Andere Lösungen

Sentient (e)

From: "RAPTOR 3:16" 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 00:14:04 PST


                             Alternate Endings

     Alien Communication Ending

     1. Complete the main walkthrough up to and including step 34 (see 
Total Solution). 

     2. You must now return to the Star Lab on Research Deck 1, room 
#284. When you arrive
     Suzie should be wittering on about messages from the sun (if you're 
quick enough getting
     there). There are three messages in all, including "Rings with 
rings" and "Fire, flesh or water".
     If you don't hear Suzie when you enter the room, go to the room 
opposite (#283) and pick up
     the piece of paper on the floor ('message printout' when examined). 
If the paper is missing,
     then Suzie hasn't printed it yet, so just go back into room #284 
and wait for her to read the
     messages out. When you've either heard Suzie or read the printout, 
you'll receive the special
     question: "Is the sun trying to communicate?" 

     3. Now that you have this special question, you need to go and see 
Suzie (well, her head
     anyway!). The Suzie head room is on Geodome Deck 3, room #141. When 
you get there
     you'll see a big silver head (yep, that's our Suzie). Ask her the 
special question, "Is the Sun
     trying to communicate?" Suzie will tell you that she thinks so, but 
needs more information and
     time. After waiting a little while, prompt her with the question, 
"What is happening?" (You may
     need to do this a couple of times.) Suzie will reply that she 
thinks there is sentient life on the
     sun (hence the name of the game), but she cannot decode the 
messages. Ask the question,
     "What should I do now?" Suzie advises you to go and see Navigator 

     4. The Navigator's quarters are located on Geodome Deck 1, room 
#251. You'll find a book
     of Braille lying in the middle of the floor. Examine it, then scan 
it using your mobile scanner.
     You can pick up the book if you wish, but it's not necessary as you 
already have what you
     came for (the information now in the mobile scanner). 

     5. With the newly gained information, make your way to Geodome Deck 
3, room #242. This
     room has a glass floor, so there should be no mistaking your 
location. Use the mobile scanner
     on the machine to your left. Suzie can now decode the information, 
although this will take a
     little while. If you want you can have a nose around. Suzie will 
call you back when she's
     finished: she'll request you to return to the main Suzie room (room 

     6. As you go barging through the door, Suzie informs you that she's 
decoded the messages.
     There are beings on the sun and, furthermore, they are trying to 
help save the station. She tells
     you to go to the Main Science Lab on Research Deck 1, room #161, as 
someone must be
     present there. 

     7. So like a shot, get your worthless hide down there, and pronto! 
Now just use the big
     machine in the middle of the room. 

     The end sequence is now triggered... Alien Communication. 

     Game Over ­ Alien Communication "It's life Jim, but not as we know 
it!" ­ Dr McCoy, USS
     Enterprise. In a world where corruption, scandal,       , mad 
scientists and showering fully
     dressed are commonplace, there was one thing that wasn't expected: 
Alien Communication.
     With the help of these beings, Garrit was able to save the Icarus 
Mining Station from total
     destruction; whilst making a few new friends, and enemies... But is 
everything quite what it

     Mutiny One

     1. Complete the main walkthrough up to and including step 38 (see 
Total Solution). You now
     have the Evidence Recording. 

     2. Give the Evidence Recording to an engineer. He'll go on about 
what a bad thing it is. Now
     just wait around for an engineer to summon you to Garrilac. If 
you've given the Evidence
     Recording to Garrilac, you may still have to wait until Garrilac 
summons you. 

     3. Once summoned, you can either follow the engineer, or you can 
make your way to
     Engineering Deck 1, room #141. If he's not there try #223, then 

     4. When you meet with Garrilac, he'll tell of his plan to get off 
this doomed station, or
     something along those lines. He then asks you to get the yacht 
beacon from the Senator's
     quarters and bring it to him ­ no problem!

     5. Now go to the Senator's quarters. Djinn should be standing 
outside the locked room. Go
     behind the Senator's quarters. To get there you'll need to go 
through a garden room (the ones
     with pillars and two doors). The back of his quarters is 
represented by a big black square wall
     with the usual circular design. Now use the panel on the wall.

     6. After using the panel (either the far wall panel earlier in his 
quarters, or just a minute ago
     behind his quarters), open and enter through the door.

     7. The Senator's quarters should be empty. The yacht beacon is in 
the shower. Pick it up. If
     the room has people in it, take the beacon and get out of there 

     8. Return to Engineering Deck 1 and look for Garrilac. Try the 
rooms in this order: #141,
     #223 or #312. Now give him the beacon: he'll be overjoyed and will 
give you a launch key ­
     to activate an escape pod for you and all the engineers.

     9. Now go to Auxiliary Control, room #131 or #231 (depending on 
which ring you enter).
     Enter the room's cubby hole on the left (or right, depending on the 
door you entered from),
     and use the launch key on the panel in front of you. End sequence 
is now initiated.

     Mutiny Two

     Note: This can only be used before the Senator has left the 
station. 1. Complete the main
     walkthrough up to and including step 38 (see Total Solution). You 
now have the Evidence

     2. Complete the 'Mutiny One' walkthrough up to and including step 
7. You now have the
     yacht beacon.

     3. Now go to a teleporter that can take you to the dock. Access 
will be denied. Use the yacht
     beacon and wait for a while. Ha! "Access Granted."

     4. Enter the dock and go down the long red corridor to the purple 
helmet room (I beg your
     pardon!). Now simply use the green panel on your left to trigger 
the end sequence.

           And Glory Ending 1. Complete the main walkthrough up to and 
including step 45. You
     now know your true identity and your destiny to die in the sun. 2. 
Go to Engineering 3, room
     #212. This is the Web Runner Bay. Use the machine on the far wall 
to activate the end

     Navigator Ending

     1. Wander around until the Senator has left the station, or is just 
about to leave. At some point
     during the game (if you've been pretty slow), Navigator Ta comes 
looking for you. She'll tell
     you that Jacomo (her mate), is missing. Now go to Geodome 2, room 
#141. You should find
     Jacomo inside, under a golden shower (ahem... you need to ask 
Jacomo the name of the
     room while you're in it). Mandana should be outside. Ask her what 
you should do now.

     2. Remember the Utilities Node on the second ring of Geodome Deck 
2. This is the control
     panel you used to turn the lights up before. This time turn all the 
power off by moving the lights
     down, instead of up.

     3. You now need the Flow Inhibitor, which can be found on 
Engineering Deck 3, room #263.

     4. Take it to room #161 on Geodome Deck 2 (next door to Jacomo). 
Use the Flow Inhibitor
     on the Outbound Water Pump Disk. Now go back and see Jacomo.

     5. Mandana should open the room and enter. Follow her. Jacomo will 
now ask you to tell Ta
     where she is.

     6. You should find Ta on Geodome Deck 1, room #271 (a two-doored 
Pillar Garden). Tell
     her that Jacomo is in Geodome Deck 2, room #141 (this only works if 
you've already asked
     Jacomo the name of the room ­ step 1 above).

     7. Wait for a little while until Ta finds you and informs you that 
Jacomo is now meditating.
     Then, after another short wait, Jacomo should come and ask you to 
help pilot the station to

     8. Go to the Navigator Chamber (via teleport) with Jacomo. You now 
have the final end

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