Andere Lösungen

Silent Hill (e)

Silent Hill Walkthrough for the Playstation  v2.0

by Black Cat and Gunsmith

Hahahah, did you think we'd follow the norm format?  Contents?  Yeah right!  
...Er, okay then, we have to cause it's getting complicated!


1.    Hasty Updates 
2.    Design Notes
3.    Playstyle Tips
4.    Walkthrough
5.    Game Over
6.    Weapon Guide
7.    Necronomicon : Monster Guide
8.    What the ???  Unfinished Business
9.    Legal Claptrap
10.   Credits

SECTION 1: HASTY UPDATES-----------------------------------------------

5th Febraury: Got Silent Hill, sent in first two levels to

6th February: Completed game on NORMAL setting.

7th February - Playtesting the Faq (on HARD level).  Added to the instructions 
on the Rooftop of Midwich School.  Added to the instructions before leaving the 
hospital for the Antique Shop.  Corrected "VOWO" name on truck.  

8th February:  Finished game on HARD level.  Figured out how to get Good + 
ending (Hurrah!).  Added instructions regarding the plastic bottle in hospital 
kitchen.  Reformatted and added Contents.

SECTION 2: DESIGN NOTE: When reading this FAQ, don't forget to put your wordwrap 
on!  The wrap on my pc is set at default which is 15 on the ruler.

SECTION 3: PLAYSTYLE TIPS----------------------------------------------

Game Abbreviations:

SH: Silent Hill
ASH: Alternate Silent Hill

This walkthrough is for NORMAL and HARD mode.  If you want to use this FAQ as a 
walkthrough, visit the rooms in the order they are listed.  Within sections they 
are lists of rooms rather than directions telling you where to go.  Visiting the 
rooms in the order listed will get you where you want to go.  Also you may have 
to use your brain at some points as we refuse to hold your hand throughout the 
whole game, for then there would be point in playing would there?

On Hard level some items are not present like the Ampoule in ASH Hospital in the 
wheelchair in the lobby.  But a small price to pay for to realise that the 
makers of this game are fans of the Evil Dead Movies...  :)  Hard level makes 4 
items available:  If you select this level you can get the Gasoline, Chainsaw, 
Rock Drill or special medallion.  Refer to Level 2 Scene 1 for details.  The 
mosters hurt more and take more damage on this level too.  

Also, try to burrow/rent/steal a rumble pad to play this game.  It emulates 
Harry's heart when he gets scared and the force of impact when he runs straight 
into a wall (HA HA!)  (Don't use the anolog controls- they are rubbish; Parasite 
Eve was MUCH better).  Switch the light off, wait till late at night and play 
alone (If you like having nightmares and damaging your eyesight!).

Also, this FAQ is written to set you up into the best positions to give you a 
fright, so it may waffle at some points and deliberatley NOT tell you when 
you're about to be attacked.  You have been warned.

The controls are obvious, but remember that pressing L1+R1 will make Harry turn 
180 Degrees sharply.  This is handy for running from Bosses and situations like 
when you meet a dead end and you have 1 dog and 2 Eight Men running after you 

If the camera angle puts you at a disadvantage, press L2 to get the viewpoint 
from behind your back.  This doesn't work at some points though.

Damn this FAQ looks much better in Wordpad...

SECTION 4: WALKTHROUGH-------------------------------------------------

Game attract CG Sequence-----------------------------------------------

Among various other scenes, which you will get to see during the game,  Harry 
Mason is driving with his daughter, Cheryl.  He sees a Police Officer on a 
motorbike, who accerates out of view.  Then he sees the Police Officer's bike 
crashed into a wall.  Looking back and looking ahead he suddenly sees a girl in 
the road, causing him to swerve and crash.

Funnily enough, if you let the game demo run, you will notice that Harry runs 
into areas of Level 1 where you will need to go, without telling you why...  
Start Game

CG Intro---------------------------------------------------------------

Harry Mason wakes up in his crashed jeep to find that his daughter, Cheryl has 
disappeared. He leaves his jeep to find himself in the town of Silent Hill.  It 
is foggy and snowing.  

At this point you gain control of Harry.  Keep moving forward until you see a 
shadow in the distance.  You can try and go into the convenience store but the 
CPU will take control of Harry and run him in the correct direction.  You will 
see Cheryl, but she runs off.  You follow her.  You go down an alleyway.  It's a 
basic direction with no choice but to continue.  It gets darker (eek!).  Harry 
lights a match and keeps running (!  You know with amazing skills like that, 
he'll go far...).  You will see a crucified dead person at the end, where 
suddenly two (then three if you survive long enough) child zombies appear and 
stab you till you run out of energy and collapse.  

You wake in a cafe to see Cybil Bennett, a police officer from Brahms, the next 
town over.  She asks you if you're okay and explains something bizarre is 
happening in Silent Hill.  All the people have vanished.  She refrains from 
telling you the whole story.  You are about to leave to try and find your 
daughter when she hands you a gun.
Scene 1:  Cafe

The first thing to do is gather up the items by pressing X.  

Health x2
Residential Map
Small Radio
Save Game (notepad)

You can't get the small radio until you leave the cafe.  Upon picking up the 
Residential Map, you will realise that you will have to equip your gun before 
you leave (equip your gun using R2,   Press X to fire).  After trying to leave 
the cafe, the radio will emit static.

*Special Item : Radio
     The Radio emits static whenever a monster is near.  
     It will emit a louder and different crackle when
     you are very close to a monster.

The windows will smash and you will meet the first monster, from now on 
refferred to as Winged Beastie (WB).  Press X till the bastard is dead.  Take 
the Radio.  Go out of the cafe.
Scene 2:  Outside the cafe

Handgun Bullets x2

The Handgun Bullets is on the bench outside.  You have to check the alleyway.  
Look at the map by pressing T.  Follow the red arrow on the map that points to 

*Monsters: Winged Beastie (WB), Dog (D) and Child Zombie (CZ)

     You don't have to fight these monsters to proceed.
     You can run past them and save Handgun Bullets.  However, if
     you do decide to wipe them out, then remember you
     must not only shoot them down, but you must also
     stomp them or shoot them again until more blood 
     appears and the radio stops crackling.  Otherwise
     they will ressurect.  


     Any handweapon can be used in two ways.  Single button strike, or
     two button combo.  Position and distance are the key to using each
     type effectively.  Did you appreciate that waffle?  It IS helpful, 
     but so is cough syrup...

     If you shoot a WB from the porch of a house and it lands on the 
     stairs, it will slide down to the floor.  Cool, eh?

     We also shot a WB and it landed in one of the chasms.  It should 
     have resurrected, but we didn't hang around to find out.

     After shooting a monster, you can stomp it without wasting a
     bullet or changing weapon by letting go of R2 and just pressing X.

     L1 + L2 quick switch around:  Good for shooting WB's flying past 
Scene 3: Alleyway off Finney St.

Handgun Bullets x2 
Cheryl's Sketchbook

There is an Alleyway that is blocked off but you can find the items.  Pick up 
the sketchbook that will give you the idea to go to the School.
Scene 4: On the way to School

Do not bother trying to go the obvious and direct route to School using the map.  
All routes are blocked off.  Go to the alleyway behind the cafe on Bachman Road.  

You will find a fence-gate that says "off limits".  You will find it is directly 
behind the cafe.  Enter to find the Basketball court.

-Small Basketball Court

Key of Woodman

-Small alleyway:  To the right of Ponston Market on Bachman Street (simply keep 
going down the alleyway behind the cafe).

Handgun Bullets x2 

Proceed to the broken bridge (if you look on the map it is near the letter N of 
the compass).  There you will the broken down police car.  

-Police Car

Handgun Bullets
Key of Lion

There are 2 WBs that you may have to kill in order to pick up the items without 

Proceed to the bottom of Elroy Street.  There is a house that is all boarded up.  
Near the chasm you will find a plank that you can walk across to get the items.

-Boarded-up House

Key of Scarecrow

Once you have all the keys, proceed to Matheson Street.  You will come across 
more of Cheryl's notes on the left hand end of Matheson Street which gives you 
the clue to go to the Dog House on Levin St.  You cannot go to the dog house 
without reading the notes.

MISC : You don't have to get these items, but then again you could just dig a 
hole in the floor and bury yourself, ne?  ^_^

-Matheson Street:  If you look on the map, by the letter E of Matheson St there 
is an alleyway.  

First Aid Kit

-Levin Street:  Look on the map.  Near the letter L of Old Silent Hill, there is 
a house.  


-Bachman Road:  Go to the top to find Harry's jeep.  Then visit the convenience 

Health x4
First Aid

Scene 5: Dog House and House

House Key
First Aid Kit
Handgun Bullets x2
Save Game

Go into the house and find the backdoor near the kitchen.  Read the map on the 
wall just so you can make more scribbles on your own map.  Use the keys to 
unlock it.


Health x2

Go out through the door.  It gets pitch black (oooh mommy!) so Harry turns on 
his flashlight.  You can turn off your flashlight by pressing O.  Go through the 
gate to get back on the street.
Scene 6:  Hit the Road, Jack er... Harry

-Broken down Highway: Top of Midwich Street

Handgun Bullets

-Small alleyway:  On the map near the letter O of Old Silent Hill

Handgun Bullets

-Alleyway off Bradbury Street:

You will see a garage with Blood over the door.  There is a plaque that says "K. 
Gordon".  Go down this alleyway to get into someone's back yard - to find 
absolutley nothing at all.  Well whoo-oo-oo-pee!  That was worth it.  :/

-School Bus:  At the bottom of the map next to the school.

Health x2
Save Point
Scene 7:  Midwich Elementary School

Run past the Ds and open the door.  You will find yourself in the lobby.  


School Map


First Aid Kit
Save Point


Teachers Log book 
clues x3

You must read the clues to continue.

"Alchemy Laborotory"

Gold in an old man's palm
The future hidden in his fist
Exchange for sage's water

"A place with songs and sound"

A silver guide post is 
untapped in lost tongues.
Awakening at the ordained order.

"Darkness that brings 
the choking heat"

Flames render the silence
awakening the hungry beast.
Open time's door to beckon prey.

-Room behind Reception

Handgun Bullets

=Solving the riddles=

-10.00 Riddle

Run through the courtyard, avoiding the CZs (or maiming them with the     pipe 
if you feel annoyed for some reason).  In the courtyard is a clock Tower.  The 
face reads 10.00 Go up to the second floor.  Go into the Lab Equip Room.

 -Lab Equip Room

  Chemical - Hydrochloric Acid
  Distilled Water

Get the Chemical and go into the Chemistry Lab.  

 -Chemistry Lab

  Handgun Bullets
  Statue of Hand

Pour the chemical onto the Statue of Hand to receive the Gold Medallion.  You 
cannot get the Silver Medallion until you put the Medallion into its slot in the 
Clock Tower in the courtyard.

Go back to the courtyard and place the Medallion into the slot for the Golden 
Sun.  You can get the CZs to follow you in a line between the bench and the wall 
where they can queue up for a close examination in the law of "Pipe" plus 
"Thwack!" equals "Dead Zombie"... 

Once you have put the medallion in place, the clock face turns to 12.00...

-12.00 Riddle

Go to the Music Room on the 2nd Floor.  Read the clue:

"A Tale of Bird's Without a Voice"

First flew the greedy Pelican, 
Eager for the reward,
White wings flailing.

Then came a silent Dove,
Flying beyond the Pelican,
As far as he could.

A Raven flies in,
Flying higher than the Dove,
Just to show that he can.

A Swan glides in, 
To find a peaceful spot,
next to another bird.

Finally out comes a crow,
Coming quickly to a stop,
Yawning and then napping.

Who will show the way,
Who will be the key,
Who will lead to
The silver reward.

Go to the piano and check it.

The piano keys are numbered from left to right.  All keys included.

 2 4   7 9  11
1 3 5 6 8 10  12

2, 3, 8, 10, 11 do not work!

If you wanna figure it outself, stop scrolling now.

Clue: The birds in the poem represent the keys on the piano.  Also the title of 
the poem is the key to narrowing down which piano keys are used.  Only 5 keys 
need to be pressed, once each.

The code:

3, 10, 11, 8, 2.

You receive the silver medallion.  Go back to the courtyard and put it in the 
slot for the silver room.  

=Once you have put the medallion in place, the clock face turns to 5.00...=

Now is the best time to get all your items from the School Rooms.

 -1st FLOOR

 Boys Toilets: CZ
 Girls Toilets: Nothing
 Teacher's Room: Locked
 Bottom Right Classroom: Nothing
 Top Right Classroom: BBG, Handgun Bullets
 Storage Room: Jammed
 Hall: Jammed
 Room between Storage and Hall: BBG, Handgun Bullets

 -2nd FLOOR

 Top left Classroom: CZ x2, Health
 Bottom Left Classroom: Nothing
 Boys Toilets: Sounds of Small Kid Crying
 Girls Toilets: CZ x2, Handgun Bullets
 Locker Room: Cat in a locker (which then gets er...) 
 (Also, when you leave the locker room, you get CZ)
 Bottom Right Classroom: CZ x2, Handgun Bullets
 Library: BBGx4, First Aid Kit
 Library Reserve: CZ

=Don't bother with the 3rd Floor yet.=
* Blue-Black Baby Ghost (BBG)

  You may bump into this little black transparent thing, that will probably 
scare the shit out of you so much you'll automatically pump it full of lead.  
However, once it disappears after falling over a few times you'll have calmed 
down and realised it is of no threat and should simply be ignored.

-5.00 Riddle

  Go to the Boiler Room in the basement.  Switch on the Boiler.  (Good idea to 
save now)  Go back to the Clock Tower.  Go through the doors in the Clock Tower.  
Follow path downwards.  There are empty medicine bottles at the bottom.  Go out 
and an animated sequence takes over.

Harry finds himself in the courtyard again, however there is a strange symbol in 
the middle.  There is only one way into the school.  Kill the CZ x2.  Go to the 
storage room.

-Storage Room : Rubber Ball

If you haven't noticed, you're in the school but it is er... different.

* Big Cockroaches (BC)

  Well, they're not giant are they?  Then I would have put GC!  

-Room Between Storage and Hall: Hangun Bullets, First Aid Kit

-Top Right Classroom: Yellow Picture Card

-Hall way near the Bottom Right Classroom: Health

-Infirmary: First Aid Kit, Health, Save Game

-Wheelchair in Lobby: Ampoule (Pain reliever)

-Room behind Reception: Handgun Bullets

Go to the Room behind the Reception and put the Yellow Card into the door slot.  
You'll appear in the girls Toilets on the first floor.  When you exit you'll 
appear outside the girls Toilet's on the second floor (funky, eh?).  

-2nd Floor Boys Toilets : Handgun Bullets x2, Shotgun Bullets

Go back into the Girl's Toilets and you'll find yourself in the girl's toilets 
on the 1st floor  (Insert quote from Alice in Wonderland here).  

-1st Floor Boys Toilets: Open door and see girl in flowery dress (well she might 
have been one at some point).  Pick up shotgun.  Pump your fist in the air and 
go "Whoop Whoop!  There's gonna be a party y'all!"

Go to the Teacher's Room on the Top left corner of the 1st floor, pick up the 
Handgun Bullets.  Leave the Room and the phone will ring.  It's someone you 
know.  Go up to the 2nd Floor.

-Top Left Classroom: CZ x3, Handgun Bullets

-Bottom Left Classroom: Shotgun Shells

-Lab Equip Room/ Chemist Room/ Library/ : Jammed

-Hallway Outside the Left side Classrooms:  Health

Go to the locker room.  Hmm sounds like that cat got stuck inside again.  Ho 

After you leave the locker room, you will have found the Key to the Library 
Reserve.  Trust me (^_^')

-Library Reserve Room:  First Aid Kit

-Library: Handgun Bullets

Go to the Library and Read the open book.

Hearing this, the hunter
armed with bow and arrow said
"I will kill the lizard"
but upon meeting his opponent,
he held back, taunting,
"Whose afraid of a reptile?"
At this, the furious lizard
"I'll swallow you up
in a single bite!"
The huge creature
attacked, jaws open wide.
This was what the man wanted.
Calmly drawing his bow,
he shot 
into the lizards gaping mouth.
Effortlessly, the arrow flew,
piercing the defenceless maw,
and the lizard fell down dead.

Okay, no prizes for guessing what kind of boss is coming up, eh?

Go to the roof.  There are two drain holes in the top right corner.  Put the 
rubber ball in one of the holes.  Check the other hole to see the key.  Turn on 
the valve.  The water should push the key down the drainpipe.  Go to the 
courtyard.  Pick up key in gutter.  Go to 2nd Floor.  Open the classroom on the 
top right corner.  3 CZs will cheerily greet you.  In the next room pick up the 
health.  Go down stairs to first floor and unlock grill door and SAVE GAME in 
infirmary- boss is coming.  

Go to Basement.

-Storage Room: Shotgun Shells and Ampoule.

-Boiler Room:  Valves and Gate.  

Turn the right valve left x2.
Turn the left valve right once.

Kill the boss as he opens his mouth, duh.  Use the shotgun.  Cue movie  
sequence.  You will see the girl who you avoided in the crash again.  Then 
you're back in the real SH boiler room.   You can hear Church Bells ringing.  
Your next objective.  Pick up the K. Gordon key (!).

Well done, you've completed Level 1!

You can save game if you wish in the Infirmary.
Level 2
Scene 1:  Visiting K. Gordon

-K. Gordon's House

Save Game
Handgun Bullets x2

Before leaving the school, check the Teacher's List on the Reception desk so 
that K. Gordon's House will be marked on the map.  Go to K. Gordon's House, heh 
heh heh  (So it wasn't a waste of time finding that house earlier!!! Update: Oh, 
we found the teacher's list 2nd time we played the game through).

Just go along the bottom of the map until you reach the chasm.  Hit left and go 
up the alleway.  Go up to the house with blood on the Garage and a dog guarding 
the entrance. You can get in through the back door using the K. Gordon key. 
Collect the items and leave through the front.

Before reaching the church, you can collect the following items.  

-Levin Street Chasm: End House on right: Health

-Bradbury St: Just before the backyard alleyway on a bench: Health

-Alleyway to the left of Cut-Rite Chainsaws (Heh Heh): Handgun Bullets

Resist the temptation to inspect the Chainsaw, read below to find out why.

-Gas Station: 

Handgun Bullets 
Gasoline *Hard Level Only*
Save Point

With the Gasoline, you have to make a choice.  You can either go to Cut-Rite 
Chainsaws and get the Chainsaw or go to the Bridge Control Room and get the Rock 
Drill.  Refer to the Weapon Guide if you can't make up your mind...

-(Behind the Gas Station) "VOWO" truck:

Handgun Bullets
Shotgun Shells
Scene 2: The Church

Drawbridge Key
Save Point

Upon entering the Church you are greeted with CG of an suspiciously nutty old 
woman wittering on about how she knew you were coming.  She scuttles off into a 
locked room when you ask too many questions.  Upon leaving the church, go to the 
Bridge Control Room on Bloch Street.

Right hand side of River, steps going down:  First Aid Kit, Shotgun Shells.

-Bridge Control Room:

Rock Drill (You need Gasoline)
Shopping District Map 

Go upstairs.  Insert Drawbridge Key into Control Panel.  Go across the 

New Monster:  8 Man.  Nasty piece of work.  When it gets near it will jump and 
molest you!!!

-Right hand side of the drawbridge, steps going down: Handgun Bullets.  

Go towards the hostpital.  Once you are inside, you cannot leave.  

Scene 3: Hospital

Go left, past the phones, 1st door on your left.  You will meet Dr. Michael 
Kaufmann, who took a nap and then woke up to find everyone gone, snow in the 
wrong time of year and monsters flapping about.  We learn that Harry wife died 4 
years ago.

Go and face the grey blue cabinet, take the right door.  Continue through the 
next door.  Pick up Map of Hospital and First Aid Kit.

-Doctor's Office : Map of Basement.
-Conference Room : Basement Key.  
-Kitchen : Empty Plastic Bottle, Health.

-Director's Office : Spilt Drug on the floor. 

 Use the plastic bottle to scoop some up.

Go to the basement door and go through.  Go downstairs and meet some BCs.  Go to 
the Generator Room and activate Generator.  Pick up the Hammer.  Go to the lift 
and go to the 2nd floor.  Go out, push the doors even though they are jammed, 
then come back into the lift and go to 3rd and do the same.  Then *poof* the 4th 
floor button will appear.  You will see the girl who you avoided in the crash 
again.  Run to the double doors on the bottom right hand side.  Go through and 
go downstairs.  Go out into the corridor to meet a nurse monster.  She seems to 
have the hump.  She'll stumble towards you and then when she's about two paces 
away she will make a running grab at you.  Give her one good shotgun blast with 
an EXTREME Close up to finish her off.  She'll writhe on the floor until you put 
her out of her misery.  You now have to collect 4 pieces to open the Nurse 
Center.  You'll also meet the doctor monsters with the same attitude problem, 
but they have scalpels *sweatdrop appears down side of author's head*.  Oh yeah, 
don't forget to watch the hump squirm... gross...

-Gents toilets:  Blue Square Plate of Turtle 
-Room 302: Video Tape Machine (no use yet)
-Room 304: Steel Plate and Health (don't touch yet)
-Room 306: Yellow Square Plate of Cat
-Storage Room: Blood Pack, Handgun Bullets, First Aid Kit

Go to Level 1 via the lift.

-Vending Machine: Health x3
-Director's Office: Red Square Plate of Queen, Save Game
-Kitchen: Health
-Office: Handgun Bullets

Go to Level 3 via lift, then go to Level 2 via the stairs.

-Room 201: Lighter

-Room 204: 

 Green Square of Mad Hatter
 Empty slate

The snakes are interested in blood.  Walk up to them and Use Blood Pack.  They 
will move aside and allow you to pick up the Plate.

Go to the Nurse Center and read the clue on the wall.

Clouds flowing over a hill.
Sky on a sunny day.
Tangerines that are bitter.
Lucky four leaf clover.
Violets in the garden.
Dandelions along a path.
Unavoidable sleeping time.
Liquid flowing from a slashed wrist.

Go to locked door and place

Blue on Top Right
Green on Bottom Right
Yellow on Bottom Left
Red square on Top Left. 

The Door opens...

There are lots of NMs so arm up the shotgun!

-Operating room: Basement Storeroom key.  
-Intensive Care room: Disinfecting Alcohol.
-Room 206: First Aid Kit
-Morgue: Ampoule, Health

-Basement Storeroom:
 Shotgun Shells

Push the cabinet to find a new door.  Go through and use the alcohol and lighter 
on the vines on the grill in the floor.  
Go down (ooooerr) and go on!  Go on!  Be brave!  It's gonna be a scream, baby! 
*gets thwacked with telephone directory book*

Take the door on the right.  The door to your right contains a video tape.  Go 
to the furthest door on the left.  Pick up Examination Room key.  Alessa is the 
name of the girl that you almost ran over (and got you into this mess).  
Evidence points to the idea that either she or a close friend of hers is a 
mental patient at the hostpital...

Go back to Room 302 and use the video tape.  Shotgun shells appear on the bed 
behind you (!).

Go to Examination Room.  You will meet Lisa Garland.  She was knocked out and 
has the same story as Dr Kaufmann.  Suddenly you get a pain in your head and 
lose it.  You wake to see the old woman, who tells you her name is Dahlia 
Gillespie.  Apparently the mark of "Samael" is all over town and you must head 
towards the "other church".  She leaves the 
Antique Shop Key on the desk and runs off again.  

Scene 4:  What the ...?

-Police Station

Handgun Bullets x3
Shotguns Shells x2
Save Game

Read the blackboard.  A strange drug?

You can now leave.  At the top of Simmons Street is the Antique Shop.

Antique Shop

Push the brown cabinet.  Say hello to Cybil.  Cheryl's been walking on air and 
heading towards the Lake up Bachman Road.  Harry does his macho man impression 
and makes Cybil wait for him while he goes searching through the hole in the 
wall.  Follow the path to see the other church.  Pick up the Axe.  Go for the 
switch next to the door.  The altar will burn and Cheryl will come looking for 
you to find that you have disappeared into thin air...

Harry wakes up with Lisa  (Get those dirty thoughts out of your mind RIGHT NOW).  
Lisa says he fell asleep, having bad dreams.  He's back in the  hostpital.  The 
story unfolds as Lisa describes the town's history in occultism... when you ask 
her to come with you, she wants to stay.  When you leave, you end up back in the 
Antique Shop.  Go upstairs to find yourself in Alternate Silent Hill.  You are 
at the top-right of the map, but the scenery is drastically different- not 
unlike when the school changed...

The plot thickens...

Scene 5: Silent Hill Town Centre

Head down on the map till you get to the Silent Hill Town Centre.  There are 3 
L2 Ds and 2 8Ms but you can avoid them if you are fast.

Go through the hole in the mesh fence in the SH Town Centre.  It's a shopping 
mall.  Go up the escalator, watch the TV sequence, go up the escalator again.  
At this point your radio will buzz.  Do not be afraid...  be very afraid *gets 
put in a scorpion deathlock- ARGH SUBMIT SUBMIT!!!*  Anyway, WALK on the left 
side and go into the door on the left hand side of the walkway- do not try to go 
further till you have picked up the Rifle Bullets x2, 1st Aid Kit and Saved your 
game.  Come back out of the door and RUN towards the dead body.  You must do it 
quickly as soon as you have left the room :p

Boss p1: Dune Larvae

Clean your bottom quickly, because there is a midly annoying larvae that is a 
rip off of all the sandworms you've ever seen in the movies.  Stand still with 
the camera angle looking at your back.  Nearly everytime, the larvae will appear 
behind you with a roar, squirt some noxious gas and dive to the side to go back 
into the sand.

There is a simple timing for the arrival of the larvae.  Time it so you can run 
(or walk) forward a little to avoid the gas and then turn around and blast the 
larvae.  When it dives, stop shooting when you can only see 3 or so segments of 
its body.  

You can pick up the hunting rifle at any time.  It's on the side of the room.  
The shotgun will finish the little blighter in about 5 shots while the handgun 
takes ages.  When you've hit it enough, it will curl up into a ball.  Stand 
back, because you can't hit it any more.  It makes a hole in the back of the SH 
Town Centre for you to exit from.

Scene 6: Go back to the hospital and kick ass

Head down the map towards Sagan St.  All other exits are blocked so you need to 
go down to Chrichton Street.  You can go to the Police Station on the way to 
save and collect Rifle Bullets x2 and a 1st Aid Kit.  The entrance is on Sagan 
St, not Chrichton St.  

Head towards the hospital, go inside the hostpital and talk to Lisa.   Lisa will 
tell you that to get to the Lake you can try and go through the tunnels at the 
waterworks near the Midwich Elemantary School.  Leaving the hostpital you will 
find all exits are blocked so you must go up the stairs directly in front (next 
to the Post Office) and ...

BOSS p2: Mothra!

The Dune Larvae has matured into a giant moth with a sting.  It will follow you 
around and sting you (doh), and emit clouds of gas.  It's fairly easy.  Just 
keep moving.

When you kill the Moth, you return to Normal Silent Hill.  But it's still 

Level 3

Scene 1:  A quick respite

Go down the stairs.  You can save game in the hospital.  

Koontz St, near the L of Hospital on the map, there is an alleyway with Handgun 
Bullets and Health.  

On the corner of Koontz and Simmons there is a cafe table with Health.

Head up Crichton St and take a left onto the bridge.  If you look on the map, 
there is a pink square on the right hand side.  This is the bridge booth.  There 
is Health outside.  

Cross the bridge.  Harry will get to the waterworks.  Use the pipe and smash the 
lock (hit 5 times) after inspecting it.

Press X to go down to the tunnels.
Scene 2: TMNT 4 "Return of the beast"

Arm your pipe.  Well, you can use your gun if you want.  Your radio does not 
work underground.  You'll just have to listen out for the squeaks of the Big 
Cockroaches and the clicking noises of the Mutant Turtles.  

Walk into the tunnel.  2 BCs will attack from behind the side of the third 
tunnel entrance.  The junction has 2 MTs waiting for you.  Rapid Pipe swings can 
dispose of these easily.  

Go left at the junction.  The next left that you take will have a MT waiting.  
Slap him from around the corner.  Continue on to get Rifle Shells.  Double back 
and go to the other side to get health, Shotgun Shells and Handgun Bullets.

Turn around and head straight and bear left.  Go through the door marked "Keep 
Out".  Continue on to find the room with Sewer Key, Sewer Map and Save Game.  
The Key is slightly hidden.  

Go through the next Keep Out Door and the next.  There is a MT here.  Stand 
still to see it coming.  

From there, go left on the map and follow the path round so you can go down on 
the map.  Go straight down and unlock the door with the Sewer Key.

The Bottom right of this path contains a First Aid Kit.
The Bottom left of this path leads to the ladder.

Take the ladder up.

Look at the map.  You basically have to go in a circular motion to pick up all 
the items.  The top right corner of the map has Handgun Bullets and Health.  The 
Bottom left corner has the Sewer Exit Key (check the blood).  Double back to the 
Bottom Right corner to find the save game and ladder out.

Level 4: Sanford Resort Area

This level is quite fun.  Well, the first half anyway.  

Scene 1:  From the sewers arose a smelly man

It is obvious where to collect the First Aid Kit, Rifle Bullets and Handgun 
Bullets.  The Resort Map is just in front.

-Annie's Bar
Kaufmann's receipt and key
Health x2 
Save Game.

You will meet Dr. Kaufman.  Read Kaufman's Receipt.  The combination is 0473 to 
get into Indian Runner.

-Indian Runner Convenience Store
Safe Key
Rifle Shells
Drugs? (You don't pick them up)

Inspect the Cabinet behind the desk.  Read the notes.  Read the note on the 
wall.  Remember the back door combination to Norman Young's Motel.  Check out 
the safe.

Run to Haerby Inn.  Go to the backdoor and use the combination 0886 to get into 
the reception.  

-Norman's Motel (Hearby Inn Reception)

Shotgun Shells 
Save Game 

Pick up the stuff and unlock the front door.  Go out and go to Apartment 3 and 
use Kaufmans's Key.

-Kaufman's Room

Motorcycle Key (Under Cabinet)

Push the Cabinet to see the key.  Use Magnet.  Get the key and return to 
Norman's Motel.  Go into the back room and use the key on the motorcycle.  You 
will find a vial - but Kaufmann appears and takes it.  You figure he's a shady 

You can now save game.  Go to the F in Sanford St on the map- there are some 
steps where you can get some Rifle Shells and Health.

When you cross the S in Sanford St on the map, you will see SH become ASH.  
Harry comes to the conclusion that he wasn't dreaming.  There are two Silent 
Hills.  But the ASH is becoming the real SH.  Something Evil is going on...
Scene 2: ASH 1977

Run straight towards the lighthouse.  When you are on the path leading down 
towards the lighthouse, you will see a dead end- go left down the stairs and run 
into the boat.  Go into the door and cue CG.

Handgun Bullets
Rifle Shells
Save Game

Cybil is here.  Yada yada she don't get it.  Dahlia turns up to croon about how 
you have to stop the Demon...

Leave the boat through the door Dahlia went out and head for the lighthouse.  
Scene 3: Lighthouse

Go up the Lighthouse.  "Talk" to Alessa.  Go back downstairs and run forwards.  
You will end up back in the boat.  Cybil isn't back.  Head for the Amusement 
Park (East).  

Scene 4: Prelude to disaster

Between West Sanford and Sanford St (the actual printed names on the map) is an 
alley heading north.  At the top are some health and shotgun shells.

Go east on West Sanford and you will find you have to go down the Sewers- the 
entrance is north where the route east is blocked.

From here on things simply get VERY Hairy.  Things just went very quickly and I 
got too excited to make real notes.  (sorry!)

Run through the Sewer and find the ladder up into the Amusement Park.  Run and 
follow the dents in the floor till you find an ice cream vendor.  At the back is 
a save point.  There are maybe two CZs hanging around.  Go to the Horse Ride to 
find Cybil (!!!!) 

Ending Choice :  To save Cybil or not...?

Cybil will walk up to you, smack you around the face and then will try to shoot 
you.  She only needs one clear shot.  If she wings you, you can wiggle on the 
joypad like crazy in order to get up and run away.  

To kill Cybil (and get Good Ending)  :  Walk up to Cybil and walk around her in 
close circles.  She will fire about 10 times.  Then she will run out of ammo.  
Run around the ride and press L1+L2 then L2 to aim and fire then move before she 
tries to strangle you to death. 

It was at this point that I realised Cybil was trying to tell me something...  
She would chase after me and then walk away from me showing me the blood on her 
back.  I thought that was from me shooting the crap outta her, but then I 
realised in the CG sequence before you get to the Fairground, Cybil is looking 
around a corner when someone throws a bottle of red liquid onto her back.  It 
was most likely Kaufman who was responsible as he was dealing in the suspicious 
drugs.  Anyhow, when we started playing HARD level, Black Cat realised that the 
plastic bottle in hospital kitchen was for the pool of liquid in the Director's 
Office NOT for Gasoline as we were hoping.  I just had a threaky idea it might 

To save Cybil (and get Good + Ending)  :  You could do it the hard way like I 
did and let Cybil run out of ammo, then when she turns around use the Plastic 
Bottle, or you simple just let Cybil walk up to you and as she's about to hit 
you, press SELECT and use the Plastic Bottle.

You get an extra sequence where Harry explains how Cheryl is not his real 

Alessa turns up.  To put it bluntly, she kicks your ass.  Then Flauros will 
activate by itself and knock her out.  Dhalia appers to seriously TWIST the 
story.  It gets worse.  Much worse.  Heheheheh!!!

You wake with Lisa, who has something to tell you.  I really like Lisa.  Oh 

Final Level: Necronomicon References Revisited

This is the same layout as the hospital

          Door of Hagith
               !---Basement Door
               !---Door of Ophiel
               !---WARP 2 (Unlock from behind)
    Faucet     !
      !        !
      !        !
Start>-------------Antique Room
      !        !
      !        !
    Birdcage  Phaleg

1st Door on left  : Key of Ophiel (in Faucet - use Pliers)
1st Door on right : Key in Birdcage - Use Birdcage Key
2nd Door on right : Door of Phaleg
Door in front     : Antique Room Revisited 
                          Save Game,
                          First Aid Kit, 
                          Shotgun Shells.

1st Double Doors : locked (until unlocked from 2F)
Directors Door   : Door of Ophiel
Elevator         : Door of Hagith
Basement Door    : leads to Classroom 
                          Read the desk scribbles and leave 
                          through the second door.
                          This leads to screwdriver and pliers.
Room of Ophiel

           !      !
           !      !
        Start     X

1st door on left :  Puzzle 1
Constellation Puzzle

Libra       = 2
Pisces      = 0
Cancer      = 10
Aries       = 4

What doesn't Pisces have?  Arms or Legs.

Saggitarius = 6
Taurus      = 4
Gemini      = 8

Collect the plate

Door Far Right :  Puzzle 2
Grim Reapers List Puzzle

35 Lydia Findly
60 Trevor F White
18 Albert Lords
45 Roberta T Morgan
38 Edward C Briggs

Youngest to Oldest, the path will open.  Are you ALERT enough to figure it out?  
Type in the initials in order.

Go to the Morgue and collect the Amulet of Solomon.  When you leave, you will 
see Lisa once more.

Put the plate in the Antique Room clock to get the key of Hagith.  Take the 
elevator to 2nd floor.

                  !---------WARP 1
                  !    !
 Jewellry Shop----!    X

3rd door on left  : Jewellry shop revisited 
                      Rifle Shells
                      Crest of Mercury
                      Ring of Contract

    WARP2  X  X  X  Room
       !   !  !  !   !
       !   !  !  !   !
       !   !
   X---!  Nurses Center

Nurses Center revisited : Camera

Steel Plate room : Use Screwdriver to reveal Key of Aratron.

Go to 3rd floor : Other Church Revisited
Light at the altar puzzle

Take the camera and pretend to be a tourist at an art gallery.

Left Door  : Birdcage Key
Right Door : Health

Room of Phaleg

1st door on right : Door of Bethor 

Do not touch the cupboard with the dagger sticking out until you use the ring of 
contract to fix the missing link (!) - unless you want a quick and fatal laugh.  
Use the ring and take the Dagger of Melchior

2nd door on left  : collect the Ankh

2nd door on right : Pick up Health and open Jelly Beans to reveal the key of 
Bethor.  Check the other room to really watch the video tape.  Go through door 
of Bethor to switch off Generator.  Go and collect key of Aratron.

3rd door on right : Door of Aratron.  Go through to get Disk of Ouroboros.

3rd door on left  : Child's Room 
                       Save Game
                       Level Exit

Place all the mystical items into the door to open it.  Go through the door and 
go down the stairs.  Watch the intro and then heal yourself if you haven't 

Final Boss:  Cute?  Errr, Alessa looks like a goat!

Hmmm.  Disappointing Boss this.  She hovers and then throws lightning bolts.  
The bolts hit about 4/5 times.  If you get hit by more than two lightning bolts, 
press SELECT and heal yourself.  Then walk up to the demon and full it full of 
lead.  On hard level, check your health EVERY time you get hit- you'll need 
about 5 First Aid Kits.

I died on first try.  Black Cat took over and used the healing trick to kill her 
while running around.  I loaded it up again to have another go (press START to 
skip the pre-boss dialogue), walked up to the bitch, shot her about 3 times with 
the rifle, got hit by lightning, healed myself, shot her about 8 times at point 
blank range, got hit again, healed again, ran out of rifle ammo, loaded the 
shotgun, shot her 3 times and she died.  Took about 15 secs.  Hah!

SECTION 5: GAME OVER---------------------------------------------------

We have seen two endings so far.  There may be more.  To get Good + ending you 
must have saved Cheryl.

If you got Good or Good + ending, I still think you will sit back and get 
puzzled at the ending, then raise eyebrows at the CG - did you miss something???  
What the????   Yes, there is more after the credits.

Our rating:

Game       : Normal
Game Clear : 1
Ending     : Good
Continues  : 3
Saves      : 44
Total Time : 6h 35mins 49s
Items      : 199/204 
Ranking    : 7/10

Game       : Hard
Game Clear : 2
Ending     : Good +
Continues  : 00
Saves      : 22
Total Time : 5h 49mins 19secs
Items      : 180/204 (+2)
Total Walk : 3.033 Km
Running    : 18.641 Km

In this end screen which shows the stats of your adventure you will see 4 items 
in the background (Normal and Hard):

Rock Drill

So what the heck happened to Cheryl!??!?!?!  Sorry this author doesn't believe 
in spoilers.  If you wanna discuss it, feel free to email us.

SECTION 6: WEAPON GUIDE------------------------------------------------

Remember every handweapon has a one hit and a two hit strike.  By holding down 
the button, you get the one hit which does greater damage but has limited scope.  
The two hit is the opposite in value.

     Aim:  NO
     Move while using:  YES
     Quick, short range.  You can kill L1 Dogs with this.  

     Aim:  NO
     Good for attacking:  Up to 2 CZs, WBs, Cockroaches (2nd Hit only)
     Long range, but a little slow.  If a CZ manages to grab you and 
     it falls on the floor after you shake it off, press and hold X to
     make sure it doesn't get up again.

     Damn slow but stronger than the Pipe.
     Good for attacking:  Not tested

     Aim:  YES
     Move while using:  YES
     Good for attacking: Everything
     No need to save bullets for the bosses.  Used best when met 
     with multiple resistance.

     Aim:  YES
     Move while using:  YES
     Good for attacking: Everything
     If you aim and wait, the closer the enemy is, the more damage 
     they will take.  I reserve this for the Lizard and Mothra Boss.  
     Also use it if you feel annoyed with 3 CZ's and want to move

Hunting Rifle
     Aim:  YES
     Move while using:  NO
     Good for attacking: Most things
     Slow speed makes it difficult to aim on fast objects, but when it 
     hits, it's pretty much lethal.  Normally reserved for the last
     boss (esp on HARD level).

     Aim:  NO
     Move while using:  YES
     Good for attacking: CZs, MNs, MDs and MTs.  In fact you are 
     practically invincible in the hospital and sewers.  You don't 
     even have to swipe; just press R2 to ready your weapon and walk
     forward.  Then make lots of jokes about bleeding penetration 
     when you meet the nurses... Don't bother the WBs with the 
     chainsaw, it takes too long.

Rock Drill 
     Aim:  YES
     Move while using:  NO
     Good for attacking: Everything (You can crush BCs easy!)
     Seems to do less damage than the Chainsaw.  And hey, the 
     Chainsaw is simply more fun to use.

SECTION 7: ENEMY GUIDE-------------------------------------------------

Level 1/2 Dog (D)

For Level 1 Dog you can simply arm the knife, face the dog and walk backwards 
using the double strike.  For Level 2... er... run or shoot it.  

Level 1/2/3 Winged Beastie (WB) (Harpy)

You can run from these, just go left and right slightly if they catch up.  If 
I'm bored, I shoot them with the handgun coz they're really annoying  (Make sure 
you don't totally kill them so you can stomp them, hehehe).  On average it will 
take 3/4 shots from a distance.

Child Zombie (CZ)

Will stumble towards you, but if it gets closer than the hit range of your pipe, 
will grab your knees.  Shake them off  by wiggling the pad left and right and 
pressing X.  If they're is more than one, the other will proceed around and 
slice you with a small blade.  Stick around too long and 3 will surround you 
with no exit.  A good tactic is to get next to a desk or something similar and 
smack them with the pipe (over the desk).  Also there is a bug in the program 
where if you hold the X button down on the fatal blow, the CZ (and other 
monsters) will keep "dying" until you stop hitting it ^_^  If you wan't to run 
past them, try to lure them to one side of your path and then run like the 
dickens.  Don't let them get too close because they can lunge and they have 
quite a range for this. 

Big Cockroach (BC)

Annoying little ... The pipe can finish them with the second hit of the two hit 
swipe- but you have to time it.  You can run past them, and 1 hit is minimal 

8 Man (8M)

You can hear these guys a mile away and you will get spooked.  In the dark, one 
is bad enough but three?  They love to surround you.  Get the heck out of there 
and fast or use a gun.  If one of them tries to mount you (!), wiggle on the 
joypad and press X or they will take more energy.

Mutant Turtle (MT)

Only a real threat when it is on the cieling.  When it gets down, you can outrun 
it or use the pipe.  

Mutant Nurse (MN) Mutant Doctor (MD)

Really annoying when there's more than one, because one will hold you while the 
other goes for an incision in your face.  I use the gun and when there's no way 
out, use the shotgun, first come first served.

Black Baby Ghost (BBG)

Do not worry about these.  They are harmless, just good to scare you witless.  

Black Child Ghost (BCG)

These appear in the last level.  Much more of a threat because they are like the 
BBGs- you can barely see them if it's dark.  When they attack in threes (HARD 
level), use shotgun with extreme prejudice.

SECTION 8: UNFINISHED BUSINESS-----------------------------------------

Where do you get the 4th Secret Item?  The Medallion looks very interesting....

There's also a few health items etc we may have missed...

The story is another matter... WHAT THE ???? is going on?  Well, we have a 
general idea... but some things need to be answered exactly for my mind to rest.

Not all the CG scenes in the Game Attract Sequence are in the game as we 
thought-  Is this because they are just for the GAS or have we missed something?
SECTION 9: LEGAL CLAPTRAP----------------------------------------------

Please ask before you print this document anywhere else apart from onto your own 
personal PC/MAC monitor screen.  No profit must be made from this document.  If 
you wish to put this up on a page, we can send you the updates or you can 

*drum roll*
SECTION 10: CREDITS----------------------------------------------------

Unprofitable work by Black Cat and Gunsmith.

Copyright 1999 Gunsmith
Copyright 1999 Black Cat

Silent Hill (c) 1999 Konami 


If hotmail is firewalled by your server you can reach us by emailing  (That is a zero, not the letter O)

Our thanks to the maintainer of Gamefaqs, for holding this FAQ.



--------SPOILER---------------------------------STOP READING NOW!!!!
--------------------------STORY AND ENDINGS----------------------------

The story:  (Best Guess using the game dialogue)

Kaufmann is a drug racketeer that makes a deal with Dahlia and two others to 
bring about the birth of the Evil One in order to gain powers.  However, the 
plan goes wrong as first the child that is born only contains half the soul of 
the Evil One.  Dahlia believes that if the child were to be put in great pain, 
the other half would come.  So Alessa is burned alive, but kept alive with a 
magical spell.  Cheryl was found by Harry and his wife by a roadside when she 
was a baby.  This is in the intro sequence.  Cheryl is not his biological 
daughter.  She contains the other half of the soul of the Evil One.  When Cheryl 
arrives at Silent Hill, Alessa breaks the spell and wreaks havoc on Silent Hill.  
Harry thwarts her attempts with Flauros.  Dahlia wants Alessa to give "birth" to 
the Evil One.  Kaufmann did not want Silent Hill to be turned into Hell on Earth 
and throws a special drug at Alessa, the same as the one Harry used on Cybil.  
It's meant to extract the evil.  However, it extracts the Evil One from Alessa's 

Good Ending:

(Kill Cybil at the Fairground)

A bright light envelopes the fallen demon.  When the shine rescinds, you see 
Alessa lying on the floor.   The cieling starts to collapse and flames busrt out 
everywhere.  Alessa hands you a small bundle.  Within it is a baby!  Alessa 
points to a blue light and you run towards it.  Kaufman tries to get up and run 
but Lisa comes up from under the floor and drags him into a fiery hole.  You see 
Harry running down the road as the music begins and the credits roll.  As the 
credits finish, you see Harry with the bundle looking up towards the sky with an 
expression on his face as if to say...

"What the F...?"

Good + Ending

(Save Cheryl)

As you take the bundle from Alessa, Cybil gets up and limps towards the blue 
light.  You both start running.  Then the ceiling collapses on top of you.  They 
look up to see that Alessa has saved them.  They run towards the blue light and 

After the credits, you get to see the CG sequence from the Intro - where Harry 
is holding the baby with his wife, but this time it is Cybil!!!   Whenever you 
let the game attract CG sequence start, Harry's wife will have disappeared with 
Cybil in her place!!!

After Ending:

You get to see a CG sequence where Harry and the rest of the cast are joking 
around, like as if they are actors making a movie.  I really think the motion 
capture is excellent!!!  It's really realistic.  Do you like Dahlia's eyeshadow?