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StarTropics 2 - Zoda's Revenge (e)

Copyright 1994 by Nintendo -- All Rights Reserved

Written By:  Greg Polander

Version 2.0
July 21 1998

This file is an independent publication, offered free of charge.  The 
information contained herein is provided with no warranty, written or otherwise.  
The author will not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the 
information in this file (but will make changes and/or corrections as they are 
found and needed).

Please contribute with information about the game as well as comments, 
information missed, or anything else to the E-Mail address above.  The author 
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Now that all of the legal/official stuff is out of the way -- here we go!


-- Basic walkthrough of first two chapters
                                         VERSION 2 FINISHED ON JULY 21, 1998
-- Chapters three, four, five, and six added



This is the first walkthrough I have ever done before, mainly because whenever I 
needed help with a game, regardless of the system, I have always been able to 
find a file written about it someplace and somewhere.  Since I discovered the 
Game Faqs site, I have stopped looking in other spots.  However, this is the 
first time I have played a game, wanted help, and not been able to find a 
walkthrough and/or FAQ on it.  

I recently decided, after finding some old NES games in storage for years, to 
purchase a used Nintendo and some games for it through Funcoland.  One of the 
game I found at my house was Startropics, a favorite of mine.  I knew a sequel 
had come out but by the time it came out I no longer had my NES and so had not 
played it.  So I bought a copy from Funcoland and ordered the instruction book 
from Nintendo.  As I mentioned before, I was surprised to see no file on this 
game at, unlike the original.  Since it was on the request list 
there anyway, I decided to write one.  I may do another one for Game Boy's Sword 
of Hope, which I am also buying used and is on the request list.

Please note this is just a BASIC walkthrough, and not every enemy or item will 
be listed.  Since I only have the instruction book to help me, there probably 
will be stuff missed.  Please feel free to send comments, corrections, 
information, etc. to my E-Mail address listed at the top of this file.

A rough outline of the plot of Startropics follows, for those of you who have 
not played the original or for whom it has been a long time.  You play the role 
of Mike, a teenager who lives in Seattle.  Mike is 16 years old and a star 
pitcher on the baseball team.  His uncle is Doctor Jones, who has a lab on C-
Island in the Pacific.  Invited to spend the summer with his uncle, Mike travels 
there only to find his uncle had been abducted.  A long series of quests and 
battles follow.  Later he learns his uncle's abduction was done by evil aliens.  
They destroyed a race known as the Argonians and now are hunting for three 
special cubes that Dr. J found.  Your uncle was forced to give them the cubes, 
and you board the alien spaceship to get them back after finally finding your 
uncle.  Once the cubes are recovered and the leader of the evil aliens (by the 
name of Zoda) is defeated, the cubes are put together and 7 kids appear.  One of 
them, Mica, tells you that her father King Hirocon put them into the cubes when 
they were about to be destroyed to save the race and the kids.  They are invited 
to live on the islands, and Mike returns to Seattle.

Zoda's Revenge plays almost like the original Startropics, only with better 
controls and graphics.  Since this was one of the last games that Nintendo made 
for the original NES and the system was officially cut off later that year, many 
people never got the chance to see what a great game it was.  Anybody who liked 
the original will like this one.

Now, with no further ado......


Chapter One is text only.  Here the game is set up for you.  A few months have 
passed since Mike's adventure in the islands.  It's fall now and he has started 
his junior year at high school.  His uncle, Doctor J, is back in Seattle as 
well, working on decoding a cipher that was found on the remains of the 
Argonian's escape pod.  He's not having very much luck on it, though.  One day, 
Mike is contacted by Mica through telepathy, which the Argonians have the 
ability off as well as Zoda's race.  She tells him she had a dream of her 
father, King Hirocon, with a strange message.  Mike rushes to tell his uncle 
about it, and Doctor J figures out that the dream was a message, saying to 
reverse the cipher.  With the help of a book called the Oxford Wonder Words, 
they are now able to read it, but Mike makes the mistake of saying it out loud.  
Suddenly a spell is cast and Mike finds himself thrown into another world.


Mike is now in a strange world that is covered in ice and snow.  Walk north and 
talk to the guy.  He tells you to be careful of holes in the ground.  Ahead you 
can see a snow field and you must work your way through.  Every now and then you 
fall into a cave and must do some fighting.  Each cave is laid out the same so 
it's quite easy to figure out.  Go north from the room where you land, grab the 
rocks in the top-right corner, and kill the two creatures to open a secret door 
to the west.  Kill the polar bear there to open the secret door to the north. Go 
through that and you see the staircase going back to the surface.  If you need 
hearts, go into the room north of where you get the rocks.  Please note the 
throwing range of the rocks is VERY limited, so be careful.  Later on you 
encounter a second type of cave with tougher foes, but it's very easy to find 
your way out (there's only one room).

When you finish crossing the snow field, head north and enter a cave in the 
mountains.  Here you find cave people.  It looks like Mike was sent back into 
the past.  (But how can he understand these people anyway?)  They talk of 
missing loved ones and a 'reliever' who will one day come from a village.  One 
of the cave people, named Tink, will give you a Axe, your first regular weapon.  
Another man tells you that his friend, Pikzao, was wounded when the two of them 
tried to fight some monster called Yum-Yum.  Since then Pikzao can't talk but 
has done drawings on the wall.  Take note of them!  The leader tells you that 
you must be the 'reliever' to come help these people.  He tells you Yum-Yum 
killed a lot of people and begs you to defeat him.  The monster can be found to 
the north.  Take the western exit from the cave and head north to find Yum-Yum's 

Yum-Yum's Cave

This is your first real challenge, so be alert.  Find the medicine in the secret 
room near the start.  Be careful of the jumps -- Mike can move and jump 
diagonally in this one, so be aware of that.  Fight the foes carefully.  When 
you come to the room with the three shapes on the pillars, you must walk in the 
direction indicated by the paintings of Pikzao that you saw in the cave.  For 
example, if the first symbol is a circle, and the circle is on the north pillar, 
head north.  Just in case you forgot to write the order down, it goes -- Circle, 
Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle.  A couple of rooms after you 
finish this puzzle, you come face to face with Yum-Yum.


Here's a MAJOR piece of advice -- let him finish eating!  Do NOT kill the hog he 
has in front of him or he will attack much faster and harder, making him much 
tougher to defeat.  He attacks by moving from right to left just in front of the 
wall of skulls that divide the room in half, then he moves to the back row and 
moves back to the right side of the room, then repeats.  All this time he fires 
bubbles in a tri-spread.  You can't hit him in the back row, so just stay in the 
back and dodge bubbles.  When he moves to the front, charge forward and jump 
over his bubbles, firing axes at him all the time.  After a while of this, he'll 
be killed and a opening will appear to the right.  The head north to exit.

Upon arriving at the next cave, you discover the four missing people, including 
Shorty, Pikzao's son!  It turns out Yum-Yum was fattening them to make them 
better to eat.  Mike tells them to rush home to surprise their parents.  After 
they leave, head north and find a Block.  What the heck does THIS do?  Head east 
and exit the cave, then head south so you're on the edge of the cliff.  Mica 
will contact you again telepathically.  She tells you that it looks like Hiracon 
knew this would happen and wanted Mike to find the mystic Tetrads.  These 
powerful objects were hidden on Earth when Zoda was about to defeat the 
Argonians, the same time the kids were put into the mystic cubes.  After she's 
finished, Mike figures out the block he found is one of the missing Tetrads.  
Mike then takes out the Oxford book again (Hey, where did THAT come from?)  and 
says the spell again, figuring out the spell will take him to the right times 
that have Tetrads.  Sure enough, he is pulled into another time.


Mike now finds himself in ancient Egypt.  Head north (the path to the south is 
just a false path) and find some people to talk to.  Find the ship docked on the 
river, talk to more people, board ship.  Talk to MORE people, and find Queen 
Cleopatra.  She sends Mike out to get a pizza for her.  Pizza?  In ancient 
Egypt?  Well, if they invented paper and beer, why not? :)  In return for 
bringing her her pizza, Celopatra promises to help you find another one of the 
Tetrads.  Leave the ship and head north to find a border cave.

Border Cave

This cave is fairly difficult until you get used to it.  Here's some general 
tips to help make life easier.  In the room with the chest, you will see a title 
on the ground.  Jump on it, don't step on it, and that will open the chest and 
give you a weapon, the slingshot.  Be very careful of your jumps and try to 
clear the enemies from the other side before you jump.  The porcupines have the 
ability to change into a ball and charge at you.  Get out of their way when they 
do.  They always stop at a wall, so position yourself to the left or right of 
where they will stop and nail them before they can change again.  The scorpions 
do MAJOR damage, so be careful not to touch them!  As before, clear all the 
enemies from all the rooms the first time through so you can open secret rooms.  
In one of them you find some medicine.  There's also a room with foes who are 
almost invisible, so look sharp.  In case you die here, you can get the medicine 
again.  In another room you have to make a tricky diagonal jump to proceed.  
Before long you run into the boss, a giant scorpion.


There's two holes in the wall above the overgrown stinger, from which small 
scorpions will come out from time to time.  Defeat these if they get close to 
you and try to focus most of your attention on the big bug.  Use the slingshot 
if you still have it, as it's range is longer.  He will move around the room 
slowly.  Every now and then he will flash and make noise -- that means he's 
getting ready to fire a spread of bullets.  Stay as far away from him as 
possible and hit him repeatedly with your weapon.  When he flashes, get ready to 
either move out of the way or jump.  He moves slow and can be hit any time, so 
he's not extremely tough.  When defeated, head to the west and out.

When you come out of the cave, you'll be in a large desert.  Head east and you 
will spot a man, a camel, and a oasis.  Talk to the man and rent his camel so 
you can get the pizza.  On the way there you'll run into the delivery guy -- 
finally!  Taking the pizza from him, Mike heads back for the queen's barge -- 
and the pizza is still warm when he gets there!  (Must have been the desert heat 
:) ).  After the queen is finished eating the entire pizza (man, I can't even do 
that!) she has the barge set sail and cross the river.  Cleopatra tells you 
there is a pyramid to the south, and inside you will find the Tetrad.  She'll 
also trade your stone age axe for a bronze dagger.  Head south, following the 
desert path, and you'll come to the pyramid.  Step on the center title in the 
western group in the first room to get some hearts.  In the next room, though, 
you find a energy barrier with no way to get through it.  So head back outside 
again and talk to the two men who are now there.  They say something strange is 
going on up north, so walk north past the landing spot and you'll find a grassy 
field and another man.  He tells you that there is a magician in the grassy 
field, acting very weird.  So head into the grassy plains to look for him.

Grass Field

As soon as Mike enters you see a strange man doing something weird in there.  So 
head in there to chase him down!  Step onto the platforms to see into the maze 
and where to enter at, then just work your way through.  Go up to the platforms 
now and then to see where to go.  Every now and then the strange man will appear 
-- that will give you the rough direction to work in.  Don't miss the heart 
container that is the eastern part of the maze.  You also will fall into two 
small caves that you need to fight your way through.  Finally you exit the maze 
to the north and go outside again, where the man comes down to talk to you.  He 
gives you the ability of the psychic shock wave, a mental attack that can be 
used on enemies and grows stronger as you do.  He says it can also be used to 
destroy barriers.  Then he warps you back to the pyramid.  Talk to the snake 
next to the pyramid, then enter it again.


Break down the barrier and proceed in.  This is where the game gets tough.  
First you should be aware that some enemies in here are very hard to defeat, 
like the snakes, that dodge and move around a lot.  Also some foes can only be 
hurt by your shock wave.  Try jumping on all the titles to see what they do.  In 
another room be careful of fire jets and a pitfall.  In another room with a 
circle of titles you need to step in the center, and you will fall down a pit.  
Hold left or right on the pad as you fall and you will land allright in the next 
room, otherwise, you fall into another room.  Later on you run into directional 
arrows on the ground -- be careful moving around there, as they can cause you to 
bump into spikes.  You also pick up a magical item, the flute.  Blow it in all 
the rooms you come to after you get it and in one three snakes will come out of 
the west wall.  Defeat them to open the correct passage to proceed.  There is a 
total of three medicines to be found so be careful.  Also be careful of 
platforms that fall back down after a limited amount of time.  Brave everything 
and you'll finally come to a room that has the top half blocked off and 
directional arrows on the bottom part.  Here is where you fight the boss.


The Mask moves slowly around the top of the room and fires two types of attacks.  
From a distance he used a spread wave of bullets -- avoid or jump over these.  
When he's close to you, however, he stops, his eyes open wide, and he fired a 
powerful energy blast from his mouth.  You can only take one hit from this 
before you die, so be careful NOT to get hit with it!  Luckily he makes it clear 
a few seconds before when he is going to attack with this weapon.  Just stay 
close to the wall, moving against the arrows, and hit him constantly with your 
daggers from one side to the other.  Never get in the center of him or risk 
facing a attack from his mouth.  When he's almost dead he turns red.  Keep up 
the heat and soon he'll be dead and you can head out of the pyramid.  Then 
you'll be in a small room in which you find the Tetrad.  Mike uses the Oxford 
book again and he's off to another time.


Mike appears in front of a brick building.  He reads the address -- a very 
famous place of fiction!  Walk around and enter the only building you can.  Sure 
enough, Mike is now in 19th century England, and he's talking to none other then 
Sherlock Holmes!  Holmes tells you that he found out somebody named Zoda-X will 
be breaking into the museum this evening.  Hum, must be Zoda!  He's alive -- how 
is that possible?  His ship blew up!  Oh well, in any case, Mike offers his help 
and Holmes accepts it.  Walk around and try to find the museum.  If you talk to 
the police officer, he throws you in jail.  Press against a section of the 
eastern wall of your cell to get out.  The museum in the north and is a very 
large building.  Inside you meet Holmes and you see the Tetrad!  Reaching for 
it, however, you are interrupted by none other then Zoda!  He taunts you and 
then takes the Tetrad and escapes.  Holmes tells you to chase him while he cuts 
Zoda off.  When you find yourself outside again, head down the manholes to your 
left first to find a heart container.  Then go back up to the surface and head 
south from your starting point to find another manhole.


The raft in the second room down here is tricky.  Jump carefully, and you can 
fall off into the water, so be careful!  The enemies can be quite tough as well, 
so be careful and take your time fighting.  There is one medicine that can be 
found down here in the sewers.  After carefully making your way through -- not a 
ton of rooms, but tough fights -- you finally find Zoda.  He uses his magic to 
make a creature on a small island in the middle of a lake, then takes off, 
leaving you to fight the boss.


This fight is very tough for one reason and one reason alone -- you have to do 
some VERY tough jumps to be able to hit him with your weapon!  All he does is 
throw some stuff into the air now and then, but I've never been hit by it.  It 
might be possible, but it seems just like a lucky (or unlucky) hit if you do.  
You need to go up to the top-right platform and jump for the first raft.  Then 
you need to jump around on the rafts that pop up, one after another, until after 
the last one you jump back to dry land, go back to the platform, and repeat.  
You only have time on each raft to throw a couple daggers before you need to 
move.  Make the smallest mistake with your jumps and GLUP!  It's back to square 
one.  So be very careful with this guy.  When he's finally toast (and this will 
take a while), head east.

Heading out into the sewers again, you'll notice some strange footprints.  Looks 
like Zoda is still running from you!  Follow him into the next cave.

Sewer, Part II

Pretty much more of the same here.  Not very far in you'll find a secret room 
where you can get some medicine.  Make sure you walk on ALL the titles to see if 
any of them hold secrets.  Before long you find another hidden room with another 
medicine.  Soon you come to a room that looks like a dead end.  There are three 
groups of titles here -- walking into the center of one of the groups causes you 
to fall down to the level below.  Fall down the left one first, then the right 
one, and finally the center.  You'll find ANOTHER medicine while you are doing 
this.  Try not to get killed so you can hold on to those things!  If you ever 
are in doubt of which way to check out first in a room, when you have a choice 
of a normal passage vs. a secret passage, check out the secret first.  You will 
find yet another medicine for a total of four in this stage, plus some throwing 
stars in two locations.  Finally you come to a room with direction arrows all 
over the floor and it gets dark on you.  Here is where you rumble with the boss.  
And this time Zoda himself decides to take a crack at defeating you.


The directional arrows make control very hard in this room, so I hope you still 
have some throwing stars and medicines.  He appears out of nowhere, launches a 
attack, then vanishes.  Depending on how far away you are from him determines 
his attack -- if you're close, it's a spread of bullets that must be jumped over 
or dodged.  If you're far away, he fires three or four blue fires that spring up 
in the area around Mike, and you either have to stay in the center till it fades 
or very carefully get out of them.  They do more damage then the bullets, so be 
careful!  Whack Zoda with your best weapon when you can.  After a while, he'll 
flash into his true alien self before he dies.  Head north to exit.

Back in the sewers again you'll find the stolen Tetrad that Zoda had dropped 
after his defeat.  Adding it to your collection, head back to the surface.  You 
chat with Holmes one more time, in which he urges you to go get the other 
Tetrads and Mike warps off to another time.


Where is Mike this time?  He's in a desert somewhere.  Head north and you'll 
find a small town.  Speaking to the people inside, you discover that you are in 
some town in the Old West, circa late 19th century.  Inside the Salon, the piano 
player asks if you want to hear his special song.  Say yes and pay attention to 
it.  He tells you in the song in order to find a hidden mine you need to face a 
special cactus then take 2 steps left, 3 steps right, turn left again, and walk 
to the wall, where you have to blast your way through.  Another guy tells you he 
saw a Tetrad in a cave that was sealed off by a landslide.  Making the 
connection, Mike realizes that the cave is the same one mentioned in the song.  
Now he needs something to blast through with.  Go to the store and talk to the 
owner, and he gives you some dynamite.  Now you're in business!  Leave the town 
and head west through that small gap and keep heading west, past the cactuses 
and to the mountain side.  You can follow the steps in the song if you want to, 
but you may want to hold off.  If you walk up and down the side of the mountain, 
you'll notice that one row of rocks is colored differently.  Walk up to the rock 
wall where that trail of colored rocks ends and Mike will set the dynamite, 
allowing you to enter the cave.  Inside all you find is a gold nugget, though, 
no Tetrad!  Still, it's something, and the store owner did offer to buy it from 
you earlier.  So take it back to him.  All it does is increase your point total, 
but it's still something!  By the way, you may have noticed two trails of 
colored rock.  The other cave has a chicken nugget inside -- don't ask!  After 
this get some more dynamite.  Down in the southern part of the mountain wall 
there are two small boulders.  Bomb the spot in between them and you'll find a 
heart container.  Two spaces north of the northern colored cave you find another 
gold nugget.  Yet another gold nugget can be found if you bomb the southern most 
part of the wall that you can.  There are a few other caves as well, but they 
only have chicken nuggets.  I NEVER was able to figure out what the song ment, 
but I DO know the correct cave can be found if you bomb the spot three spaces 
south of the southern colored rock cave.  After a short walk you're in the gold 

Gold Cave

Be careful of the blue scorpions in the first room -- they should double 
bullets, and should be jumped over.  Also in that room, head west -- the north 
is just a dead end.  In the next room over you find green guys who, when killed, 
explore and send parts flying in all four direction.  Be ready to jump or dodge 
those!  You also need to fire on the north wall here to proceed -- the first 
time that's required.  Then you get to dodge rolling boulders as you head east, 
and later you can proceed by jumping into a small patch of dirt in a island.  
Remember what I said earlier about checking out rooms with hidden paths first?  
You'll find a medicine this way.  Another very new tough foe is some treasure 
chests that shoot bullets.  Once you damage one, they call change into coins and 
shoot around the room at VERY high speeds.  Duck into a corner for your safest 
spot.  You also pick up some bolas that will come in handy later.  Considering 
how tough some of these foes are, the cave is rather short, because not long 
after you find the medicine do you clash with the boss.


You start on the east side of the screen, and the miner is on the other side.  
The two of you are a narrow passageway.  He takes a boulder from the wall, holds 
it in front of him like a shield for a while -- sometimes high, sometimes low -- 
and then rolls it toward you and moves a little closer, then grabs another 
boulder.  The guy is actually pretty easy, but the boulders can hurt if you get 
hit by one, so be careful.  Also, since he's moving toward you, you're space is 
limited.  Use the bolas and throw them fast and furious at him.  Jump up for 
half of your attacks so you have a better chance of hitting him and not his 
rock.  Make sure you jump those boulders, and work fast.  After he's dead hop on 
the platforms and head out.

Mike is back in the cave tunnel.  Walking north, Mike finds what looks like a 
horse.  Then it starts talking to him!  What the heck?  It must be that wizard 
that you ran into earlier on.  He increases your psychic wave to super strength, 
then wishes you good luck and vanishes.  Head north into the new cave.

Gold Cave Part Two

Step on the title in the entrance room -- it's tucked away in the south east 
corner and hard to spot.  Then head north.  Before long you come to a narrow 
path of directional arrows all pointed north!  You can't break free and it takes 
you to a small sealed off room.  Walk around and fall down to the level below.  
Then you can proceed.  You find two medicines, which you need after fighting 
another room of those chests-coins again.  Then you come a room where there are 
two train tracks.  On one of these tracks a mining car with a skeleton in it 
will zip along, firing bullets the whole way and spitting out small golden 
child's.  Jump over the bullets and shoot the car when it passes you in the 
lower track, and destroy or avoid the golden child's.  This guy is tough enough 
to be a boss, so be careful.  You will also find another medicine and two super-
stars that can make you temporary invincible.  Try to hold on to those.  There 
is also another room where some knights that fire a lot of stuff at you while 
vanishing and reappearing.  Because room is limited to walk on here, I didn't 
try to fight them.  Soon after you'll have to walk up a few screens while 
dodging areas where spikes come out of the wall.  Work your way carefully past 
that and you'll run into the boss.


He looks like a skeleton but can pack a mean whallop.  He starts the battle by 
smashing his huge hammer on the ground, which causes boulders to fly from the 
impact point in four directions, boulders to come down from the wall at the top 
of  the screen in straight lines, and Mike to freeze for a while, allowing him 
to get hit many times!  Jump as soon as the battle starts and you should avoid 
much of the freeze effect.  Then use the two stars, if you have them, and nail 
him constantly with your dagger, staying a fair distance from him so you can hit 
him and ready to dodge stuff if your stars wear off or wear out.  If you don't 
have the stars just be careful of his jumps and avoid him as you move around the 
room firing.  He goes down VERY easily if you have the stars, only a little 
tougher if you don't.  After the boss is dead head north and out.

Back in the cave tunnel head north and you'll find a small circular room.  
Inside a circle of rocks is the Tetrad!  Not a bad chapter, don't you think?  
Some tough foes but easy bosses and a short chapter.  Mike once again takes the 
book and warps to another time.


Instead of going forward in time, as Mike had been doing, he is sent back in 
time.  Now he finds himself in 15th century Italy.  Nobody seems to have heard 
of the Tetrad, much less where you can find it at.  Some people do mention an 
old scientist who might be able to help you.  Another guy says he is out of maps 
to Leonardo Da Vinci's place because he sold his last one to some big guy.  Must 
be Zoda!  Walk around and enter the only building you can to find a poor guy 
encased in plaster and tracks that make you suspect Zoda was here!  Go down the 
stairs to find out.


Nobody to fight down here, but some nasty traps.  First you have to avoid the 
balls that fly around in a circle.  That's followed by two machines that try to 
crush your skull in with a ball.  Then you have to jump on and ride platforms 
while jumping over spike strips hanging in mid air.  Make sure you jump forward 
as you do this, not straight up and not to the side.  The next room has more of 
this, plus a medicine that you may want to grab.  Finally you have two rooms 
where there are these small black balls.  If you hit them, they change direction 
according to how they were hit.  There are three in the first room and five the 
second.  You need to direct the balls in each room with your weapon fire so they 
fall down the manhole that's in each room to proceed.  After you clear the 
second room, you can head out.

Mike is back in an art studio, where he started from.  However, it's a different 
one.  Grab the hammer and chisel that are lying on the ground in the western 
part of the room.  You'll automatically go back to get that poor man out of the 
stone he was trapped in. Upon doing so, you discover that it was Da Vinci!  He 
was the scientist the people spoke off before.  He thanks you and tells you he 
asked by a strange man about a old stone he saw in a castle in the east while Da 
Vinci was working on the Mona Lisa.  Then after answering his questions, he was 
fired on by liquid plaster.  Zoda again!  Leo tells you he has a device that 
will get you to the castle.  He also gives you a new weapon, the Katana, that 
Marco Polo brought back from the east.  Leo also, upon Mike's advice, makes 
some, uh, 'radical' changes to the Mona Lisa :)  As it turns out, Leo had 
finished a crude flying machine, which Mike uses to head to the castle.  On the 
way there, Mike is contacted by Mica again.  He tells her what has happened so 
far.  Mica says things have been crazy where she is as well.  Aliens came to C-
Island, hypnotized Dr. J. (Who must have just traveled there, cause he was in 
Seattle), and found out how to time slip.  Now they are going after the Tetrads 
as well and may have set a trap for Mike.  She wishes him good luck and then 
breaks the connection.  Soon Mike arrives at the island.  Walk up to the castle.


Curiously, there is no one huge dungeon to fight, and no boss.  Instead you must 
walk around the castle and try to find the Tetrad.  Every now and then you fall 
into a cave.  Some are small, and some are much bigger, and in some you will 
find medicines.  What's the point, you may ask?  You need to keep your strength 
up as you explore the castle, fighting through these dungeons.  Try to use them 
just before you exit, cause you can not save them from place to place.  Finally 
you see the Tetrad, and you have to go through one more mini-dungeon to get 
there.  Some of the foes that you will have to fight as you explore are very 
tough.  One of them is a magician creature who will appear and re-appear firing 
bullets.  He's tough to destroy without getting hit.  Another guy is a dino 
creature who fires a HUGE energy ball at you if you get into his line of sight.  
Make sure to avoid that at all costs!

Finally Mike grabs the Tetrad, only to be challenged by Zoda again.  Complaining 
of how he sent henchman before, he tosses you into a time, where, he says, you 
will be hunted to death by a vampire.  There can only be one place that fits 
that description -- Translavania!

Again, not a major challenge.


Sure enough, Mike finds himself in a dark and gloomy place.  Walk down the path 
and you will soon find Dracula's Castle.  Is there even a piece of the Tetrad 
here?  Even if Mike defeats Dracula, will he be able to be sent back to his own 
time?  He doesn't know, but you must explore the castle to find out, and this 
one is a REAL castle!


I am sorry for stopping the walkthrough at this point.  The first version of the 
walkthrough was put up only to help a few people and to let people know more was 
coming.  I regret the reason I must stop this one here is because my used NES is 
acting up and I will need to have it fixed before I can continue with the game.  
Please E-Mail about anything and everything connected to this game and/or this 
walkrthough, and by the time the game faqs site goes back up in August I should 
have this walkthrough finished.  Later!