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Street Fighter 2 (e)


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3169                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3169    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 0       
From: Philip John Stroffolino 
Subject: [SF2] FAQ - part 0
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 01:03:12 -0500
Organization: Junior, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA

Lines: 67

   ___________________________  ____________ _______________    _  _
  / __/_  __/ _ | __/ __/_  _/ / __/ / __/ // /_  __/ __/ _ |  / // /
 (__ ) / / /   / _// _/  / /  / _// / / / _  / / / / _//   /  / // /
/___/ /_/ /_/\_>__/___/ /_/  /_/ /_/___/_//_/ /_/ /___/_/\_> /_//_/
  _____  _    _  _____   ______  _____  
 / ____|| |  | ||  __ \ |  ____||  __ \ 
| (___  | |  | || |__) || |__   | |__) |
 \___ \ | |  | ||  ___/ |  __|  |  _  /  THE NEW CHALLENGERS
 ____) || |__| || |     | |____ | | \ \ 
|_____/  \____/ |_|     |______||_|  \_\
   __ ____ ______________    ____________ ____________  ______
  / // / // / _  / __/ _ |  / __/ / __/ // /_  __/ /  \/ / __/
 / _  /__  / ___/ _//   /  / _// / / / _  / / / / / /\  / / /
/_//_/____/_/  /___/_/\_> /_/ /_/___/_//_/ /_/ /_/_/ /_/___/
 ___ _ _ ___ _  _ ___ _ ___ _ _   ___ __  _ ___ _ ___ _ _
|  _| | | . | \/ | . | |   | \ | | __|  \| |   | |   | \ |
| |_|   |   |    |  _| | | |   | | _|| | | || || | | |   |
|___|_|_|_|_|_||_|_| |_|___|_\_| |___|__/|_||_||_|___|_\_|
  __ _            _         
 / _| |__._ __ __(_)____
| / | / _  / _/ _| /  _/
| \_| |(_| \_ \_ | | |_
 \__|_\__;_(__(__|_\___\  _____
 ___ ___ _ ___ ___       / ____| ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___
| __|   | | __| __|      | |  __| __|   | | __| __| | __|
|__ | | | | __|__ |      | |__\ | __| | | | __|__ | |__ |
|___|_|___|___|___|      \_____/|___|_|___|___|___|_|___|


StreetFighter2 FAQ
Version 1/28/94

--kept and maintained by (Phil Stroffolino).

The SF2 archive maintainer is (Dave Kirsch)
If you upload anything into /pub/sf2/upload, please send Dave some mail
telling him about it.
  IP Addr:
  Directory:  /pub/sf2

FTP site is provided courtesy of (C. Titus Brown)

If you have any additions, corrections, suggestions, comments or gripes,
please email ps1o@andrew.cmu


This is the Street Fighter 2 FAQ listing.  This is where the common
knowledge, basic information, and trivia about the game SF2 is kept.
It is meant to accquaint the new user with the game and answer some common
questions that they may have, as well as to compile other interesting
information that may be later brought up.

This FAQ is divided into four sections for your convenience:

(1) general character information (moves & such)
(2) version independent questions & answers (trivia & tactics)
(3) version specific information (home systems & arcade)
(4) FTP information and net etiquette/guidelines


--- WILDUUCP! v1.10c [Eval]
 * Origin: InterNet Gate Freq CSRNet @ 1:222/21 16.8 DS for APP (11:11/1)
 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:00


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3170                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3170    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       
From: Philip John Stroffolino 
Subject: [SF2] FAQ - part 3
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 01:07:40 -0500
Organization: Junior, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA

Lines: 608

*                                                                          *

*         A R C A D E   S P E C I F I C   I N F O R M A T I O N            *

*                                                                          *


01.  I've heard that there is a way to find out many times a character has
     been played on a particular machine.  How is this done?
02.  I've seen a game where you could do every special move in the air.
     What kind of machine is this?
03.  When will SF3 be released?
04.  What are the different types of endings?
05.  What are the differences in the versions of the game?
06.  How can I get the secret color on Super SF2?
07.  What is this Zangief Magic throw I've been hearing about?


01.  I've heard that there is a way to find out many times a character has
     been played on a particular machine.  How is this done?

The code is as follows, on 2P controller:

Up-Up, Down-Down, Left-Right, Left-Right, Strong, Jab.

It can be put in on the Classic and Champion Edition machines.  It may work
on some of the Hyper Machines, but most likely not.  This is what the 
numbers on the screen mean (on Classic, numbers 13-16 don't appear): provides:

0001 0002 0003 0004
0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016

0001 - No idea, probably some sort of "experience points" for 1P side.
0002 - The no. of tokens/quarters put in in the left-hand slot. 
       => It's not the first player.  I tried inserting into the right-hand 

          slot and pressing 1P button.  The number showed up in 004.
0003 - Same as 0001, but for 2nd player.
0004 - Same as 0002, but for right-hand slot.
0005 - No. of times Ryu has been used.
0006 - No. of times Honda has been used.
0007 - No. of times Blanka has been used
0008 - No. of times Guile has been used.
0009 - No. of times Ken has been used.
0010 - No. of times Chun Li has been used.
0011 - No. of times Zangief has been used.
0012 - No. of times Dhalsim has been used.
0013 - No. of times M.Bison (US version) has been used.
0014 - No. of times Sagat has been used.
0015 - No. of times Balrog (US version) has been used.
0016 - No. of times Vega (US version) has been used. adds:

It turns out that this an operator adjustable feature, and that will explain
any machines on which this does not work.  As a matter of fact, I have tried
this on several HF machines without success.  I wonder if it was taken out
when the HF chips were put in?


02.  I've seen a game where you could do every special move in the air.
     What kind of machine is this?

It is an illegal "accelerated" version.  They are mainly responsible for the
creation of HF.  They are not as balanced, or as playable as the official 

one.  The are notoriously unpopular.  There are many added features in these
games, this includes, but is not limited to: all special moves can be done
in the air, sinusoidal fireballs, wider-arc Dragon Punch, Fireballs for 
other characters and extra Fireballs, no charge times, and lots of other 

These machines might go under the name Accelerator, Accelerator II,
Quicken, or whatever.  If it is not a Classic, CE, HF, or Super, then it
is a hack.


03.  When will SF3 be released?

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:00


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3171                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3171    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       

... Continued from previous message

No official word on this.  Probably a good sign that SF3 is on its way is
when a home version of SF2 Super is announced.  Don't hold your breath.

inkblot, wanderer, and asw inform:

At this time, no one is actively working on SFIII.  She said that they'd be
crazy not to make one, given the success of SFII, though.  In case you're
curious, the next game to be released by Capcom will be "Dungeons and
Dragons: Tower of Doom", which has a TSR license.  (She was a Capcom rep.)


04.  What are the different types of endings?

  a. If you finish the game, you get to see your character's ending.

  b. If you finish the game on one quarter, without challenges, you see the 

     characters fight as credits roll by.

  c. Finish without challenges, or losing a round, it's the same as b, but 

     you also see mugshots of the programmers. 

  Better endings for each character, plus boss endings.  Same as for Classic
  except that if you do (c), it shows the characters attack some of the 
  various inanimate objects such as barrels and oil cans, etc.  Endings for 

  the bosses are rather generic with a diamond formation with the champion
  at the top, and scrolling text rolling by.  The endings for the bosses 
  go a little like this:

  Balrog rises out of the ghetto, an inspiration to young children.
  Vega is insane, and wants to kill all the ugly people.
  Sagat chats - comes across as a more intense Ryu.
  Bison thanks you for helping him achieve world domination.

  Same as for Champion Edition.  The last shot is a platform showing the 

    Win with Bison: #1 Bison, #2 Sagat, #3 Vega
    Win with Sagat: #1 Sagat, #2 Bison, #3 Vega
    Win with : #1 , #2 Bison, #3 Sagat

  Ryu does show up on the platform (sellout!), like his ending says he 
  shouldn't.  I thought that the fight was all...

  The endings in this game are better done in a way, at least for the boss
  characters.  They each have new text, and also personalized illustrations.

  Ryu: some better animation in the trees.

  ChunLi: "choose your own" ending: become detective or single young girl.
    The graphics for each is identical except that Chun's outfit in the
    pictures is different, as is the text.

  Zangief, Ken, Blanka: UNCHANGED.

  FeiLong: gets a movie offer from a director that wants to capture his
    "4-hit redizzy combo" (which does not exist) on film, but declines,
    saying he wants to improve his skills even more; homage to the Lees.

  T.Hawk: gets back the land that Bison took away.

  Cammy: her mission is complete, and Bison reveals that she has lost
    part of her memory, and the she was once in love with him.  But, her
    friends tell her not to believe him, and then she leaves with friends.

  DeeJay: his music is important to him; becomes a big music star.

  Balrog: earns the number one title, retires wealthy with two gorgeous
    women sitting on his lap.

  Vega: goes back to his mansion, and admires himself.

  Sagat: broods over Ryu.

  Bison: achieves his evil goals - the world burns.
  He also refers to "the Ancient One" -- a hint about SF3..?


05.  What are the differences in the versions of the game?

SF2: CLASSIC   Early 1991   $3500 new

  There are 4 versions of the original game, the differences are below:

  Version 1 and 2: Guile's bugs, no Dhalsim bugs, Ryu/Ken can destroy
    the car with roundhouse only.

  Version 3: Guile's and Dhalsim's bugs, no char vs. char.

  Version 4: No Guile bugs, Dhalsim's bugs though, char vs. char.

  This is the least balanced of the versions; Guile and Dhalsim were the 

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 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:01


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3172                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3172    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       

... Continued from previous message

  most dominant.  This game is quite slow, the Dragon Punch did not have 
  the knockdown capability among other things.

SF2: CHAMPION EDITION   Early 1992   $4000 new

  One version of this game.  It sports character vs. character, as well as
  the ability to play the boss characters.  Many graphical changes, as well
  as changes to the characters.  Each fighter has an additional uniform
  color.  The game is quite a bit (about 50%) faster than the Classic.
  The endings for the characters were revised with better graphics, and
  the bosses got generic endings...

TURBO SF2: HYPER FIGHTING   Winter 1992   $500 upgrade

  This version gives each character a new uniform color along with the 
  Classic colors.  Most characters are changed significantly enough so 
  that the game is a bit difficult to catch on to.  Many new moves were
  added, most notable is the ability to do some moves in the air, and the
  new vertical attacks.  This game is 10%-25% faster than CE, depending on
  the prototype.  Some are slower, some faster.  There is an appended 
  ending for each character.

SUPER SF2   Fall 1993    $??? replacement kit   $???? new

  Here, four new characters are added.  The speed has been reduced to 
  slightly faster than CE.  Each character now has 8 uniform colors,
  the 3 from previous editions, plus 5 new ones.  There are obviously
  4 new backgrounds, some of the existing ones were modified for the
  better, and the sound has been changed to the Q-Sound system.  Some
  of the characters have new moves, and there have been some touch ups
  on existing moves, and variations on others.

  There is at least one other version of SF2 Super.  It has been observed
  that on certain (newer) machines, Zangief's "magic" throw no longer works.
  Also, on a local machine, you can start a one player game on the P2 side.


06.  How can I get the secret color on Super SF2?

--- WILDUUCP! v1.10c [Eval]
 * Origin: InterNet Gate Freq CSRNet @ 1:222/21 16.8 DS for APP (11:11/1)
 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:01


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3173                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3173    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       
From: Philip John Stroffolino 
Subject: [SF2] FAQ - part 3
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 01:07:40 -0500
Organization: Junior, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA

Lines: 608

  Level 7: Beat the game without changing characters, a special showing the 

           original eight warriors.
  Level 7: Don't use any continues, same as above, but all 12.
  Level 7: Don't lose a round, same as above.  Pushing start will make Chun 

           Li's sound of "Ya Tai."

  Level 0-2: Why don't you try the harder difficulty level?
  Level 3-7: Well, you get the ending for your character.  On level 6 and 7,

             you get a picture of a promotional poster or something.
             Plus the same ending as in the HF arcade game.

  If you disable the special moves using the code for a 1P game only, and 

  beat the game on level 3, you will get to see the appropriate poster.  And
  if a 2nd player joins in, you get you special moves back for that fight.
  I only played this on the default and the hardest level.  The default was
  incredibly easy, and the endings are like for the arcade HF.  The hardest 

  level is quite difficult, and it is easy to see how much the computer 
  cheats on everything (Sagat even throws you!).  There is a digital picture
  at the end no matter how you finish, but I was unable to beat it without 

  having to continue at least once.

  Level 0-4: Why don't you try the harder difficulty level?
  Level 5-7: The ending for your character.  On level 7, at the end you see
             a picture of Chun Li doing a standing forward kick.

  This game is very much a translation of SNES: Turbo.  The computer play
  is like the SNES.  If you have played the SNES version, you have basically
  played this version.

  No information available.


03.  What are the differences in the versions of the game?

SNES: CLASSIC   Summer 1992   $50-70 game
  This is very similar to the Classic version.  You can play char vs. 
  char with a special code.  Bosses are also available with a third party
  device.  Most of the game is like Classic, but there are missing frames
  of animation, a few missing moves, a lot less blood that the arcade, and
  the sound is not nearly as well done.  The characters are smaller in
  relation to the screen, and there may *slight* play differences as well.  

SNES: TURBO   Summer 1993  $60-80 game
  Very similar to the arcade with a few easy to pick up tricks and what not.
  It is faster than the arcade on the normal setting, but everything comes
  off as normal.  The bonus stages are like the old SNES version.  Plus 
  there is other stuff like on the SNES, and a way to get the game to go
  extremely fast...  There is a Normal mode, which plays like CE in some
  ways, and HF in others.  The Normal mode utilizes the Disable Special
  Moves option that is available through a code.  11 speeds are available
  through the use of a code as well.

  All in all, this is the SNES: Turbo version for the Genesis.  The coded
  options listed above are built in to the game without codes.  There is
  a group battle mode which is useless.  The sound of the game is redone
  slightly, and in some cases sounds better, even though the quality is
  lesser.  The voices are hoarse sounding, and the sound FX for hitting
  the opponent are all nearly the same.  This game is a decent translation
  of the arcade game, and plays closer to the arcade than the SNES by the
  way it feels.  This doesn't have the extra sound FX that SNES does,
  but there are voices for Balrog's TAP and the continue countdown, unlike
  the SNES.  The "skyscraper" introduction from the arcade versions previous
  to Super is also included, but made more politically correct.

TURBO DUO: CHAMPION EDITION   Fall 1993   $65-80 game
  Not much info from me here.  It has been highly regarded as a good trans-
  lation of the game though, except for the sound.


04.  What are the codes for the SNES SF2 versions?

The Code (and will hereafter be referred to as the "Code") in question is 

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:01


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3174                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3174    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       

... Continued from previous message

shown below, and must be done with a fair amount of speed at the specified 

times, on the correct controller:

Direction Down, Button R, Direction Up, Button L, Button Y, Button B.

The Sound (referred to as the "Sound") sounds like this:

It is identical to the sound when you pick a character from the selection

On SNES Classic, the only applicable time to use it is when the CAPCOM
logo appears.  Using the 1P controller, put the Code in then, just as 
the CAPCOM logo fades you should finish, and hear the Sound.

This will give you Player vs. Player.  Using the ABLRXY buttons will give
you the original Classic color, and Start will give you the Champion 
Edition color for that character.  If you are going to fight Player vs.
Player, then each player will get the color that the first person didn't

The rest of the instances apply to SNES Turbo.  They are done at different 

times, and on different controllers.

For 10-star Turbo speed, you can begin to put in the Code from 2P controller
as the screen with the distant "Street Fighter 2" appears, and as late as
when the word "TURBO" scrolls right to left.  You need to finish the Code
before the whole title screen appears.  If you do this correctly, you will
hear the Sound.

Like said above in the 10-star Turbo section, this is the way to use the
Code to disable Special Moves.

There are 2 ways to disable Special Moves.  One way is to disable all 
Special Moves for the Player in a 1P match.  Do it at the same time as 
shown for the 10-star Turbo speed mode.  I don't know about the Special 
Moves for the 2P side if he decides to join in, but I would guess that he 

is the same boat as you: no Special Moves.

The other way is in the vs. battle, i.e. a two player game.  On the screen
after you have selected your characters, you will see the stage select 
screen.  On the 2P controller, input the Code.  I'm not sure if you will
hear the sound, but you will know for sure when you hit Start on the 2P
controller.  This will bring up the Special Moves screen, and will enable
you to disable any or all of the Special Moves for the characters.  To
do this before each battle, after you have correctly inputted the Code,
you will only need to hit Start on the 2P controller at the stage select 
screen.  If you disable the moves that are specific only to Turbo mode, 
you can play a Normal game with the Turbo colors at more speeds.

The move disable code is the only difference between the Turbo and Normal
modes.  Otherwise, they are the same, except for the speed and the colors.
These are unlike the more numerous changes that were made between the 
Champion Edition (Normal) and the Hyper Fighting (Turbo) arcade games.

The Sega Genesis SF2:SCE allows these options to be selected without codes.


05.  What are the codes for the Genesis version of SF2? announces:

No Normal Moves - At the Capcom Logo, press Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B, C.  
You should hear Chunli's "Yip."  Now, when you begin the game and play, 
you won't be able to use normal punches and kicks!

Hyper Speed in Champion Mode - Watch the into, right when the building 
begins to fade, enter Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B, C.  Now you will be able 
to select up to five stars in Champion Mode!

Play as Same Charecter - To play as the same charecter in Group Battle 
mode do this.  When the screen to select Match Play and Elimination, 
press in this code on Controller Two.  Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B, C.  Now 
you can select each charecter twice!  Either you can have one charecter 
twice, or your and your opponent can each select that charecter once!


06.  Where can I find Game Genie codes for the SNES?

  They are too numerous to list here, but there is one very complete and
excellent file at the ftp site.  It is called, it is 
avaiable at the ftp site.  This file is updated as new codes are discover-
ed by the writers, so any new versions will be there.  If you are looking
for Game Action Replay codes, look for the file called codes.action-replay.

See question #4 in part 3 of the FAQ for the list of files available at the
FTP site.  They are in the /pub/local/sf2/other/codes.* file names.


07.  What is SF2IBM?

It is an illegal version of the game for the PC.  It can be found at various
FTP sites.  The newest version of the game is 1.96.  There are a number of
patches available for the original, and they aren't necessary to play the

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:02


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3175                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3175    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 3       

... Continued from previous message

game, but they surely make it more fun.

You can find more information at the FTP site, in the FAQ for SF2IBM.


08.  Is there a legal version of SF2 available for PC's?

It can be found in software stores and is considerably cheaper than any of
the versions for dedicated game systems; however, it is not generally
considered a very good translation of the arcade version.  Buyer beware.


--- WILDUUCP! v1.10c [Eval]
 * Origin: InterNet Gate Freq CSRNet @ 1:222/21 16.8 DS for APP (11:11/1)
 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:02


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3195                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3195    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       
From: Philip John Stroffolino 
Subject: [SF2] FAQ - part 1
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 01:06:59 -0500
Organization: Junior, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA

Lines: 557

*                       T H E   C H A R A C T E R S

NOTATION: Kick:  any kick button (Short, Forward, Roundhouse)
          Punch: any punch button (Jab, Strong, Fierce)

          --O represents a joystick held to the right.  The "O" is
          supposed to resemble the knob of a joystick.

          O-- [2 charge] --O and Punch:
          means to hold the joystick back (left) for approximately two game
          seconds, then move the joystick forward (right) and press any
          button.  I usually press the attack button at the same moment the
          joystick makes contact with the opposite side when executing a
          "charge" move.
NOTE:     Some moves only exist on the newer versions of the game.

            Classic [equivalent to the original SNES version]
            CE (Championship Edition)
            HF (Hyper Fighting)
            Super [no home version, yet]

          Move descriptions are for characters facing right.  Horizontal
          Joystick movements for moves are reversed (mirror image) when a
          character is facing left.

Ryu, Japan; Ken, USA: Shotokan Karate

"Ryu" means vigorous or abundant (as in successful).  It's different from
the Ryu in Shou Ryu Ken, which means dragon.

"Ken" means fist or punch.  A lot of people say that Ken means sword but
that's written differently.

   FIREBALL "Ha Dou Ken" [Wave Motion Punch/Fist]

   |  \   --O  +  Punch
   O   O

   FLAMEBALL (Super, Ryu only)

   O--  /  |  \  --O  +  Punch
       O   O   O

    Opponent burns

   HURRICANE KICK "Tatsu Maki Sen Puu Kyaku" [Tornado Whirlwind Legs]

   |  /  O--  +  Kick
   O O

    Knocks down after 1 hit (CE, Ryu only)
    Faster (CE, Ken only)
    Can be done in the air (HF)
    Hits on the way up (Super, Ken only)

   DRAGON PUNCH "Shou Ryu Ken" [Rising Dragon Punch/Fist]

   --O  |  \   +  Punch
        O   O

    Fierce can hit twice (CE, Ken only)
    Wide arc (CE, Ken only)
    Super Ken can hit 2 times with Strong
    Super Ken can hit 3 times with Fierce
    Super Ryu knocks down in one hit

   Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

   Double Hit: close standing Roundhouse


Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:08


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3196                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3196    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       

... Continued from previous message

Chun Li, China: Wushu

Chun = Spring, Li = Beautiful

Chun Li wins: "Yatta!"
[This is similar to alright!  Literally, it's "[I] did it!"]

   SPINNING BIRD KICK "Supiningu Baado Kikku"

   | [2 charge] O  +  Kick
   O            |

    Can be done in the air (HF)
    Hits on the way up (HF)
    Knocks down on the way up (Super)

   FIREBALL (HF only) "Yap!"

   O--  /  |  +  Punch
       O   O

   FIREBALL (Super) "Ki Kou Ken" [Spirit Attack Punch/Fist]

   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch (Super)

   LIGHTNING LEG "Yap Yap Yap!": rapidly press Kick
    Multiple hits

   HEEL STOMP: down & Forward while in the air
    Bounces away

   FLIPPING NECK BREAKER (CE): close, towards/away & Roundhouse
    Knocks down

   FLIP AWAY KICK (CE): close, towards/away & Forward
    Knocks down
    Hits twice (Super)    

   Throws: Strong, Fierce

   Air Throws: Strong and Fierce

   Chun Li can bounce off the walls

Edmond Honda, Japan: Sumo

"Honda" is a common Japanese name, which happens to translate literally to
"origin in the fields"

   SUMO TORPEDO/HEADBUTT "Dos Koi" [Sumo saying with no real meaning]
   O-- [2 charge] --O  and Punch

    Jab can hit twice

   (1 kan is about 3 kg)

   | [3 charge] O  +  Kick (HF)
   O            |

    Can hit twice
    2 charge on Super

    Honda can move (CE)

   BODY SPLASH: down (Super) & Forward while flying

   Grabs: Fierce, Roundhouse

   Throw: Strong

   Double Hits: close, standing Forward / Roundhouse, ducking Forward

Blanka, Brazil: Capoeira


   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch


   | [3 charge] O  +  Kick
   O            |

    2 charge on Super


   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Kick

    Can hit twice


Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:08


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3197                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3197    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       

... Continued from previous message

   DOUBLE HEAD BUTT: close, towards/away & Strong

   DOUBLE KNEE: close, towards/away & Forward

   Grab: Fierce

   Double Hit: close standing Fierce (classic only)

Zangief, USSR: Sambo

   5/8 circle with joystick + Punch

   far, 5/8 circle with joystick + Kick

   close, 5/8 circle with joystick + Kick

    Z can move (CE)

    Z can move
    Z can't be swept (HF only)

   BODY SPLASH: down & Fierce while flying

   FLYING KNEE: down (HF) & Short while flying

   STOMACH CRUNCH:  up & Fierce while jumping

   Grabs (previous to Super):
    Strong/Fierce, standing/crouching at a distance

   Grabs (Super):
    Ducking Strong/Fierce, Standing Fierce/Roundhouse

   Throws (previous to Super):
    Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse
    also ducking Strong/Fierce

   Throws (Super): Strong, Forward

   Air Throws (Super): Fierce, Roundhouse

   Double Hit: close standing Roundhouse

Guile, USA: Special Forces

   SONIC BOOM "Sonic Boom"

   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch


   | [2 charge] O  +  Kick
   O            |

    Knocks down (except 1st part of CE, HF Roundhouse Flash Kick)
    Roundhouse can hit twice (CE, HF only)

   SIDE SWIPE/INVERTED FLIP KICK: towards/away & Roundhouse

   KNEE THRUST: towards/away & Forward

   Throws: Strong, Fierce

   Air Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

   Double Sweep: ducking Roundhouse

Dhalsim, India: Kabaddi

   YOGA FIREBALL "Yoga Fire"

   |  \  --O  +  Punch
   O   O

   YOGA FLAME "Yoga Flame"

   O--  /  |  \  --O  +  Punch
       O   O   O


   --O  |  \   +  all Kick or Punch
        O   O

   O--  |  /   +  all Kick or Punch
        O O 

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:08


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3198                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3198    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       

... Continued from previous message

   FOOT DRILL/DRILL KICK: down & Roundhouse while at apex of jump
    any time in air (CE)
    faster drill (CE only)

   YOGA MUMMY/HEAD SPEAR: down & Fierce while at apex of jump
    any time in air (CE)

   Grab: Strong

   Throw: Fierce

   Double Hit: close standing Fierce

   Slides: crouching kicks except close Forward, and close short on Classic

Balrog, USA: Boxing

He is named M. Bison ["Mike Tyson"] in Japan.  Capcom decided to avoid
possible legal troubles with the name and likeness of the boxer in releases
outside of Japan.

BTW, a Balrog is a powerful monster from Tolkien's Middle Earth novels.


   O-- [1+ charge] --O  +  Punch

    2 charge, hits ducking opponents (HF)
    Jab knocks down (Super)


   O-- [1+ charge] --O  +  Kick

    2 charge on Super

   TURN AROUND PUNCH: hold all punch or all kick [1+ charge] release
    Longer charge = Greater damage (HF)
    Punch and kick TAPs have separate charges


   | [2 charge] O  +  Punch (Super)
   O            |

   Grab: Strong, Fierce

Vega, Spain: Savate/Bullfighting (ninjitsu according to Japanese magazines)

He is named "Balrog" in Japan.


   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch

    up to 6 hits (HF)

   Back twice rapidly, no buttons (CE only)
   All Punch  (HF)
   SINGLE BACKFLIP (Super): all Kick


   | [2 charge] O  +  Punch
   O            |


   | [2 charge] O  or  O  +  Kick
   O             \    /

    4-6 charge in Super unless attacking

   SCREAMING EAGLE: [Wall Spring] + Punch
    Knocks down (Super)

   AIR DROP: [Wall Spring] close, towards/away & Punch

   Throws: Strong, Fierce

   Air Throw: Strong, Fierce

   Slide: ducking Roundhouse

   Vega can bounce off the walls like Chun Li


--- WILDUUCP! v1.10c [Eval]
 * Origin: InterNet Gate Freq CSRNet @ 1:222/21 16.8 DS for APP (11:11/1)
 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:08


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3199                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3199    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       
From: Philip John Stroffolino 
Subject: [SF2] FAQ - part 1
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 1994 01:06:59 -0500
Organization: Junior, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA

Lines: 557

Sagat, Thailand: Muay Thai

The huge scar on Sagat's chest is from Ryu's Dragon Punch in the original
Street Fighter.


   |  \  --O  +  Punch
   O   O


   |  \  --O  +  Kick
   O   O

   TIGER KNEE/CRUSH "Tiger Knee"

   |  O  +  Kick
   O /

    Hits twice

   TIGER UPPERCUT "Tiger Uppercut"

   --O  |  \   +  Punch
        O   O

   Throw: Strong, Fierce

   Double hit: standing Kicks

M. Bison, Thailand: Ler Drit

He is named "Vega" in Japan.  "Ler Drit" is fictional.


   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch

    Multiple hits against blocking opponents


   O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Kick

    3 Charge (HF only)
    Knocks down (Super)


   | [2 charge] O  +  Kick
   O            |


   | [2 charge] O  +  Punch
   O            |

   Throw: Strong, Fierce

   Slide: ducking Roundhouse

Thunder Hawk, Mexico: Indian Style Wrestling (whatever that means ^_^)


    --O  |  \   +  Punch
         O   O

     Fierce hits twice

    CONDOR DIVE: [jump, and before you reach the apex] all Punch

    MEXICAN TYPHOON: 5/8 circle + Punch

    BODY SPLASH: down & Fierce while flying

    ELBOW DROP: down & Strong while flying

    Grab: Fierce, Roundhouse

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:09


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3200                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3200    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       

... Continued from previous message

    Throw: Strong

    Double Hit: standing/crouching close Fierce

    Double Sweep: crouching Roundhouse

Fei Long, Hong Kong: Kung Fu
Bruce Lee practiced Wing Chun, and developed a philosphy called Jeet Kune Do

"Fei Long" means "Flying Dragon"


    O--  |  /  +  Kick
         O O

     Hits twice


    |  \  --O  +  Punch
    O   O

     Repeat for three hit combo

    Rushing Double Kick: towards & Roundhouse

    Standing Double Kick: towards/away & Forward

    Throws: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

    Double Hit: close standing Roundhouse

DeeJay, Jamaica: Western Style KickBoxing
note: "Western Style" is redundant

    MAX OUT "Max Out"

    O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Punch


    O-- [2 charge] --O  +  Kick

     Hits twice


    | [2 charge] O  +  Punch
    O            |

     Rapidly press punch for multiple hits

    Throw: Strong, Fierce, Forward, Roundhouse

    Double Hit: close standing Fierce

    Slide: ducking roundhouse

Cammy, England: Special Forces

    THRUST KICK "Thrust Kick" [Cannon Spike in Japan]

    --O  |  \   +  Kick
         O   O

     Knocks down

    CANNON DRILL "Cannon Drill" [Arrow Spiral in Japan]

    |  \  --O  +  Kick
    O   O

     Knocks down
     Roundhouse can hit twice


    O--  /  --O  +  Punch

     Knocks down
     Double hit

    Throw: Forward, Roundhouse, Strong, Fierce

    Air Throw: Roundhouse, Fierce


Many thanks to for translations and patience...

--- WILDUUCP! v1.10c [Eval]

Continued next message...

 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:09


From Packet: ROMANEMP
Message # 3201                                   Area : 194  ALT.GAMES.SF2
From :                      13-25-94  22:56
To   : All                                       RE: 3201    
Subj : [SF2] FAQ - part 1       

... Continued from previous message

 * Origin: InterNet Gate Freq CSRNet @ 1:222/21 16.8 DS for APP (11:11/1)
 * Tossed by SFToss v2.00 on 94/02/26  06:12:09
