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= ::::::::::: Sonic Adventure A-Life Guide :::::::: Revision 0.2 ::::::::::: =

     The Sonic Adventure
              _____          .____    .________________________
             /  _  \         |    |   |   \_   _____|_   _____/
            /  /_\  \  ______|    |   |   ||    __)  |    __)_
           /    |    \/_____/|    |___|   ||     \   |        \
           \____|__  /       |_______ \___|\___  /  /_______  /
                   \/                \/        \/           \/   Guide

= :::::::::::::: By Ben Cureton :::::::::: ( :::::::::::::: =

 |     ..........  This file MUST be viewed in a monospace typeface!!!    |
 |     1234567890     "Courier New" is recommended by the author.         |

This guide is for the Dreamcast community. It is also meant to be free. You
may distribute this guide at your leisure, so long as you leave the content
intact and receive no monetary compensation for it. All text, strategies, and
other non-official information contained in this guide regarding Sonic
Adventure or A-Life are (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Ben Cureton. Do not steal the
information contained in this guide or attempt to reword it. As with all my
other faqs, this doccument contains methods for determining infringement of
copyright. I've had one too many FAQs/Documents stolen by "professional"
publishing companies, and if you are caught doing the same here you will be
prosecuted. Also, you'll end up looking like a moron... like the others.

  Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, A-Life, VMS, Chao, and all other official info
                        is (C) 1998, 1999 Sega Of Japan.

= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

[i]  Legal

[1]  Prologue
[2]  What is an A-Life/Chao?
[3]  The Chao Gardens
	- General
	- Trees
	- Uploading/Downloading
	- Warping
[4]  Raising Chao's
	- Finding Chao's
	- Hatching Chao's
	- Modifying Chao's
	- Mating Chao's
[5]  Chao Race
[6]  VMS Mini-Game
	- General
	- Menus
	- Paths
	- Extra
[7]  Credits

= [1] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Prologue :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

Since I only write guides/FAQs for something I'm excited about, I figured that
an A-Life/VMS guide would be an excellent choice for my next project. When I
initially attempted to find literature on the A-Life and VMS I learned that it
was very sparse. Now, after scouring the web, searching through tons of usenet
posts, and having some freinds translate... I've come up with this: "The Sonic
Adventure A-Life Guide". As of now it is far from complete, but I think that
it should shine some light on the subject for beginners and perhaps help get
other questions answered for all the A-Life fans. Anyway, If you see anything
that is missing, wrong, or incomplete... please feel free to email me and let
me know. Eventually I would like this guide to completely cover the best
A-Life procedures and tactics. Have fun!
                                                       - ben (tragic)

= [2] :::::::::::::::::::::: What is an A-Life/Chao? ::::::::::::::::::::::: =

First of all, I guess some of you may not even know what an A-Life/Chao is. A
Chao is basically a little egg that you find in the Sonic Adventure world, and
then hatch/raise it into a neat little creature. With this creature you can
race in the Chao Race, mate it with another Chao, or even download it to your
VMS for an extra mini-game where you can go on an adventure, fight enemies,
find treasure, and build up its stats. You can even mate your Chao with your
freinds Chao, or battle them as well! Then you can upload it back to Sonic
Adventure and race it or mate it again! Pretty cool if you ask me.

= [4] :::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Chao Gardens :::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

- General -

The Chao Gardens are where the majority of all Chao action takes place within
Sonic Adventure. You can modify your Chao, Mate it with another, and even feed
it. There are 3 Chao Gardens in Sonic Adventure. Below is a listing of each:

#1: Station Square
	This Chao Garden is located in the hotel up the left elevator. This is
	basically the main Chao Garden of the game. It looks basic: a large
	room with stuff in each corner, some trees, and a bit of water. One
	of the large walls has large entrance doors to the Chao Race arena.

#2: Mystic Ruins
	This Chao Garden is located on the other side of one of the caves in
	the ruins. You must take a mine cart to it. This Chao Garden looks a
	bit more complex than the first: forrest looking, some structures made
	from stone, some trees, and a bit more water. It's also located on a
	cliff, sorta.

#: Egg Carrier
	I have yet to find the Egg Carrier.

- Trees -

The trees within each Chao Garden are important to Chao development. This is
because they grow nuts (I'm not sure which one heh) which are the main food
for the Chao when you first start. In order to get a nut from the tree, you
must first wait for it to grow. I believe the nuts only grow while you are
actually in the Chao Garden so if your Chao needs food, you should stick
around. After the nuts become orange/brown, you have to shake them out of the
tree. Stand next to the tree and press X,Y,or B to grab onto the tree, then
press towards the tree to begin shaking. Eventually the nut will fall out and
you can feed it to your Chao.

- Uploading/Downloading -

Possibly the coolest feature of the A-Life/Chao's is the ability to download
them to the VMS (Visual Memory System), play a separate mini-game which
enhances your character, then upload the creature back to Sonic Adventure and
participate in all the same stuff you were doing before except with a better
creature. Definitely cool. To initiate the upload/download sequence you must
first be in a Chao Garden. Then you have your character step on the big red
button in front of the graphical VMS. If you wish to download your Chao onto
the VMS you must set it down on the grating, then the menu will come up. If
you wish to upload your Chao from the VMS the menu will instantly come up when
you step on the button. This menu shows each VMS that is plugged in and the
Chao Data contained on it. I believe you can only have one Chao and one Egg on
a single VMS at any one time. Once the menu comes up, press A to upload or
download the Chao. Simple!

As a special bonus, if you upload your Chao from the VMS to a Chao Garden, any
fruit that you had in the mini-game will be uploaded as well. This may prove
to be useful for feeding your other Chao's that reside in a Chao Garden. By
finding/winning fruit int he mini-game, you can upload it all to the Chao
Garden and feed it to your other Chao's! Cool! It seems as if you cannot get
the fruit back to the VMS once you have uploaded though. =(

- Warping -

As a really cool transportation feature in Sonic Adventure, each Chao Garden
contains two Warp Pads. Each of the Warp Pads takes your character to another
Chao Garden so it's very useful for moving your different creatures between
Gardens or simply warping to a different location. To utilize a Warp Pad you
simply need to step on it. Only Warp Pads with a colored light emitting from
it with a title are active. Warp pads become active once you have visited the
area that it can warp to... IE: If you have been to the Station Square Chao
Garden, then go to the Mystic Ruins Chao Garden the Warp Pad will be active
between the two areas.

= [4] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Raising a Chao ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

- Finding Chao's - 

Throughout the Sonic Adventure world you will encounter Chao eggs. I believe
each Chao Garden has at least one, and others can be found in certain areas of
the Sonic Adventure world. Below is a listing of places other than the Chao
Gardens where Chao Eggs can be found.

#1: Mystic Ruins (In the pool under the waterfall. I think you may have to
    press the rock thingy near the waterfall for the Chao Egg to come out. It
    will drop from the waterfall, then float to the shore where you can pick
    it up.)

#2: Station Square (In front of the large building at the end of the main road
    where you first fight Chao's 0. Previously I thought this was an Chao Egg
    but it turns out it's a rock. Take this rock to the Toy Store and set it
    on the ground. Pick up the Gold Chao Egg and the front door will close
    and lock. Now set the Gold Chao Egg down, and place the rock where the
    Chao Egg was (like Indiana Jones heh). Now the doors will unlock and you
    are free to go.

- Hatching Chao's -

To hatch a Chao Egg, simply pick it up and run with it a short distance, then
toss it against a wall or rock. I know this seems sorta mean, but I it works.
I have also heard that if you just wait in the Chao Garden for a while, the
Chao will hatch by itself. I have yet to confirm this.

- Modifiying Chao's -

Modifying Chao's is still a  bit of a mystery to me. So far I know that if you
rub a game-creature against your Chao and it will gain the attributes of that
creature. Game-creatures are those little animal things you get after beating
and enemy with Sonic. A little creature thingy comes out and is added to the
bottom right-hand corner of the screen when you touch it. Once you go back to
a Chao Garden all the game-creatures you have amassed pop out and wander
around. Once you leave the Chao Garden, all the game-creatures that popped out
will be gone. I think there is a limit to the number of game-creatures you can
amass at any one time.

As an experiement I went through Sonic's first level and got a bunch of the
penguin game-creatures. I touched them all to my Chao and I noticed that with
new penguin I rubbed to my Chao, it began to look different. After adding all
of the penguins to my Chao, it sorta looked like a penguin! The eyebrows were
bushy and it seemed to be a bit more squat in stance.

Another little note. I was feeding my Chao once in a Chao Garden with the nuts
from one of the trees. I accidentally hit the Chao with Knuckles. Soon after
that the Chao sort-of leaned over and a transparent Egg began to surround it.
Eventually the Egg turned solid white then disappeared. I thought I somehow
killed the Chao so I immediately reset and my Chao was back to normal. After
that I bgan to handle the Chao's with extreme care as I thought I could kill
them by hitting them. Now, one time I just came into the Garden and I noticed
the same Chao was turning into the transparent Egg again. I knew I hadn't hit
it this time, so instead of resetting I went into the Chao race area to see if
my Chao was still selectable. Guess what? It was... but now it looked
different. It had a different shaped head. When I downloaded the Chao to the
VMS it looked just like it did in the Chao Garden... definitely cool. I'm
guessing that when I hit it and it turned into the transparent Egg it was
merely coincidence. I believe that the transparent Egg is the state during
which the Chao matures. Basically a Chao metamorphosis. Now if this is true, I
wonder how many states it must go through to become fully matured. As usual I
will update as soon as I find out. If anyone has any info on this, let me know
ASAP. =)

- Mating Chao's -

Supposedly you can mate Chao's within Chao Gardens, but I have yet to figure
this little trick out. If anyone knows, drop me a line.

= [5] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Chao Race :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

The Chao Race is only available within the Station Square Chao Garden. Because
I haven't messed around with the Chao Race much (due to the fact I get my ass
kicked every time I enter), I can't really expand on this section quite yet.
I would definitely be grateful to anyone that could shed some insight on how
to make a kick-ass Chao-Racing Chao... mine always gets worked.

When you first enter the Chao Race lobby, you will see a colorful wall with
eight numbers on it. These are the competitors slots. When you step on the big
red button that says "Entry", a meny will appear. From the translations I
received the options read:

: Chao Race
: Beginners Mode
: Multiple Entry

No matter which option you pick, the next menu is the same for each. It has
four Gems from left to right signifying the different races and the best times
in each race as well. From left to right the Gems/races are:

Pearl Course:      Ball Push Race
Amethyst Course:   Basic Foot Race
Saphire Course:    Super Foot Race
Ruby Course:       Swimming Race

Once I figure out how to kick-ass at all the Chao Races, I'll fill up this
area with some coll tactics. =)

= [6] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: VMS Mini-Game :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

- General -

After downloading your Chao to the VMS, you can play a very cool mini-game
that raises its stats. To start the Chao Mini-Game you must first download a
Chao to the VMS. Then use the "MODE" button on the VMS to select the SPADE
playing card. Press A to bring up the title screen, then A+B to initiate the
game. You will see your Chao walking from right to right as it has begun its

- Menus -

Press A to open the Menu screens. While in the Menus press A to confirm and B
to go back. The Menu options and decriptions are as follows:

: Status
	The Status menu has two parts. The main screen shows the Chao's name
	and hit points (current and max). The Japanese text between the name
	and hit points represent the Chao's general status. I think this
	represents the Chao's mood. Sometimes your Chao will be in a friendly
	mood... sometimes it will be naughty. I have yet to find out how many
	different "moods" it has and how they affect the game or the Chao's
	overall advancement. Mark Green did say that if the Chao is "naughty"
	it may refuse food... stats won't increase but the food item is
	removed from the inventory.

	Press A to see the second screen. The next screen shows the Chao's
	individual stats. From top to bottom they are:

	- Swim
	- Flight
	- Run
	- Strength

: Item
	The Item menu shows the current food items your Chao is carrying. When
	you have no items it reads "don't have anything". After obtaining food
	items, simply highlight and item and press A to feed it to your Chao.
	Items are obtained by winning the "concentration" game, or through the
	treasure boxes. The known items so far are:

	- Yellow Fruit:  Swim +4 (kiiroi mi)
	- Purple Fruit:  Flight +4 (murasaki no mi)
	- Blue Fruit:    Run +4 (aoi mi)
	- Red Fruit:     Strength +4 (akai mi)

	- Chao Fruit:    Everything +4 (chao no mi)
	- Star Fruit:    Punch x2 (hoshi no mi)
	- Hasty Fruit:   Speed x2 (sekkachi no mi)
	- Heart:         HP Full (ha-to no mi)

	- Empty          Nothing (karappo)

: Game
	The Game option goes right into a "concentration" style game. When the
	game begins, all the cards will be visible. After a second or two they
	will flip over and you must match each pair together to win a prize.
	Use the d-pad to highlight a card and A to flip it over. If you match
	two cards correctly they will remain flipped over. If you fail to
	match a pair you will lose a chance. After three missed attempts the
	game is over an the Chao will say "dissapointed!". If you match all
        the pairs you will win a food item.

: Mate
	Since I don't have two VMS units yet, I can't expand on this section
	yet. However, if anyone has some info, let me know.

	As of now it reads: "please connect"

: Battle
	Since I don't have two VMS units yet, I can't expand on this section
	yet. However, if anyone has some info, let me know.

	As of now it reads: "please connect"

: Owner
	This is where you can view your personalized information.
	- Name
	- Birthday
	- Telephone
	- Favorite Things
	- Secret
	- NO1Taimu ?

: Friends
	I am unsure about this option right now. Maybe I need another VMS. As
	of now it says "no freind".

: Map
	The Map option shows the progress of your Chao's quest. The bar
	indicates how far into the present area you are. The numbers indicate
	how many miles/meters (?) your Chao has walked. The second menu screen
	shows what path you have taken.

: Settings
	This is where you can togle sound on/off, input personal information
	to personalize your VMS, and name your Chao. The Settings menu
	options are as follows:

	- Sound
		- On
		- Off
	- User Data
		- Exhange
		- Don't Exhange
	- Data Entry
		- Name
		- Sex (Male/Female)
		- Blood Type (A/B/O/AB)
		- Birthday (YY/MM/DD)
		- Telephone
		- Things You Like
		- Secret
	- Chao's Name

- Paths -

When you come across a fork in the road, you can decide which path to take or
let the Chao decide for itself. The first two options will be areas, the last
is "either way is ok" which allows the Chao to choose.

The different path areas in no particular order are:

	- Seashore (walk)
	- Woods (walk)
	- Sea (swim)
	- Above the Sea (fly?)
	- City (fly)
	- Desert (walk)
	- Oasis (swim)
	- Above the City (climbing)
	- Shinden (walk)

- Extra -

Sometimes during the Chao's quest it will stop advancing. This can be the
result of a few things. Most often your Chao "trips" or "slips". On a walking
stage the Chao simply falls on its face. On a climbing stage it loses its
footing. I have also seen the Chao get big and puffy (I have no idea why). At
any rate, simply press A to get the Chao moving again.

Another time your Chao will stop is when it encounters a special character or
creature. So far I have encountered Sonic, Tails, and Amy (and I think maybe
Knuckles). They say something and you have a fruit in your hand, but I don't
think it appears in your inventory. Perhaps you are giving them a present? I
have also met some stage-specific characters such as a bird and a fish. If you
come across one of these creatures just press A to get your Chao going again.

When you come across a random trasure chest you simply have to pick one of the
three boxes. If you guess right, you will get an item. =)

= [7] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Credits ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =

Ben (tragic) Cureton ........................................

Super Contributor:
Mark Green (research, info, testing etc.) ...........

Kirk Bender (excellent translation .gifs) ...................
Daniel Riley (tidbits in his SA FAQ) ..........................

Special thanks goes out to anyone else that advertently or inadvertently
helped with the creation of this guide. Usenet, Web, and IRC... THANKS!

= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: END OF DOCUMENT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =