Sega Rally Championship 2 (e)

Toyota Celica Guide for Sega Really Championship 2
by Ancedote (

Anecdote's Celica Journal about learning more about the Key Corners in Sega 
Rally 2

"Come on, 'Anny'... You can do better than that!", Myself encouraging myself, 
after screwing up another good opportunity for a quick total time on the last 
Riviera hairpin.


The speeds and times in this text are not the standard I have reached, yet. 
They are rather away to focus my driving with Toyota Celica.

Yes, these speeds and times are very possible!

This journal is a supplement to the Impreza Guide. The reason for this 
supplement is that both cars have (slightly) different handling.

Every time I have played, I'll try to write my experiences here.

Desert Stage: aim to get 57"10 or less, Japanese Time 56"9x

Medium Right, Long Medium Left (S-Corner after Checkpoint)

Speed in: 236/237 km/h, speed out: 229 km/h

I stay parallel to the grassy part of the Medium and when the Medium Right 
comes along, I steer full right. Then quickly countersteer to drive straight 
over the grassy hill (s teering wheel in neutral position).

Then for the Long Medium Left, full left steer (some times quickly, sometimes 
slowly and gradually). Try to stay close to the wall, going straight as I 

Long Easy Left (Second last corner)

Speed in: 236/237 km/h, speed out: 232/233 km/h

The final car on this stage can be a pain. Don't really know how to deal with 

Try to go 'out-in-out' as much as possible. Always countersteering, steering 
wheel in neutral position. Always careful, sensitive steering.

Mountain Stage: aim to get 1'01"90 or less, Japanese Time 1'01"3x or quicker

K-Right, K-Right

Speed in (first K-Right): 208 km/h, speed out (second K-Right): 214/215 km/h

It's important to setup perfectly for the two K-Rights. So the turns before 
K-Right, K-Right are equally important. Make ABSOLUTELY sure that the car is
straight before goi ng into the first K-Right and stay as far to the left as 

After the first K-Right, countersteer and get the car straight as quickly as 
possible. Also drive on the brick part of the road, far left.

Setting up for the second K-Right is VERY importaant. Drift closely to the 
wall and recover the car as you exit.

Hairpin Right

Speed in: 227+ km/h, speed out: 165-170+ km/h

Stay far left, with rear left wheel on grass. Just after the navigator yells: 
"Caution Hairpin Right!", full right steer with foot brake and fourth gear.

Medium Left, Medium Right (S-Corner)

Speed in: 206 km/h, speed out: 201/202 km/h (NEVER below 200 km/h!)

Approach from far right, then sharply steer into Medium Left. Then full steer 
to the right with a short moment of off-accel. Stay close the grass-apex.

Open Hairpin Left

Speed in: 218 km/h, speed out: 188+ km/h

With the right rear wheel on the grass. Full left steer into hairpin with 
slight footbrake (very, very short tap), still in fourth gear.

Snowy Stage: aim to get 57"90 or less, Japanese Time 57"5x or less

Easy Left, Easy Right (S-Corner)

Speed in: 216+ km/h, speed out: 217/218 km/h

Try to go as straight as possible. Does this mean running the snow-walls?

This S-Corner may not seem very important as it's fairly easy to get through. 
But it's very hard to exit very fast. 217/218 km/h is considered to be really 

SAS exits Mitsubishi Lancer with 219 km/h! His fastest lap is 56"96!!

Medium Left, Medium Right, Medium Right

Speed in 218/219 km/h, speed out: 217/218 km/h

Timing for these turns is very important, but also very difficult. Drift 
angle must be small.

The method should be:
After previous Easy Left, Easy Right, your car must go straight so that it 
can accelerate.

Then the Medium Left comes, steer into the corner so that the nose of the car 
runs over the snow wall. Recover the slide and go straight.

Next turn, the Medium Right: go 'out-in-out' as tightly as possible. Kiss the 
snow wall with the nose of the car, counter steer to go straight.

Last Medium Right, run over the snow wall-apex with a small drift angle. As 
soon as you exit the car should be going straight.

Avoid oversteering as much as possible. You'll be countersteering for ever to 
get the car straight again. Which is not good, because you'll accel much 
(at all) when sliding on Snowy.

In a nutshell:

Go 'out-in-out' sharply.

Go straight, slide, apex-clip, straight, slide, apex-clip, straight, slide 
apex-clip and straight.

Find the right timing to steer into turns. To go fast, you must go as smooth 
as possible through all these turns. Avoid drifting by steering carefully and 
sensitively. Never suddenly throw the steering wheel to the left or right. 
The harder you steer, the harder the recovery of the slide gets.

Don't be put off by the fast Japanese times, this course IS really difficult 
to go fast in.

Long K-Left

Speed in: 220 km/h, speed out: 199/200 km/h

Gentle full steer with off-accel, just before the navigator finishes his 

Timing is difficult here, but you should gently full-steer into the K-Left so 
that the car's nose drives over the snow wall. You must go tight along the 
inner bend. This will keep your speed up.

Hairpin Right

Speed in: 210 km/h, speed out: 110+ km/h

Stay far left. Then sharp right steer with footbrake, handbrake and 3rd gear. 
Also try the wall turn.  I don't know whether to hit the snow wall or the 
real wall. I've had BAD experience with the real wall, though (TURN AROUND!).

Long Medium Left, Medium Right

Speed in: 215 km/h, speed out: 216/217 km/h

Approach from far right, full steer. Try to run left side snow path, during 
this, try to keep steering wheel in 'neutral' (straight) position. Then run 
right side snow path. Try to do so without (sudden) full steer.

Riviera Stage: aim to get 1'06"1x or less, Japanese Time 1'05"7x or even 

Hairpin Right

Speed out: 120 km/h

Position the car far left and steer full left with 3rd gear shift, footbrake 
and handbrake.

Right after (or during) the drift you should be starting to counter steer to 
recover the slide.

Wall turn is possible here too, but I don't know how to do it right!

For the second lap: try to bump into the last car to get through the hairpin. 
If you do it right (a/k/a just about perfect) you can keep your speed up to 
around 130 km/h. A bit of luck is needed, though.

Hairpin Right

Speed out: 115 km/h

On the turn before this hairpin you should be in the right side lane. Just 
before or after navigator says: "Medium Right!", you should be going to the 
left lane (I don't know the exact timing for this).

Before the hairpin is a small straight. You should be parallel and very close 
to the left side wall of this small straight. Then just before or after 
navigator finishes: "Caution, Hairpin Right!", full-steer into the hairpin 
with 3rd gear shift, foot brake and hand brake, try to hit the inner wall 
with the right headlight of the car for wall turn.

Quickest times so far...

August 16th, 1998

Desert    :   57"27
Mountain  : 1'02"04
Snowy     :   58"21
Riviera   : 1'06"50
Total     : 4'04"66
Potential : 4'04"02

August 18th, 1998

Desert    :   57"19
Mountain  : 1'02"04
Snowy     :   58"03
Riviera   : 1'06"50
Total     : 4'04"66
Potential : 4'03"76

August 2xth, 1998

Snowy     :   57"93
Potential : 4'03"66

Some new stuff for Mountain and Snowy (August 2xth)


On the S-Corner (Medium Left, Medium Right), approach from the right like 
usual. But drive with right rear wheel on the right side grass-strip to enter 
the Medium Left sharply.

You must get very close to the inner wall, but make sure the steering isn't 
turned to the left too far. Try put wheels in 'neutral' position or start 
right side steering for Medium Right.

Full steer into the Medium Right, short off accel. In fact: release gas-
pedal, immediately press gas-pedal again. If you can, you can reach 202/203 
km/h when you exit!!


On the last Crest Jump before the last S-Corner (Long Medium Left, Medium 
Right), put the steering wheel half way to the left (or more, I'm not 100% 
sure). This will help you enter the Long Medium Left easier, also making it 
easier to get close the left side snow trail. Try to keep as straight as 

Additional Notes September 1st

I drive both Subaru Impreza and Mitsubishi Lancer and to me, they are 

Extremes in a that the Impreza is easier to handle on gravel than the Lancer. 
But the Lancer in its turn, grips much better on tarmac. The Toyota Celica 
strikes a middle ground, IMHO, which suits me fine.

I am not sure whether I am a Celica driver for life, now, but I rediscovered 
it again, today!

September 1st:

S-Corner on Mountain again:

Like mentioned above...

But... when you have finished steering left and reached the far left wall, 
start full steer to the right. Steer fast, if you are late or steer smoothly 
and gently if you have the time.

It's so hard to explain, only experience will help you (cliché, I know).

Wow, that open hairpin left on Mountain is really cool! Today I turned it 
with 191/192 km/h!

With the right rear wheel on the grass-strip, I tapped the foot brake REALLY 
short and swung around first on tarmac, then grass, then tarmac again.

It's also possible to turn without 'grass turn technique'. But you DO have to 
stay far right and give a short tap on the foot brake.

Some new scores: September 1st

Mountain  : 1'01"93
Snowy     :   57"78
Riviera   : 1'06"14 (first lap: 34"40, second lap: 31"74)
Total     : 4'03"57 (my fastest ever!)
Potential : 4'03"04