Andere Lösungen

SaGa Frontier (e)


Version 1.0 of my walkthrough
-SaGa FrontieR FaQ-
Release Date- March, 1998
Platform- PSX
Developer- SquareSoft

-This FaQv1.0 was put together by "PSXSonic"- 

I. Start Screen:

At the beginning of the game you have to pick which slot your memory card is in
and choose your bloodtype and which magic to specialize in. You don't have to go
through these steps again once you start a game with a character. At the main 
screen you can choose to load a game or start a new one, there's also an option
called Quick Start, this is to start at the place where you left off without 
having to load the game. You can quick save anywhere except in battles by pressing
the R2 and the triangle button at the same time. (Note- you MUST save your game
by going through the main menu if you are quitting, because the quick save won't
save your progress to the memory card!)

II. Main Characters:

Red- He's has blue spiky hair, wears a blue cape with red clothing. He also has
the powers to transform himself into an Alkaiser.

Blue- The blonde hair ponytailed girl, wears green clothing. She's a magician from
the Magic Kingdom, he's goal is to defeat his brother Rouge in a final battle, if 
your just beginning to play the game use him he's the easiest to play with.

Coon- The wolf like creature, he wears green clothing and he's quest in to save his
dying homeland.

T260G- A Robot that was thrown from an alien spaceship, and was taken in by a little
boy named Time.

Asellus- A green haired mystic, wears red clothing and is pretty good at magic and
physical fighting. She's pretty hard to play with though.

Emilia- Another blonde, she's a supermodal that was accuse of killing her husband, 
now she's after Joker (her husband's killer).

Lute- The guy in purple, a musician playing the lute. With my time playing with this
guy he really sucks! play with him LAST!

III. Main Menu:

This is your ingame menu, the list are as follows-

Status- This brings a screen where you can view all of your characters stats, if you
press the circle button you can view your weapons and armor.

Items- Viewing all your supplies.

Combined Attack- View your combined attacks that you learned while fighting.

Rearranged Team- Change your party members and view them.

Equipment- View your equipments on party members.

Skills Equip- You can change different spells and attacks in this screen, you can
only equip a few so choose them accordingly

Options- In this screen you can change the colors of the menus and the sound etc..

Save- Most important option in an Rpg SAVING! don't forget.

IV. Mini Walkthrough for Red:

NOTE: Each mission is to track down your enemy Doctor Klein.

Mission 1: You are sent up to an airship called Cygnus, walk around and talk to a 
girl she's the one that saved you. She will tell you about Alkaiser, from there go
to the ships control room talk with the captian and he'll send you on your first
mission. Baccarat a gambling casino, go through the casino and talk to the guys
in black. After they run away take elevator down (choose the second to the last 
option) you will end up in a parking lot. Fight the enemies and then the Boss that
should end your first mission.

Mission 2: At Shrike. Walk around and fight the enemies if you want, find a room
with books (kind of like a library) and search for a secret passageway. search around 
until you find a room where you can obtain an extra party memeber, now head into
town. Go around and find a kid walking around talk with him and you'll fight a 
boss this should end your second mission.

Mission 3: At Manhattan. You can buy supplies, weapons, and armor here if you want
afterwards go to the airport and you will be brought back into Cygnus. Here find and
talk with Lady Campbell, now fight all the enemies about the ship and Lady Campbell
will join your party. From here you can search the ship for four more characters
Ruffus, Asellus, BJ&K, and some other character i forgot her name. Go to the second
floor and choose the first choice, run through this way and fight a boss this should
end your third mission.

Mission 4: At Kowloon. Search around until you find a robot fight him and chase after
the guy that runs away. Keep on chasing the guy and you'll end up back in Cynus this 
should end your fourth mission.

Mission 5: At Kyo. Search Doctor Klein's base and you'll end up fighting a boss after 
this you should be back at the airport, end of fifth mission.

Mission 6: At Magic Kingdom. You will be entered in a fighting contest where you'll
go up against 5 opponents, beat them if you can (i didn't) anyway, after the battle
chase after Doctor Klein. Find your way through the place until you get to a room
with bald soldiers, fight them and touch one of the vases in the room to reveal a
secret passageway. Just go with the flow and you'll end up in a room with the boss, beat
him and that should end your sixth mission.

Mission 7: At Cygnus. Talk to hawk and you will end up in the enemy ship, go to the 
3rd floor and talk to the guy. you will end up fighting a boss defeat him and you
will now have to fight three bosses!!!  (i suggest you gain some levels before doing
this) defeat the bosses and you will face the final boss! 

-If anyone spot any problems with the guide please let me know ASAP!
and if you have any info you want me to add to the guide MAIL ME!-