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Syphon Filter (e)

Subj:	Syphon Filter codes and 1st level walkthrough.
Date:	2/22/99 3:49:44 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:	KEVIN89065

Version 1.1
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Current codes

Level 1

	Right when you start, go around the corner holding R1 to lock onto the
enemies. Keep using R1 to kill everyone until someone shouts out “Go Go Go!”
At this time, you should proceed to the subway, which is accessible by heading
down the ramp on the left side. Go down and look around by the locked door.
You will be prompted to “Contact Lian Xing.” Do it and you will have a new
	Now, go back up and kill everyone up there again (except the CBDC, your
backup). On the same side of the street as the subway is a building called
“The Place.” Blast through the glass (or just walk through it) and you will
see a pool table straight ahead of you. (If you want you can shoot the light
above the table, or turn to the little small room to the left of the entrance
and shoot the bottles using sniper mode (Holding L1))

	Take the hallway and go around the corner. On your left is a soldier in a
small room off to the side.  Shoot him and go in that little room. Grab his
ammo and shoot the window for a future time. 

	Go back out of the small room and turn some more corners until Lian Xing
notifies you that you’re near the first boss. Take out your M-16 and get ready
for a fight! Turn the corner and as soon as a green dot appears on your radar,
hold R1 to lock him in(He’s the guy with the Flak Jacket on). When you have a
shot that isn’t blocked by the bar straight ahead of you, fire away! He isn’t
too hard and you should kill him relatively easily if you’ve saved your M-16
ammo. When dead, kill all the other people in the room and shoot the computer
in the back corner. This is the first checkpoint.

	Go back to where you started the level now. You should see a CBDC. Go to
where he is and go down the alley.  When you come out of the alley, be
prepared for gunners on the roof with intentions of killing you! Holding R1
will remedy this problem and you should be clear of all gunmen--for a few
seconds. When you come to the intersection, turn left and help out your backup
by killing a few soldiers. Go into the building (the one with a triple-door
and the newspapers for sale outside). 

	If you really need it, get the Flak Jacket, otherwise, you can get it when
you leave because there will be bad guys in here. What you have to do is keep
the enemy from killing your CBDC man working on the bomb. Once you dispose of
all the bad guys, head into the side room and take out your flashlight (you’ll
either have to go the menu in “weapons” while the game is paused, or hold
select and find it using the L2 and R2 buttons.). In here, you can find M-16
ammo and grenades. Now you’re done with this building. 

	Before you make your way out the doors, you will notice that there are many
gunmen back on the roof. Take out your M-16 and kill them through the windows
(Or if you want, take out your sniper rifle. That’s a lot more fun). Go back
through the alley to “The Place.” Remember that window you shot earlier? Now
you go through it. Take a left out it to get a Flak Jacket and Sniper Rifle
ammo, but beware: there are some enemies behind the flaming cars. Then go back
near the window and you will  see a fence. Shoot the lock on the left side
using L1 and press the elevator call button straight ahead. Take the elevator
down and equip your flashlight. Search around the small area down there for a
power box. Hit the power box. Now when you go back up the elevator, there will
be a person you have to kill. After that, go back through the window, out of
the bar (“The Place”) and down to the subway. Now, instead of the door being
locked, it is open and you can proceed through there. 
	After killing everyone down here, go to the left and hit triangle when you
stand next to the bomb. The bomb will be the big square gray thing on your
radar. Now go all the way to the end of the subway, where you can no longer go
straight. Go to the right and out that door. Take a left in here and go down
the elevator. Go all the way to the end, killing anyone you see, and finally,
the boss (wearing the Flak Jacket) and walk up to the bomb. 


Level 2

Before I start the walkthrough for this level, let me just tell you that
whenever you get set on fire, you die. There is no putting the flame out (at
least not to my knowledge. Even if there is, you will probably have already
lost most of your life and by then it'd be better to just start over.) So
don't wander too close to the flames. Knowing that, we can now proceed. 

	Take a right to start and continue straight for a Flak Jacket. Then cross the
tracks. While running down here, hug the wall on the right side or else a
burning soldier that is screaming crazily past you will ignite you. Take a
right and kill the guy on the ground first and then the guy on top of the
train. Go past the dead soldier on the ground, picking up his ammo, and walk
next to the train.  You will be prompted to contact Lian Xing. She will give
you a new objective: to find explosives. Now, go back to where you were when
you killed the last two soldiers. 

Cross the tracks right in front of you and climb up onto the train by first
getting on the little ledge next to it. Go straight and prepare for the
toughest part of the game so far. Walk up to this next opening while being
towards the right side. You have to keep checking R1 to see if you can kill
anyone (I recommend the shotgun here). Keep moving up until you can kill the
first two guys. Then walk over so a third guy can see you. Beware; he has
grenades! Keep shooting him from down where you are until you see a grenade
coming at you. At this time, quickly jump up to his level and get away. If you
are anywhere near the grenade when it blows up, you will feel the shock of it
and end up like the two soldiers already on the ground! Turn into the side
parallel to him and run down that way until you hear the grenade explode.
Shooting him with R1, it will take around 10 shots to kill him. Whenever you
see him throw a grenade, get out of that area. He should only be able to throw
2 or 3 grenades before you finish him off. 

Once he's dead, you will have to take a left and walk down on the tracks. Take
out your flashlight from your inventory and search the right side of the wall
way down by the train. Press Triangle to pick them up. Now go back to the spot
where the man with the grenades was and go down the right side. When you reach
the end of this road, a gunman above you will greet you. Shoot him with the
weapon of your choice. I recommend the M-16. When he falls down, get his ammo
and climb up on the crate that is dangerously near the fire. Face away from
the fire and press triangle. You should climb up there. Keep climbing until
you get to the next floor. Now, you have to go the end of the subway and walk
up to the door with bars. Press Triangle and you will have to protect a CDBC
man while he works on the bomb. Then go in the passage way in the "top right"
section of the level.  

	All you have to do is make it through this area. The only tricky part is when
there is another "fiery" man running after you. When you hear the screaming,
quickly press down to do a 180-degree turn and run back. Don't worry about the
guy on the roof of the train just yet. Make sure you get into the space
between the two trains to avoid flaming up. Now that you are safe, take out
your M-16 (or any other weapon) and destroy that threat. You can proceed
safely when the guy stops flaming. Besides that, just keep going through this
section and within a few more trains, you will be done with this level!


Defeating Rhoemer 
                   After you have push the button to the main computer, you
watch a short film and start real quick.
Rhoemer is right behind you with a M-79. To get out of his way, make a quick
right behind the column. Take your quickest route to the opposite side of the
room (underneath the first window.) This is a safe zone. Above you are two of
Rhoemer's men. Sniper them. Before this next step, make sure Rhoemer is
directly behind your computer. Check this by using the virus scanner you got a
few boards before. As soon as Rhoemer is in his place, through a hand grenade
off the wall to scare him away. The second he runs, you run in the direction
of the second window and jump  the computer. Sniper the other two people in
the second window, climb the wall, and get the gas grenades. If he is still
where he was when you through the grenade, gas him from the window. If he is
by you, wait until he peaks around the corner to
gas him. 
                      Grenade Launcher in Level 1 
Go out the window in the bar into the back alley. Look up and to see two fire
escapes. Climb onto the dumpster and get onto the fire escape opposite the bar
first, then jump up to the pipes and go hand over hand to the other fire
escape. Be careful, because two terrorists will run out to shoot half way
across the pipe. After taking care of them, drop down onto the fire escape and
open the box for the grenade launcher. This makes the grenade thrower in the
subway section much easier to handle. 

Museum Level Tip 

When at the end of this level, you have to capture Aramov and Phagan alive. To
do so, target Aramov with the taser or (if you prefer), shoot her gun hand
with the sniper rifle.

©1999, Kevin Hughes,
Do not use this without my permission. Just let me know that my time was put
to use (you want to use it) and I’ll gladly let you. Please tell me first