Ryu Knight - Road of the Paladin FAQ (e)

                         Haou Daikei Ryu Knight
                          Road of the Paladin
                              Version 1.0
                           By Steven Bruck

                            Table of Contents

2)Game Play
   2.2)World Map
      2.3.2)Level Gaining
      2.3.3)Damage Indicators
      2.3.4)Ryu Battles
      2.3.5)Class Change
   2.4)Main Menu
   2.5)Item Menu
   4.1)Opening Translation
   4.2)Revived!? Derias and The Three Brothers of Mince
   4.3)Escape! New Income and the Trader Katzel.
   4.4)Second Encouter! The Incredible Man in the Forest!!
   4.5)A Lie!? The Voice of the Dwarf Thief!
   4.6)Magic Power Gone? Collapse! The Dying Souls of 3 Knights!
   4.10)Decisive Battle!! The Mining Town of Mithril!
   4.11)Edge of the Forest of King's! The Princess Thief!?
5)Item List
   5.1)Weapons List
   5.2)Shield List
   5.3)Tool List
   5.4)Herb List



   Hi, This is a walkthrough for the Super Famicom game Haou Daikei Ryu 
Knight. This game is based is from the anime series by Bandai and 
Sunrise. If you've never heard of it, then I will give a fairly brief 
overview. The story is based around a "Knight in Training" named Adeu. 
Adeu is a clumsy person who happens to control a very powerful sacred 
armor, called a Ryu. In the anime Adeu and Co. ended up fighting many 
different and powerful enemies. In the OVA he fight's with Wormgardes, 
and in the TV series he fights with Regal. There are 18 Laserdisc's and 
quite a few books and cd's to find. However Ryu Knight merchandise is 
quite hard to find this day in age. The only LD I have yet to own is 
Volume 12, but these things are quite near impossible to find.
   And last if you have any comment's, question's, or additions, the 
please contact me.


Version 1.0   Started the FAQ.


2)Game Play

   This is a pretty simple easy to understand section. I provide a list
of most everything that I can think of that would be helpful.



   In-Town Control's:
      D-Pad:Move Around.
      A Button:Talk/Command Acceptence.
      B Button:Jump/Command Cancelation.
      X Button:Main Menu.
      Y Button:Item List.
      Start:Pauses the Game.
      L Button:Nothing.
      R Button:Nothing.

   Battle Control's:
      D-Pad:Move Around.
      A Button:Swing your Sword.
      B Button:Jump/Command Cancelation.
      X Button:Main Menu.
      Y Button:Item List.
      Start:Pauses the Game.
      L Button:Nothing.
      R Button:Nothing.
      Select:Transfrom into your Ryu.
      Hold Down L+A(for 4 seconds):Super Powerful Slash.

   Ryu Battles:
     D-Pad:Move Your Ryu Around.
     A Button:Swing your Sword.
     B Button:Jump
     X Button:Nothing
     Y Button:Shield
     Start:Pauses the Game.
     L Button:Strafe Left.
     R Button:Strafe Right.


2.2)World Map

   Here is how the world map works. You can chose the quest your on, by
going to a new area of the map. You move around using the Left and Right
button's on the directional pad. When you find a quest that sound's 
interestion, then just push the A button. Pretty simple.



   The Battle System for this game if very different. It's quite easy to



   The Main Battle system in Ryu Knight is kind of like Y's/Zelda. You 
walk over a map, and slash monsters. There are no random encounters. You 
can fight the enemies you want, and run away from the ones you don't. You 
can change into your Ryu on the Battle Field, but the Ryu won't be able to
fit through tight spots. However, The Ryu is much stronger. Quite a Simple
little battle system. One last note, If you double tap the control pad, you
will dash.


   2.3.2)Level Gaining

   In Ryu Knight you gain level's by killing monsters(nothing really new).
But, You can gain additional experience by picking up the gems that the
monsters drop. Some Gems will give a better bonus then others.


   2.3.3)Damage Indicators

   As you fight with monsters, you will notice that as you hit the enemy
a different color will flash. This is telling you much HP you/your enemy
has left. The Color's go like this:Blue-Lot's of HP left, Yellow-Moderate
amount of HP left, Red-Low amount of HP left.


   2.3.4)Ryu Battles

   Ryu Battles are quite different from normal battles. These are normally
major boss battles. The Screen should be set up somthing like this.

            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |     Picture of The Battle Field       | 
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |                                       | 
            |              Mist Tank                | 
            |_____________|         |_______________|
            |                                       |
            |  You                     Your Enemy   |
            |               Radar                   |

   Now your Mist Tank is your Hit Points. Radar shows your where the enemy
is. Now Ryu Battle acts kind of like a first person shooter. What you do
is avoid the enemy attacks, and then attack. It's kind of annoying at 
first, but then you get the hand of it. Your Shield will defend you so
you do take less damage, but it all does quite a bit of damage when you
attack, but the sword does much more.


   2.3.5)Class Change

   I still don't fully understand how the Class Changes work, but I do
know that your Ryu becomes noticably stronger. Here are the class changes:

     Lv.1-10      Apprentice
     Lv.11-20     Begginer
     Lv.21-??     Half-Knight


2.4)Main Menu

   The Main Menu in Ryu Knight is very simple to operate. You could 
probably figure it all out through trial and error, but I will make things
a little simpler for you.

   When you first access the Main Menu you first get four choices:

      Whole Map-This will lead you to a picture of the World Map, From
                which you can change quest's.
      Exit-This will exit the Main Menu.

   When you access the System Menu you will get an additional four 

      Save-This will save your game. Just select the slot in which you 
           want to save and select OK.

      Load-This will load your saved game. Just select the game you wish
           to load and select OK.
      Configure-This will allow you to configure your game. You have the
                following option's to mess around with.

         Reports-Trust me on this one, do not turn if off. Leave it
                 On and do not mess with this.
         Assist-Currently I only have the choice of turning this off, 
                So when I figure out what this does, I will let you know.

         Text-Change the speed at which the text displays. 
         Sound-Changes the sound from Stero to Mono.

      Name Change-Allows you to change the names or your characters. You
                  can choose between Kana, Gana, and Roman Alphabets.

   When you access the Status Menu you first must choose the character.
   After you choose the character, a screen like this should come up. Also
   Note that Hagu-Hagu acts as your cursor.

                   ___________________    _______
             _____|  Character Name   |__| Class |__
            |                                       |
            |  Level              X       Portrait  |
            |                                       |
            |  Hit Points         Current/Max       | 
            |                                       |
            |  Attack Power       Base/XX           |
            |                                       | 
            |  Defence Power      Base/XX           |
            |                                       |
            |  Magic Skill        X                 | 
            |                                       |
            |     Weapon     Shield     Accessory   |
            |              List Of Weapons          |
            |          Item Discription             |

   Well...That Should be about it.


   2.5)Item Menu
   You can access the Item Menu by using the Y Button. Choose what ever
item you would like to use and press the A Button.



   Will fill this in later.



   *Please note that I added the story to this, so If you don't want the 
game spoiled, don't read farther than where you are. Also If you noticed
the on the title screen they play the first season opener, Good-Bye Tears.
And please note that the walkthrough won't sound very good at first, 
because in order to complete one event you have to skip to other lands.

   Oh, and one last thing. The name's of the quests are very similar to the
episodes in the anime. I thought that was a pretty cool idea.


   4.1)Opening Translation

   The Screen will fade in and you will see Adeu practicing in a forest.

Adeu:Phew...This training doesn't seem to be making a differnce. And on
     a day like this, it's hard to be practicing.

   A ball of light will flash. And a man will appear.


Adeu:Who, Who are you?

Dai Kenja Najii:Ha Ha Ha Ha...Why I'm Dai Kenja Najii!!

Adeu:Huh? A Dai Kenja? You just look like an old man.

Dai Kenja Najii:W...What did you say!? And Old Man? What a Rude Person!

Adeu:Ahh...Okay, Okay. Well, a "Real" Dai Kenja...What are you doing here?

Dai Kenja Najii:Umm...I have a present for you.

Adeu:Huh? A Present?

Dai Kenja Najii:Yeah...You will need to come with me if you want to see it.

Adeu:Oh, I have to go with you to see it? Old Man...What do you really
    want me to see.

Dai Kenja Najii:Ha Ha Ha Ha...I see you noticed. The Sacred Sword Earthtia.
    The Sword that stands from the ground. Many heroes have walked the 
    path. Knight's, Magicians, Gunman, and even Ninja's. The World needs
    as many heroes as possible. You must train harder than you ever have.

Adeu:Phew...Such a Speech, But Okay. I will become the best in the world.

Dai Kenja Najii:Really, That's Good! You must follow The Good Path of 
   the Paladin. That is...

   A Ryu will know walk on the screen.

Adeu:Is this...A Ryu? It is a Ryu Knight!In...Incredible...

Dai Kenja Najii:Ha Ha Ha Ha...Isn't though? Wouldn't you like to enter it? 
   Well, How would you like it as your own!

Adeu:M...My Ryu Knight? Mine...

Dai Kenja Najii:Sacred Sword Earthtia...What this world needs is a special 
   hero, a Super Brave Fighting Group! So, Would you like to test your

Adeu:Super Brave Fighting Group? World's Greatest Hero... My...My [Ryu]?

Dai Kenja Najii:That's Right! That's Zephyr.

Adeu:He...Zephyr can speak. Okay.

Dai Kenja Najii:Ok, Let's Go!! Sacred Sword Earthtia...You just wait, I 
   will be there soon!! And...Will have a Paladin with me! This Knight
   will follow the road...The Road of the Paladin.

Adeu:The Road of the Paladin?

Dai Kenja Najii:Train...You can pick what continent you want to start out
   on. However, To Train you will need to get the Spirit Key's. So you 
   will want to search from...Hoelzberry to the Earth Blade.

Adeu:Earth Blade?

Dai Kenja Najii:Yes...When you have your Super Brave Fighting Group you 
   should go there. But, It is very steep there. The Sacred Sword of 
   Earthtia is in parts...The twelve parts are in differnt areas. So 
   train while you can. You must have the Earth Blade. 

   Najii will now disappear, and you will be taken to the map. This game 
is pretty non-liner. So you can choose to do this in what ever order you 
want to. 


4.2)Revived!? Derias and The Three Brothers of Mince

Items:2500GG, Nigaki Seed, 4500GG,

   When you first enter this town you will notice the Old Western type 
movie set feel. At least I did. Here are the things you can buy:

  Fire Smash         10000GG
  Hyun Smash         15000GG
  Darkish Shield     5000GG
  Sleep Shield       6000GG

  Powon Herb         150GG
  Nigaki Seed        40GG
  Super Medicine     50GG
  Bitter Medicine    60GG
  Stone Medicine     70GG

   Anyways, when your done looking around head to the item shop. It will
be on the bottom half of the screen. When you are ready talk to the woman
at the counter. A scene will now take place.
   When you walk up the woman will remember you, and say that it is a 
suprise to see you here. Adeu doesn't understand, saying that it shouldn't
be a suprise at all. Lina will say that since your here you can search
for the Three Brothers of Mince. Adeu will ask what she is talking about.
Lina will say that Derias is still alive. Adeu asks if she is
going his way, Adeu was just saying a little joke and Adeu asks if he
could help. Lina will say that there might be a way, since you have a Ryu.
Adeu will tell Lina not to worry. Lina will warn Adeu that Derias is a 
Solit User and says that you can find him in the WestGuns Region.
   When you are ready walk north. Now I recommend that you kill that Cactus
to the left a couple times to gain to about oh level 5. But Don't go right
because you will have to fight a major battle. When you are Level 5 head
to the right. After a little walk you will meet Derias and the Brothers.
   Adeu will be supprised, then identify Derias and the Three Brothers of
Mench. Adeu then adds that he will make them pay. Derias says that 
WestGuns is his town. The Minch Brothers will now fire their weapons. After
they are done they will ask you if your scared. Derias will say that
you should use your Ryu Knight if you want to win. Adeu says that he can't
let his enemies win, so he calls up Zephyr. The screen will change to the
Ryu Battle screen. 
Ryu Battle


Strategy:This will be your first Ryu Battle, so you have may have a little
         trouble getting used to it. You will also have to watch out from
         the annoying attacks from the Solits. I find that this battle is
         much easier if you strafe. Derias moves quite slow, but still it
         is difficult to hit him. I think I hit him about 20+ times. Don't
         be supprised if you die. It takes a while to get used to the Ryu
         Battle system. Anyways, once Derias gets close to losing, the 
         music will change. 

   After the battle Adeu will ask where they went. But you get your first
emblem after the fight. Now you should head farther to the north. 
The enemies here are very easy, but still you should watch out. 
   Now head all the way to the left and you should see a chest. Now head
up to the next screen. If you go left you can learn somemore info. Nothing
I really thought was all the interesting. I did however waste a little
time gaining levels here. You would probably be wise to gain up to Level
7. When you are level 7 head up once more. On this screen head right again.
Now keep heading right. Now head down to the next screen. And then keep on
heading right and you should end up in Onnin Town. You can get the 
following items in Onnin Town:

  Hyun Smash         15000GG
  Killer Smash       20000GG
  Confuse Shield     7000GG
  Stone Shield       8000GG

  Magic Glove        1000GG
  Fire Glove         2000GG
  Spring             5000GG
  Powon Herb         150GG
  SoeSoe Herb        500GG
  Nigaki Seed        40GG
  Super Medicine     50GG
  Bitter Medicine    60GG
  Stone Medicine     70GG
  Tomioka Seed       250GG

   Chances are you can't afford the weapons at this point, but you can
buy some other good items.  You will want to buy the Magic Glove right
now. When you have it head back left, and then up and right. Kill all 
of the enemies on this screen and then go inspect the Mist Station. Adeu
will then be surround, and will then ask if that is Bias(who is in the 
TV series). Bias will ask how you know who he is and what you are doing
here. Adeu will then respond with the Code of the Knight; Watch Out for
Knight's that look like they take the Evil Path. And Bias looks evil. Bias
will laugh, saying that he has a Solit Bomber and asks what you have? Adeu
will answer Zephyr. When you get to the Ryu Battle Screen Bias will be
supprised that you have a Ryu, but says that he will still win.

Ryu Battle


Strategy:You can get about 5 slashes if you start pressing the A button
         as soon as the battle starts. Bias does quite a bit of damage,
         however you will still need to watch out when the Solit's 
         seperate. They don't do as much damage as the "Fused" Solit, but
         they can still kill you. And like all Ryu Battles, If you want to
         win you will need to Strafe. But, As long as you stay defensive
         you will win the battle. I ususally like to run and wait till Bias
         fuses, get 3 hits and run. Just remeber this battle may take four
         or five times to win, but eventually you will.

   After the battle Adeu will quite another quote from Code of the
Knight;The Knight will always Win. And you will get another emblem.
When you are done head back to Onnin Town. When you reach Onnin Town head 
all the way north and you should find the enterence to a cave. This is 
Onnin Caveren. 
   Watch out for the monsters in this cave, they are very strong. Those
Green Giants take quite a few hits to take down. Anways head to the top
right tunnel. Now keep heading to the left and then finally down. You
will now be out of the cave. Walk a little down and Adeu will comment that
he feels near another Spirit Key. Follow the Path and you will be lead
to West Hill and a new Chapter.


4.3)Escape! New Income and the Trader Katzel.

   I like the BGM for this town. Reminds me of sort of Phantasy Star II. 
Anyways, Here is what you can buy in West Hill:

  Fire Smash         10000GG
  Killer Smash       20000GG
  Darkish Shield     5000GG    
  Stone Shield       8000GG

  Heal Diamond       20000GG
  Fire Glove         2000GG
  Winged Sandal's    30000GG

  Nigaki Seed        40GG
  Super Medicine     50GG
  Bitter Medicine    60GG
  Stone Medicine     70GG

   You probably can afford the Darkish Shield right now, but I choose to 
pass on it. It makes the next part much more difficult, but they you can 
afford a better weapon in a little while. Now head to the top right sector
of the town. You will now be taken to another sector of West Guns. In this 
area I would gain a few levels. If you are level 12 you will be fine. When 
you are done just follow the path(there is only one way) and you will be 
lead to the town of North Hill. Here is what you can buy in North Hill.

  Ashra Shield       16000GG

  Spring             5000GG
  Winged Sandal's    30000GG
  Speed Shoes        20000GG
  Powon Herb         150GG
  SoeSoe Herb        500GG
  Tomioka Seed       250GG

   Again, most of these items will be out of your price range at this 
point in the game. However there are some very good items available, so
you should come back later.

   *I don't really have any idea of what to do next. I have tried every 
item(I can afford) to get rid of the cactus that's blocking the road. So 
I'm going to skip this chapater.If you know how to do it please contact 


4.4)Second Encouter! The Incredible Man in the Forest!!

Treasures:Emerald Power(Zephyr Power-Up),

   You will start off in Joylock Forest. The enemies here are not very
strong, so you should have no problem if your Lv. 13+. Start off by head
to the left to the next screen. On the next screen work your way up and
you should eventually reach Graches's Town. Work your way up the building
untill you reach the top. When you are ready go talk to Graches. 
   Graches will be happy to see you and asks what your doing here. Adeu
will say that he was near by. He then asks Graches if he is still training.
Graches doesn't reply. Adeu then asks Graches to come with him, to join
the Super Brave Fighting Group. Graches is still silent. Adeu will ask
him what's the matter and why he isn't joining. Graches will say that a
Spirit spoke to him. Adeu asks what the spirit said. Graches then says
that the spirit warned him of magical being named Hellrite being revived
by someone in Chonba Fort. Adeu can't believe what he just heard. Graches
says they must stop it. Adeu asks why they have to do anything. Graches
says that he has to get away for a little bit, Hellrite is to dangerous.
Adeu asks what's he talking about. Graches will say a long time ago, he
was different. Adeu will ask what the Spirit said. Adeu says that he 
can't help if he dosen't know what's going on. Adeu will then figure out
that Graches must have been from Chonba, and that hey can win together. 
Graches will be silent, for a while and will then start laughing. He will
then thanks Adeu, and says that they must defeat Hellrite. Graches then
tells you that to get to Chonba Fort you will have to go through Rain Town.
Graches will now join you as a NPC.
   Now you will need to get to Chonba Fort. The quickest way to do this is
to warp to the Flidel region. From where you are on the map move 6 times
to the right and you will end up in the right place. Just make a quick 
walk left and then up twice and you will be in Chonba Fort.


4.5)A Lie!? The Voice of the Dwarf Thief!


   Then enemies in this cave are annoying! The Blue Ghost's projectiles
stay and follow you for a full minute. Anyways head to the top left. As
you get close to the door Adeu will asks if Dwarves live like this. 
Continue up and on the next screen head to the right. On the next screen
use the doorway that leads up. Now on this screen you can either take
the South stairs leading up or the North. The North will lead you to 
5000GG and the Dwarf Village. The South will lead you to a dead end. 
Now you should be in the Dwarven Village. You will soon notice that
none of the Dwarves will talk to you.


4.6)Magic Power Gone? Collapse! The Dying Souls of 3 Knights!


   You will now start of one the Country of Flidel. Start by heading up
and around the bend to the next screen. Head up once more and you should
end up in Flidel Village. Here is what you can buy in Flidel Village:

  Fire Smash         10000GG
  Hyun Smash         15000GG
  Killer Smash       20000GG
  Darkish Shield     5000GG
  Sleep Shield       6000GG
  Confuse Shield     7000GG
  Stone Shield       8000GG
  Ashra Shield       16000GG

  Heal Diamond       20000GG
  Magic Glove        1000GG
  Spring             5000GG
  Winged Sandal's    30000GG
  Speed Shoes        20000GG
  Mist Tank          50000GG
  Powon Herb         150GG
  SoeSoe Herb        500GG
  Nigaki Seed        40GG
  Super Medicine     50GG
  Bitter Medicine    60GG
  Stone Medicine     70GG
  Tomioka Seed       250GG


4.10)Decisive Battle!! The Mining Town of Mithril!

Treasures:Golem's Eye, Mithril Ring, 10000GG,

   Start head right and down and you will soon reach Mithril Town. Please
note that at first you can't by anything because of the Goblin Scare. So
what you need to do is head to the house at the very top left. Go inside
and talk to the man with the Orange Turban. He will says that his Mithril
Ring has been taken by Goblins. And Adeu will volunteer to help him. Now 
head all the way to the top right and the Guards will asks you if your 
the one that's going to get rid of the Goblin's. The Guards will then part 
and let you through. On the first screen head up and then on the second 
screen go down the stairs and into the cave.
   Once in the cave you will need to hit the switch on the right hand wall.
This will open a door. Now what you need to do in this first room is to
hit all of the switches. After you have done that go into the next room.
On the first screen go into all the rooms and talk to all of the Goblins.
They will pretty much say that it is all Boplin's fault. Anyways the door 
north of here opens now. Save before you enter, because you will face a 
tough little enemy. Actually it's not that hard, If you just use Zephyr
you can stand there and slash and win without a problem. Anyways when you
win you will get the Golem's Eye. Now if you head back to where you started
you can open the door that you couldn't previously. The door is located
at the top left on the first screen of the cave. Just equip the Golem's
Eye as an Item and it will open the door. Walk through the door and you
will enter a room with a switch and a door. Hit the switch and it will
open the door. Now head up to the next room. Now fallow the path and
eventually you will lead to a room with a lot of lava on the groud. You
have to be careful at first. There are a ton of those fireball shooting
guys. Anyways follow the path that should lead you to the next room. You
will now be in a room that's mostly lava. You will be fine if you have the
Fire Glove, but if you don't try and walk quickly across the lava. When 
you have the room cleared out you can head to the top right and hit the
switch. Now proceed onto the next room. Now just take the knife thrower's
out and save. Then proceed onto the next room.
   You will now see Boplin. He will ask who you are and what you are doing
here. Adeu will ask him if he is Boplin, he will then say that the Town
Elder sent him to bring back what he stole. Boblin asks if you talking
about the Mithril Ring. If it is he says that he will never give it back.
He then summon Bublin. You will now be at the Ryu Battle screen.

Ryu Battle


Strategy:This battle is pretty tough. I died once. Pretty much the
         basic strategy is to strafe till you have an opening and and 
         defend when your being attacked. There really is now strategy I
         can give you for this battle, just keep slashing and eventually
         it will be over.

   After that battle you will be outside the Goblin County. Adeu will be
happy that he succeded. You will then get a little message letting you
know that you got the Mithril Ring back. You will also get a Goblin
Emblem on your status screen. Anyway's equip the Mithril Ring and head
back to the Village Elder's house. When you talk to him he will be 
supprised you got it back. Adeu says that it was no problem. The Village
Elder will the give you the reward; of 10000GG. Plus if you head back
to the shops you can buy things now.

  Sleep Shield       6000GG
  Confuse Shield     7000GG
  Ashra Shield       16000GG

  Heal Diamond       20000GG
  Magic Glove        1000GG
  Fire Glove         2000GG
  Winged Sandal's    30000GG
  Speed Shoes        20000GG
   Nothing all that special, but at least you can buy things now. Anyways
when you ready head to the next area of the map.


4.11)Edge of the Forest of King's! The Princess Thief!?


   Well, This is all for now.


5)Item List
   This is a quick little list of all the items I have found. I have you
have somthing I don't, Then please contact me and tell me what it is.


5.1)Weapons List

Name:            AP:            Special Abilities:
------          -----           ------------------    
Fire Smash       28             Throws Fireball's when slashing.


5.2)Shield List

Name:            DP:            Special Abilities:
------          -----           ------------------
Darkish Shield   30             Protect's Against Dark.

Sleep Shield     34             Protect's Against Sleep.

Confuse Shield   38             Protect's Against Confuse.

Stone Shield     36             Protect's Against Stone.


5.3)Tool List

Name:             Discription:
-----             ------------
Magic Glove       This will allow you to move stones that will block your

Fire Glove        Allows you to walk over lave without taking damage.

Spring            If you have the Spring, you be able to jump farther than
                  you normally could.

Winged Sandal's   

Speed Shoes

Golem's Eye       This will open a door in Goblin Country.

Mithril Ring      Give this to the Mayor of Mithril Town.


5.4)Herb List

Name:             Discription:
-----             ------------
Powon Herb        Restore 1/2 of your total Hit Points.
SoeSoe Herb       Restores All of you Hit Points.
Nigaki Seed       Cures the Status Ailment; Poison.
Super Medicine    Cures the Status Ailment; Sleep.  
Bitter Medicine   Cures the Status Ailment; Confuse.
Cough Medicine    Cures the Status Ailment; Stone.
Tomioka Seed      Cure All Status Ailments.   


   Thanks for Reading.

   This Article is Copyright 1999 by Steven Bruck. If you wish to use this 
please e-mail me.