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Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)

      Star Wars: Episode I- Racer ~ A FAQ | V. 3.0

Author: FAQ64 
SW: Episode I- Racer FAQ V. 3.0

Table of Wonderful Contents
1)   Introduction
2)   Story
3)   Basics
     a)   Controls
4)   Pods
5)   Tracks/ Detailed descriptions
6)   Tips
     a)   Using turbo boost/ repairing your vehicle
     b)   Nintendo's Tips for success
7)   Parts/Pit Droid Guide/ By Matt Menzies   
8)   Codes/ Gameshark info
9)   Disclaimer
10)  etc./ Upcoming projects

         - Added Section 7 with permission of Matt Menzies. His FAQ                       
can also be found at
         - Credits Crap
         - Updated my name to FAQ64 from FAQ64 Productions.
         - My faq is now 44k!
         - I said that last time was the last update ever, but it                                  
isn't & their will be more updates.
         - Done

         - Nothing huge, still V. 2.5
         - Disclaimer Stuff
         - Section 9 stuff
         - Probably last update ever

7.29.99- I finally finished my 1st FAQ. This is what i updated:
         - Added Race 6 of the Galactic Cicuit
         - Added the Invitational Circuit
         - Added my new disclaimer
         - Messed around with Section 9
         - Redesigned the FAQ for better viewing pleasure. 
         Please note: This will probably be the last update to this FAQ unless 
         their is any significant changes i should add when notified by e-mail. 
         Thank you.
7.20.99- Well, this FAQ has been spread to a bunch of websites. Because of 
it's growing popularity, im getting about six e-mails per day. HI HO SILVER. 
Well, anyway, i've added 3 new cheats thanks to the wonderful people at Put them in the credits. Somebody also e-mailed me the walkthrough 
to the second invitational circuit. I won't add that until i have all 4 
invitationals gathered unless someone e-mails me telling me that i should. After 
the invitationals are added, i won't be updating this FAQ anymore. So, stay 
tuned. Oh, yeah, also changed a bunch of crap in the farewell/etc. section.

7.8.99 - Added the statistics & ratings for the two secret podracers. Also 
added a credit to the disclaimer. Wheh, got a new FAQ & an update in before my 
vacation! Lucky me.

7.5.99 - Changed the top title thingy so it isnt hard to read. Tryed to 
add some ACSII art but mine stunk so i gotta wait for my friend to make it for 
me. Added the ALL CODES code to the code section from Did 
some revising on the Pods sections. (i was too harsh in ratings) Also added a 
few things to Section IX. Also, dont expect anything new until 7/25. I am going 
on vacation for longer then i thought. Until next time... 

1) Introduction

  Welcome to FAQ64 productions first project. This is my first awesome 
FAQ/walkthrough guide of many more to come. I decided to start making FAQs 
because i was inspired by marshmallow. Well, i thought it would be really cool 
if i made some too. So i started looking through other FAQs & walkthroughs & 
found that their was very little episode I: racer guides. So i decided i should 
help the gaming soceity by making an enhanced super guide. Well ever since i 
bought racer... i thought the game was awesome. I strived to come in first place 
in every level. Although this game lacks in music & Pre-track videos, it is 
still good enough to carry the name Star Wars in the title. So, live life in the 
fast lane & start gaming! 
**Warning** Please dont play this game without the N64 Expansion Pak. It looks 
so much better with it. Also, the rumble pak is a nice add on too!

2) Story

Taken straight from the instruction booklet that came with the game:

Anakin Skywalker is no ordianry 9-year-old boy. And now, he must face the 
ultimate test of his young life - A podracer challenge. It's a test of courage, 
fast reflexes, & quick thinking, as the opponents maneuver their 9 meter long 
(30 foot long) Podracers at speeds over 600 mph - flying just a few feet above 
the ground. Keeping a firm grip on the "reis," Anakin must fight to control the 
Podracer's screaming jet engines, while keeping an eye out for hazards & 
obstacles - and the dirty tricks of his fellow racers. For Anakin and his 
opponents, winning the race - at all costs - is all that matters. 
That's your goal when you play Star Wars: Episode I: Racer. Based on one of the 
most memorable scenes from Star Wars: Episode I: The phantom Menace, it's the 
game that puts you behind the engines of 23 diffrent podracers. You'll choose 
from over 25 unique courses on eight diffrent worlds, each with its own natural 
& unnatural obstacles for you to overcome. You can even buy new or used parts to 
give your Podracer a performance boost. 
But, ultimately, it will be your skill & daring that will put you in the 
winner's circle in the Star Wars race of your life!

All credit for this story is given to Nintendo of America, INC. 

3) Basics

The basics of this game are pretty gosh darn simple. The main goal: come in 
first place. You pick your pod, (statistics shown when each pod is highlighted 
in the game) race & beat your opponents, & unlock tracks & pods. You are the 
driver of the pod! You accelerate, steer, & you can also turbo boost. So, unless 
your a monkey from canadian wilderness, you can pretty much play this game. 
(dont e-mail me saying what if you are a cow.. can you still beat the game?) 

Here are some hazards you may face on a track:
Other podracers         Falling Meteorites
Lava Pits               Jumps
Doors                   Ice Formations
Rocks                   A few sneaky suprises

1a) Controls

Start button: As in many other N64 games, this button pauses/brings up the menu 
while racing. It neat-o for those times when your neck & neck for first 2 miles 
from the finish line then all of a sudden that extra water bottle you drank 
today kicks in & you have to pee like a race horse. Either hold it in till it 
bursts or use this great invention! 

Analog Stick: Same use as in every other game, steering, moving, selecting 
option... etc.

Z button: This supposedly skids/slides the podracer for better turns on those 
sharp turns. I, personally never felt anyeffect. (i just crash anyway)

L button: This button should be used while racing to toggle the Map, Progress 
bar, & Perimeter Progress Loop. (i never ever use this) 

R button: When your to engine cells look any color other then green, hold this 
button down to repair them. While repairing, your podracer will slow down 
dramtically so make sure you have a big lead before using.

A button: Selects/ Accelerates

B button: Air Brakes... Not very good with early racers unless upgraded. (pretty 

C buttons:
   1) Cup: This button allows you to toggle with the 4 view allowed from the 
podracer. The Behind the racer view, On top of engines view, front view, & the 
above & behind racer view.
   2) Cdown: Hold this button for rear view. Dont hold down for long... keeping 
your eyes off the track is bad. 
   3) Cleft: Rolls the racer onto its left side.
   4) Cright: Rolls the racer onto its right side.

4) Pods

In this game you have a selection of 23 racers. (not including hidden)
Now here is a nice review of all the drivers & their racers. 
Drivers are rated like this:
    *     Eww, this sucks
    **    Send it back to the junkyard
    ***   Has potential
    ****  Yeah Baby, Yeah..
    ***** Kick-Ass  

And now introducing our racers:

I think i can safely say that this kid has the 2nd best racer in the game. Boy, 
this thing is one of the starting racers, of all the starting racers, this one 
is by far the fastest. It has above average acceleration, very good handling, & 
great turning response. 

eBE eNDOCOTT - ***8
Out of the starting racers that you can choose from, this one is second to none. 
It isnt the fastest thing in the galaxy but it can sure handle those turns! 

dUD bOLT - ***
The great acceleration on this baby make up for the poor steering. Steering is a 
must for Pods!

gASGANO - **
The turn response on this thing really sucks. Its the worst ive seen. But it has 
mediocre accleration. Not very good for starting out.

eLAN mAK - ***
The big ass pod has great acceleration but lacks in all other areas.

"bULLSEYE" nAVIOR - **** 
It has been brought to my attention by an e-mail that my ratings were very 
creul. I thought he should get an extra star. Thank you Mullins.
Bad acceleration, good everything else. Also, its a little too sensitive to my 
liking. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit     Lap Time         Race Time
Sunken City    Semi-pro    01:52:620        05:43:101

tOY dAMPNER - ****
Not that slow acceleration & pretty good handling. Nice & easy to handle. I dont 
happen to crash that much in this baby. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Executioner    Galactic     0:31:540         04:42:310

This slow podracer has semi nice handling & pretty good turn response. May be to 
sensitive resulting in a lot of crahses. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
AP Centrum     Invitational 0:58:410         03:03:260

Very fast... little bit hot, nice steering & handling for an over all good pod. 
**Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Inferno        Invitational 0:59:549         03:04:160

fUD sANG - ***
A nice, but average pod. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Vengeance      Amateur      01:16:880        03:51:921

oDY mANDRELL - ****
More then average racer with great acceleration. For Amateur players.

bOLES rOOR - ***
An average pod that is pretty large in size. Not a very good recomendation. **Un 
lockable racer**
Track           Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Zugga Challenge Semi-Pro     02:01:261        06:10:897

Small in size but only delivers average acceleration, kinda good handling. Turns 
out to be one of the worst in the game. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Abyss          Invitational 01:02:639        03:12:934

nEVA kEE Kee - *
Slowest of all the podracers. Its a discrace to the podracing industry. Shame 
Shame Shame. In my opinion, its the worst pod. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Baroo Coast    Semi-Pro     01:38:300        04:59:640

Most pathetic of them all, second to worst! eww. I would pick it just to crash 
to teach it a lesson for being so sucky! yuck! **Un lockable racer**
Track             Circuit   Lap Time         Race Time Aquilaris Classic Amateur   
01:04:700        03:16:926

mARS gUO - ***
Biggest racer of them all. Great handling & steering with some mediocre speed. 
**Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Spice Mine Run Amateur      01:29:470        04:30:880

wAN sANDAGE - **
Just ok steering & handling, & a pretty slow top speed. Definately not one to 
look foward to unlocking. **Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Scrapper's run Semi-Pro     00:44:904        02:23:978

aRK "bUMPY" rOOSE - *
Big pod with below average speed, acceleration, steering, & handling. **Un 
lockable racer**
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Bumpys BreakersSemi-Pro     02:09:358        06:47:380

mAWHONIC - ****
Very large & durable. Keeping size in mind, amazingly this is one of the faster 
in the "pod pack." Good steering is included in the itinerary. **Un lockable 
Track          Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Andobi Mtn. RunGalactic     01:39:309        05:05:648

aLDAR bEEDO - ****
Large pod racer with really fast speeds. Also a nice set of steering is 
included. **Un lockable racer**
Track           Circuit      Lap Time         Race Time
Beedos Wild RideAmateur      01:02:986        03:16:697

Top accelerating pod. That kinda makes up for the rest of the poorly made pod. 
**Un lockable racer**
Track          Circuit       Lap Time         Race Time
Howler Gorge   Semi-Pro      01:31:370        04:48:510

sEBULBA - *****
The best of them all! He is also that hardest to get. A huge pod that can go 
faster then all others with well above average handeling, steering, & 
acceleration. #1. Also this pod has a unique feature. Tap the R button twice for 
a slippery suprise! **Un lockable racer**
Track              Circuit    Lap Time   Race Time
The Boonta Classic Galactic   02:04:210  06:20:012

And last but absolutely not least...
All around averge pod with below average speeds & acceleration.

-==Hidden Racers==-
jINN rESSO - ****
A little above average in each area, but his top speed is high.

cY yUNGA - ****
Handles well but has below average top speed

Thanks to jOSH fEALA for these two reviews!

**-=Please note i was very harsh when rating these... most of the 3 star pods 
may deserve the extra star to become a 4 star pod. These are my personal 
opinions! Dont e-mail me telling me that this racer can do this & that racer can 
do that. Please.=-**

5) Tracks/Detailed Descriptions

Here you will find information on the diffrent worlds & tracks you will be 
racing on. I was going to rate these but i decided to put it another way because 
of consistency in the ratings. (*) easiest (*****)hardest
Amateur: *
Semi-Pro: **-***
Invitaional: *****

===Amateur PodRacing Circuit===

Race 1: The Boonta Training Course
Well, moutainy (making that word up :)) & very dirty with a bunch of rock that 
will cause sufficant damage to your pod. Be careful on the last stretch!

   Tips: Try using your booster the entire race except inside of the mountain 
(canyon) where their may be a lot of turns. Make sure none of your engine cells 
overheat which would not be a good think. Overall, this is the easiest track. I 
though Sebulba was undefeated, but he really stinks in this race! 

Race 2: Mon Gazza Speedway
A very short track, with big barriers in the middle at some point. 

   Tips: Well, as long as your good on the steering, keep up a nice speed, you 
will definatly stay in first & maybe pass the 12 & 11th place racers. Take 
advantage of its length to use you boosters. Lay off the boosters on the twisty 
turny parts, though. 

Race 3: Beedo's Wild Ride
A snow covered track with some slippery ice!

   Tips: Ok, at the very beginning, give your pod a big boost! Then when you 
enter tunnels be careful of ice. At one point you will enter a bridge. Be 
careful not to fly over the railing. If you do you will crash to your death & 
probably fall back a few spots. At the ending part where their are a lot of 
flags keep your speed up high. Very high. Not many dangers here.

Race 4: Aquilaris Classic
Its a hard to explain planet. It has a bunch of gizmos here & also some 
underwater tunnels. (say hi JAR JAR)

   Tips: OK, this level can get kinda difficult, if you underestimate the timing 
of those doors, you will fall back a lot of stops. If you happen to be going at 
a high speed you will crash & blow saving time but you still may lose some 
ranking. Also, their is this one part where the track splits... my suggestion is 
to go to the left. It seems to be the fastest. When you see a ramp, fly over it 
top speed while holding back on the analog stick to minimize damage.

Race 5: Malastare 100
This planet has serious gas. (too much beans perhaps?) Anyway, just look for 
lights to take you in the right direction.

   Tips: In one part of this race you will have to jump over a large gap. Be 
careful! Start gaining booster ability in the cave before the gap & as soon as 
you make the last turn before the gap, let loose the boosters for a spectacular 
& successful jump across. Alive. Still in first. Or if your not good with 
boosters... go as fast as you can & hold back on the analog stick for more 
distance. This works 98% of the time.

Race 6: Vengeance
Twisty & turny & quite a few tunnels. 

   Tips: Try not to hit railings that much over the bridges & wacth out for the 
entrance door that keeps turning. While in tunnels, Move quickly & take 
advantage of the boosters, but watch out for the rocks & Purple laser beam in 
between two tunnels. 

Race 7: Spice Mine Run
Pretty much a red planet with mining machinery scattered around. 

   Tips: At one point the track will go in 3 diffrent directions. I suggest you 
take the middle for easier boosting capibilities. Also, in the kinda rooms where 
you kinda here people talking, use those for boosting. (i know, i know, i didnt 
explain that good... shoot me) Also, in the part of the track with the blue 
lasers above, be careful on the turns. Possibilities of getting stuck or blowing 

===Semi-Pro PodRacing Circuit===

Race 1: Sunken City
Same as Aquilaris Classic except for the few diffrent forks & stuff. Underwater 
tunnels, etc.

   Tips: Well, this track can get confusing & you may get lost... but i suggest 
just follow the green map on the right-center portion of your screen. This track 
put me through heck trying to beat it. It has those Double door things just like 
the old track. Moma Miya! (im not italian, as you can probably tell) Also, their 
is a ramp that leads to above a track inside a tunnel. It doesnt save time but 
what you can do is go up halfway the fly right off to gain a few seconds & maybe 
a lead. Turbo at the end & watch out for that seperater near the end where you 
must make a sharp turn.

Race 2: Howler Gorge
Even more confusing then sunken city! Too many track for this kid. 

   Tips: One part has you going up a hill just to be flying right back down 
(near some buddah statue). Take advantage for this by boosting up the hill & 
holding back on the analog stick. May help. I just barely beat this level (came 
in 4th) so i really cant help except saying, "Be cool, Stay in School."

Race 3: Dug Derby
Same as Malastare 100... gas coming out of its, umm, well, yeah... ok. whatever.

   Tips: Keep looking for lights to show you the right path. Also, it isnt a 
good idea to die. Once you die, your dead. (as in not winning the race.) Dont 
mistake solid walls for entrances to a tunnel. Also, boost your self near the 
finish line.

Race 4: Scrapper's Run
Like the name right? You know you love it... anyway. A pretty ugly planet up in 
the sky.

   Tips: The other racers in this game are pretty much always up your ass. So, 
get a good start & boost away the beginning of the track. Try going as fast as 
you can. This track is too boring for me. Must stop playing. AhhHHhh. Anyway, 
didnt your mom ever tell you not to read a crazy person's SW:Racer walkthrough?

Race 5: Zugga Challenge
Man Gazza SpeedWay revamped, & getting complicated. 

   Tips: Things in this level try to kill you. It's Qui Gon Jinn possessing 
stuff in this game. He's back, with a vengeance, & wants to kill everyone 
opposing anakin. (I really think he let Darth Maul kill him, who wouldnt after 
meeting JAR JAR BINKS) Well, after these crusher things. Boost pass the arrows. 
At the very last tunnel do your boosting again. 

Race 6: Baroo Coast
Speed through a nice beach. Also, slow down to admire the buildings. 

   Tips: Man, i just seen a Racer FAQ by marshmallow... boy, its not even 
finished & it still blows my out of the water... hey, dont leave! come on, its 
not that bad! crap. Anyway, Back to winning the race. Well, speed across the 
beach & boost whenever possible to put distance between you & the opponents.

Race 7: Bumpy's Breakers
Getting a little harder? Looks like Race 1 of the Semi-Pro Circuit. These 
replica tracks are getting annoying.(or is that just me?)

   Tips: Well, i didnt do good with this one. I barely came in third the 12th 
time i tryed it. Damn turns! Well start your boost at the beginning of the race 
& at the beginning of the next two laps. You may have to lose a few times before 
getting the hang of it & winning. Unless you are like a cool kid, you probably 
will have to settle for 2nd or 3rd place.

===Galactic PodRacing Circuit=== (almost done!)

Race 1: Executioner
1 word: Long

   Tips: All side paths are the same length so i dont think their are any 
shortcuts... but its a must to take major advantage of boosting in the tunnels. 
This level is long so get a snack for a pausing break. 

Race 2: Sebulba's Legacy (this faq is a peice of crap)
Malastare 100... again..........yup. So much gas! I can drive to calofornia on 
that much gas! (get it? do you get the corny joke? heh)

   Tips: On the first two forks in this game, take the right path. Not the wrong 
path or the left path... take the right path. Try using the boost as much as 
possibe except for one area at the end where their is no railing where you can 
fall down to a lower level which isnt to good. Use lights for direction... 
again, & boost over gas... again.

Race 3: Grabvine Gateway
A cool track with some kind of swamp/marsh, a forest & some sort of desert.

   Tips: I really really had the hardest time with this level that i actually 
gave up on the walkthrough for a few days. I finally memorized everything. The 
thing you gotta remember are the turns. Also, their is this bridge at the end 
with a hole. (dont go in hole!) Brakes can be a handy dandy tool in this one!

Race 4: Andobi Mtn. Run
Icy Mint flavor. Lets go Skinny Dipping here in February! (Total Shrinkage!)

   Tips: Really hard level. Try choosing paths that are really straight, but for 
once, i would advise against using boosters to much. Be careful not to slam into 
walls on the slippery parts.

Race 5: Dethro's Revenge
Well, for starters, high up.

   Tips: Try using a lot of boosting & get a good lead ahead of time. Dont be no 
stranger to using the wonderful power of breaks. Especially on narrow turns.

Race 6: Fire Mountain Rally
Race around & in a volcano. 

   Tips: This race has many tricks & turns. Use the Z button for better turning 
needed. Also, the only real shortcut here comes when the road splits in three. 
Take the middle path. 

Race 7: The Boonta Classic
I helped you get this far! Well, in this race, you can 
win Sebulba's Pod. You can do it man.

   Tips: After the start, stay on the lower roadway. After that you'll have a 
straight away to do a few boosts. Then when the roads splits in three, take the 
middle path , also the shortest. Later on the Nomadic Tusken Raiders who will 
pot shots at your pod, keep the finger on the R button because they will give 
damgae if your hit. At the very end watch out for the big ship (in a diffrent 
everytime) who will try to get scrap metal from the pods.  

===Invitational Pod Racing Circuit===

Please Note: In this circuit their is only 4 races. You must open these by 
4th or better in Race 7 of the Amateur, Semi Pro, & Galactic circuits to open 
first three races. To open Race, the 25th race of the game, you must place first 
every race before it in every circuit. It seems hard right? Well, it is. Be 
be very scared. Bwahahaha. Ok here we go.

Race 1: Ando Prime Centrum
You start off on a snowy track with many twists & turns. This leads you into an 
desolate city with turns up the kazoo. 

Tips: As soon as you start, the road splits in half. Take the right path, its 
Once inside a building where you have the option of staying on ground level or 
up a twisted ramp to preceed, choose the elevating ramps for a much straighter & 
shorter course that may allow a boost or two. Once you enter the city streets, 
matter which paths you take they all seem the same so just worry about not 
while cruising around here. Once you leave the city, you'll have time for a 
Take advantage of that. When you launch off a ramp a little further on, hold 
on the analog sitck for maximum distance.

Race 2: Abyss
A very twisty & turny track where you will hit the walls many a time. Many 
levels in this track.

Tips: Try to stay on the top level when you start off, if you happen to fall to 
the bottom you may miss the only major shortcut. While on the top you may come 
across a gap. Hold back on the analog stick to get across. If you make it safely 
across the second gap & your still on the top level you've found a shortcut that 
will give you a nice leade. The biggest tip i can give is to tell you to try to 
on the top level.

Race 3: The Gauntlet
This is a track on the infamous OoVo IV. With a bunch of tricky turns & Zero 
tubes that are sure to give you a challenge.

Tips: After the first few turns you will venture outside of the prison walls, 
here you will have to avoid meteors that fall from the sky. Keep that finger on 
the R button. After the meteors keep to the right as much as possble for a 
short cut. If you go to the left you'll find a possible long cut. When the road 
in three in the rocky canyon, choose the middle tunnel. 

Race 4: Inferno
This is inside a volcanoe & all your pods overheat very quickly so pick a pod to 
confisate for it. Everything is red & hot. Whew. This is it people. 

Tips: When the road splits move your pod onto the nearby bridge for a safer 
Now just stay to the left as much as possible to have a shorter course. Also 
when you pass by the oozing lava move to the west to get out of harms way.   

Congratulations!! You have successfully completed this very hard game. 
Without codes, of course. :) 

6) Tips

This section will help you out a little bit when you feel like giving your old 
pod a little revamp! Many of the items in Wattos shop cost a lot of money, 
theirfore making you have to come in first place a few times before having 
enough to buy what you need. If you are in desperate need for these parts think 
about using the used & sometimes unreliable parts in the Junkyard. They may not 
be as good but they are a hell of a lot cheaper... Woo Hoo! Also we will discuss 
the fine art of repairing your power cells. YEY!

1a) Watto's Shop/The Junkyard

When you feel that your pod racer is new & advanced just like a lightsaber 
compared to a double light staff, you should come to one of these places... If 
you come in first a lot & you are making a ton of money, pick watto's shop for 
reliable brand name products. But, if you are a loser & you make very little 
money, try the junkyard... or what i like to call it, the slavation army. 
Anyway... Here is the pricelist of stuff in Watto's shop.
(just to name a few)
Item                 Wattos Price           
Dual Power Cell      $300         
Stack 3 radiator     $100
Mark 3 airbrake      $1400 
Plug3 thrust coil    $2400
44 PCX Injector      $2200
Control Shift Plate  $400
R-8D Repulsporgrip   $400         

For more info, see section 7

Now on to another thing. When you select an item, the feild of pod racing that 
it will improve will light up. (i.e if you select air brakes, the air brakes 
colunm will light up.) If their is a green streak after the original streak that 
means this item will help your racer out. The bigger the green streak, the 
better the buy. If their is a red streak, dont even bother buying it, it will 
decrease the importance of that area.

1b) Using turbo boost/repairing your vehicle

Turbo boost is a very important item in this game. When rolling down that final 
streach & you're in second place, just boost into first to win the race. Its 
also very helpful for gaining a lead in the beginning of a race or jumping long 
gaps. Use this power wisely because it can overheat your engines, causing them 
to burst into fire, which takes a lot of time to repair & may affect your 
gameplay. Also, if you are going to fast you are prone to easy crashing. Watch 

How to use the boost:
When you are sure you wont crash at high speeds, push foward on the analog stick 
while still holding A. When the speedometer on the bottom right of your screen 
goes rapid green streaks then turns yellow, tap the A button again. (let go of 
the a button then repush, quickly, not like a turtle. Your instuction booklet 
can give a much better description of this.)

Repairing your vehicle while in the race is a neccesity & can greatly increase 
your performance. If you power cell status screen (bottom left of your screen) 
shows anything but green... hold down the R button for a quick repair. If your 
cells are on fire or are damaged pretty bad... make sure you have a sturdy lead 
before repairing because your pod will slow down to about 250mph while 
repairing. Many pods can pass you if your not careful.

Also, it is a really good idea to have pit droids for after the race. I usually 
have six by the end of the game. You can buy quality pit droids at Watto's shop.

1c) Nintendo's Tips for success (from the instruction book)

1) Experiment with each podracer to get a feel for the one that best fits your 
playing style.
2) Try to stay in the middle of the track and on the road. The road has less 
friction, so you'll be able to pick up speed if you stay on it.
3) Press the Z button while you're turning. This will skid your Podracer, and 
make it easier to maneuver around obstacles.
4) When going over a jump, pull your control stick back for a longer jump, and 
push if foward for a faster jump.
5) To fit through tight spots, flip your Podracer on it's right or left side by 
pushing Cright or Cleft.
6) Don't be afraid to let go of the accelerator (A button) at certain times 
during the race. Even though you'll slow down, it may help you steer better. 
7) Keep a light touch on your control stick when steering. It responds to even 
the slightest movements, so avoid the temptation to pull it all the way left or 
8) Hold foward on the Control stick when you want a higher top speed. Pull back 
on the control stick when you want tighter turns.
9) Try to get a turbo start at the beginning of the race.
10) Use the boosters wisely. It can make up for lost time, but an engine fire 
will cost you more!

7) Parts/Pit Droid Guide/ By Matt Menzies
This guide was written by Matt Menzies  & is used on 
this faq with written consent of its owner. Full credit for this section is 
given to him.

Warning: Section 7 is a seperate faq. It is written in faq form.

Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
	-  Parts & Pit Droid Guide

Author:  Matt Menzies
Version: 1.1
Updated: July 7, 1999
Added to FAQ64's FAQ: 8.13.99

	- redone the whole part guide
	- added the author, email, version, and last updated
	  at the top of the page
NOTE:  I don't think anyone has seen version 1.0 since I was 
	 accused of copying others work.  This is a game faq right?
	 I made this because when I looked over the other faqs for
	 racer, I did not see what I needed to see.  I had to think
	 up new strategies for winning.  And now I'm sharing them with
	 you, so you don't have to be as frustrated as I was.

1)  How Pit Droids Work
2)  Junkyard Strategy
3)  Part Guide

-----1)  	H O W   P I T   D R O I D S   W O R K     ------

Pit Droids maintain your pod parts (duh).  Each pit droid can only
maintain 1 part.  So if you have 5 new parts and 4 pit droids (MAX, unless using 
a cheat) 1 part is going to get ruined (condition is brought down). So if you 
want to win you just want to get all 4 pit droids and choose 4 categories that 
you want to max out and only buy those parts.  This is the key to winning.  

ALSO:  The least expensive part in each category never gets damaged!

------2)	J U N K Y A R D   S T R A T E G Y    -------

-  Use this strategy to 
		1)  Get the parts you need
		2)  Get more money

The Junkyard Strategy is a really good way to win.  This strategy helps you earn 
money and get maxed out parts for cheap prices.
	A)  Win a couple of races (DON'T UPGRADE and get a pit droid or                     
	B)  Go to the junkyard and try and find one of the best parts
	    in bad condition.  If there isn't any in the junkyard, go           to 
SELECT RACER and select your racer over again.  When you                     go 
BACK to the 
	    junkyard, there should be DIFFERENT parts there.  REPEAT                               
until you get one of the BEST parts for cheap.
	C)  Race with this part so the pit droids repair it.
	D)  The part should now be in mint condition and be able to get           
money for selling it.

-----3)        P A R T S   G U I D E     -----


-  A Podracer's traction determines how closely
it hugs the ground.  As you increase your machine's
speed, augment its traction for better handling.
R-20 Repulsorgrip-  250
R-60 Repulsorgrip-  400
R-80 Repulsorgrip-  600
R-100 Repulsorgrip- 1200
R-300 Repulsorgrip- 2600
R-600 Repulsorgrip- 6000


-  To increase your Podracer's turn response, buy
turning components.  The better the part is, the
more touchy the steering of your craft will be.

Control Linkage-     200
Control Shift Plate- 400
Control Vectro Jet-  700
Control Coupling-    1600
Control Nozzle-      3800
Control Stabilizer-  7500


-  Is it taking too long to go from zero to 600mph?
Purchase upgrades for your fuel injection system to
give your Podracer a little extra kick at the starting

Dual 20PCX Injector- 800
44 PCX Injector-     2200
Dual 32PCX Injector- 5600
Quad 32PCX Injector- 7000
Quad 44PCX Injector- 10,400
Mag-6 Injector-      14,000

	-----TOP SPEED-----

-  Thrust Coils increase your maximum speed.  As you
upgrade your thrusting mechanisms, you will reach
speeds in the neighbourhood of 900mph.

Plug2 Thrust Coil-  1000
Plug3 Thrust Coil-  2400
Plug5 Thrust Coil-  6000
Plug8 Thrust Coil-  14,000
Block5 Thrust Coil- 17,500
Block6 Thrust Coil- 20,000

	-----AIR BRAKE-----

-  You think these Podracers can stop on a trugut?
Not really.  You need to upgrade your air brakes in 
order to slow down quickly enough when the courses 
get turny.

Mark II Air Brake-   700
Mark III Air Brake-  1400
Mark IV Air Brake-   3600
Mark V Air Brake-    7000
Tri-jet Air Brake-   10,400
Quadrijet Air Brake- 14,000


-  As you reach your Podracer's top speed, your engines
will start to overheat.  A good cooling system will cool
down your engines quickly after thrusting.

Coolant Radiator-   50
Stack-3 Radiator-   100
Stack-6 Radiator-   300
Rod Coolant Pump-   900
Dual Coolant Pump-  2700
Turbo Coolant Pump- 5400


-  You can repair your Podracer midrace, but it will slow
down your pod.  Purchase better repair modules to fix your
machine faster and maintain your speed better.

Single Power Cell-   150
Dual Power Cell-     300
Quad Power Cell-     800
Cluster Power Plug-  1400
Rotary Power Plug-   4000
Cluster2 Power Plug- 7000

Thank you for reading my guide.......
Email me questions at
Parts/Pit Droid GUIDE/FAQ by:  Matthew Menzies

Questions about this FAQ of the entire racer faq? E-mail the author, Jason gomer 

8) Codes/Gameshark Info

Here are some codes which may prove difficult to enter:

Choose tournament Mode. Select an empty name slow, hold z the whole time while 
entering the following codes. Press L to enter each letter. When finished select 
"END" and press L followed by A.

All Cheats enabled: (new as of 7/5/99)
First, enter RRTANGENT. Select 'End' and press L followed by B (instead of A). 
Now choose the same player file again, and this time enter ABACUS. Now select 
'End' and press L followed by A, like you do with the other codes. To activate, 
start a game, then pause and press Up, Left, Down, Right. All the cheats should 
be enabled! 

Invincibility & debug:
Enter RRJABBA. To activate, start a game, then pause & press Left, Down, Right, 

Auto pilot: 
Enable the "Unlock all cheats" code. Then while playing a game, press R + Z to 
activate auto pilot, where you only have to control the speed of your pod racer. 
Press R + Z to disable auto pilot and retain full control of your pod racer.

Debug option: 
Select tournament mode, then choose an empty name entry. Hold Z and enter 
"RRDEBUG" as a name, while pressing L to enter each letter. Note: Ignore the 
fact that only three letters may be entered for your initials. After entering 
each letter, they should appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Then, 
highlight "End" and press L followed by A. Begin a race on any tournament track. 
Then, pause the game and press Up, Left, Down, Right to access the cheat menu. 
The debug option may now be enabled on the cheat menu.

Debug controls: 
Enable the debug option on the cheat menu with the "Debug option" or "Unlock all 
cheats" code. Next, set the "Debug Level" option on the cheat menu to any number 
except zero. Then during a race, press one of the following directions on the D-
Pad to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

 Result                          Button(s)
See through walls:               Left + Z
Fast-forward level:              Up
Re-wind level:                   Down
Pod racer is invisible:          Left
Destroy your pod racer:          Right

Mirror Mode:
Enter RRTHEBEAST. To activate, start a game, then pause & press Left, Down, 
Right, Up.

Extra Pilot Jinne Reeso:
First unlock Mars Guo (see section IV). Then Enter RRJINNRE. You'll replace Mars 
with Jinne.

Extra Pilot Cy Yunga:
First unlock Bullseye Navior (see section IV). Then enter RRCYYUN. You'll 
replace Bullseye eith Cy.

Dual Controller Mode:
Enter RRDUAL. Controllers 1 & 3 are used to controll each pod racer engine. Use 
the analog sticks for acceleration & steering.

Get 6 Pitdroids: 
Enter RRPITDROID. At Watto's shop, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Up.

Hold Z & press A to begin a race. You'll see a breif sequence in which your 
racer & a rival trash talk each other in a hanger. During the race, press R 
twice for more taunts.

Turbo Start:
At the start of a race, press A right after the "1" disappears.
Gameshark Codes:
**Warning: You must have Gameshark 2.2 or higher and the game must be running in 
LOW resolution mode for these codes to work.

Have all tracks:               81113e68ffff
All tracks finished in 1st:    81113e6c3fff
Have all characters:           81113e74007d
Start on Lap 3                 8111900a0002
(always win) P1 
Infinite Trugets               81113e7a7d00


9) Disclaimer

Credits go to:
Nintendo of America, INC. 
Lucas Arts Ltd.: Publisher publisher of the awesome codes in the walkthrough for the new dubug controls & auto pilot cheats. 
Matt Menzies: For his awesome pit droid guide which is now section 7.
Josh Feala: Doing the ratings & reviews for the two hidden racers Putting this on their site

You may put this on your site for public/private viewing only under these 
 1) Credit is given to me
 2) Leave the whole FAQ intact
 3) Make sure my e-mail address is attached for readers questions & comments.
 4) Leave the disclaimer intact.
 5) Please try to get the latest version from
 6) Cannot be used to make any money (not even in spanish currency)

Sites that have permission to have one or more of my faqs: official site GameFaqs Cheat Code Central Game-Revolution Online Magizine Console-Ganer

All other sites with my work have stolen it. If any of these sites have an 
version of any of my FAQs, please notify the webmaster. 

Copyright 1999, Jason Gomer, FAQ64 Productions

10) etc./Upcoming projects

Coming soon: 
Pokemon Snap
Quake II

How did you like my 1st faq? Well, of course you can send any praise, hate, 
birthday cards, hot chicks phone numbers, souls, dirty messages, mean people 
mail, rants, knuckle sandwiches, or fake body piercings to Until i am needed to 
save the gaming society once again... this is jason gomer, signing off.

-=peace out=-

this has been a helpful guide by faq64 productions
copyright 1999, Jason Gomer, FAQ64 Productions

last revision: 7/29/99