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Street Fighter 2 (e)

Street Fighter II - Character FAQ - Guile : Version 1
Created by ColdShadow86
Created on June 19, 1999

I hear you out there, "Why would anyone make a FAQ for such an old game?" 
Well, I made this FAQ because I was bored and I just really like this old 
game. I plan on making more character FAQ's, but for now there's just this 
one. This FAQ is designed specifically for the original Street Fighter II, 
not Hyper Mega Ultra Super Championship Street Fighter II, or whatever the 
latest version is called. I hope you enjoy this little FAQ of mine, and if 
you have any questions about it, E-mail me at the Address given above.

I - Introduction

Guile is a one of the best players for a player of moderate experience. He's 
not too fast, not to slow and can be used both defensively or offensively. I 
only know of two downsides to Guile: (1) His special moves must be charged 
and (2) he has weird hair. Also, just a side note, I looked at these moves in 
Slow Motion, so they're labeled by what they looked like overall, not the 
little blur that shows up normally. Now, let's get to business.

II - Basic Moves : These are moves that are done by simply pressing buttons
Straight Jab - Light Punch	
Uppercut - Medium Punch		
Spinning Backfist - Hard Punch
Low Front Kick - Light Kick
Mid-Air Back Kick - Medium Kick
High Roundhouse kick - Hard Kick

III - Close Attacks : These are attacks done in close range to your opponent

Straight Jab - Light Punch
Low Front Kick- Light Kick
High Front Kick - Towards + Medium Kick
Somersault Side Kick - Towards + Hard Kick

IV - Mid-Air Attacks : These are attacks done while you are in the air

Chop - Any Punch
High Front Kick - Light Kick or Medium Kick
Hook Kick - Hard Kick
*Flying Knee* - Light Kick
*Flying Back Kick* - Medium Kick

V - Throws : Kind of self explanatory, these are moves that result in a toss 
or slam

Shoulder Throw - Away or Towards + Medium Punch
German Suplex -PT- Away or Towards + Hard Punch
**Mid-Air Shoulder Throw** -PT- Away or Towards + Medium or Hard Punch
**Over-the-Shoulder Backbreaker** -PT- Away or Towards + Medium or Hard Kick

VI - Crouched Attacks : These are attacks performed when you are crouching 

Straight Jab - Light or Medium Punch
Rising Uppercut - Hard Punch
Crouched Roundhouse Kick - Light Kick
Crouched Hook Kick - Medium Kick	
Crouched Roundhouse-to-Hook Kick Combo - Hard Kick

VII - Special Moves
Sonic Boom - Hold Away for at least 2 seconds, then press Towards + any Punch
Flash Kick - Hold Down for at least 2 seconds, then press Up + any Kick

VIII - Keys to this FAQ and miscellaneous information on Guile
Attacks marked with an asterisk (*) must be performed while jumping at an 
angle. Attacks marked by two asterisks (**) must be performed while both 
fighter are in the air. Attacks followed by "PT" are Power Throws. Most 
fighters have Power Throws, but some don't. A Power throw is recognized by 
the screen shaking violently when the throw is performed.    Guile's original 
outfit is standard camouflage, his alternate outfit (accessible by a code) is 
desert camouflage. His stage appears to be the Special Forces base where 
Guile was trained. The two crates on the sides of the screen can be broken, 
but no extra damage is caused or any extra points awarded.

IX - The Code
To unlock Music Track 30 and alternate outfits, when the CAPCOM logo appears, 
press Down, "R", Up, "L", "Y", "B". You should hear a tone if you complete 
the code correctly and in time.

X - Legalities  
Street Fighter II, Guile, Flash Kick, and Sonic Boom are trademarks of CAPCOM 
USA, Inc.
This FAQ can and may be reproduced by any means, with or without the 
permission of the author. If duplicated, credit MUST be given to the author, 
or the person(s) duplicating the FAQ will be guilty of plagiarism. This FAQ 
may be used in materials such as, yet not limited to, the following: 
magazines, books, strategy guides, or web guides.