Sega Rally 2 (e)

** Sega Rally 2 (The Whole Package) **

by RJ
Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Playing the Game
3. The Cars
4. The Tracks
5. See How you Rank
6. Secrets, Cheats
7. End

1. Introduction

Sega Rally 2 is a great car racing game.  Definitly a great buy.  This 
information is provided for the use of the Dreamcast/Japanese Version Sega Rally 
2.  This was written on July 14, 1999.  There is an English version of the game 
coming soon, most of this information should be valid with that, but of course 
some things may change with the new language coming in.

Most of the information here has come from me, and my experiences with the game.  
I have beaten this game a great many times now and still can't get enough of it.  
Of course there are some things like codes and such that I got off the web.  But 
really I have found information on this game in so many different spots it was 
hard to track down and use.  So I thought I'd make one giant page for 
everything.  Also on other peoples pages things I saw there were some things 
that were not correct with the help or codes or whatever they were saying.  So 
here is the whole package of Sega Rally 2.  Completely functional and true as of 

2.  Playing the Game

Of course most people prefer the automatic transmission of the cars over the 
manual just because of easier play, but I have found that manual transmission 
runs a LOT faster.  You can accelerate around corners really quick and do a lot 
more great things.  For the beginner I highly suggest Automatic until you get a 
great grip on the game and are going for the ultimate high scores, then you 
should switch over to manual transmission.
For the fastest start in automatic, hit full accelleration on "GO".  Reving the 
engine on 3, or 2, or 1, will either spin your tires, or not shift right.

For the fastest start in manual transmission, stick the car in first, wait for 
the "GO", hit full accelleration, with most cars you'll want to shift to 2nd at 
4000rpm, then switch to 3rd at 45000rpm.  That's pretty much one right after 
another.  When your car gets to 190kmh (117mph) switch to fourth.  Having a 4 
gear manual transmission is plenty for most tracks.  It is rare to ever need 
more than 4 gears on these tracks.

When going around sharp corners in manual transmission, like hairpin turns, 
finger off gas, turn, hit break and side break to spin around corner, let off 
breaks, shift down to 3rd (if you went below 190kmh), full accell, switch back 
to 4th at 190kmh(117mph).

To get the fastest possible times on some tracks you need to cut corners.  For 
instance Desert->SS1 on the first medium left, water hazard turn, you can cut 
the corner before the water and gain a lot of time that way.  This tactic may 
not apply in all situations, like the snowy tracks, it's best to stay on the 
road than up onto the banks.  

Personal tip about snowy tracks:  Although I do not have the best times in the 
world, I do consider myself pretty good at SegaRally2.  In the snowy tracks I 
usually keep my car in 3rd gear for most of the race.  Usually when I go into 
forth, I find myself up on the side of the road more than on the road.  I can 
see if you are a bad ass mofo, you might be able to handle the track in the 
highest gear, but I find it much cleaner and faster when I run through the snowy 
tracks in 3rd gear.  

Camera View.  I switch camera's depending on what car I'm using and what track 
I'm on.  For instance, if I'm going to use the Stratos which whips around 
corners practically sideways, it's really hard to tell where you are using the 
driver view, so I'll almost alway use the rear view for that.  But if I'm in 
some car that doesn't spin around corners sideways and I'm on some track that 
doesn't involve a lot of sharp turns, I may use the driver view.  For instance, 
if I'm driving the 306Maxi, and I'm on Snowy->SS3 I'll use the driver view.  All 
and all the rear view has the most potention and is probably the best view.  Try 
switching sometimes and see if it makes you better or worse.

When in the 10 year championship, it is wise to modify your car.  The game does 
not compensate for weather when choosing tires for you.  So at the least change 
the tires.  Change gear ratio and suspension too if you feel.  This makes it 
easier to finish tracks.

3.  The Cars

From what I've experienced, there are 2 main differences in the cars.  There is 
the 2WD and 4WD.  The 2WD cars will whip around corners almost sideways in 
cases.  The 4WD cars take a lot more control of the road it seems, and they 
don't take corners that greatly (esp. not on tarmac).

There are some tracks that I can keep full accell through the entire track with 
the 2WD cars.  But then when I switch to the 4WD cars, I find myself letting off 
the gas or putting on the side break.  After I got used to the 4WD cars, I 
noticed it was all just in the positioning of the car around the corner.  This 
makes the 4WD cars a lot harder to drive WELL.  It makes it so you need to 
almost memorize the track and each turn, and makes it so you have to set up for 
each turn perfectly.  When learning the ropes of Sega Rally 2, it is probably 
better to start with the 2WD cars and learn the tracks and how to get great 
times with them.  

The best 4WD car is the Peugeot 306 Maxi.  Which is given to you from the start 
of the game.  I say this because it is FAST, has great accelleration, and it 
shows up on the top scores lists a LOT.  It's pretty frustrating to learn how to 
use since it seems like it has no response to your controller.  My thumbs got 
pretty soar from pushing on the gamepad so hard trying to get the thing to turn 

From what I've seen on the top times lists, is that the fastest times have been 
with the cars:  Peugeot 306 Maxi, 037 Rally, 205 Turbo 16, Stratos, Lancer Evo V 
& IV.

To get new cars.  There is a total of 11 new cars you can unlock and drive in 
the game.  Now again I say this is for the Japanese version of this game, maybe 
English it will be different.  The manual shows that there are 12 new bonus cars 
to get, but if you look you can see that the Toyta Corolla that they give you at 
the beginning is the same Toyota Corolla that you get as a bonus car.  The bonus 
Corolla has a different paint job and it says TEIN underneath it.  In order to 
get that Corolla all you do is, when choosing the old Corolla, hold L-trigger, 
then select it, and it will show up just like that new one in the manual.  Kinda 
weird and dumb, but oh well, the rest of the game rocks! :)

To get the other 11 cars.  When you finish first in any of the years in the 10 
year championship you will get to drive a new car.  Also when you merely finish 
the Arcade Championship in ANY place, you'll get a new car to drive also.  I'm 
almost sold that the greatest or second greatest car in the game is the 037 
rally, which is what you get when you win first in the 10th year of the 10 year 
championship.  It is definitly the hardest to get, only because it takes so damn 
long to go through all the tracks to get to that year.  

My favorite car in the game as of right now, is the 306Maxi.  I have achieved 
all my best times, on all the tracks and years and Arcade with that car and I 
also like it because you can choose it at the beginning of the game.  My 
favorite car for handling purposes is the 037Rally.  That is a mean machine that 
anyone can get good at quickly I think.

When looking at the best times lists, I have noticed almost every car on the 
lists.  This means that some people get really good at certain cars and use them 
often.  Yes, getting the fastest times has a LOT to do with the driver, but not 

Some people drive cars just because they like to drive the specific car.  Some 
drive cars just becuase they want to get a top score.  This choice is up to you.

4.  The Tracks

Super Special Stage
There is a total of 17 tracks in the game.  16 are accessible at the beginning 
of the game, the last one you have to work for.  In order to play 0the "Super 
Special Stage" you need to finish first place in the 10th year of the 10 year 
championship.  Usually when you finish first in a year you get a car and go to 
the next year, well with the 10th year, the game makes you race one more track.  
Usually people have never raced that track before when they get there and are 
totally confused and loose the race.  If you do loose you do get to time attack 
that track as much as you want to practice.  Then once you win you get the 037 

On the Super S.S. it seems almost like there are 2 seperate tracks with 2 cars 
racing together on 2 tracks.  But this is not true.  It is all 1 track, but the 
2 cars start at differnet places on the track, exactly half way through the 
track.  Unless you are either a real bad ass, or your opponent sucks you should 
never pass the other car on your track.  You can see him on the next track over 
through and pass him there.  

What cars are fastest to use on what track.
In this section I am solely taking the cars that appear on the top times lists.  
These may not be #1 on the best time, but they are the majority of the best 50 
times that are on the list.  I'll tell you where the top times list is later in 
the "See How You Rank" section.  

Arcade:  Championship->  306 Maxi / 037 Rally
1st year:  205 turbo 16
2nd year:  205 turbo 16
3rd year:  205 turbo 16
4th year:  037 rally
5th year:  205 turbo 16
6th year:  205 turbo 16
7th year:  205 turbo 16
8th year:  205 turbo 16
9th year:  205 turbo 16
10th year: 205 turbo 16
(The 205 turbo 16 you get when you get first on the 8th year.)

Time Attack
	SS1-> 037rally/306maxi
	SS2-> 205 turbo 16
	SS3-> Alpine A110
	SS1-> 037rally
	SS2-> 037rally
	SS3-> 037rally
	SS1-> Lancer Evo V/205 turbo 16
	SS2-> Lancer Evo IV
	SS3-> Lancer Evo IV/205 turbo 16/306maxi
Riviera->  037rally/306maxi
	SS1-> 205turbo16
	SS2-> 205turbo16
	SS3-> 205turbo16
	SS1-> 306maxi/037rally
	SS2-> 037rally
	SS3-> 037rally
Super S. S. -> Alpine A110/205turbo16

When Looking at all the times, I saw almost every other car on all these lists.  
So that means all the other cars are capable of getting great times, but some 
cars can do it a little easier.

5.  See How You Rank

There is a webpage Sega has put up that allows you to compare your times on Sega 
Rally 2 with the rest of the world.  The only problem, is that this webpage is 
all in japanese.  Of course this isn't a problem if you speak japanese, but I 
don't.  If you ever go under records, and look at your top times, you'll see a 
password at the bottom, something like CVEW57E32 or something wild like that.  
All you need is that and an email address and you can compare your times with 
the rest of the world.

Go to the webpage:

The first red banner, with the 2 Japanese symbols is the top times page.  You 
can go there, then choose what track or year or whatever, then choose if you 
want to view this weeks top times, or overall top times.  That link is pretty 
simple to follow.

The second banner, the green one, with the 2 Japanese symbols is to register 
your name with the webpage.  There are 3 boxes to fill out there.  The first one 
is your name, the second is your email address, and if there is a 3rd you  can 
put what track you got a good score in (that is irellavent though).  After you 
have entered it all in, hit the left button to submit it.  After a little while 
you should get a email with a password.  You'll need this password to submit 
your time.

The 3rd banner, the orange one, with the 5 japanes symbols is the page you use 
to actually submit your time.  When you click on it you'll see 4 boxes for you 
to enter information in.  The first box is the name that will show on the high 
scores list once it's submitted.  The second box is the code you got from the 
game (Go to records and find the time you got and you'll see the code at the 
bottom.)  The third box you need to put in your email address.  And the forth 
last box you put in the password that was emailed to you.  Then click on the 
left box to submit your time and it'll show you where you rank in the world.

That is pretty much all I have figured out from this webpage as of now.  My 
computer can't decypher Japanese, nor can I.  HOPEFULLY will come 
out with an English version of this, because this is a really cool thing to 

6.  Secrets/Cheats

Secret area on course or "Score Attack Mode"
Choose arcade, then championship OR practice.  Get to the riviera track.  On the 
last 90 degree corner you'll see 2 cones on the wall of the curve.  Knock them 
over (you must knock over the first one first then the second).  Turn around and 
look for a tunnel on the right side.  You can go in there and run over cones for 
points.  I don't think the points do anything but heres how they add up:  
Red/Yellow: 100 points, Green: 200 points, White: 300points.  If somebody finds 
out what the hell this section is for please email me.
Note: If you don't see any cones at all, try restarting the game without any 

Alternate Color for Cars
The Stratos, Corolla, and Lancer Evo. can have different car colors.  When going 
to select which car to drive, hold L-trigger and select the car and it should be 
a new color.

Camera Stuff
During replay, except in 2pl battle mode i think, you can hit A then move the 
camera around the car with the left right up down buttons.  You can zoom in and 
out of it too with the R and L trigger buttons.  The other buttons, X Y & B do 
stuff too, and if you are in the X Y or B camera shot you can push right or left 
to get rid of all letters and writing on the screen like time and such.     
After selecting and it's asking what transmission you want, if you push down you 
can manipulate the way you look at the car slightly.

Code for all cars
At the title screen Up, Down, Up, B, A, Left, B, B, Down on the digital control 
pad.  You'll hear a little sound if you did it right.  Now of course I don't 
recommend doing this, PLAY THE DAMN GAME.  It's a rad game, don't cheat.

Code for all tracks
At the title screen, press the following on the digital pad: Up, Left, Down, 
Right, B, A, B, Right, Down. All of the tracks in the 10 years championship will 
now become available, including the secret track for completing the 

30/60 frames per second.
If the game is running slow during races and such, you might want to make it 30 
or 60 frames per second.  Also I heard some people put in both codes to have it 
even cleaner.  Enter these codes at the title screen, there will be a noise if 
you did it right.  
30fps: Up, A, Down, Down, Left, Right, B, B, UP
60fps: Up, A, Down, Down, Left, Right, B, B, Down

7.  End

I'm pretty sure that is all I know, and that is all that there is out on the 
webpages today, about sega rally 2.  I appreciate anyone who put up anything 
about the game on webpages already, thanks.  

If you have anything to add, or you are confused about something, or just want 
to comment or anything at all, email me at:
Good luck and have fun!


Go, Go, Sega Rally!