Andere Lösungen

SaGa Frontier (e)

Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 06:18:49 PDT
SaGa Frontier

Asellus Walkthru

*** Okay, I played through this game, it got me confused at a lot of 
times, but I managed to beat
this chapter. Hopefully you’ll use this FAQ as a beneficial source of 
information. Enjoy! If you
have any other question, comments, suggestions, etc. e-mail me at:

*** If you want to use this on your web site, notify me first. It isn’t 
polite to take from others.

First, you start of in Facinaturu, a weird place with lots of coffins 
and flowers decorating, (or
ruining) the place. You are Asellus, dressed up in rags as you wake up 
and find yourself in a
strange looking room. You wonder where you are and what happened. You 
remember running
and errand for your aunt, and then you remember a carriage running you 
over. This part is pretty
self-explanatory, so I won’t waste my time talking about it. Just walk 

After you meet with Orlouge, and get stabbed by his servant, you learn 
you are half-mystic. (I’m
guessing he stabs you to see if you are a true mystic yet. Orlouge has 
given you his blood.).
Ildon will be ordered to chaperone you, and White Rose to teach you 
manners or something.
When you are with Ildon, go to the town of Rootville, located south from 
the throne room. You’ll
change into a pink dress. Go back to Facinaturu and get White Rose. She 
is located in the tower
to the lower right. Go and examine her coffin and she’ll join your 
group. Examine all the rooms
with a room with one coffin in them. White Rose will explain who rest 
there and what relation
they have with Orlouge. Once you’re done exploring, go to your room 
(room you started in) and
Ildon and White Rose will leave you until you get them back. Ildon will 
wait for you in the
Training Grounds, (located right of the throne room) and you’ll train. 
Don’t worry if you die, you
aren’t actually ‘Dead’. White Rose will be where you found her. Get her 
after you train a bit, and
go to Rootville again with her. She’ll talk to the store keeper and he 
will trade you items for you
Life Points. It’s pretty bad to do this, but the weapon (Asura) is 
really, really good. Get it if you
want, you can still get it later in the chapter. You can buy the Sand 
Timer, an item needed for
gaining a character. You can buy it now or later. It doesn’t really 
matter. Anyway, now you can go
back to your room in Facinaturu and get rid of White Rose for now so you 
are alone. Go back to
Rootville and talk to Gina, the girl in the tailor shop. Now go to the 
bar that was empty before,
but now you find a pilot here who says there’s an exit from Facinaturu, 
just that you have to pay
him to get out of the place. White Rose has some cash (precious metals 
actually), so get White
Rose in your party and leave through the small door that had been 

*** Oh, you probably have met Zozmo, some weird Mystic with orange hair. 
You will get him
later, so don’t worry about him. The room with the treasures near your 
room that you can’t get,
you’ll get later.

Once you reach the end of the cave, you will be confronted by Orlouge’s 
servants. Asellus will
stupidly jump off the cliff, but she’ll land on the pilot’s plane. White 
Rose and Asellus escape
together into the town of Owmi.

When you walk around, you’ll see a bridge. White Rose will mention Water 
Mystics, and read the
message in the water that says something about a lost mermaid/water 
mystic. Talk to  the
townspeople and you’ll find that the Lord’s Manor is located North. Go 
there, and the man who
owns the house will show you where he is keeping the mermaid/water 
mystic. After you talk to
the mermaid, Mersatheum, she will join your party. Asellus tells the man 
that she would like to
walk around the house (you’re really trying to free the mermaid), so you 
walk around. Search
everywhere and get the treasures in his house. Then, go to the locked 
door of the man’s house
and this will be your first mission. There are enemies here, so I 
suggest fighting them for
experience. (You’ll fight something pretty soon.) Asellus walks around, 
gets the treasures, and.....
OOOPS! It’s a giant squid blocking your way! Save before you fight him. 
He is deadly. 

*** Before you fight him, to make it easier, unequip the mermaid’s ‘Blue 
Elf’ armor and equip on
White Rose or Asellus. (Preferably White Rose). This way, when the giant 
squid casts the water
spell, you will have two people living instead of one, and White Rose 
can revive Asellus with her
‘Starlight Heal’ or the mermaid can cast ‘Life Rain’ which heals Asellus 
and White Rose,
sacrificing her Life Points. Trust me, it helps. And it’s logical.

After you beat the giant squid, don’t run near that shiny treasure yet. 
Save. When you touch the
treasure, you will be teleported or dropped somewhere else. It’s okay. 
There are no more bosses,
so feel free to look around some more and gather treasures. You’ll 
eventually find the exit and
free Mersatheum. Then you will automatically get out of the dungeon. 
When you get out of the
dungeon, you now have to visit your aunt in Shrike. Go to the port, and 
you will go to Shrike. Be
prepared. Once you go to your house (a red-roofed house), your aunt will 
not recognize you, and
run away. You find out you have been dead for 12 years. After the sad 
little scenario, you will
fight the Fire Knight. He is pretty easy to beat. After you beat him, go 
to the ‘Street’ and sleep. (It
costs no money). Go to Koorong now. Explore the town if you want, now go 
to the side of
Koorong with the enemies and sewers located. You will fight another one 
of those Knights. Beat
the boss. (You still have two more people to fight!) Now, I’m not really 
sure about the last two
bosses, but I went to Devin and headed for the Shrine. When I did, I 
fought the third boss. For
the fourth and final boss, I went to Bacarrat and fought in the Parking 

*** The location of the third and fourth boss may change, due to game 
play. You’ll still have to
fight them, it’s just something random  that happened for me. Don’t 
worry, they’re easy to beat,
just be really careful on the last boss.

*** Want more characters? There is a section of characters to get at the 
end of this FAQ.

The last boss is the Lion Princess. She is tough to beat. After you beat 
her, she will leave. Now
you can either do the Rune Event, the Arcane Event, or maybe even both. 
I collected the Arcane
first, then I collected the Runes. 

*** Go to Devin in order to get to do the Arcane and Rune events. You 
ask about their gifts, and
the man or woman, (depending on which event you are doing) will give you 
4 stones, or 4 cards.

*** You might have come across in the Dark Labyrinth. Grown attached to 
White Rose yet? Well,
I’d hate to rip your heart out, you’ll lose White Rose in this 
Labyrinth. If you want that turnip thing
to join, talk to him before you exit the maze. The exit is the door in 
the middle of the screen, in
the same room with the turnip monster. After this event, White Rose had 
sacrificed herself in the
Labyrinth. Zozmo and the turnip (optional turnip) will join you. I found 
no way to get past this
event. It is completely random at some times, but it always comes. If 
you find a way to skip this
event, email me please. I stalled this event until I got all Arcane 

*** When you lose White Rose, I suggest you go to Devin, talk to that 
girl near the Shrine and
get Kyrin (ask about Space magic), a very powerful horse? Well, it’s 
very powerful in magic, so
when you beat the maze trial he gives you, he’ll join. *** This leads to 
the natural cave, a place
where you can get the Hide Rune. See below in ‘Now for the Runes’.

*** I heard that the lady near the shrine joins you. I heard she was the 
runaway empress that
White Rose had told you earlier. I think you can get her, but I’m not 
sure exactly. If you got this
character, email me please, so I can revise this FAQ. Thanks.

Location of Cards-
(No specific order)

Gold Card- Bacarrat
Grail Card- Yorkland
Saber Card- Wakatu
Shield Card- IRPO 

Gold Card- The Gold Card is located in Bacarrat. Before  you do this 
event, go and buy 4 Gold
Ingot. (Buy it from Nelson, you can get there from Owmi. It’s cheaper 
than any other sales of
Gold). Go to the casino and talk to the ladies in Bunny Suits over 
there. One of these ladies is
Emilia. When you talk to her, Asellus will see a small little gnome walk 
by. Emilia will follow you,
and you have to follow the gnome. You probably can’t catch up with him, 
but the fast way is to go
to the Parking Lot. You’ll see that the sewer is open. Climb down the 
ladder and enter the gnome

This is what got me pretty angry. You’ll search around, but the gnome’s 
lair is located hidden in
the left of a certain room. I’m not sure how to say it exactly, just 
keep walking left and search the
walls on the left. You’ll come across to another room. The gnome lair is 
up. More enemies and
exploring are down. I forgot a bit of what is down of the gnome lair, 
but just be prepared, just in
case. When you get to the gnome lair, talk to the gnome at the table. He 
will ask that you give
him gold in exchange for the Gold Card. Give him the 4 Gold Ingot. 
You’ve got the Gold!

Grail Card- You go to Yorkland for this card. Talk to all the people in 
the houses, they will make
you drink and tell you to go to the next cellar. Keep going and when you 
reach the last house, it
says that the card is located in the middle of the swamp. When you reach 
the swamp, you will
have some difficulties in control. Asellus might move when you didn’t 
even touch the controller.
Don’t worry, it’s not your controller, it’s the alcohol! Try your best 
to avoid the monsters (It’s hard
being drunk and all) and go to the shrine. Walk up to the altar and 
examine around it. Asellus will
receive the Grail Card.

Saber Card-  In Koorong, talk to the skeleton. He will tell you about 
Gen. Go to Scrap to get Gen,
a drunk guy in the Pub. He will join you. Now go to Wakatu. Follow Gen 
and you’ll come across a
room. Enter it, and make your way up to a room with a slot machine type 
puzzle. Now this is the
tricky part. Every time you hear a noise from the icons, press the 
accept button. If you get a
different combination, you may fight enemies. It depends on the 
combination you have. Anyway,
once you get three swords, you’ll get the Saber Card. Leave the place. 
One more card to go!

Shield Card- Go to IRPO. Talk to the receptionist. She will lead you 
into a room where you will
meet a patrol named Fuse. He has the card, and will give it to you, if 
you help him get a flower
from the top of the mountain of Mosperiburg. It’s pretty 
self-explanitory. You can get the
treasures from the cave, etc. When you reach the top, there will be the 
flowers you are looking
for. You will *sigh* fight yet, another boss. It’s a fire bird. Beat it, 
and then Fuse will give you the
Shield Card. Yay! You got all the cards. Now all your characters can 
learn Arcane magic.

Now for the Runes......
(No specific order)

Hide Rune- Koorong
Freedom Rune- Despair
Victory Rune- Mu’s Tomb
Vitality Rune- Tanzar

Hide Rune- This rune is located in the sewers of Koorong in a Natural 
Cave. If you got Kyrin,
you’ll notice that when you want to go back, you end up in the sewers. 
You can get to the Natural
Cave from here. It’s pretty self-explanitory here also. You’ll end up in 
a cave of SPIDERS! Don’t
worry, just beat the first group of spiders and you’ll get the Hide 
Rune. Now escape and you’ll
end up in Koorong Port.

Freedom Rune- This event might be accessible after you get at least one 
of the runes. Talk to
Annie, that girl standing outside of the restaurant who had always told 
you to, “Stay back!”. She’ll
lead you to Despair and join you. Follow Annie, and avoid the slides in 
the pipes. You’ll come
across a room in which you can’t save in, so save in the room before 
this room. This room is
TOUGH! You have to get through the invisible security forcefields or 
else you’ll fight really tough
machines. I’m not sure how I did this, but I did a quick save, I figured 
out what path to take, and
then I loaded up my real game. Try not to fight often here because there 
will be a boss later on.
After you get through that room, keep going and you’ll end up near a 
vent where Annie will try to
open it. You will fight a mechanical centipede. After you defeat the 
electronic bug, go and touch
the large stone. It’s the Freedom Rune! You will automatically leave 

*** The Vitality Rune might come before the Victory Rune. You might get 
swallowed up by the
monster, Tanzar.

Victory Rune- This rune is located in Mu’s Tomb. The Tomb is located in 
Shrike, it is located
near the Bio Laboratory on the left. Enter the site and walk to your 
right. You will find a door that
is labeled, ‘Danger’. Go down that way and find your way to a room with 
a large bone skeleton.
Save first. Just like punch this boss for the first round, then start 
using your special moves on the
second round where it becomes a live skeleton. Beat this boss, and you 
now have the Victory
Rune. Escape Mu’s Tomb. You only have one more to go!

Vitality Rune- This rune is located when you fly in a ship. If you are 
traveling from a port, you’ll
probably see a large ship you’ve never seen before. This indicates you 
are going to be eaten by
the monster, Tanzar. You’ll meet Nomad, a crime commiting woman and her 
two dummies, a
skeleton and a man. They’ll talk for awhile, then Fei-on, a kung fu 
fighting man will come and
confront Nomad. After this scenario, talk to Fei-on, and follow him to 
his place. Talk to everyone
and talk to Fei-on. You’ll have the choice of helping him against Nomad. 
Say ‘yes’ and he’ll join,
say ‘no’ he’ll won’t join. Talk to him again if you said ‘no’ and he’ll 
help you get the Vitality Rune.
He’ll help you still even if you say ‘yes’. The only difference is that 
he will join or won’t depending
on your answer. Anyway, follow Fei-on. Get sucked up in places. You’ll 
end up in a small island
in the middle with only one other teleport thing. Save. Now go into the 
sucker upper thing. When
you get there, go down the slide, go right and you’ll hop to the right. 
(I’m not too sure of this path,
but if you don’t make it, go into the hole, go left, and try again.) Now 
you will end up on a
different road. When you try to advance, Fei-on warns you of slimes 
guarding the rune. Tell him,
‘Wait’ and save. Now go and face this weird and annoying slimes. You 
have to kill off the biggest
slime. Use some powerful specials so you can reach the biggest slime. 
The small slimes revive
so hurry. When you kill off the biggest slime, there will be the rune. 
Make someone, (a human,
no animal or machine) touch the rune. You have won the battle and gotten 
the Vitality Rune.
Tanzar will spit you out and you will now have all four runes. 

***You can follow this order and get both Rune and Arcane. It’s your 
choice. If you get the Rune,
you can’t get Arcane.

Now back to the story. Asellus has just accomplished getting all the 
Arcane Cards and Rune
Stones. Stock up on items and equipment. Head for Owmi. You will find 
the pilot who helped you
escape Facinaturu. He will take you back, for the final confrontation 
between you and Orlouge.
Be prepared, because if you want to go back, you’ll have to come back to 
Facinaturu all over
again. You will find yourself in Rootville. Remember this place? Well, 
go to the tailor shop. You
will find out that Gina was kidnapped. The ending will change depending 
on if you save Gina or if
you do a lot of mystic or not. Anyway, you can get the weapons and items 
from the craft man
here.... in exchange for your life points. It’s not, he’ll damage your 
life points, he’s just gonna
lower them! If you have 8/8 life points, you’ll only have 5/5 life 
points after you buy, let’s say, the
Asura sword. Unless you are really good, and won’t die easily, I suggest 
getting the sword. It’s
the last battle anyway, so get whatever you wish. Go to Facinaturu up 
the mountain of enemies
that Ildon had earlier told you that you were too weak to fight. Climb 
up the mountain. The rooms
with crystals heal you, so use them as often as you want. You might meet 
a giant monster
blocking a big door. That’s where Gina is captive. Beat it, and you’ll 
save Gina. (This is optional,
but it determines what ending you get also.)

The big monster guy is hard. But after you beat it, Gina is now saved. 
After this, go to the crystal
room and heal. This is your last chance to heal before confronting 
Orlouge. Now avoid the
enemies, and you’ll end up in the flower garden. Go up the way that was 
blocked before to the
right. You’ll fight two bosses before Orlouge himself. The first is a 
Bat Knight. Beat him, and
advance. (If you want, go and heal. I would at this point, after these 
bosses.) Now it’s the Lion
Princess again. Beat her, and you’ll get her weapon. Talk to the person 
before the Lion Princess.
She will give you ‘Pluto Armor’. Now you are extremely close to Orlouge 
himself. Go up and
you’ll meet Orlouge. He and Asellus will talk for awhile. After the 
scenario, Orlouge will wait for
you in the room with a large rose on the floor. This is it! And it is 
HARD!!!! The Portraits on the
wall will aid Orlouge and raise his statistics. The spirits that also 
aid Orlouge do all the fighting.
Beat Orlouge, and you’ve beat the chapter!!!! Congrats!!!!

*Characters Asellus Can Get*

Rouge- Magic Kingdom> say ‘yes’ when he asks you about your search for 

Lute- Scrap> go to the pub; he’ll join.

Cotton- Bio Research Lab> it is in a room with scientists preforming 
experiments on the small
animal. Save it, and it’ll join.

Thunder- Yorkland> he’s in the town southeast. Talk to him, (standing 
near the windmill), say
‘yes’ when he asks you, and he’ll join.

Fuse- IRPO> make sure you are collecting cards. Go to IRPO; he’ll join.

Emilia- Bacarrat> make sure you are collecting cards. Go to Bacarrat, 
ask about cards. She will

Gen- Scrap> make sure you are collecting cards. Go to Scrap, he’ll join.

Kyrin- Devin> after you lose White Rose, ask the lady about Space Magic. 
Beat Kyrin’s maze
and he’ll join. (I’m not sure on this one. I heard there are 

Turnip monster- Dark Labyrinth> talk to this guy and he’ll join when you 

Zozmo- Dark Labyrinth> he will automatically join after you escape the 
Dark Labyrinth.

Fei-on- Tanzar> make sure you are doing the Rune Event. Tell him you’ll 
help him save the
people from Nomad. He will join.

King Sei- Sei’s Tomb> Yeah, I know I didn’t mention this dude. Go to 
Sei’s Tomb, collect the
three treasures, place them on the colored altars, beat him, and you can 
make him join.

Annie- Koorong> make sure you are doing the Rune Event. She will join 
after you talk to her
about the Freedom Rune.

Escaped Empress?- Devin> you should have explored Facinaturu in the 
beginning of the game,
and run across this escaped empress’s room. She should join after White 
Rose is gone, but I
never got her?

Time Lord- Mosperiburg> you should get the ‘Sand Timer’ from the man in 
Fascinaturu. Go to
Mosperiburg, talk to the lady, and it’s pretty self-explanitory.

*** I think that’s it.

That’s the end of my walkthrough. I wasn’t clear on the items you could 
get, but I just wanted to
give you sort of a plan on what to do, not explain every single object. 
If you really wanted the
treasures, go get them! I’ll probably make more FAQ’s in the future. If 
you have any further
comments, suggestions, requests, etc, e-mail me at: 

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