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StarCraft - Brood War (e)

StarCraft: BroodWar Expert Guide
Version 2.0

Written by Stephanus Rudiyanto N. 

To read this FAQ, use Fixed Width fonts like Courier, if not many of the tables
below will look terrible. 
Use WordPad to read this FAQ, and maximize the window.

Table of Contents
i) Introduction
ii) Version
iii) Future edition
iv) Credits

I - Special Ability
1) Terran Special Ability
2) Zerg Special Ability
3) Protoss Special Ability

II - Upgrade
1) Energy Upgrade
2) Weapon, Armor, and Shield Upgrade
3) Miscellaneous Upgrade

III - Tables and Data
1) Unit Data
2) Splash Damage
3) Weapon Range
4) Score
  4.1) Unit's Score
  4.2) Hero's Score
  4.3) Building's Scope
  4.4) Special Building's Score
5) Broods, Squadrons and Tribes
6) Animation Height
7) Cooldown
8) Record
9) Unit Speed
10) Supply

i) Introduction

Starcraft is real-time strategy game from Blizzard. It is a great game, if you
are fans of any RTS game, this one is recommended for you. Broodwar it is 
set, and introduce many new elements, including 6 new units. The FAQ I used in
here are based on Broodwar with patches version 1.05. (You can download it at

First, I apologize if my English is not good. Maybe some grammars and spells
have some error in this FAQ. This is my first unpublished FAQ I wrote, so there
may be so many mistakes here. 
Email me at for corrections and suggestions, and 
of course you will be credited even for small fixes.

This FAQ is created for intermediate and expert players that have played the 
long enough to truly know the aspect of the game. Although the beginners can 
read this FAQ, it is not recommended because of the complicated data.
I don't include any "how to play", basics strategies or other because I assume 
all who read this FAQ has already know how to play Starcraft. 

A lot of info info I acquire from Blizzard official website, while the others I 
acquire by searching, trying, and other my hardworks by playing the game itself 
and also by using StarDraft SE from Camelot Systems.

If you include any informations below in any FAQ or Websites, please ask my 
permission first (mostly I will answer yes) and gave credits for me. (Its 
extremely hard to 
collect informations in this FAQ, you know).

I will update this FAQ when there is a mistake or error. I can also add an 
entirely new section if I think its important. 

And lastly, I don't own Starcraft CD. I playing the game by borrowing 
my cousin's CD. This is just for info. :P

ii) Version
Numbers after the dot means minor updates, while numbers before the dot means 
Major updates.

22 June 1999 - Version 1.0 (Initial release)
27 June 1999 - Version 1.1:
- Some change in Introduction and Credits (I forget to include this in the first 
- Added line breaks in Special Ability sections (For easy read, and no need of 
  wrapping the documents). 
- Some little addition on Burrow Ability.
- Some little addition and corrections in table and data descriptions.
- Added Future editions section.
28 June 1999 - Version 2.0:
- Little addition and correction in Unit Data tables.
- Add Lurker Aspect to Zerg Special Ability.
- Add Upgrades section.

iii) Future editions
I MAY : - Add Hotkeys section
I WILL NOT: - Add Unit Strategies section
            - Add Campaign Strategies

iv) Credits
- Blizzard, for making a great game for me to play.
- Camelot Systems, for making StarDraft SE. A great program for StarCraft. 
- My Cousin (ARC) and my friend (A Ceng), for lends me Starcraft CD.
- My little brother (Lunar Ray), for a great inspiration for making this FAQ. 
  He is truly a good player! His controls are awesome! I don't mean to brag :P
  Some info in this FAQ are from him.

I - Special Ability
One of the most interesting aspects in the game is the Special Ability that
the units have. Many people who can play Starcraft well know that Special
Ability can be neglected. (May be except those who always rush).
This Section explain the description and strategies of Special Abilities
in all three races.

Cost    : Cost for unit to use the ability (e mean energy)
Range   : The ability range (some ability used by the unit itself, so have no 
Upgrade : Building where you must research the ability, and the cost needed to 
          If no upgrade listed, the the ability is the initial special ability 
          that doesn't need to be researched.
BT      : Build Time, or time needed to research the ability. 
          (Higher number mean longer time)

1) Terran Special Ability
1.1) Stim Packs
Cost     : 10 Health
User     : Marine, Firebat
Research : Academy (100 Minerals, 100 Gasses, 80 BT)
Stim Packs when used will doubles the Marines/Firebats attack rates, and also 
their speed significantly.
- If your Marine/Firebat have less than 10 HP, he cannot use Stim Packs.
- You can use Stim Packs multiple times, but the effects are not cumulative. 
(Only one
Stim Pack active at one time)
- Stim Packs are not permanent effect, after a few seconds Marines/Firebats are 
to their normal state.
- Stim Packed Marines/Firebats can win battles that you thought impossible, use 
when you're attack/defend a large group of enemy or powerful enemy.
- Before patches 1.04 or Broodwar, Stim Packed Firebat only have increased 
speed, but 
not attack rates. 

1.2) Deploy Spider Mines
Cost     : None, but only 3 mines/Vulture
User     : Vulture
Research : Machine Shop (100 Minerals, 100 Gasses, 80 BT)
Vultures can deploy a spider mine (each Vulture only have 3 Mines can can't be 
replaced). Vulture must stopped in an area briefly to deploy it. When deployed, 
mine will take a second to burrow, and it is vulnerable during burrowing time.
Once burrowed, friendly units can see the mine, but not the enemy units (unless 
Detector). Any enemy Ground Units (but not Hovering units) that enter the Mine 
range (3) will activate it. The mine will pop up of the ground and attempt to 
into target, and explodes. It will damage any unit within short radius. 
- Spider Mines have 125 damage, amd have splash damage that can hit friendly 
- Air units and Hovering units will not trigger the mines, but Hovering units 
can take
damage from the splash damage.
- Spider Mines is not detector, but it can chase cloaked Ghost.
- Unit that are NOT set off Spider Mines: All air units, Probe, Archon, Dark 
Vulture, Drone, and SCV
- Before Patches 1.05, Spider Mines research needs 150 Minerals and 150 Gasses.

1.3) Siege Tech
Cost     : None
User     : Siege Tank
Research : Machine Shop (150 Minerals, 150 Gasses, 80 BT)
Siege Tech will allow all Siege Tank to have ability go into Siege Mode (and 
back into Tank Mode). In Siege Mode, Tanks cannot move, but it will have greatly 
increased attack ranges and also attack damage.
- Tank in Siege Mode can't enter Dropship (or other Transport).
- Tanks need some time to transform into Siege Mode and vice versa.
- In Siege Mode, Tank have more attack range than its sight range.

1.4) Cloaking 
Cost     : 25e for initial cloaking, 1e/second to remain cloaked
User     : Wraith, Ghost
Research (Ghost) : Covert Ops (100 Minerals, 100 Gas, 80 BT)
Research (Wraith): Control Tower (150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 100 BT)
Cloaked units cannot be targeted by enemy units or single-unit special ability 
Parasite). Any splash damage and special abilities that affect multiple units 
can still 
attack the target. To target cloaked units, enemy must have building or unit 
that have 
Detector. Once a cloaked unit is detected, any units belong to or sharing vision 
with that 
opponent can target it normally.
- If the energy of cloaked units downs to zero, it will uncloaks.
- Special ability that can damage cloaked units when they are not detected: 
Psionic Storm 
and Nuclear Strike.
- Special ability that can be used to reveal cloaked units are: Ensnare, Plague, 
Maelstorm, Acid Spores (only if the cloaked unit are in splash effect), EMP 
(will drains cloaked units energy in area to zero) and Stasis Field (the cloaked 
 visible but can't be attacked).
- Special ability with visible special effect will reveal cloaked units 
Defense Matrix, Lockdown, Ensnare, Plague, Acid Spores, and others)
- Parasited units are revealed to the owner of the parasite.

1.5) Lockdown
Cost     : 100e
User     : Ghost
Range    : 8
Research : Covert Ops (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 100 BT)
Targets a mechanical unit to become immobile for 60 seconds. The affected units 
be controlled in any way (including use special ability).
- Lock down does not work on buildings.
- Locking down Detector make it loses its Detector ability.
- Locking down cloaked unit makes it uncloak.
- Locking down Arbiter cancel its ability to cloak nearby units.
- You can repair Terran unit in Lockdown status.
- Units that can be locked down: SCV, Vulture, Goliath, Siege Tank, Wraith, 
Valkyrie, Science Vessel, Battlecruiser, Probe, Dragoon, Reaver, Shuttle, 
Corsairs, Scout, Interceptor (hard and worthless), and Carrier.

1.6) Nuclear Strike
Cost     : 1 Armed Nuclear Silo
User     : Ghost
Range    : 8 or 10 (Ghost's Sight Range - 1)
Units and buildings at the area of Nuclear Strike will lose either 2/3 of their 
maximum Shield and Hit Points or take 500 points of damage, whichever is 
Farther out from the blast the damage is lessened, but almost any unit caught 
the blast will be killed instantly. 
- Cancelling a nuke or Ghost killed before finished its aiming, will make a 
nuclear lost.
- The only unit that can survive the Nuclear Blast is Battlecruiser with full 
HP. (It 
survive with small HP left equal to its armor level)
- To nuke Protoss's base, better if you using EMP Shockwave first.
- Two nukes on same target will destroy all buildings or units.
- Burrowed or cloaked units receive no protection against nuke.
- Research Ocular Implants can increase the nuke ranges.
- Cloaking is highly recommended when you want to use nuclear strike. 
- You can also use Defensive Matrix on your Ghost when he try to nuke, if he is 
spotted by enemy.

1.7) Defensive Matrix
Cost     : 100e
User     : Science Vessel
Range    : 10
Gives 250 Non-regenerating Shield to target unit. After about 30 seconds, the 
wears off, even if the shield still has HP. Defensive Matrix doesn't mean 
because there are small damage that can still damage your shielded unit.
- EMP Shockwave can't drains this special Shield.
- Defensive Matrix on a cloaked unit make it visible.
- Defensive Matrix are not cumulative, placing a new Matrix onto an old one, 
replacing it with the new matrix.
- Defensive Matrix best use on expensive unit (Siege Tank, Battlecruiser, 
Vessel), units attacking tower (Wraith), Ghost that ready for nuclear, Dropship 
trying to unloading, or units in battle that have red/yellow HP (but not too 
- Defensive Matrix doesn't prevent Irradiate, but it will slow down the damage.

1.8) Irradiate
Cost     : 75e
User     : Science Vessel
Range    : 9
Research : Science Facility (150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 80 BT)
Target Unit become irradiated for 30 seconds. All air and ground biological 
nearby (within 2 matrices) will take damage up to 250 HP of damages. The 
targeted unit 
will also take damage if it an Biological/Organic unit.
- Mechanical units can be irradiated and damage all nearby biological units, but 
targets itself don't receive damages.
- Irradiate more than once on same target doesn't have cumulative effect. (Its 
replacing the old Irradiate), but overlapping Irradiation can cause more damage 
if they 
near each other.
- You can Irradiate your own units (example: Siege Tank) to protect them from 
by enemy biological melee units (like Zealots or Zerglings). This will make them 
 damages from irradiation, while your tank take damage only by enemies but not 
 irradiation itself.
- Irradiate can't be protected by Defensive Matrix, it's only slowing down the 
- Irradiating a transport doesn't affected the units inside.
- If you Irradiate a biological units, and that unit enter a transport, then 
that unit 
and all biological units in the transport also take damage. The same also 
applies to
- Irradiate can be removed by Medic's Restoration.
- Burrowed unit doesn't make units invulnerable to irradiates, they can be 
affected by 
irradiates while burrowing. But when burrowing, Irradiate doesn't damages any 
friendly units.
- Irradiated flying units can deal damages to ground units and vice versa.
- Unit that can be Irradiated: All Zerg units, SCV, Marine, Firebat, Medic, 
Zealot, High Templar, Dark Templar.

1.9) EMP Shockwave
Cost     : 100e
User     : Science Vessel
Range    : 8
Research : Science Facility (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 120 BT)
Fires an EMP missile that explodes in short 3x3 matrices area. Any units or 
in the area will have its shield and energy reduced to zero.
- EMP Shockwave best used on Protoss units and buildings or enemy Spell-casters.
- EMP Shockwave can make Archon and Shield Battery become weak and almost 
- EMP Shockwave can make cloaked Wraiths and Ghosts visible by draining their 
energy to 
- Science Vessel that using EMP Shockwave is immune to its own effect, but not 
friendly units nearby.
- EMP Shockwave is the only ability that can affect units on Stasis Field. 

1.10) Yamato Gun
Cost     : 150e
User     : Battlecruiser
Range    : 10
Research : Physics Lab (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 120 BT)
The Battlecruiser can fire an energy blast to targeted unit or building, and its 
260 damage to the target.
- The Yamato Gun has longer range than Battlecruiser sight range.
- Once charged (if not cancelled by special circumstances), Yamato Gun will 
always hit, 
and can't be avoided even by the fastest unit or Recall ability.
- Once charged, Yamato Gun can't be canceled by EMP Shockwave.
- Yamato Gun can be cancelled if Battlecruiser is affected in Stasis Field, 
is locked down or the Battlecruiser is destroyed.
- Yamato Gun can be cancelled if the target is cloaks, burrows, or in Stasis 
- A single blast of Yamato Gun can destroy Photon Cannon and Missile turret, but 
Colony need two blasts.
- You can select multiple Battlecruisers and fires Yamato Gun simultaneously to 
increase damages.
- Before patches 1.04/Broodwar, the damages are only 250.

1.11) Scanner Sweep
Cost     : 50e 
User     : Comsat Station Addon
Range    : Unlimited
Targeted area in map (20x20 matrices) becomes visible for 15 seconds. It is also 
as Detector in that area.
- You can use shotcut keys for Comsat (Ctrl-#) and use # for quick Scanner 
- You can use Scanner Sweep immediately after the Comsat Station Addon 
construction finish.
- Comsat Station have maximum 200 energy.
- Comsat Station is the most safe scouting tools, use this to check the enemy's 
strategies often and also checking expansion sites.
- Comsat Station can be used to detect cloaking and burrowing units because it 
serves as 
Detector, but don't too rely on this because it only detect for short time.
- Before Broodwar/patches 1.04, Scanner Sweep costs 75 energy.

1.12) Heal
Cost     : 1e per 2 HP healed
User     : Medic
Range    : 2
Medic automatically heals any nearby friendly or allied biological ground units.
If that unit damaged is in her sight range, she will automatically move near 
that target 
and heal it until its HP is full or her energy is zero, you can command her not 
to heal 
if you want to.
- A damaged unit can only be healed by one Medic at a time. Because of this, you 
increase the speed of recovery.
- Medic can heal: SCV, Marine, Firebat, Ghost, Medic, All Zerg ground units, 
High Templar, Dark templar, and Civilian (for special missions only).
- Medic can't heal their wound by herself, but few Medics can heal each other.
- Medic can't heal unit inside transports or bunkers. To heal them unload the 
units first.
- Medic automatically heals allied units, and make her very useful in 
multiplayer games.
- Medic are usually combined with Marines and/or Firebats, so they can survive 
and use Stim Packs more often.
- Medic usually be placed in workers area (yours or allied workers), to 
heal them when they're in danger to survive a surprise attack.

1.13) Restoration
Cost     : 50e
User     : Medic
Range    : 6
Research : Academy (100 Minerals, 100 Gas, 80 BT)
Restoration cures any harmful effects on target unit, except Stasis Field. 
- Restoration best used to remove permanent effect like Parasites and Blind.
- Although Medic can cure most of area effects, but she can only cure one unit 
at a time.
- Medic doesn't cures autimatically likes Heal.
- Harmful effect that can be restore by Medic: Lockdown, Optic Flare, Irradiate, 
Acid Spores, Plague, Ensnare, Maelstorm, and Parasites.
- Medic cannot remove the effects of Defensive Matrix and Stasis Field.

1.14) Optic Flare
Cost     : 75e
User     : Medic
Range    : 9
Research : Academy (100 Minerals, 100 Gas, 120 BT)
Target unit become Blind, their sight range decreased to 1 permanently (unless 
cured by 
Medic). It also loses its detection ability (only if it has detector).
- If you're facing Terrans, Optic Flare may be not that useful because they also 
Medics. But if they don't research Restoration, you can use Optic Flare to blind 
Science Vessel, Siege Tank, Dropship, Valkyrie or Battlecruiser.
- Protoss and Zerg can't remove Blind status. But Protoss can Mind Control your 
Medics to 
cure Blind Stasus (if your Medic has research Restoration).
- If the enemy uses multiple units, you must blind all of them for Blind status 
to work. 
So Optic Flare is not useful for 'Rush' unit (example: Hydralisk)
- Optic Flare very effective against High Templar, Dark Archon, Queen, and 
because they now need other unit to spot for them before they can use their 
- Optic Flare also effective against Carrier, Arbiter, Lurker, Devourer, Dark 
Reaver, and Shuttle. Because their sight range is dramatically decreased. 
- Optic Flare is very useful to use on Overlord, because this make Zerg's 
Overlord become 
useless in combat. Science Vessels and Observers can be blinded, but not that 
because Terrans have Medics, and Observers hard to find, more easy to destroy 
than to 

2) Zerg Special Ability
2.1) Burrowing
Cost     : None
User     : Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk, Defiler, Infested Terran
Research : Hatchery/Lair/Hive (100 Minerals, 100 Gas, 80 BT)
Almost all Zerg's ground unit can burrow underground, and while they burrowed, 
can't be seen by enemy units until detected. There is a little time for a unit 
to burrow,
 so sometimes units can't burrow when being heavily attacked..
- Burrowed unit can be attacked by Psionic Storm and Nuclear Strike even when 
they are 
not detected.
- Burrowed unit can only be detected by unit with Detector.
- While Special Ability like Ensnare, Plague, and Stasis Field can be used to 
cloaked units, they can't be used to detect burrowed units.
- Larva, Ultralisk and Broodling can't burrow.
- Lurker can burrow even you doesn't research burrow. And its the only Zerg's 
unit that 
can attack while burrowed.
- Burrowed unit usually used to scout and guarding an expansion set or choke 

2.2) Parasite
Cost     : 75e
User     : Queen
Range    : 12
Targeted unit that affected by parasites always be seen by the owner of parasite 
(It is 
serves as reconaissance purpose).
- If parasited unit has a cloak or burrowing ability, they always be seen by the 
of parasite when cloaking or burrowing.
- If parasited unit has Detector ability, it also serves as detector for the 
owner of 
parasite. All nearby cloaked or burrowed unit can be seen by the owner of 
- The owner of affected unit can detect Parasite in two ways: When the unit is 
as a part of group it will have a green border on unit's wireframe, and when the 
parasited unit selected it will display "Parasite Detected" in the unit 
- The only way to remove Parasite from a unit is using Medic's Restoration or 
the host.
- Parasited Zerg Drone can remove the parasite by morphing into building.
- A few effective targets for parasites are Detectors (Overlord, Science Vessel, 
Observer), Transports (Dropship, Shuttle), Spellcaster (Ghost, Defiler, Queen, 
Archon, High Templar), expensive units (Siege Tank, Carrier, Devourer, Guardian, 
Arbiter, Battlecruiser), or Wraith (before cloaked).
- A smart player can used his/her parasited units as a decoy attack, pretending 
doesn't know that the units are parasited.

2.3) Ensnare
Cost     : 75e
User     : Queen
Range    : 9
Research : Queen's Nest (100 Mineral, 100 Gas, 80 BT)
Queen's release a sticky fluid to an area of 4x4 matrices, and any units in the 
becomes slower in movement (in half) and attack rates (very little and almost 
and last approximately for 40 seconds.
- Ensnare can be used to detect cloaked enemies (but not burrowed enemies) like 
Ghost, Observer, and Dark Templar. It can be very effective to uncloak enemy 
within the 
Arbiter Cloaking Field.
- Ensnare can be used on a large group of Marine/Firebat when they are using 
Stim Pack, 
this will nullify the Stim Pack effect.
- Ensnare fast flying units (Scout), so you can Scourge them.
- Ensnare can be used to fight enemy that use hit-and-run tactics.
- Ensnare doesn't affect Queen who cast it.

2.4) Spawn Broodling
Cost     : 150e
User     : Queen
Range    : 9
Research : Queen's Nest (200 Mineral, 200 Gas, 80 BT)
Targeted non-robotic ground unit is destroyed and become a pair of Broodling.
- Broodlings created by Queen's ability have the same melee and carapace upgrade 
other ground unit.
- Broodling have 120 energy, and it will dies if the energy becomes zero. (this 
affected by EMP Shockwave)
- A prime target for Broodling are Siege Tank and Ultralisk (the most common 
unit to 
targeted by this ability)
- There also a few target for Spawn Broodling: Enemy spellcaster (Defiler, 
Ghost, High 
Templar), Air Support Unit (Goliath, Dragoon), Lurker and enemy expensive units.
- Although this ability can target cheap unit like zergling, but it is 
- Unit that are not affected by Spawn Broodling: All air units, Probe, Archon, 
Archon, Reaver, Spider Mines.
- Before Patches 1.04/Broodwar, the range is only 8.

2.5) Infest Terran Command Center
Cost     : None (Need halfly or less damaged Command Center)
User     : Queen
When there are a badly damaged Terran Command Center (had half or less HP), a 
Queen near 
it will automatically infest it. The Command Center become Infested Command 
Center that
 under the Queen's owner control with new full HP. This new building have 
ability, can fly like other Terran buildings, and produce Infested Terran.
- Queen will automatically infest any Command Center within her sight range, but 
you can 
also manually target her to control the Command Center.
- Infested Terran is a suicide unit, it deals huge damage (500 damage) and have 
damage. It can also burrow and have regeneration ability. This fast unit is a 
addition, so infest Command Center if you have an opportunity.
- In multiplayer games, an allied Terran player usually sacrifices a Command 
Center to 
be infested by a Zerg player.

2.6) Dark Swarm
Cost     : 100e
User     : Defiler
Range    : 9
Dark Swarm casted by Defiler covers 6x6 matrices area. All ground unit under 
Dark Swarm 
are immune to any ranged attacks from ground or air. But ranged unit from Dark 
can still attack from inside the cloud. It lasts about 60 seconds.
- Ranged unit inside Dark Swarm can't attack other unit inside Dark Swarm.
- Melee, Splash Damage, and Special ability can still damage unit inside Dark 
- Dark Swarm doesn't protect buildings.
- All flying units have ranged attack, so Dark Swarm is a great tool to protect 
unit being attacked from air.
- Almost all Terran units are use ranged attack, except Firebat and Siege Tank 
in Siege 
Mode (only splash damage that still deal damage and not full damages). So 
they're very 
vulnerable with Dark Swarm. Zerglings and Ultralisks can destroy a whole Terran 
base if 
protected by Dark Swarm.
- Unit that are not affected by Dark Swarm:
Terran Unit: SCV, Firebat, Siege Tank in Siege Mode (Still inflict Splash 
Protoss Unit: Probe, Zealot, Dark Templar, Reaver (Still inflict Splash damage), 
Zerg Unit: Drone, Zergling, Lurker (Inflict Direct and Splash damage), 
Broodling, Infested Terran (Inflict Direct and Splash damage)

2.7) Consume
Cost     : None
User     : Defiler
Range    : 1
Research : Defiler's Mound (100 Mineral, 100 Gas, 100 BT)
Consume instantly give Defiler +50 energy by sacrificing a Zerg unit. Defiler 
can only 
consume unit within your broods or your teammates.
- Consume will not add energy beyond 200 (or 250 if you research Metasynaptic 
- The size of unit doesn't affect energy gained, so the best unit to consume is 
a zergling.
- Hallucination of Zerg's can't be consumed.
- Larva can be consumed, but the Defiler doesn't gain energy.
- Consume can be used on burrowed unit.
- With the proper use of Consume, a single Defiler can cast unlimited Plague and 
Swarm. But this requires a good control.

2.8) Plague
Cost     : 150e
User     : Defiler
Range    : 9
Research : Defiler's Mound (200 Mineral, 200 Gas, 100 BT)
Defiler can cast Plague on 3x3 matrices target area. All units and buildings in 
area are affected by plague. Plague can hit friendly or enemy unit/building, it 
also affect flying or cloaking units. Affected unit/building HP will slowly 
25 HP per second for each affected unit/building. If the target has taken a 
total 300 
damage, the Plague stops. Plague can never kill a unit/building (Plague 
continues but 
will stop if the unit/building has only 1 HP).
- Protoss's units and buildings can be affected by Plague, but this only reduced 
HP and not their shield.
- Plague doesn't affect burrowed unit, unless they are affected before they 
- Plague are not cumulative.
- Plague on Terran's building is very dangerous, because all Terran building are 
down when they're in low HP (below 1/3 HP).
- Terran Medic's Restoration ability is the only way to stop Plague when it is 
in process.
- Plague doesn't effect the Defiler who cast it.

2.9) Acid Spores
Cost     : None
User     : Devourer
Range    : 6 (Devourer's Attack Range)
When Devourer attack, its attack can cause splash effect (but not splash 
Any enemy flying unit in the small area will affected by Acid Spores. Acid 
Spores are 
cumulative in effects, each spores increase cooldown in weaponry by 1/8th of the 
cooldown value. Its also make the affected units suffer additional damages when 
attacked. (6 Acid Spores mean +6 damage when attacked). Acid Spores will 
in time.
- A unit can have maximum 9 Acid Spores. Acid Spores disappear one by one.
- Devourer's Splash effect doesn't affect friendly units.
- Devourer's Splash effect can make cloaked unit visibles. (Or target unit 
visible when 
cloaked, if it attacked first before cloaking).
- A unit with high Cooldown (Battlecruiser, Devourer, Valkyrie) will suffer 
because of Devourer's attack. Because 1/8 of their cooldown is very high number.
- Devourer's Acid Spore can be cured by Medic's Restoration. It cures all Acid 
Spores on 
target unit.
- Acid Spores effect can make enemy flying units more vulnerable, because 9 Acid 
can mean +9 damage when attacked. 

2.10) Lurker Aspect
Cost     : 1 Hydralisk
User     : Hydralisk
Research : Hydralisk Den (125 Mineral, 125 Gas, 120 BT)
All of your Hydralisks can morph into Lurkers. Lurkers are the only Zerg unit 
can attack will burrowed (but can't attack if not burrowed). Its also the only
Zerg unit who have splash damage.
- Lurker can burrow even you haven't research Burrowing.
- A new Lurker will have full health even if the Hydralisk who morph to it is
badly damaged.
- A newly Lurker will retain Hydralisk status (Parasited Hydralisk will morph 
into new parasited Lurker).
- Lurkers needs 2 supply each, while Hydralisks need only 1 supply each. 
So you may need some new Overlords to have some decent Lurkers army.
- Lurker attack has splash damage that doesn't damage your friendly units, but 
damage allied units.
- Lurker are the only Zerg unit that can burrow when heavily attacked (other 
Zerg unit
will cancel burrowing), but Lurker need more time to burrow than other units.
- Any special upgrade to Hydralisk (Grooved Spines and Muscular Augments) will 
change Lurker speed or attack range, even they are born from Hydralisk.

3) Protoss Special Ability
3.1) Psionic Storm
Cost     : 75e
User     : High Templar
Range    : 9
Research : Templar Archives (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 120 BT)
High Templar can unleashes Psionic Storm in tager 3x3 matrices area. Any unit 
this area will suffer damages. Its affects all units, friendly or not, flying or 
- Psionic Storm doesn't affect any buildings.
- Psionic Storm deals all unit in the area with 128 damage and ignoring units 
armor and 
other upgrades.
- Psionic Storm can hit cloaking or burrowing units.
- Psionic Storm can affect units in Stasis Field.
- Unit inside Bunkers can't be affected by Psionic Storm.
- Unit inside Transport can't be affected by Psionic Storm, but the transport 
can't be 
destroyed by the Storm, and all units inside will die.
- Psionic Storms aren't cumulative, so casting multiple Storms at once doesn't 
- Psionic Storms can affect the High Templar who cast it.
- You can cast immediately cast Psionic Storm from a High Templar when unloaded 
from a 
transport, and quickly enter the transport again. 
- High Templar small enough, so he can hide behind the tree and cast Psionic 
- Units with full HP that dies when attacked by Psionic Storm (the unit must 
by Psionic Storm from beginning to the end of duration):
Terran units: SCV, Marine, Firebat, Medic, Ghost, Wraith, Vulture, Goliath, 
Spider Mine
Zerg units: Larva, Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk, Lurker, Mutalisk, Queen, Defiler, 
Scourge, Broodling, Infested Terran
Protoss units: Probe, High Templar, Dark Templar, Observer
- Unit that need 2 Psionic Storms to be killed in full HP: Overlord, Siege Tank, 
Devourer, Guardian, Dropship, Valkyrie, Science Vessel, Zealot, Dragoon, Dark 
Shuttle, Corsair, Scout, Reaver
- Unit that need more than 2 Psionic Storms to be destroyed in full HP: 
Ultralisk (4), 
Battlecruiser (4), Carrier (4), Archon (3), Arbiter (3)

3.2) Hallucination
Cost     : 100e
User     : High Templar
Range    : 7
Research : Templar Archives (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 120 BT)
Hallucination creates 2 illusions of any unit that can be controlled by High 
owner that cast this. Targeted unit can be anything, friendly, opponent, or even 
critter. Hallucination units appear just like their original units, except the 
owner who can see 
the units as light blue units. Hallucination units are limited into 5 basic 
move, attack, patrol, hold position, and stop. When this unit ordered to attack, 
looks like attacking, but their attack does no damage. 
- Hallucination unit will disappear in 180 seconds (their energy), or when they 
- Hallucination unit take double damage from attacks.
- Hallucination unit disappear if enemy units cast special ability on them.
- Hallucination unit of Zerg's unit cannot be consumed.
- Hallucination can be used for decoys, to make enemy units attack the 
illusions, while 
the real unit can perform their duty. (Usually Shuttle for transport, Carrier 
Arbiter). They can also make enemy units fire at the illusions while the real 
attack them.
- For cheap scouting, hallucination units is very useful. You can send them into 
dangerous area without fear of losing costly units. You can seek enemy weak 
what is their main forces, or just seeking their expansion base with free 
- Intimidation is one good tactic for hallucination. An enemy attacked by 30 
Archons, Carrier, or even 40 Dragoons will be very surprised and confused. Just 
too included some real units to improve the illusions. while enemy is confused, 
just use 
your real forces to attack from other direction.
- Hallucinated unit doesn't have any special ability. So hallucinated Shuttle 
load or unload units, Observers can't cloak, and Carrier can't have any 
- Before patches 1.04/ BroodWar Hallucination's cost are 125.

3.3) Summon Archon
Cost     : 2 High Templar
User     : High Templar
Two High Templar can meld into single powerful Archon that have 350 Shields and 
10 HP. 
Archon is powerful and can attack enemy ground and air units.
- Use this when you have exhausted High Templar's energy or need powerful units 
- When one of your High Templar has damaged HP, and the other is with full HP, 
Archon they formed is have the full HP. But is two of them has damaged HP, the 
 summoned will also have damaged HP. 

3.4) Permanent Cloaking
Cost     : None
User     : Dark Templar, Observer
Observers and Dark Templars have permanent cloaking. They always cloaking and 
need energy like Terran Ghost or Wraith. Only hallucinated Observers and Dark 
that aren't cloaking. For more information on cloaking, look at Cloaking in 
Special Ability sections. 

3.5) Summon Dark Archon
Cost     : 2 Dark Templar
User     : Dark Templar
Two Dark Templar can meld into single Dark Archon that have powerful Special 
Abilities. Dark Archon can't attacks, but their ability feared by the enemy.
- When one of your Dark Templar has damaged HP, and the other is with full HP, 
the Dark 
Archon they formed is have the full HP. But is two of them has damaged HP, the 
Archon summoned will also have damaged HP.
- Summon a Dark Archon when your Dark Templars is badly damaged. Just find a 
safe place 
to summon Dark Archon. 

3.6) Feedback
Cost     : 50e
User     : Dark Archon
Range    : 10
Target enemy unit that have energy will be depleted. And that unit is damaged 
to the energy lost.
- If the targeted unit have more energy than its HP, then Feedback will kill 
that unit.
- Feedback doesn't affect buildings that have energy (Comsat Station and Shield 
- Feedback doesn't affect units that have no energy.
- Unit that can have Feedback to use against them: Medic, Science Vessel, Ghost, 
Battlecruiser, Wraith, Queen, Defiler, High Templar, Corsair, Arbiter, and Dark 

3.7) Maelstorm
Cost     : 100e
User     : Dark Archon
Range    : 10
Research : Templar Archives (100 Minerals, 100 Gas, 100 BT)
All biological flying or ground units in the target area of effect (3x3 
matrices) will 
be paralyzed (can't attack, move, or use special abilities) for several seconds.
- Maelstorm can be casted to reveal and immobilize cloaked units (Ghosts, Dark 
or biological units that hide under Arbiter Cloaking Field).
- Maelstorm can't be used to detect or used on burrowed units.
- Maelstorm best used against Zerg, because all Zerg units all biological.

3.8) Mind Control
Cost     : 150e + All Shields
User     : Dark Archon
Range    : 8
Research : Templar Archives (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 120 BT)
Dark Archon can permanently control any enemy or neutral units (exp: critters).
Controlled unit is permanent and can't be reversed. If Dark Archon success Mind 
Control an enemy units, it loses all its shield.
- Each unit that successfully mind controlled will have their own supply 
(Supply Depot for Terran, Overlord for Zerg, and Pylon for Protoss).
- You can control enemy worker (SCV, Probe, Drone), so you can build an entire 
with it. But remember they need different supply. With this, you can have a 
maximum 600 
units under your command (maximum 200 units for each races).
- You aren't limited by supply when you mind controlled enemy unit, so your 
supply may 
be exceeded the supply you possess. But this mean you can't produce new units 
you have sufficient supply.
- Unit that can't be controlled: Spider Mine, Larva, Scarabs, and Interceptors.
- When you are Mind Controlling a transport (Shuttle, Overlord, Dropship), you 
control of all its carried units.
- Hallucination Unit will die if Mind Controlled.
- Once controlled, all enemy's command queue will be cancelled (when you Mind 
enemy Battlecruiser that moving to your base, the move command is cancelled). 
The only exception is Ghost that has targeted a spot for Nuclear Strike (you can 
cancel or 
continue nukes).
- Mind Control transfer any special unit upgrades that an affected unit has 
(but not weapon, armor, and shield upgrades) to the player that used Mind 
Example: if you Mind Control an Arbiter with Recall ability, then all your 
Arbiters will gain Recall. This also means that you have researched Recall 
- The only elements that are not transferred when you Mind Control enemy unit 
are the 
map knowledge.
- Mind Control doesn't override any tech tree you have. So if you Mind Control a 
Dragoon, but you don't have Cybernetic Core, you still not able to build 
- When you Mind Control a Ghost, if you don't have a Nuclear Silo attached to 
Center, you can't use Nuclear Missiles (except when you controlling Ghost while 
he is 
targeting for Nuclear Strike).

3.9) Disruption Web
Cost     : 125e
User     : Corsair
Range    : 9
Research : Fleet Beacon (200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 80 BT)
Corsair can cast a Disruption Web on target area. All ground units and buildings 
the area affected by the Web cannot attack. Disruption Web will disappear after 
a while.
- Disruption Web can be casted on defensive buildings (Missile Turret, Bunker, 
Cannon, Sunken Colony, and Spore Colony) to make that unit can't attack.
- Ground units inside Web can't attack but can be attacked by enemy that not in 
Web area.
- Ground units inside Web can still move and used any special ability.
- Disruption Web is useful to break out heavily defensive area (Siege 
Missile Turret combos). It can also used to force a safe way in islands war, 
usually guarded by defensive buildings along coasts.

3.10) Recall
Cost     : 150e
User     : Arbiter
Range    : Infinite
Research : Arbiter Tribunal (150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 166 BT)
When Arbiter cast Recall, all friendly units within target area (5x5 matrix) 
will be 
teleported/transported into casting Arbiter location. 
- Recall affect your units and your team mates units but not allied units.
- Recall can affect other units race (Zerg or Terran), as long as it is your own 
(or your team units).
- Recall doesn't remove any unit's status. Units Recalled are still in their 
state (when you recall an Irradiated unit, it still in Irradiated status).
- If Arbiter uses Recall on impassable terrain, only air units that are being 
all ground units are not recalled.
- Arbiter can't recall unit that in Stasis Field.
- Arbiter Recall ability can be used as offensive purpose. Offensive means 
your units into enemy's base for attack. This is best used on islands warfare, 
or to 
reach hard-to-get locations for ground units.
- You can transport damaged units (usually Carrier, Archon, Dark Archon, or 
Arbiters) back into your base to Recharge their shield in Shield Battery.

3.11) Stasis Field
Cost     : 100e
User     : Arbiter
Range    : 9
Research : Arbiter Tribunal (150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 100 BT)
All units in the 3x3 matrices area around the point of casting will betrapped in 
Field for 40 seconds. While trapped, these units can't attack, move, use special 
ability, or being damaged.
- Stasis Field can be used to detect cloaked but not burrowed enemies.
- Unit in Stasis Field still gain their energy.
- Unit in Stasis Field can't be repaired, regenerating their HP or shields.
- Stasis Field is often used to freeze a large group of enemies so greatly 
their powers. Example: You attacked by 30 Hydralisks. With Stasis Field, you can 
cut their numbers and paralyze 13 Hydralisks. Destroying them is now much 
- You can also use Stasis Field for protecting your own units. Example: Your 
are being attacked heavily and almost destroyed and near its there is no 
units to help. To retreat will be too late. Just Stasis Field them. The Carriers 
are safe (they can't be attacked) for a moment, while you can send 
to defend.
- Stasis Field also work for High Templars and Dark Archons. If they have no 
points left to cast anything and are in danger, then cast Stasis Field on them 
protect them. They will be safe in there and replenish their energy. Just be 
with EMP Shockwave.
- You can also use Stasis Field to protect you units from enemy special 
like: Plague (wait until the effect is wear off), Psionic Storm, Spawn Broodling 
(if cast before Spawn Broodling is used), Nuclear Strike, Irradiate, and other 
- You can use Stasis Field on enemy workers, this will greatly slowly their 

3.12) Cloaking Field
Cost     : None
User     : Arbiter
All units within Arbiter Ranges are automatically in cloak status. This doesn't 
- Cloaking Field can cloak all of your friendly or teammates units, but not your 
- Cloaking Field also works on other unit races.
- Cloaking Field can be cancelled if you Arbiter is Locked Down or in Stasis 
- For more information on cloaking, look at Cloaking in Terran Special Ability 

II - Upgrade

1) Energy Upgrades
All energy upgrades will add unit's energy capacity by 50.           

Upgrade            Unit          Race    Time  Mineral Gas Building
Gamete Meiosis     Queen         Zerg    166   150     150 Queen Nest
Metasynaptic Node  Defiler       Zerg    166   150     150 Defiler Mound
Titan Reactor      Sc. Vessel    Terran  166   150     150 Science Facility
Moebius Reactor    Ghost         Terran  166   150     150 Covert Ops
Apollo Reactor     Wraith        Terran  166   200     200 Control Tower
Colossus Reactor   Battlecruiser Terran  166   150     150 Physics Labs
Caduceus Reactor   Medic         Terran  166   150     150 Academy
Khaydarin Amulet   High Templar  Protoss 166   150     150 Templar Archives
Khaydarin Core     Arbiter       Protoss 166   150     150 Arbiter Tribunal
Argus Jewel        Corsair       Protoss 166   100     100 Fleet Beacon
Argus Talisman     Dark Archon   Protoss 166   150     150 Templar Archives

2) Weapon, Armor, and Shield Upgrades
All Upgrades have maximum 3 times.
TF means Time Factor and CF means Cost Factor.
First Zerg Carapace needs 150 Minerals and Gasses to upgrade, it has 75 Cost 
so if you upgrade it the second time, it will need 225 (150+75) Minerals and 225 
(150+75) Gasses. 

2.1) Zerg Upgrades
Upgrades              Time Mineral Gas   TF   CF   Building
Zerg Carapace         266  150     150   32   75   Evolution Chamber
Zerg Flyer Carapace   266  150     150   32   75   Spire/Greater Spire
Zerg Melee Attacks    266  100     100   32   50   Evolution Chamber
Zerg Missile Attacks  266  100     100   32   50   Evolution Chamber
Zerg Flyer Attacks    266  100     100   32   75   Spire/Greater Spire

Upgrades              Units
Zerg Carapace         Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk, Lurker, Broodling, Ultralisk,
                      Defiler, Infested Terran
Zerg Flyer Carapace   Overlord, Mutalisk, Scourge, Queen, Guardian, Devourer
Zerg Melee Attacks    Zergling, Broodling, Ultralisk
Zerg Missile Attacks  Hydralisk, Lurker
Zerg Flyer Attacks    Mutalisk, Guardian, Devourer

2.2) Terran Upgrades
Upgrades                 Time Mineral Gas   TF   CF   Building
Terran Infantry Armor    266  100     100   32   75   Engineering Bay
Terran Vehicle Plating   266  100     100   32   75   Armory
Terran Ship Plating      266  150     150   32   75   Armory
Terran Infantry Weapons  266  100     100   32   75   Engineering Bay 
Terran Vehicle Weapons   266  100     100   32   75   Armory
Terran Ship Weapons      266  100     100   32   50   Armory

Upgrades                 Units
Terran Infantry Armor    SCV, Marine, Firebat, Medic, Ghost
Terran Vehicle Plating   Vulture, Goliath, Siege Tank 
Terran Ship Plating      Wraith, Dropship, Valkyrie, Science Vessel, 
Terran Infantry Weapons  Marine, Firebat, Ghost
Terran Vehicle Weapons   Vulture, Goliath, Siege Tank 
Terran Ship Weapons      Wraith, Valkyrie, Battlecruiser

2.3) Protoss Upgrades
Upgrades                 Time Mineral Gas   TF   CF   Building
Protoss Armor            266  100     100   32   75   Forge
Protoss Plating          266  150     150   32   75   Cybernetics Core
Protoss Ground Weapons   266  100     100   32   50   Forge
Protoss Air Weapons      266  100     100   32   75   Cybernetics Core
Protoss Plasma Shields   266  200     200   32   100  Forge

Upgrades                 Units
Protoss Armor            Probe, Zealot, Dragoon, Reaver, High Templar, Archon,
                         Dark Templar, Dark Archon
Protoss Plating          Scout, Corsair, Shuttle, Observer, Carrier, 
Protoss Ground Weapons   Zealot, Dragoon, Dark Templar, Archon
Protoss Air Weapons      Scout, Corsair, Interceptor, Arbiter
Protoss Plasma Shields   All Protoss Units and Buildings

3) Miscellaneous Upgrades
Upgrades              Units      Time  Mineral Gas  Upgrade
Ventral Sacs          Overlord   200   200     200  Transport Ability  
Antennae              Overlord   133   150     150  Sight Range +2
Pneumatized Carapace  Overlord   133   150     150  Speed
Metabolic Boost       Zergling   100   100     100  Speed
Adrenal Glands        Zergling   100   150     150  Attack rates 
Muscular Augments     Hydralisk  100   100     100  Speed
Grooved Spines        Hydralisk  100   150     150  Attack Range +1
Anabolic Synthesis    Ultralisk  133   200     200  Speed
Chitinous Plating     Ultralisk  133   150     150  Armor +2
U-238 Shells          Marine     100   150     150  Attack Range +1
Charon Boosters       Goliath    133   150     150  Air attack range +3
Ion Thrusters         Vulture    100   100     100  Speed
Ocular Implants       Ghost      166   100     100  Sight Range +2
Singularity Charge    Dragoon    166   150     150  Attack Range +2
Leg Enchantments      Zealot     133   150     150  Speed
Scarab Damage         Scarab     166   200     200  Damage +25
Reaver Capacity       Reaver     166   200     200  Scarab Capacity +5
Gravitic Drive        Shuttle    166   200     200  Speed
Sensor Array          Observer   133   150     150  Sight Range +2
Gravitic Boosters     Observer   133   150     150  Speed
Apial Sensors         Scout      166   100     100  Sight Range +2
Gravitic Thrusters    Scout      166   200     200  Speed
Carrier Capacity      Carrier    100   100     100  Interceptor Capacity +4  

III - Tables and Data

1) Unit Data
Below is the table for all units in Starcraft (doesn't include heroes and 
except for defensive buildings)
Sz  : Size         Sup : Supply       Grd : Ground Attack  
Rng : Range        Arm : Armor        Air : Air Attack     
AtM : Attack Mod   SgR : Sight Range  BT  : Build Time
Shd : Shield
For Cooldown data, it is on other section.

Terran Unit    Sz Sup Min Gas Arm HP  Grd  Air Rng     AtM   SgR Notes  BT
Battlecruiser  L  8   400 300 3   500 25   25  6       3     11  SA,M   160
Dropship       L  2   100 100 1   150 0    0   0       0     8   T,M    50
Firebat        S  1   50  25  1   50  16cs 0   1       2     7   B      24
Ghost          S  1   25  75  0   45  10c  10c 7       1     9/  B,SA   50
                                                             11 upg
Goliath        L  2   100 50  1   125 12   20e 5/8 Air 1Gnd/ 8   M      40
                                               upg.    4Air  
Marine         S  1   50  0   0   40  6    6   4/5 upg 1     7   B      24
Missile Turret L  0   100 0   0   200 0    20e 7       0     11  D      30
Science Vessel L  2   100 225 1   200 0    0   0       0     10  D,SA,M 80
SCV            S  1   50  0   0   60  5    0   1       0     7   B,W,M  20
S.Tank (Siege) L  2   150 100 1   150 70es 0   12      5     10  M      50
S.Tank (Tank)  L  2   150 100 1   150 30e  0   7       3     10  M      50
Vulture        M  2   75  0   0   80  20c  0   5       2     8   SA,M   30
Wraith         L  2   150 100 0   120 8    20e 5       1Gnd/ 7   SA,M   60 
Medic          S  1   50  25  1   60  0    0   0       0     9   B,SA   30
Valkyrie       L  3   250 125 2   200 0    5es 6       1     8   M      60
Nuclear Miss.  -  8   200 200 0   -   0    0   0       0     3          100
Civilian       S  0   0   0   0   40  0    0   0       0     7   B      0
Spider Mine    S  0   0   0   0   20  125es0   0       0     3          0

Zerg Unit      Sz Sup Min Gas Arm HP  Grd   Air Rng  AtM  SgR  Notes BT
Broodling      S  0   0   0   0   30  4     0   1    1    5    B     0
Defiler        M  2   50  150 1   80  0     0   0    0    10   B,SA  50
Drone          S  1   50  0   0   40  5     0   1    0    7    B,W   20
Egg            L  0   0   0   10  200 0     0   0    0    4          0
Guardian       L  2   150 200 2   150 20    0   8    2    11   B     40
Hydralisk      M  1   75  25  0   80  10e   10e 4/5  1    6    B     28
Inf. Terran    S  1   100 50  0   60  500es 0   1    0    5    B     40
Larva          S  0   0   0   10  25  0     0   0    0    4    B     0
Mutalisk       S  2   100 100 0   120 9     9   3    1    7    B     40
Overlord       L  0   100 0   0   200 0     0   0    0    9/11 D,B,T 40
Queen          M  2   100 150 0   120 0     0   0    0    10   B,SA  50
Scourge        S  0.5 12  38  0   25  0     110 1    0    5    B     30
Spore Colony   L  0   175 0   0   400 0     15  7    0    10   D     20
Sunken Colony  L  0   175 0   0   400 40e   0   7    0    10         20
Ultralisk      L  6   200 200 1/3 400 20    0   1    3    7    B     60
Zergling       S  0.5 25  0   0   35  5     0   1    1    5    B     28
Devourer       L  2   250 150 2   250 0     25e 6    2    10   B     40
Lurker         M  2   125 125 1   125 20s   0   6    2    8    B     40

Protoss Unit   Sz Sup Min Gas Arm HP  Shd Grd   Air Rng AtM  SgR  Notes BT
Arbiter        L  4   100 350 1   200 150 10e   10e 5   1    9    SA,M  160
Archon         L  4   100 300 0   10  350 30s   30s 2   3    8          20
Carrier        L  8   350 250 4   300 150 6     6   8   1    11   M     140
Dragoon        L  2   125 50  1   100 80  20e   20e 4/6 2    8    M     40
High Templar   S  2   50  150 0   40  40  0     0   0   0    7    B,SA  50
Observer       S  1   25  75  0   40  20  0     0   0   0    9/11 D,M,R 40  
Photon Cannon  L  0   150 0   0   100 100 20    20  7   0    11   D     50
Probe          S  1   50  0   0   20  20  5     0   1   0    8    W,M,R 20
Reaver         L  4   200 100 0   100 80  100s/ 0   8   0    10   M,R   70
Scout          L  3   300 150 0   150 100 8     28e 4   1Gnd/8/   M     80     
                                                        2Air 10 upg.  
Shuttle        L  2   200 0   1   80  60  0     0   0   0    8    T,M,R 60
Zealot         S  2   100 0   1   80  80  16    0   1   2    7    B     40
Corsair        M  2   150 100 1   100 80  0     5es 5   1    9    SA,M  40
Dark Archon    L  4   250 200 1   25  200 0     0   0   0    10   SA    20
Dark Templar   S  2   125 100 1   80  40  40    0   1   3    7    B     50
Interceptor    S  0   25  0   0   0   40  40    6   4   1    6    M     20

Attack Mod is the Damage modifier for each level of upgrade.
Gnd is Ground attack for units with split Air/Ground Weapon Systems.
Air is Air attack for units with split Air/Ground Weapon Systems.
Upg is a stat change after getting an upgrade .
2 Scourges need 25 minerals and 75 gasses.

E : Explosive Attack (50% damage to Small Units 75% damage to Medium Units, 
full damage to Large Units).
C : Concussive/Plasma damage Attack (50% damage to Medium Units, 25% damage
to Large Units).
S : Splash damage, which affects all units in the blast area. 

B = Biological     M = Mechanical       R = Robotics
T = Transport      W = Worker
D = Detector, unit can Detect cloaked/burrowed units
SA = Unit has one or more Special Abilities (is a spell-caster)

The Unit Data tables are taken from the official Starcraft Broodwar websites. 
I made small changes, just for space considerations (I forgot to mention this 
in version 1.1 below).

2) Splash Damage
In Starcraft (BroodWar) there are three type of Splash Damage: Radial Splash, 
Splash, and Air Splash. Any unit with splash damage has 3 value: S1, S2, and S3. 
These value determined the 'far' of area that affected by splash damage from 
In Radial Splash, S1 means how far (in pixel) any unit will be dealt with 100% 
damage from the weapon, while S2 and S3 show how far any unit will be dealt with 
and 25% damage.
Air Splash has same meaning with Radial Splash, but only work in air units.
Line Splash almost the same with Radial Splash, but it only effect the area 
the target unit and the attacker (In other words : "in the line of fire").
Unit that has Radial Splash damage: Siege Tank (Siege Mode), Spider Mine, 
Psi Storm, and Infested Terran. 
Unit that has Line Splash damage: Firebat, Archon, Scarab, and Lurker.
Unit that has Air Splash damage: Corsair, and Valkyrie.
Devourer has special Splash Damage, so it can't do damage to any nearby target 
Nuclear Missile and Irradiate has special damage adjustment.
In table below, is the value of S1, S2, and S3. 

Unit            S1      S2      S3
Firebat         15      20      25
Siege Tank      10      25      40
Scarab          20      40      60
Spider Mine     50      75      100
Inf. Terran     20      40      60
Archon          3       15      30
Lurker          20      20      20
Corsair         5       50      100
Valkyrie        5       50      100
Psi Storm       48      48      48
Nuclear Miss.   128     192     256
Irradiate       64      64      64

3) Weapon's Range
Actual weapon's range (in pixel) will be listed here. 
For easy range (in some websites and FAQ, including in Unit Data section), just 
divided the numbers with 32 rounded up. This is usually called matrix.
Ex: Yamato Gun range: 320/32 = 10. 

Weapon/Special Ability  Range    Weapon/Special Ability          Range
Gauss Rifle             128      Gauss Rifle (Raynor)            160
C-10 Concussion Rifle   224      C-10 Concussion Rifle (Hero)    192
Fragmentation Grenade   160      Spider Mines                    10
Twin Autocannons        160      Hellfire Missile Pack           160
Arclite Cannon          224      Fusion Cutter                   10
Gemini Missiles         160      Burst Lasers                    160
ATS/ATA Laser Battery   192      Halo Rockets                    192
Flame Thrower           32       Arclite Shock Cannon            64-384
Longbolt Missiles       224      Claws                           15
Needle Spines           128      Needle Spines (Hunter Killer)   160
Kaiser Blades           25       Toxic Spores                    2
Spines                  32       Acid Spore                      256
Corossive Acid          192      Glave Wurm                      96
Seeker Spores           224      Subterranean Tentacle           224
Subterranean Spines     192      Suicide (Ground)                3
Suicide (Air)           3        Particle Beam                   32
Psi Blades              15       Warp Blades                     15
Phase Disruptor         128      Psionic Shockwave               64
Dual Photon Blasters    128      Anti-matter Missiles            128
Neutron Flare           160      Phase Disruptor Cannon          160
Pulse Cannon            128      STS/STA Photon Cannon           224
Scarab                  128      Yamato Gun                      320
Lockdown                256      Irradiate                       256
EMP Shockwave           288      Optical Flare                   288
Restoration             192      Stasis                          288
Psi Storm               288      Disruption Web                  288
Mind Control            256      Feedback                        320
Maelstorm               320      Parasite                        384
Spawn Broodling         288      Ensnare                         288
Dark Swarm              288      Plague                          288
Consume                 16

4) Score
4.1) Unit's Score
After victory or defeat in Starcraft games score always shown. One most 
score calculation is the unit's score. Here is the score table for units.
Build means the score achieved when building that unit, and Destroy mean the 
achieved when the player destroy that unit.
This informations is given because may be in some unofficial/amateur tournaments 
competition use scores for determine the winner.

Zerg Unit       Build   Destroy     Terran Unit     Build   Destroy
Larva           0       10          Spider Mine     0       25
Egg             0       25          SCV             50      100
Broodling       0       25          Marine          50      100
Zergling        25      50          Vulture         75      150
Drone           50      100         Firebat         100     200
Overlord        100     200         Medic           125     250
Scourge         100     200         Ghost           175     350
Hydralisk       125     350         Goliath         200     400
Infested Terran 200     400         Dropship        300     600
Defiler         225     450         Siege Tank      350     700
Lurker          250     500         Valkyrie        400     800
Mutalisk        300     600         Wraith          400     800
Queen           400     800         Sc. Vessel      625     1250
Guardian        550     1100        Nuclear         800     0
Devourer        550     1100        Battlecruiser   1200    2400
Ultralisk       650     1300
Lurker Egg      0       500
M/G Cocoon      0       1100

Protoss Unit    Build   Destroy
Scarab          0       0
Interceptor     30      60
Probe           50      100
Zealot          100     200
Shuttle         200     400
Observer        225     450
Dragoon         250     500
Dark Templar    325     650
High Templar    350     700
Corsair         350     700
Reaver          400     800
Dark Archon     650     1300
Scout           650     1300
Archon          700     1400
Carrier         950     1900
Arbiter         1025    2050

4.2) Hero's Score
Heroes also have score, but they can only be seen on Campaign or Use Map 

Hero                    Destroy    Hero                    Destroy
Critters                10         Civilian                10
Devouring One           100        Jim Raynor (Marine)     200
Jim Raynor (Vulture)    300        Gui Montag              400
D. Templar              400        Fenix (Zealot)          400
Yggdrasil               400        Hunter Killer           500
Infested Duran          700        Samir Duran             700
Alexei Stukov           700        Sarah Kerrigan          700
Alan Schezar            800        Zeratul                 800
Unclean One             900        Fenix (Dragoon)         1000
Kukulza (Mutalisk)      1200       Raszagal                1300
Edmund Duke (S.Tank)    1400       Tassadar                1400
Aldaris                 1400       Tom Kazansky            1600
Warbringer              1600       Matriach                1600
Kukulza (Guardian)      2200       Artanis                 2400
Magellan                2500       Mojo                    2600
Torrasque               2600       Tas/Zer (Archon)        2800
Gantrithor              3800       Infested Kerrigan       4000
Danimoth                4100       Arcturus. Mengsk        4800
Hyperion                4800       Norad II                4800
Gerard Dugalle          4800

4.3) Building's Score
Besides the score, below are the list of Building's Sight Range.
Note that if a building has a detector, its detector range is always 7 
it sight range.

Building                Build   Destroy Sight
Supply Depot            50      150     8
Refinery                50      150     8
Missile Turret          50      150     11
Bunker                  50      150     10
Engineering Bay         65      195     8
Comsat Station          75      225     10
Nuke Silo               75      225     8
Barracks                75      225     8
Covert Ops              75      225     8
Physic Labs             75      225     8
Machine Shop            75      225     8
Control Tower           100     300     8
Academy                 100     300     8
Armory                  100     300     8
Factory                 200     600     8
Starport                200     600     10
Science Facility        275     825     10
Command Center          400     1200    10
Extractor               25      75      7
Spore Colony            25      195     10
Evolution Chamber       40      120     8
Creep Colony            40      120     10
Sunken Colony           40      240     10
Spawning Pool           75      225     8
Nydus Canal             75      225     8
Hydralisk Den           100     300     8
Defiler Mound           150     450     8
Queen Nest              175     525     8
Greater Spire           200     1350    8
Spire                   250     750     8
Ultralisk Cavern        275     825     8
Infested Command Center 300     900     10
Hatchery                300     900     9
Lair                    100     1200    10
Hive                    100     1500    11
Pylon                   50      150     8
Assimilator             50      150     10
Shield Battery          50      150     10
Gateway                 75      225     10
Photon Cannon           100     300     11
Cybernetic Core         100     300     10
Forge                   100     300     10
Robotic Support Bay     125     375     10
Observatory             175     525     10
Citadel of Adun         200     600     10
Templar Archives        250     750     10
Robotic Facility        300     900     10
Stargate                300     900     10
Fleet Beacon            350     1050    10
Nexus                   400     1200    11
Arbiter Tribunal        450     1350    10

4.4) Special Building

Special Building        HP      Destroy Sight
Power Generator         800     600     8
Warp Gate               700     2000    8
Cerebrate               1500    2500    8
Cerebrate Daggoth       1500    2500    8
Khaydarin Crystal F.    Inv.    2500    10
Psi Disruptor           2000    3600    10
Overmind Cocoon         2500    4000    10
Xel'Naga Temple         5000    5000    10
Mature Chrysalis        250     5000    8
Norad II                700     5000    10
Protoss Temple          1500    5000    10
Ion Cannon              2000    5000    8
Stasis Cell/Prison      2000    5000    8
Zerg Overmind           2500    10000   8
Zerg Overmind (Shell)   5000    10000   8

5) Brood, Squadron, & Tribes
Below, is the table for the Starcraft (and not BroodWar). In Broodwar, the
name is almost the same, except for few Terran's Squadron. And there is a new
colour, Green. But Green is technically only change other colour (I forget
what colour, but I think its Brown. Need Help here, if some one know, please
email me).
Although this information doesn't affect gameplay, but may be you want to know 

Colour   Zerg              Terran               Protoss
Red      Tiamat Brood      Elite Guard          Ara Tribe
Blue     Surtur Brood      Mar Sara             Sargas Tribe
Teal     Fenris Brood      Kel-Morian Combine   Akilae Tribe
Purple   Jormungand Brood  Antiga               Furinax Tribe
Orange   Garm Brood        Delta Squadron       Auriga Tribe
Brown    Grendel Brood     Omega Squadron       Venatir Tribe
White    Baelrog Brood     Alpha Squadron       Shelak Tribe
Yellow   Leviathan Brood   Epsilon Squadron     Velari Tribe

6) Animation Height
Higher Animation Height, will mean higher elevation. So in table below, a Wraith 
will be on top of a Dropship. This may sound unimportant, but it is not. Don't 
hidding a unit under other unit can be a good tactic. (Observers are always in 
of Carriers)
The exception is the 19 value, they can't be higher than flying units but always 
higher than any ground units or building.

Anim. Height    Object
0               Beacon
1               Floor Hatch, Start Location
2               Larva, Spawning Pool
3               Bunker
4               All other objects that not included in other height
16              Science Vessel, Dropship, Battlecruiser, Overlord, Valkyrie, 
18              Wraith, Nuclear Missile, Scanner Sweep, Mutalisk, Guardian, 
                Scourge, Cocoon, Corsair, Devourer, Shuttle, Scout, Interceptor, 
                Observer, Kakaru, Raszagal, Map Revealer
19              Disruption Web, Dark Swarm

7) Cooldown
Cooldown is the time between the ending of attack and the beginning of another. 
So the lowest cooldown mean the fastest attack rate.
Listed below, is some hero cooldown rate that different from normal unit (with 
unit's cooldown for comparison).

Weapon                 Cooldown  Notes
Fusion Cutter          15
Gauss Rifle            15        7.5 with Stimpack
Flame Thrower          22        11 with Stimpack
Fragmentation Grenade  30
Twin Autocannons       22
Hellfire Missile Pack  22
Arclite Cannon         37
Arclite Shock Cannon   75
Burst Lasers           30
Gemini Missiles        22
Halo Rockets           64
C-10 Canister Rifle    22
ATS/ATA Laser Battery  30
Spines                 22
Claws                  8         6 with Adrenal Glands
Needle Spines          15
Glave Wurm             30
Subterranean Spines    37
Toxic Spores           15
Acid Spores            30
Corrosive Venom        100
Kaiser Blades          15
Particle Beam          22
Psi Blades             22
Phase Disruptor        30
Dual Photon Blasters   30
Anti-matter Missiles   22
Neutron Flare          8
Scarab                 60
Warp Blades            30
Psionic Shockwave      20
Pulse Cannon           1
Phase Disruptor Cannon 45
Longbolt Missiles      15
Subterranean Tentacle  32
Seeker Spore           15
STA/STS Photon Cannon  22

Hero                Cooldown  Normal
Raynor (Vulture)    22        30
Hyperion            22        30
Infested Kerrigan   15        8
Fenix (Dragoon)     22        30
Tassadar            22        n/a (Psi Assault only used by Tassadar)
Zeratul             22        30

8) Record
Unit         Special
Vulture      The fastest Ground unit (with upgrade)
Zergling     The fastest Zerg's Ground unit (with upgrade)
Zealot       The fastest Protoss's Ground unit (with upgrade)
Overlord     The slowest unit (without upgrade)
Reaver       The slowest ground unit
Ultralisk    The strongest ground unit (highest HP)
Siege Tank   The farthest attack range unit
SCV          The best combat unit of all Workers

9) Speed
Units speed are hard to check, and it also have acceleration.
Below is the data of units, from the fastest to the slowest unit.
(1 is the fastest, larger number mean slower units)
I have so many times and also trial and error to presents the table below, if 
found any mistake, please inform me.

Unit Speed
1. Vulture (Upgraded)
2. Zergling (Upgraded)
3. Ultralisk (Upgraded) -> Almost have no difference with no. 2
4. Wraith, Scourge, Mutalisk, Queen, Shuttle (Upgraded), Scout (Upgraded), 
5. Vulture
6. Broodling
7. Infested Terran, Zealot (Upgraded), Lurker
8. Valkyrie -> Almost have no difference with no. 7 
9. Zergling
10. Hydralisk (Upgraded)
11. Ultralisk, Science Vessel, Observer (Upgraded)
12. Devourer -> Almost have no difference with no. 13
13. Drone, SCV, Probe, Archon, Dragoon, Scout, Arbiter, Dark Templar, Dark 
14. Goliath
15. Shuttle
16. Firebat, Ghost, Siege Tank, Marine, Defiler, Zealot, Medic
17. Hydralisk, Dropship
18. Carrier, Observer, Overlord (Upgraded)
19. Templar
20. Battlecruiser, Guardian
21. Overlord (Upgraded/before patches 1.04 or BroodWar)
22. Reaver
23. Overlord

10) Supply
Below are units and buildings that can provide supply:

Unit/Building      Race       Supply
Supply Depot       Terran     8 
Pylon              Protoss    8 
Overlord           Zerg       8
Hatchery/Lair/Hive Zerg       1
Command Center     Terran     10
Nexus              Protoss    9
Yggadrasil         Zerg Hero  30

Unpublished work Copyrighted by S. Rudiyanto N. 1999