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Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (e)

Space Quest 5

   1 ... StarCon

I'm stuck at StarCon. How do I get started?
The first thing you should do is open the classroom door with the hand icon
and take the  SAT. If you  can't find  the  classroom, maybe you  should be
playing Mixed-Up Mother Goose.

I'm having trouble with the SAT.
If you're like most  people, you'll have to cheat to pass  the SAT. Use the
eye icon  to peek  at your  classmates' answers  and mark  them on  your test.
The correct answers for the SAT test are:  number one, "d"; number two, "e";
number three, "e"; number four, "c"; number  five, "e"; number six, "c"; number
seven, "e"; number eight, "d"; number nine, "a"; number ten, "a."

I keep getting caught in the act by the Proctormatic Nine-Thousand.
You'll have to be more subtle when  you cheat. Don't look at anyone else's
test unless the droid is facing away from you.

How do I clean the StarCon crest?
After completing the test, go to  the janitorial supply closet. Open the
closet using the hand icon and get the orange safety cones and the scrubber. Then
take the elevator down  to the StarCon crest located in  the rotunda. Once you
reach the crest, place an orange safety cone  at each corner Put the Scrub-O-Matic
on the floor and click  the hand icon on it twice to board  and start it. Then
use the brush icon to clean all parts of the crest.

How do I get into the areas marked "off-limits"?
Don't bother trying to  get to any of the areas that  are off-limits to
cadets. You can't. Forget it and get on with the adventure.

   2 ... The Eureka and Garbage Recovery

I was just made captain of the Eureka. How do I proceed?
Click the command icon on Flo, then select "Hail StarCon" from her order

How do I get to the first recovery site?
Click the command icon on Droole, then  select "Lay in a course" from the
order menu.  Enter coordinates  Seven-One-Five-Five-Two.  Click  the command  icon
on Droole again and select "Regular Speed."

How do I get to the second recovery site?
Click the command icon on Droole, then  select "Lay in a course" from his
order menu.  Enter coordinates  Nine-Two-Seven-Six-Seven. Click  the command  icon
on Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

How do I get to the third recovery site?
Click the command icon on Droole, then  select "Lay in a course" from his
order menu.  Enter  coordinates  Two-  Zero-Zero-One-One.  Click  the command icon
on Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

How do I pick up garbage from the designated sites?
Once  you have  reached a  designated pickup  site, click  the command  icon
on Droole  and select  "Regular Speed."  After  Flo  says she's  tracking a
waste beacon, order Droole to "Activate RRS."

The Eureka keeps losing hull integrity. Is there any way to prevent this?
Go to the  ship's engineering section and open the  trash compartment. Take
the creature you  find there and  put him in  the specimen tank  you'll find at
the southwest corner of the science lab.

How do I neutralize Spike's metabolism?
Get the antacids  from Cliffy's  toolbox in  the hallway.  Go to the
southwest corner of the science lab and put the antacids in the specimen tank with

   3 ... Kiz Urazgubi

We're under attack by a killer android! What do I do?
Go to the transporter in the science lab. Stand on the platform, click the
talk icon on it and beam down to Kiz Urazgubi.

How do I avoid instant death upon beaming down to Kiz Urazgubi?
You can temporarily  avoid trouble by entering the network  of caves. Click
the walk icon on the far left cave entrance near the pool.

What do I need to survive on Kiz Urazgubi?
You'll need three things to survive on  Kiz Urazgubi: some fruit, a branch,
and a boulder. You can find all three items nearby.

How do I get the fruit?
Pick  up the  broken branch  after you  fall into  the pool.  When you find
the dangling  fruit, hit  it with  the branch.  Quickly grab  the fruit  while
it's swinging.

How do I fight an enemy I can't see?
After you jump the  chasm, climb to the boulder balanced on  the cliff. Use
the branch to topple the  boulder onto WD40. Your timing has to  be just right,
and you have to start while WD40 is still in the cave.

What does it take to rub out WD40 once and for all?
You can defeat WD40 with the  banana-up-the-tailpipe trick. Hide inside the
big hollow log. When WD40 appears, shove the banana-like fruit up her jet-pack.

I've destroyed WD40 but Cliffy won't beam me back to the Eureka!
Cliffy will beam you back up if you pick up the android's head. Once aboard
the Eureka, exit  and re-enter the  lab to exchange  the robot's head  for the
ship opener.

How do I get inside WD40's ship?
After you get the  ship opener from Cliffy, beam down to  the planet where
WD40 parked her ship. Click the ship opener on Roger and an elevator will lower.
Use the walk icon on the elevator platform.

What do I do once I am on board WD40's ship?
Use the  hand icon to open  the cloaking panel on  the right wall of  the
ship. Reveal the device by  using the hand icon to open the  center latches. Turn
the top left knob;  turn bottom right knob; open top  left panel; open bottom
right panel; turn bottom  left knob; turn top right knob;  open top right panel;
open bottom left panel.

Ok! I got the cloaking device. How do I use it?
Give the cloaking device to Cliffy. He'll install it -- eventually.

   4 ... The Spacebar

When should we go to the Spacebar?
When your crew suggests that they take a break.

How do I get to the Spacebar?
Click the command icon on Droole. Select "Lay in a course" from his order
menu. Enter  coordinates Six-Nine-Eight-Six-Nine.  Click the  command icon  on
Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

What do I do in the Spacebar?
Click the walk icon  on the table to sit down with  your crew. Relax, watch
the "meanwhile" sequences, and play Star Cruiser with Quirk.

How do I play Star Cruiser?
Check the on-line help. Use your probes.  Fire in a checkerboard pattern to
hit every other  square. Don't worry, you  can still win the  adventure even if
you lose to  Quirk playing Star  Cruiser. Just don't  tell anyone you  lost to
some smart-aleck artificially intelligent game program.

Cliffy got busted! What do I do?
Hey, you're  the hero in this  adventure. What do you  think you're supposed
to do? That's right: you've got to rescue  Cliffy. But first, return to your
table and talk to Flo and Droole.

How do I get past the brig guards?
The guards may be dumb, but they're not stupid. You need to create a
diversion. Dump the packet of Space Monkeys into your drink at the booth.

I took care of the guards, but still can't enter the brig.
Go to the detention area. Use the hand  icon to turn off the force field at
the console.

Which cell is Cliffy in?
To locate  Cliffy, use the hand  icon on the second  cell to the left.  Talk
to Cliffy.

What's the trick to getting Cliffy out of the cell?
Get Spike and put  him on the bars to Cliffy's cell.  You did remember to
bring Spike with you, didn't you?

What should I do once I've freed Cliffy?
It's only a suggestion, but maybe you should beam back to the Eureka before
the station blows up!

   5 ... Clorox II

There isn't any garbage on Clorox II. What do I do?
Order Droole to "orbit planet."

I'm stuck in orbit around Clorox II. Any suggestions?
Order Flo to  "hail ship" and ask WD40 for  a recommendation. WD40 will
suggest that you beam yourself down to the surface.

What do I do on Clorox II?
Walk down the hill to the green house. That's the building with the hole in
the wall. Find the computer console.

How do I work the computer console?
If you think  things were bad before, try  using the hand icon on  the
computer console. Someone will appear and give you a disgusting welcome.

How do I defeat the attacking pukoid?
When you hear  the mutant hawk up a  loogie, get ready to duck.  The moment
the pukoid spits, use the hand icon to move Roger's head and dodge the phlegm.

I defeated the pukoid, now what?
The pukoid was trying to keep you from using the computer. Search the floor
for a slip of paper the pukoid dropped.  It has the information you need. Try
using the computer now.

What do I do with this secret code I found?
You need the  code to run the computer. At  the computer's log-in prompt,
enter the code from the pukoid's piece of paper. Read the log.

Ok, I read the log. Now what do I do?
Use the walk icon  to leave the greenhouse and go to  the top (the
foreground). Follow the secret path to the left of the screen.

What is the significance of the canister?
Use the look icon  on the canister. Once you have read  the canister label,
use the communicator to beam back to the Eureka. It's time to get out of here.

What do I do once I've returned to the Eureka after visiting Clorox II?
Return to the bridge. You should  receive a distress call. How distressed?
Very distressed.

   6 ... Thrakus

There's no homing beacon on Thrakus! What do I do?
If you can't  detect a homing beacon, there's  no point in beaming down  to
the surface. There won't be anything of interest there. Come back later. There
will be.

Help! I die as soon as I beam down!
You  died  because  your  wardrobe  was  incomplete.  You  need to be wearing
a rebreather mask. You did  bring one from the Eureka, didn't you?  If you need
a mask, look  in the Eureka's  pod bay.  The  mask is in  the storage
compartment immediately to the left of the pressure  suits. It will probably
look very good on you.

How do I reach the steaming pod?
You can't jump  the chasm, so you'll have  to walk to the pod.  Walk across
the bridge.  In the  next scene,  exit by  walking between  the large  Fungi
stems. (Click the walk icon on the stems on the right side of the screen.)

What do I do with the escape pod?
Use the  eye icon to  look inside  the  pod's hatch. Look  carefully around
the pod's interior before you leave.

I keep getting "puked-out" after searching the pod.
You've got  to turn off the  flashing red homing beacon.  Look under the
frock. Use the hand icon to deactivate the  beacon. Exit the scene and begin
searching for the person who landed the pod.

How do I stop the ambassador from knocking me off a cliff?
There's nothing you can  do to prevent it, so just hang  in there. However,
you should give Flo a call on your communicator.

A woman is pulling  down my pants while I'm hanging off  a cliff. What should
Lower the frock you found in the escape pod to Beatrice. You did take the
frock from the escape pod, didn't you?

Beatrice has left me twisting slowly in the wind. Any ideas?
It's time to play Tarzan. Use the hand icon to grab the vine Beatrice lowers
to you.

   7 ... Genetix

Why won't they let us enter the Genetix lab?
Genetix is a top secret research facility.  You won't be able to enter it
until you cause certain events to occur.  Come back later when you've done
everything you're supposed have done.

The transporter really bugs me. How do I avoid this unfortunate accident?
You can't  avoid the accident,  so use  your  small size to  explore places
you normally couldn't. Fly to the scene with  the waterfall. Land on the small
lock panel to the left of the rock wall. Crawl through the lock to the science

I'm in the science lab. What should I do?
Look around. Land on the computer  console. Fool with the controls until
you've read all the files and viewed the three security cameras.

Cliffy squished me!
Cliffy will swat you as long as he  thinks you're just an ordinary fly. Use
the fly  icon to  buzz over  the water  near the  right side  of the pool. When
the amphibian  creature  turns  on  your  communicator,  talk  to  Flo  about
your situation.

Flo wasn't able to help me return to normal. What do I do?
You'll need Cliffy's  help. After you see Cliffy on  the security monitors,
fly to the waterfall room,  land on his nose, and talk to  him. Fly to the
dumpster scene behind the big boulder.

I don't feel like a mutant anymore but I can't get back in the Lab!
You need  a key to  get inside the  lab. To make  one, use the  hole punch,
the business card the  "Merchant of Venus" gave you at  the Spacebar, and the
lab's locking mechanism code.

I've forgotten  the locking mechanism code.  Is there any way  to enter the
without it?
You can use  the hole punch from Cliffy's  tool box to punch five  holes in
the business card given to you in the Spacebar. The holes should be in the shape
of an "X" -- like the five on a die.

Ok, I've managed to renter the lab. What should I do now?
Use the hand icon on the panel on the left side of the machine to open the
cold storage compartment. Take  the liquid nitrogen canister back  upstairs and
give it to Cliffy.

I gave Cliffy the cold stuff, but have no clue as to how I should proceed.
There's nothing left for you to do at  Genetix. Use the talk icon or order
icon on Cliffy to return to the ship.

   8 ... The Goliath

We received a message from the Goliath. What should we do?
Click the command icon on Droole, then  select "Lay in a course" from his
order menu. Enter coordinates Five-Three-Two-Eight-Four. Click  the command icon
on Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

The Goliath vaporizes us right after I beam up from Thrakus. Can I prevent
this from happening?
There's  no way  you can  come out  ahead in  a direct  confrontation with
the Goliath. Order Droole  to take "Evasive Action" when  the Goliath attacks.
Then choose "OK, let's risk almost certain death in the asteroid field."

The Goliath blows us away every time we approach it.
To sneak  up on the  Goliath, you need  to use the  cloaking device from
WD40's ship  back on  Clorox II.  As you  near the  planet, go  to "Regular Speed"
and quickly order Cliffy to "Cloak Ship."

How do I get from the Eureka to the Goliath?
You can get important information from your  crew. Ask WD40 for advice. Then
go down to the engine room and talk to Cliffy. Go to the pod room and take the
EVA pod to the Goliath.

A pukoid welcoming committee is waiting for me whenever I enter the Goliath!
You've landed in the wrong spot. Carefully guide the EVA pod to the spot on
the Goliath's hull Cliffy told you about.

How do I enter the Goliath?
Use the hand icon  to open the pod door. Use the  cutting torch from the
Eureka to burn a hole in the Goliath's hull.

What do I do in the Goliath's engine room?
Place the warp distributor  cap Beatrice gave you on the console  at the top
of the stairs.

I've finished work on the console. What do I do next?
You need to find a way to get to  the Goliath's bridge. Use the door at the
far end of the engine bay to leave the engine room.

I keep getting fried in the hallway!
The solution is  at your feet. Use the  hand icon on the floor  grate and
climb into the sub-floor. Be sure to avoid the pukoid walking above you.

How do I get through the sub-floor maze?
You will start on Level 8. You need  to locate the elevator shaft. To reach
the elevator  shaft from  level 8,  click  to  move North,  East, North.  Enter
the elevator shaft  and save your  game. If you  move too slowly  up the shaft,
the elevator will crush you. If it does, simply restore your game. Climb the
ladder until you reach  level 6 (skip the next  level, level 5). On level  6, click
to move South,  West, North, North, East,  North. Enter the elevator  shaft,
climb the ladder  to level 4.  On level 4,  click to move  South, West, North,
West, North, West, North. Enter the elevator shaft  and climb to level 2. On level
2, click to  move South, South, West,  South, East, South. You  will see a
lighted switch. Flip the switch to deactivate the shields.

How do I restore the Goliath's crew?
Be sure to watch the sequence that takes you to the transporter room for
clues. When  all of  the pukoids  are on  the transporter  pad, use  the order icon
on Cliffy. Timing is critical.

I have successfully restored the crew. What's next?
Return to  the Goliath's bridge and  call Flo on your  communicator. Select
the "Call Cliffy and tell him to beam me over to the Eureka" option.

   9 ... Rescuing Bea and Cliffy

The woman of my dreams has just been slimed! How do I save her?
You can't cure Bea immediately, so you'll have to put her in cold storage for
a while. Use the hand icon to put her  in the Cryo chamber in the science lab.
Be sure to read the directions on the "Cryochef."

How do I save Beatrice and go after the pukoids?
Talk it over with your crew. You need  to find the source of the substance
that caused the mutations. Then you can cure Bea and go after the mutants.

What is the source of the mutations?
There is an empty container on Clorox II that should help. Take the secret
path at  the west  end of  the ridge  overlooking the  settlement near the
abandoned mining equipment. The information you need is on the canister label.

How do I reach the mutant source?
Click the command icon on Droole, then  select "Lay in a course" from his
order menu. Enter coordinates Four-One-Six-Six-Six. Click  the command icon on
Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

Beatrice croaks when I try to cure her!
Make  sure you  have everything  you  need:  the "Project  X: Primordial
soup" information from  the Genetix computer, a  hint from Spike, Cliffy's  help,
and the "defrost" instructions for the Cryochef.

What is Spike trying to tell me?
Watch what Spike has to say. When the  choice box comes up, choose the one
that refers to the manual bypass on the transporter circuit.

I've defrosted Beatrice. Now what?
Go  to the  bridge. Click  the command  icon on  Droole, then  select "Lay in
a course" from  his order menu. Enter  coordinates Eight-One-One-Zero-Zero.
Click the command icon on Droole again and select "Lite Speed."

Cliffy is lost in space. How do I save him?
Ask your crew for  ideas. Get some advice from WD40. Go  to the pod bay.
You'll have to use the EVA pod to rescue  Cliffy. Use the hand icon to take the
oxygen from the storage  locker in the pod bay. Activate  the "rotate pod" function
on the control pedestal. Then use the hand icon to get inside the pod.

How do I use the EVA pod?
Read the on-line  instructions. Maneuver the pod to the  red dot on your
scope. When you  can't get any  closer to Cliffy,  extend the claw.  Maneuver right
or left  until you  see a  green targeting  rectangle. When  it's visible, you
can successfully grapple Cliffy.

  10 ... The Blob - End Game

The Blob crushed us all. Is there any way around this?
You need to  act quickly and distract the  Blob. Hurry to the bridge  and
order Droole to open fire.

I prevented the Blob from crushing the Goliath, but it got the Eureka. Is
there any way to prevent this?
You can't stop the Blob with your weapons. However, you can trash that piece
of garbage doing what you do best. Order Droole to "activate RRS."

We captured the Blob, but the Eureka is coming apart at the seams!
The Eureka can't hold the Blob very  long. Order Flo to "Abandon Ship." Then
go to the transporter room and beam yourself out.

We can't abandon ship! The transporter has failed! What do I do?
Someone with your talents should be able  to repair the transport easily. Go
to the engine  room and climb into  the maintenance tunnel. Replace  the burnt
out fuse with a new one.

Where are the spare parts for the transporter?
You'll  find the  spare fuse  you need  to repair  the transporter  in
Cliffy's toolbox.

The transporter has been repaired. What next?
Be a hero. Let  Spike out of his tank and get Bea  out of the Cryo chamber.
Put them in the transporter and beam them away.

Everyone has safely beamed away except for myself. What should I do?
Discretion is the  better part of valor. It's  time to get out of  there. Go
to the transporter  and beam yourself  out. If the  transporter doesn't work,
get another fuse and fix it. Then you can watch the happy ending.