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Silent Hill (e)

  Tetsuo & Rura Penthe's-

       XX    XX                                               
      X        X         X                                    
      X                  X                                    
       X                 X                      X
        XX          X    X                      X
          XXX            X                   XXXXXXX
             XX     X    X    XXXXX    X XXX    X
              X     X    X   XX   XX   XX   X   X
              XX    X    X   XXXXXXX   X    X   X
     XXX     XX     X    X   X         X    X   X
       XXXXXX       X    X    XXXXX    X    X   X
              X       X          X     X
              X       X          X     X
              X       X          X     X
              X       X     X    X     X
              XXXXXXXXX          X     X
              X       X     X    X     X
              X       X     X    X     X
              X       X     X    X     X
              X       X     X    X     X
           W  A  L  K  T  H  R  O  U  G  H
                     Version 0.1a
Table of Contents
o 1.01 What's New
o 1.02 General information about this walkthrough
o 1.03 Contact Information

o 2.01 Introduction to Silent Hill
o 2.02 Characters
o 2.03 Controls
o 2.04 Items
o 2.05 Weapons
o 2.06 Maps

o 3.xx Walkthrough

o 4.01 Secrets
o 4.02 GameShark Codes
o 4.03 Misc

o 5.01 About the Authors
o 5.02 Credits/Thanks
o 5.03 Legal Crap
o 1.01 What's New

0.1b, 2/2/99 - First version of the walkthrough. Basically, in this
version of the walkthrough, we want to just have a guide to get
you through the game. Once that's completeted, later on (Like 
when we actully have a manual for the game), we'll go back and
list all the weapons, items, monsters, etc.

o 1.02 General information about this walkthrough

*The latest version of this FAQ will always be at GameFAQS*
This is a walkthrough for the Sony PlayStation game, Silent 
Hill, by Konami. 

We've laid this document out with numbered sections, so that 
you can easy get to any section by just typing the number in
your browser or text editor's search function.

Throughout the walkthrough, you'll see things like this:

[!] And text would go here...

Pay attention to these! They tell you things that you need to

o 1.03 Contact Information

If you have corrections/questions/comments/flames/declarations
of love/death threats/candy/money/or anything else, you can 
email Tetsuo and Rura at:

If you are sending us corrections, they will be included in the next
version of the walkthrough.  Please don't be surprised if you 
receive two responses, one from each of us, as we have a redirecter 
to send the mail to our own accounts.

o 2.01 Introduction to Silent Hill

Welcome to the world of survival hor-er...i mean, Silent Hill.
Where its really dark all the time and nothing makes any damn

As the opening FMV tells, You're Harry Mason, driving with his
daughter Cheryl to Silent Hill to take a vacation. As your 
driving, you get your first glance at Cybil, but she drives off.
You keep going when all the sudden someone's in the road! You 
swerve to miss, but you hit the side of the canyon. You wake up
in the car, but where is Cheryl?

o 2.02 Characters (incomplete)

1. Harry Mason
Main character, you play as him. A 32 year old writer, he was 
driving through Silent Hill when he got into a wreck and lost 
his daughter, Cheryl.

2. Cheryl Mason
Harry's 7 year old daughter. She isn't in the car when Harry 
wakes up from the accident. She's wandering around leaving him 
notes, and something doesn't seem quite right about her.

3. Cybil Bennett
A 28 year old motorcycle cop from a nearby community, who came
to investigate why there has been no activity in Silent Hill.
She grabs Harry when he gets in the wreck and takes him to the Cafe.
And oh yeah, she goes scritch-scrich-scritch when she walks :)

o 2.03 Controls

X - Action. Shoot (w/ R2 held down), Open doors, Look.
Triangle - Look at map (When avalible)
Square - Hold while moving to run.
Circle - Turn flashlight on/off
L2 - Look around
R2 - Aim weapon
Select - Go to Inventory screen
Start - Pause

o 2.04 Items (incomplete)
Handgun bullets
-Ammo for the handgun.
Shotgun shells
-Ammo for the shotgun.

Health drink
-Supplies nutrition to recover a small amount of stamina.
First aid kit
-Heals injury to provide moderate stamina recovery.
-Relieve pain to recover stamina to high. Effect lasts for a while.

Key of "Woodman"
-The key to the garden of the house.  Found in the basketball court.
Key of "Scarecrow"
-The key to the garden of the house.  Found in mailbox blocked by 
 a fallen tree.
Key of "Lion"
-The key to the garden of the house. Found in patrol car's trunk.
House key
-Go back and get it later
Picture card
-A rectangular card with a picture of a key.  Found on a desk in a classroom.
Library reserve key
-The key to the school's 2nd floor library reserves.  Picked up in 
the locker room.
Classroom key
-The tagged classroom key. Found hanging in a drainpipe on the roof.

Gold medallion
-A picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface. Found in 
 the chemistry lab.
Silver medallion
-A picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface. Found in 
 the music room.
-One touch on/off switch. In the chest pocket.
Pocket radio
-Portable radio that emits static when monsters are near.
Rubber ball
-Florescent pink rubber ball used by children.

o 2.05 Weapons (incomplete)

Kitchen Knife
-Hard to use, but better than nothing
Steel pipe
-3' long steel pipe.  Long range but of limited use.

-Ammo: Handgun bullets
-Holds: 15 rounds
-Handgun recieved from Cybil. Holds up to 15 rounds.
-Ammo: Shotgun shells
-Holds: 6 rounds
-Fires in a wide radius. Holds up to 6 rounds.

o 2.06 Maps

Slated for the next version, just wait.  The walkthrough can 
guide you pretty well already.

o 3.00 Walkthrough
Quick Intro: Ok people, this is what you've been waiting for.
the walkthrough for the whole game. We've split it up into 
scenes. each scene gets a number, 3.xx (For example, The Cafe
is 3.02). Here goes nothing...

o 3.01 Walkthrough - First Scene
Next version...

o 3.02 Walkthrough - The Cafe
Items in this area:
Red radio
2 health drinks
Kitchen knife
You wake up after being killed by the baby zombie monsters and 
there's a scene with Cybil and you.  She gives you a gun and then 
you're free to roam around the cafe.  Over in the upper corner near 
the bar there are several items and a save point.  Get the items, 
then go to the other end of the bar and pick up the kitchen knife.  
Then get the flashlight off the table near the door.  After you get 
all the items and save get out your gun and go to the door.  A short 
scene involving the radio will commence and afterwards you will have 
to kill a flying monster.  Go get the red radio then (it will crackle 
whenever monsters are nearby) continue out the door.

o 3.03 Walkthrough - The Alley (Looking for Cheryl Part I)
Items in this area:
2 boxes of bullets
Steel pipe
Note left by Cheryl
After you exit the cafe a map will come up and show you where to 
go next.  It points towards the alley where you first were looking 
for Cheryl at the introduction to the game.  Be sure to refer to 
the map often in the game so you don't get lost.  Go up to the 
alley and go straight back to the gate you went through last time.
 ------------------------------- When the screen loads you will
 [!] I didn't kill the monsters  see something dead on the ground
 attacked me before I went       There's nothing to do on this
 through the gate because I      screen so run straight towards
 wanted to conserve bullets.     the camera and continue down the
 ------------------------------- alley until you reach some 
bullets. Take these and look at the papers on the ground.  After 
doing this go back the way you came until you're back on the main 

o 3.04 Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 1
Items in this area:
Note from Cheryl
House key
Run west down Finney Street until you reach the intersection 
to Levin Street.  Then go south down Levin Street until you get 
to Matheson and go west there.  You'll reach a deep chasm in the 
ground where the street should be, and some papers lying near the 
hole.  Look at the one with obvious text on it and you will read 
it and pick it up.  Go up Levin Street on the left side until you 
 ------------------------------- reach the fifth house with a porch.
 [!] Be sure that when you kill  Search the doghouse and take the 
 the dogs around the doghouse    house key inside.  Then go up to 
 you remember to kick them (X)   the door of the house next to the 
 or else they won't die.         doghouse and unlock it and go 
 -------------------------------  inside.

o 3.05 Walkthrough - Inside the House
Items in this area:
First aid kit
2 boxes of bullets
Health drink
When you enter the house go get the first aid kit on the table 
near the door, then go down the hallway.   The door on the right 
hand side is locked, so keep going.  There's a save point on the 
table to the left of the room you come into, as well as a pack of 
bullets.  On the dinner table there is another pack of bullets.  
Continue on into the kitchen area itself, and pick up the health 
drink that is on the stove. Go left and then up to get to the back 
door, but before exiting examine the map on the wall to your left. 
You will copy the information on the map on the wall to your own 
map, but if you attempt to exit through the back door, you will 
find that there are three locks.  Thats all there is to do in this 
area, so go back through the front door to Levin Street.

o 3.06 Walkthrough - The Second Alley/Basketball Court
Items in this area:
Health drink
Key of 'Woodsman'
Run north up Levin Street, then east on Finney until you reach 
the new downward red slash on the map (its across from the 
convenience store label on the map).  Go down until you see 
chain link fence and a fence door on your right.  Go through 
the door and you'll be in what looks like a basketball court.  
On the trash can near the hoop, there is a health drink.  Get 
it, then look at the white spot on the ground that is near 
the basket, and what looks like a bloody ripped up corpse.  
The white spot is the Key of 'Woodsman'.  Take it, then go back 
up the alley to Finney Street because there's nothing else to 
do in this area.

o 3.07 Walkthrough - On the Streets of Silent Hill
Items in this area:
Key of 'Scarecrow'
Health drink
Box of bullets
Key of 'Lion'
Go west on Finney Street until you get to the intersection with 
Ellroy Street, then go south on Ellroy until you reach another 
hole in the ground. Go to the right until you reach a building. 
The camera angle will change and you'll see a plank to walk across 
as well as a mailbox with a white spot in it, surrounded by blood.  
Examine the white spot to get the "Key of 'Scarecrow'".  Then go 
up the steps and get the health drink next to the door of the house.  
Go back up to Finney Street after this and attempt to go across 
the bridge.  You will run into a section where the bridge is gone 
and there's a police car thats trashed near it.  Next to the police 
car there is a box of bullets.  Get those, then look in the car's 
trunk to find the "Key of 'Lion'".  You now have all three keys to 
open the back door of the house!  Go back west on Finney Street and 
then go south on Levin Street until you reach the house (now marked 
by a red dot on the map).

o 3.08 Walkthrough - Back in the House
Items in this area:
2 Health Drinks
Go through the house directly to the back door and use the keys 
to get into the backyard (there's nothing new in the house).  
As soon as you go outside, there will be a short little scene 
and then you will automatically turn your flashlight on.  Walk 
over to the table and chairs and get the two health drinks sitting 
on the table. Then go out the door in the back of the fence and 
you'll be in an alley.

o 3.09 Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 2
Items in this area:
Run south down the alley you come out in until you hit Matheson 
Street.  Then go west until you run into Midwich Street.
 ------------------------------- From there, go south until you 
 [!] The game has now gotten     reach the school.  Turn into 
 very dark, so I suggest that    the schoolyard, and either 
 you remember to check your map  kill or dodge the zombie dogs 
 often, or else you will get     who try to block you, then 
 lost.                           open the door and you're in
 ------------------------------- the school.
o 3.10 Walkthrough - In the School/Reception Area
Items in this area:
Map of school
Box of bullets
As soon as you enter, walk toward the righthand side of the 
camera until the view changes and you can see some white benches 
and something on top of them.  Look at the map (the item on the 
benches), then take it.  Go through the doors into the main part 
of the school, then go west until you get to the reception area.  
Go into the reception area, and look on the counter for a note 
written in blood.  The note reads:
'10:00 "Alchemy laboratory" Gold in an old man's palm.  The future 
hidden in his fist.  Exchange for sage's water.'  
On the opposite side of the room there is another book with a note 
written in blood on it.  It reads:
'12:00 "A place with songs and sound" A silver guidepost is untapped 
in lost tongues.  Awakening at the ordained order.'
The last note, on the other side of the room, and also written in 
blood, reads:
'5:00 "Darkness that brings the choking heat" Flames render the 
silence, awakening the hungry beast.  Open time's door to beckon prey.'
These are clues to what to do in the school.  If you wish to figure this 
out for yourself, skip the school part of this walkthrough.  Otherwise, 
read on... If you go to the other side of the counter (outside the 
reception area, but looking into it) there is a list of teachers 
in a book.  Go into the door that is in the reception area and look on 
the coffee table to get a box of bullets.  You can also look at the 
picture on the wall, and see some information on it.  After you 
have done all this go back into the hallway.

o 3.11 Walkthrough - Infirmary/Courtyard/Second Hallway
Items in this area:
Health drink
First aid kit
Box of bullets
Go east across the front hallway until you get to the infirmary 
door, then open it.  Inside there is a first aid kit on one of 
the beds, and a health drink in the cabinet marked with a big red 
cross.  There's also a save point on the desk near the cabinet.  
Exit the infirmary and go into the courtyard through the doors 
that are opposite the original entrance to the school.  There's 
nothing in the courtyard except a short monster with a knife, so 
either dodge or kill him, then go through the doors.  In the 
second hallway there are two monsters.  Either kill (suggested) or 
dodge those, and go through the set of doors opposite the ones 
you just entered through.  On the bench on the lefthand side of 
the camera there is a box of bullets.  You'll also see a translucent 
monster that doesn't seem to hurt you walk around for a bit.  Exit 
this room, then go west to the side door that puts you in another hallway.

o 3.12 Walkthrough - Third Hallway/2nd Floor
Items in this area:
Health drink
3 boxes of bullets
Gold medallion
first aid kit
In this hallway all the doors are jammed, so go up the stairs 
immediately and you will be on the 2nd floor of the school.
The door right next to the stairwell is open, and if you go in 
you can run to the other side of the room (on the desk near the 
window and next to the chalkboard) and get a health drink. There 
isn't anything in the next classroom, so go down to the girl's 
bathroom.  In there, after killing two monsters, you can get a 
box of bullets.  Leave then, and go back up near the stairwell, 
and go through the east door into a side hallway.  Go into the 
lab equipment room, and walk towards the righthand side of 
the screen.  On the shelf closest to the camera on the righthand 
side there is a bottle, if you search near there you can pick it 
up.  Go back to the hall, and then enter the chemistry lab.  On 
one of the tables there is what appears to be a man's hand holding 
a chunk of gold.  Use your 'chemical' which is now shown to be 
concentrated hydrochloric acid, and it will burn away the hand and 
leave you with just the gold medallion.  Get the medallion, then 
go into the little area to the left of where you melted the hand.  
There is a box of bullets here.  Pick them up, and then leave 
the chemistry lab.  Go west through the double doors to the next 
hallway, then into the library.  Pick up the first aid kit sitting 
on the table in there, then leave. If you go down to the farthest 
south classroom there is a box of bullets on the table near the 
front left of the room.  Pick them up, then go back down to floor 
one via the stairs.  (Note: You can search the locker room for a 
scene with a cat, but it does nothing).  Make your way to the 
courtyard again, and then place the medallion in the spot to the 
left of the door.  You'll hear a rumbling sound and then the clock 
hands will point to 12:00 (you can see what the clock hands point 
to by trying to go in the clock tower doors).

o 3.13 Walkthrough - Music Room
Items in this area:
Silver medallion (Once you solve the puzzle)
Now that you've put the gold medallion in it's place on the clock
tower, the piano keys are now accessible (If you tried before placing
the gold medallion you couldn't get to the keys), and you can now 
obtain the silver medallion. Go back up to the second floor and 
make your way to the music room.  Then go to the piano...

The poem on the wall says:

"A Tale of Birds Without a Voice"

First flew the greedy Pelican,
Eager for the reward
White wings flailing.

Then came the silent Dove
Flying beyond the Pelican,
As far as he could.

A raven flies in,
Flying higer than the Dove,
Just to show he can.

A sawn glides in,
To find a peaceful spot,
Next to another bird.

Finally out comes a crow
Coming quickly to a stop
Yawning and then napping.

Who will show the way,
Who will be the key,
Who will lead to
The silver reward.

That gives you hints on which keys to press. Heres the order:
|   | |  | |   |   | |  | |  | |   |
|   | |  | |   |   | |  | |  | |   |
|   | |  | |   |   | |  | |  | |   |
|   | |  | |   |   | |  | |  | |   |
|   |5|  | |   |   | |  | |  |3|   |
|   |_|  |_|   |   |_|  |_|  |_|   |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|    |  1 |    |    |  4 |  2 |    |
[They're all dead notes that produce clicks]

A silver medallion will fall from above the piano. Pick it up and head back
down to the clock tower.

o 3.14 Walkthrough - The Boiler Room
Items in this area:
Place the silver medallion in its side of the clock tower, and the
clock changes to 5:00. The poem for 5:00 is listed at (3.10) if you 
wish to read it and figure out for yourself what to do at this point.
Go back through the doors opposite the clocktower. Climb the stairs 
to the 2nd floor. Look at your map. There should be two sets of stairs, 
one in the top left, one in the bottom right. Make your way down the 
ones at the bottom right. Doesn't matter which way you go, just get 
there. Go down those stairs, you're at the first floor. Go down them 
again, you're at the Boiler Room.  Don't bother trying to open the 
Storage Room, it's locked. Go into the Boiler Room, and turn on the 
boiler (It's the red switch). Theres nothing else you can do here,
so leave and make your way up the stairs and back out to the courtyard. 
The doors to the Clocktower are now unlocked and you can go inside.

o 3.15 Walkthrough - Alternate School?!
Items in this area:
First aid kit
Health drink
Rubber ball
2 boxes of bullets
Picture card
Go through the clocktower and down and up the ladders until you're 
back in the courtyard.  There will be a short scene and then you 
can move again.  Go to the door opposite the clocktower and into the 
door directly opposite the one you just came from.  There is a first 
aid kit and a health drink on the lefthand side of the room, and a big 
fan in the back.  Exit this room and enter the storage room.  Here you 
can get a rubber ball off the counter.  Leave the room then use the 
door into the 'hall' room on the west side.  Take the other door in 
the room to get into a new hall.  Go into the first classroom and 
search the table in the center of the room to get the picture card.
Go through the rest of the classroom then, and go south through 
the first one, through a door linking the two together, and into 
the second.  Go out the door in the lower left corner of the 
room and go through the door opposite it to be in the a new hall.  
Go into the infirmary to save, then go to the lobby and search the 
wheelchair to get an ampoule.  Go the reception area and enter the 
door.  There is a box of bullets on the couch in the room, and the 
picture of a grotesque door is now a real door!  Use the picture 
card on this door, then open it, and you're in the final hallway 
-----------------------------  of the first floor.  Go into the boy's 
[!] The girl's restroom        restroom and open the stall near the 
acts as an elevator.  Go       back to see a hanging mutilated body.
in it and then exit to         Go into the stall with it, and look
go to the 2nd floor, and       on the floor towards the left of the 
repeat to go back to the 1st.  camera.  On the floor there is a 
-----------------------------  bright thing.  Examine it and
you will get the shotgun. Go back out into the hall and go into 
the teacher's room that is the closest to the stairs up.  In there 
you will find a box of bullets sitting on a chair, and a table 
that has several phones on it.  When you try to exit the room 
the phone will ring and a short scene will follow.  Then exit 
the room and go up the stairs to get to the second floor.

o 3.16 Walkthrough - Alternate School?! Floor 2
Items in this area:
Health drink
Shotgun shells
Library reserve key
Once you get on this floor, go into the classroom directly below 
the stairs and go across the room to a box of bullets sitting on 
a chair.  Get those, then exit the room and go down the hall 
until you see a health drink on a bench.  Get that, then reenter 
the first classroom and go through the door that links the two 
classrooms on that side of the building together.  On a chair 
near the bottom of the room there's a purple box.  Examine it 
and take the box (shotgun shells). Exit the room and go through 
the double doors at the bottom of the hallway to get into a new 
hallway.  The music room door is jammed, so continue on to the 
locker room.  Once you're there, go over and open the locker 
that's shaking, then try to leave.  You'll see a short scene (all 
I can say is DAMN THAT SCARED ME!!!), and then you can see a gold 
key lying on the ground.  Pick up the library reserve key, then 
go back into the hall. Go back to the stairs and head up to the 
roof from here.

o 3.17 Walkthrough - Roof
Items in this area:
none (Roof)
Classroom key (Courtyard)
Ah the roof. Creepy isn't it? Theres no bad guys here, so don't 
worry. Walk over to the water tank, and look at the valve. Then
follow the gutter over to the blood, look down the hole near the
blood, and you'll see a key just out of reach. Follow the gutter
down until you reach the first hole. Plug the hole up with your 
rubber ball, then go back over to the water valve, and it will let
you turn the water on. This will make the key fall down the drain.
Leave the roof, and go back down the stairs to the first floor. Then 
go back out into the Courtyard. As you're facing out to the Courtyard, 
the key is to your left behind the corner of the building, in the 

o 3.18 Walkthrough - Floor 2 Part 2/Basement
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
First aid kit
Health drink
2 boxes of shotgun shells
Now that you've gotten the key go up to the Library Reserve room 
and use the key.  Once in there you can get a first aid kit off 
the shelf on one side of the room.  Now go through the door into 
the library.  In the library there is a box of bullets on the table 
and a book open that tells a strange fairy tale that goes:
"Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will kill 
the lizard."  But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting, 
"Who's afraid of a reptile?"  At this, the furious lizard hissed, "I'll 
swallow you up in a single bite!"  Then the huge creature attacked, jaws 
open wide.  This was what the man wanted.  Calmly drawing his bow, he shot 
into the lizard's gaping mouth.  Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing 
the defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead."
Thats all there is in this room now (unless you like hanging mutilated 
bodies), so continue into the hallway you haven't been in yet on this 
floor.  Use the classroom key on the door to the first classroom and 
go through the adjoining door to the next classroom.  On a chair in 
this room there is a health drink.  Then exit the room and get the 
health drink off the bench in the hall.  After that go down the 
stairs that are on the lower righthand side of the map.  You're 
now back down in the basement.  Go in the storage room to get an 
ampoule and two boxes of shotgun shells, then go into the boiler 
room.  In here blah blah blah

o 3.19 Walkthrough - Disgusting Boss Thing/Normal School
Items in this area:
K. Gordon Key
You enter this area, and this body begins to burn, but behind 
it there is the first real boss of the game!  Remember the story 
from the book? (Full text in 3.18) This gives you the hint on 
how to beat the monster!  Equip your shotgun, and wait until the 
monster opens up its mouth (it WILL be obvious) then blast it 
as much as you can.  It will die, and you will see a short FMV 
scene and then you'll be in the boiler room you expect.  On the 
floor next to the boiler with the red switch there is a silver 
key, pick it up and you'll have the K. Gordon Key.  Leave the 
room and you'll notice you're back in the 'normal' school.  Go 
up the stairs and there'll be a short scene, and then you'll be 
off to the Balkan Church.


o 4.01 Secrets
Eh, wait for it, it'll come...

o 4.02 Gameshark Codes

Have Max Slots - 300BC6AF 0028

Inventory Modifiers
Slot 1, Max 255 - 800BC604 FF??
Slot 2, Max 255 - 800BC608 FF??
Slot 3, Max 255 - 800BC60C FF??
Slot 4, Max 255 - 800BC610 FF??
Slot 5, Max 255 - 800BC614 FF??
Slot 6, Max 255 - 800BC618 FF??
Slot 7, Max 255 - 800BC61C FF??
Slot 8, Max 255 - 800BC620 FF??
Slot 9, Max 255 - 800BC624 FF??
Slot 10, Max 255 - 800BC628 FF??
Slot 11, Max 255 - 800BC62C FF??
Slot 12, Max 255 - 800BC630 FF??
Slot 13, Max 255 - 800BC634 FF??
Slot 14, Max 255 - 800BC638 FF??
Slot 15, Max 255 - 800BC63C FF??
Slot 16, Max 255 - 800BC640 FF??
Slot 17, Max 255 - 800BC644 FF??
Slot 18, Max 255 - 800BC648 FF??
Slot 19, Max 255 - 800BC64C FF??
Slot 20, Max 255 - 800BC650 FF??
Slot 21, Max 255 - 800BC654 FF??
Slot 22, Max 255 - 800BC658 FF??
Slot 23, Max 255 - 800BC65C FF??
Slot 24, Max 255 - 800BC660 FF??
Slot 25, Max 255 - 800BC664 FF??
Slot 26, Max 255 - 800BC668 FF??
Slot 27, Max 255 - 800BC66C FF??
Slot 28, Max 255 - 800BC670 FF??
Slot 29, Max 255 - 800BC674 FF??
Slot 30, Max 255 - 800BC678 FF??
Slot 31, Max 255 - 800BC67C FF??
Slot 32, Max 255 - 800BC680 FF??
Slot 33, Max 255 - 800BC684 FF??
Slot 34, Max 255 - 800BC688 FF??
Slot 35, Max 255 - 800BC68C FF??
Slot 36, Max 255 - 800BC690 FF??
Slot 37, Max 255 - 800BC694 FF??
Slot 38, Max 255 - 800BC698 FF??
Slot 39, Max 255 - 800BC69C FF??
Slot 40, Max 255 - 800BC6A0 FF??

Quantity Items to Accompany Inventory Modifier Codes
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note:to School
54 - Note:Doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
80 - Kitchen knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank

Infinite Health - 300B9C8D 0040
                  800B9C8E 0006
Infinite Ammo All Weapons/No Reload - 
                  800B9BD8 0001
Have Map -        800BC768 0002

Weapon-In-Hand Modifier - 
                  300BC6AE 00??
Walk Thru Walls - 8006A1F8 A88B
                  8006A1FA 0801
                  8006A264 A8A2
                  8006A266 0801
Always First Save -
                  800BC6AA 0000
Maxium Brightness In Options -
                  300BC31B 001F
Roller Skate Mode - 
                  800B9D02 3800
Infinite All Items 1 - 
                  50002804 0000
                  300BC605 00FF
Game Time 0:0:0 - 800BC854 0000
                  800BC856 0000
Infinite All Items 2 -
                  80053136 2400
Radio Always On - 800BC6B0 0001

Completed Map -   800BC7D8 FFFF
                  800BC7DA FFFF
                  800BC7DC FFFF
                  800BC7DE FFFF
                  800BC7E0 FFFF
Flashlight Always On -
                  800BBF2C 0100

o 4.03 Misc.
Nothing here quite yet...

o 5.01 About the Authors
-Rura Penthe-
Well, I'm Rura Penthe and I wrote most of the walkthrough.  Uhh, I 
would say more, but I really have no clue what to put here.  Ah well, 
screw it.  Shouldn't you be playing Silent Hill right now?  Oh wait, 
its not out yet, very few people besides Tetsuo and me have it... Ha!

Whoa, hey...about me. Well letsee. First and foremost, I am a 
badass. I gotta fight off all the ladies with a stick. I 
just can't help it. And with this FAQ, i'm gonna have to get like 
a steel reinforced stick or something, cause it'll just bring more 
lovely ladies. And if you thought I was actually going to put 
something of importance in this section, then man you a sucka.

o 5.02 Credits/Thanks

o The whole 8-bits crew, too numerous to name here.
o Konami, for making such a kickass game
o Capcom, for making a kickass game for Konami to rip off 
o Whoever made ASCIIPaint for Mac, cause thats how we made the 
ascii logo at the top.
o haywire, for...well, you know whatcha did. and whoever it was 
that "helped" haywire.
o PSM, from which we got the names/ages/other info for some characters

did i miss anyone?
o 5.03 Legal Crap

This guide can not be copied without premission of the author. 
It can not be used as a means of profit. In no way is this faq 
to be cut up into sections or altered in any way. It is to remain 
in it's original state and in one piece if used on websites. It may 
not be put in a magazine or publication of any kind without both the 
authors' express permission.
This document is copyright 1999, Rura Penthe and Tetsuo, all rights 