sakura taisen walkthrough v0.8 -- introduction --------------------- this faq is not yet totally finnished, therefore it may not have all the desirable explanations.. anyway i have almost finnished the final version you won't have to wait for too long.. action last speaker.choice effect ----------------------- episode 01 -- -- prologue ------------------------- -- adventure part ------------------- sakura.2/2 +sakura sumire.2/2 +sumire speakto maria knock ikki.2/2 iris.2/2 iris.3/3 +(iris sakura) sakura.3/3 +(iris sakura) ?man.2/2 ?man.1/2 ?boy.1/2 goto reception & lookat pictures lookat & take sakura picture goto costumes room sakura.2/3 +sakura sakura.3/3 +sakura goto make-up room iris.2/2 +iris lookat jean-paul iris.3/3 +iris goto stage entrance speakto maria maria.1/2 goto library goto salon speakto sumire sumire.2/3 +sumire sumire.0/2 goto sumire's bedroom knock sumire.0/1 +sumire sumire.3/3 +sumire goto ikki's office ?kasumi.1/2 goto secretariat ?yuri.1/2 goto ikki's office ikki.2/2 sakura.1/2 sakura.1/2 +sakura -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- sakura.1/3 +sakura goto hall goto reception +sakura goto library maria.2/3 +maria goto costumes room goto make-up room lookat jean-paul goto iris' bedroom knock +(iris sakura) goto anywhere untill: sakura.2/3 +sakura goto ichirou's bedroom n/a.3/3 maria.3/3 maria.2/2 +maria n/a.1/2 +(sumire iris maria sakura) sakura.1/2 sakura.1/2 +(maria sumire sakura) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- 2/2 (no tutorial) destroy robots destroy boss ( sakura.2/3 +sakura ) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- epilogue ------------------------- -- jikaiyokoku ---------------------- -- eye catch ------------------------ ----------------------- episode 02 -- -- prologue ------------------------- -- adventure part ------------------- iris.2/2 kouran.1/2 +kouran kouran.1/2 +kouran goto reception & lookat pictures lookat & take kouran picture +kouran goto dinning room kouran.2/2 goto ikki's office lookat sakura's dress sakura.1/3 +sakura kouran.2/3 kouran.1/3 +kouran knock speakto maria maria.1/2 +(maria kouran) sumire.1/3 +sumire -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- n/a.1/2 kouran.3/3 +kouran kouran.2/3 +kouran kouran.3/3 +kouran n/a.1/2 goto kouran's bedroom knock +kouran lookat kouran's hair +kouran speakto kouran kouran.1/3 win or lose +kouran goto iris' bedroom knock lookat iris' pyjamas iris.1/3 +iris goto terrace maria.1/2 +maria goto stage entrance goto robots parking kouran.1/3 +kouran goto briefing table maria.1/3 +maria maria.2/3 +maria maria.3/3 goto sport room lookat sumire's breasts sumire.3/3 +sumire speakto sumire sumire.2/3 +sumire sumire.1/2 rescue sumire +sumire sumire.2/2 +sumire sumire.1/2 n/a.1/1 n/a.1/2 +sumire sumire.1/2 sakura.1/3 +(sumire sakura sumire) iris.0/2 +(kouran iris) sumire.1/2 +(sakura maria iris sumire) sakura.1/2 sakura.2/3 +sakura -sakura n/a.2/3 knock 2/2 speakto sakura 1/3 +sakura -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- 1/2 +(maria sumire iris sakura kouran) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- destroy cannons and robots put ichirou on the stand and others at the bottom of the map do kabau on someone before black robot attacks her destroy white robot ( sakura.?/3 not 1 ) ( kouran.2/3 +kouran ) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- epilogue ------------------------- -- jikaiyokoku ---------------------- -- eye catch ------------------------ ----------------------- episode 03 -- -- prologue ------------------------- -- adventure part ------------------- maria.3/3 ?kasumi.1/3 goto reception & lookat pictures lookat & take kanna picture goto dinning room goto ikki's office knock ikki.1/3 goto costumes room sakura.2/3 goto make-up room iris.1/2 +iris goto maria's bedroom knock speakto maria maria.2/3 +maria goto ayame's bedroom knock ayame.1/3 ayame.2/3 ayame.3/3 goto salon sumire.2/2 +sumire goto terrace maria.1/1 +maria goto changing-room kouran.2/3 +kouran goto stage entrance iris.0/2 +(sumire kouran sakura) kanna.1/2 kanna.2/2 +kanna kanna.1/3 kanna.3/3 kanna.1/3 +kanna kanna.1/3 +kanna n/a.0/1 kanna.1/3 +kanna kanna.2/3 kanna.3/3 2x(+kanna) maria.2/3 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- ikki.1/2 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- destroy robots ( kanna.2/3 +kanna ) goto setsuna setsuna?.1/1 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- sakura.1/2 +(sakura sumire kanna iris kouran) sakura.2/2 kouran.1/3 +kouran maria.0/2 n/a.1/2 maria.1/1 ayame.2/3 goto library n/a.1/3 kouran.1/2 +kouran goto changing-room n/a.2/2 kanna.2/2 goto changing-room goto stage entrance sumire.2/2 +sumire goto lobby maria.1/2 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- destroy robots take glowing thing (pendant) behind maria's robot -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- +maria -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- let setsuna live until no more: ?x(+maria?) make maria destroy setsuna's robot -- eye catch ------------------------ -- epilogue ------------------------- -- jikaiyokoku ---------------------- -- eye catch ------------------------ ----------------------- episode 04 -- -- prologue ------------------------- -- adventure part ------------------- sakura.2/2 sakura.2/3 +sakura speakto iris iris.2/3 iris.0/3 iris.3/3 +iris if good score +iris (151,194 did it) (18 didn't) ( goto ayame's bedroom ) ( knock ayame.1/3 ) ( ayame.2/3 ) ( ayame.3/3 ) goto sumire's bedroom knock sumire.2/3 +sumire goto kouran's bedroom knock kouran.1/2 +kouran goto terrace maria.2/3 +maria maria.2/3 +maria goto reception & lookat pictures lookat & take iris picture goto dinning room kanna.1/3 +kanna goto backstage sakura.2/2 if any ganbatte +sakura or sakura.1/2 +sakura goto changing room n/a.2/2 goto iris' bedroom knock -iris lookat jean-paul iris.1/3 +iris lookat iris' dress iris.1/3 +iris iris.2/3 +iris n/a.1/3 iris.1/3 +iris iris.3/3 +iris n/a.2/2 stallholder.3/3 +iris lookat & take pendant (right) +iris n/a.1/1 n/a.2/2 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- maria.2/2 -iris sumire.2/3 knock kouran.1/3 +sumire n/a.1/2 ayame.1/3 -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- knock iris.1/2 iris.1/1 ayame.2/2 +(kanna sumire maria kouran sakura) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- maria.1/2 +iris surround iris iris.1/2 2x(+iris) setsuna.1/3 +sakura (if you want to boost sakura) do kabau on sakura and you'll get +sakura each turn you'll protect her -- eye catch ------------------------ -- epilogue ------------------------- -- jikaiyokoku ---------------------- -- eye catch ------------------------ ----------------------- episode 05 -- -- prologue ------------------------- -- adventure part ------------------- speakto sumire -sumire speakto kanna -kanna speakto kanna speakto sumire sakura.1/3 -(kanna sumire) goto reception & lookat pictures lookat & take sumire picture goto briefing table ikki.1/3 ayame.1/2 ikki.1/1 kanna.2/3 ayame.1/2 goto briefing table speakto sakura sakura.1/3 +sakura speakto maria maria.1/3 +maria goto robots parking speakto kouran kouran.2/2 (ichirou) kouran.1/2 (maria) kouran.1/2 (sakura) kouran.2/2 (sumire) kouran.1/2 (kanna) kouran.2/2 (iris) kouran.1/2 +kouran (kouran) kouran.2/3 +kouran goto iris' bedroom knock iris.1/3 iris.1/3 +iris ( goto ayame's bedroom ) ( knock ayame.1/3 ) ( ayame.2/3 ) ( ayame.3/3 ) goto building entrance +(sumire kanna) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- adventure part ------------------- kanna.1/3 sumire.1/3 sumire.1/3 +sumire goto lobby (2nd floor) speakto kanna sumire.1/2 +kanna kanna.1/2 +kanna kanna.1/2 +kanna kanna.1/2 +kanna goto 6 times to a room (the same as the one you're in for example) +kanna goto upper right corner bedroom (1st floor) take medicine kit near bed goto dinning room (2nd floor) take small bottle on the table +kanna kanna.2/2 +kanna lookat & goto right door kanna.1/2 +sumire sumire.1/2 +sumire sumire.1/2 +sumire sumire.1/2 +sumire goto 6 times to a room (the same as the one you're in for example) +sumire goto small room at the hall's left (1st floor) take small bottle on the table +sumire sumire.2/2 +sumire goto upper left bedroom (1st floor) take keys on the floor goto upper right bedroom (2nd floor) take keys on the floor goto dinning room (1st floor) sumire.1/3 +(sumire kanna) goto ladder goto small door goto ladder miroku.1/3 +(kanna sumire) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- sentou part ---------------------- destroy robots sumire.0/2 +(sumire kanna) -- eye catch ------------------------ -- epilogue ------------------------- -- jikaiyokoku ---------------------- from this point, theres are 6 ways to continue the choice of one girl to get a date with appears in the 6th episode i'm currently working on this second part of the faq anyway, the game from now on is not difficult, you may see one of the endings by yourself.. if you don't want to, just wait for the next version of this faq minnasan sayonara.. written by jesus2099 of shamo or