Spider-Man (Flipper) (e)

                           The Rules Sheet
   Achieving high-scores is principally achieved by advancing the
   multiplier bonus and winning extra balls (if the game is not set to
   give replays). In the most part, both objectives are achieved by
   completing the same playfield targets, namely: the 3 Kick-out holes,
   the banks of 3 and 5 drop-targets, the "A" and "B" roll-overs, the
   in-lane rollovers, and the centre and left standing targets. The
   following details the playfield features, their location, scoring,
   effects on the multiplier bonus and effects on other playfield
   fetures, and some personal playing notes.
     Location: Side by side at top left of playfield immediately after
   gate from plunger lane.
     Scoring: At the start of each ball the yellow "A" and "B" rollover
   spots are lit, and the first roll-over scores 5000. The first rollover
   knocks out the yellow spot, and subsequent rollovers score 500.
     Multiplier bonus: When the white "Multi-bonus" spot below is lit,
   each rollover advances the multiplier by 3000.
     Extras: Each of the "A" and "B" rollovers light the blue advance
   multiplier spots in the in-lanes and out-lanes until the end of the
   ball: "A" lights the left out-lane and right in-lane, and B lights the
   left in-lane and right out-lane. Completing both "A" and "B" rollovers
   lights the pink spot adjacent to the middle drop-target in the right
   bank (when the adjacent green spot is lit).
     Location: Centre-right of the playfield (Entrance guarded by
     Scoring: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above. A hit on the bumpers
   at entry and exit of lane scores 50.
     Multiplier bonus: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above.
     Extras: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above.

     Location: Centre-left of playfield, leading to left upper flipper.
     Scoring: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above.
     Multiplier bonus: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above.
     Extras: See "A" and "B" upper rollovers above.

5 DROP-TARGET BANK (Featuring a spider-web target design.)
     Location: Centre-right of playfield, angled inwards to face the left
   Scoring: Each target hit scores 500 (3'000 in 3-ball play), or 10000
   when the adjacent green spot is lit. A hit on the bumper behind the
   targets scores 50.
     Multiplier bonus: Hitting a drop-target when the adjacent green spot
     is lit advances the multiplier by a factor of one, or advances the
     multiplier by 1000 when unlit.
     Extra: Completing all 5 drop-targets resets both drop-target banks
   and lights the red spot below the bank of 3 drop-targets. Hitting the
   middle target when the pink spot is lit awards an extra ball/replay.
   Note: Game starts with one green spot lit, which is rotated by hitting
   pop-bumpers. An additional green spot is lit for each completion of
   the 3 kick-out holes.

 3 DROP-TARGET BANK (Featuring a spider-web target design.
   Kingpin is rampaging behind the bank!)
     Location: Left-centre of playfield, angled slightly towards right
     Scoring: Each target hit scores 500 (3'000 in 3-ball play).
   Completing all 3 drop-targets scores 5000. A hit on the bumper behind
   the targets scores 50. A hit on the bumpers on the back side of
   drop-target bank scores 10.
     Multiplier bonus: Each drop-target hit advances the multiplier by
   1000. Completing all 3 drop-targets when the blue advance multiplier
   spot is lit advances the multiplier by a factor of one.
     Extra: Completing all 3 drop-targets awards an extra ball/replay,
   when the red spot below is lit.

 POP-BUMPERS (Capped with a web and Spider-man eyes. Guarded
   by Kraven the Hunter!)
     Location: Upper table; left pop-bumper is under and between the
   centre and right kick-out holes, and the right pop-bumper is under and
   between the centre standing target and the "A" and "B" upper
   rollovers. (Left pop-bumper is 1cm lower than right one!)
     Scoring: Each hit scores 100, or 1000 when lit. A hit to the bumper
   below and to left of the left pop-bumper scores 10.
     Extras: Each hit to the pop-bumpers moves the lit green spot(s) in
   front of the 5 drop-target bank in rotation (from top to bottom). When
   the bank of 5 drop-targets is completed, alternate hits on the
   pop-bumpers light the pink spot beneath the bank of 3 drop-targets.

 SPINNING TARGET (Featuring a black web and a red spider
   design on the 2 faces.)
     Location: Entrance to left lane (Home to Lizard!) leading to
   top-left of playfield.
     Scoring: 100 per revolution, or 1000 when the white "Multi-bonus"
   spot is lit.
     Multiplier bonus: When the white "Multi-bonus" spot is lit, each
   revolution adds 1000 to the multiplier bonus (stays on until end of

     Location: Top left of playfield in horizontal line.
     Scoring: The first sink scores 5000, and subsequent sinks in the
   same hole scores 500. A hit to the bumper to left of the left kick-out
   hole scores 10.
     Multiplier bonus: Each sink advances the multiplier by 1000.
     Extra: Completing the 1-2-3 sequence in any order resets all
   kick-outs to 5000; lights an additional green spot (for the duration
   of the game) in front of the right drop-target bank; and lights the
   white "Scores Bonus" lamp beneath centre kick-out hole (which empties
   the multiplier either on the next sink in the centre hole, or
   immediately if the centre hole is the third in the sequence).
   Note: The white "Scores Bonus" lamp is also lit whenever the
   multiplier reaches 20000.

     Location: Bottom left (entrance overseen by Aunt May Parker!) and
   right of playfield behind slingshots, and leading to flippers.
     Scoring: Roll-over scores 500, or 5000 when the blue advance
   multiplier spot is lit.
     Multiplier bonus: Rollover advances the multiplier by 1000, and when
   the blue advance multiplier spot is lit the multiplier also advances
   by a factor of one.

     Location: Bottom left and right of play-field, parallel to in-lanes
   but leading to drain!
     Scoring: Rollover scores 500, or 5000 when the blue advance
   multiplier spot is lit.
     Multiplier bonus: Rollover advances the multiplier by 1000, and
   advances the multiplier by a factor of one when blue advance
   multiplier light is on.
     Note: Wide body cabinet weight and guard rails behind left and lower
   right flippers essentially prevent any success from attempted
   "death-saves" or "bang-backs".

CENTRE STANDING TARGET (Featuring a spider-web target
     Location: Centre-top of playfield, above and between (right of
   centre) pop-bumpers.
     Scoring: Each hit scores 500.
     Multiplier bonus: First hit (with white "When Lit" spot) lights the
   yellow "Multi-bonus" lamp beneath the "A" and "B" roll-overs until the
   end of the ball (lamp goes out once multiplier is at maximum 20'000
   value, and comes back on if the multiplier is emptied). Second hit
   (with blue "When Lit" spot) lights the blue advance multiplier spot
   below the bank of 3 drop-targets.
     Extra: Third hit (with yellow "When Lit" spot) lights the red
   special spot in front of the left standing target (stays on until end
   of ball!).

LEFT STANDING TARGET (Featuring a spider-web target design.)
     Location: Centre-left of playfield, immediately above left flipper,
   and adjacent to left "B" rollover.
     Scoring: Each hit scores 500, or 5000 when red Special spot is on.
     Extra: Each hit advances the multiplier by 1000. Hitting when the
   red Special spot is lit awards an extra ball/replay.

     Location: Right of centre at top of playfield, leading past right
   pop-bumper to right lane "A" rollover.
     Scoring: Rollover scores 1000 at start of each ball, and subsequent
   rollovers score 100. A hit on the bumpers on the left and right walls
   of the lane score 50.
     Extra: The first rollover lights the pop-bumpers until the end of
   the ball.

     Location: Above the left and right in-lanes, facing up and into
   central playfield (Right slingshot overseen by J. Jonah Jameson and
   Mary-Jane West-Parker!)
     Scoring: A hit on the bumper scores 50.
   The multiplier bonus consists of a level from 1000 to 20000, and a
   multiplying factor from 1 x to 5 x (therefore a maximum bonus of 5 x
   20000 points can be added to the ball in play score). The starting
   point for each new ball is 1 x 1000.
   The multiplier bonus is automatically added after each ball drains
   (Tilting cancels the multiplier bonus). The multiplier bonus can also
   be added for a ball whilst still in play, in 2 ways:
     completing the 1-2-3 sequence of kick-out holes in any order lights
   the white "Scores Bonus" lamp beneath centre kick-out hole, which
   empties the multiplier either on the next sink in the centre hole, or
   immediately if the centre hole is the third in the sequence.
     reaching the 20000 multiplier level lights the white "Scores Bonus"
   lamp beneath the centre kick-out holes - a sink in this hole before
   draining adds the multiplier bonus to the score and resets the
   multiplier lever to 1000 (the multiplier factor however remains at the
   previous level until the end of the ball).
   The multiplier level is advanced in 5 ways:
     by 1000 for each hit of the 3 drop-target bank;
     by 1000 for each hit of the 5 drop-target bank, when the adjacent
   green spot is not lit;
     by 1000 for each revolution of the spinner target, after the 5
   drop-targets are completed;
     by 1000 for each sink in the kick-out holes;
     by 1000 for each hit on the left standing target;
     by 3000 for each "A" or "B" rollover, when the white "Multi-bonus"
   lamp is lit.
   The multiplier level status is indicated by a ring of 11 white lamps
   in the centre of the playfield, counting each step through to 20000:
     up to 10000, the appropriate white spot is lit (1000, 2000, 3000
     for 11000 through to 19000 the white 10,000 spot stays lit and the
   appropriate 000 spot is also lit.
     at the maximum level of 20000, the white spot (featuring the black
   web and Spider-man eyes) is lit.
   The multiplier factor is advanced (by a factor of one) in 4 ways:
     completing the bank of 3 drop-down targets, when the blue advance
   multiplier spot is lit;
     hitting one of the bank of 5 drop-targets, when the adjacent green
   spot is lit;
     by a rollover through the in-lanes or out-lanes, when the blue
   advance multiplier spot is lit;
     hitting the centre standing target twice with the same ball in play.
   The multiplier factor status from 2 x to 5 x is indicated by a
   staggered line of 4 blue spots (surrounded by the white spot lamps
   indicating the multiplier level).
   The game standard levels for awarding an extra ball/ replay are set at
   240000, 370000 and 510000 (according to the card on my machine, at
   least - the game card shown on the machine in the original promotional
   flyer has all levels 30,000 lower).
   Extra balls / replays can also be won by hitting playfield targets in
   3 ways :
     completing the bank of 5 drop-targets and then completing the bank
   of 3 drop-targets whilst the red special spot below is lit;
     hitting the centre standing target 3 times and then hitting the left
   standing target;
     completing the "A" and "B" rollovers and then hitting the middle
   drop-target of the bank of 5, when the adjacent pink spot is lit.
   Note: If switch 21 is On, awarding extra balls instead of replays,
   then the match feature is over-ridden.

   Occasionally a fast-moving ball will bounce back from the outhole
   plate and can be caught with the right lower flipper. If the ball
   drains without scoring (it happens!) the ball does not count!

   Only the ball in play (if control switch #29 is On) and the
   accumulated multiplier bonus points are lost. If the switch is Off:
   Game Over!

     Upper left: located below left "B" rollover lane, centre-left of
   playfield (Spider-man shoots a web from here to the bank of 5 drop
     Lower left: located at end of left in-lane, and below left
     Upper and lower right: Located in a line at end of right in-lane,
   and below right slingshot.
                           Text © Peter Hall 1998