Revenge from Mars (Flipper) (e)

                       Revenge From Mars Rule Sheet 
   By: Josh Sharpe
   For the people in my league this should help get ready for the finals.
                              Important Stuff
   This section describes each mode going from left to right on the
          Hit both ramps or loops to destroy the ship and save whatever
          object they are taking. There are 6 in total and if you can
          collect all six you earn your saucer light. To finish mode,
          like all others shoot the middle to collect the countdown
          There are five martians you need to kill. The left and right
          ramp are two. You must hit the lock shot twice to get the
          third, and the middle shot along with the martian target next
          to the middle shot are the last two. At any time after the
          middle ramp goes up you can end the mode, but this an easy
          saucer light to get.
          You automatically get a saucer light if you defeat this mode.
          Every shot adds to the hit damage Robo-Lincoln does on the
          alien. Beat on him until his bar goes down and shoot the middle
          shot to "Finish Him" (ala Mortal Kombat).
          The leaning tower of pisa is being held by four martians. Shoot
          the left and right ramps to get two of them. The other two are
          the lock shot and the top martian light. After that you can
          shoot up the middle ramp and recieve your saucer light. This
          mode can also be completed by shooting the center shot right at
          the tower (same as AFM). I don't recommend it and you don't get
          a saucer light.
          I can only explain Martian aerobics because it's the only one
          programmed right now. Shoot any shot and you will shoot a
          missileat the martians on the screen. The martians are lined up
          like Galaga and each missile usually takes out two or three
          depending on where you hit them. Destroy all 32 before they
          escape to receive your saucer light.
          There is a power bar that tells you how much damage you still
          have left to do. Every shot adds to the damage and at a certain
          point you can shoot the middle ramp and a huge bomb will drop
          down and destroy everything. In order to get your saucer light
          you must complete the meter all the way down
          You can either take out the four martians or just hit the tower
          directly. Again both ramps, the lock shot, and the top martian
          target are the martian shots
          There are four animals that you need to destroy. On the left is
          chicken and a cow and on the right is a pig and a duck. Hit
          either the loop or ramp on either side to destroy one. Once all
          four are destroyed the mode is completed
          There are sixe television stations you can tune in on. The left
          ones can be viewed by either hitting the loop or the left
          ramp/middle ramp combo. Same goes for the right side. To view
          the middle screens shoot the middle shot and then the ramp will
          pop up. View either just the two in the middle or all sixe to
          raise the ramp and destroy the tv.
          After each set of three is complete you get Bonus Wave Multi
          ball. During this the goal is to eventually get to Mothership
          Multiball. Each shot is a jackpot (some times two, etc.). At a
          certain number (20) you receive an extra ball. aAnd you also
          get big Jackpots along the way once you get 40 jackpots you get
          Mothership Multiball. If you do not get 40 on your first BWM
          you start up your next one from the number of jackpots you left
          off at.
          Shoot everythings, but mainly the loops and ramps to shoot at
          the Mothership. After enough power has been taken off you
          destroy the ship by shooting the middle shot. Then a new ship
          will come out.
          This is where your 300 Mil game become your 600 Mil game. You
          must get all the saucer lights (9 of them) and complete all the
          modes. Once you do there is a middle shot you must hit to start
          to Attack Mars. There are 3 steps (kinda like Cirqus Voltaire
          except the balls don't drain after each one): 1) Destroy three
          ships with radar. You have to use the action buttons to move
          the ship to the center of the screen, then shoot the middle
          shot to blow it up. Although it is difficult the first time you
          do it, it isn't that hard. 2) Destroy four weird looking things
          (I don't quite know what to call them) by shooting the main
          shots of the game. 3) Destory the Big Brain martian by shooting
          the middle shot and then the middle ramp when it is raised.
          Once completed you get easily over 100 Mil just for the end
          Shoot and lock your balls and once you lock three you get your
          MB. all shots except for the loops destroy ships. Destroy 10
          and a bigger ship will come out. Hit it five times as it moves
          across the screen to get your super jackpot. Repeat.
          To start it hit both side shots and then the raised ramp up the
          middle. It's a two ball multiball where every shot destroys a
          martian. Shoot the middle shot twice, then that will raise the
          middle ramp and if you hit that twice you blow up the middle
          big martian.