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Star Trek - Generations (e)

Star Trek: Generations Walkthrough

   by Ryan Montgomery (Invader32)

This is a walkthrough for Star Trek: Generations.  The walkthrough is
are very detailed and hopefully helpful to any who need it.  The
missions are laid out no paticular order since there is no way to
determine which one you will encounter in a ST:G find the
one you need help on and go from there :)  Also..I can't layout the space
combat..just use these steps when you enter a solar system: 
Step 1-Raise shields.  Assume when you enter the system that you are going
to be fired upon.
Step 2-Check sensors.  See anything?  If yes, increase power to
computers and sensors and get readings on what it is you are facing.
Step 3-Target the enemy ship.  Lock on to a target in an effort to
damage the ship's power generation or shield systems.
Step 4-Fire photon torpedo salvo.
step 5-Rapidly follow your torpedo volley with a phaser shot.  If the
torpedos do their job, your phasers can cut into the enemy like hot knife 
through butter.
Number one rule:  Continually hit your enemy in the same spot, take out
the power, the eliminate the ship's ability to fire back. Generations
is a fun game and a cool Star Trek addition to any computer.  But it does
have it's problems. Too bad.  Those who want to reach me can at

Misson 1.......Amargosa Science Station, Part one

When you beam aboard the station, you will find yourself facing a
damaged turbolift. The station itself is buckling and straining from
damage suffered during the attack, so time is critical.  Walk around
the damaged elevator shaft at the beam-in point. Lying on the deck
on the other side is an injured crewman (Dr. Soran).  Use your Comm
Badge to beam him back over to the Enterprise.  Doctor Soran will protest,
but just ignore his pleas.

Moving forward to the area where Soran was located, you will find a
graviton inverter.  Add this to your inventory.

Since you already know that the turbolift behind you was damaged, you
can assume that you will need the inverter later on.

Proceed slowly down the hallway several meters, since there are signs of
disruptor fire in the area.  On the right side of the hallway, in the small 
opening, you will learn the source of the disruptor fire: the Romulans!
Stun the Romulan waiting in the alcove.  Use the setting between stun and 
vaporize. If it is too low, the Romulan will wake up. If it is too high, you
will destroy the tricorder you are trying to get.  Move to the Romulan until he
appears in the auxiliary area of your screen.  Click on him, and you will find
his tricorder. You'll discover that it's scanning for Trilithium.  You should
begin to scan for the substance at this point, as well.  Chances are pretty
good that, if the Romulans were looking for Trilithium, you should be too.

Move into the center bay and stun the Romulans there.  There is a crewman in
this area that you need to recover by moving up to him and using your Comm
Badge to beam him back to the Enterprise.  As a Starfleet officer, your first
priority should be their saftey.

After the area is secure, check the lockers that surround the main open area.
The only item you need is the illuminator core.

Place it in your inventory.  In case you've already jumped the gun and
used your Graviton Invertor to go to the lower deck, you know that the
lighting systems there are damaged, and there are Romulans waiting in those
darkened corridors.  This core will help you repair the lighting system.

Use the turbolift directly across from the locker in the main area that
held the illuminator core. This will take you to the upper level.  Be prepared:
there's a Romulan waiting for you across the room.  You should have a good 
shot from this vantage point. Stun the Romulan on the upper deck, and beam the
surviving crewmen back to the Enterprise.

To the left of the turbolift is a large door.  Open it, and move to the sparking
area of the wall until it appears in your auxiliary screen.  If you look at it
closely, it appears to be a damaged illuminator core.  Fortunately, you have a
replacement in you inventory.  Use the illuminator core in your inventory to
repair the damaged unit.

From the upper deck's central area, go to the other large door and open
it carefully, staying to one of its sides, since you should anticipate that
the area beyond the door may be occupied.  Stun the Romulan inside.  Locate
the control panel inside, on the right side of the room.

When the panel appears in your auxiliary screen, click on the right green 
square on its lower edge to activate it.

Now comes the time to proceed to the lower deck.  Turn around and crouch
down.  You will see a hole in the wall near the floor.  Move forward through
the hall and into the tunnel beyond it.  Continue forward until you come to 
the hole in the floor.

Walk up to the door in the room you've dropped into.  Across the hall is
a panel.  It is located straight across the hall, so simply walk in that 
direction until the panel comes on. Then press the panel to open it.

When the panel appears in your auxiliary screen, click on the left side
of the panel to shut off the power feeding to the electrical cable in the
hallway.  This will make it possible for you to pass to that area, and recover
the injured crewman through the door opposite the now dead electrical wire.
Beam him back to the Enterprise.

There is still a lost crewman on this deck.  He's in the airlock located
directly behind the point where you originally beamed in.  Move back to that
location, and continue through the large door that has a set of two buttons
on it, one green and one red. This is an airlock, so once you've passed this
door's threshold, don't open the next door just ahead.  Simply get the crewman
and get out.  If you open the far door, you'll get a fast, one-way trip back
to the Enterprise without completing the mission.

It's time to take on the Romulans on the lower deck of the station.
Return to the damaged turbolift at the beam-in point.  Use the graviton 
inverter from your inventory to repair the turbolift by clicking on it in your

Take the turbolift down to the lower deck.

As the turbolift door opens, stun the two Romulans on the other side of
the bulkhead door. Proceed into the center room, and stun the Romulan in there.
The center room is easy to find due to the Trilithium readings that will show up 
on your tricorder.

Depending on timing...Doctor Soran should have escaped from the
Enterprise and beamed back to the station at this point.

Check the lockers until you find the Magnetic Justifier.  Add this item
to your inventory.

This will be needed to open the magnetically sealed door on the deck
above you.  Obviously, you will need to beam back all of the surviving crewmen
on the lower deck before you check out that covertly sealed door.

After finding the crewmen on the lower deck, take the turbolift back up
to the beam-in point. From there, walk back into the central area.  There is
a small, gray door there that you need to investigate, if you haven't located it

When it opens, you will find another door straight ahead.  Open the
other small door, and move into the small room.

The entire far wall is the sealed magnetic door.  Move forward until the
door appears in the auxiliary screen area.  Use the Magnetic Justifier in
your Inventory to open the door.  Have you phaser at ready, because this is
where you earn your pay as a Starfleet officer.  You should consider using your
hypospray to boost your health before opening this door.

Soran and what appears to be a modified photon torpedo system is on the
other side.  The doctor will fire at you as soon as the door opens.  Use the
hanging torpedoes as cover. Adjust your phaser to a very high setting when
shooting at Soran.  You must cross the threshold of the doorway in order for
your shots to hit him.  After several shots, Doctor Soran will beam away to a
waiting Klingon Bird of Prey.

Your problems are far from over.  Soran has left a surprise: a missle
that is capable of shutting down all nuclear reaction within a star, causing it
to explode with incredible force!  Your job is clear: you have to either retarget
or destroy that missle if you can.

Approach the missle control podium until its panel appears in your
auxiliary screen.

Click on the top green bar to power up the system.  Click on the top right blue
bar to activate the missle's targeting system.  The targets will appear inn the
viewing area. By clicking on the green square on the right, under the viewing
system's blue button, you can change the selected target.  Send the torpedo to
anything other than the Amargosa sun in order to save the entire system.

Your job is still not done.  The warhead is only a few meters away and
the clock is ticking. You still have to fire the missle.  Click on the left
green vertical bar to open the torpedo hatch.  Next, you will have to click
on the right green vertical bar to release the firing clamps on the missle
itself.  If the auto-firing mechanism hasn't loaded the torpedo yet, then you
will need to do so yourself.  Be quick, though, as the auto-firing mechanism may
retarget the sun if you take too much time.  Be sure to double-check the target
before you fire the warhead.

Once you have gone through all of the steps, you can click on the red
button in the middle to fire the torpedo.  If you've missed any injured
crew members, now is the time to rescue them, for the mission is not over
until they are all found.  Once you succeed, your communicator pin will start
flashing.  You can beam back to the Enterprise by clicking on it.

Mission 2.......Q'urash: A Klingon Bird of Prey

Upon boarding the Q'urash, you'll notice that you have beamed into the
enginering section-perfect, given your background and experience.  Turn to
the right as soon as you materialize. You will see the reactor control panel

You'll also see the dead Klingon officer on the floor.  He's important,
but not as important as preventing the Bird of Prey from exploding.

Move to the exploded panel until the controls appear in your auxliary area.

These controls will allow you to shut down or at least contol the fusion
reactor.  Your goal is to shut down the system before it destroys the ship.
To initiate the system, select the top right, red button.  It will turn yellow
when activated.  To take the reactor off-line, press the bottom right button.

If you check out the rest of the panels in the area, you will find one
that tells you that the Q'urash is Lursa and Betor's command ship.

Now, move to the dead Klingon on the floor in front of the panel until
he appears in your auxiliary screen.  When he does, click on him.  You will
see a security pass.

Add the pass to your inventory.

Now that the ship is relatively stable, it's time to locate Soran. Move
to the door across from the reactor control panel.  Since you have the
security key, the door will open for you. As you pass into the next room,
activate the elevator on your immediate left when you reach the open area.

You will be taking the elevator down to the first level.  You should
know at this point that there are likely to be Klingons present.  Set your
phaser for heavy stun during the ride down.  Dispatch the waiting Klingon as
the elevator opens.

Move to the right around the elevator shaft.  From here, proceed
straight to the doorway opposite the back of the elevator.  This leads to a
jeffreys access tube to the center of the ship.  Move into the crawl space and
bear to the right. 

Proceed ahead until you come to a small, closed door.  Open the door.
You will see the fusion reactor core.

Your goal in this section is to get to the middle of the room and get
back out the way you came in.  Given the field and the lighting, it is best
to use the map function on you tricorder to govern your movement.  Move into
the field.  Geordi will take some damage almost immediately, but don't panic.
You will find a different security key in the middle of the field.

Grab the key and get out the way you came in.  Be thankful.  If you had
not shut down the fusion reactor, you'd die in this room.

Backtrack through the Jeffreys Tube and exit it, returning to the
elevator you took to get to this deck.  With this new pass, you'll be able
to get through to the forward portions of the ship.  Take the elevator back
up to the second deck.

After exiting the elevator, turn left and enter the elevator at the end
of the short passage. Take the elevator to the upper level, and enter the
first room on the left when you leave the elevator.  On the right, there is
a security door which will open using the security key found in the jeffreys
Tube.  On the floor, you'll find another security key.

Pay attention to the three red Klingon symbols on the wall.  This is the
combination key to gain access to Soran's torpedo launcher.

Add the security key to your inventory.  Exit this room and return to
the middle level.  Now, go through the door between the two stair cases,
moving forward toward the "neck" of the ship.

In the first room through these doors, there are equipment bays
containing Klingon disrupters, hyposprays, and power packs.  Add them to your
inventory, as you will soon need them.

As soon as the door opens, you'll encounter a number of Klingons that
you will have to stun. Move quickly and use the sides of the doorway for cover
if necessary. Proceed forward through the next door.  There are more Klingon
guards there.  Make sure that they are all stunned before you proceed.

Move forward through the double doors.  On the other side is the bridge
with Lursa, Betor, and some of their body guards waiting to greeting you.
You can fire on them, but you can only kill the guards, so don't waste time
engaging in a prolonged battle.  Move to the elevator on the right side of
the bridge and exit the area as quickly as possible.

The room the elevator takes you to is the photon torpedo bay, and Dr.
Soran waits inside with one of his star-killing missles.  Adding to your
troubles, he has several Klingon guards assisting him.  You will need to
fire at the Klingon guards and at Dr. Soran. You will have to use a medium
to high weapon setting on Dr. Soran

After exchanging several hits, Dr. Soran will beam out, leaving you to
deal with a fully armed and targeted missle.

Obviously, your next task is to disarm the weapon.  Walk up to the
control panel.

You will find it locked out.  To unlock the control panel, you must
press the buttons corresponding to those that you saw on the wall upstairs
in the officer's quarters.

Click on the top green bar to power up the system.  To activate the
target viewing system, click on the top left blue bar.  Click on the top
right blue bar to activate the missle's targeting selection.  The targets
will appear in the viewing area.  By clicking on the right blue square, change
the target to anything other than the Amargosa sun in order to save the
entire solar system.

Your job is not done yet!  The warhead is only a few meters away and the
clock is ticking. You still have to fire the missle.  Click on the left green
vertical bar to open the torpedo hatch.  Next, you will have to click on the
right green vertical bar to release the firing clamps on the missle.

Once you have gone through all of these steps, you can click on the red
button in the middle to fire the torpedo.  Once you're successful, click on
your flashing communicator pin to beam back to the Enterprise.

Mission 3.......Galorndon Core, Part one

The key to this and much of the mission is to keep your disruptor
adjusted to a stun setting from the start of this operation until your
final confrontation with Soran.  In addition, if you shoot in a room full of
Romulans, the alarm will go off.  Stealth, not firepower, is your key to success
on this away team mission.  When you initially beam down, you will be on the
outside of the Romulan outpost.  The only visible way in is through the massive
shuttle bay doors, which are closed at this time.

You will need to move across the landing area to the opposite side of
the point where you beamed in.  Just behind the rocks is a staircase that
leads up to a small observation platform and gun.  There is a Romulan at
the gun platform, but you do not have to engage him. Wait until the shuttle
come out, and then you can enter the Romulan base.

Move back down the stairs and enter the base before the massive door
shuts.  Once you are inside, you will want to enter the first hallway on
the right side of the bay.

Once you reach the end of the hall, proceed to the turbolift control.
When the control appears in you auxiliary area, click on it to open the
elevator.  Inside the turbolift, click in the control panel to take the
elevator down.

When you exit, there will be a hallway with a Romulan officer in it.
Continue to walk (there is no need to panic, you are disguised as a Romulan).
You should continue to the doorway and open it.  This will lead to a massive
central bay with a shuttlecraft hydraulic lift in the middle of the chamber.
Move to the left and enter into the living quarters through the green door.

Once through the door, take the green door on the left.  This will lead
to a small chamber containing several other doors.  The Romulan Commander's
living quarters is in the last room on the right.  Be prepared for a quick fire
fight as you enter, but make sure to keep the disruptor on stun.

The Commander will confront you and you should fire 10 or so shots
quickly to subdue her. On the far table is the high security pass that you
will need for further access into the base.

Move toward that security pass, and add it to your inventory.

Return to the central chamber with the hydraulic lift in the center.
Opposite of where you enter is a gray door.  Move around the perimeter
and go through the door.  At the end of the hall is another door.  Proceed
through that door and you will be above the reactor cooling pool and the
primary reactor controls.  Move to the left side, go down the steps and past
the pool.

At the far end of the pool, opposite you, is a high security door with
several guards posted. You can identify it by the adjacent control pad
that is identical to the high security pass key.  Do not attempt to use
the security key.  In order to get to that door, you will have to create
a diversion.

Step into the elevator opposite of the high security door, and take the
elevator down to the low level.  You will exit into a small storage chamber.
On the left is the only door leading out of this level.  Exit through that door.

You will come into the auxiliary reactor control chamber.  Move forward
to the control panel or podium.

With these controls, you can overload the reactor enough to create a
diversion so that you can get access to the high security door.

To overload the reactor, you must first click on the box in the upper
left corner for the coolant system.  You will have to click on it twice
to turn it red. Then perform the same task on the upper right box.  Returning
to the upper left box, click on it twice until it turns red.  This will set
off a warning alarm signaling that the reactor is overheating. Repeat the
process with the upper right box until it turns red.

Backtrack to the underground storage chamber and take the turbo elevator
back up to the reactor room.  Be prepared for the chaos when you arrive
thanks to your diversion.  Move over to the security panel next to the high
security door.

Use the high security pass in your inventory to open it.  Move into the
hallway and follow the first hallway opening on the left.

At the end of the hallway is another turbolift, however this one is
different in that it has three level options.  You should select the
middle button.

When the elevator stops, go to the right.  You will come to a guard rail
near the tower where Soran is arming his missle.  He will not make your job easy.
He'll blow up the bridge leading to his tower in an effort to cut you off.

You will have to jump across.  The best place to jump across is where
the guard rail first comes to an end.  If you fall, there is an elevator
at the bottom which will allow you to backtrack your way in order to make
a second or third jump attempt. However, there are several Romulan at the
bottom of the shaft who will fire at you.

Once you've jumped across, take the turbo elevator to the top of the
tower of face off with Soran.  Once you arrive, you can go either to
the right or the left. Take the set of stairs up, and you will encounter
Doctor Soran, fully armed and firing at you with his blaster. You will have
to shoot Soran several times on medium stun before he beams away.

This leaves you with your final task:  shutting down Soran's missle.  Go
to the missle control podium until it appears in the auxiliary area.

Click on the top green bar to activate the system.  Click on the top
blue bar to activate the viewing system.

Click on the top right blue bar to activate the missle's targeting
system.  The targets will appear in the viewing area.  By clicking on the
blue square on the right, you can change the target to deep space.

You still have to fire the missle.  Click on the left green vertical bar
to open the torpedo hatch.  Next, you will have to click on the right
green vertical bar to release the firing clamps on the missle itself.

Once you have gone through all of these steps, you can click on the red
button in the middle to fire the torpedo.  Once successful, click on your
flashing communicator badge to beam back to the Enterprise.

Mission 4.........Galorndon Core, Part Two

You will beam down into the living quarters of the base.  There are
several doors in the room, but only one works.  When you exit, you will
need to deal with the Romulans there. Proceed to the door straight ahead,
and exit to the open commons area. In the commons area, go straight ahead
into the base's Kitchen.  Be wary of the Romulans there, keep moving.
There is a small door in the back of the room. Take it through the corridor.0
At the end is a turbo elevator.

Take the elevator to the top level.  This will bring you out to a
lookout post, just above where Deanna Troi beamed in.  There is a Romulan there
that you will have to dispatch. Once done with the defender, you will find a
damaged section of the guard rail.  Move through it and drop down.  Riker will
take some damage, but it is minimal.

Once down on the lower level, you should cross the shuttle landing area
to the stairs hidden at the base of the rock.  Climb the stairs into the
other lookout post-one with a large disruptor cannon.  Once there, you will
have to deal with the Romulan guarding the cannon and seize control of it.

Your target is the door that is securely locked behind the turrent.
Once you have done your damage, exit the turrent and go through the hole
you blasted through the door.

The passage ends in a turbo elevator, which you should take down.  This
puts you on the opposite side of the collapsed section of the high security
corridor that Troi had used to reach Soran.  As you move down the hall, you
will encounter a force field that is blocking the hallway.  One thing is for
sure, the good Doctor does not want intruders this time.

Power can be shut off somewhere near the reactor, so it's time to get
back to that area. Retrace your steps back to the turbo elevator and up
to the shuttle bay landing door.  The main door should be ajar, and you can
enter the main bay.

Go to the first door on the right and at the end, take the turbo
elevator down.  Return to the main reactor room via the large gray doors.
Proceed down the left side of the stairs, and take the turbo elevator at the
bottom, on the left.

At the bottom of the ride down in the elevator, turn left and go through
the door.  This should look familiar as the area where Troi sabotaged the reactor's
cooling system.  You will notice a cracked section of glass in the system that
is holding all of the coolant. Fire your phaser at the crack using a medium to
high setting in order to shatter it.  Run out and back to the turbo elevator
since the coolant will kill you if you are in the reactor room when the window
breaks.  Take the elevator back up to the reactor core.  Now comes time to
retrace your steps back to the force field.  This can be done either by backtracking
through the shuttle bay, or returning to the kitchen in the living
quarters, going back up to the observation post, and jumping through the hole
in the guard rail again.  The choice is really driven by what your current
health level is.

Once you are up next to the disruptor cannon, you need to go through the
hole you shot in the door.  Take the turbo elevator back down and proceed to
where the force field was located.  By now, there should be no power to it,
and you should be able to pass without a problem.

At the end of the hallway is another turbolift, however, this one is
different in that it has three level options.  You should select the
middle button.

When the elevator stops, go to the right.  As Troi reported in her
earlier visit to Galorndon Core, Soran has blown up the bridge leading
to his tower.

You will have to jump across.  The best place to jump across is where
the guard rail first comes to an end.  Unlike the first time you were on
this planet, it is no longer safe at the bottom of the tower shaft.
Instead, it is filling up with radioactive coolant that you leaked with
your Phaser shot.  If you drop down in a failed jump attempt, make sure you do
not take a lot of time trying to find the turbo elevator out of there,
or you will begin to suffer radiation damage.

Once you jumped across, take the turbo elevator to the top.

Now, you must shut down Soran's missle.  Go to the missle control podium
until it appears in the auxiliary area.

Click on the top green bar to activate the system.  Click on the top
left blue bar to activate the viewing system.

Click on the top right blue bar to activate the missle's targeting
system.  The targets will appear in the viewing area.  By clicking on
the blue square on the right, you can change the target to deep space.

To fire the missle, click on the left green vertical bar, opening the
torpedo hatch.  Next, you will have to click on the right green vertical
bar to release the firing clamps on the missle itself.

Once you have gone through all of these steps, you can click on the red
button in the middle to fire the torpedo.  Once successful, you can beam back
to the Enterprise.

Mission 5........Epsion

Upon beam-in, you will find yourself in a secured cell.  If you try to
exit through the door, you will encounter a Chodak probe, which will fire
at you if you open fire at it first. Clearly, there has to be another way
out of the room.

If you examine the walls near the floor, you will see a flawed area.
Set your phaser for a high setting and fire.  You will open a small tunnel
which will allow you to leave the area. You will have to crouch to do so.

You will come out in a lava stream which you will need to run through,
hugging the left wall until you reach the end.  You can then climb up onto
the platfrom. There are several doors that lead to Chodak transporters, but
the one that you need has the yellow security symbol and will not open.

To locate the key, you must first acquire a Chodak shell which will
protect you fromt the lava.  Proceed to the end of the corridor and go
through the doorway on the left.  This will transport you to the bottom
of some steps.  Go upstairs and make a hairpin right turn. Follow the corridor
as it turns to the right.  Go down some steps and enter the tan-colored
door on your left (the entrance to the Chodak sand baths.  As soon as
you enter, you will see some empty  Chodak shells to your left and right.
Click on the shell in the Aux window to put it on.  You will need to start
down the hallway that is dominated by the lava river. As you come up on firm rock,
you will enter a chamber that has three key features: spore throwing plants,
good mushrooms, and bad mushrooms. Your first priority are the ceiling-mounted
plants that are throwing spores.  Use the Chodak shell weapon to take these out
one by one.  The mushrooms in the chamber appears as black and orange on your tricorder
at close scan range.  The orange ones add to your health as you eat them (left
clicking on them as they enter your auxiliary screen). The black ones injure 
you and reduce your health.

The caverns tend to be very dark and confusing.  You may consider
increasing your monitor's brightness setting or dimming your room lights.
This will make the plants easier to see. You will want to make your way
along the right side of the caverns, avoiding the lava pits. After you pass
the rock formation, you will notice a lava formation on the far right with a
weak (blackened) section of wall just beyond it.  Fire your Chodak shell
weapon on a high setting, and the blast will open a tunnel.  Work your way
along the wall, exit your Chodak shell, and crouch to get into the next chamber.

You'll have to destroy more of the spore-tossing plants.  According to
the tricorder, the room is empty, but there is a hidden doorway.  Move
clockwise around the room, crouching as you go.  Near the center of the room,
you will find a hidden doorway to another lower chamber.

Again, there are a number of the plant monsters that have to be dealt
with.  You will find a winding staircase that forks.  You want to veer to the
left.  This will bring you to the upper level of the cavern.

You will need to take out the remaining plants before you proceed.  Then
you will have to jump across to the rock formation on the other side.  The key
is to jump at the low-hanging moss over the rocks.  You'll be successful if
you aim right for it.  If you miss, you will have to backtrack on the other
set of stairs in order to try again. 

There is a small lava pool running from the top of the rock formation.

There is a small, dark stone bridge that you can cross.  Move across it
carefully and you will enter the last chamber, dominated by a large lava
pool, with a small island on it.  On the island is something, but you cannot
make it out from your current location.

On the far wall, opposite where you came, is the best approach for
jumping across the lava. Jump over the lava and climb up to the object.  
When it appears in your auxiliary screen, left click on it and you will
find a yellow security key.

Once you have the key, you need to work your way back to the secured
Chodak transporter. There is a shortcut, which consists of going back to
the rock formation with the magma flowing out of it and simply dropping down
to the floor.  This puts you in the main chamber and allows you to bypass
several of the other rooms in an effort to get out.

When you reach the Chodak transporter, you will need to use your
security key to open the door.

Inside, you will find a control panel at the rear of the room.

Click on the bottom and you will transport to the bridge control area.

Exit the transporter and follow the hall to the control room. There is a
small podium in the middle of the room that lowers the bridge to the reactor,
which you can see through the window.  You can stun the guards, or move
quickly and ignore them.  The choice is yours, Captain.

At the controls, you need to depress the lower black triangle to lower
the bridge.  Then get out of there as quickly as possible.

Return to the transporter and select the top button.  This returns you
to the original transporter.  Exit the transporter chamber and turn left.
Continue to the blue transporter door beyond the lava corridor. 

After using this transporter, exit the chamber and ascend the stairs to
your left.  At the top of the stairs, turn around and enter the blue
transporter door at the far end of the chamber.  When you leave this
chamber, you will be in an octagonal room with lava in the center.  Go
through the right-hand door and continue to the bridge that you've lowered.

Take the elevator to the top. At the reactor, click on the switch to
move it to the down position.

Take the elevator back down.  Make sure your phaser is set medium to
high at this point.

Go back into the octagonal room, and go through the door to your right.
You will have to use your security key to unlock it first.

You will be transported to a corridor.  Doctor Soran is in the control
room, behind the first door on the right.  You will have to engage him
in battle until he beams away.

Once he has left, and you have taken care of the Chodak in the control
room, you must disable the Trilithium production capacity of the Chodak.
Approach the control panel on the left hand side of the central pillar
until it appears in your auxiliary area.

Open the control panel cover and set the conrol all the way to the

Now move to the control panel on the right-hand side of the pillar until
it appears in your auxiliary screen.  Open its cover and press the button
in the center of the panel.

This should sabotage the reactor system.  Contact the Enterprise and
beam back up to the ship.

Mission 6........Amargosa Science Station, Part 2

The beam-in point is identical to Commander Riker's previous mission,
which should help you get your bearings.  Turn around and go to the purple-
outlined control panel.  Right click on it when it appears in your auxiliary
area, and will understand what you are facing--a Klingon Bird of Prey docked
only a few meters from where you stand.

If you attempt to go to the central commons (main) area of the deck, you
will find the isolation doors in place and the containment system down.
Given the hole in the outer hull, it is safe to assume that there is a
vacuum on the other side of the door.  You will have to restore the containment

Go into the airlock where you first beamed it.  There is a control panel
on the right wall. When you approach it and ita appears on your auxiliary
screen, you can see that one of the isolinear control circuits has been destroyed.

You'll need some repair parts, and the only place to look is on the
lower deck.

Proceed to the lower deck using the turbolift at the beam-in point.
Once there, move to the center area, where gear is stored.  Most of the
equipment in this area is worthless to you. However, if you look closely,
you will find as isolinear chip.  Add this to your inventory.

Be sure to search the dead Romulan in the hall.  You will find his
disruptor rifle.

Take the chip back to the airlock on the upper deck.  Insert it (left
click), then click on it in place.  It will take a few moments, but
the containment field eventually will be restored.

At this point, you should set you phaser on high stun, for in a few
moments, you'll be happy you did.  Enter the central area of the deck.
Proceed slowly through the door, which leads to another small, gray door
on the right side of the area where Commander Riker previously
gained access to Doctor Soran's lab.

When you open the door, you will hear the whine of a transporter beam,
and the deck will suddenly be filled with Klingon warriors.  You have two
options at this point.  You can fight them, but the odds are against you.
Or, you can flee.

Your only hope it to run to the airlock.  Once there, you can click on
the isolinear circuit on the containment field.  You will have to click on
it twice to override the saftey protocols.  When you have done this, the
Klingons will be blown into space, their bodies exploding outward from massive

Wait a few seconds, then restore the containment field again.  Now it is
safe to proceed to Soran's lab.

Walk back to the central area and proceed to the small, gray door that
leads to Soran's lab. Open both sets of doors, and walk forward until
you have the entire magnetically sealed door appearing in your auxiliary
screen.  Use the magnetic justifier to open the door.

Doctor Soran is not alone.  He has several Klingon body guards with
him.  The key is to move and shoot quickly.  It takes several high stun
phaser hits to convince Soran to beam away from the area.  The Klingons
will not flee, but will fight until they are incapacitated, stunned, or

Once you've taken care of the Klingons, your problems are far from
over.  Soran has left his usual greeting card--a missile that is capable
of shutting down all nuclear reaction in a star, causing it to explode
with incredible force!  Your job is clear, you have to either retarget
or destroy that missile.

Go to the missle control podium until it appears in your auxiliary area.

Click on the top green bar to activate the system.  Click on the top
left blue bar to activate the viewing system.

Click on the top right blue bar to activate the missile's targeting
system.  The targets will appear in the viewing area.  By clicking
on the blue square on the right, change the target to anything other
than the Amargosa sun.

Now, you have to fire the missile.  Click on the left green vertical bar
to open the torpedo hatch.  Next, click on the right green vertical bar
to release the firing clamps on the missile itself.

Once you have gone through all of these steps, you can click on the red
button in the middle to fire the torpedo.

When you've successfully redirected the torpedo, the Enterprise will
contact you and you will be beamed aboard.

Mission 7.......Bersus

Once you beam in, there are several herbivores wandering and eating
plants nearby.  These do not pose any sort of threat, but should be
noted for future encounters.

You should proceed to the rock formation at the edge of the cliff over
the sea.  Move along the edge of the rock, hugging the right side.
Throughout the maze of vegetation, continue to veer to the right.

Almost immediately, you will encounter several animate plants that will
launch thorns at you. Bypass them where you can, and fire at those you can't
avoid in order to kill them.  As you move through the maze, you will first 
encounter one plant, then three, and then five in a
small group.

Finally, you will come across a final group of three plants.  After
that, you will find a
patch of brush on the right side of the path that you can push through.
This will allow you
to see a small mountain of rock.  Move toward two caves and crouch to
enter the cavern on
the left.

Continue to bear to the right throughout the caverns.  You will proceed
until you reach a pool with a blue crystal.  Add the crystal to your
inventory.  You can use it to heal Data by left clicking on it, if and when
you need it.

The cavern will bend and twist.  After you find your first blue rock,
start heading to the right.  (If all else fails, look at your tricorder).
Just before you exit the cave, you will find another blue rock.  Add it
to your inventory.  When you exit the cave, move to the opening in the
clearing on the left.  As soon as you enter, you will notice that it forks.
Take the fork on the right.  It will seem to dead-end, but don't be
fooled.  Push into the brush, and you will move through the foliage and
into a small clearing.

The clearing appears to have a cactus surrounded by several plants in
the middle. Move up to these, and you can recover the seeds that you are
looking for.  There is a total of five seeds, and you'll need to add at
least three of them to your inventory.

Once you've gathered the seeds, backtrack through the caves and return
to the beam-in point.

There is a rock arch at the beam-in point.  Look down until you are
looking almost straight down.  Move under the arch, and you will see a
series of winding steps leading down to a small peninsula.  That is
your destination.

Once you reach the peninsula, move down to the edge of the water.  From
here, jump over to the lillipads scattered between the islands and your
current position. Keep jumping out until you run out of pads.  At this point,
use the seed pods to grow new lillipads.

You will eventually run out of seeds and lillipads, but you'll be close
to the islands. Jump off the last pad, and you'll drop down to an underwater
ledge. Move forward to a small crevasse in the rocks.  Move into it, and you
will find a series of rock formations that appear in your auxiliary area.
Click on this and add the golden rock to your inventory.

Keep going through the cavern, and you will come up in a pool that is
surrounded by several crab-like creatures.  There is also a discolored
section of rock wall near the pool.  Use your phaser to blast the rock,
and you'll be able to open a tunnel.  You can then rise out of the water
and quickly run past the crab creatures to escape without having to waste
precious phaser power on them.  You can also shoot the crab creatures
with your pod weapons.

Move through the tunnel and then onto the ledge.  Proceed along the
ledge until you come to two of the thorn-throwing plants.  Neutralize the
plants.  Next, use the level view on your tricorder map to select the lowest
level.  This will reveal an underwater bridge between the halves of the island.
Align yourself with the path and then walk off the ledge.

If you do find the underwater path, you will end up on the shoreline
near several of the thorn plants.  If your jump falls short, you'll
land on a ledge that you must use to reach the shoreline.  Either way,
you must either run past or shoot the plants.

Continue until you come to the first fork on a winding ledge that leads
upward.  Keep to the left.  You will have to kill several more of the plants
as you go. Proceed forward, and you'll suddenly find yourself in a clearing,
facing Doctor Soran with his missle system ready to destroy the Bersus sun.

Soran will not listen to reason, but will shoot first and not bother to
ask questions later. Fire several shots at him on high stun or use your
pod weapon, and he'll beam away.

You should proceed to the missle launcher, but upon investigation, you
find that its controls have been locked out.  This time, you'll have to
resort to more violent means of dealing with Soran's missile.

To disable the launcher, you must use one of the explosive gold rocks on
the platform, placing it between the two upright green generator rods.
You'll know that you have the rock positioned correctly when you hear the
clinking sound as you drop it in.

Move out of the area, back into the tunnel, and crouch so that you won't
take damage from the blast.

Move back to the launcher.  You will notice that the blast from the gold
rock has opened up access to the launcher's innards.  Crouch down and
enter the launcher. At the end of the small passageway is a power unit.
When it appears in your auxiliary display, add the power unit to your
inventory--this disables the launcher.  Your comm badge will now begin to
glow and you can beam back to the Enterprise at any time.

Mission 8..........Antilios:  The Living Planet

Upon arrival, you will appear on a hair follicle and drop your
tricorder.  Pick it up, but don't turn it on.  If you do, you will
attract several large antibodies that will attack.

Proceed to the opening of the epidermis.  There are five possible paths
into the internal skin layers.  Each leads to a maze of tunnel-like tubes.
You will need to navigate to three of these nodes, where Soran's creatures
are at work collecting Trilithium.

In both of the east and west nodes, you will find the artificial
creatures gathering Trilithium and damaging the creature-planet in
the process.  Use your phaser to stop their actions.  When that is
done, move to each of the damaged areas and use your MedKit on them.

When the area is healing, it will secrete a pink substance.  Gather this
with your collection/sample vials.

After healing both of the first two nodes, a previously sealed passage
will open on the north wall.  This leads to a third node.  Once there,
destroy the machine and heal the node.  This will open a small chamber
that leads to a shaft to the next area.

In this area, there are four lower pools and four upper passages to
membranes that can be reached by jumping.  You cannot pass through the
membranes, and shooting them would make you no better than Soran.  You
will need to somehow find a way through all four of these membranes.

The solution is to go down to the lower pools one at a time.  Walk into
them and you will become coated in a protective green enzyme.  This
lasts for less than a minute, but allows you to pass through the membranes.
Return to the center and jump to the membrane you wish to pass through.
You will go down a long corridor (identical for each).  You should also
collect the green enzyme for later short-term use.

In the pools, you will find a pellet of concentrated enzyme.  Add this
to your inventory. One pool does not have a pellet and should be avoided
until the end--especially considering that it is full of Soran's
artificially-created viruses.

Once you have a pellet, return to the pool that does not have a pellet.
Use your phaser to deal with Soran's viruses.  Only settings 8 and 9 on
your phaser will effect these viruses. Next, shoot the machine attached
to the wall.  Heal the orifice that is revealed once the machine is
destroyed.  Then, place a pellet in the orifice.  The orifice will now
fill the pool with enzyme.  Dunk yourself in the enzyme for protection.
Pass through the membrane and return to the central area.  A hole in the
center of the floor which leads to the next area will now be open.  After
jumping into the hole, you will be in a pink pool which has healing properties.
To exit this pool, jump onto a ledge.  Then crouch and jump through the opening.

The next area has many immobile antibodies, which will attack if you do
not use the green enzyme on yourself for protection.  You must walk up the
stairs to the north, then jump to the middle.  From there, you can take
the bridge to the east until it passes under another catwalk.  When it ends,
you must jump down to the south.  Move along the eastern edge (right side)
of the cavern, to the middle of the room again.  Here, you will jump to the
south, where the exit is located.

There are two colored pools at the end of your jumping spree, one yellow
and one blue. Collect these into the same vial, and they will become green.
Cover yourself in the green mixture.  You can also climb into each pool to
achieve the same effect. Now, move into the membrane, which will launch you
into the next area.

The pounding of the heart tells you that you are in the chest of the
creature.  You need to turn your tricorder off, or you'll suffer attacks
from the antibodies. Move forward to the synaptic node (it gives off an
electrical discharging sound).  Entrance into this will transport you to
the area where Soran has done his worst damage on Antilios.

You will materialize on top of a large synaptic node near several of
Soran's viruses.  Use your phaser on them, but killing them is not the
goal of this encounter.  You should proceed to the southeast area, which
leads to an artery.  Enter the artery, and you will be forced into the
heart chamber.

Inside the heart, Soran is inside a diving bell, coordinating the
activities of his minions. You must swim to the middle area to catch
the current that will carry you to his location. Once you have him in sight,
move to the outer edge. Soran will not surrender, but will beam away after
exchanging several phaser shots with you.

Mission 9.........Veridian 3

Upon beam down, there is no initial sign of Soran.  If you move up and
around the path, he will come into view, standing on a tall tower.  A force
field will block you and prevent your phaser from hitting him.  As you
helplessly stand there, Soran launches the missile, and the Veridian star
is destroyed.  Both Picard and Soran are swept into the Nexus.  If you have
Picard set his phaser into the red zone prior to entering the Nexus,
Kirk's will be pre-adjusted to the same setting when he exits the Nexus
to confront Soran--a recommended strategy.


As you beam out of the Nexus, you will see Soran.  Either shoot him with
you phaser or begin to punch him rapidly, and you can get him to drop 
his hand-held cloaking control device when he beams away.  Pick this up
and add it to your inventory.

Proceed across the bridge, and you will come to two cave openings.

One opening appears to be a long and winding cavern, the other appears
to be just a hole in the ground.  Enter the simple hole in the ground opening.
Bearing to the right, you will encounter a group of Klingons standing around
several crates.  If you run from the Klingons, you can escape.  If you attack
them, you can recover useful disruptors from them.  There is an additional
disruptor sitting on top of the crates.

Continue through the caves, and eventually, it will lead out to an open
area of hot springs. There are three Klingons patrolling this area.  It
is best to locate them on the tricorder and disable them before trying to
successfully get out of this area.

From your entrance point to this area, jump straight ahead to the
column with a small platform on the right side.  Turn left and jump to
the column to the far left.  You will need a running start to successfully
complete these jumps.

If you check your tricorder, you will see that there is a hidden passage
straight ahead of you.  You must crouch to enter this cave.  Follow the
small cave until you emerge from it.

Once you exit, jump to the left.  You will see a large land mass with a
ledge, which is your next destination.  Jump to it.  After you land,
turn to the left and you will see a patch of area with a different texture.
You will need to jump to this area. Once you land, use your fists to break
the area down.  This will open up the cave on the other side.

Continue forward, and you will emerge on a platform overlooking the hot
springs.  Jump to the largest pool and enter it.  Drop down to see an
underwater cave. Swim through the cave and emerge on the other side.
You can use your jump key to rise up in the water.

On the surface, you will look down and see a Klingon standing on a spot
o dirt (not rock surface).  Jump to that location and deal with the Klingon
as only James T. Kirk can!

Follow the path to the second cavern.  Be wary, it is filled with
Klingon Warriors that you can either fight of evade.  Asend the winding
staircase.  This will lead to a short passage that opens to an area filled
with Soran's henchmen.  They're armed with sonic blaster helmets.  Fire at 
hem from your maximum range, since the potency of their sonic weapons
decreases greatly with distance.  You will come to a bridge.  This is
where you should use the cloaking controls.  You may have to make several
attempts.  All the while, Soran will be firing at you.  Concentrate on
using the cloaking control.  When crossing the bridge, make sure to keep
pressing the decloaking control, even when the bridge explodes and crashes to
the canyon below.  You must get to the end of the bridge, almost on top
of the explosion, before you are within range of the missile.  No matter how
well you do, Kirk will die during this encounter.


There is only one way up the gantry, and that is starting where the
bridgework opens at the lowest level.  Proceed to the entrance of the
gantry, which is located almost directly in front of you when you appear
as Captain Picard.  Speed (running) is critical, since "time is the fire
in which we burn", so to speak.

Once Captain Picard reaches the missile, its controls will appear in
your auxiliary screen. Click on the "Locking Clamps" button, and then
get off of the gantry as quickly as possible. The missile will explode.

You can move back down to the canyon floor, where Kirk's body and the
remains of the bridge have fallen.  Meanwhile, the Enterprise tells
you that Doctor Soran has beamed aboard your ship.

Mission 10.............Arvada 2

Once you beam down to Arvada 2, proceed up the wide staircase in front
of you.  At the top is a small building with a closed door.  In front
and under the door is a track that the maintenance robots travel on.
Wait a few seconds and one will come along and open the door.

Inside the room on the right is the Maintenance Power Control device.
Pick it up and add it to your inventory.  Follow the robot out of the door.
As soon as you are throught the door, use the power control to shut down
the unit in front of you.  Program it to only go to the storage area and the
power center.  These are the rooms on the control panel indicated in the lower
left and upper right areas.

Click on the other rooms to disable them (turning the light off).
Repeat this procedure on the next robot that you encounter, as well.

Proceed into the main chamber which houses the fountain in its center.
Walk around the fountain to the opposite side.  Go down the corridor and
follow the bend to the left.  This dead-ends with another sealed door.
This is the main power control room.  Wait for one of the robotic units
you programmed to come by and open the door.

In the room, go to the far wall.  There is a control panel there showing
a sideways "H" pattern in the middle.  Click on the middle of this panel.

Move to the other control panel.  After a few seconds, you'll be able to
access it properly. Click on the two lights on the bottom, turning one on
and one off.  This turns off the power to the force field and turns on the
power to the storage chamber.  Exit the room.

Go back toward the main central area with the statue and follow the
corridor off to the left. This leads to yet another door that is controlled
by the maintenance robots.  This is the supply room.  Wait here for a while
until a robot arrives.

In the supply room, you need to pick up the Axionic Flux Inverter.  Exit
the room and pick up the power control unit as you leave.

Go back toward the main power control room.  On the way is a hallway to
the right that leads to a small, blue elevator platform and a force field
generator.  Move quickly there using the Axionic Flux Inverter to shut off
the force field generator.

Once this is shut down, return to the main power room and wait again for
one of the robots to return and the door to open.  Go to the main power
control panel and click on the lower right button to restore power to the elevator.

Return to the blue elevator platform and activate it.  This takes you
down into the bowels of Arvada 2's automated mining operation.

After you arrive on the lower level, you need to move forward, toward
the robots, then go as far left as possible.  In the back wall is a crack
leading to a cavern.  Step into this and bear to the right until you come
to a lit chamber that has a set of stairs leading upward.

Ascend the stairs and go out into the other open production area.  Bear
to the right and follow the conveyor until you come to a pile of crates.
Jump up on the last crate nearest the conveyor.  Once on top of the box,
crouch down and you can move onto the conveyor belt.

Move around the conveyor until you come to the juncture where it breaks
to a lower level. Jump off and follow the conveyor back to the right.
There is another opening into a cavern. Follow this back and proceed slowly.
You will come to a small pool of water.  Jump in and move through the water
to the far right, where there is a cave.  Go through the cave slowly.
Keep you eyes on the ground in this area.  You will come to a ledge
overlooking a chasm.

>From here, run and jump straight across to the small ledge on the other
side.  Once you land there, proceed forward down the corridor and turn left.
You will need to destroy the single missile-firing robot that is blocking
your way.  This brings you up to a second elevator system located behind the
defensive robots where you got off the first elevator leading to your present

Take this second elevator down.  At the bottom, turn to the left.  Take
the corridor to the very end.  You will see Soran and begin to converse
with him.

As in the previous encounters, you must adjust your phaser to a high
setting and shoot at Soran.  You should be able to hit both Soran and the
wall-mounted weapon from the far side of the room.  Using this strategy will
give you time to avoid return fire.  After several hits, Soran will beam out.
You then must shoot the device mounted on the wall several times until it
stops shooting.

Once you've disabled the device, you can click on your communicator to
beam away from the location. 

Mission 11.........Halee

Upon beam down, you will already be using a breather mask.  A key to
surviving this operation is to note that you are undercover.  In other
words, until you fire your disruptor or do something blatant to attract
attention, the Klingons will not bother you (for the most part). Right after
you rematerialize on the planet surface, you will see a Romulan ship crash near
the base, but this is of no consequence.

Move forward to the wall where the Romulan ship crashed.  Then move to
the right, through the small opening.  This leads to a large, open area
with several crystal formations and a single structure in the middle of
the sands.  Proceed to this structure, making sure that you avoid the
crystals, since they inflict damage.

At the building, you will find an elevator button.  Click on it and
enter the elevator.  Go to the control button inside and click on the 
lower button.  Once the door closes, you can remove the breather mask by
clicking on it.

At the buttom, you will be proceeding through the tunnel system.  Move
out of the elevator and follow the tunnel to its very end.  The best way
to do this is to navigate using your tricorder map. This will show you more
than you can see with your eyes in the dark tunnels, even allowing you to run
through or around most of the crates and other obstacles.  You will know when
you have reached the end by the presence of two Klingon guards.

Open the door at the end of the tunnel and enter the large open area.
Remember this area since you will be returning to it later---four times!!
Once in this area, turn left.  Take the first door on the left and open it.
This leads to another long series of tunnels.  Like before, follow these to
the very end and you will find an elevator control.  Open the elevator and
get inside, punching the up button control.  After the doors close, put
on your breather mask, since the elevator will deposit you on the surface again.

After the elevator opens, you need to take a hard right.  There is a
crystal formation with a dark depression in the middle of it.  To make
sure you are heading in the right direction, the smoking remains of the
Romulan ship should be in the distance.

Move to the dark area in the sand. This leads to the sand pits below.
You will drop, but you won't suffer appreciable damage in the fall.  Once
you land, you can take off your breather mask.

Turning around, you will see a large cavern.  Move along the far left
side on the ledge, crouching down as you move.  There are several tunnels
you will encounter on the ledge.  Take the first tunnel. Crouching, you
need to enter the tunnel, but only a little way.  Raise your disruptor pistol
and prepare for action.

The first room that you enter contains several predators that are moving
to attack.  Take them out with your disruptor pistol.  Once they have been killed,
inspect their chamber for a dark area on the far wall.  You can punch or fire 
at it to open up another tunnel.  Crouch down and enter this tunnel.

As you proceed forward, you will come into a large open chamber with a
waterfall and a pool. Walk along the right ledge of the pool toward the
cave at the far end. Crouch down once more and enter the cave.  You will
want to move forward, hugging the left wall until you emerge from a small
opening leading into the sand pit chamber where you first started--only this
time, you are a full level higher.

Move to the right, along the edge of the ledge, continuing to crouch
down.  Enter the first tunnel opening you encounter.  You will once
again confront several predators that you need to kill.  Keep to the
left edge of the tunnel and you will come to an open room that leads
to a ledge overlooking a pool. The pool has several rocky outcroppings
rising up from its surface.

Your objective is a ledge at the far left corner of the chamber.  To get
there, you must first run and jump forward to the first rock formation.
Turn slightly (45 degrees) to the right and jump to the rock formation
that is along the right wall.  Turn to face the back of the cave and jump
to the rock formation that runs to the right wall of the cavern (this is
a short jump).

Your next jump requires good positioning.  Turn slightly to the left.
To confirm you are in the right place, look down.  You should see the
rock bridge below, running to the rock formation that you are going to jump to next.

Run and jump across the bridge.  You must land on top of the rock
formation to be successful. Turn slightly to the right and you will
see the last rock formation. Run and jump across to it.  On top of
this, you can jump straight ahead and onto the ledge leading out of this
chamber.  Up at the top, you will find a security pass.  Add the Klingon
Security Pass to your inventory.  You'll need it later.

Move down the corridor to the end and you will find a hole that Worf
will drop through (suffering some damage).  At the bottom is a long
cavern filled with crates.  Move to the end of this, ignoring the Klingons
at the door.  Open to the door and move forward to the elevator that is in
the center of the room.  Inside the elevator, click on the top button.
Since you now have the security pass, you will be taken to the main
control room.

You arrive at the control room and find it empty.  Move around the
elevator (either to the right or left) until you find the main control panel.

Click on the bottom showing the Birds of Prey to learn which one is the
Duras Sisters' and which belongs to Soran.  You should check all three
docked ships---one belongs to the Duras sisters, one is refueling and
ready to leave, and the other is damaged. When you are done,
click on the center button until it turns green.  This opens the access
passages to the ships.

Return to the elevator and click on the bottom button.

Once you exit the elevator, break left.  There is a entranceway to the
southwest (lower left hand corner of the room) that is now unlocked.  Enter
this tunnel and follow it around until you reach the very end.  There is an
elevator here.  Open the elevator and press the controls to take the elevator
to the top.  This brings you to an airlock leading into a damaged Bird of Prey.

Go through the elevator and then through the heavy door leading into the
ship.  Go around to the elevator inside the ship and take it up.  When
you come out of the elevator, go to the right and around.  The engineering
section is smashed and is falling apart.

Move to the panel housing the antimatter reactor plug element.  Add this
item to your inventory.  It's damaged, but that's what makes it valuable to you.

Return to the airlock and backtrack your path into the base, to the
point where you first started down the path leading to the Bird of Prey.
Remember, earlier I told you you'd be coming back!!  This time, you are
going to follow the northeast passageway (upper right corner of the room).
Navigate the tunnel around its winds and turns until you come to the
end.  When you do, take the elevator up.  This brings you to the airlock
leading into another Bird of Prey.

Since all Klingon Birds of Prey are built alike, head to the engineering
section.  To get there, go through the elevator and then through the heavy
door leading into the ship.  Go around to the elevator inside the ship and
take it up.  When you come out of the elevator, go to the right and around.
Approach the control panel housing the functional antimatter reactor plug element.
Add the working core in the console to your inventory.  Replace it with the
defective one that you collected earlier.

This whole process sets off an alarm and, worse yet, the Klingons in the
base have been alerted to your little act of sabotage.  You need to start
firing and running.  Get off the Bird of Prey as fast as possible before
it launches.  Don't engage in long fights--instead, get out of there in haste.
After all, you sabotaged the warp drive on the ship.  If you fail to reach the
tunnel leading back to the common area by the time the sabotaged ship
explodes, you will be killed in the blast.  Once you reach the common
area and find an area safe from the other Klingons, stop and wait.  You may
have to wait up to two minutes, depending on how fast and far you went. 
You'll know it's time to signal the ship with your communicator when you
hear a distant rumble and the blast of  a ship's engine exploding.

Contact the Enterprise and beam back up.

Mission 12........USS Enterprise NCC-1701d

From the beam-in point, proceed forward through the two sets of lounge
doors, moving forward through the ship.  You will come to a wide hallway
that forks to the port and starboard sides of the ship.  You will be returning
to this area to use the turboelevator shaft located here, so note this
location on your tricorder map for later.

Move to the starboard (right) hallway and run down it until you come to
the first hallway on the left.

In the middle of this section is a set of yellow double doors.  Open
these, and you will encounter several of Soran's macroviruses.  Avoid
these if possible, (although they can be killed if your phaser is set
to level 8 or 9), move forward, and locate the Emergency Turboelevator
Opener.  Add it to your inventory.

Get out of the room quickly and return to the hallway along the
starboard side of the ship. Proceed forward until the hall ends with a
hard turn to the left. Looking down this new hallway, you'll notice a set
of double doors on the right.  You may encounter several more
macro-viruses which you can shoot or evade (your choice).  Move toward
the double doors. There is an extra phaser sitting on a packing crate
just outside the damping field control room.  If you wish to survive
this level, add the extra phaser to your inventory.

Now, open the double doors and enter the room.  Inside, you will find
several more viruses and a control panel that allows you to restore inertial dampening

You must click on the elevator shaft at the aft end of the ship diagram
(where you beamed in).  Then you must click on the green block control on
the top green block.  This will restore inertial damping to that particular
turboelevator shaft.

Work your way out and back to the turbolift shaft near your beam-in
point.  The turboelevator is the yellow door near the first fork in the wide
hallway.  Use the emergency turboelevator opener to open the door.  Walk
into the opening and you will slowly and safely drift down to the next deck.
Open the door and step out.  You now have only 20 minutes left before the
warp core breach destroys the ship.

Soran has sabotaged the emergency batteries and has numerous
macroviruses loose on this deck (21).  Your mission is to get around
some of his traps using your knowledge of the Enterprise.

From the turbolift, move into the wide hallway housing the red panels
moving forward through the ship.  When you reach the end of the wide hall,
move to the port side and into the large hallway that runs along the port
side of the deck.

Proceed forward in the hall until you are near the end.  You will spot a
virus in the hall. Take the last doorway on the left side, just before you
reach the virus's range.

In the room, backtrack slightly to the aft of the ship where there is a
door leading aft (parallel to the hallway).  Open that door.  On the left
is a set of stairs leading to a jeffreys tube.  Enter, crouching as you
move through the tube across the deck.  When you come down, turn left
through the door and then left again, where you will find several viruses
waiting.  Destroy them, then proceed forward on the deck until the hall bends hard
to the left.

Go through the massive double doors on the left side of the hall--in the
middle of the deck. On the other side are a LOT of viruses.  Don't fight them,
but move to the other side of the room and pass through the door.  You will
find a room with several dead viruses on the floor. Move to the control table
in the middle.

Click on the large blue block at the top left of the panel.  This will
release a static charge that kills all of the viruses in the other room.

Move back in the room and take the stairs down to the next deck.  Once
you are there, exit the room.

You are in an area where Soran is breeding his macro-viruses and there
are too many of them to deal with.  Run to the right and enter the supply
room door.  Use this to work your way around the viruses that are blocking
the hallway, moving aft in the ship.  Exit the aft doorway and run down the
hall.  When you reach the end of the hall, it turns right.  Follow it around
and you will find Soran waiting.  After several verbal taunts and some phaser
blasts on high stun, Soran will transport beyond the force field.

If you are facing the force field, you'll notice a hallway that runs to
the right and left. Follow the one to the left.  In a room at the end of
this hall, you'll find the transporter system that Soran is using.  You 
cannont transport to his location, but you can get to main engineering.

Once you transport to engineering, you have only 10 minutes before Soran
will launch his torpedo.  Head toward the opposite end, toward the warp core.
Turn left into a small room. Pass through this room into a short corridor.
At the end of this corridor, on the left, is the deflector control panel.
There are concentic rings showing the deflector areas.  First, turn off the
side deflector shields by pressing each of the energized (lit) sets of rings
shown in the current view.  Now, press the word "subsystem" to bring up
a side view of the ship, and press the rings at the front (left) of the ship
to activate the deflectors in front of the torpedo launchers.  With the other
shields turned off, the front deflector shields will now have enough power to
stop Soran's torpedo.  The computer will now lock out the controls per Picard's

After you have raised the shields, Soran will fire one last torpedo,
which will destroy the torpedo room and kill Soran.  You have only 1 to
2 minutes to warn Soran.

Quickly turn around and enter the right-hand door, opposite the
deflector shield control panel. Follow the hallway until you reach the
four escape pods.  Enter any one of the pods and, after the door closes,
approach the control panel until it appears in your secondary display.
Now press anywhere within the central circle to launch the pod and escape the
destruction of the ship.  You have successfully completed Star Trek:
Generaions....have a nice day!! :-)