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Romancing SaGa 2 (e)


                Romancing SaGa 2 Information Molehill

Version Aries: 4/16/99
-Original Version

  I.  Important People/Things in Avalon
 II.  *Some* Places
III.  General Gameplay Q & A
 IV.  Specific Q & A
  V.  Things I Haven't Figured Out

     OK. In here you're gonna find my first attempt at including 
Japanese lettering in a FAQ. I've tried to keep the Japanese text to a 
minimum because quite frankly, it scares me and because I want to keep 
this thing friendly to those who want to play the game but don't know 
Japanese. I got my Japanese viewer from  so you might 
try there if you want to view the Japanese. Oh and I had a little 
trouble with entering some of the Japanese so I just wrote in English 
on those parts but it shouldn't be a problem.


I.                 Important People/Things in Avalon

|The General Idea|
You are the Emperor of Avalon, a castle in the top left corner of the 
world map. You begin as King Leon and will play as various heirs of his 
down through the years. Leon will hand over his kingdom (and his 
abilities) to his son, Gellard. At the end of Gellard's generation and 
onwards, you will be able to choose your successor and pass on your 
abilities to them. At the end of each generation you will be given a 
choice of 4 heirs and who they are will be based on--as far as I can 
tell--a combination of chance and anyone who you've helped or fought 
along side with in a past generation. 

in the throne room, tells you how much money you have in your castle 
treasury. This may seem like a lot but paying for the development of 
new equipment, magics, and services in Avalon will really take a bite 
out of your funds. He will also fill you up with walking around money 
if you need it.

in the same room as the treasurer, he tells you how much money you 
collect per battle. When you gain more areas on the map, the amount 
will increase. 

in the bottom right of the throne room, tells you what problems you 
need to fix in the world and where to fix them. Fixing the problems he 
gives you will help you to move on to the next generation. He doesn't 
always have something for you to do, though, but when he does, try to 
see if you can recognize any town/place names in order to find out what 
he wants you to do.

these are the default characters that you can have join you. They 
aren't the best but they are all you have early in the game. As you get 
farther into the game you'll get other characters which specialize or 
have immunities in areas The Fighters do not.

these guys will demonstrate any battle formations you happen to know 
and will collaborate with you to develop new formations. If the heir 
you choose knows a formation then you should talk to these guys.

these guys don't appear until after Gellard's generation ends. Any waza 
you learned in a past generation will be made available to any group 
member here. It's important to try to have each character learn as many 
waza as possible for their weapon before ending a generation so that 
the waza becomes available to all in the next generation.

the one on the left will make you a weapon and the one on the right an 
armor. Check back with them after you've fought a few battles. Once 
they've made something for you it will be made available in stores in 
the next generation at a much lower price than what it cost to make.

you'll find them at the Magic Center once you've paid to have it built. 
Your choice of magics will increase when you gain higher magic levels. 
If, say, someone in your group has a high level in Wind Magic then more 
Wind Magics will be made available to your group. Also, a higher magic 
level affects the beginning level for that magic when you give it to 
other characters. For example: if one of my characters has Wind Magic 
at level 30 and I decide to give Wind Magic to another character then 
he/she/it will start with about level 15 Wind Magic. Good deal.

this is where you can toss anything you might need later. When you 
start a new generation, any equipment you group was wearing will be 
found here. Also, healing items are stored here and will increase over 

sitting here will sometimes allow you the option to pay for 
improvements and additions to Avalon. I'm not sure what exactly 
triggers this but you definatly want to pay for these if you get the 
chance so make sure you have enough money when you sit down.

II.                          *Some* Places

(Brenu Area)

(Watch Monster Nest)

(Goblin Cave)



(Sealed Earth)


(South Brenu Area)



(Dragon Cave)

(Monster Nest)


(Cumberland Area)

(Saifreeto's Stronghold)



(Nerack Castle)


(Ludon Area)

(Ludon Pass)


(Jewel Mine)

(Haria Peninsula)


(Rongit Area)



(Meshna Mine)


(Nazeel Area)

(Moo Winter Grazing Spot)

(Moo Child Offering Cave)

(South Dungeon)

(East Dungeon)

(Saigo Family's Village)

(Bard's Cave)


(South Rongit Area)



(Witch's Den)


(Melu Desert Area)




(Savana Area)

(South Village)

(West Village)


(Steppes Area)


(Whyling Lake)


(Salamat Area)

(Amazon Village)




(Komuloon Area)

(Komuloon Volcano)



(Sorceror's Stronghold)

(Resurfaced Island)


(Yu Yan)

(Chon Tou Castle)

(Li Yan Shan)

(Chikapa Mountain)


III.                    General Gameplay Q & A


Q1: Why are some areas highlighted on my world map and others not?

A1: Once you solve an area's problem, the area will be lit up on your   
    world map. This means that the area is now part of your kingdom. 
    Gaining new areas means that:  
     1) you get more money added to your treasury after a battle
     2) money for weapon/armor purchases in that area will come 
        straight out of Avalon's treasury rather than your personal 
        walking around money.

     3) travel is made easier as you can now just go to your world map 
        and click on a highlighted area to get to that area. No more 
        traveling through deserts, jungles, or taking boats rides.
     4) usually a new character from that area will want to join your 

Q2: For the record, who are the 7 Noblemen?

A2: -Kuzinshi- ugly, floating undead creature with a big sword
    -Soobiay- half man, half octopus
    -Bokoon- a skinny wizard holding little marionettes
    -Rock Bouquet- blue-haried woman surrounded by floating skulls
    -Dantarg- half man, half elephant or horse (I'm not sure)
    -Noel- a man with spikey hair and sword   
    -Ugnas- floating head and chest of woman with wings and halo

Q3: How do I restore LP?

A3: As far as I know, the only way to restore LP is to buy a potion 
from the Witch's Den at 10,000 crowns a pop. I think the water in the 
Oasis can restore all your LP but I can't quite figure out what to do 
to get it to work.

Q4: How do I learn new battle formations?

A4: You must choose, as your heir, one of these characters and then    
    talk to the Battle Formation Guards in Avalon Castle:
  1) The Tactician (pass the quiz in Avalon University then leave and 
     come back)
  2) The East Guard (in Li Yan Shan)
  3) The Holy Order M/F (in Nerack Castle and Foofay)
  4) The Amazoness (in Ailunep after defeating Rock Bouquet)
  5) The Hunter (in South Village after defeating the Queen Ant)
  6) The Nomad M/F (in Nomad Village, after defeating  Bokoon)
  7) Merchant Marine (In Nuono. You must first help him recapture his 
     hideout from Giaron)
  8) The Moo Herder (Moo Winter Grazing Spot after killing lizard in  
     South Cave)
  9) Fist Fighter (in Dragon Cave, after killing the slime in Moster 
 10) The City Thief M/F (I've no idea where or how)
 11) The Ocean Woman (in Toba after killing Garion's ghost in the   
     sunken ship)
 12) The Desert Guard (in Terelutva after defeating Noel)

Q5: Are there other characters besides these?

A5: There are some non-humans:
  1) The Salamander (in Komulune after fighting the lava flow)
  2) The Nerid (in Aqua Lake inside Ludon Pass after giving her the 
     Moonlight Comb)
  3) The Mole (in Mole Village underneath South Village after killing  
     Queen Ant)
  4) The Iris (play the Bard's Song at Chikapa Mountain)
  5) Copperia (in Sormon at the Professor's house later in the game) 

Q6: I sat on the throne and my Chancellor asked me for money. Should I 
    pay him?

A6: Yes. He's asking for money to add improvements to Avalon. 
    Improvements I've seen are:

      1) Avalon University
      2) Magic Center
      3) Hire Imperial Guards
      4) Hero District (you can pick up some of the Specialized     
         Characters here instead of travelling through caves and  
         deserts to get them.)
      5) others???

IV.                        Specific Q & A


Q7: Where do I get the Bard's Instruments?

A7: After talking to the barkeep at Yu Yan, most of these instruments   
    should appear in these places:

   Bard's Conga---Mole Village underneath South Village
   Bard's Guitar--in Zemio
   Bard's Faggot--in Nuono when chasing after Giaron (is this supposed   
                  to be a drumstick?)
   Bard's Flute---Bard's Cave (kid in the Saigo Family's Village will   
                  tell you the location of the cave)
   Bard's Horn----the Avalon Inn

Q8: How do I get the Fishman Medicine?

A8: Hoo boy. This took me forever to figure out. OK. First off, the 
Emperor you are currently playing as must be male. Go to the town 
called Mermaid and talk to everybody until they all disappear. Go into 
the bar and watch  the mysterious girl dance. When done dancing, talk 
to everyone in the bar. Leave the bar and talk to everyone until they 
disappear again. Go into the bar, watch some more dancing, talk to 
everyone, leave the bar, talk to everyone until they all disappear, go 
into the bar. This third time, however, you'll dance with the girl and 
she'll run out the back door. Follow her and splash! she's a mermaid. 
But no! It's not that easy. She disappears and you must now go see the 
Witch in the cave outside the town and ask her about the "Fishman 
Medicine". She'll tell you that you need 3 ingrediants: 

  1) a "Seagull's Nest" (in the town of Toba) 
  2) an "Eggshell" (on the Savana plains; ask the Hunter in the South 
     Village about it first)
  3) "Aqua Lake Water" (from Aqua Lake in Ludon Pass) 

However, the Nerid at Aqua Lake won't let you have the Aqua Lake 
Water until you bring her the "Moonlight Comb" To get the Moonlight 
Comb, go to the South Village on the Savana plains and after talking to 
everyone, stay the night. While sleeping some ants invade the village 
so jump inside the ant hole. Work your way to the Queen and beat her 
up. Talk to the mole people you saw on the way to the Queen and one of 
them will offer to make you a Moonlight Comb but you'll have to provide 
him with a lot of moonlight. He'll give you the "Mole Spitoon" to catch 
some moonlight. Stay the night at the Avalon Inn a whole bunch of times 
and then go talk to the mole. If you have 10,000 crowns and enough 
moonlight then he'll give you the Moonlight Comb. Go back to Aqua Lake 
and the nerid will give you the Aqua Lake Water (she'll join you now, 
btw) Now you can go back to the Witch and she'll give you the Fishman 
Medicine for 10,000 crowns.

Q9: So what do I do with the Fishman Medicine?

A: If you go back to where you saw the mermaid in the town of Mermaid 
you can jump in the water and talk to her. You can only jump in three 
times, though. After that, talking to the mermaid will end your 
generation. Also, later in the game you can use the medicine to get to 
Giaron's sunken ship. I was never able to do this but I think you're 
also supposed to use it to help out the Sea King in Whyling Lake.

Q9: How do I get the Fist Fighter to join?

A9: Go talk to him and he will ask you to do something for him. 
Outside, the Monster Nest will appear. Go inside and kill the slime 
guarding the door. Leave and go talk to the Fist Fighter and he'll be 
really happy that you beat the slime (Martial Arts suck against slimes) 
and he'll run out the door. Go back to the cave and watch him stomp the 
demon that the slime was guarding. If you kill the demon yourself, the 
Fist Fighter will be pissed and never join you.

Q10: How do I get the Salamander to join?

A10: This is how I got the Salamander to join but I'm pretty sure it's 
not the best way. First, I talked to a man in Mulie and he told me 
about a Stone Boat he saw behind a bush outside the Amazoness Village. 
I went and got the Stone Boat and sailed from Mulie to Skijima. I took 
the Stone Boat to Zemio and that let me cross the lava. Then I got the 
Ice Seed from the Sorcerer's Stronghold but I didn't use it to cool 
down Komulune Volcano. Instead, I came back after a few years and saw 
that Skijima was having earthquake problems. I had everyone evacuate 
Skijima and went and talked to the Salamander in Zemio and he gave me 
the Komulune Hammer. Now this is the weird part: if you go back to 
Skijima, Komulune Volcano will blow and Zemio will be toast but the 
Resurfaced Island will have appeared and you can get some goodies 
there. But I didn't want Zemio toasted so instead of going to Skijima I 
went straight to Komulune Volcano and fought the Lava Flow. After that, 
when I talked to a man in Skijima (or was it the Salamander?) I gained 
the Komulune Area as part of my kingdom and got the Salamander to join. 
But, I really don't think I did things right because I didn't get the 
Resurfaced Island to appear and the Sorcerer was really mad at me.

Q11: How do I get upstairs to the Sorcerer's bedroom? 

A11: Pay attention to how you walk between the two statues in the 
Sorcerer's Stronghold.  

Q12: How do I get to Ugnasu's Floating Castle?

A12: There are 2 ways and I'm really not sure why that is. One way is 
to take the flying machine from the professor in Sormon. The other way 
is to have the Iris on Chukapa Mountain take you there. But I think the 
Iris will only fly you there in the final generation.

Q13: How do I get to Bokoon?

A13: There's an easy way and a hard way.
   -HARD WAY- go to the Nomad Village and have the Nomad show you the 
Land Boat. Now go to Miles and talk to the blonde haired guy. Get 
yourself abducted and thrown on the Land Boat and fight your way to 
Bokoon. This is difficult because you'll have to do it all with no 
equipment. If you're going to do it this way, I suggest you have 
members that are good at Martial Arts and Magic.

   -EASY WAY- wait till later in the game and have the Nomad show you 
the Land Boat. Now go talk to the Tactician at Avalon University. Now 
go talk to him at Foofay. Now go talk to him outside the Nomad Village. 
Now go ask the Nomad to show you the Land Boat again. Btw, Bokoon will 
be much more powerful this way.

Q14: What do I do in Cumberland?

A14: Talk to the King in Douglas and he'll want your advice on who he 
should leave in charge of Cumberland when he dies. You want to choose 
Toma (the third choice, I think). Go find Toma hiding in town and 
eventually after talking to everybody in Cumberland, Douglas will be 
invaded. Talk to the Holy Order in Foofay and then in Nerack Castle and 
then go to the gate to the Steppes and you should find a hole to jump 
in. Kill the monster in the hole and head back to Nerack Castle to see 
what they say. Now head to Douglas to the spot where you found Toma 
hiding earlier. Hop in the window and find where Toma is hidden. After 
you rescue Toma, Saifreeto's Stronghold should appear in the north. Go 
get him.

Q15: Foofay was invaded, and I'm stuck.

A15: You messed up on the Cumberland scenario somewhere because this 
shouldn't happen. Check the fireplace in Foofay.

Q16: How do I find Noel?

A16: You'll find him at the temple in the Oasis. I'm not sure what 
makes him appear but I think it might involve first not killing his 
henchmen in the towers of Terelutva. I fought him at the Oasis but I'm 
not sure if that was the best way to get rid of him.

Q17: Where is the Oasis?

A17: Every once in awhile when you're walking through the Melu Desert 
you'll see a little oasis. Sometimes when you walk over to it it will 
disappear but every so often it'll be the real thing.

Q18: What in blazes!  All my charaters suddenly have 1 LP left?

A18: You probably are either wearing or have the Demon Stone Ring 
in your inventory. When this is the case and you sleep anywhere other 
than your bedroom in Avalon Castle you'll hear some spooky music and 
wake up with 1 less LP than you had before. So if, say, you're playing 
with the sound turned off because you're listening to your new PJ 
Harvey cd you may not notice anything unusual until you it's too late 
and you've saved several times. So where did you get it? You broke the 
Demon Stone in the Jewel Mine and traded it to a mole in the Mole 
Village for the Demon Stone Ring. Btw, if you put it on, you can't 
remove it as far as I know.

Q19: What are your favorite items/characters/waza/etc?

A19: Let's see...I'm rather partial to axes because they're powerful 
and it's fairly easy to learn waza for them. I also like martial arts 
because (I think) only slimes are resistent to them. My 2 favorite 
weapons are the Almghest Axe (its "Phantom Fighter" waza adds your Max 
HP to your current HP) and the Youtouryuukyo (its "Exorcism" waza is 
great for skeleton and zombies). "Yoyo" is a great waza that's powerful 
and cheap and I really like any waza that has a chance of instant kill 
especially "Final Letter" which has a high chance of killing most 
anything. As for characters I like the Nerid because her decent speed 
and her Mellow Ring make her a reliable healer. I also like the 
Salamander for his fire immunity and strength.

V.                     Things I Haven't Figured Out

--Rooftops of Avalon--
If you go through the fireplace in the Avalon armor shop you come out 
on the rooftops. You can jump through a window where there's an empty 
treasure chest and a bed.

--Basement of Avalon--
There's an empty tavern with a locked door.

--Man in the Avalon Cemetary--
He just stands there and says "...."

--The Sea King--
Talked to him in Whyling Lake but never saw him again after that.

--The Oasis--
The water is supposed to restore your LP but I can't get it to work.

--Dark Magic & Mixed Magics--
I never got my Mages to develop Dark Magic and I never got the 2nd 
Mixed Magics.

--The Resurfaced Island--
Can't seem to figure out how to get the island to show up without 
killing the Salamanders. Also, not sure what to do about the Sorcerer.

--The City Thieves--
I could never find these characters.

--The Mermaid--
What's the point of talking to her?

--The Pink X--
These mark certain ancient ruins that have fairly good items. How many 
of these are there?

--The Demon Stone--
Are you just supposed to break it and take the pieces to the mole for 
that crappy ring?

--When to fight each of 7 Noblemen--
Knowing this would make the game flow so much more smoothly.

                           Romancing SaGa 2
                           (C) Square 1993