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Sacred Ground (e)

Sacred Ground, Santa Fe Mysteries

Game Objective 
Player's main objective is to arrest the kidnapper and murderer. 
• Player must solve the crimes and arrest the kidnapper and murderer within a timeframe of five days. Every action the player takes has a time consequence. 
• Player must make choices between which leads to follow, as there is not enough time allowed for player to investigate all leads. Therefore, the player could conceivable miss even meeting the kidnapper or murderer if the player chooses not to interview them. 
• Several people try to lead the player astray. 

The game is partitioned into three acts or parts. 
Part I: Kidnapping Scene & First Interviews
The first part, which takes part during Days 1 - 3, is exploratory, where the player may pursue whichever leads he/she chooses, with each action "costing" the player time. Gameplay includes:
- Case assignment at Police Headquarters (1 hour)
- Investigation of crime scene (15 min. per photo or order)
- Interviews of potential leads (up to 15 suspects) (15 min. per question)
- Visit to the library to review articles, videotapes (15 min. each read)
- Visit to the Mongoose Tavern for local gossip (15 min. per question)
Review Forensics Tests and Alibi Verifications (15 min. each)

Part II: Mid-Game Movies

Part II begins at the start of Day 4 and consists of a murder and a direct order from the Chief to investigate it -- if the player disobeys the Chief, they get kicked out of the game. Following the lead to the crime scene, the player and partner John Night Sky should realize that the two crimes are related. 

Part III: Second Interviews, Suspect Round-Ups, Arrests & Epilogue 

The third part, which begins mid-day on Day 4, is where the player can re-interview all suspects and informants, asking specific, in-depth questions -- with each question costing the player time. 
To raise the stakes in the story, the murder on Day 4 opens up more questions and possibilities. The player must investigate further: who would want to murder this person? How does it relate to the kidnapping? 
Further, the Chief keeps the pressure on the player by paging them with proddings. 
By the last few hours on Day 5, the Chief encourages the player to make their arrest attempt. If they choose not to arrest up until this point in time, they will be thrown off the case for running out of time. If they arrest the wrong person, they are kicked off the case or could get stabbed and die. A correct arrest leads to a ransom payoff and results in a cast of characters being held at gunpoint. Key dialogue in the finale and an epilogue explain how all the clues tie together in the story. 
The mystery is difficult to solve and so it not expected that the player will arrest the right suspect the first time. Therefore, re-play value stems from the player saving their game at critical points where they may return to a specific point in time and "buy more time," reviewing evidence and interviewing more suspects, and making another arrest attempt. 

Day 1 to Day 3 = 24 hours 
Police Headquarters (1 hour)
Crime Scene (15 min. per order)
Fifteen potential suspects (15 min. per question)
Library (8 articles, 15 min. each)
Mongoose Tavern (15 min. per question) 
PDA Options:
Incoming Alibi Verifications (15 min. each)
Incoming Forensics Tests (15 min. each) 
• Opening movie & DAY 1 Transition 
• Main map with time stamp: Day 1, 9AM 
• Police Hdqtrs -- Chief's Case Assignment
- Police Headquarters halo flashes until player clicks on building once.
- Chief's case assignment movie plays - player cannot click past.
- Movie ends and returns player to main map.
- PDA icon in lower right hand corner of screen flashes and pages player.
- PDA enlarges when clicked with the mouse, then a priority voice message from Det. R. Orlando plays, providing an introduction.
- Player exits PDA by clicking on exit button. 

- Tasker Residence halo flashes until player clicks on the house once. 
- From the exterior view, cursor changes to a magnifying glass over crime scene elements (i.e. the robe and gate), which are hot spots, or highlights in the upper left of the screen to indicate direction towards Martin Tasker, who is in the house. 
- After the player visits Martin Tasker for his first interview, he/she exits and returns to the kidnapping scene. The cursor becomes an arrow to the right side of the screen to indicate direction towards Manuel Orrosso. 
- The player can investigate the crime scene any time in the first day. Any forensics ordered in the first visit will not be processed until the player leaves the crime scene. 
- The player may choose to leave the exterior view at any time by moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen. The cursor changes to a directional downward arrow and returns to the main map when the mouse is clicked. 

- The cursor changes to a magnifying glass over each hot spot. 
- When the player clicks once on a hot spot, a close-up photo appears and an extension of the PDA icon exhibits three icons: 
1) a microscope (to order Forensics Test)
2) a camera (to take Picture)
3) a notepad (to take Notes)
- When the player cursors over an icon, it animates. When the player clicks once on the icon, it stops animating and the following occurs:
1) select microscope-- Gears animate over the microscope and "Ordering Forensics Test" appears in the info bar.
2) select camera - a viewfinder frame outlines item and a flash and sound effect indicates a picture has been taken. 15 minutes is taken off the clock.
3) select notepad - the PDA appears with notes about the item.
- The following hot spots occur in the crime scene:
- White terry cloth robe
- Partially Crushed Prescription Capsule
- Gate 
- Broken and used hypodermic needle
- In the Crime Scene, a small PDA icon is located at the lower right hand corner of the screen. Player may click once on PDA icon to call up PDA and the Main Menu screen appears:
- Help icon ("?")
- Case Files Folder
- E-Mail icon
- Evidence Folder 
- QUIT icon 
- All icons animate when the player scrolls over them. 

- The cursor changes to a directional arrow at the bottom of the screen to indicate that the player may exit the crime scene.
- The player must visit Martin Tasker in order to interview other suspects.
- If the player is in the PDA, he/she must click once on the QUIT button to close PDA and is then returned to the Exterior View. 

After interviewing Martin Tasker the White Buffalo Arson Scene becomes available. This is another crime scene although the player can only look at evidence, take pictures and look at notes. There are no forensics available. The crime scene has the following evidence:
Letter from Christine Belotta
Letter from Free Tibet
Note from M
Note from McClafferty
After leaving the White Buffalo for the first time, the player receives an Arson Report through the PDA. The White Buffalo crime scene is available throughout the game after interviewing Martin Tasker. 

- All potential leads are called out by a blinking halo over their respective residence (except for Manuel Orrosso, who is accessible in Tasker Residence, and George Vesco, who is accessible in the Seven Arrows Development).
- The player must move cursor around the main map to figure out which leads are located where (name rollovers pop up as player cursors over a lit building).
- Player selects subject to be interviewed by clicking once on their residence. Interviews trigger other individuals to light up as possible suspects.
- Establishing shot (640x480) appears, then a jagged boarder and intro of the selected interview. The suspects name fades up and down at the beginning of the intro.
- The player has the option of several questions during an interview (only two are visible at one time). When the player clicks on a question, a movie segment plays with Night Sky asking the question followed by a response. After the clip finishes, more questions are presented.
- Only in the first interviews does John Night Sky reiterate the questions the player chooses.
- Player can end the interview at any time by selecting "End Interview selection -- which plays an exit clip then brings up the individual case file for the subject being interview on the PDA.
- The individual case files consist of the following:
- a picture of the subject
- Pop-up menu: Select "Suspect" or "Informant"
- Pop-up menu: Select a motive
- film strip icon: "Click here to order Alibi Verification"
- magnifying/film icon: "Click here to re-play interview"
- notepad icon: "Notes available"
- Close icon - to return to interview suspect screen.
Note: Each icon animates when the player cursors over it and stops when the player clicks once.
- Player may exit at any time by selecting the exit button on the PDA and shows the picture of the location of the last interview. 

• The following alerts from Dispatch occur in the first two days and can be divided into two types of alerts - hardwired and triggered. Hardwired alerts occur at a specific time no matter where the player has been. Triggered alerts occur depending on specific choices/actions the player has made.
Hardwired Alerts:
- Prodding from the Chief (Day 1, 4 pm):
- PDA icon flashes and beeps
- When PDA is clicked Chief movie plays
- Player must click on PDA exit button to close PDA.
Triggered Alerts: - Dispatch Alert - Vehicle Trace - (Day 2, 10am)
- If player did not visit Wally Chandler and did not order vehicle trace by Day 3, 10am, then this alert notifies player of the following: "an anonymous tip has just come in regarding a black Jeep Cherokee near the Tasker Residence. A trace has been ordered." 

Randa Tasker
Det. John Night Sky
Police Chief Weber
Det. R. Orlando
W. Mirakama - Forensics Lab
Martin Tasker
Manuel Orrosso
George Vesco
Andrew Grissom
Amy Tasker
Christine Belotta
Dan Longfoot
Richard Whitefeather
Free Tibet
Juan Vijil
Mark Kennedy
Carrie March
Theresa Madrone
Thomas McClafferty
Wally Chandler
Charlotte Mabrey
Graham Haggerty
Clifford Lodgepole
Carla Vedanta

Sacred Ground
(a.k.a Son of Elk Moon)
Question Breakdown (Pass 2)
Ed Clune 7/30/96

Martin Tasker:
Q1: Why don't we start there?/
If we might have the names...?
Q2: Another guest?/You think Grissom might be connected...
Q3: And you left the restaurant when?/What was she wearing?/
What happened next?
Q4: Did your wife ever use drugs?
Q5: Can you think of anyone who might've hurt your wife...?/
What about the arson incident...?/
And your own enemies?
EXIT: If this was a kidnapping, Mr. Tasker...

Manuel Orrosso:
Q1: Tell us about night.
Q2: Were you aware that Mrs. Tasker went for a swim about midnight?
Q3: Did you hear any screams?
Q4: Was unusual?/Who has the keys to the gate?
Q5: How many dogs are out in the kennel area?
EXIT: Thanks for your help...

Carrie March:
Q1: You attended the Taskers' anniversary dinner..., is that right?/
How do you know that it was a kidnapping?
Q2: How long have you known the Taskers?
Q3: Can you think of any reason someone might abduct her by force?/
Are you saying that Mr. Tasker could have been behind his wife's disappearance?
Q4: Do you think this had anything to do with Mrs. Tasker's disappearance?
Q5: Was there something going on between Mrs. Tasker and her husband's doctor?
EXIT:Anything else you think...?

Andrew Grissom
Q1: You in the habit of taking the law into your own hands...?/
So, you thought you'd get back at him through his wife...
Q2: What's he got to do with Martin Tasker?
Q3: Where'd you go after you left the Mesa...?
EXIT: Thanks for your time, Mr. Grissom.

Dan Longfoot
Q1: You heard about Randa Tasker's disappearance?
Q2: I understand you had a beef with Tasker?
Q3: Tasker says you threatened him publicly./
Your calling that a murder?
Q4: You know anything about the fire at Randa Tasker's leather goods store?
Q5: Where were you on the night that Randa Tasker disappeared?
EXIT: For now...

Dr. Thomas McClafferty
Q1: And you've been Martin Tasker's personal physician for how long?/
Isn't that a little unusual?
Q2: What's your relationship with Mrs. Tasker?/
Perfectly. Was there anything ... more to the relationship?
Q3: I understand the Taskers argued a lot.
Q4: What time did you leave the Mesa Cafe the other night?
Q5: You've got a key to the gate at the Tasker estate, is that right?
Q6: ...What kind of medication is Mr. Tasker on?
EXIT: Thanks. We'll let you know...

Richard Whitefeather
Q1: You tried to fight in court?
Q2: I know it must be very painful, but could you tell me about the circumstances of your daughter's death...
Q3: Last Tuesday night ... say, between eleven and one ... Where were you?
EXIT: Thank you, Mr. Whitefeather...

Q1: You're an artist.../
Did you have someone in mind?
Q2: Say your theory is right... Why wouldn't this Christine Belotta have taken her revenge right on the spot?
Q3: Is that just a vibe, or do you have some evidence?/
Do you think she was getting ready to leave her husband?
Q4: Anything in her behavior lately that was out of the ordinary?
Q5: Anything stand out in your mind from the anniversary dinner at the Mesa?
Q6: Is it possible that Mrs. Tasker might have staged her own abduction...?
EXIT: Thanks again, Ms. Tibet...

Q1: What do you know about Randa Tasker's/ You're a friend of Martin Tasker?
Q2: Have you helped out in his plans to expand Seven Arrows?
Q3: If Tasker goes under, you lose one of your big supporters. Am I right?
Q4: Mrs. Tasker was taken from her residence... Where were your about that time?
EXIT: Thanks Mr. Vijil...

Q1: The word is that there've been some serious financial difficulties lately...
Q2: There's been some talk of mismanagement...
Q3: You have any idea who might have abducted Randa Tasker?
Q4: Where were you on the night that she disappeared?
Exit: Thanks. We'll be in touch.

Q1: What's the nature of your relationship?/Close friends?
Q2: Did either of them give you any indication of difficulties in the marriage...
Q3: Anyone you can think of who might've been behind Randa Tasker's abduction?
Q4: What were the circumstances?/
When was the last time they spoke?/
How's Amy's relationship with Mrs. Tasker?
Q5: Where did you go after the Tasker's anniversary dinner the other night?
EXIT: Appreciate your help, Mr. Kennedy.

Q1: You saw the kidnapping?
Q2: Any more description on the vehicle?
Q3: And what direction was it coming from...?
Q4: Did you see the driver?
EXIT: Thanks, Mr. Chandler...

Q1: You're an employee of White Buffalo Leather Goods ... ?/When was that?
Q2: You say she was acting strangely?
Q3: Know anything 'bout how the fire got started?
Q4: You know anything about Randa Tasker's disappearance...?/
You know why someone might want to harm her?
Q5: You remember where you were Tuesday night around midnight?