Treasure of the Rudras (e)

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=====================Rudra's Secret Treasure========================

Cion's Quest

Day 0:

At the beginning,you see the castle and Cion and Doug waiting for Rostam 
and Hyui,who were sent out to catch a member of the Rudra sect.
As they finally come back,Cion notices a woman who's with them.She wants 
to talk to Cion.Doug enters the castle.
Talk to Foxy.She's on the second floor of the castle,in the room on the 
left next to the stairs.
After talking to Foxy,go downstairs.The exit on the left leads to the 
yard and basement jail.The guards will step aside as you talk to them.
 Talk to Rostam and Hyui who are interrogating the sectarian.
Back in the castle,a guard calls you to the throne room.Follow him and 
talk to the king.
A guard interferes and says that the sectarian has flown.From the 
yard,you may enter the town now.It seems that the
 sectarian is heading towards the "Tower of the Giants" in the south.
At the tower,a guard is waiting for you.Talk to him and he'll bring you 
to the top of the tower.Rostam and Hyui are already there.
After a short cutscene,the party fights Sult (¥¹¥ë¥È),but there's no way 
to defeat him now.The party's smashed and Cion's brought to
 Foxy's house in Vard.

Day 1:

Talk to Foxy as Cion awakens and return to the tower.This time,you have 
to climb the tower on your own.Suddenly
 you'll meet Doug who's investigating the tower.At the roof,check the 
Lago stone.the pary falls into a hole.Cion frees
 Toul and all three have to fight the giant's Rudra,Abiliger (700 HP).
Leave the tower and walk back to the city.Leave it to the right and 
enter the castle.Talk to the chancellor and follow
 him to the throne room.Talk to the king.

Day 2:
Next is the north-eastern town,Danelf.Enter the castle and talk to the 
woman at the counter.
 She'll apply you for the "Tower of the Valiant" contest.Ask the guard 
in front of the right door outside the castle
 and he'll let you pass to the arena.
At the arena,you'll be asked either for a one-on-one battle (better 
choice,since you have to win two out of three battles
 and except for the boss,they're all easy to beat) or a group battle.
After winning the first contest,your party gets a price (500 GP) you can 
waste at the town.
 In the east of the city,next to the harbour you'll find a small 
boat.Talk to the old guy and take a ride.
 It'll bring you to "Kotodamayama",or as we would say,Mountain of Word 
 We walk all the way up to the top of the mountain.At some point,you'll 
have to open a door by pressing a switch
 inside a treasure chest beneath it.Talk to Zora and return to the small 

Day 3:

It's time for another battle at the "Tower of the Valiant".This time,you 
can choose between a pure weapon or
magic fight.If you've learned some highend magic,the second choice is 
the better one.
Now that you've finished todays duties,you're allowed to travel to the 
village of Ompross (ƒIƒ€ƒpƒƒX)
to meet Nerk,the merchand.Embarge at the harbour.
He's waiting at the bottom-left house in the town.Talk to him and you'll 
see Surlent's party doing the same.
After that,leave the village to the north in order to find the 
airship.Nobody's there for now.
Ramyleth,the guy Toul's looking for seems to have left for the mountain 
of Delphi (ƒfƒ‹ƒtƒB).
the party walks all the way up to the top where the temple of Toula 
(ƒgƒD[ƒ‰‚̈ââ) is arising.
Inside,you'll see a scene with Dune and Cid trying to steal a statue 
which turns out to be the petrified
Anyone who thinks the journey will become more easy from now on will be 
very disappointed:
The two thieves steal the airship instead and the party has to walk 
again.Damn it.
The only way to get back to Danelf now is by ship.Meanwhile the party 
has some smalltalk with
Riza's party.

Day 4:
The final of the "Tower of the Valiant" tournament is waiting.
This time you can either choose a 1-on-1 one battle or a group battle.If 
possible,fight the
duellist (Ši"‰Æ) with Sion alone,so you can get the full amount of 
experience points.
He has 815 HP.
If you win,you're allowed to use the teleporter on the roof.It'll bring 
you to the flying continent,
to the city of Ren (ƒŒƒ").
Leave the city and walk to the mountain in the south,Jigmund 

Day 5:

Unfortunately,the cave's entrance is blocked by ice.All we can do for 
now is going back to the town.
As we arrive,a guard calls us to the castle.Sult has appeared!The party 
talks to him at the throne room,
but there's nothing we can do now.
Outside of the castle is a railway station
.Talk to the guy at the counter and the train departs for the Garal 
And again,the journey is interrupted by a monster.Leave the train and go 
left until Badora (ƒoƒhƒ‰),1390HP,attacks.
You may buy items from some passengers.There's one passenger who 
recovers all of your HP&MP.
After beating up the monster,the conductor steps aside and lets you walk 
into the tunnel.
Go north until the cave ends.The airship is outside,but the thieves are 
not around.
We have no choice but to investigate "Garal's Clock Tower" 
(ƒMƒƒƒ‰ƒ‹ŽžŒv) in the north.
The doors with the clocks above the entrance can't be opened yet.Dont't 
forget the 650GP box
on the first floor.
At the top of the tower,the party has to battle Monge,one of the four 
Danan wisemen (ƒ‚ƒ"ƒWƒ…).
2277HP later,he's finished too.Beware of his extreme strong thunder 
On the way back,you'll meet Dune and Cid and as usual they slip away and 
steal the airship.
So you have to go back the tunnel and continue your journey by train.

Day 6:

The train stops at the ruin city of Katoria (ˆâÕ"s).After some trading 
and relaxing,the next goal are the "Ruins of Gulam"
to the south (ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚̈â).
NOTE: You can obtain the "OgerShield" (ƒI[ƒKƒV[ƒ‹) on the sixth floor:
First press the switch in the bottom-left corner.Use the appearing 
stairs and jump into the hole.Press the switch there,
and return to the sixth floor.Now,you press the switch in the bottom-
left corner and the passage to the treasure chest appears.
On the seventh floor,the lizard-like monster Malicha 
(ƒ}[ƒŠ[ƒ`ƒƒ),2600HP awaits you.If your characters are not at a high
level,he'll always attack first.
After the battle,the way to the GulamSword (ƒOƒ‰ƒ€ƒ\[ƒh) is open.Push 
the affirmative/talk button.Cion
pulls the sword out of the stone.Now you can leave the ruins and head 
back for the city.
Talk to the guy at the counter of the railway station and you'll get 
another ride.

Day 7:

The train stops at the city of Roma (ƒƒ}).Outside of the town,our party 
has a look at the world beneath.
The next objective is the Ruin of Frey (¥Õ¥ì¥¤¤Î°äÀ×) in the south.
There're two red treasure boxes in the building.To get them,walk through 
the small passage to the
stairs.At a certain point,you should be able to go through the wall.
The chests contain OpsisBoots (¥ª¥×¥·¥¹¥Ö¡¼¥Ä) and a FreyWhip 
The boss of the ruins is Opsis (¥ª¥×¥·¥¹),the second Danan wiseman.
He has 2817HP and attacks with water&wind magic.
After his defeat,he'll drop two treasure boxes with a HornSoup and a 
Back to the city and use the train,who's actually called "Faxi" to reach 
the Danan's sanctuary
(¥À¥Ê¥ó¤ÎÀ»°è),to meet Mayura (¥Þ¥æ¥é).
On the second floor of the sanctuary are four treasure chest that can't 
be reached...maybe!
On the third floor,you'll see a small plate on the floor.Step on it and 
you'll fall into the hidden room.
Warning: The top right and the bottom left boxes turn into monsters if 
you open them,better leave
those alone.
The boss,Mayura,turns out to be tough,not only because of the 4700 
HP,also her light magic skills
may cause problems to the party.
At the time Cion raises the sword,the ruin begins to shatter.The whole 
flying world seems to
Ramyleth saves the day and picks up the party with the airship.

Day 8:

Now it's time to settle the score with Sult.Enter the town and walk 
straight to his throne.
He has 3350 HP.His favourite attack comes from his new acquired metal-
And again we've been too credolous.Dune and Cid get away with the 
It doesn't matter,since next stop is "Jigmund Mountain" 

Day 9:

The party walks through the entrance,which is free of ice now.Suddenly 
you'll see some kind of
sword on a ledge.Follow the right path,and you'll get there.Once Cion 
tries to pull the sword out,
the whole thing turns out to be a trap from "Icequeen" 
Note: Yetis don't like fire magic.
The sword is a fake (sob) but at least,the bridge in the big room has 
appeared now.Pass it and enter
the room with the Danan's Rudra.Take the upper path and walk on,until 
you see a a panle next to a door.
From there,walk 2 rooms up and 2 rooms down.You should be outside the 
cave now.The left path leads
to the "Jigmund Sword" that is stuck within a frozen waterfall.
Note: If you did something wrong with the rooms,you should either come 
out at the Rudra's cave
or another path that leads to the "IceSword" (ƒAƒCƒXƒ\[¥É).
As usual,we don't get anything for free especially no legendary swords.
This time,it's guarded by Dious (ƒfƒBƒ„ƒEƒX),the third Danan wiseman 
As usual,he dosn't like fire.
After his defeat,you're free to take the sword.The whole ice suddenly 
melts and the water
starts flowing again.Unfortunately,the whole party is swept of the 
mountain and swallowed by
a huge fish...
Inside the fish,we can pass the muscle-valves by pressing the 
affirmative button and climb tissues.
At the second room,climb to the bottom and enter the left valve.Talk to 
the water-sprite and click
on the strange organ on the left.You should hear a noise now.
Back to the last room and into the right valve this time.
After some time,you should meet Yogi (ƒˆ[ƒM),who has the control over 
the fish.
As usual,you've to fight to get what you want (4270HP).
For winning this battle,you'll receive "Heg's Ocarina" (¢ƒwƒO¥ª¥«¥ê¥Ê) 
You can use it
to travel the ocean from a "Heg's Cave" (ƒwƒO‚Ì‚Ù‚±¥é).

Day 10:

As the party arrives at Avdol (ƒAƒuƒh),the whole city seems to be 
zombed,except for
the innkeeper.
Leave the toen and go to the west,pass the excavation place and enter 
the castle at the coast,
Eremia castle (ƒGƒŒƒ~ƒA).Since the door is locked,Foxy points to the 
back entrance.
There's a letter on the first floo of the castle,written by Eremia 
He seems to be hiding at the north town.
You'll find him at the cellar of the most north-western house.Talk to 
leave the city and head for Avdol.Cion watches a small scene with 
pf the Rudra sect.Follow them to Dr.Myunhis lab.Use the elevator and 
investigate that
dead body that looks different from the others;it's Dr.Myunhis.
The party wants to leave this ugly place,but is attacked by a demon 
Nargia (¥Ê¡¼¥®¥ã ), 4200HP.
The demon is killed,but so is Foxy (or at least zombed).
Return to the Heg's cave and he'll bring you to a small shrine with some 
woods in the east.
Enter the woods,then follow the paths in clockwise direction,begginning 
with the left path.
At the Danan town,enter the house where a guard is standíng next to the 
Dwnstairs,you should meet Riza's party.Riza gives Cion a medicine for 
Foxy in exchange
for the okarina.The only way back to Oriab town is a small boat.The 
elder tells you to
see the Danan's prophets.They are three guys who life in the south of 
the town.
They'll open an entrance where a small boat is waiting.It'll bring you 
to the woods north
of Oriab.At the town,read the panel in front of the harbour and have a 
voyage to Ompross.
From there,travel to Danelf; talk to the guy at the left counter.

Day 11:

In the south-east of the continent is an orphanage.At the first 
floor,you'll find Miller.
He tells you to see Zora at the mountain of word-essence.

Day 12:

Next stop is the castle in the west where your journey has started.Go to 
the throne room
and talk to the king.He'll allow you to use the small boat to go to 

Day 13:

Head back for Danelf.The small boat is already waiting at the 
harbour.Hop aboard
and it'll bring you to the "Mountain of Word Essence".From time to 
time,you'll have to defeat
some sectarians,but they're easy to beat.Finally,a shiva monster named 
"Larvana" is
waiting for you at Zora's cave.It has 6000HP.

Day 14:

The teleporter warps you to the underworld.To the west lies the 
headquarter of the Rudra sect.
To open the passageway on the 3rd floor,you have to between the 
torches.Each one opens another
In the end,you have to fight the remains of the sect.Each one has 
385Hp,except for the pink ones
who have 385HP.
Now you have to battle Thales who turns out to be with the sect.He has 
6780 (!) HP
and strong physical attacks.If your levels aren't abnormal high,you 
won't have no chance.
Anyways,if you win the whole building crumbles and you have to get away.
As it collapses,the way to the final conflict is free.
In the west lies the underground town of Talark (¥¿¥é¡¼¥¯).Enter the 
town's pub
where you'll meet Surlent's party.
You may choose one of two relics here.The choice panel reads as follows:


After that,leave the town to the north.

Day 15:

The final goal in this scenario is to find and eliminate Gomora.
Enter the palace and the right comlumn that comes down.You'll have to 
walk through
some passages.Press the switch and activate the blue floor.
Just follow the path until you meet the human Rudra (¥ë¥É¥é).
He has 7350HP and can kill any of you characters with one hit.
If you manage to beat him,you can face Gomora (¥´¥â¥é).
If you can beat this 12000HP monster,you've succesfully beaten Cion's 
scenario! Congratulations! 

                                                      Surlent's Quest

Day 0:


Day 1:

Leave the excavation place to the west and visit the castle at the west 
coast,Eremia castle (ƒGƒŒƒ~ƒA‚Ì—m´Û).
Go to the second floor and talk to the old man Eremia (ƒGƒŒƒ~ƒA).Follow 
him to the locked chamber where
the "Holy Grail" is supposed to be.Unfortunately,two well-known 
thieves,excuse me,"Treasure Hunters"
get in our way and steal the treasure.Surlent and Legin try to hunt them 
down,but it's useless.
So,where do we get a new grail?Maybe Dr.Myunhi knows,who's sitting in 
the left chamber on the first
floor of the inn in Oriab (ƒIƒŠƒAƒu).
He tells the party to ask Solon,a wise old man living at "Torel Volcano" 
The only way to get there is using a small boat.Legin's father,Castagia 
(¥«¥¹¥¿¥®¥¢) has one.
Ask him nicely,and you may use the small boat outside the lab.It'll 
bring you to the volcano.
You may usethe "Magma Stone" Surlent's wearing to cross the lava at some 
Walk through the cave from left to right and choose the second way that 
leads downwards.
You can walk over the big lava lake,just try it.After a small talk with 
Solon,you'll get a new party
member,Zork (ƒ\[ƒN).
Go back to the small boat and sail to the town.

Day 2:

Talk to Dr.Myunhi again and head for the north woods (Ž÷ŠC).Cross them 
and enter the
"Horn Cave" (¥Û¥ë¥ó¤ó¤Î¤Û¤³¤é).In a treasure box,you'll find the "Demon 
Seal" (-‚••ŽOŠ),
the material to build a new grail.Dune and Cid don't think so and steal 
this one as well.
You've got nothing to do but to return to the town.

Day 3:

At the town's gate,two funny-looking puppets are somhow kidnapping a 
This gotta be the work of the Rudra sect!
Since we're nice and have time to waste,we take over the rescue.Talk to 
at the inn,then go to the harbour where Riza's party is waiting.Have a 
ride to Ompross
(ƒIƒ€ƒpƒƒX).In the west of the town,a small boat is waiting for you.Ask 
Nerk (ƒk[ƒN)
the owner and he'll borrow it to you.
It'll bring you to the "Ruins of Fahl" (ƒtƒ@[ƒ‹‚̈ââ).Use the stairs 
to the left.
When the way splits up,use the stairs on the right first and activate 
the switch so
that the columns disappear.Go back,use the left stairs  and go on until 
you meet
the boss "Magic Master Ozne" (ŽôpŽtƒIƒYƒk),(1000 HP),and his puppets
(80 HP each).
After beating this boss,Lolo (ƒƒ) joins the party as fourth character.
Now that the children are save,,it's time to return to the boat and go 

Day 4:

Talk to the scholar on the roof of the lab and watch the eclipse of the 
A noise come from the basement.Use the elevator on the first floor to go 
Dr.Myunhi dies and Surlent is killed by the reptilian Rudra.

Day 5:

Now that we're death,the game is supposed to be over.But not in a  
Squaresoft game.
Surlent awakens in the underground city of Kireek (¥¥ê¡¼¥¯¤ÎÄ®).
A guy named Culgan (¥¯¥ë¥¥ó) offers his help to you.
Leave the town,then walk to the north,to the east and finally,to the 
Go through the small tunnel and you should see some kind of palace.
It's the "Demon's Exhibition Hall" (-‚"±"Ž•¨).Culgan's waiting somwhere 
right in front of the human's Lago stone.Surlent uses his jade to revive 
the human's Rudra.Instead of sending him back to the surface,Surlent's 
within a sword an sent to the source of all live,Seremur (ƒZƒŒƒ€ƒ‹).

Day 6:

Gomora (ƒSƒ‚ƒ‰),the master of this nasty place called Gaff (ƒKƒt‚ÌŠÔ) 
helps Surlent
by equipping him with the body of a  death soldier.You have the choice 
Rostam's body to the left (warrior type) and Hyui's body on the right 
(he's more
like a magician).Leave that place and go to the warp field north of 
Note: Now that Surlent's *alive* again you'll be attacked by enemies 
Surlent re-appears at Thor volcano.Although Zork doesn't believe him 
he joins him and together they set off to see Legin.He's waiting at 
Castagia's lab.
Both,Legin and Lolo join the party.Next stop is Eremia castle to the 
Enter the castle through the back door on the left,then head for the 
room where
the grail was once stored.The party meets Hauzen and the reptilian 
Even if you win,Surlent's killed again and warped to the underworld.

Day 7:

This time you're forced to take the other body.Talk to Gomora and go to 
"Demon's Exhibition Hall".Somewhere inside is a woman standing in front 
a statue.Talk to the woman and to the statue.Leave this place and return 
to the
warp field that takes you to Thor volcano where the party's already 
waiting for you.
Talk to Solon,then enter the door on the right.Use the warp field and 
the party is taken
to Sodom (ƒ\ƒhƒ€).After some smalltalk with Riza's party,our team 
returns to the warp
field.Continue the warp thing until you reappear at a place called 
"Meifa's Sanctuary"
(ƒƒCƒtƒ@‚Ì_'œ).You have to open the treasure chest on the left to 
receive the
"Warp Energy" (ƒ[ƒvƒGƒiƒW[),which enables you to use the other warp 
at Vilsana (ƒrƒ‹ƒVƒƒƒiˆââ).Warp to Solon,enter the warp field to the 
underworld and after that,
enter the warp field to the west.Now you're at Vilsana,but the field is 
locked from this side.

Day 8:

Leave the ruin and enter the woods to the west.Again we play the 
counter-clockwise game
(left path's first) and enter the Danan village.Look for a house with a 
gurd next to the door
and talk to the Danans inside.After that,talk to the three Danan wisemen 
in the south of the town.
Leave the town and watch the scene whith the flying continent falling 
down.Go to the east and
enter the "Garrel Tunnel" (ƒMƒƒƒ‰ƒ‹ƒgƒ"ƒlƒ‹).Follow the right way and 
leave the tunnel to
the east.Enter the woods to the south.When the party tries to cross the 
bridge,they're attacked
by one of Hauzen's pets,"Darkein" (¥À¡¼¥¯¥¢¥¤¥ó),2060HP.
Unforuneately,the bridge is broken during the fight and there's no way 
back now.
Go to Oriab and talk to Castagia.He'll give you a "Stabilizer" 

Day 9:

This enables you to pass "Saccara Desert" to the west 
Alright,the sandstorm is gone.But a monster called "Desert Rose" 
(ƒfƒU[ƒgƒ[ƒY,2125HP) is on it's way.
Thunder might be effective by this one.
Now there's nothing left between you and Avdol (ƒAƒuƒhƒ‹).
The whole city is zombed.Evade the people,enter the lab where the Lago 
stone is stored
and break a piece off the stone.Leave the city and go north-west until 
you see Thor volcano.
As the party arrives at Solon's cave,it's too late.Solon was almost 
killed byCulgan who has
possessed Surlent's body.Use the left teleporter again and again until 
you arrive at the
ruins (ŒÃ'ニ[ƒl‚̈â).If you don't see Culgan there,go to the top 
floor of this place and
take the grail,you'll need it soon,and return there.Culgan slips 
away,but can be surrounded
somewhere in the basement.5000HP later,he's finished and Surlent finally 
gets his body back.
Now here's what to do for the rest of Surlent's scenario:
You have to collect pieces of all Lago stones in the world,the 
Danans',the reptilians',the water
denziens',the giants' and the humans'.We already received  a piece of 
the reptilian stone in
Avdol.The Danans' stone is next.Remember:It's somewhere inside of 
Jigmund Mountain.

Day 10:

Leave the ruins.Appearently the whole ocean seems to clean up.Well,the 
only way to
get back to that warp field is through Sodom (ƒ\ƒhƒ€‚Ì"pé) in the 
worry;there's a ladder now so you can freely use it.Next stop is 
"Jigmund Mountain"
(ƒWƒOƒ€ƒ"ƒh•XŽR).Consult the text about Cion's scenario to get to the 
Rudra's cave.
He turns out to be really helpful;he even gives you some hints.
Return to the warp field and warp to the "Mountain of Word Essence" (Œ¾—
Talk to Zora and use the small boat at the bottom of the mountain to 
reach Danelf.
Go to the south-west,pass the castle and enter the "Giants' Tower" 
Go to the top and fight "Abiliger" (ƒAƒrƒŠƒWƒƒ),4900 HP.Remember to get
the Lago stone on the roof.Now,walk all the way back to Danelf and the 
warp field
at the "Mountain of Word Essence" (small boat).Warp to Thor volcano,use 
the left
warp field and snatch a piece of the Lago stone in the "Demons 
Exhibition Hall" and
return to the Rudra on "Jigmund" mountain,so he can give you the 4th 
Now there's only one stone left: The one of the "Water Denizens".

Day 11:

Warp to Thor volcano and leave it through the eastern passage (the way 
that leads to Avdol).
Remember that small shrine in the Saccara desert?In the entrance 
hall,there's a small hole for
a stone to put into.Inside the shrine,you'll find some kind of red 
egg.On the way out,Dune and
Cid show up.Since they're interested in that egg like thing and you're 
looking for a way to go
underwater,Surlent offers them a deal.They accept it and you may use the 
airship that's
waiting outside.

Day 12:

Board the airship and talk to Cid at the navigation bridge.He directs 
the ship to the underwater
city of Lyla (¥é¥¤¥é¤Î³¹).The elder in most northern house of the city 
tells you to look for a
palace-like building in the east.Reboard the airship and go there.It's  
the "Underwater Sanctuary"
(³¤Äì¿ÀÅÂ),where the water denziens' Rudra sleeps.
Before foghting the Rudra on the top floor,take the treasure chests next 
to him.They contain some
useful stuff.Kadal,the Rudra,wants to fight at any cost.I f you have 
some fire magic,his 4900 HP
will be gone soon.Take the stone and leave the shrine.Cid brings you to 
Thor volcano by airship.

Day 13:

Use Solon's left warp field to go to the underworld.Talk to Gomora at 
Gaff,then return to the
warp fiel one last time,it'll be sealed by Gomora after using it.Leave 
the volcano and cover
the long way to Oriab.Talk to Castagia,then book a passage to Ompross at 
the harbour.
Leave Ompross.

Day 14:

Fetch a deep breath and prepare for the biggest dungeon in the game 
(that's what I think).
Enter the mountain of Delphi and make your way to the top.When you try 
to open the
top door,the party is attacked by a bird with two heads,Gandarva 
I'm going to describe the inner side of the tower more detailed:

3-1 Floor: Nothing unusual.

Warpgate area: Use the first gate,after that: Right gate,upper right 
gate,left (and only) gate,right
(and only gate),walk through the door and place the stone piece in the 
Fight Lezastes (¥ì¥¥¹¥Æ¥¹),4350 HP.

Countgate area: You may only cross 3 switches at a time or you'll be 
warped to the
rooms entrance.You might want to get some of the chests and save at the 
statue first.
The room's guardian is Gaia (¥¥ä),4350 HP.

B6:Use the stairs to the right.
B7:Use the stairs in the upper left corner.
B8:The left way leads to a save point,the right way to B9.
B9: Fight Dumpty (¥À¥ó¥×¥Æ¥£),5425 HP.

Lastgate: Enter the door in the lower-left corner.

B11: Nothing unusual.
B12: Fight the dungeons boss,Saizoh (¥µ¥¤¥¾¥¦),8300 HP!Beware of his 
strong physical attacks.

Back in the under world,take the party to the town of Taralk 
(¥¿¥é¡¼¥¯¤ÎÄ®) in the far north.
Sit down at the inn talk to Dr.Myunhi and wait for Cion's party.Surlent 
hands over one of the items he received from
Saizoh.Now go to the strange looking thing north of the town and enter.

Day 15:

Now it's time for the battle with Hauzen! Enter the tower on the 
right.If you want to go after him,
ignore the warp fields and use the stairs.Hauzen seems to have changed 
shape,but he's still a hard to
figth end boss.If you can beat this 14100 HP enemy,everyones happy again 
except for Surlent who's
trapped within a glass orb.Well,that's Surlent's ending.But don't worry 
about him,thewhole thing will
turn to good.

                                                      Riza's Quest

Day 0:

Riza's journey starts at the small village of Karn (ƒJ[ƒ").After 
talking to the elder Zeku (ƒ[ƒNƒE),leave
the village and go up to the woods.As we cross the clearing,an excited 
young man runs into us and
disappears immediately.The arriving guards wantto know where he has 
gone.Rpg vetereans know
that guards are dumb and no potential party members.We say that we had 
seen him indeed (2nd answer),
but he followed the right path (check the arrow).The guards take 
off.Take the same path as the young man
and suddenly,he shows up between some bushes.Help him fighting the 
guards and he'll tell you his name,
Garlyle.He also joins your party.
Leave the woods to the east and welcome the beginning of a new day.

Day 1:

Raindrops are falling from the sky (remember Surlent's scenario?) and 
accompany your arrival at
Babel (ƒoƒxƒ‹).Fight your way in and Garlyle leaves you a the inn.Folloe 
him to the cities slums in the north-east
(the place with the large number of children).Three kids are blocking 
the road.Talk to the uppermost one
and choose the first answer.Talk to the one in the middle and choose the 
second answer.Talk to the
lowermost one and choose the last answer and the children will let you 
pass.Walk down the street,
enter the house and visit the children on the second floor.After 
that,return to the inn.Talk to Garlyle on the
second floor and get some sleep.

Day 2:

It's time to intrude major Bill's house.It's that tower-like thing in 
the north-western part of the city.
There's a ladder next to it.Climb it and step on the roof next to the 
tower.Garlyle is already waiting for you.
In the alley,enter the room above and throw the switch.Use the small 
ladder at the bottom of the building
to attain the rooms inside.Go to the netrance hall and beat the 
guards.Go back and use the ladder that
leads to the basement.Go on and meet major bill,who's levying high taxes 
for his air depolluter.
Fight the guards and follow the elevator by using the ladder.When you 
catch him up,he'll set his
robot on the party,SeevisionC (ƒVƒ"ƒ@ƒCƒUƒ"C),700HP.Defeat him and free 
the butterflies from
the air depolluter.
Outside the tower,pass the woods and return to Karn.Tlk to the elder 
from the beginning of the scenario
(he's inside a house in the north-west of the town),return to Babe and 
hop aboard the ferry that brings
you to Oriab (¥ª¥ê¥¢¥Ö).

Day 3:

Sit down at the table and talk to Dr.Myunhi.Surlent's party arrives and 
tells you about your next
destination,the Horn's cave (¥Û¥ë¥ó¤Î¤Û¤³¤é).
But before you can go there,you need to pass the woods to the north 
At the small bridge,you have to encounter a boss-fight against a killer 
plant,Setavisa (Å¥»¥¿¥Ó),500 HP.
Beat the reptilian until it gets himself free,then hit the plant 
itself.After the battle,you may welcome a new
party member,reptilian prince Pipin (¥Ô¥Ô¥ó).
Leave the woods to the north and enter the Horn's cave.Read the book in 
the cellar,then return to the city of Oriab
(¥ª¥ê¥¢¥Ö).Take the ship for Ompross (¥ª¥à¥Ñ¥í¥¹).Talk to the man at the 
left counter and take the ship for
Danelf (ƒ_ƒkƒ‹ƒt).

Day 4:

Leave and re-enter Danelf and watch the clipse of the sun.Leave the town 
and enter the orphanage to the
east (¾®¤µ¤Ê‹³‰).Watch the scene with Dune and Cid.When they ask you a 
question,choose the first
answer to receive 1000 GP or the second answer to receive the Struggle,a 
weapon for Garlyle (ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒOƒ‹).
Investigate the goddess' statue and have a small conversation with 
Miller (¥ß¥é¡¼).
Leave the orphanage and head west for the city of Vard (ƒ"ƒ@ƒh).Talk to 
Doug (ƒ_ƒO) inside the house where
Cion was brought after being defeated by Sult (Foxy's house).Leave the 
town and enter the castle from the field.
Go to the throne room and talk to the king.He tells you the way to your 
next destination,the "Mountain of Word Essence"
anf offers you a bed for the night.

Day 5:

Next is the "Spirit Temple" (¸_‚̹ˆæ).It's located south of 
Danelf.Talk to the guard at the entrance
and choose answer 2 and then1,so he'll let you inside.Inside choose 
answer 1 (…) to gain access to
the treasure boxes on the left and right column (you need to fight a 
guard each),or choose answer 2 ('n)
and you may get some less valuable items (in my opinion),so decide 
Fight your way to the throne room where a man called Zoma (ƒ\[ƒ}) is 
waiting for you.Talk to him
and leave that place through the southern exit.
Enter the woods (¹ˆæ‚ÌX) and head westward.Use the path on the left 
and talk to the woman in front
of the temple.Go back and try to leave the woods to the south.The 
party's attacked by some demons.
Beat 'em up and return to the temple.The woman is now possessed by some 
kind of demon.
Fight the boss "Evil Spirit" (‚ ‚‚è‚å),2170 HP.the woman dies together 
with the demon.
Return to the "Spirit Temple".

Day 6:

Head straight for the throne room.Zoma offers you a deal:
Since Aqua (the woman) is dead,you may not go to the "Mountain of Word 
but if you beat him and his followers,you may pass.Defeat the guards and 
Zoma himself (1670 HP).
Now the way through the woods and to the mountain is free.
The airship seems to have landed on the field.Go on board and talk to 
Dune&Cid.They'll offer you
a flight around the world you shouldn't turn down.Choose the first 
answer to agree.
In any case,they'll make you a present: The holy grail Surlent's been 
hunting for!
Well,this doesn't matter now.Leave the airship and enter the "Mountain 
of Word Essence" (¸ÀÎ).
On the top of the mountain,you'll meet Zora (¥¾¥é).The second question 
enables you to go to the
underworld,but you may want to learn some magic from the fairies that 
live behind a waterfall next
to Zora's room.If decide to go to the dark world,you may enter a room 
where you fall into a bottomless
pit or so...
The party awakens close to an underground river.Two of the sectarians 
seem to be threatening some
dead people.Talk to one of them and wait at the end of the 
line.Appearently you have to fight one
sectarian,the other one slips away.Follow him by using the remaining 
small boat.
The boat stops at a small sandbank.The unconscious water denzient turns 
out to be Marina,
a priestess from the city of Lyla.She runs away and leaves the party 
behind.Follow her.
Suddenly,the party is liing on the floor of a dark room.A ghost appears 
and wants you to get up.
Resist her allurements by always choosing the second answer.
The darkness vanishes and you're reunited with Marina who joins your 
Go on and fight the boss Bulsty (ƒuƒ‹ƒXƒe),2428 HP.
Enter the warp field and fight another boss,Karla (ƒJ[ƒ‰),1800 HP.

Day 7:

Place the holy grail at the stone ircle and a passage opens.You may or 
you may not want
to fight Culgan who possessed Surlent's body.If not,leave him alone 
since he has 4000 HP.
It won't affect the storyline in any way.Leave the sanctuary and go to 
the norhern swamp.
Plant the seed that you received from Bulsty and watch the swamp 
The next destination is the city of Sodom (ƒ\ƒhƒ€‚Ì"p) to the 
south.Enter the
castle,enter the hole on the left and you'll meet Surlent's party.Leave 
the castle and
watch the flying continent collapse.

Day 8:

The city of Roma (ƒƒ}).Marina throws the Heg's egg into the water.
Leave the city without Marina,who decides to stay there,amd head for the 
south-east and
the polluted capital of Gomora (‰˜õ"sŽsƒSƒ‚ƒ‰).Enter the house in the 
north-eastern part
of the town.Use the stairs to B1 and the stairs to B2 which are located 
next to the first one.
Throw the switch and return to B1.Use the elevator and follow the 
you'll be attacked by Madplayers (ƒ}ƒbƒhƒvƒŒ[ƒ„[).Garlyle&Pipin are 
banned into
some kind of monitor.Finally,Riza is captured too.
When she awakens,you can see Garlyle&Pipin in the monitors.Investigate 
Garlyle's monitor
and play the sequence.Choose the following answers: 2,1,1,1.
Go to Pipins monitor and repeat the whole thing with the 
Use the upper-left monitor and watch one of the other scenarios.After 
have to fight the master of this VR stuff,Laumern (ƒ‰ƒEƒ[ƒ"),5200 HP.
Leave Gomora and enter Sodeom.Somwhere in the castle is a table with a 
item on it.Investigate the vase next to it and one of the bookshelves 
will move aside.Follow
the passage until you see a book on a table.The chairs seem to be 
possessed and attack
(420 HP each).You should only attack the chair that has received a flame 
ball from the
bag on the table.Next you'll still have to fight King Eltina 
(¥¨¥ë¥Æ¥¤¥Ê),3120 HP.
Your reward,is that that key shaped thing.

Day 9:

Back to Gomora.This have to enter the house on the left.Use the 
elevator downstairs
to reach the sewers.Use the key with the doorand you'll see some kind of 
Select the first answer for the machines with the star and the moon and 
the second answer
for the sun machine,or the whole thing'll blow up!
Go back to the elevator but enter the hole to the right instead.A 
passage that has been blocked
is now passable.It leads to the underwter Pyramid.

Day 10:

At the entrance,you'll meet up with Marina
who's fighting a Monster,Abraxas (¥¢¥Ö¥é¥¯¥µ¥¯¥¹),4380 HP.Step on the 
switch and
a door opens for the Hegs to escape.It's you task now to push a switch 
on every floor
of the pyramid to bring the Hegs closer to the final exit.
he last switch is guarded by a sea-serpent,Danapaty (¥À¥Ê¥Ñ¥Æ¥£),4430 
The party uses the Hegs to reach the underwater city of Lyla (¥é¥¤¥é).
Talk to the elder in the house with the guard,go shopping and talk to 
the Hegs again.
You're dropped at Vilsana (ƒrƒ‹ƒVƒƒƒiˆâ).Leave the ruins and go up to 
the woods
east of this place.

Day 11:

Play the clock game to reach the Danan village (consult Cion's 
scenario,day 10).
Enter the house with the guard next to it and go to the elder,where Cion 
hands over
the "Heg's Ocarina"(¢ƒwƒO¥ª¥«¥ê¥Ê)in exchange for the medicine.Now you 
travel the world on the back of a Heg from any Heg cave (¢ƒwƒO‚Ì‚Ù‚±ƒ‰).
There's a Heg's cave in the south-west.Go there and you should be south 
of the
"Mountain of Word Essence".Ascend the mountain and talk to Zora.
Return to the Heg's cave and swim eastward to another cave.Back on the 
we move eastward and enter a well-known village,Karn (ƒJ[ƒ").A small 
boat is waiting
for you in the south-western part of the town.Hop aboard and it'll bring 
you to Meifa's
idol (¥á¥¤¥Õ¥¡¤Î¿ÀÁü).

Day 12:

Make your way up to the sixth floor of the temple and prepare to fight 
Meifa herself.
She has 6500 HP.
Now,the whole statue transforms into a rocket with the final 
destination: The moon!

Day 13:


Day 14:


Day 15:

Now that you're on the moon moon,your final task is to find and defeat 
the evil being Sodom!
Leave the statue by using the elevator on the fifth floor.Go southward 
and you'll see a long bridge.
On the left side of the bridge and on the right side are the switches 1 
and 2.Turn the switches
and cross the bridge.Push the button and enter the passage.Suddenly 
you'll meet Sodom,but
he kicks you out with some mechanism.Go back to the button and push the 
switch 2 times.
Enter the door and throw the switch.Push the button another time and 
you'll be at the long bridge again.
Turn the switches 1 and 2 and push the button again.Yuu'll end up in a 
different area as before.
Go on and defeat the robo guards (1400 HP each).Push the button,return 
to the other button.
Push it,throw the both switches and push the button again.Enter Sodoms 
(¥½¥É¥à) chamber and fight him.
Beat this 14500 HP monster and Riza's scenario has been completed 

                                      Dune's Quest or The Final Conflict

Day 16:

In order to play the final conflict between the three heroes and the 
evil being from the sky,you have to complete
all three scenario.The last scenario you complete will lead over to the 
battle on the moon.A new party is formed
by the four leaders: Cion,Riza,Surlent and Dune,who are holding the four 
After picking up Riza with the airship,the party heads for the first 
target on the moon,"Urs' Gate".
But before you can go there,the airship starts shaking; somtething seems 
to be wrong with the engine.
Use the ladder in the main hall,activate the small bridge at that pillar 
and head for the engine room.
Braznil,the power source of the ship seems to be going mad.Defeat him 
(6000 HP).
Ramyleth sacrifices his live and makes the ship move again.Next stop's 
"Urs' Gate" (¥¦¥ë¥º¤ÎÌç).
Your task here is to fight the four monsters in the small shrines.Take 
the contents of the black treasure
chests,they contain some very strong weapons.
Boss of the upper-left shrine:Setavisa (Å¥»¥¿¥Ó¥),3820 HP.
Boss of the lower-left shrine: Larvana (ť顼¥ô¥¡¥),3820 HP.
Boss of the upper-right shrine: Abiliger (Å¥¢¥Ó¥ê¥¸¥),3820 HP.
Boss of the lower-right shrine: Rasm (ť饺),3820 HP.
Once the four are defeated,a door apppears.Behind the door, you'll find 
a familiar face: Hauzen!
Defeat this 8200 HP monster just to hear that the real evil is somewhere 
Go back to the airship and fly to Sculd's gate (¥¹¥¯¥ë¥É¤ÎÌç).Just keep 
going on and on,without
stepping on the iron bars,or you'll have to deal with some nasty 
monsters.Sometime you'll reach
a save point and a jar with healing water.In the next room,you'll have 
to fight a reincarnation of Saizoh,
10700 HP.
However,he tells us the real whereabout of the evil being,the Versandi 
sanctuary (¥Ù¥ë¥¥ó¥Ç¥£¿ÀÅ).
Go there.At some point,you'll find yourself in the middle of 
nowhere.Just keep walking around until you meet
your former party members who're trying to divert your thoughts from 
your real goal (all veteran players know
that this is a cheap trick).Go southward instead and investigate the 
statue.The whole illusion vanishes and reveals
the sanctuary.There are mayn rooms in the sanctuary,containing weapons 
armour etc..If you're sure you collected
all the items,you may enter the big portal and touch the statue.Fight 
the "Chaosein" (¡¦¥«¥ª¥¹¥¢¥¤¥ó),9370 HP.
Touch the statue and continue your walk until you see another 
statue.Touch it and fight the guardian of the
last chamber,Chaoszwei (¡¦¥«¥ª¥¹¥Ä¥ô¥¡¥¤)6560 HP.
Now take a looong breath and prepare for the final enemy in this epic 
adventure: MITORA! (ƒ~ƒgƒ).
I'm gonna describe this enemy more detailed since it seems to be tha 
hardest enemy of them all.
Mitora has three forms:

First form: 9000 HP.
The first form prefers to attack with wind magic.Use some strong thunder 
magic like #4 (J
 $B%F% or  $B%a%?%;%C%.

Second form: Mitora changes shape and has 34000 HP now.
Her magic skills change to light now.Use  $B%-%k%/%b% for example.

Third and last form: 30000 HP.
Mitora uses the strongest magic of all elements.All you can do is using 
your best magic,your hardest weapons
and beat the !#?§! out of her!

Once you've beaten this boss,the circle of doom and rebirth is broken 
and everyones happy.

The End

Do not use this walkthrough for any profit-related purposes.Selling 
it,posting it on chargeable pages
or using it as an incitement for buying gamesis strictly forbidden by 
the author.
People who'll do it anyways shall prepare to be burdened with a curse or 
to be shot in front of their garage
(just kidding),or to be sued by myself or one person of my family.

*Rudra's Secret Treasure/Rudra no Hihou is a registered trademark of 
Squaresoft inc.*
Thanks to Squaresoft who released the game in Japan and tried to hide it
from us.
Thanks to Eveolution for offering me free web space for a Rudra page
(I'm gonna think about it).
Thanks to ST and all the people helping me translating this game (esp. 
Thanks to all japanese Rudra pages.

Written by Roger "Chrono" Phillips,
copyright (c) 1999.