South Park (Flipper) (e)

                           South Park Rule Sheet
                           Version 1 May 18 1999
                        Compiled by Robert Macauley

   First let me get one thing perfectly clear. I don't like the cartoon
   series that this game is based on at all. However the same thing
   applies for a few other licensed games. South Park, and all characters
   from the series mentioned within this sheet are copyrighted by Comedy
   Central and used under license by SEGA. That should keep the lawyers
   off my back. And now, on with the show.

                              The Story So Far
   I've been putting off playing this game for quite a while. The location
   it was in left a lot to be desired. However, a local bowling alley now
   have a South Park with the volume turned up a looooong way. This sheet
   is based on 4 hours play over 2 days. The rom version is A1.00. The
   sound rom is unknown, but I think that it is the original uncensored
   version. Your mileage may vary.

                              Playfield Layout
   Starting at the drain and going clockwise around:
   Drain: Same old bad news. No post on our machine.
   Inlanes: Light both to start Super Fart Bumpers.
   Outlanes: Can be lit for special.
   Bumpers: 3 in the standard formation. Same place as TZ. Balls exiting
   to the left are fed straight down into the left inlane.
   Left Lane: A shot through the bumpers. Spots shots towards Stan.
   Targets: 1 target on each side for the left lane entrance. The right
   one awards 100k+100k per hit as _ assed monkey. The space being the
   number of times it has been hit.
   Gate: A gate above the right bumper leading into the bumper area.
   Targets: 5 townsfolk targets. Used for the skill shot.
   Mr Hankey: 3 targets in front of a toilet. Used to count down towards
   multiball and as a jackpot shot.
   Chef Lane: Lane leading to a VUK just like the barbecue shot on
   Elvira. Spots shots towards Chef and can be lit for Extra Ball,
   Mystery and Spooky Vision. Balls from the left lane also end up here.
   Feeds to the area above the bumpers.
   Kenny: A large rubber Kenny in front of a hole. Hit either to spot
   hits on Kenny.
   Ramp: Used to spot shots on Kyle, start multiball and super jackpot.
   The ramp runs over the top of the toilet, which opens when
   appropriate. The ramp has an R shaped section above the bumper area
   and 3 possible exits. Balls can exit either through a hole into the
   bumpers, out a short drop towards the flippers or into the left
   inlane. Theres a lot of posts here.
   Targets: 3 more townsfolk targets. These add 1M to the anal probe
   value during Cartman.
   Cartman Hole: The return of the sinkhole from hell. Same size and
   position as the one on Star Wars Trilogy. Not as hard to hit due to a
   metal piece behind the hole. Used to spot hits on Cartman.

   The main aim of South Park is to start and COMPLETE all 5 characters
   modes. To start a mode you need to hit each characters shot a number
   of times. The number of shots required to start a mode increases with
   each successful completion. The modes for each character are as
   Stan: Shoot the left lane 4 times to start. Stans mode is a 4 ball
   multiball based around the bumpers and the lane. Your objective is to
   kiss Stans girlfriend 3 times. A kiss can be spotted either by a
   number of bumper hits or a shot to the lane. Shots to the lane are
   worth a bonus starting at 5M and increasing by 100k per bumper hit.
   After 3 kisses the display shows "You Win". You can still keep
   shooting the lane for points until 1 ball remains. The graphics for
   getting a kiss are gross.
   Chef: Shoot the center lane 4 times to start Chefs mode. You have 30
   seconds to shoot all 5 characters shots. The shots are worth 5M+1M per
   shot. The last shot is worth 10M. Each shot adds 5 seconds to the
   timer. Each shot adds a team member to a football team on the display.
   The COWS!
   Kenny: Hit Kenny 4 times to start a hurry-up. Then hit Kenny again to
   collect the value and kill Kenny. The value starts at 10M. Killing
   Kenny produces one of several graphic deaths and the inevitable quote
   "Oh my god, theyve killed Kenny! You Bastards!"
   Kyle: Shoot the ramp 4 times to start Kyles mode. The aim here is to
   shoot the ramp 4 times in 20? seconds to revive Mr Hankey. The shots
   are worth 5M, 10M, 15M and finally 20M.
   Cartman: Shoot the hole 4 times to start Cartmans mode. You have 20
   seconds to shoot the hole 3 times. Each shot awards 5M + 1M per hit on
   the 3 targets above the hole. Finishing awards the Anal Probe bonus.
   When you start a mode, the characters face on the playfield starts
   flashing. If the mode is completed the face lights solidly, otherwise
   it keeps flashing. Modes can be replayed regardless of they have been
   completed or not.

                                Wizard Modes
   South Park contains 2 wizard modes like Monster Bash. If you start all
   modes but fail to complete 1 or more, the Chef lane lights for Spooky
   Vision at the completion of the 5th mode. If you can complete all 5
   modes, the red arrow in the Chef lane and the Volcano between the
   flippers light and shooting the Chef lane starts the real wizard mode
   called Volcano.
   Spooky Vision: Spooky Vision is a 5 ball multiball where the object is
   to raise the characters jackpot values by hitting their respective
   shots a set number of times. More info is required here.
   Volcano: Volcano is another 5 ball multiball where the object is to
   save South Park from an erupting volcano. You have to shoot 15 lit
   character shots for 10M apiece. If you are successful the flippers go
   dead, an extra ball is awarded and you begin the process again.
   Otherwise the mode ends when 1 ball is left in play. The total for a
   successful Volcano mode is 210M so there must be a 60M completion
   Spooky vision does not occur if all 5 modes are completed on the first

   This is a bit confusing (to me at least). To light multiball you need
   to hit the Mr. Hankey targets 5 times. Multiball will light at the ramp
   and until you shoot the ramp any hit to the Hankey targets adds 100k
   to the base jackpot value. Shoot the ramp to start. The toilet opens
   and the ball is fed to the right inlane. Multiball is yet another 5
   ball affair. The Hankey targets are worth a base jackpot of 1M and
   each jackpot lights a character for a double jackpot. 5 Hankey
   jackpots lights the ramp for a super jackpot starting at 5M. I think
   collecting a super jackpot doubles the value of the next round of
   jackpots, however I could be wrong. The second super jackpot is worth
   10M and each one after that is worth an extra 5M with no known limit.
   Multiball ends when 1 ball remains.

   The 3 targets above Cartman light the Chef lane for mystery. The
   awards known at this time are:
   +1 bonus X (very common)
   Mr Mackey: A frenzy mode with all switches worth 500k for 30 seconds.
   The charity extra ball is also available if your score is below 10M on
   ball 3.
   Bonus: The bonus value is made up of the following:
   100k per shot to any character, the ramp or the townsfolk targets X
   the bonus X.
   There is also an outlane drain bonus awarded sometimes worth 1M.
   Skill Shot: Hit the lit target below Mr Hankey for 5M+5M per
   successful skill shot.
                                Random Notes
   Rule number 1, get all the character shots down. The Stan shot is a
   king size pain but its well worth the effort. I absolutely hate shots
   through bumpers but in this case Ill make an exception.
   Rule number 2, multiball, multiball, multiball. Any or all of them
   will do. The 3 multiballs are extremely unbalancing to this game. If
   you can play a few of each, a billion isn't out of the question. A
   trick to remember. The game can be tricked into awarding a left lane
   shot in multiball by shooting the Chef lane. Use this to your
   Entering the code LLRRLLRR in attract mode shows the design team
   639,809,810 including an 80M+ Stan mode.

   If you have anything to add I can be reached at