Andere Lösungen

Silent Steel (e)

Hih everybody

The attachment is a walkthrough for the Game Silent Steel.
You can try it. 

With this solution I come wider, but after the Scene 15 I have
Problems. I have the germain version of this game. I can follow
Step for Step to Scene 15, but after I have get two torpedos from
Akula and Ice-Cream was fall down.

If somebody have experiences with this walkthrough, or know something
about my Problems please E-Mail to me:


                                Silent Steel




   * If there are dots BEFORE the words, that means that there are words
     EXAMPLE: - ...XO, what's up?
     there are words BEFORE "XO, what's up?"

   * If there are dots AFTER the words, that means that there are words
     EXAMPLE:- It can't be 0630 yet...
     there are words AFTER "It can't be 0630 yet"


     Scene 1 -- The captain's Quarters

                     > It can't be 0630 yet, XO, what's up?
                     > You handle it XO, I'm beat
                     > Have someone bring it to me
                             * Wheeler brings message *
                     > Dismissed Wheeler, and have the XO come
                       to my cabin
                               * XO comes to cabin *
                     > This is as serious as it gets XO, take
                       a look at this
                     > How she got out is anybody's guess...

                            << go to sonar room >>

     Scene 2 -- The Sonar Room

                     > ...drag a cot in here if you have to
                     > ...get'm on the horn
                             * Get on SATCOM w/ Admiral *
                     > I received your message from CONSUBLANT...

     Scene 3 -- Wardroom

                     > At best speed, what are the probable...
                     > Kilo class submarine, probably with a
                       performance upgrade
                     > Standard speed will be sufficient...
                             * See Weps in torpedo room *

     Scene 4 -- Torpedo Room

                     > How's your readiness posture Weps?
                     > I'd like to put us on an increased
                       readiness footing...

     Scene 5 -- Buzz at 5 Hz

                     > Was it a malfunction in your gear?
                     > You said the volume changed with speed...
                     > Do we have a problem here, or are we
                       worrying about nothing?
                     > How long would a hull search take?
                     > I want to lock out a diver...

     Scene 6 -- After diver

                     > Let me see it
                     > Get it back to ChEng...and I want answers.

     Scene 7 -- Wardroom

                     > I'm willing to hear a list of suspects...
                     > Anything strange happen...
                     > Everyone's a suspect...

     Scene 8 -- Line Up

                     > Why were you late?
                     > That thing was found 9 feet...who put it there?
                     > Who told you?  Who told you to do it?
                     > Why were you late?
                     > I'm placing you under arrest for sabotage.
                             * Change to Disk 3 *

     Scene 9 -- Con

                     > Sound the general alarm...
                     > Return fire.  Break contact.
                     > Continue to move closer.
                     > Standby

     Scene 10 -- Sonar

                     > Is it the Kilo?
                     > Can you give me a course and speed on this

     Scene 11 -- Wardroom

                     > I think I have a grasp on the tactical
                       situation, I'd like to hear some suggestions.
                     > You mean the Akula's trying to give away her
                     > You got about 20 seconds to get me interested
                       Master Chief, start talking.

     Scene 12 -- Con

                     > Get me a firing solution.
                     > Fire tube 1.
                     > Prepare to fire second torpedo.
                     > Fire tube 2
                     > Place Mk 48 in command mode.  Order the
                       torpedo to kill Sierra-25.
                     > I gave you an order, XO...

                             * Change to disk 4 *

     Scene 13 -- Con/Sonar

                     > Place him under arrest XO.

     Scene 14 -- Torpedo Room

                     > Put the gun down, Wheeler.  You don't
                       really want to hurt anyone.

     Scene 15 -- Con

                     > Break contact.  Get us out of here.
                             * Cinema in helicopter *
                     > Come to periscope depth and give them
                       a nav fix.
                     > Shoot!
                     > Ready tube 2



     From this point on, you can pick anything to say, and the ending will
     change according to what you pick. Try them all out!