Sampaguita (e)

Sampaguita Walkthrough
Version 1.0
by Andreas Simmer (

This is just a quick Walkthrough of the game to get
"good end 1". My Japanese is not good enough to translate 
the whole text, and I also don't want to write down 
all answer possibilities, there are too many.
When you have the choice of a few answers in the game,
I will mark it with a () containing a number. For example 
(*2*) = 2 possible inputs.
I can only describe what happens if you pick the right
(or the wrong) option. Because every time you play the
texts will be in a different order, sometimes 
I will write down the japanese text, if you pick the 
wrong option, load a saved game!

If you start the game for the first time and have not
saved a game to memory card before, you will only see
Start and Options on the title screen. When you saved
a game, two other buttons (continue and replay) will
appear. Skip the button config, after that screen you
can enter your name, or choose "no" to begin.

After the intro, you walk down a street and a police
car appears. You will get a choice of 2 answers here for
the first time. (*2*)Ask the policeman what is going on
(nani ga atta..)and the intro continues. You find Maria
and carry her home on your back. At a crossroad you can
choose between (*2*)turning left (a shortcut) or right (the
street). Go left and after a short conversation arrive 
I don't know if the choices in the intro have any effect
on the rating of the game (to get a good or bad ending).
I just know that there is some hidden scene when Maria
changes her clothes later on (you can watch her...), but
I got this scene only once, and I don't know which options
I chose before.

When you enter your room with Maria you notice some
magazines. (*2*)Choose to put them away. Then you give
some clothes to Maria and leave your house to buy 
some food. When you return, she is hiding. You sit
down to talk to her. She doesn't know where she comes
from or remembers anything else. You keep talking
and after (*2*) (sono hen no tokoro wa...) you ask her
to look in her bag: (*2*) (boku ni dekiru...)She finds
some stuff, money, pictures and a gun wrapped in a
cloth. (*2*) Look at the gun (boku...), not at Maria
at the following choice. She starts to cry, but doesn't
know if it is her gun. Now (*3*) pick the choice (doo 
suru...) to make her a bed and go to sleep, but she 
shouts to leave the lights on. Answer (*3*) (wakatta...)
to do so and go to sleep.

When you wake up you can talk to Maria or leave her.
(*2*) talk to her (koe o kakete...) and (*2*) ask her 
if she is ok (daijoubu?) Then you can go to work. In 
the newspaper you can read an article about the chinese
mafia, if you looked at Maria's gun in scene1 you 
noticed that it was made in china. At night, when you
walk home, a policeman stops you. (*3*) You just say
hello (konnichiwa) and he will let you go. At home you
notice that Maria has cleaned all rooms.

The next day, you can watch Maria a little closer: (*2*)
(koe o kakeru...), but they you quickly hide behind your
paper, so she doesn't notice that you are watching her.
(*3*) (boku ni kossori to...) At the end of the day talk
a bit more to her: First (*3*) (... me o sorashita), then
(*3*) (ii yo)

You are talking to Maria, trying to get any clues about her
past. When you look at the photos, you ask her (*2*) about
the boy (shashin no otokonoko ni) but she doesn't remember.
Again you take her gun and try to hide it. You have 2 options:
(*2*) Bury it in the park or hide it in your room. It is 
better to bury it (uzumete shimaou) under a tree in the park.
In the following scene, Maria touches you and begins to cry.
On your way back you try to cheer her up and buy some beer.
In your room you have the following choices: (*3*) Use her
make-up on yourself to make Maria laugh, take her money, and
listen to the tape. I would not recommend to take her money,
because then she will get angry. So first do the make-up, then
listen to the tape. Maria suddenly remembers someone called
"Boy". At night, when you are lying in bed together, keep
talking to her. (*3*)(shoujiki itte yoku wakaranai), then
(*2*) (maria ni hanashi...)

You start the day going shopping. You have the choice to
(*3*) go to the park, to a game-center, or to the supermarket.
I chose to go to the game-center, because Maria has a lot of
fun there (but perhaps the park will also work if you want 
to get the good end). Then Maria meets a few boy scouts, and
gets a shirt and a cap. You ask her (*2*) (dooshite?) why she
got those clothes, she tells you and you can go on shopping.
Now (*2*) whisper something to her (kono ma ma nan to...)and
she laughs.

Now a long sequence of conversation-scenes will take place.
Just a short summary: A man in a bar gives you the 
address of a guy (Randy) who can tell you something about
Maria's past and about the Philippines. In his restaurant you
see some Sampaguita-flowers lying on a table. I think he 
describes how children on the Philippines sell those flowers
in the streets. You notice a guy behind the bar, interrupt your
conversation with Randy (*3*) (kare ta hanashi...) to approach
the bar. First (*2*) (booi...) ask the guy about Boy, then (*2*)
(maria...) about Maria. He will tell you that he doesn't know
someone called Maria or Boy, so you go back to the table
where Randy is still waiting. He asks you about the name of a 
person, and you answer (*3*) (maria no namae o kotaeta). After
more talking you return home with some flowers for Maria.
When she notices the flowers she remembers and tells you about
her childhood on the Philippines, but as soon as she finishes
talking the guy from Randy's bar enters your room. He hits you 
and takes Maria with him. You hear her calling his name: Boy!


Because Maria hasn't come back you start to clean up the room
and decide what to do. (*2*) You can go back to Randy's but it
is better to go back to the park first and then talk to a person
in a restaurant (I don't know who this man is, and I don't 
understand most of the conversation - if you have a translation
please mail me) I just can say that it is very important for the
good end to talk to this man. Anyway, after this long conversation
scene you return home to see a light in the window. You run into
your room to find Maria waiting for you... 

You go for a walk with Maria, visit a small shrine and she tells 
you not to worry. At night, in a coin laundry, you again talk about
her time on the Philippines. She tells you of the Christmas time
there and you ask her (*3*) if these were happy times (fuiripin ...
tanoshii...) Then you suggest to go there together some time (itsuka
issho ni itte mitai na). The following choice (*2*) you answer with
(sono toki wa). A scene will take place, where Boy comes to talk to 
Maria, they shout and you see that the brought her a Philippines 
passport. He tells her she doesn't belong to Japan. Back home you
talk to Maria in bed. This is another very important scene for the
good end. She must tell you about her childhood and her time in
HongKong (*3*) (un, shinjite...) A long scene follows.

One day, in town, you see that 3 gangsters are trying to kill Boy.
You shout to warn him, but he gets shot and one of the killers
comes after you. You can run to (*3*) the park, the river or the
underground. I think it is just luck if he gets you or if you 
can escape. (I managed to get away by trying the underground)
When you return home you find Boy, who removed the bullet and 
treated his wound.
Nothing more to do in this scene.

In a stormy night you return home to find the 3 killers in your
room. They take Maria with them and beat you up. You try to stand
up and follow them. Then you decide to get the gun you buried under
the tree in the park (*2*) (? o ? okosun da!) You manage to get back
the gun but then you feel a hand on your shoulder...

Boy and a group of armed guys are going to free Maria. You decide to
go with them, but Boy takes your gun and convinces you it is better
for you to wait outside... (*2*) (dame da...) You are very afraid, but
they manage to get out Maria unharmed...
No more choices, you can sit back and watch:


As I said, I didn't understand the whole story (the 
relationship maria/boy, all the stuff in HongKong and
why the gangsters are after boy...) So if someone has
more infos about these things some other secrets of the 
game, please mail me:
Also if you find any mistakes in the translations or the
few japanese answers I wrote down, send me a mail!