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Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (Tipp) (e)

Copyright 1999 - Anthony Alicea
The following may not be redistributed without express written consent 
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Star TrekThe Next Generation - A Final Unity

Subject: Finding the Unity Device....

July 12, 1999

The few walkthrough's I've seen always use the black hole to find
the coordinates of the Unity Device. There is another, less time
consuming way, but it involves some trial and error.

This will start assuming you have the Chodak isolinear rod, and 
that you have solved all of the puzzles to get you to the first
meeting with the Chodak (on Allanor).


Talk to the Chodak, and convince them that you are friendly and
only want information. DO NOT let them know you have an isolinear
rod (this is very important)

They will offer to take you to their library to look up information. 
Decline their offer and say you can find it yourself.

Proceed to the right and find the right transporter coordinates (there
are only one set - here's where the trial and error comes 
right now!) - Once you find the right transporter coordinates (by using 
the buttons on the left and top) you will find yourself in another room 
with a transporter.

Walk out of the room and you'll keep walking until you hit the security
system. The system has motion sensors and if you move you'll get hit
with a phaser. Analyze the sensors with your tricorder and you'll find
out the frequency they operate it. Let Data or Geordi do this, and they'll
figure out to set the phaser at a certain setting to knock out the sensors.
Fire at the sensors once you've set your tricorder to the proper setting,
and you'll knock out a few. Move quickly into the door at the far right,
because they don't stay offline.

Walk to the library computer (there's only one way to walk.) Use the
computer and open the file on the Unity Device.

Here's the extremely important part. You must quickly, and I mean quickly
grab your tricorder and record the screen. The tricorder will save the map,
and a split second later the Chodak will show up saying "so you have an
isolinear rod after all." 

Brodnack will go through a big speech and leave you. Return to your beam 
in coordinates by using the transporter you came in on (again, you have
to use trial and error to find the right coordinates. Hint: save before 
you try and keep coming back using a different set. Won't take long.)
You will end up where you first were talking to the Chodak. Return to
where you beamed in, and beam up.

After that, the readings you took in your tricorder will be analyzed by
the computer and after a little bit you'll get the coordinates of the Unity

>From there you're on your own!

Try it, and have fun!