (QCT+2) instead of jump kick (U+4). But it will take 1 more second .
See Michelle’s description above for details. My best time is 1’59".
- Stolen from an unknown guy in the arcade. He also had a 100% for
  Kazuya but I haven’t figure out the exact moves that he did. More on  
  this when I get better with Kazuya

Paul: (1+3~B,B+1+2)
It works for everyone. Start with the stomach throw,
(1+3~B). Then, get your timing down so that when they just stand up,
you start the unblockable, (B+1+2). They will run in and get pegged
trying to jump over. This is a 5 second, two-hit kill!! If you do
miss, They will probably jump over, so hit left kick till Paul nails
them in the back of the head. Then try again. My best time with Paul
is 4:06.
- from Jeremy Wood 

Nina: (2+4,1,2,1,2,1,3, b,b, qcb+2, f,f+1+2)
It works against every computer opponent I've played except Lei.
First do the lifting toss-falling elbow-arm lock throw,2+4,1,2,1,2,1,3
then back up twice out of sweep range and do the qcb+2 followed by the
f,f+1+2 then sweep. When you back up out of sweep range the computer will kick
as it's getting up and if timed properly the qcb+2 will counter hit allowing you
to hit the f,f+1+2.
- from Weasel 

Anna/Nina: (F+1+3,d/b+1+2)
One thing I found that can be done Every time is:
At the start of the match, walk up to the CPU and
(F+1+3)throw him/her across the screen. Then when the CPU
starts to get up, (d/b+1+2) give it a 'Hunting Swan'!
If your timing is correct you will get a Perfect! (8 secs)
- From Brian R. Miller 

7) Let’s Put It all together and Finish the Game Once For All ........
I know. I know. There seems to be a lot of little pieces of information flying
around here and there in this guide to confuse everyone like hell. Don’t worry I
will put it together in an example. This will show you how to add different
strategies together and beat the game almost effortlessly. I will guide you till
the end. So hold onto your seat. Here we go !! ............

Let’s pick a character, someone who is unconventional, someone without the Time
Record cheese. Let’s pick Jack-2. (No point to use Cheese God like Lei or Paul
as an example).

i)  First you check out section 1  "Exploring the CPU pattern" to roughly get an
idea of what the major weaknesses of the CPU opponents are. After a few games I
am pretty sure you will memorize that by heart.

ii) Second, check out section 2 "Specific CPU Cheese for each Human Character".
This will tell you how to make use of the CPU weakness mention in section 1. For
example, the best move of Jack-2 V.S. Paul is to do his hammer + uppercut (1+2,
1+2) after CPU Paul whiff his falling leaf (the leg sweep, dash elbow). You also
discover that Jack-2’s Back breaker, hell press, face bash (QCB+2, 1+3, 1+2) is
always a safe bet to use at anytime.

iii) OK. You have been doing petty well. Now you have destroyed the first 5 CPU
characters in a berserk. But the 6th and 7th CPU characters are tricky and
slightly out of control. What should you do? Time to read on. Check out section
3 "General CPU cheese". You will discover that to soften up a tough opponent you
can use a low punch (d+1) and then dash back as he walk to you and harass you.
If you knock them down, you can make use of a wonderful move called "Death from
Above". You can also time you unblockable or simply use (1+2,1+2) after the
dash-in dash out cheese. Don’t forget to run away when you are ahead in energy
and time is running short.

iv) 6th and 7th CPU opponent is a breeze behind you. Now you have to face Mr.
Tin Head (P. Jack). Check out the Cheese V.S. Subboss Section.
Luckily there is some info about P. Jack inside it (otherwise you have to resort
to the General Cheese section). You will discovered (1+2,1+2) is all you need to
destroy Mr. Tin Head.

v) Here comes Kazuya and Devil. Don’t worry, our friend Victor has provide
overwhelming information on beating the evil pair. Let’s check out the "Cheese
V.S. CPU Devil and Kazuya" section. Hmm.....
The best move is to do (d+3+4,1,2,1,2, b,b ). Repeat. And use (1+2) to get up
when you are knocked down. Easy said and easily done, too.

vi) That is it, folks. Although my Jack-2 time is around the 7 minutes area. But
hey, not too many people has a Jack-2 time. :P

III) Bonus Section: Top Ten cheesy and Fun Stuff You Can Do in Tekken2
10. Cheese a 7 years old photographic memory kid to death using time.
9.  Juggle a guy 10 times in a row using Nina and watch him helplessly
    spank the buttons to get out of it but in vain.
8.  Use Jun’s infinity Combo V.S. some newbies and get 2 perfect in a 
    row. "What? I cannot block!? Something wrong with the joystick!"
7.  Cheese a button smashing Law player to death by using only reversal.
6.  Cheese a decent Paul player to death by using only reversal.
5.  Select Lei, close your eye, fall asleep (physically). Keep doing 
    (d+3+4,3+4) in your dream. 3 minutes later, wake up. Here comes a  
    new time record!
4.  Your contribution ......


Richard D