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Syphon Filter (e)

             _________             .__                   
            /   _____/__.__.______ |  |__   ____   ____  
            \_____  <   |  |\____ \|  |  \ /  _ \ /    \ 
            /        \___  ||  |_> >   Y  (  <_> )   |  \
           /_______  / ____||   __/|___|  /\____/|___|  /
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               |     \   |  |  |_|  | \  ___/|  | \/
               \___  /   |__|____/__|  \___  >__|   
                   \/                      \/       

                   Syphon Filter FAQ/Walkthrough
                           Version 0.1
                         by Tony Profeta

The most recent version of this FAQ/Walkthrough is available at:

GameFAQs usually has the latest version of this since I update it there
whenever it gets changed.

This is my home page where you can definitely find the latest version of
this FAQ/Walkthrough.  I always update my page so stop by when you can.

    Reproduction and Distribution

 This document may not be reproduced or distributed by anyone without
 the permission of the writer, Tony Profeta.  This FAQ/Walkthrough
 was created by Tony Profeta and is his by copyright.  It is meant
 for educational and teaching purposes ONLY!  This means read it, not
 take it!  To contact me, e-mail Tony Profeta at ""
 Any means of reproduction or distribution of this document is strictly
 prohibited.  In short, don't steal my work!

 Syphon Filter is copyright 1999 "989 Studios"
 This FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 1999 Tony Profeta

    Game Info.

 GAME: Syphon Filter        PLATFORM: Playstation
 VERSION: American          CATEGORY: Action
 DEVELOPER: Eidetic         PUBLISHER: 989 Studios
 PRICE: $44.99              RELEASE: March '99
 NUM. DISCS: 1              MULTIPLAYER: No
 DIFFICULTY: Moderate       COMPLETION TIME: 15-20 hours

    Table of Contents

 1.  U P D A T E S
 2.  S T O R Y
 3.  C O N T R O L S
 4.  C H A R A C T E R  B I O ' S
 5.  W E A P O N S
 6.  W A L K T H R O U G H
 7.  G A M E S H A R K  C O D E S
 8.  L I N K S
 9.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S
10.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

           U P D A T E S

Version 0.1  (March 6, 1999)
  The first version! Well I've included a lot of information in this
  FAQ/Walkthrough.  Hope it helps! I haven't included the entire 
  walkthrough part yet, because I am still working on it. Enjoy the
  rest! Oh yeah, I finished all the sections but two in one day!
  How cool is that? Well, I bet I missed something, so tell me if
  I did!

Version 0.0  (March 6, 1999)

           S T O R Y

Deep in the heart of Central America, an American special agent falls dead
to the moist earth. Nearby, a secret jungle laboratory erupts into flames.
Recovered evidence indicates that someone is creating a powerful biological
weapon. Days later, special agents Gabe Logan and his partner Lian Xing
discover the gruesome remains of victims littering the contaminated landscape
of a Nepal village.

Agency intelligence connects these events to terrorist Erich Rhoemer and
his skilled team who are orchestrating a plan to unleash the deadly Syphon Filter
virus on the U.S. The ruthless terrorists plant explosive traps, capture
hostages and hide viral bombs throughout Washington D.C.

In response, the Agency sends in Gabe Logan, their best covert operative,
to eliminate the terrorists one by one and save the U.S. from certain death.
He is assisted by teams from the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense
Command (CBDC), and Lian Xing, who stays in close contact with Gabe throughout
his missions.

The fate of millions relies on the skill of one special agent.
That agent is you.

           C O N T R O L S

  By pressing the directional pad you can make Gabe run around. The bad thing
  about running is that sometimes you accidently run instead of walk in some
  dangerous places. Be careful not to run off a high ledge or it's instant death.

Walking Crouch
  By pressing the X button while running, Gabe goes into a walking crouch, which
  is perfect for stealth. This allows him to sneak up on enemies and also it allows
  him to safely travel in high, dangerous areas.

  By pressing the X button alone Gabe comes to a crouch. This is great for shooting
  enemies because it increases your stability and your percentage to hit your target.
  Kneeling also allows you to hide from enemies behind boxes or other objects.

  Pressing the circle button allows Gabe to roll in a direction. This isn't always
  helpful because rolling usually messes up your coordination and slows you down.
  It is somewhat helpful when you are in a mission requiring stealth, but not very.
  Roll at your own risk.

  If you press L2 or R2 you can strafe left or right. If you strafe while crouching
  you do it very slowly and stealthily. The L2 and R2 buttons are also used for
  peeking out from corners. If you hold L1 and press either L2 or R2 you can peek
  left or right and set up for a shot. This is another thing that you must master
  to beat the game.

180 Degree Turn
  This is very helpful when some guards pop out of nowhere and start shooting you
  in the back. Just quickly tap down and you're facing the other direction. Nifty.

Action Button
  The action button is the triangle button. By pressing triangle, Gabe can climb up
  onto rails, crates, walls, etc. The action button also reloads Gabe's equipped
  gun, which is very useful. You don't want to be caught in a shootout and have to
  stop to reload. Trust me.

  There are a number of ways you can shoot your equipped weapon at enemies or objects.
  By pressing the square button Gabe shoots his weapon directly in front of him. If
  you press and hold R1 and the square button, Gabe locks onto an enemy and starts
  shooting at them. The last way to shoot enemies is to press and hold L1. This
  makes a crosshair (or scope if it's the sniper rifle) appear on the screen and you
  go into a first-person view. This is how you take out enemies with head shots, by
  lining up the crosshair with an enemy's head until it says "head shot" on the screen.
  It is essential that you learn to use this technique for it is vital in the later

Sniper Shooting
  You can use the sniper rifle just like any other gun, but when you hold L1, you
  go into a scope mode. In scope mode you can press triangle to zoom in on an
  object or press circle to zoom out.

Switching Weapons
  There are a number of ways to switch weapons during the game. The first is to pause
  the game, go down to weapons and equip the weapon of your choice. But this takes
  too long, right? A faster way to equip weapons is to press select until the weapon
  that you want shows up. Still too slow for you? Okay! The fastest way to equip
  weapons is to hold down the select button and press L2 or R2 until you reach your

           C H A R A C T E R  B I O ' S

  Character Bio's are coming soon! Wait for the next update. Sorry!

           W E A P O N S 

 Silenced 9mm Handgun
 Fire Rate: |||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 15
 Max Rounds: 90
 Location: All levels

This is the gun of stealth. Well, at least one of them anyways.
The Silenced 9mm Handgun is one of the most useful guns in the
game. In many levels you are required to be undetected, and that
means don't be blasting enemies away with your K3G4 Assault Rifle!
Enemies can hear! That means you need a silenced weapon (sniper
rifle or silenced 9mm). The 9mm is also great for giving guys
those well aimed head shots (ahh, I love head shots . . .)

 .45 Handgun
 Fire Rate: ||
 Damage: |||
 Clip Size: 10
 Max Rounds: 60
 Level: 4, 12-13, 17-18

This gun gives you a feeling of power. No silencer on this guy, so use it
when you need to take out a bunch of surrounding enemies quickly. It's 
a very strong handgun, that won't let you down.

 G-18 Pistol-Machine Gun
 Fire Rate: |||||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 33
 Max Rounds: 198
 Level: 4, 6-7, 12-13, 17-18

This gun kicks major a$$. The rate at which this gun unloads rounds is
incredible. It shoots off 60 rounds a second (!) and is definitely the
gun to use on a single enemy that you want to get rid of instantly.

 BIZ-2 Pistol-Machine Gun
 Fire Rate: ||||
 Damage: |||
 Clip Size: 66
 Max Rounds: 396
 Level: 15-20

This gun has a great feature - a high clip capacity. This gun can keep
shooting long after the enemies are lying in their blood. This is a great
gun for an abundance of enemies.

 HK-5 Pistol-Machine Gun
 Fire Rate: ||||
 Damage: |||
 Clip Size: 32
 Max Rounds: 192
 Level: 6

Small, compact, and very fast, the HK5 packs a big punch in a little package.
It's one of the best guns in the game and also one of the funnest. The downside
is that it's only found in one level! Doh!

 Fire Rate: ||
 Damage: ||||
 Max Rounds: 25
 Level: 1-4, 12, 15, 18

The shotgun. You've seen it in almost every shooting game around. This 12-gauge
is great for those beginning levels when enemies are just waiting to be shot off.
Use at close quarters for a couple laughs also. 

 Combat Shotgun
 Fire Rate: ||
 Damage: ||||
 Max Rounds: 30
 Level: 6-9, 13, 15-17, 20

Hmmm. You've got the shotgun, and now what's this? The Combat Shotgun!?!
Don't be too enthusiastic the first time you see this gun. It is almost identical
to the regular shotgun. Sure it looks different, and there is maybe a little power
difference, but nothing big. Still, it packs a mighty big punch in it.

 PK-102 Assault Rifle
 Fire Rate: ||||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 30
 Max Rounds: 180
 Level: 6-10, 12-13, 15-20

What happens when you run out of those 9mm rounds? Use the PK-102! It isn't silenced,
but what else are you gonna use it for? My point exactly. Almost ALL of the enemies
carry this gun throughout the game, so there's and abundance of ammo waiting for you.

 M-16 Assault Rifle
 Fire Rate: ||||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 30
 Max Rounds: 180
 Level: 1-5

The M-16 doesn't have much too it. It's firing rate is fast and it does moderate
damage, but you hardly see it in the game. They seemed to have forgotten it back in
level 5! It's a great gun for those first five levels

 K3G4 Assault Rifle
 Fire Rate: ||||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 20
 Max Rounds: 120
 Level: 7, 12-14, 18, 20

Three words - Teflon coated bullets! This gun is deadly. It eats up those Flak Jackets
like they're plastic. This is a must use gun when you're outnumbered and against
enemies with Flak Jackets.

 Sniper Rifle
 Fire Rate: ||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 10
 Max Rounds: 30
 Level: All levels

The gun of snipers. Silenced, deadly, and with a scope, this gun can be deadly if
used correctly. It has a basic optical character recognition which displays body
areas and also a large zoom area. There are a few situations where it is needed, but
if you have the choice, go with the 9mm.

 Nightvision Rifle
 Fire Rate: ||
 Damage: ||
 Clip Size: 10
 Max Rounds: 30
 Level: 4, 6, 8-9, 19

Pretty much the same as the Sniper Rifle. It looks cool, but don't waste your time
with it. Forget that zoom crap and just go for the head shot with the 9mm.

 Fire Rate: |
 Damage: |||||
 Level: All levels

I love this thing! By frying them long enough the enemy actually gets set on fire!
If you're short on bullets or just want to see a cool camera view, go with the
taser. A word of advice though, don't use it when there are multiple enemies or you're
the one who's gonna be toast.

 Fire Rate: |
 Damage: |||||
 Max Rounds: 10
 Level: 1, 4, 9, 15-16

Pretty big boom, but you've got to get the timing down to the second if you want to
hurt someone. It supposedly lets out ammonium perchlorate when detonated, but this
"weapon" is more dangerous to you then to the enemy. Stick with the Gas Grenades.

 Gas Grenade
 Fire Rate: |
 Damage: |||||
 Max Rounds: 10
 Level: 6, 8-9, 12-13, 18, 20

A very useful item throughout the game. This grenade releases Soman nerve agents into
the air once it hits the ground. In short, it's an instant killer. It's great for
multiple enemies and for those missions where stealth is essential.

 C4 Explosives
 Damage: |||||
 Level: 2

This is more of an item than a weapon. You use it to blow open the subway to let in
CDBC Agents. It really isn't too exciting.

 M-79 Grenade Launcher
 Fire Rate: |
 Damage: |||||
 Max Rounds: 10

It's a grenade launcher. Just point, aim, and shoot. Simple enough, eh? Just be
sure not to fire one in a tight place, or you'll be on fire before the enemy.

 Flak Jacket

The most important thing in the game. Always keep your Flak Jacket armor near
100% just to reassure yourself that you won't die. Flak is your life. If you
lose it you will die. It runs out pretty quick if you're getting hit, so just
finish those enemies off with a quick head shot before things get too out of
hand. Also don't forget to pick up enemies' Flak Jackets to increase your
armore by 1/4. Not much, but it helps in dire situations.


This item is useful in a couple of levels. It is pretty much only used for
finding items that are hidden in those dark, "spooky" areas. 


These are usually found on dead enemies and they allow access through
doors that were locked. Simple enough.

 Viral Antigen

Injects an antigen fluid into the body without puncturing the skin. It is
loaded with an experimental serum capable of counteracting the effects of
the Syphon Filter Virus.

 Virus Scanner

This viral scanner is used in only one level and it allows you to find and
tag the viral carriers of the Syphon Filter virus that Rhoemer has been hiding.

           W A L K T H R O U G H

 G e o r g i a  S t r e e t

  The Georgia Street Walkthrough (and all the other levels) isn't finished yet.
  They'll be in the next update, I promise man.

           G A M E S H A R K  C O D E S

 B a s i c  C o d e s

 All Levels Open

 Infinite Ammo at Weapon Pick-up

 Infinite Armor Everyone
 80068BEE 2400

 Infinite Timer All Levels
 80116690 FFFF

 L e v e l  C o d e s 

 - Georgia Street -

   Infinite Armor         801A8BDA 0258 

   Infinite Health        801A8BDC 0096

 - Destroyed Subway -

   Infinite Armor         801A2EE2 0258

   Infinite Health        801A2EE4 0096

 - Main Subway Line -

   Infinite Armor         801C6CCA 0258

   Infinite Health        801C6CCC 0096

 - Washington Park -

   Infinite Armor         801AA442 0258

   Infinite Health        801AA444 0096

 - Freedom Memorial -

   Infinite Armor         801C0496 0258

   Infinite Health        801C0498 0096

 - Expo Center Reception -

   Infinite Armor         801AC26E 0258

   Infinite Health        801AC270 0096

 - Expo Center Dinorama -

   Infinite Armor         801A9ABA 0258

   Infinite Health        801A9ABC 0096

 - Rhoemer's Base -

   Infinite Armor         801A9292 0258

   Infinite Health        801A9294 0096

 - Base Bunker -

   Infinite Armor         801B381E 0258

   Infinite Health        801B3820 0096

 - Base Tower -

   Infinite Armor         801C5A5A 0258

   Infinite Health        801C5A5C 0096

  - Base Escape -

   Infinite Armor         801AE44E 0258

   Infinite Health        801AE450 0096

 - Rhoemer's Stronghold -

   Infinite Armor         801AD592 0258

   Infinite Health        801AD594 0096

 - Stronghold Lower Level -

   Infinite Armor         801AB066 0258

   Infinite Health        801AB068 0096

 - Stronghold Catacombs -

   Infinite Armor         801ACE96 0258

   Infinite Health        801ACE98 0096

 - PHARCOM Warehouses -

   Infinite Armor         801AACF2 0258

   Infinite Health        801AACF4 0096

 - PHARCOM Elite Guards -

   Infinite Armor         801A4566 0258

   Infinite Health        801A4568 0096

 - Warehouse 76 - 

   Infinite Armor         801B725E 0258

   Infinite Health        801B7260 0096

 - Silo Access Tunnels -

   Infinite Armor         801A2092 0258

   Infinite Health        801A2094 0096

 - Tunnel Blackout -

   Infinite Armor         801B0A62 0258

   Infinite Health        801B0A64 0096

 - Missile Silo -

   Infinite Armor         801AD5D2 0258

   Infinite Health        801AD5D4 0096

   Stop Countdown Timer   80116BAC 008A

           L I N K S

The Vault (my home page)

Sony Playstation Home Page

989 Studios


Gameshark (home page)

The Gameshark Code Creators Club

           S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

Lots Of Thanks To:

- Metal Gear Solid and all the folks at Konami, for inspiring
  more developers to step into the espionage/counter-terrorism
  gaming idea.  Thanks Konami!

- 989 Studios and Eidetic for producing Syphon Filter.

- My bOyZ BiG JoE and eD.  JoE, you got me interested in Syphon Filter
  (in a way . . .), and eD, you . . . uhhhhh . . . ? Wait, why are you
  in my Thanks List anyways?

- My dad, for buying me that $300 Playstation the day that it came out
  in the U.S.  Thanks Dad!

If I forgot you, and you're supposed to be on this list, then e-mail me!

           A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Well this is the end. I hope that I covered what you needed to know
in this FAQ/Walkthrough. If not, e-mail me at,
and tell me what I missed or what I need to add to make this better. Notice
any grammatical errors or typo's? E-mail me about those too! That about
wraps it up. Thanks for reading!

- Tony