Sailor Stars - Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2 FAQ (e)

            Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
              _____       _ _               _____ _                 
             / ____|     (_) |             / ____| |                
            | (___   __ _ _| | ___  _ __  | (___ | |_ __ _ _ __ ___ 
             \___ \ / _` | | |/ _ \| '__|  \___ \| __/ _` | '__/ __|
             ____) | (_| | | | (_) | |     ____) | || (_| | |  \__ \
            |_____/ \__,_|_|_|\___/|_|    |_____/ \__\__,_|_|  |___/                                                                    
                             _           _           _          /  )
                            |_       _. |_       _. |_)_.._ o _   / 
                            ||_|\/\/(_| ||_|\/\/(_| | (_|| ||(_  /  
                                                       ___       __
                                                      |     /\  |  | 
                                                      |--- /--\ | \|
                                                      |   /    \`--\

                     Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
                                Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2
                           Frequently Asked Questions
                             Written by: Jacob Poon
                            ASCII art by: Jacob Poon



The latest version of this FAQ is available at:

Goldart's Home Page:


Needed help on:

Better ASCII art title.  To be speific, the font for 'Sailor Stars' text 
should be more cursive.  Currently Figlet doesn't seem to provide 
satisfactory results.

Need to fill in character quotes.

Revision history

1.0 (1998 Oct 6)
- Initial public release


The game

Bandai's 4th (and last known) Sailor Moon puzzle game now returns as a 
Sufami Turbo title.  The Magical Drop style game play is still intact, but 
the game rules had been changed.  As before, you got SD characters to play 

Game specs

Platform: Super Famicom w/Sufami Turbo
Developer/Publisher: Bandai
Size: ?Mbit ROM/0kbit SRAM
SRP: <4000yen w/o Sufami Turbo
Release date: 1996
Genre: Puzzle
Save: Password

Explanations of Game Menus

Title screen

After pressing start, you get 4 options:

Story mode
Versus mode
      1P vs 2P
      1P vs COM
Puzzle mode

Press A to confirm selection, and B to exit submenus.

Game play explanations

Fuwa Fuwa settings

In Fuwa Fuwa 1 mode, it allows you pop any non-grey large balloons.  This 
is the popping style used in the prequel.

In Fuwa Fuwa 2 mode, can only pop up non-grey large balloons that are 
horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally, beside another non-grey 
large balloons of the same colour.  In other words, you must pop balloons 
in lumps.

Story mode

At first you will get to choose either FF1 (left) or FF2 (right) mode 
(this setting affects both 1P and COM).  Then you choose your character.  
Then you will battle through various opponents in 2-win matches, with 
Super Sailor Chibi Moon at last second, and yourself as the final boss.  
Between matches, you are prompted for continue (upper choice) or quit 
(lower choice).  Quitting will give you the password for your progress.

If you lose a match, you will still continue your game, and playing 
against the remaining opponents.  The won matches are marked with yellow 
stars and lost matches are marked with grey stars.

The game ends after you lost 3 matches or played 9 matches, whichever 
comes first.

VS mode

You can choose between all characters.  After choosing your player, you 
can set the FF option for each player.  Press select you will find 
following options which affects both players:

Number of rounds per match.  Available choices are 1, 3, 5.  Default is 3.

Colour or balloon.  It determines how many unique balloon colours (except 
grey) will be available during the game.  Available choices are 3, 4, 5.  
Default is 4.  3 colours include red, yellow, blue, equivalent to the 
'easy' setting in prequel; 4 colours include all colours in '3 colours' 
setting, plus green, equivalent to the 'normal' setting in prequel; 5 
colours include all colours in '4 colours' setting, plus orange, 
equivalent to the 'hard' setting in prequel.  Note:  This setting can 
directly affect the colours of balloons generated by Venus Love and Beauty 
Shock, and Star Sensitive Inferno.

Power ratio.  It indicates how many balloons you need to pop in one shot 
to build up balloon gauge.  Available choices are 2, 3, 4, 5.  Default is 3.

Return (modoru).  Exits the menu.  This is equivalent to press Start in 
this menu.  Note:  After you exit this menu, all character and FF mode 
selections are automatically undone.

In story mode, it uses the settings of 3-round match, 4 colours, and power 
ratio of 3.

Puzzle mode

This is the puzzle challenge of this game.  Initially, you can either hear 
Diana's instruction (bottom choice) or just play the game (upper choice).

Puzzle challenge involves popping all balloons on screen with limited 
number of shots.  FF2 rule is enforced so you have to pop in lumps.

There are 60 stages in this game.  But if you can finish them with 99 or 
fewer misses, you can play 10 more stages.


Configures the following:

Key settings:
Attack (fuusenutsu): Key for popping balloon.
Special (hissatsuwaza): Key for doing specials.

BGM: Hear BGM.
SE: Hear sound effects.
VOICE: Hear character voices.
Sound: stereo (sutereo) or mono (monoraru)

Special (hissatsuwaza): automatic (jidou) or manual (shudou).  If 
automatic is chosen, your character's own special will be used 
automatically after balloon gauge has filled up.  This setting also 
affects COM players.

Exit (modoru): Exits option screen.


Balloon mapping legend:

R/r: Big/small red balloon
Y/y: Big/small yellow balloon
B/b: Big/small blue balloon
G/g: Big/small green balloon
O/o: Big/small orange balloon
S: Gray/grey/silver balloon
?: Randomly chosen balloon
.: Unaffected balloon, if exist
_ or ' ': No balloon

Game mechanics

Screen layout

For story and versus modes:
| ___________________________________________________________________________ |
||           c                       _ | _                                   ||
|| ____     /               a-/\    |^|||^|-b  /\                       ____ ||
|||    |__/\____/\____/\_____/  \___|^|||^|___/  \_____/\____/\____/\__|    |||
|||    |\@@@@/\    /\    /\        /|^||| |\        /\    /\    /\    /|    |||
|||    | >@@<  >__<  >__<  \  19  / | ||| | \  06  /  >__<  >__<  >__< |    |||
|||____| '  `  '  `  '  `  / _,._ \ `-'|`-' / _,._ \  '  `  '  `  '  ` |____|||
||                        /-'    `-\ _ | _ /-'    `-\                   /    ||
||   _    _    _    _    _    _     | ||| |               _            f     ||
||  / \  / \  / \  / \  / \  / \    | ||| |     _    _   / \   _   \|/   _   ||
|| (   )(   )(   )(   )(   )(   )   | ||| |    (_)  (_) (   ) (_)  -*-  (_)  ||
||  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \ | ||| |              \_/     j-/|\       ||
||   _                        _   |>| ||| |          _               h   _   ||
||  / \        _             / \  / | ||| |     _   / \               \ / \  ||
|| (   )      (_)           (   )   |o||| | e  (_) (   )               (   ) ||
||  \_/          \           \_/  d-|o||| | |       \_/                 \_/  ||
||   _            g                 |o||| | /   _                            ||
||  / \                             |o||| |<|  / \                           ||
|| (   )                            |o|||o| \ (   )                          ||
||  \_/                             |o|||o|    \_/                           ||
||   _                              |o|||o|                                  ||
||  / \                             |o|||o|                                  ||
|| (   )                            |o|||o|                                  ||
||  \_/                             `-'|`-'                                  ||
||   _                                 |                                     ||
||  / \                           *    o--m                                  ||
|| (   )                           \  -+-                                    ||
||  \_/                             \/ | \                                   ||
||   _                                 ^                                     ||
||  / \                               / \                                    ||
|| (   )                               |                                     ||
||  \_/        ^   i                   |                                     ||
||   _        / \ /                    |                                     ||
||  / \      (_^_)                     |                                     ||
|| (   )                               |                                     ||
||  \_/                                |                                     ||
||   _                                 |                                     ||
||  / \                                |                                     ||
|| (   )                               |                                     ||
||  \_/                                |                                     ||
|                        |                                                    |
|                        |                                                    |
|                        n                                                    |
|                                                                             |
|              _                                                    _         |
|             / \                                                  / \        |
|            (   )  k                                             (   )       |
|          |  \_/  /                                               \_/        |
|          |   |  /                                                 |         |
|          `---+---.                                            .---+---.     |
|              |   |                                         l--|   |   |     |
|              ^   |                                            |   ^   |     |
|             / \                                                  / \        |
|            /   \                                                /   \       |


a=Balloon counter.  This indicates how many balloons you will need to clear.
b=Timer.  When it is empty, balloons will be drained from the balloon 
counter.  It counts up to 99 balloons and the excess is lost.
c=Stars.  Each filled star represents a round won by respective player.
d=Balloon gauge.  When it is full, top 10 balloons in the gauge turns 
blue.  Depleted gauge no longer causes the respective character to 
e=Balloon gauge indicator.  It shows how many balloons you will have if 
next shot pops a sufficiently large amount of balloons in one shot.
f=Item box.  It shows the item you own or in effect.
g=Small balloon.  Normal or arrow shot will enlarge it.
h=Big balloon.  Normal or arrow shot will pop it, if it is not grey.
i=Projectile.  Its shape varies depending on the character.
j=Popped balloon.
k=Shooting character.  She cannot move when in this stance.
l=Standing character.  She can move when in this stance.
m=Chibi Chibi Moon.  She appears if one is attacking without a full 
balloon gauge.
n=Bottom line.  It flashes red if the lowest row of the field is not empty.

Game controls

In game:

(Based on default key map)

Shoot: Press A
Attack: Press B
Manually raise a wave of balloons: Press up.  Note:  If a column already 
reaches the bottom line, no balloon will be added to that column.  Also, 
it does not empty the timer as in prequel.
Pause: Press Start.  During the pause, the field(s) will be covered by 
the available items you can activate within current game mode.
Give up (in puzzle mode): Press Select

Victory condition

In story mode and vs. mode, you win by causing opponent's balloon(s) to 
stack below the bottom line of the field.

In puzzle mode, you win a stage by popping all balloons in the field 
within limited number of shots.

Balloon gauge

If you pop up a sufficiently large amount of balloon in one shot (3 in 
story mode), you can add balloon(s) into your balloon gauge, which allows 
you to attack.

In this sequel, you can accelerate the growth of the gauge by popping 
large lumps continuously.  For the nth streak of popping a large lump, you 
add n balloons to the gauge, until the gauge fills up.  For example, if 
you pop a large lump in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shot, you will add up to 6 
balloons to the gauge.  The streak continues even when you pop in large 
lump with a full gauge, but excess balloons are lost, until your balloons 
are consumed then continue the streak.

The streak ends if you pops fewer balloons than the minimum group size 
requirement in one shot, or if you use any shot but the regular shot or 
arrow shot to pop a balloon.  However, in first case, you don't add 
balloons to your gauge and the second case does (if it pops up a 
sufficiently large group).

There are exception on the rules in above paragraph.  If your shot (any 
kind) disappears before contacting a balloon or goes to the top of the 
field (eg opponent is attacking when you are shooting), that will not 
break your current streak.

You can build streak by popping balloons of different colours in one shot, 
with above restrictions, as long as you can pop sufficiently large amount 
of balloons.  A classic example will be following:


If you pop either R with only a normal or an arrow shot, you will also pop 
up the S balloon, for the total of 3 balloons, enough to start or continue 
the streak in story mode.

In any case, popping streak cannot be carried into next round/match, and 
balloon gauge is disabled in Stage Clear mode.

Unlike the prequel, the gauge won't lose balloons by popping grey 
balloons.  De-transformation is also gone in this game so just pop away as 
many grey balloons as you need/want.


As in prequel, you get an item by popping a lump of non-grey balloons of 
same colour, arranged in specific patterns, by using only normal or arrow 
shot.  The grey balloons adjacent to the coloured balloons do not affect 
the dropped item.  Here are the ones used in this game:

Pattern      Effect

***          Destroys one row of balloon(s).  Duration: 1 shot.
 *           Destroys one column of balloon(s).  Duration: 1 shot.

**           Receipient fires arrow shots, which behave the same as normal 
**           shots, except they can pop isolated balloons.  Useless if you 
             play by FF1 rules.  Duration: Limited by time (how long?)

***          Destroys all balloons of same colour, regardless of size.  
 *           Duration: 1 shot.

 *           Receipient's future waves of rising balloons will have the 
***          same colour.  Colour of balloons is the same throughout all 
             affected waves.  Duration: 2 waves.

 *           Completely fills up receipient's balloon gauge.  Duration: 
***          Permanent.

Other lumps  Empties receipient's balloon gauge.  Unlike the prequel, it 
of 4 that    can no longer de-transform receipient.
are not 

For those who noticed, the item which allows the recepient to control 
projectile's direction is gone in this game.

If you already posseses an item, getting another item will lose the 
current item and disable its future effects.

Charater attacks

By popping balloons in groups of 4 or more (including grey ones or lumps 
of different colours, but not using character attacks) in one shot, you 
can add balloons to opponent's counter, as well as remove balloons from 
your own counter.

If you attack before filling up the gauge, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon shows 
up and destorys one balloon at each column.  The exact row for each column 
of balloon is chosen randomly, but she always hits the rows with balloons, 
if the column is not empty.  Such attack uses 3 balloons from the gauge.

If you attack with full gauge, your character will do her own type of 
attack.  Such attack uses 10 balloons from the gauge.

Character specific attacks are much more powerful than in the prequel.  
Also, those attacks no longer directly changes attacker's field in any 
way, shape, of form.

Eternal Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss
Effect: Turns opponent's all non-grey balloons into small ones, if exist.  
It may also add balloons to opponent's counter.

Super Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Effect: Turns opponent's field into following pattern:


Super Sailor Mars: Mars Flame Sniper
Effect: Turns opponent's field into following pattern:


Super Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Oak Evolution
Effect: Randomly adds 3 columns of grey balloons of depth 7 to opponent's 
field, starting from the topmost row.  Any existing balloons in the 
selected columns are replaced, except the ones touches the bottom line.

Super Sailor Venus: Venus Love and Beauty Shock
Effect: If there colour of balloon is set to 4, it turns opponent's field 
into one of the following patterns:

...... ......
...... ......

If there colour of balloon is not 4, it turns opponent's field into one of 
the following pattern, where '?' replaced by large non-grey balloons, with 
colours chosen randomly from the available colour set associated with the 
colour of balloon setting:


Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser
Effect: Randomly adds 2 columns of grey balloons of depth 8 to opponent's 
field, starting from the topmost row.  Any existing balloons in the 
selected columns are replaced.

Sailor Star Maker: Star Gentle Uterus
Effect: Adds 99 balloons to opponent's balloon counter.

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno
Effect: Fills all of opponent's empty cells with randomly chosen non-grey 
balloons of any size.

Super Sailor Chibi Moon: Twinkle Yell
Effect: Turns 12 opponent's balloons into grey ones, starting from the one 
at the rightmost column of the lowest row, changing in order of rightmost 
to leftmost column of same row, then lowest row to highest row.  For 

Oooooo    OooCBA
OO ooo -> 98 765
 o O O     4 3 2
 O         1

Where numbers 1 to C are the order which balloons are turned.

The attack skips empty cells, but not existing grey balloons (they are 
just turned into grey again).  Small balloons turned into large ones (ie 
no small grey balloons).  If fewer than 12 balloons exist in opponent's 
field, the attack will not affect future ballons shown in opponent's 
field.  This attack may also add balloons to opponent's counter.

If a player uses an attack, all the rising balloons and ongoing 
projectiles of both sides immediately disappear.  If a player is firing 
special shots (other than arrow shots), that player will lose the shot as 
well.  If a player managed to control future colours of balloons, that 
means that player can lose 1 wave of balloons of same colour!  

Attacks that drain attacker's balloon gauge do not break the popping 
streak already in progress.



Because now you can build up balloon gauge quickly by popping in large 
lumps continuously, that means you have 2 ways to attack, either by 
building a huge lump of same colour and popping it, or by popping just 
enough balloons per shot to build up the gauge quickly enough to unleash 
character-based attacks quickly.

Winning in story mode

There is only a limited set of initial balloon layouts in story mode, so 
it is not difficult to fill up balloon gauge faster than COM does.  By 
filling the gauge faster, it can prevent opponents from attacking you 
(except Sailor Star Maker, and Sailor Star Fighter and Super Sailor 
Jupiter for lesser extents).

Remember, COM is not always perfect on choosing the most lethal order (ie 
the order that builds up the gauge most quickly) for popping initial set 
of balloons.  Therefore there are opportunities to win match quickly.

If you have trouble of winning with better endings, try the password 
feature, or starting a new game with FF1 mode, or even try switching 

Grey balloons

Unlike the prequel, most balloons emptied from the counters are not grey.  
Therefore it is almost impossible to overwhelm opponents by filling their 
bottom rows with those balloons.

In this game, the grey balloon tactics that worked so well in prequel has 
become a risky plan.  Not only because popping them will not lower the 
balloon gauge, but attacking with grey balloons can actually help 
opponents by allowing them to build up their gauges faster, and allowing 
them to counterattack by adding more balloons on your balloon counter.  
For opponents playing with FF2 mode, grey balloons are tremendous help for 

AI flaws

Although no SNES titles (even with Super FX2 and DSP2 chips) can match the 
adaptive intelligence of an average human brain, a major AI flaw is all it 
takes to ruin the gaming experience.  Unfortunately, this game has some 
flaws that shouldn't have happened:

In some rare occasions, if COM's cells are completely filled, COM 
character sometimes may just stand around and do nothing, even if all of 
the following conditions are true:

- Bottom row does not have grey balloons.
- COM has enough balloons in the gauge to clean up a row or two.
- COM has enough time to pop up at least a row manually.
- COM is playing under FF1 rules.

This happens more frequently if no horizontally adjacent balloons have the 
same colour and/or size.  This bug rarely occurs, but you will notice it 
when it happens.

When the balloon gauge is too low, COM may not clean up the lower corners 
when the balloons in there are piled down to the bottom line, even when:

- COM is playing under FF1 rules.
- The balloons at lower corners are not grey.
- COM is at the corner that needs to be cleared immediately.

COM seems to be a sucker against Sailor Star Maker and Sailor Star 
Healer.  In case of Sailor Stars Healer, COM may come to a halt with above 
bug, by using Star Sensitive Inferno; in case of Sailor Star Maker, COM 
tends to lose for unable to empty the counter quick enough after receiving 
Star Gentle Uterus.  However, I do give a break for the programmers on 
neutralizing Star Gentle Uterus.  After all, even seasoned players playing 
by FF1 rules with a full timer have a hard time to empty all 99 balloons 
in the counter.

Fuwa Fuwa 2 strategies

Avoid balloons get stacked down at the edges.  This is especially 
important in FF2 mode since isolated balloons in lower corners are really 
hard to pop.  For that matter, don't expect Chibi Chibi Moon to be very 
helpful in such case.

If you happened to have isolated balloons reaching the bottom line, don't 
be afraid to raise a row or two of balloons manually, since no balloons 
will be added to those columns.  Besides, this may be the only way to 
clear them without CCM.

Don't forget to enlarge all lowermost balloons on each column first before 
raising a row.

Timing strategies

If you are attacked by waves of balloons, use CCM to clear out the 
balloons when the shadow balloons are still rising.  This clears out two 
rows of balloons instead of just one.

To deliver maximum damage for a character specific attack, do it when 
opponent's timer is empty and remains in the draining phase, with balloon 
gauge is low.  If you can't met all conditions, try to attack with 
opponent's low balloon gauge gauge or while there are enough balloons in 
opponent's balloon counter, depending on your attack and opponent's gauge 
and counter.

The best way to ruin opponent's colour matching item is to attack while 
opponent is raising balloons (manual or otherwise); similarly, the best 
way to ruin opponent's special shots (except arrow shots) is to attack 
while opponent is shooting.

Balloon gauge strategies

Continuously popping in large lumps allows you to fill the gauge faster, 
and recover more quickly from an attack.

If you want greater control over the timing of character specific attacks, 
try manual attack instead of automatic one.  However, opponents can do the 
same if switching attack type to manual.

Character Ratings

Starting from easiest to hardest, it indicates the difficulty of winning 
in story mode with 9 wins and no continues:

Very Easy: Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Stars Healer (due to AI flaw)

Easy: Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Chibi Moon

Normal: Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars

Hard: Sailor Star Fighter

Very Hard: Super Sailor Jupiter (try using her in FF2 mode!)


Play as Super Sailor Chibi Moon

To use her, as soon as you see the game's title screen appeared with the 
'start' prompt, press only the following keys, in sequence: X, A, B, Y, L, 
R.  If you do it correctly, there will be a sound sample is played, and 
you can play as her in all game modes.  If not, you will need to reset the 

If you use her in story mode, you won't play against her at the 8th 
match; you only play against her at the 9th match.

This code is effective until the hardware is reset.


Story mode

Depending on your performance, you will get the following endings:

Condition: 0 win 3 loss.
You will see Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon in Super Sailor Mars's stage.

Condition: 1 win 3 loss.
You will see Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon in Super Sailor Mars's stage, but 
with different words.  (Hey, where are Princess Fireball and Galaxia?)

Condition: 2 win 3 loss.
You will see Luna in Super Sailor Jupiter's stage.

Condition: 3 win 3 loss.
You will see Artemis in Super Sailor Jupiter's stage.

Condition: 4 win 3 loss.
You will see Diana in Super Sailor Venus/Sailor Star Healer's stage.

Condition: 5 win 3 loss.
You will see Tuxedo Mask in Super Sailor Venus/Sailor Star Healer's stage.

Condition: 6 win 3 loss.
You will see Super Sailor Uranus in Super Sailor Mercury/Sailor Star 
Fighter's stage.  A different BGM from the above conditions is played.

Condition: 7 win 2 loss.
You will see Super Sailor Neptune in Super Sailor Mercury/Sailor Star 
Fighter's stage.

Condition: 8 win 1 loss.
You will see Super Sailor Pluto in Eternal Sailor Moon/Sailor Star 
Maker's stage.

Condition: 9 win 0 loss.
You will see Super Sailor Saturn in Super Sailor Chibi Moon's stage, with 
'omedetou' (congratulations) text moving behind the movie box plane.  In 
addition, another BGM is played after the first one. 

After the ending is shown, press A or Start returns to title screen, 
except for 9 win 0 loss, which will move to credits section.

Puzzle mode

If you miss the puzzle for more than 99 times, your game is over after 
solving stage 60.

If you miss the puzzle for 99 times or fewer after solving stage 60.  
Diana will ask you whether or not to play special challenges.  If yes 
you can play 10 more levels, if not it will give you password, which 
allows continuing at level 61 with same amount of misses.

If you finish stage 70, you will see a group picture of all playable 
characters (except Super Sailor Chibi Moon) with 'omedetou!!' 
(congratulations!!) title.  Then you can skip to the credits.


[You see credits texts appears and disappeared at the transparent sidebar 
at left, with Eternal Sailor Moon at right in victory pose blinking her 
eyes, and a Moon at background.]

[After the credits texts are finished rolling, a circle closing in 
covering everything else outside the circle in black, until Eternal Sailor 
Moon's head remains.]

Eternal Sailor Moon (in words): 'Owari' (the end)

[If you play story mode and did not activate the code for playing Super 
Sailor Chibi Moon, the circle will expand a moment later and uncover the 
layers behind.  The sidebar now contains instructions of playing as Super 
Sailor Chibi Moon.  Otherwise, further waiting has no effect.]


History Background

During Bandai's initial launch of Sufami Turbo, Bandai's SFC add-on unit, 
during 1996, the company had launched a series of games designed for this 
unit, and this game happened to be one of Sufami Turbo titles.  However, 
with competitions from next generation platforms at that time (what can 
you expect?  It's 1996 AD), Sufami Turbo was unsuccessful.  Combined with 
the low ratings of the respective show, this game has become the only 
known licensed video game for the Sailor Stars series.

Unused music

Apparantly music 12 and 16 are not used in this game.  Are they really 
accessible in normal game play at all?  And for that matter, are there 
different revisions of this game that actually uses these songs?


In no particular order, thanks to:

Pocky :
Without his/her/its once great effort for digging up this game, the entire 
western world might never know of its existence.

Bandai :
For building the only Sailor Moon Sailor Stars game.  Quite frankly, 
Bandai's SM puzzle games are better than Angel's mediocre SM fighting games.

Legal elements

This FAQ is copyrighted by Jacob Poon.  All rights reserved.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2
(c) Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha/TV Asahi
(c) Bandai 1996