The Shadow (Flipper) (e)

  Rulesheet for THE SHADOW - Bally

 Compiled by Cameron Silver

Version: 5
Date:    Thursday 16th March 1995

Whose nose lurks in the hearts of men?
The Shadow's nose.
  - A. Frey, 1995.

o Send all corrections and updates to me at:

o The latest version of this sheet can be obtained by ftp from:, IP, directory /mcsnet.users/sigma/pinball, directory pub/funkster
  If you do not have ftp access, feel free to send me e-mail.

Note: A lot of things in this rule sheet, and most certainly in the pinball
      game, are copywrite and/or trade mark and/or registered by WMS or some
      other company.

You may do what you want with these rules, but please leave my name on
it, and the names of everyone in the Special Thanks list.

If any Melbournians are reading this, come and say hello to me some time at
the Time Zone store in Bourke Street in the city. (I'm the pinball techo

New To This Version

  - New Section: Game Difficulties. Tables illustrating the differences
      between the difficulty settings.
  - New Section: X balls a game. Tables illustrating the differences between
      three and five ball play.
  - All new sections are marked with a star (*) in the contents.
  - New ftp site added.
  - Changed pinball archive ftp address from rahul to mcs.
  - Laugh Mode edited every-so-slightly.
  - More quotes.

Extra Special Thanks

The following people contributed in some way to the writing of this sheet:

  Jamie Silver
  Mario Moeller      -
  TJ Beyer           -
  Sanjay B. Shah     -
  Dan Farris         -
  Michael Field      -
  Bowen Kerins       -  bowen@leland.Stanford.EDU
  Noel Steere        -
  Ronald Berg        -
  Adam Frey          -
  Alan Back          -
  Ola Rodenkirchen   -
  Philip Wakely      -
  Scott R Tiesma     -
  Karl Brostroem     -


  New To This Version
  Extra Special Thanks
  Designer Names
  Things to Fix
  Playfield Layout
    Arrow Shots
    Jackpot Shots
    The Cabinet
      Punish The Guilty
      Farley Claymore
      Duel Of Wills
      The Beryllium
      Escape Underwater Doom
      Discover Hotel Monolith
    Battle Filed
    Shadow Multiball
    Khan Multiball
    Final Battle
    Who Knows
    Skill Shot
    Shadow Loop
    Secret Laugh Mode
  Extra Balls
  High Scores
  Feature Adjustments
* Game Difficulties
* X Balls A Game
  Easter Eggs


The following abbreviations have been used:

  o Demo Man - Demolition Man pinball
  o IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
  o Indy - Indiana Jones pinball
  o SDTM - Straight Down The Middle
  o STTNG - Star Trek: The Next Generation pinball
  o TAF - The Addams Family pinball
  o TZ - Twilight Zone pinball
  o WMS - Williams Electronics. Used to mean Bally/Williams

Designer Names

The Shadow is brought to you by:
  + Brian Eddy                 - Designer, Software
  + Mike Boon (Boonie!)        - Software
  + Robert C Friesl            - Mechanical Engineer
  + Edison V Onate             - Mechanical Designer
  + Doug Watson                - Art Work
  + Dan Forden                 - Sound and Music
  + Scot Matrix & Eugene Geer  - Dots


  The Shadow, like World Cup and a lot of great games, is a game that sort
of sneaks up behind you when you're not looking. The first few games you
probably won't like much. Then, for some reason, you'll play it again. While
playing, it won't seem like much; but after you've stopped you'll want to
play more. Then, before you know it, you'll be hooked!

  This game has one of the beefiest sound systems I've heard in an arcade.
If you thought STTNG was good, hold on to your hats. The sound on this
is just amazing. One problem is that it's way too quiet, we have it on
about 20 while other DCS games are 14-15, while the old WPC sound games
get by on 8!

  The animation is as good as the sound. Especially the start of multiball,
and the super jackpots. Both are truly unparalleled in any other pinball
I have ever seen, no matter how big the display is!

  The toys are good. The lock magnet is of course the most wholly
remarkable thing in the whole of the known universe. Then there's the
mini-playfield, personally I think this will be more trouble then it's
worth; although other players seem to like it.

  A few other things to note, the Side Saucer is not one of the pissy
little ones WMS likes to use. It is more like the lock holes in Dr Who.
The Side Saucer seems to hold 99% of the balls, some still bounce out,
(the same is true for the Battle Field popper).

  The Poppers also use mechanical switches which I find odd. Although I
_HATE_ optos, I think they work well on poppers. However, Shadow uses
micro-switches, rather then leaf switches (which is what poppers used
before optos became so common, and the leaf switches were awful).

  The game plays really well. The drains are OK, but nothing to write
home about. The shots blend well together, and when you get in the groove,
the game is just fantastic.

  The replay animation is great. Two bullets go screaming towards each
other. First you see the left one, then the right, and finally they collide
with a bang (err, a thwak). When the smoke clears, the display says REPLAY!

Well done to the whole team on this. After playing it, I want to go and
see the movie. This wasn't true of Demo Man, TAF or any other movie based

Things to Fix

  This is a list of things that could improve the game:

  - In multiplayer games after locking a ball, there needs to be a nice big
    warning to tell the player the ball will come out of the lock.

  - In multiplayer games after locking a ball, the player should get a
    chance at a skill shot. Just make it that they have to shoot the
    Shadow Loop, or Side Saucer to collect it. Still use the left blue
    button to select the award.

  - Something MUST be done about the lower exit from the Battle Field. Balls
    keep getting lost, or stuck etc.

  - Multiball restart is really needed.

  - A ball-saver after locking balls is needed, _especially_ when the ball
    is ejected from the lock.

  - Starting Vengeance from a skill shot should award the right ring on
    the left ramp (ie: the actual skill shot), so you don't need to
    shoot it again in Vengeance. I know it'll make Vengeance easier, but
    will improve the flow of the game IMHO.

Playfield Layout


I'll start at the bottom, and go in a clockwise direction.

Lower Flippers: Standard white full length flippers.

Slingshots: Standard (non trapezoid :-) ) slingshots.

In/Out lanes: A letter in the word "KHAN" appears at the top of each lane.
    It operates as like standard Bonus X lanes. Complete KHAN to increase
    the bonus multiplier. It will also light Khan Multiball at the side
    saucer if it is not already lit. There is no kickback.

Left MOngol targets: The M and O targets are in a similar position to the
    Turbo Boost targets in Corvette. See the section 'Mongol' for more

Left Orbit: Standard left orbit that is not as hard as the one in STTNG,
    and not as easy as the one in Corvette. It is an Arrow Shot, Jackpot
    Shot, and the Hurry Up Shot. The orbit feeds the upper right flipper.

Left Ramp: Steep metal ramp in the same place as the Time Rift targets on
    STTNG. The ramp splits into 2, with a player controlled diverter. This
    diverter is controlled with the left blue button, which is located next
    to the left flipper button. The ball can be fed to the left or right
    in-lane. This is an Arrow Shot, Jackpot Shot and the Skill Shot.

Center moNGol targets: The N and G targets are on each side of the left
    ramp entrance. See the section 'Mongol' for more information.

Side Loop: Called the Shadow Loop, it's a small orbit that is only
    hittable from the upper flipper (very much like Getaway). It joins
    the left orbit to feed the upper flipper. See the section 'Shadow Loop'
    in the rule sheet for more information. This is an Arrow Shot, and
    Jackpot Shot. The side loop goes around the Battle Filed lane, and
    Lock. Most of it is under the mini-playfield.

Side Saucer: Just _below_ the side loop. This saucer is shot by the upper
    flipper. It awards a super jackpot (Shadow Multiball only), and starts
    Khan multiball. When Khan Multiball is not lit, this saucer will start
    the currently flashing scene (if Start Scene is lit), or start Final
    Battle (if it is lit). You can also put a ball here during multiball to
    double or triple jackpots. See the sections for Shadow multiball, and
    Khan multiball for more information. It is a saucer like the ones in
    Dr Who (locks), NOT like the one in Indiana Jones.

Battle Field: In a similar position to the Alpha Quadrant (center) ramp
    on STTNG (but a little closer to the flippers) is a small lane leading
    to a popper. It has a drop target in front. Knock down the drop target
    (may be more then once) to Open the Battle Field. Shoot the popper and
    the ball will be popped to the mini-playfield. This is easiest from the
    lower right flipper. Backhanding it from the lower left is possible,
    and some people can actually get it from the upper flipper too. See the
    Battle Field for more information.  This is an Arrow Shot and a Jackpot
    Shot. Note, the ball bounces out of the popper quite often, and usually

Yellow Target: Solitary stand-up target in a similar position to the clock
    target on Twilight Zone. This target will spot letters in Mongol. Each
    time Mongol is completed, an extra hit on the target it necessary to
    spot a Mongol letter. The white inlay next to the target will flash
    when it is ready to spot a letter.

The Wall: An up/down target that blocks the lock. It is very much like a
    drop target, except it only pops up/down when the machine tells it. Hit
    it to light lock, and lock balls. This is in a similar position as the
    Disaster Drop target on White Water. (Note: A 'hit' on this target is
    registered by an opto slightly in front of it)

The Sanctum: The coolest ball lock on the planet. Accessible only when the
    Wall is down. Lock balls here for the Shadow Multiball. See that
    section for more information. This (including the Wall) is an Arrow

NOTE: The Wall and the Sanctum are essentially the same shot. They can be
    considered the same unless stated otherwise....

Right Ramp: Steep metal ramp (like the right ramp on Twilight Zone) in a
    similar position to the right ramp on STTNG.  Like the left ramp it
    splits into two, with a player-controlled diverter.  The diverter is
    controlled by the right blue button, which is next to the right flipper
    button. The ramp can feed to the left or right inlane. This is an Arrow
    Shot and Jackpot Shot.

Start Scene: A saucer at the end of a short lane (exactly like Getaway). It
    awards Who Knows, Extra Ball, starts a Scene, and starts Final Battle.
    It is also an Arrow Shot, and generally an all 'round nice guy... The
    actual saucer is like the Skill Shot one on TAF. Sometimes, an odd shot
    to the right orbit will bounce into this hole (like on Getaway).

Right Orbit: Standard orbit that is very similar to STTNG, Corvette,
    Getaway, etc. Balls put here will come out of the left orbit to the
    lower left flipper. Slow balls will dribble out of the side loop. This
    is an Arrow Shot and Hurry Up Shot.

Upper Flipper: Same as Getaway, Star Trek etc.. Use it to shoot the Side
    Loop, Side Saucer, or the Battle Field .. actually it seems to be the
    safest way to knock that drop target down.

Right mongOL targets: The O and L targets are directly opposite the M and O
    ones. See the section on 'Mongol' for more information.

Plunger: Autoplunger, fired with a trigger similar to Indi's.

Battle Field: Think Path Of Adventure from Indi, and you're close. It's in
    the same place, but it's more square. There are 4 beefy looking yellow
    drop targets down the back, and 4 stand-up targets on each side (well,
    the right only has three!) A bat at the bottom is controlled by the
    flippers (side to side) and when the ball hits it, the bat pushes it
    away, (think Brick Out..) The object is to score enough hits, complete
    the playfield, and defeat Khan. If you miss, the ball falls off the
    bottom, and will probably get stuck somewhere. If you succeed, the
    ball will be fed to the upper flipper. More information in the Rules

Arrow Shots

Most of the major shots in this game are Arrow Shots:
  Left Orbit, Left Ramp, Battle Field, Wall (Sanctum), Right Ramp, Start
  Scene, Right Orbit, Side Loop.

Jackpot Shots

Some of the major shots in this game can be lit for a jackpot:
  Left Orbit, Left Ramp, Battle Field, Right Ramp, Side Loop.

The Cabinet

  The Shadow is a 5 ball game, in a standard (narrow body) cabinet.

  Next to each flipper button (red), is a blue button. The left blue button
controls the left ramp diverter, and the right blue button does the same for
the right ramp. Pressing a blue button toggles the way the ball will be
diverted. When the diverters move, they make a really cool (and loud)
crunch noise..

  The game is equipped with an autoplunger that is fired with a trigger
much like the gun on Indi (well this is more like a slightly beefed up
version). Plunged balls are fed to the lower right flipper. During the
game, pulling the trigger will usually play an empty gun click sound.

  There are no plastic ramps anywhere (well there's a little one up the
top .. but I won't include that here..). The ramps feed gold wire-forms
that stick mainly to the side of the playfield. They really don't stand
out much, which I like.

  The extra ball button is mounted on the cabinet below the gun, and is

  The artwork is amazing, especially the side of the machine. The backglass
art is ok, better then STTNG and Demo Man, but not up there with Twilight.

  On the playfield are three really cool knight figures, they're not all
that important, but I like them!

  There are no under-playfield tunnels, which means no kickouts. This is
yet _another_ similarity with Getaway.

  The outlanes are fine, better then any Bally/Williams machine this year.
There is rubber everywhere, and the posts on our machine were right down
when we got it. Even still, there are no shots on the game that cause the
ball to go screaming down a side drain. This is a GOOD MOVE!

  The center drain is about average. The only shot that often went SDTM was
a failed left ramp. Sometimes (not all that often) a direct shot at the wall,
or the Battle Field drop target flew down the drain. There is an operator
adjustment for this, see Feature Adjustments number 11.


  The modes this game are called scenes. They do not run concurrently, but
any running mode will continue during multiball. During a mode you can
start all other game features. Totals from each scene are added during
the bonus count.

  During the opening animation of any scene (except Hotel, and Duel of
Wills), pulling the trigger will play some duck quacks, and the quote
"Anyone for Peking Duck?". The same thing is true when you get the 2 Million
Scene Bonus. For more information, see the section Secret Laugh Mode.

  The scenes are displayed in the middle of the playfield, lit ones have
been played, blank ones haven't, and the flashing one will be started
next. Shoot the ramps to change the currently flashing scene. Divert the
ball left to move the flashing scene _up_, divert the ball right to move
the flashing scene _down_. 'up' and 'down' refer to the way I have
listed them below.

The scenes are:
   Punish the Guilty
   Farley Claymore
   Duel of Wills
   The Beryllium Sphere
   Escape Underwater Doom
   Discover Hotel Monolith

  They cycle in a loop, so down from Discover Hotel Monolith is Punish the
Guilty, and up from Punish The Guilty is, obviously, Discover Hotel

There is NO wizard award for completing all scenes. However there IS a
wizard award...

Start Scenes at Start Scene (duh!) or the Side Saucer (only if Khan
Multiball isn't lit). Start Scene is always lit if not in a scene, and not
in multiball. Shooting Start Scene, (or the Side Saucer if Khan isn't lit)
during a scene, will award 2 Million as a Scene Bonus.

 - Punish the Guilty: A 30 second mode where you have to shoot the lit
    arrows to save Tam. Three arrow shots will be lit (Left Orbit, Side
    Loop, and Right Orbit). Each shot awards 10 million. Once all three
    have been hit, shoot Start Scene to collect 30 Million.

 - Farley Claymore: Remember Q's Challenge?! A 30 second mode where you
    have to beat up Farley (trust me, he deserves it!). The display shows
    the Hit-O-Meter, which is full at the start of the mode. Every arrow
    (except the side loop and the Wall) is lit, and each one deducts a bit
    from the H-O-M. The mode ends when the timer expires, or the H-O-M is
    empty, about 5 or 6 shots. Not sure on the value per shot.  NOTE: If the
    Battle Field is lit during this mode, shoot it. Every hit on the Battle
    Field reduces the Hit-O-Meter as well.

 - Duel of Wills: A great video mode. Dodge the falling Phurba's to get
    points, or the Extra Ball. Point values start at 1 Million, after a
    few it becomes 3 Million, then 4 etc. It can actually get quite hard.
    Pull the trigger during this mode to clear the screen and leave it
    clear for a few seconds. Beware though, as the Phurba's return in bulk,
    and moving fast.

 - The Beryllium Sphere: You have 30 seconds to defuse a bomb. Each arrow
    cuts a wire. The first shot is worth 10 mill, then 12, 14 etc. Arrows
    do not remain lit after they have been hit, (ie: you can only hit each
    shot once.) You must cut six wires (therefore, make 6 shots); if you do
    it, shoot Start Scene for 30 Million.

 - Escape Under Water Doom: Hurry up that counts down from 30 million. Shoot
     the lit shot to collect the current value. It will continue to count
     down, and another shot will light. The shots light in the following
       Left Ramp and Right Ramp
       Left Orbit
       Shadow Loop
       Left Ramp
     When all have been collected, Start Scene will light, shoot it to
     complete the mode for 30 million.

 - Discover Hotel Monolith: This is a cool two ball multiball. It
    continues until less then two balls remain in play. Hit the wall to
    reveal the hotel (3 hits). The first two hits award 10 million, the
    third hit is worth 20 million, and the wall will pop down. Hit a ball
    into the Sanctum to light all arrows. The ball(s) will be unlocked,
    and each arrow is worth one million more than the previous (the first
    is 10 million). Get them all for 30 million. All arrows relight, and
    the value returns to 10 million. The mode ends when less then two balls
    remain in play.  It is not possible to lock balls (for Shadow Multiball)
    during this mode, or start Khan Multiball. The display during the first
    part of this is really great.

Battle Field

  The object of the mini-playfield is to defeat Khan. To open it, hit the
drop target. Shoot the popper and the ball will be popped onto the mini-
playfield. While the ball is in the popper, pull the trigger for some
Peking Duck. See the section "Secret Laugh Mode" if you want to know more.

  The mini-playfield has drop targets down the back, and stand-up targets on
the side. When the drop targets stop popping back up, you can defeat Khan,
the ball will be fed to the upper flipper.

  One of the most annoying things about the drop targets, is the fact that
the ball hits them so hard, they often don't fall down!

  Use the flippers to control the bat, so the ball hits it. The first
time you must make 30 hits (of the targets) to find Khan. Once found, knock
the drop targets down to break through, and defeat him. It's actually quite

  Defeating Khan is worth 30 million the first time you do it, and 10 million
more each time after. The number of hits required to defeate him goes up
by 20 each time too, and maxes at 100. Finally, an extra hit on the drop
target is necessary to open the Battle Field for every time Khan is defeted.

  Also, each target has a light in front of it. If you manage to hit each
target at least once, the value for defeating Khan goes up by 20 million for
each time you do it. So if you complete all targets three times, you will
be awarded 60 million on top of the Khan Jackpot.

  Remember that hits on the miniplayfield count during the Farley Scene.

[Note: A soft shot would often manage to sneak past the drop target when
multiple hits were necessary. In this case the machine lets you play the
mini-playfield anyway.]

Shadow Multiball

    - Shoot the wall to light lock. Lock one is lit at the start of the
    game. Each multiball requires one more hit of the wall to light lock.

    - When lock is lit, shoot the wall again to lock the ball. This is
    cool: a magnet grabs the ball, the Wall is lowered, and the ball is
    thrown into the Sanctum.

    - On the third lock, three ball multiball begins. Watch the opening
    animation, it is unbelievable... I have played the game plenty of
    times, and still go WOW at the lock sound/light/ball show!

    - Balls are ejected one at a time from the lock to the upper flipper,
    imagine the hidden hallway from Fun House, but on the other side of
    the playfield. Look closely as there is an orange flasher that makes
    the balls hard to see.

    - Since the game has an autoplunger, it is not possible to 'Steal'
    locked balls. If there are less then three balls in the lock at the
    start of multiball, the machine auto-plunges them. I don't like this
    one bit, as auto-plunged balls are not set up for jackpots - but what
    can you do?

    - The jackpot starts at 20 million. Shoot the side loop to collect.
    Remember the ball returns to the upper flipper, so multiple jackpots
    are possible, and even suggested. Balls will not be kicked out of the
    lock if you are on a 'jackpot roll'.

    - The wall stays down during this multiball (it is only lowered after
    all three balls have been ejected from the lock). Shoot the Sanctum
    to set your-self up for jackpots. This is a great feature, it also
    reminds me a lot of White Water. Balls will not be kicked out of the
    lock if you are on a 'jackpot roll'.

    - After 5 jackpots, the super jackpot will light at the Side Saucer.
    Shot it from the upper flipper for 100 million. After each super
    jackpot, 5 more regular jackpots are needed to relight it.

    - Lock a ball in Start Scene or Side Saucer to double the regular
   jackpot.  Lock a ball in both of these places to triple the regular
   jackpot. Double/Triple jackpots revert to the regular value after
   one jackpot, or 10 seconds, the ball(s) is/are kicked out too. Note
   that Double Jackpot actually awards 2 jackpots, and Triple Jackpot
   awards 3.

    - The super jackpot can only be doubled by locking a ball in Start
    Scene, the 10 second timer still applies.

  Shadow multiball ends when less then 2 balls remain in play.

Khan Multiball

    - Light Khan Multiball by completing KHAN at the in/out lanes. (Note,
    each completion of KHAN also advances Bonus X.) After a few Khan
    multiballs, the Start Khan Multiball light times out.

    - Khan Multiball is lit at the Side Saucer, this is not stackable.
    Shoot the saucer to begin the three ball multiball. [The other two
    balls are auto-launched].

    - All jackpot shots start lit (not the Super Jackpot). Jackpot value
    starts at 20 Million (per jackpot!), and the in/out lanes add 100
    thousand. See the playfield description for a list of the Jackpot

    - Lock a ball in Start Scene or Side Saucer to double the jackpot
    value. Lock a ball in both of these places to triple the jackpot
    value. Double/Triple jackpots revert to the regular value after one
    jackpot, or 10 seconds, the ball(s) is/are kicked out too.

    - Once all regular jackpots have been collected, then a Super Jackpot
    lights on the mini-playfield! One of the drop targets will be lit in
    turn (like the skill shot on Terminator 2), you must hit this for the
    Super Jackpot which is worth 100 million. It's _hard_ to control the
    bat, and keep the other 1 or 2 balls in play. The Super Jackpot can be
    doubled/tripled in the same way as the regular one. Note: if the
    miniplayfield is disabled, it is not possible to get the Super Jackpot!

  Khan multiball ends when less then two balls remain in play.

Final Battle


  On the playfield is a Scarf (near the Side Saucer). It contains four
inlays that will light during the game. Light all four to light Final
  o Complete Scenes - Will light when the last scene finishes, or when the
      ball drains during the last scene.
  o Conquer Battle Field - Defeat Khan at least once.
  o Shadow Multiball - Lights when Shadow Multiball finishes.
  o Khan Multiball - Lights when Khan Multiball finishes.

When the scarf is complete, Final Battle will be lit at Start Scene. Shoot
Start Scene, or the Side Saucer (if Khan is not lit) to start it.  Final
Battle lights as soon as the scarf is complete ... yes, even during
multiball (although I have never managed to start it during multiball).

The sound and lights are quite hard to describe ... but it's very, very
cool. The intro goes like this:
  "Congratulations. Prepare yourself, this is the Final Battle."

  Four more balls will be launched into play (it's a five ball multiball
with a 30 second ball saver), and the object is to hit every shot for
1 billion. But wait - it is _always_ awarded this time!

The shots are:
  - MONGOL targets             6
  - Left Orbit                 1
  - Left Ramp (both sides)     2
  - Side Loop                  1
  - Battle Field      4+4+3 = 11
  - Battle Field Drop Target   1  [Spotted if the target is broken]
  - Yellow Target              1
  - The Wall                   1
  - Right Ramp (both sides)    2
  - Right Orbit                1
                    total:    27

The Side Saucer and Start Scene (if unlit) spot one target. The order is:
  Yellow Target
  Mongol Targets
  Battle Field targets (anti-clockwise starting at the top left corner)
  Arrow Shots

There might be a bug in here somewhere though, as the following has been
   1 hits remaining.
   0 hits remaining.
   255 hits remaining.
   254 hits remaining.
   1 billion.

  I tried this on our machine and couldn't replicate the fault, so maybe it
is caused by something else. My machine is L-2, and the one that faulted
is also L-2.

  Each shot is worth 10 million. The countdown is shown on the display. Note
that if the drop target is busted, the machine will spot that shot for
you (and award the 10 million) ... so you'll only have to get 26 shots.

  If the mini-playfield has been disabled, then hit the drop target to
spot a few mini-playfield targets. God knows what happenes if the drop
target _and_ the mini-playfield are broken. My guess is that no-one will
play that machine!

  As soon as the last shot is hit, the machine goes dead: no sound, lights
or flippers - all remaining balls drain. After a second of this comes the
quote, "You're FINished Khan!" which is followed by a scream, the lights
all come on, and a rap style collection of animations is played - topped
off by the shot of some mirror going through Khan's head. The Billion points
are awarded (you are actually awarded it too), with someone screaming
ONE BILLION. Following this is the quote: "Finally you've learned to
control the pinball".

  After the billion, all five balls are re-launched and all shots re-light
for another go. Note that there is no ball saver now, even if it haden't
timed out, it will be turned of - cruel huh?! Final Battle ends when there
are less then two balls left in play. The scenes all reset for another go.

  Completing Final Battle (ie: getting the billion) allows you to enter
you initials in the list of Final Battle Imortals, at the end of the game.
This is better then it sounds, as the quote for getting in this list is
just too cool to mention. If you REALLY must know, have a look in the
Easter Eggs.


  On either side of each ramp diverter is a ring. At the start of a game
all rings will flash. When you shoot a ramp, the ring on the same side
of the diverter that the ball went, will become solidly lit (each ring
is worth 3 million). Complete all four rings to start possibly the
coolest mode since Big Foot Hot Foot: Vengeance.

  Vengeance is a cool 30 second mode where each ring is worth 5, 7, 9, 11,
etc million. Completing all four awards 50 million, and restarts the
timer. There is a very friendly grace period at the end of the mode,
so you can still score Vengeance after the sound/music has stopped.

  If you start Vengeance as part of a combo (ie: the combo collects the last
ring), you start Combo Vengeance where each ramp is worth 10 million.

  If, during Vengeance or Combo Vengeance, you get all rings in a row (ie:
a combo), you are awarded 100 million as a Super Vengeance.

NOTE: What I have called Combo Vengeance, the machine calls Super Vengeance.
I used the name Combo Vengeance because completing all ramps awards 50
million, while Super Vengeance awards 100 million.

  Note that after you get the 50 million, the single ramp values continue
to escalate. After Vengeance, all rings will start flashing again.

  Remember that if you start Vengeance by a skill shot, you will need to
hit the same ramp again, it does not award the ring.


  Around the playfield are 6 targets, each for a letter in MONGOL. These
are the MONGOL targets. There are two above the left in/out lanes (M, O),
two at the entrance of the left ramp (N, G) and two above the right In/
Out lanes (O, L). The single yellow standup target spots letters in Mongol,
hit it once to spot a letter; an extra hit is necessary for each time
Mongol has been completed. There is a white inlay next to this target that
flashes when it's ready to spot a letter.

  Spelling Mongol starts a hurry up. Thirty million counts down, and is
collectible from the left or right orbit. The start of Mongol is easily
noticable by the cool 'gong' sound effect.

  Pull the trigger during the count-down to end the mode, and award 3 million

"Find him, and kill him. All of you .. GO!"

Who Knows

Who Knows is a random award lit at Start Scen by spelling Mongol. Possible
awards are:
      Points (between 10-30 million)
      Light EB
      Light Khan Multiball
      Start Vengance Mode
      Start Mongol Mode
      Bonus X
      Light Lock

Skill Shot

  Before launching any ball (not for a ball saved ball), the display shows
two choices. On the left are some points (starts at 10 Million, increases by
5 million each time and maxes out at 40 million), on the right is a real
award. Choose between the two with the left blue button. The diverter on the
left ramp will flip. If the ball will go right, you'll get the award, if the
ball will go left, you will get the points. Shoot the ramp to actually collect
it (this is what the word 'skill' means!). The good thing is that you can set
the diverter to the right, plunge, and get the award without waiting for the
'Shoot Again', or 'Replay At', screens to disappear. You also don't know what
the award will be until you get it!

  The skill shot remains lit for about 5 seconds. During this time you can
keep changing the left diverter to change what you want - yes, even after
you have plunged the ball. So what you get is basically chosen by which
way the ball is diverted on the left ramp. Note that if you drain and the
ball is saved, the skill shot it turned off.

  Note: When you start Vengeance with the skill shot, remember to shoot
the right side of the left ramp again as that ring is not spotted for

Possible awards:
  Complete Mongol
  Start Vengeance
  Light Lock
  Light Extra Ball
  Bonus X
  Light Khan
  5-40 Million


  According to the audits, there are combos all over this game, right up
to seven way combos. It is actually quite hard to hit more then three
shots in a row and NOT get a combo. I'm not sure of the combo values, but
the quote is the best:
  "WOW! x way combo!" - where x is a number between 3 and 7 inclusive.

I just want to know how they managed to inject _so_ much American accent
into this quote!!

  There are also a couple of two way combos lying around the place, but
they do not genorate the above quote.

Shadow Loops

  The Shadow Loop is the side loop shotable by the upper flipper. Awards
are given for the number-of-loops-in-a-row you get. There is also a place
in the high scores for the person who manages the most loops.

  When you shoot the loop, it remains lit for a few seconds for another
shot. When it's lit, you get an increasing 2 million (starts at 2 million)
until you miss. Then it reverts back to 2 million.

  - Light Extra Ball           3 loops in a row
  - Shadow Bonus (40 Million)  5 loops in a row

These awards are not set in stone, the both reflex. I have seen extra balls
at 2 loops, and once at _7_!

  A slow shot up any orbit will dribble out the side loop for a Secret
Passage bonus, worth 5 million.


  There are two main orbits in the game. The left one, and right one. Each
orbit is worth 1 million. Consecutive orbits are worth 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
million (maxes at 32 million). Every fourth awards the following:

  4)   China Town - 5 million
  8)   Cobalt Club - 10 million
  12)  Hotel Monolith - 15 Million
  16)  Cranston Manor - 20 Million
  20)  Mari-Tech - 25 Million
  20+) Super Loops - 20 Million per loop.

Number of loops does not reset each ball.

  The orbit software is really buggy. It never actually awards Mari-Tech,
the screen says "Mari-Tech in (x) loops", then just awards Cranston Manor
again for 20 million. This is P-1 ROMs.

  It also managed to get into the good ole 255 loops until Mari-Tech. Although
this seems fixed in L-2 ROMs.

Secret Laugh Mode

  It's good to see more hidden stuff in the games. It's even better that
we manage to find it. ;-)

There are three duck quotes in this game, they all say the same thing:
  "Any-one for Peking Duck?"
The first time it is whispered (you have to listen very carefully to hear
it); the second time it is said by a guy with a Chinese accent; and the
third time it is said by a woman.

There are many ways to get the quote:
  o Pull the trigger at the start of any mode except Duel of Wills, and
  o Pull the trigger at the _end_ of Duel Of Wills.
  o During the quote: "I know" (Who Knows award).
  o During the Extra Ball animation.
  o While getting a 'Scene Bonus 2,000,000'.
  o Anytime the ball is in the Battle Field popper.

  The trick is that you can only get the quote once from each physical
location on the playfield: Side Saucer, Start Scene and the Battle Field
Popper. Also make sure you don't have Mongol running, as pulling the
trigger will end that mode (awarding 3 million).

  To start Laugh Mode, you must have heard the quote said by all three
people. The easiest way to do this is:
  - Start a scene (at Start Scene), and pull the trigger.
  - Shoot the Side Saucer, and if Khan is not lit, you'll get the 2M Scene
    Bonus. Pull the trigger again.
  - Shoot the Battle Field, and pull the trigger before the ball is popped.

  Once you have heard all three quotes, start a scene like you normally
would, but instead of starting one of the regular five, the display will
  You discovered: The Secret Laugh Mode
There is also a duck (!) on the right, that quacks twice.

  Laugh Mode lasts thirty seconds, and the display tells you to "Hit
Anything". The music is similar to Farley .. but with constant laughter,
mixed with quacking. Shooting any arraw (they are all lit) awards 5 million,
and the duck quacks 5 times.

  For a real (ie: good, long, hard) laugh, start multiball during this mode;
the first time I did, myself and all the spectators were almost on the

  Laugh Mode runs like any other 'normal' scene. It is possible to lock
balls, start Shadow/Khan multiballs, play the Battle Field, start Vengeance
etc. The only difference is that the total from Laugh Mode is added to your
score as soon as the mode ends, and not suring the bonus count. It is only
possible to start Laugh Mode once per game.


  The bonus count is mainly made up of totals from the Scenes, and it
is not possible to speed it up.

  Increase the bonus multiplier by completing KHAN on the in/out lanes. The
multiplier starts at 2x (for the first completion of Khan), then 3x, 4x,
5x ... 10x. It maxes out at 10x and further completions of Khan award 10

  The bonus multiplier only multiplies the bonus before the scene totals
are added in.

Extra Balls

Extra balls can be lit the following ways:
  - Lit by Skill Shot.
  - Lit by Shadow Loops.
  - Lit by Defeating Khan.
  - Lit by Who Knows
Collect extra balls by shooting Start Scene.

One of the items in the Video Mode is an extra ball.

Extra balls can also be bought for one credit. The operator can set
the number of Buy In's from 1 to 3, default is 1.

High Scores

The following high score lists exist:
  o Grand Champion - Highest score, no buy-ins.
  o Best Agents - Top 4 scores, no buy-ins.
  o Buy-In Grand Champion - Highest score with at least one buy-in.
  o Buy-In Scores - Top 4 scores with at least one buy-in.
  o Final Battle Imortals - Last 10 people to complete Final Battle.
    (When the high scores are re-set there are only 4 names in this list.)
  o Shadow Loop Champion - Person to achieve the most consecutive Side Loops.


There are some top quotes in the game:

  - During Farley Scene: "I'm not afraid of The Shadow!"
  - Start of Mongol: "Find him, and kill him. All of you, GO!"
  - "The sun is shining, but the ice is slippery..."
    Or as Noel Steere would say:
      "The Burger is warm, but the Fries are soggy!"
  - Sometimes after NOT matching: "Coward, Chicken, Sissy ... Cummon, play
  - "Vengeance is YOURS!"
  - "Finally you've learned to control the Pinball!"
  - For a tilt: "You still think you can control the game with brute
  - On the Battle Field: "Flippers ... Use the flippers!"
  - If you don't plunge for a while: "You are BORing me!"
  - "Anyone for Peking duck?!"
  - Start of Khan: "Join me, or die!"
  - Shooting a side of a ramp that has already been hit:
      "Use the blue buttons!"
  - "Concentrate!"


  - Matching is enabled by default, which is good because it's a cool
    sequence. A torch shines on a brick wall, the match number is in the
    small circle of light. As the torch sweeps left and right, the number
    changes. When a match occurs, the Shadow appears and laughs.

  - The knocker is way too quiet. I fixed ours tho ;-)

Feature Adjustments

  The following game features are adjustable by an operator. The value in
(brackets) is the default, and the value in [square brackets] is what my
machine is set on if it differs from the default. When a value range is
given, it is inclusive. Eg: 1-5 means the value can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

Note: This information appears in the Shadow Manual, which is (C) 1994 MIDWAY
MANUFACTURING COMPANY, manyfacturers of BALLY Amusement Games.

  01) Credits for a buy in (1)
        OFF, 1/2, 1

  02) Maximum buy-ins (1)
        1, 2, 3

  03) Attract Music (OFF)  [ON]
        OFF, ON

  04) Attract Sound (ON)
        OFF, ON

  05) Timed Plunger (OFF)
        OFF, 30-120 seconds 

  06) Flipper Plunger (OFF)
        OFF, ON

  07) Ball Save timer (5)  [10]
        0-60 seconds

  08) Shadow Multiball Ball Save timer (12)  [15]
        0-60 seconds

  09) Khan Multiball Ball Save timer (6)  [10]
        0-60 seconds

  10) Hotel Monolith Ball Save timer (9)  [10]
        0-60 seconds

  11) Center hit ball save (NO)  [YES]
        NO, YES
      Starts a short ball saver (about 2 seconds) when the Battle Field
      drop target, or the Wall is hit. Often this doesn't come on, and it's
      about 1 second too short.

  12) Farley Scene timer (30)
        10-90 seconds

  13) Guilty Scene timer (30)
        10-90 seconds

  14) Sphere Scene timer (30)
        10-90 seconds

  15) Escape Doom start (30,000,000)
        20,000,000 - 45,000,000

  16) Vengeance timer (30)
        10-90 seconds

  17) Multiball Lock timer (10)
        1-30 seconds
      This is how long balls are held during a multiball to double/triple
      the jackpots.

  18) Extra Ball percent (20)
        OFF, 5-35%
      This is a game wide setting. The machine will increase or decrease the
      Shadow Loop light EB value, number of times Who Knows will light EB,
      and the number of times the skill shot will offer Light EB, to try and
      match this figure.

  Note: A feature that has memory, will be carried over from one ball to
        the next.

  19) Who Knows Extra Ball memory (YES)
        NO, YES

  20) Skill Shot Extra Ball memory (YES)
        NO, YES

  21) Battle Extra Ball memory (YES)
        NO, YES

  22) Shadow Loop Extra Ball memory (YES)
        NO, YES

  23) Shadow Loop Extra Ball start (3)
      If adjustment 18 is OFF, the extra ball will always light at this
      value. If adjustment 18 is ON (default), it will use this value as a
      starting point, and in/decrease it as necessary.

  24) Khan Multiball Lit memory (YES)
        NO, YES

  25) Khan Multiball Lit timer (15)
        5-99 seconds

  26) Hold Sanctum Locks after a game (NO)
        NO, YES

  27) Mongol Hurry Up difficulty (Medium)
        Extra Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Extra Hard
      The harder it is, the less time you have to collect the value.

  28) Family Mode (OFF)
        OFF, ON
      When set ON, the following phrases won't be said:
        'Let's get the hell out of here.'
        'What the Christ is that?'

  29) Left Diverter (ON)
        OFF, ON

  30) Right Diverter (ON)
        OFF, ON

  31) Mini Playfield (ON)
        OFF, ON

  32) Autofire Locks (NO)
        NO, YES
      When set to on, the game will automatically launch balls after a
      player has locked one. Basically it means there's no skill shot.

Game Difficulties

  The following table lists the settings for the 5 possible difficulty
levels. Remember that these settings are in no way fixed, and that some
machines may in fact not match any standard setting. Let me explain:
When an Install option is carried out, all of the settings in the
below table are changed to those values. Adjustments that are missing,
are simply not altered by that particular Install operation. The factory
setting is of Medium Difficulty.

This is from a manual marked as 'Preliminary', so it could be totally
wrong! I will check it when we get our first production machine.

Note: This table appears in the Shadow Manual, which is (C) 1994 MIDWAY
MANUFACTURING COMPANY, manyfacturers of BALLY Amusement Games.

  Shdw = Shadow
  MB = Multiball
  BSave = Ball Saver
  Secs = Seconds
  Tmr = Timer
  Mil = Million
  EB = Extra Ball
  Mem = Memory
  U/Up = Hurry Up
  Ex = Extra

 Adj | Adjustment     | Extra    |          |          |          | Extra    |
  #  | Description    | Easy     | Easy     | Medium   | Hard     | Hard     |
 07  | Ball Saver     | 8 Secs   | 7 Secs   | 5 Secs   | 4 Secs   | 0 Secs   |
 08  | Shdw MB BSave  | 15 Secs  | 13 Secs  | 12 Secs  | 10 Secs  | 0 Secs   |
 09  | Khan MB BSave  | 8 Secs   | 7 Secs   | 5 Secs   | 4 Secs   | 0 Secs   |
 10  | Hotel MB BSave | 8 Secs   | 7 Secs   | 5 Secs   | 4 Secs   | 0 Secs   |
 11  | Center BSave   | Yes      | Yes      | No       | No       | No       |
 12  | Farley Timer   | 40 Secs  | 35 Secs  | 30 Secs  | 25 Secs  | 20 Secs  |
 13  | Punish Timer   | 40 Secs  | 35 Secs  | 30 Secs  | 25 Secs  | 20 Secs  |
 14  | Sphere Timer   | 40 Secs  | 35 Secs  | 30 Secs  | 25 Secs  | 20 Secs  |
 15  | Escape Start   | 45 Mil   | 40 Mil   | 30 Mil   | 25 Mil   | 20 Mil   |
 16  | Vengeance Tmr  | 40 Secs  | 35 Secs  | 30 Secs  | 25 Secs  | 20 Secs  |
 17  | Multi-Lock Tmr | 15 Secs  | 12 Secs  | 10 Secs  | 8 Secs   | 5 Secs   |
 18  | EB percentage  | 25%      | 20%      | 15%      | 10%      | 5%       |
 19  | Mystery EB Mem | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | No       |
 20  | Skill EB Mem   | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | No       |
 21  | Battle EB Mem  | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | No       | No       |
 22  | Loop EB Mem    | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | No       | No       |
 23  | Loop EB Start  | 2 Loops  | 2 Loops  | 3 Loops  | 4 Loops  | 5 Loops  |
 24  | Khan lit mem   | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      | No       | No       |
 25  | Khan lit tmr   | 25 Secs  | 20 Secs  | 15 Secs  | 10 Secs  | 7 Secs   |
 27  | Mongol H/Up    | Ex Easy  | Easy     | Medium   | Hard     | Ex Hard  |
     |                |          |          |          |          |          |

X Balls A Game

  The following table lists the differences between five and three ball
play. Remember that these settings are in no way fixed, and that some
machines may in fact not match any standard setting. Let me explain:
When an Install option is carried out, all of the settings in the
below table are changed to those values. Adjustments that are missing,
are simply not altered by that particular Install operation. The factory
setting is for 3 balls a game.

This is from the manual marked as 'Preliminary', so it could be totally
wrong! I will check it when we get our first production machine.

Note: This table appears in the Shadow Manual, which is (C) 1994 MIDWAY
MANUFACTURING COMPANY, manyfacturers of BALLY Amusement Games.

  Shdw = Shadow
  MB = Multiball
  BSave = Ball Saver
  Tmr = Timer
  EB = Extra Ball
  Mem = Memory

Adjustments A.1 are Standard Adjustments.
            A.2 are Feature Adjustments.

 Adj     | Adjustment     | Install           | Install           |
 Number  | Description    | Three Ball        | Five Ball         |
 A.1 01  | Balls per Game | 3 Balls           | 5 Balls           |
 A.1 07  | Replay Start   | 500 Million       | 750 Million       |
 A.2 07  | Ball Saver     | 5 Seconds         | 4 Seconds         |
 A.2 08  | Shdw MB BSave  | 12 Seconds        | 10 Seconds        |
 A.2 09  | Khan MB BSave  | 5 Seconds         | 4 Seconds         |
 A.2 10  | Hotel MB BSave | 5 Seconds         | 4 Seconds         |
 A.2 15  | Escape Start   | 30 Seconds        | 25 Seconds        |
 A.2 16  | Vengeance Tmr  | 30 Seconds        | 25 Seconds        |
 A.2 17  | Multi-Lock Tmr | 10 Seconds        | 8 Seconds         |
 A.2 18  | EB percentage  | 15%               | 10%               |
 A.2 21  | Battle EB Mem  | Yes               | No                |
 A.2 22  | Loop EB Mem    | Yes               | No                |
 A.2 23  | Loop EB Start  | 3 Loops           | 4 Loops           |
 A.2 24  | Khan lit mem   | Yes               | No                |
 A.2 25  | Khan lit tmr   | 15 Seconds        | 10 Seconds        |
         |                |                   |                   |


Just a few glitches in an otherwise fine game:

  - During Khan Multiball, when you lock a ball to double/triple the
    Super Jackpot, the usual screen comes up with the 10 second timer,
    however the ball(s) are instantly kicked out, and the Jackpot value
    doesn't change. This is fixed in L-2 ROMs.

  - Twice during the mini-playfield test, the machine froze when the
    test passed (I had to power cycle). It doesn't always happen though.
    (P-1 ROMs). I'm assuming that it's fixed in production roms.

  - The display saying: '180 hits left to open Battle Field'! Fixed in L-2

  - Sometimes the machine will auto-plunge two balls (only after a ball
    save), it is a software bug that is fixed in L-2 ROMs.

  - The orbit software is really buggy. It never actually awards Mari-Tech,
    the screen says "Mari-Tech in (x) loops", then just awards Cranston
    Manor again for 20 million.   (P-1 ROMs)

  - It also managed to get into the good ole 255 loops until Mari-Tech.
    This is fixed in L-2 ROMs.

  - For some bizzare reason, pressing just the right flipper button will
    abort the buy-in screen. (P-1 ROMs)

  - The ball can get stuck behind the Battle Field drop target, this is no
    real problem as when the ball search happens the drop target is
    lowered, which causes the ball to be pushed into the popper. The usual
    Battle Field screen comes up, and the ball is popped. However, the ball
    search is just finishing, and although the paddle flips the ball on
    the mini-playfield, the flipper buttons do not move the paddle. This
    causes the machine to think the mini-playfield is broken, and disables
    it until the next slam-tilt or power cycle. This has been fixed in L-2
    ROMs: when the popper detects a ball, it'll always activate the mini

  - If you shoot the Battle Field popper when the drop target is down, you
    are not awarded the arrow or jackpot. This is REALLY annoying as the
    drop target is the same kind as STTNG, and will surly malfunction on
    some games. This is fixed in L-2 ROMs. Oddly enough, if the drop
    target is dead, it will spot the arrow for you as soon as you start
    Final Battle.

  - Sometimes the Final Battle countdown goes past zero, to 255. I'm
    guessing that it may be caused by the Side Saucer and/or Start Scene
    not spotting hits properly. (L-2 ROMs)

  - The game still often _thinks_ the miniplayfield is dead, and only a
    power-cycle or slam will get it to re-test the dam thing. What would
    be reall, really cool, would be if the mini-playfield was reset at the
    end of every game.

  - When Who Knows awards Vengeance, the screen looks really bad. The text
    'VENGEANCE MODE' doesn't fit, and demolishes the pretty border.

Easter Eggs

Just some cool things to try when someone else is paying:

  - The cow has been found! Look closely at the score display during normal
    play, there is mist in the background that often forms The Shadow, or a
    Phurba ... very rarely it'll form a cow. 'Coolness' is not a strong
    enough word to describe it! Pull the gun trigger to get the cow to

  - A duck has been found too! Much like the cow it appears in the mist
    behind the score display. Pull the gun trigger to get it to quack!

  - In attract mode, hit the flippers to advance to the next screen (like
    STTNG). Hit both flippers to see the scores of the last game played.

  - During the video mode, pull the trigger to clear the display, and keep
    it clear for a few seconds. You can only do it once per video mode, and
    beware, when those Phurba's return, there are plently of them, and they
    are f-a-s-t!

  - The Secret Laugh Mode.

  - During the Mongol hurry up, pull the trigger to end the mode, and award
    3 million.

  - Sometimes when the ball drains down an outlane, a herd of mooing cows will
    meander across the display - much like Black Rose.

  - Getting your name in as a Final Battle Imortal, yeilds the quote:
      "Your life is now one of purpose an honner."
    This quote, I believe, is even better then the billion!


  - If one of the ramp diverters die, the machine doesn't automatically turn
    on compensation. (There is an adjustment that can be set if either
    diverter is busted (Adjustments 29 and 30) - This must be manually
    set by the operator.)

  - If the Wall is stuck up, hitting it will count as a lock (L-2 ROMs)
    [lighting locks is still the same]. Although the Hotel Monolith scene
    won't work properly. Reavealing the hotel is possible, but it won't
    start the second part.

  - If the opto for the magenet in front of the Wall dies, the Wall will
    remain down then entire game. Shoot the Sanctum to light lock, and lock

  - If the miniplayfield is broken, then hitting the Battle Field drop
    target (when the Battle Field is lit), will simply spot a number of

  - If the miniplayfield is broken, there is NO way to get the super jackpot
    in Khan Multiball.