Rockman X4 (e)

ROCKMAN X4 PC: The unofficial guide
Last update: 5.4.99, v 1.0
(That's 4/5/99, for those that don't like the Day/Month/Year format)

Note: There are several plot spoilers within this FAQ.  If you wish to skip over 
them, they are located in the areas: Characters, Spaceport Stage, Final Weapon 

1.  Characters
    --Rockman X (Megaman X)
2.  Item Guide
    --Energy pellets
    --Weapon pellets
    --Heart Tank
3.  Capsule Guide (X)
    --Leg Armor
    --Helmet Armor
    --Arm Armor
    --Body Armor
    --Ultimate Armor
4.  Ride Armor
    --Land Chaser
5.  Weapon Guide
(x) --X Buster
    --Aiming Laser
    --Double Cyclone
    --Frost Tower
    --Ground Hunter
    --Lightening Web
    --Rising Fire
    --Soul Body
    --Twin Slasher
(Z) --Zero Sabre
6.  Secrets
    --Dark X
    --Dark Zero
7.  Boss/Level Guide
    --Web Spider
    --Split Mushroom
    --Cyber Peacock
    --Storm Owl
    --Magma Dragoon
    --Frost Walrus
    --Jet Stingray
    --Slash Beast
    --Final Weapon
8.  Credits


Rockman X
--Leader of the 17th unit of the Maverick Hunters.  X was discovered by Dr. Cain 
in the ruins of a long abandoned laboratoy that once belonged to the genius Dr. 

--X's best friend and partner.  His sabre is easily a match for any opponent.

--Zero's earstwhile girlfriend, and also Colonel's sister.

--X's clumsy assistant who just seemed to appear in the HQ one day.

--One of the highest ranking officers of the Repliforce.  Iris' brother.

--The leader of Repliforce.

??? (aka That Shadowy Figure With Odd Eyes That You're Sure You've Seen Before)
--No use getting rid of a good villain, is there?


Energy (small)
--This will increase your life about 1/4th

Energy (large)
--Gives you a powerful charge of life

Weapon (small)
--Partially refills your current weapon energy

Weapon (large)
--Greatly increases your current weapon's energy

--An icon shaped like X's or Zero's helmet.  Give you one extra life (up to 9)

--Carry around the power of all the energy pellets you don't use.

--Same as an E-Tank, but for weapon power.

Heart Tank
--Increases your life bar a small degree.


*Note*  Onle X can find these items.  While Zero can still visit some of the 
areas the capsules are, they won't appear for him.

Leg Capsule
Found in:	Web Spider stage
Effects:	Press Jump while in air to hover for a short period.

This is the simplest armor to find.  During your climb down a waterfall near the 
beginning of the stage, you'll notice part of the wall is missing on the right 
(behind some water).  Jump into the hole and continue right until you find it.

Helmet Capsule
Found in:	Cyber Peacock stage
Effects:	Using special weapons won't decrease weapon energy (powered up 
attacks still use 		the same amount as before)

In the third section of the first area, you must finish with rank 'S'.  Simply 
do your best at avoiding those &$#% yellow Death Star things, slid under the 
warping spike balls, and shoot the triangles if they get in the way.  This may 
take a few tries.

Arm Capsules
Found in:	Storm Owl stage
Effects:	4x X Buster power-up or residual damage

In the final parts of Owl's stage, you'll ride a moving platform over a floor of 
spikes.  At the ride's end, there is a tall shaft with spikes lining the walls.  
Stand on the elevated column and shoot a web onto the left spike wall.  Air dash 
at it, then wall jump off of it onto the thin bit of wall above the spikes, then 
jump into the new room.  I personally found these to be the most difficult 
enhancements to get to.  You now have two arm choices: the first capsule gives 
you a powered up X Buster (the pinkish power shot from the original X).  The 
second will give you 'plasma power'--when you hit an enemy with a powered up 
shot, a ball of plasma will remain at the impact spot and continue doing damage 
(hurting anything else that touches it).

Body Capsule
Found in:	Magma Dragoon stage
Effects:	Added protection and the Nova Strike attack

Near Dragoon's lair, you'll find a Ride Armor.  Hop in, then leap toward the 
overhanging ceiling and jump out and climb up.  At the top, switch to Slash 
Beast's weapon and power up with the Plasma Arm.  Smack the wall with it and 
enter to find the capsule.

Ultimate Armor Capsule
Found in:	Web Spider stage
Effects:	Adds effects of all the other armor, infinate Nova Strikes, and a 
groovy look!

Input the Dark X code (see below) and enter the area where you would normally 
find the Leg Armor.


--This mech will allow you to hover for short periods.  It's cross-screen energy 
blasts do about the same damage a slightly powered X Buster shot.  
Unfortunately, it's attack is painful slow.

--The same ride armor as found in several stages of the original X.  Designed 
for hand-to-hand combat, it's quite capable of smashing rocks and crates with 
ease, as well as enemies.

Land Chaser
--A land and water bike, perhaps a remade version of the one originally rode by 
the our hero in Rockman 4.



X Buster
--Your initial weapon.  The size of the blast and amount of damage depends on 
how long you hold down the Attack button (you'll see the power rise when the 
energy surrounding X changes color and sound).  Two additional upgrades can be 
found (see Arm Capsules, above)

Aiming Laser
Gained from:	Cyber Peacock
--Creates a half-sphere with a targeting cursor (which locks on).  It may be 
tough to get used to, but there's no better way to make sure you hit something.

Frost Tower
Gained from:	Frost Walrus
--Creates a slab of ice around X when used.  Useful when surrounded by weak, 
gunless foes.

Ground Hunter
Gained from:	Jet Stingray
--Fires a small Search Snake-ish stingray which scours the floor or wall.

Rising Fire
Gained from:	Magma Dragoon
--X fires a ball of flame towards the ceiling, taking out airborne foes.

Twin Slasher
Gained from:	Slash Beast
--Fires two slashes of energy, one forward and the other at a 45 degree angle.

Soul Body
Gained from:	Split Mushroom
--Creates a duplicate hologram of X.  Fun for ramming.

Double Cyclone
Gained from:	Storm Owl
--Shoots two balls of air sideways, which then float gradually upwards.

Lightening Web
Gained from:	Web Spider
--Creates an electric net, usable as a weapon and a stepping stone.


Zero Sabre
--Your initial weapon.  Tap the attack button rapidly to link a single slash 
into two or three attacks (the third slash does multiple hits and has a greater 
radius).  All of Zero's attacks are done with the Sabre, resulting in a 
fighting-game sort of play.

Gained from:	Jet Stingray
--Air dash.  Double tap a direction or press the Dash key while in mid air to 
use (doesn't work if you jumped from a dash).

Gained from:	Frost Walrus
--Ice attack.  Hold down and press the Ultimate Attack button while jumping to 
thrust downward with a spear of ice.

Gained from:	Split Mushroom
--Double jump and spinning attack.  Possibly the most useful of Zero's 
techniques.  Press Jump while in midair to jump again.  Pressing Attack will 
make Zero whip out his Sabre and spin with it, creating a devestating attack (I 
find myself using it more than normal slashes).

Gained from:	Cyber Peacock
--Press the Giga Attack button to shoot an arc of energy into the air--very 

Gained from:	Web Spider
--Press Ultimate Attack to shoot forth a spear of lightening.  However, the time 
it takes to use this attack renders it all but useless.

Gained from:	Magma Dragoon
--On the ground, hold Up and press Ultimate Attack to leap in the air with the 
Sabre aflame--very cool.

Gained from:	Slash Beast
--When dashing, press the Ultimate Attack button to perform a slash that can 
break some rocks and crates.

Gained from:	Storm Owl
--The Sabre can now destroy many energy attacks, plus it looks oh-so-neato.



On the character select screen, highlight X and hold Down when you select him.  
X's armor now has a darker look to it, and you can find the Ultimate Armor.


On the character select screen, highlight Zero and hold Up when you select him.  
Zero's armor is now black and his hair is a very light blond (I think his Sabre 
changes color, too).  However, instead of getting the Ultimate Armor, floating 
capsules containing energy pellets will occasionally drop by whenever you're 
running low on life.  It's not as good, but hey, at least you look cool.  
Besides that, you automatically start with the Tenkuuha technique.


I personally recommend taking this path through the levels (if you're playing 
Web Spider, Split Mushroom, Cyber Peacock, Storm Owl, Magma Dragoon, Frost 
Walrus, Jet Stingray, Slash Beast

If you're using Zero, you can still follow that road to some extent, but certain 
bosses are far too difficult to fight if you don't have the right techniques 
yet.  Wait awhile to tackle Cyber Peacock, Storm Owl, and Magma Dragoon.

Also, take note--after defeating four bosses (any order), X will have to duel 
with Colonel.  Battle tips are further below.  Zero doesn't have to do this 
fight; the altercation is taken care of in a cutscene.


(X) Leg Armor: During your climb down the waterfall in Act 1, look for a break 
in the right hand wall.  You'll discover the Leg Armor.

Heart Tank:  In Act 2, you'll find odd pieces of log that you can strike, but 
can't destroy.  You'll need Magma Dragoon's weapon to burn them away.  Inside 
one, you'll find the H-Tank.

Fighting Web Spider:
As you probably don't have any special weapons yet, you need to rely on hit-and-
run tactics.  Watch for Spider to drop from the ceiling.  When he does, get in a 
hit, then dash to the far wall before he can hit you with his electric web.  
After you get him down to about half his energy, he'll erect a large web in the 
center of the arena (you won't take damage from it).  As he scuttles around, 
watch for his web attack again and for him to pop open a container and fling 
four small spiders around the room.  If you're careful, Spider poses little 


Miniboss:  This beetle will follow you around for a short period before rearing 
up and destroying on of the blocks your near or on.  The trick is to make sure 
you have enough blocks to stand on to effectively fight.  I prefer starting on 
the left side of the screen and working him to the right, smacking the hell out 
of him as I go.  It may take a few tries to beat him.

Heart Tank:  This is a tough one to get at first.  You need to stand on the 
pillar just to the right of the falling section of corridor, then dash and jump 
onto it before it gets too far down.  The falling driller doesn't make this any 
easier.  Luckily, if you fall into the pit you'll respawn right there, so it 
won't take too long before this one it yours.

The second staircase:  Near the end of the stairs, you'll note a shield drone 
following you.  Pick up the pace and take out the spiked wheels quick enough and 
it won't pose a threat.

Rising elevator:  Close to the top, you'll run into crumbling floors which the 
elevator will destroy (as long as you're not under them when they collide).  In 
one particularly tight area, a flower vine shoots out of the wall, making it 
even harder.  Though you'll be tempted to, don't dash!  Unless you stop 
yourself, you'll wind up crushed under the other block.  You'll make it just 
fine by walking under the flower.

Fighting Split Mushroom:
Anyone remember a little boss called Gemini Man?  Split apparently watched his 
sitcom when he was knee-high to an oil can.  His main attacks consist of hanging 
on the wall and throwing holographic doubles at you and splitting himself in two 
and running in circles (Little known fact: Capcom had originally considered 
naming him Bad Acid Man. --ed).  (X) When he initially leaps on the wall, peg 
Split with the Electric Web.  He'll fall off and jump to the other wall.  Repeat 
as necessary.  (Z) As Split is making his glittery clones, stand nearby and 
begin using the Raijingeki (electric sword) technique.  If you time it right, 
Split will drop from the wall right in the midst of it being used.  If he 
manages to split into two 'shrooms, try and find enough of a gap so that you can 
effectively use the attack without getting hit.  You may just want to go all-out 
with your regular attacks.


Act 1 is something like a race.  The sooner you get to the end of the area, the 
better.  Getting there with Rank B will make you retry the area.  Rank A lets 
you pass.  Rank S will take you to a special area with a Good Item.  (X) For 
area 1, you'll get a Heart Tank.  2 gives an E-Tank.  3 gives you the Helmet 
Armor.  (Z) Area 1 gains you a 1-Up.  2 gets you a Heart Tank.  3 means an E-
Tank.  Take note: Zero's spin attack can dissipate those bloody yellow spheres!

Fighting Cyber Peacock:
Who named this twit, anyway?  I almost feel sorry for him, having such an 
idiotic name and being stuck in girly armor (even the guy that reads the boss 
names sounds like he's trying not to laugh!).  (X) With the Soul Body attack you 
got from Split, Cyber is a piece of cake.  Dash around the screen until he 
teleports in, then ram him with your double.  Repeat.  (Z) This fight is a LOT 
harder on Zero.  Dash around and hit Cyber with your spinning attack when he 
teleports in.  If you get 'locked on' by a targetting cursor, you're in for it!  
Cyber will fire explosive 'feathers' at you, which are extreamly difficult to 
avoid.  The best strategy I've found is to wait against the wall until they're 
close to hitting you, dash forward, then jump backwards over them.  It's a tough 
thing to do, but outrunning the buggers is the only way to avoid them.  However, 
if you win, you get Zero's Giga attack (the only one of his to use energy).


Eagle armor:  This mechanoid suit is almost essential to finishing Act 1.  With 
it, you can fly over pits that would probably do in both X and Zero.  The only 
real problem is that it fires over certain small enemies.  Try to keep from 
breaking this toy.

Heart Tank:  If you hear the sound of an energy pulse charging up and releasing, 
chances are that you missed the Tank.  It's sitting on a platform that's 
coincidentally right beneath a turret ready to blow the platform away.  You'll 
need to make a quick dash with Eagle to nab it before it falls--and even then 
YOU might find yourself hanging there.  If that's the case, try and hover over 
to the other platform; or, if necessary, jump out and try to make it over there 
if you fall short.

(X) Arm Armor:  In the final parts of Owl's stage, you'll ride a moving platform 
over a floor of spikes.  At the ride's end, there is a tall shaft with spikes 
lining the walls.  Stand on the elevated column and shoot a web onto the left 
spike wall.  Air dash at it, then wall jump off of it onto the thin bit of wall 
above the spikes, then jump into the new room.  I personally found these to be 
the most difficult enhancements to get to.  You now have two arm choices: the 
first capsule gives you a powered up X Buster (the pinkish power shot from the 
original X).  The second will give you 'plasma power'--when you hit an enemy 
with a powered up shot, a ball of plasma will remain at the impact spot and 
continue doing damage (hurting anything else that touches it).

Miniboss:  This fight is fairly simple.  You need to hit the glowing red 'eye' 
on the right wall when it's open, but the laser turrets can make things frantic, 
especially if you're using the range-impared Zero.  With either player, you're 
bound to do a good deal of dashing before the fight is over.

Fighting Storm Owl:
Any relation to Storm Eagle?  Maybe his brother?  (X) Using the Aiming Laser you 
got from Cyber, lock onto the birdy and peg him whenever he comes near.  It'll 
be a short fight, guaranteed.  (Z) You need to use your Giga attack at first to 
soften Owl up a bit.  Once you run out of energy for it, you'll have to resort 
to the good ol' tactic of Run-In-And-Lay-Down-Some-Smack.  Watch for two of 
Owl's attacks in particular--during one, he'll fire three beams of yellow 
energy.  This is easily dodgeable--just get under or over Owl, depending on 
where he is on the screen.  The other, he'll shoot four globes of energy which 
then hang momentarily before homing in on you.  I've only successfully dodged 
this once, by accident.  If you Giga-ed him enough, though, you probably won't 
have to face these attacks often.


Rolling rocks:  Early in Act 1, as you go down a decline, you'll note the screen 
starts shaking.  You may also note the fact that several rather large flaming 
rocks are headed your way.  Hop onto one of the overhangs to avoid them--I 
strongly doubt you can destroy them all and get away unscathed.  This happens 
twice in the stage.

Heart Tank:  In Act 2, you'll find a area with an energy pellet with a 
Repliforce goon sitting on a cliff above it.  Take out the soldier.  Now, either 
double-jump or air dash to the overhanging ceiling on the left.  Climb up to 
score the tank.

(X) Body Armor:  Instructions covered above.

Ridden:  You'll find the fighting mech close to the lair of Dragoon.  After 
crossing several lava pits, you'll come to a wall you can't quite jump over.  
Instead of hopping out and going over, plod on through the lava and smash any 
rocks that are in the way.  The Ridden will make the Dragoon fight much easier, 
especially with Zero.  Unfortunately, if you're beaten, you'll respawn at the 
normal lair entrance without a way to get to the mech.

Fighting Magma Dragoon:
The traitorous Dragoon is finally cornered!  This firey renegade has many fire 
attacks at his disposal--most of which he apparently learned during his stint in 
the Street Fighter circuit.  X, of course, also spent some time in it (Remember 
the hidden capsule in Rockman X1?  Nothing like a houdoken to even the odds!).  
(X) Keep on your toes and avoid Magma's flame attacks as much as possible.  When 
you get the chance, peg him with the Double Cyclone attack you nicked from Owl.  
It's a tough fight with the lava on both sides, but one you can win.  (Z) This 
is one of the hardest fights for Zero!  If possible, make sure you have at least 
one full E-Tank and several Heart Tanks with you.  Make sure you get the Ridden 
armor and use it!  If you're good you can beat Magma with it intact, but chances 
are you'll lose it around the halfway point in his life bar.  Without the 
Ridden, you'll have to resort to a lot of dashing in and jumping out.  Be 
especially careful when he momentarily 'transforms' and opens that big mouth of 
his--a giant spray of fire will ensue, and the only way to avoid it is to get to 
the opposite wall and hang there until it stops.


Energy pellet bonanza:  Waah!  It looks like Eddie exploded up here!  Climb up 
the walls at the starting point and head to the right across the top.  You'll 
find several energy and weapon pellets.  To climb this cliff, either double jump 
or wall jump off of the Electric Web weapon.  Further along, you'll nab a 1-Up 
and at least 5 more energy pellets.  This is a GREAT place to come to charge you 
E-Tanks!  Slide down the cliff and you can see an easily accessable 1-Up in a 
nearby niche.

Heart Tank:  Using the attack you got from Dragoon, toast the block of ice this 
tank rests on.  Instant HP gratification!

W-Tank:  You'll find this little bugger stuck in the blocks of ice in Act 2.  
Break your way over to it and nab the bugger.

Miniboss:  The most dangerous part about this boss is the spikes on the ceiling.  
It's patterns are simple.  When you hit it (while it's open) it'll do one of the 
following: a) Curl up into a ball and float to the other wall in a zig-zag 
pattern, b) curl into a ball, shoot into the sky and come crashing down, 
bringing random spikes down, or c) stay open and charge.  The first two you 
can't do much about but dodge (an easy task), but you can still whack away at it 
when it charges.  A powered up X-Buster shot will revert it back to normal.  
After you do enough damage, it's cover will crack and it'll summon a new spikey 
coat.  Just dodge it and keep firing.  The ice spikes hanging above are also 

Fighting Frost Walrus:
Walrus is cake.  Pound cake, I think.  1700 pound cake.  Maybe more.  I think 
this guy takes the prize for "Biggest Rockman Boss" easily.  However, he's also 
one of the easiest.  One important note, though--don't even bother using the 
attack you got from Dragoon on him unless he jumps up and is about to crush you.  
Since the attack goes straight up, you have to get under him to use it--not a 
fun prospect.  Just wail away on him with your standard attacks.  If he rushes 
you, climb the wall and jump over him.  If he spikes rain from the ceiling, stay 
by the wall and destroy them when they land.  Simple enough for both X and Zero 


Heart Tank:  No matter what your Gamer's Instincts tell you to do, do NOT try to 
jump the third pit in Act 1.  You'll fall onto a lower platform and nab the 
tank.  Just remember to jump before the NEXT hole!

E-Tank:  I hated getting this tank.  I really did.  Near the end of Act 2 
(you'll know you're almost there because you need to shoot a few crates), 
there's a jump followed by a platform followed by a different crate-filled 
platform on which the E-Tank lies.  Hop to the second platform, wait until the 
last possible moment, then jump and push right while firing like a madman.  If 
you're lucky, you'll make it onto the platform and blow the crates away.  If 
you're not, you'll either miss the platform (most likely) or miss a crate and be 
crushed against the side of the screen.  Don't feel bad if this one takes you 
awhile--I used about a dozen lives trying to get it.

Fighting Jet Stingray:
Ah, Snake Man's long lost brother-in-law.  Jet's usual tactics involve either 
flinging tiny stingrays at your, swooping down and smacking you, or sucking you 
closer with a vacuum-type weapon.  (X) You'll need to get real close to Jet to 
get in the best shots.  When he's hovering above the water and tossing 'rays, 
jump up to him and fire the Frost Tower right before you run into him.  You 
should hit him and send him flying away.  When he lowers himself back down, hit 
him again.  Repeat until he goes *kabooshki*.  (Z) Zero needs to do the same 
basic trick, but with Hyouretsuzan (Ice attack).  The only problem is that 
you'll have to get a bit closer to hit him.


Miniboss:  This is a relatively easy battle for X.  Just power up and blast away 
from the relative safety of the right car, jumping when necessary.  Zero will 
have to get up close and personal, however.  Double jumps with a spinning attack 
seemed to work best for me.  Keep in mind that only the heads of the spikes will 
hurt you--the body of it won't pose a threat.

Heart Tank:  This one is the easiest to get in the game.  When you find the 
Ridden armor, you may note that you can destroy the cars ahead of you by 
punching the sides.  Feel free to do so, especially at the second car you come 
to after hopping in.  Bust the car and you'll find the Heart Tank sitting on a 

Fighting Slash Beast:
This isn't that tough a fight.  (X) Try to keep near the walls if you can and 
peg Slash with the Ground Hunter whenever you get the chance.  You'll be out of 
here in no time at all.  (Z) Zero will have to take on Slash mano a mano.  
You'll be doing a lot of dashing and double-jumping here.  Be careful when Slash 
jumps, though!  He'll either do a full jump or he'll stomp down halfway, and it 
can be tough to tell which he'll do at first.

(Spoilers a comin'!)

Death-defying jumps:  Near the end of the level, you'll come across an area 
which features a platform with another platform over top it.  Normally this 
wouldn't be a problem, but as there is a wall in the way, you need to climb up 
onto the top platform.  Much fun, especially with a sniper there.  Try and take 
it out with a flame attack or such before making the asent, and DON'T DASH JUMP 
whatever you do!

Free energy:  Before taking on the boss, take note of the left wall in the first 
antechamber (before you go through the doors).  That green block on the wall has 
a hidden barrel of energy behind it, free for the nabbing.

Fighting Colonel:
If you know what you're doing, this isn't a tough fight.  (X) You'll do a lot of 
hovering here.  When Colonel blinks out, jump and hover!  He'll usually appear 
right next to where you were standing and slash at you.  The best times to hit 
him are before/during his triple cut attack or when he is summoning lightening.  
(Z) Follow the same basic strategy as X--double jump when necessary and strike 
when you get the chance.  Don't get cocky or he'll take quite a bit of energy 
off of you quickly!

(More spoilers!)

Friend to foe:
Your comerade at the stage select area turns on you!  (X) Double (who, for 
whatever reason, is called 'Jello Man' in this form) is fairly easy to defeat.  
Avoid his 'Destroy!' attack (the spheres) by manuvering out of their way.  When 
he starts leaping around, dash to the farthest wall and climb--he won't be able 
go higher than about 1/4th of the way up.  Hit him with powered up X Buster 
shots mainly, though there is rumor that the Double Cyclone attack works fairly 
well (further proof that Capcom truly has a bad sense of humor).  (Z) You won't 
be able to injure Iris directly at first; just keep pushing her mech back and 
destroy the mines when they get close.  After a period, a purple diamond will 
appear--Iris' weak spot.  Hit it when you can, but watch out!  When Iris powers 
up for her beam attack, double jump towards the wall (jump the first time right 
before she fires).  If you were far enough away from the wall, the diamond 
(which manuvers beneath you to fire upwards) will miss as well.  Keep it up and 
get a prize of more sad voice-overs on Zeros actors part (The worst thing about 
X4 was the voice acting, I think.  The anime was decent, but the dubbing..  
Geez..  X sounds like a little girl and Zero apparently is always out of 

The General:
Now you come face to foot with the hulking reploid that is the General.  His 
battle tactics aren't too tough to get down--ride his hands when he fires them 
and get in all the head-shots you can.  Occassionally he'll float around the 
room for no apparent reason--dash and climb to avoid this.  Sometimes he'll try 
and stomp you.  Just dash under him and you'll be fine.  His energy attack is a 
bit difficult, but it's always in the same place, so just jump through the 
opening between the upper and lower parts of the blast.  Zero will have a harder 
time here since he needs to keep to the Generals hands, but X can cling to the 
wall, firing powered shots and come away unscathed.

Rebattle the bosses:
It just wouldn't be a Rockman game without having to fight the robot masters all 
over again in the final area, now would it?  X shouldn't have that difficult a 
time with this lot since you'll have all of the necessary weapons.  Zero's fight 
will be much tougher--make sure you pick up that energy pellet every time you 
beat a boss, even if you didn't take damage--you'll need it to repower your 
depleted E-Tanks.  Just follow the same strategies you used on them before.  
It'd be a very good idea to stop by Walrus' stage to fill those tanks before 
entering this level..

Sigma (Who did you expect?  A funny-haired doctor in a flying pill?):
Sigma's first form is a piece of cake.  When he materializes above you, quickly 
hit him with your fire attack before he can drop his energy spheres.  After 
hitting him twice, he'll appear on the far wall with his scythe down.  Climb the 
wall and jump over him as he swoops by.  Continue this--he'll take about 6 hits 
before his second form.  This one is where things start heating up.  Dash under 
him the first time he throws his weapon and hit him as he catches it.  Now, jump 
on the wall quickly and drop away from the scythe as it slams into where you 
hung.  Sigma will drop down and stand in the other corner, firing lasers from 
his eyes that are tough to avoid.  Before he fires them, jump and air dash over 
his head and cling to the wall, hitting him when you get low enough, then 
jumping further back up the wall.  If his weapon gets stuck in the floor instead 
of the wall, prepare to take serious damage from the electricity and the 4 
boomerangs that somehow materialize out of his back (Yeah, Capcom is either 
running out of ideas or Sigma went back in time and took some lessons from Quick 
Man).  After enough hits, you'll fall through the floor and fight the third and 
final form.  There are seven forms of attack here, four where you can damage 
Sigma.  He has two life bars in this section, one for his giant head on the 
ground and one on the giant 'bot on the right wall.  The other three attacks are 
made by freaky colored flying heads.  The attacks are listed one by one..  [Blue 
head]  This one is simple to avoid.  Just dash to the other two heads and climb 
up and wait for the blue head to vanish.  [Yellow head]  Keep on your toes here-
-dodge the electric sparks and the shocks they send running across the floors 
and walls they hit.  [Red head]  These fireballs aren't too terribly difficult 
to avoid.  Climb the heads on your right slowly and the first two waves will go 
below you.  Drop down after the second and the next two waves will go above you.  
[Head suction]  I HATE this attack.  Sigma will begin sucking in bits of debris-
-and you.  You could dash away if not for the fact that two spike-ridden heads 
appear, blocking the way.  (X) Throw powered X Buster shots at Sigma's mouth--
this'll block most of the debris he spits back out and might do some damage to 
him as well.  (Z) Spin jump as much as you can.  Don't worry about hitting 
Sigma, just try and minimalize damage.  [Head wind]  This time, Sigma'll blow a 
strong wind, trying to knock you into a wall of spikes.  Just keep dashing to 
the left.  You should be able to fully dash three times before the wind abates.  
(X) Quickly jump and fire as many Ground Hunters at his mouth as possible before 
he vanishes.  A powered Double Cyclone is also rumored to work well.  (Z) Spin 
jump at Sigmas face, but don't land in it!  [Mech End]  Rarely, Sigma's giant 
body will appear and he'll shout 'The end!' and fire a powerful laser across the 
floor.  Quickly leap onto the floating heads and climb.  X might be able to get 
in a hit if he's careful.  [Mech Blast]  Usually, Sigmas mech will appear and 
fire a few laser blasts around the room at where you were standing.  (X) 
Jump/climb around and fire powered X Buster shots at his face.  I've heard the 
Double Cyclone also works here.  (Z) Spin jump around, but make sure you don't 
come back down into a beam.  In general, if you go into the 3rd form with at 
least half your original life bar intact, you should be able to do fairly well 
if you've got both E-Tanks full.  It's a much easier fight on Easy mode, but 
prepare for trouble on Normal..  Now, just pop through this final door and 
prepare for the credits..


Author of this FAQ, rom hacker, and over-all Rockman freak: Codeman 
(  Many many thanks go out to Davio for his awesome site 
dedicated to this game--it's where I got the info for the Dark Armors and 
several boss tricks I didn't know.  Thanks also go out to the crew of The Man In 
Blue website, the Callus programmers (on which I played Rockman: The Power 
Battle waaay too much), and obiviously to Capcom, for making a excellent game 
series (and a 'Right Smashing' line of customizable toys--I'm gonna get all the 
X armors one of these days..).


AUTHOR: Codeman
WRITING TIME:	Approx. 1 week

This FAQ may not be distributed or sold (either singly or as a collection) for 
any profit without prior consent by me, Codeman (  If the 
above email address is ever nullified, it may be taken as permission to 
distribute this FAQ freely (with credit), but never sold or altered in any way.