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Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)

Star Wars
Episode I
Racer                   -=: Player's Guide :=-

This Player's Guide is Copyright 1999 Kurt Glaze.

Table of Contents

1: Controls
2: Pods
3: Courses
4: Tips, Tricks, and Codes
5: Closing

                       1- The Controls

	Below is a list of basic controls which you will be using in 
Racer, as well as some personal comments on some of the controls.

Control Stick: 	Steers your Podracer

Z Button: 	Slides the Podracer for better turning. Personally I never 
use this button because I never see the effectiveness of it. Try 	it 
anyways, as you might be better than I am with it.

A Button: 	Accelerates the Podracer.

B Button: 	The Air Brakes of your Racer, which slow it down.

R Button: 	Repairs the Racer (hold down for maximum effectiveness). 
Also, when using Sebulba (and only Sebulba) a flamejet is accessible by 
quickly tapping R twice.

L Button: 	Toggles between the Progress Bar, the Perimeter Progress 
Loop, and 2 different map views. 

C Up Button:    The Camera Button, which conatins 4 different racing 

C Down Button: 	Hold this down to get a rear view behind your 
podracer. I would try to avoid using this button, as it only hinders 
your ability to race. If you really want to see if someone is close 
behind you, look at the map located in the top-right corner of the 

C Left Button: 	 Rolls the podracer onto its left side.

C Right Button: 	 Rolls the podracer onto its right side.

Start: 	Pauses the game.

	The controls in Racer are very easy to handle, and any comments I 
listed above should help you throughout the race. Some quick side notes: 
If you pause the game you can easily toggle through the different map 
modes, as well as restart the race, which comes in handy if you are 
going for first place and are lagging behind. 

                    2- The Pods

	Each pod in Racer has its own unique styles and traits. Mainly 
though, each pods capabilities are based on 7 different performance 
bars, which you can see in many of the games menus. The 7 different 
performance bars are based on traction, turning, acceleration, top 
speed, air brake, cooling, and repair.

	When you start the game, only 6 pods are selectable. But as you 
progress through the different races, you can get up to 23 pods (not 
including secret characters). Anyways, below is a list of the first 6 
racers that are available at the beginning of the game, as well as a few 
comments on each.

1: Anakin Skywalker- A small podracer, which comes in handy when getting 
through tight corners and spaces. His small size is also a bad thing, as 
it makes him less of a contender when battling other racers for 
position. Still, he is a very good racer for the Amateur Circuit because 
his vehicle stats are very even.

2: Ebe Endocott- Ebe is another good racer to choose in some respects. 
His mid-size racer has good traction, cooling, and repair. The rest of 
Ebe's stats are about half of the ones listed, especially his Airbrake, 
which is the lowest of all. 

3: Dud Bolt- The name "Dud" really seems to describe this racers pod. 
Except for his traction, all of this pods stats are very low. Avoid 
using this racer. 

4: Gasgano- This large racer has good traction, top speed, and repair. 
It is too bad all of his other stats are average and low, or this pod 
would be a good choice. Just take a look at his Air Brake and Cooling.

5: Elan Mak- This large pod has average turning and repair. Almost all 
of his other stats are very weak, which makes this a pod to avoid.

6: Ody Mandrell- This pod has good traction, acceleration, air brake, 
and repair. The rest of his stats are low, but that doesn't hold this 
pod back much. Another good choice when starting the game. 

 Overall, I would definately choose Either Ody Mandrell, Anakin, or Ebe 
Endocott when starting the game. I would also suggest that as you move 
on through the game and access new podracers ( do this by getting first 
place each race in tournament mode ) I suggest that you choose a pod 
with good traction and turning, as these attributes become VERY helpful 
in later races. I would also suggest having a good top speed on your 
pod. The other stats are important too, but you can get by and win a lot 
of races without them. 

					3- The Courses 

	Courses are accesed then you place high enough to pass that race 
and move on. Most of the time the game requires you to place 4th or 3rd 
to move on to the next race, which is very easy in most cases. I 
reccommend staying on a course until you obtain 1st place, as it opens 
up more racers, and increases the difficulty of the game ( which I 
though was very easy early on). Below I will list each of worlds that 
you can race on, as well as give some helpful hints for each.

1: Aquilaris- This world is mainly made up of sky cities and tunnels 
that are underwater.The races on this planet are mosly pretty easy, but 
watch out for doors that open and close, and tight spots.

2: Ando Prime- This ice filled world contains many frozen obstructions. 
Watch out for the ice lakes which make your pod hard to control. Also, 
look for many shortcuts in these races, as most of Ando Prime's levels 
have many options on which way to go.

3: Mon Gazza: This spice mining worl offers a good array of route 
options, and is sometimes a difficult place to see in. Watch out for the 
drilling machines that are sometimes in the track. 

4: Malastare- This dry planet isn't too hard most of the time, but it 
can be hard to navigate because of all the green methane gas that is on 
the surface. Overall though, these are easy races.

5: Oovo IV- These races aren't too hard most of the time, and they offer 
a good amount of route options as well. Watch out for meteorties on some 
of the levels, though. 

6: Tatooine- This famous Star Wars planet holds many tough courses, 
especially the Boonta Eve Classic. Watch out for rocks, tuscan raiders, 
and a farmillar vehicle that blocks a part of one of the tracks. 

7: Ord Ibanna- This sky racing planet holds, in my opinion, the hardest 
couses in the game. The tracks hold nothing particular, but watch for 
falling off the couse into the sky. 

8: Baroonda- This world holds many tough and easy tracks, as well as my 
personal track favorite, Baroo Coast. Look for shortcuts in these races, 
as they are very obvious at times. Also, look out for lava on some 
couses, as it slows you down and damages your pod.

	 I find most of these couses, except for the invatational and the 
last couple of galactic couses, to be very easy. I would set the 
winnings to 1st places takes all the money, that way you can better 
upgrade your pod. 

                             4- Tips, Tricks, and Codes


- Buy your pit droids as quickly as possible!! They keep your new parts 
in good conditon for a long time, where as if you don't have the droids 
these parts break easily, costing you a whole lot of money.

- If you are having trouble beating a certain couse, take one race and 
explore the couse, looking for shortcuts and secrets, asthey are 
sometimes neccessary in beating that level.

- Try to get as many pods as you can by coming in 1st place in all the 
races. The new pods give you a lot more choices for upcoming races, as 
well as make the game more fun for you and your friends!

- As a little side note, if you have a big pod racer use it to your 
advantage! If you are near other racers, slam into them and send them 
crashing into the walls. It won't affect your speed much, nd it sets 
computer racers far behind you.

- When you go off a big jump remember to pull back on the control stick 
for as long as possible. It helps to give you an edge over other pods by 
sort of shooting you over top of them.

- If you finally access Sebulba, don't completely rely on his flamejet 
to win races. I find that it sets me back even more just trying to use 
that weapon, and I can't even tell the difference when it works, except 
for a slight delay. ( Sebulba does have great top speed though!)


Below are some useful and cool codes when playing Racer:

When at a blank player screen click into it holding Z down the whole 
time. Now, still holding Z, scan through the letters to spell out the 
following codes using L to type the letters in and remember** hold Z the 
whole time. When you are done typing in the code press the L button on 
"end". You should have seen the code appear in the lower left corner, 
and when you press end, OK should pop up. ( if it doesnt see if it 
worked anyways. )

Invincibility: Type in RRJABBA. When you get to a race press pause and 
simply use the control PAD* to press left down right up. A cheats screen 
should appear, as well as some debug screen which seems to serve no 
purpose. Then just turn on invincibility and enjoy!

Duel Controls: Type in RRDUEL. Then plug in controllers to the first and 
third controller ports and have fun!

Play as secret racer Jinn Reeso: Type in RRJINNRE. Go to the character 
select screen and look him up! (*** for this code to work you must have 
Mars Guo )

Mirrored Courses: Type in RRTHEBEAST. Again, pause the game during a 
race and type in with the control pad left down up right and unlock the 

						5: Closing

	I hope this guide has been helpful in playing Racer, and please, 
if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send them to                     

Your thoughts will be answered quickly and thoroughly!! Thank you for 
using my guide!

Kurt the Critic