Redguard (e)



1. Game and File Information

1.1. About Redguard

Redguard: An Elder Scrolls Adventure is an action/adventure game by Bethesda
Softworks for Windows95.
More information about the game can be obtained from Bethesda's internet web
The Official Game Page on the Internet can be found at this address:

1.2. Acknowledgments

A big thank you to Robert Norton for his Town Square map and for helping me
with the constellations puzzle.
Special thanks also to all of those who frequent the Redguard Forum --

1.3. Can't find a hint for your problem?

Thank you for choosing UHS as your source for game hints.
These hints concentrate on the Adventure elements in Redguard.  While hints
to ~some~ of the action sequences are covered here, there are hundreds of
them not discussed at all.  Different systems and styles of gameplay prohibit
me from writing about all of them.
Goals and puzzles reveal themselves as you explore.  When in doubt what to do
next, try talking to the townsfolk again.  Many times they will have
something new to tell you.
Searching this file is much easier using the UHS Reader.  With the reader,
you can search for a word or phrase throughout the entire hint file,
something that is not possible while viewing the hints on the Web.
Download a reader from the web site

2. Tips and Tricks

2.1. Movement Tips

While movement is pretty straightforward in Redguard, there are some sticky
spots that ~should be~ easy but are not.  For instance, sometimes you cannot
climb a simple set of stairs or jump off of something while in "Walk" mode. 
(Your TAB key toggles the Walk/Run mode.)
My suggestion is to play the entire game in the "Walk" mode until it becomes
necessary to run.  In those places, hold down the SHIFT key to run.  If you
find it awkward pressing SHIFT while performing another action, (i.e. jumping
off of a rope) press the TAB key to turn on the "Run" mode until your task is
You'll do a lot of jumping and climbing in Redguard.  Remember that Cyrus can
hang onto ledges.  If you want to drop down, turn around and walk backwards
until he falls.  He will hang on.  From there you can move sideways, hand
over hand, and drop down or pull up to a new location.
Practice changing your point of view by holding down the ALT keyboard key and
using the arrow keys.  Sometimes this is the only way to see an important
clue or location.

2.2. Rope Climbing Tips

To get on: Take a running stride and jump toward the rope.
To climb up and down: Use the up and down direction keys.
To swing:  Move to the very end of the rope.  Keep the left (or right) arrow
key depressed to swing higher.
To jump off of a stationary rope:  Turn "Run" mode On (TAB key).  Climb up
and look around for a feasible landing place.  To jump left, right or back,
there must be a place to land.  You might need to dismount and climb on from
another side of the rope before trying again.
To jump off of a swinging rope:  Aim toward your landing spot and begin to
swing (see above).  Wait to reach the most height.  Jump when the rope swings
nearest to your destination. 

2.3. Where can I find more money?

* Cyrus can carry a maximum of 500 gold pieces at one time.

* It goes without saying that you should open all treasure chests and search
the bodies of your victims.

* Look for gold outside the city limits just sitting on the ground in the

* You could always get a job!

* Someone on the docks has a 300-coin reward for retrieval of an item for the

* There is buried treasure to be found, too.  The pet of a shopkeeper in
Stros M'Kai can give you the location, if you ask in the right way.

* Talk to Gerrick's parrot.
What does the parrot know? [see 2.3.1.]

* If you can get inside, there is a good quantity of gold in the Old Quarter
[see 2.7.] as well.

2.3.1. What does the parrot know?

* Your answers must rhyme each other, like his.

* Try and rhyme your own sentences.

* He will eventually give you the directions to a chest full of gold coins.

* If you would rather find out on your own, do not read the next hints.

* 21 paces .. as the head faces .. the gold shines there still.

* Go up toward Devils Den.  The "head" is the fallen rock from the headless

* Walk 21 paces in the direction from the face of the head.

* Use a shovel at that spot to find 300 coins.

2.4. How can I make my own healing potions?

* Healing potions can be made from aloe and the purest of water.

* Buy aloe from Gerrick's Goods in town.

* The well in the Square contains pure water.

* Lower the bucket to get the water (turn the wheel twice). Go around to the
other side and add some aloe to the water. "Get the aloe and water" into a

* Find a container in an abandoned cabin in the Ogres Tooth Mountains.

* You can fill it up even if it is not completely empty.

2.5. Is there an easier way to travel around?

* Rather than go by foot, go by feather!

* There are teleporters to be found in the region.  Using them, you can
travel as the bird flies.

* You'll need to purchase a few items from Gerrick first.

* Be sure and pick up a compass and some canah feathers.

* Each teleporter has the appearance of a sundial with a bird insignia on it.
 Lines are marked around the edge.

* To use a teleporter, make a canah feather your active item.  Stand in the
center of the disk.  Face the direction you wish to travel and use the
feather.  Magnificent! 

* The hash marks designate how many destinations and the general directions
of travel available from that particular teleporter.  But the marks are not
always the most accurate.  In fact, some of them are completely wrong.

* There are six teleporters.

* Experimenting to figure out where they all go is part of the fun.  There
may be times, however, when accuracy or speed is important.  For those times,
I have provided more details in the below graphics.Town [see 2.5.1.]
Devils Den [see 2.5.2.]
Dragon Door [see 2.5.3.]
Ogres Tooth Mtns. [see 2.5.4.]
Saintsport [see 2.5.5.]
Dwarven Ruins [see 2.5.6.]
Remember that the Red Gem on the compass always points north.  Position the
Red Gem at the numbered spot by turning Cyrus around.

2.5.1. Town

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.5.2. Devils Den

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.5.3. Dragon Door

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.5.4. Ogres Tooth Mtns.

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.5.5. Saintsport

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.5.6. Dwarven Ruins

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.6. Maps of Stros M'Kai

2.6.1. Where is the map the manual mentions?

* Explore north of town.

* Follow the gravel road beyond the covered bridge and walk into the grassy
area to the left.

* Seek out a cave entrance.

* Kill the man inside and search his body.

* Access the map by pressing the "M" keyboard key.  It will show your current
surface location.  (If you are underground, the X will mark your last surface

2.6.2. Map of the Sea Port

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.6.3. Town Square Map

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.7. Old Quarter

2.7.1. Is it necessary to get inside the Old Quarter?

* There are many bags of gold and health potions inside!

* Other than to satisfy your own curiosity, there is no specific reason to go
inside the Old Quarter.

* None of the quests depend upon entering this area.

2.7.2. Can I get inside from the streets of the city?

* There IS a way to get inside the Old Quarter from the streets of Stros

* Find the large locked gate to the Old Quarter near a broken wagon.

* Walk around to the right to the end of the wall.  From there, jump to a
spot slightly below the wall.

* The hot spot is slightly flatter than the other areas and down about 2
inches from the wall.

* Angle Cyrus to the spot and take a running jump to it.  Walk up to the
corner and proceed to the right where you can enter.

* Using this drawing of the Jump to the Old Quarter [see] might make
it a bit easier to understand. Jump to the Old Quarter

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

2.7.3. How can I descend down from the rooftops?

* Use one of the awnings to trampoline down to the ground.

* The building has an awning over a window facing the fountain.

* As you proceed left, you will come to a rooftop with two guards, a brazier
and a locked door.

* Walk to the edge, facing the courtyard, and look down to find the location
of the awning.  Position Cyrus above the awning.

* Looking across the courtyard to the buildings on the opposite side, notice
the round stained glass window and a building to its left with a row of dark
gray windows.

* Stand above the awning, facing the fountain, at the absolute edge of the
building.  Turn Cyrus left, angling him toward the row of gray windows.

* With "Walk Mode Off", fall forward onto the awning.  Cyrus will bounce and,
hopefully, land safely very close to a wall of the building with the gray
windows (where the ground level is slightly higher).

2.7.4. How can I leave the Old Quarter?

* The way out depends upon where you are -- the rooftops or on the ground.

* You can traverse the rooftop path all the way back to the front of the jail
and jump down to the ground.

* If you are down on the ground level, swim for it.

* The sharks don't inhabit the waters of the canals.

* Walk to an area near the waters of the canal that leads back to town.

* You can slide down a sandy bank into the water.

* Swim inland via the canal.

* Get out of the water by aiming at the left bank and walking up to town.

2.8. Tech Tips

2.8.1. Disclaimer

The author and Universal Hint System are not responsible for any problems
that occur while performing the suggestions in this file.  No guarantees are
implied that they will work on your system.
These Tech Tips have been tested ONLY on the standard software version of the
game.  It is not known if they would also work with the 3Dfx version.
If other problems occur that are not described in this section, contact
Bethesda Softworks Technical Support by e-mail:, on their
web site at, or by telephone at 301-963-2002 Monday
through Friday 9 am to 6 pm (EST).

2.8.2. Words of Advice

The game seems to run best with a fresh boot of Windows.
It is also suggested that all unnecessary software be disabled and/or paused
(such as screen savers, task schedulers, anti-virus software etc.).  
Should the game freeze or other problems occur with the game, restart your
computer before reloading the game again.

2.8.3. Problems Saving and Loading Games

SYMPTOM: You try to save a game but F2 (Save), F3 (Load), nor ESC (Main Menu)
work.  Your computer locks up and must be rebooted.  The only thing that does
work is F9 (Quick Save).
Brief solution: Delete almost all of your games, keeping only those you need
to finish the game.
Start Redguard normally.   Do not select Continue.  Instead, select LOAD a
game.  Use the right and left arrows to move from window to window to show
your oldest games.  To delete a game, highlight it and press your Delete
keyboard key.  You will be asked to Yes.  Delete almost all
of your old games, keeping only the most important ones in the directory.

2.8.4. Game Freezes on Load Screen

SYMPTOM:  You are playing the regular software game (Not the 3Dfx game).  The
"Load" screen appears and begins the percentage bar at the bottom of your
screen.  It proceeds normally, but then stops at 90-96% and goes no farther. 
This forces either an END TASK routine (Ctrl+Alt+Del) or a REBOOT.
In a nutshell -- copy the Map (extension .TSG) you need into the proper
Savegame directory.
In my case, the game froze as I was approaching N'Gasta Isle on the boat. 
The map I needed was ... NECRISLE.TSG.  Most of the maps are copied into the
Redguard Subfolder MAPS.  Others are saved in each SAVEGAME folder.
NOTE:  This solution will NOT work if you have never visited the area before.
 For instance, you won't be able to get inside the castle by simply copying
the map to your savegame.
Step by step instructions:
1)  Open Windows Explorer.  Expand the REDGUARD subfolder (default is: 
C:\Program Files\Redguard)
2)  From the top menu, select TOOLS--FIND--FILES OR FOLDERS.  In the top
block, type the name of the map you need (i.e. necrisle.tsg).  The block
"INCLUDE SUBFOLDERS" should be checked.  Click FIND NOW.
3)  Maximize the window.  Stretch the IN FOLDER column so you can see the
entire directory where each file is located.
4)  Find the SAVEGAME directories where your map has more than 0 bytes. 
(Notice the ones with more bytes are all identical.)  Make a note of the
SAVEGAME Numbers you found.  Close the Find window.
5)  Back in Windows Explorer, go to the SAVEGAME subfolder.  Open up each
SAVEGAME and pick out your most recent game(s) by date.  Of those, open each
LOGBOOK.TXT (I use Notepad) to determine where you are in the game at that
point.  (In my case, I had 6 games saved on 6/6/99 at different times.  None
of those had NECRISLE.TSG with any bytes ... all were zero.)
6)  Open one of the SAVEGAMES you found containing the proper .TSG map from
Step 4 above.  Highlight the .TSG map file.  From the top bar select
EDIT--COPY.  Move to each of your SAVEGAMES and selected EDIT--PASTE.  In
each case, answer YES to overwrite the file (it doesn't matter if it is an
older file).
7)  Close Windows Explorer.
8)  Start Redguard in your normal way.  LOAD or CONTINUE and retry what
failed before.  (In my case, I chose LOAD and picked a game I had saved
before the glitch.)  When you get to where you are going, be sure and save a
new game!
List of Redguard TSG Maps
Copy appropriate file into a Savegame directory. The game will "load" it if
you travel where it is needed.
belltowr - Bell Tower 60k
brennans - Ship's Hull 63k
cartogr - Cartographer Shop 64k
catacomb - Catacombs (under Palace) 557k
caverns - Goblin Caverns 467k
drint - Dwarven Ruins Interior 420k
extpalac - Palace Exterior 88k
gerricks - Gerricks Goods 70k
harbtowr - Harbor Tower 62k
hideint - Hideout Interior 90k
island - Island map 921k
jailint - Jail Interior 82k
jferrs - J'ferrs Books 59k
mguild - Mages Guild 83k
necrisle - Necromancer Island 289k
necrtowr - Necromancer Tower 122k
observe - Observatory 146k
palace - Palace Interior 227k
rollos - Rollo's Dwelling 75k
silver1 - Silversmith 62k
silver2 - Silversmith warehouse 63k
smden - Smugglers Den 65k
start - Startup screen (?) 85k
tavern - Tavern 77k
temple - Temple 73k
vile - Vile's domain 70k

3. Saving a Soul

3.1. Why won't the woman's son talk to me?

* It is not what you know -- but who you know.

* Someone in town knows this family very well.

* Did you talk to the snake charmer?
The snake charmer won't talk to me either! [see 3.1.1.]

* Mention Avik's name.

3.1.1. The snake charmer won't talk to me either!

* Charming snakes is an unusual profession.  It is not an easy way to make a

* Only one thing will break his concentration.

* Gold!

* Make sure your gold is active and visible on the bottom left of your screen.

* Tip the snake charmer.  He has many interesting tales to tell.

3.2. Where should I place the stones?

* The game will not let you move the stones until you have used the telescope
in the 
 Observatory [see 4.] and seen the snake constellation in it.

* She drew rectangles in the sand representing the Guardians.  All of the
rest signify the charges.

* Notice what direction Saban is looking from her sitting position.

* Saban is looking directly toward the Warrior.

* From your starmap, find the charge on her map that the snake was attacking.

* If Saban is sitting at the 12 o'clock position, find one o'clock and place
a stone there in the outermost spot.

* The tail rock is also in the one o'clock position, but below the head.

* Stand in the center of the circles facing outward and directly opposite the
head rock you just placed.  Drop the tail rock in the block below the head

* If you are still having trouble, see the below graphic for help.  X marks
the spot where Saban sits.
Star Stones in position [see 3.2.1.]

3.2.1. Star Stones in position

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

4. Observatory

4.1. How can I fix the telescope?

* Erasmo will tell you how.

* The telescope needs a special Dwarven gear.

* Go to the Dwarven Ruins [see 5.] in the mountains to the west.

* Once you have the gear, enter the lower levels of the Observatory.
Where is the entrance to the lower levels? [see 4.1.1.]

* Insert the gear in a small room with other gears located "on the far side".
 It can't be seen until you have gotten beyond the center area of the steam

* Erasmo tried to fashion a cooling system, which obviously didn't work since
he was burned.  It is not necessary to use his fan.

* You might have more success ignoring the moving platform.  Try to get on
top of and around the middle box.

* There is a red hot pipe behind the box.  Hop onto it to jump to the proper
spot. (Getting burned a little is probably unavoidable here.  Get off of the
pipe as quickly as you can.)

* Look for a lower room with a square opening, reachable by dropping down
from above it.

* Once you insert the gear, a door opens revealing an elevator that will take
you to the upper floor again.

4.1.1. Where is the entrance to the lower levels?

* The entry is covered by sliding tiles recessed into the floor.

* They are located near the wall towards the middle of the murals.

* Stepping on a floor tile slides them open.

* Hop on quickly to ride down.

* Press on another floor tile to open the bottom area.

4.2. What do the murals and symbols mean?

* The Dwarven wall murals depict the constellations.  Each has a name and a
symbol assigned to it.  Each symbol is plotted on the star map above you.

* Coyle, Saban's son, can give you good information to help here.  Erasmo has
his own information too.

* J'Ferr sells an excellent book that will help you understand what some of
them represent.

* Refer to the book, Ffoulke's Firmaments, to learn about Guardians and their
Charges in the heavens.

* The three symbols for the Guardians are blue, while the nine Charges have
yellow symbols.

* According to Ffoulke, the Warrior presides over this season.  There are a
couple of shapes that could be the Warrior.
Which one is the Warrior? [see 4.2.1.]

* While it is not necessary to do so, you might find it challenging to also
identify the Warrior's Charges.
Which ones are the Lady, Steed and Lord? [see 4.2.2.]

4.2.1. Which one is the Warrior?

* To identify each of the Guardians, locate the three floor tiles that are
blue.  All three have distinct markings, but the mural drawings are ornate
and hard to distinguish.

* The Dwarven Guardians are the Warrior, the Thief, the Machinist (since the
Dwarves did not believe in magic).

* Number the murals 1 to 12 from left to right.

* Number 1 shows a hooded figure with keys and tools in both hands.

* Number 1 is the Thief Guardian.

* The Machinist Guardian is holding a multitude of gizmos, machines and tools.

* Number 5 is the Machinist Guardian.

* The one remaining blue tile is the Warrior Guardian with his sword and

* The Warrior Guardian is Number 9.

4.2.2. Which ones are the Lady, Steed and Lord?

* To identify the Warrior's Charges, refer to Ffoulke's book and draw his
constellations, paying particular attention to the number and positions of
the stars.

* Number the wall murals for reference from 1 to 12 from left to right.

* Pick a mural and step on its floor tile.  Ride up to the telescope and look
in it.
How do I use the telescope? [see 4.3.2.]

* The Lady is the easiest to identify.

* She has 4 prominent stars: forehead, waist, foot and right hand.

* The Lady is constellation number 10 on the wall.

* The Steed is a bit harder with his 8 stars.

* Only one of the murals looks like a rearing animal.

* The Steed is number 12 (the farthest one on the right).

* The Lord has the most distinguishing marks in his constellation, and his

* Many stars surround his head and other parts of his robe. 

* The Lord is number 4.

4.3. Where is the snake constellation?

* Look up at the stars.  (To change your point of view, press and hold down
the ALT key while pressing the directional keys.)  The grid in the sky above
you is important.

* Draw the grid as it appears in the sky, including all of the sections,
rings and symbols.  (Or use my Star Map [see 4.3.1.].)

* According to Ffoulke's Firmaments, the Warrior looks toward the Snake's
Which one is the Warrior? [see 4.2.1.]

* Look at the Warrior constellation through the telescope.
How do I use the telescope? [see 4.3.2.]

* Two symbols appear in the area around the Warrior while you are looking at
it in the telescope.  The top left one is his main symbol.  The top right
shows the same symbol, but with an important marking to one side.

* Step into the Warrior's shoes.  The mark, then, would be on HIS right side.

* The Warrior is looking ahead and slightly to the right, at approximately 1

* On the star map, the Warrior symbol sits in the outermost ring of the
circle.  Follow his gaze across the map to the other side,  then one position
to the right, to represent 1 o'clock.  There is a symbol in that block.

* The Snake is threatening one of the Warrior's Charges who sits in that
square.  You need to look more closely at that constellation.

* Go back downstairs, find and select the matching symbol.  Ride the elevator
arm back up and look into the telescope.

* Turn the wheel to view both the head and tail of the Snake.  Mark them
carefully on your star map.

4.3.1. Star Map

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

4.3.2. How do I use the telescope?

* Nothing will happen unless the telescope is in full working order.
How can I fix the telescope? [see 4.1.]

* Position the telescope so that it is pointed toward the constellation you
want to study.  Step on the mural's floor tile to move the telescope (and an
elevator) into position.

* Hop onto the platform and ride the elevator arm up to the telescope.

* Jump over to the console.

* The wheel on the console moves the telescope to three stellar positions.

* Move the wheel and jump back up near the platform to look into the

* If a line drawing of the constellation does not appear with your first
look, turn the wheel and look again.  One of the three wheel positions will
result in a good view.

5. Dwarven Ruins

5.1. General Help with the Dwarven Ruins

Any puzzles you encounter are merely obstacles toward getting deeper inside
the caverns.  Some may have been traps designed to keep others out of the
Dwarven domain, so be careful.  Save .... Save ... Save! 
Remember that when you come to a dead end, it's not.  There is always a way
to another area, whether it be up, down or around.  If you find no visible
way out, adjust your point of view.  (Press the keyboard ALT while using the
direction arrows.)  Getting on top of some of the fallen debris can also give
you a different perspective.
Cyrus can dangle from ledges.  Turn around and walk backwards to the edge and
he will drop down.  When it seems he cannot jump over a crevice, try dropping
down and scooting around the edge and then pulling up.

5.2. What will open the door to the ruins?

* The entrance to the ruins is flanked by two golden statues.  Find the door
through a corridor and near an odd yellow machine.

* Even if you didn't study Dwarven in school, you can still learn.

* Learning a new language just takes a little study.

* Buy the book about Dwarven Lore from J'Ferr.  Then look at it in inventory.

* With the book as your active item, face the door and use the book.

5.3. How can I turn off these deadly lasers?

* There is no way to turn them off.  Avoid them instead.

* Look around the room for another way out.

* There is a hole above one of the blocked doorways that Cyrus can reach.

* Jump and climb on the wreckage to get there.

* A broken pillar leans against the wall in between the two blocked doorways.
 Jump to it and hoist yourself up.

* From the top of the pillar, jump up and grab the wall's ledge.

* Move around the room to the right.  Pull yourself up when you are below the

5.4. Is the mine car room a dead end?

* There is always a way out.  Your challenge is to find it.

* Get up to the upper rails.

* Jump and climb on top of the mine car.

* You can reach the upper level now.  Turn to face the wall and jump up.

5.5. Where is the exit from the waterfall room?

* Two of the three doors on the ground floor can be opened.

* Switches, of sorts, open the two doors that are on the same side of the

* Floor plates in front of the two statues must be depressed.

* Do not stand on the pressure plates too long!  Dart off before the sword
strikes you.

* Approach each plate so that you can see the door open when the sword drops.
 Step on the plate and run quickly to the open door before it closes again.

5.6. How can I leave the chasm room?

* Your exit is the door on the far wall, but it is closed.

* Notice the golden arrow on the other wall?  It is pointing to the switch.

* Back in the waterfall room, the statue-controlled doors lead to the two
areas.  While facing the doors, the one on your right takes you to the
switch.  The one on your left leads to the exit door.

* Use all of your jumping and rope climbing skills to get to the two

* After you have pulled the lever, return to the waterfall room and go
through the other door to reach the exit.

5.7. I can't cross the pit near the large golden globes!

* Several of the pits, like this one, can be crossed by going around the
outside edge.

* The pipe on the other side of the pit is difficult, if not impossible, to
reach with one jump.

* Start by dropping down to the shelf directly below you.  (Turn around and
walk backwards to drop down.)

* Now the thin ledge on a side wall can be reached with a jump up.

* By scooting around the outer edge, you can get to the other shelf.  A jump
forward from it will get you to the opposite side.  From there you should be
able to get up and out.

5.8. The bridge crumbled!  How do I get across?

* The pipe that runs across the gap is the proper path, but it is a bit too

* One more step is needed between the pipe and the door.

* One of the dwarven artifacts will aid you.

* Climb up onto the center "crossbow" and shoot the arrow.

* Jump from the pipe to the arrow and then up to the door.

5.9. I need help with the beetle puzzle!

* It does no harm to walk around the room and see what everything does.  Test
the floor plates, the chains and the pressure plate in the entry.

* Have you tried jumping on top of the beetle?

* If it is turned in a certain direction, parts of it will move when you jump
on them.

* The pressure plate moves the beetle.  Depress it once to turn it
horizontal.  Step on it again to turn its head away from you and facing the
overhead walkway.

* Get up top and jump on.  Concentrate on the head of the beetle (the part
closest to the walkway).

* You'll need to literally fall off of the front end of the beetle.  This is
easiest when walking backwards off of the head.  When successful, a section
will move and a human-like head will be revealed.

* The same basic steps need to be taken for the tail of the beetle.  You'll
need to rotate it so the tail section is facing the above walkway.

* To rotate it, step on the pressure plate.  Jump on the tail section until
legs appear.  (Jumping onto the middle chain sometimes works too.)

* Where on the beetle do you think arms could be?

* You need to jump on each of the green appendages, but you can't get to them
while the beetle is lying down.

* Rotate it up vertical.  Then jump on each green piece.

* Notice what each hand is holding onto now!  Watch out as you step on the
pressure plate.  Jump away quickly!

* You want the arms to pull the center chain instead of the side ones to open
the door. The arms will drop free if you can get the beetle to flip over and
face the floor.

* While the legs are extended, the beetle will not flip over.

* Hop on board the beetle once again.  This time jump on the tail section
(which is now perched above the legs) until the legs move out of the way. 
(You might need to actually walk down one of the legs.)

* Step on the pressure plate to flip him over and watch the arms flop down.

* For him to stand up and pull the chain, get the legs out again.  Flip him
over by stepping on the plate; get up there again and open up the legs.

* Now push the pressure plate the final time.  The door is finally open!

5.10. What should I do with the pipes and wheels?

* Nothing will happen until you turn on the power.
How do I turn on the power? [see 5.10.1.]

* The pipes are not connected to the rest of the ruins, so no steam is
getting to them.  By turning the various wheels in this area, you will fix

* Besides the wheels you can see from the main floor, there are two more that
must be turned.

* Do you see the two towers above you?  You need to get up there and turn the
wheels in each tower.

* There are several ways to reach the upper level.  One of the following
methods should work for you.
Climb on the pipes near the bridge [see 5.10.2.]
Jump across the disks [see 5.10.3.]

* To move the steam properly to the other parts of the mines, return to the
lower level and follow the schematic on the wall exactly as shown.  My
drawing of the Pipe Connections [see 5.10.4.] is a little clearer.

* A video clip will be shown when the connection has been achieved properly.

5.10.1. How do I turn on the power?

* Find the central power station.

* Look for a gold rectangle building that connects to some of the pipes.

* It is surrounded by lava streams.  Jump across them to reach the building.

* The wheel on the front controls the power.

5.10.2. Climb on the pipes near the bridge

* Supposedly the easiest method is to use the pipes to the East.

* On the bridge with the yellow pipes, climb onto the platform to the North.

* From there, jump to grab onto the pipe above you and pull up.

* Line up a running jump facing South West, taking one small step backward
before starting to run.

* Another running jump will get you to the top of the area, aiming to one
side of the big block.

5.10.3. Jump across the disks

* One way to reach the upper level is to jump on top of the disks which adorn
the pipes.

* As you turn the different wheels, the disks will flatten out so you can
jump onto them.

* See if you can flatten out one entire side in a row.

* The half disk at the overpass needs to be flat too.

* Climb up on top of the gold building and begin jumping from platform to
platform until you reach the bridge.

5.10.4. Pipe Connections

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

5.11. Where should I go from the pipes room?

* There was a door you could not reach earlier.  You may have recognized its
location in the video clip.

* Retrace your steps back to the room with the other disks and pipes.
How can I get across the fallen bridge? [see 5.11.1.]

* If the disks have flattened out, you can jump on them and get to the upper
I cannot jump up to the disks! [see 5.11.2.]

* Jump from disk to disk until you reach the last one.  Look in the direction
of the landing at the upper door.

* Use the ceiling chain to swing over to the door.

5.11.1. How can I get across the fallen bridge?

* See if you can make it to the ground using the back up and drop down

* The pipe is connected to the bridge by a supporting beam.

* Drop down to the beam and then to the ground below.

* Jump across the river and make your way around to the left side and up the

5.11.2. I cannot jump up to the disks!

* At the top of the winding stairs, there is a landing at the same height as
the flattened disks.

* Take a flying leap from the upper level toward the first disk.

* You should grab hold and pull up.

5.12. How can I leave the ruins?

* Do you remember the other door in the waterfall room?  It is the one that
was not controlled by the gold statues.  You have the means to open it now.

* Turn the wheel nearby.

* Go down to the waterfall room and through the door.

* Defeat the huge mechanical monster.  The door in his arena will open to let
you out.
How can I destroy the big robot? [see 5.13.]

5.13. How can I destroy the giant robot?

* This robot's name should be Achilles.  He is vulnerable in the same spot!

* Hitting him often enough in that spot will demolish him.

* Get underneath him and use some quick maneuvers to take your shots.

* There is a green spot on his left heel.  This is your target.

5.14. Exactly where in the Ruins is the gear?

* The Dwarves used the same parts for various pieces of equipment.

* This gear is needed to operate the telescope in the Observatory as well as
a mechanical robot.

* The Giant Robot at the end of the Ruins uses the gear.

* When the robot falls apart, search the wreckage.

6. The Amulet

6.1. When is the best time to return the Amulet?

* Cyrus' confrontation with Governor Richton has unexpected results.

* When you leave the palace afterwards, guards that were normally docile will
seek you out.

* If you are not ready for battle at every turn, wait awhile.  There is
plenty to keep you busy in the meantime.

* You will not be able to find the Restless League until you return the

* The Flask of Lillandril cannot be found until after you have returned the

6.2. Is there a trick to crossing the bridges?

* Stay alert.  The bridge crumbles randomly as you cross.

* Save each time you reach solid ground.

* Just keep running and jumping.

6.3. What will open the gate?

* There is a tool inside one of the crypts.

* Open the crypt by pulling a lever on the outer wall of the main structure.

* Pull the skull lever in an alcove to the right.

* Inside the crypt is a crowbar to use at the gate.

6.4. How can I get over to N'Gasta's castle?

* The bridge isn't lowered.  A mechanism on the island controls it.

* One of the buildings toward the southeast has steps to the top.

* Turning the wheel stretches two arms across the chasm.

* The arms form a sort of bridge, crossable from two directions.

6.5. Is there an easier way back to the mainland?

Unfortunately, no.  Return the way you came.

6.6. Kotaro is gone!  Where's my reward?

* Collect your reward from Kotaro as soon as possible after you return the

* If you wait too long, he will leave and you will never receive the money.

* Go immediately to his table when you return to town after your escapade
with the Governor and the Catacombs.

7. Smugglers Den

7.1. How can I get the Smugglers Den password?

* One of the shopkeepers in the Town Square can get you started.

* Talk to Krisandra, the Silversmith.  She'll tell you about the gambling
going on at the Den.

* Looks like you will need to seek out the handyman she mentions.

* A broken wagon near the gates to the Old Quarter is in need of repair.

* The handyman is clad in a bright yellow shirt and green pants.

* Lakene will not talk about it in public.  Follow him to the grove of trees
to speak privately.

* Retrieve his wife's locket for him in return for the password.

* Talk to Lakene after you have the locket.  He will give you the password.
Where is the locket? [see 7.1.1.]

7.1.1. Where is the locket?

* The locket is inside one of the dwellings in the Town Square, not far from
where you met Lakene.

* The building containing the locket is near the well.

* Enter a dwelling situated in between the bookstore and the tavern.

* If the occupant is inside, you will need to wait for him to leave before
searching his premises.
When will Rollo leave? [see] When will Rollo leave?

* Rollo leaves when he is called.

* When he hears the signal that a boat is approaching, he will report to work.

* The town bell rings the signal.

* Fool Rollo into thinking there is a boat coming in by ringing the bell.
How can I get the bell to ring? [see] How can I get the bell to ring?

* Two buildings in town serve as lookouts for incoming vessels.

* The men in both towers rely upon each other to get the job done.

* Go see Prnell in the Harbor Tower near the docks.

* Solve Prnell's problem so you can borrow his red flag.

* Return his eyepiece to him.
Where is Prnell's eyepiece? [see]

* While standing on the walkway between the two buildings of the Harbor
Tower, face the direction of the Bell Tower and wave the flag.  The bell will
ring. Where is Prnell's eyepiece?

* Think about what is involved with Prnell's job.  He is half of a two-man

* Go talk to Faris in the Bell Tower.

* Faris tells you that Prnell "looked" at the bell.

* Prnell dropped his eyepiece while attempting to fix the bell for Faris.

* Offer to look at the bell. Climb up the rope.

* Prnell's eyepiece is on the ledge.

7.2. What should I do while inside the Den?

* Talk to the man.

* At the end of the conversation, you should have an important piece of paper
in inventory.

* Make sure you get the paper with an "R" insignia before you leave.

8. The Restless League

8.1. How can I get inside the lighthouse?

* The door is locked.

* There's no easy way to jump up, even using the hill.

* You'll need a key.

* The members of the Restless League were imprisoned in the dungeons beneath
the castle.

* Cyrus will find himself in the dungeons after he has returned The Amulet
[see 6.] to the Governor.

* The dying prisoner has the key.

8.2. Once inside the lighthouse, what am I supposed to do?

* Use the lighthouse to signal the Restless League.

* Erasmo, the elf in the Observatory, thinks the lighthouse is haunted
because of the flashes he sees coming from it.

* Duplicate the sequence of light flashes that Erasmo told you about.

* The pyre needs to be lit.

* Use a torch on the pyre, then face the controls.

* Flash, Flash, Flaaash -- or two short flashes and one long one -- make up
the signal.

8.3. What proof does the captain need?

* Cyrus has a feeling that Iszara is a member of the Restless League.

* Iszara left something with Urik in the Smugglers Den [see 7.].

* Show the captain the document with the "R" Insignia.

8.4. What opens Iszara's Journal?

* Look closely at the cover of the journal.

* The rose pattern is lovely, but there seems to be a missing gem.

* The gems represent droplets of blood caused by the rose's thorns.

* Do you have something bloody on you?

* Use the bandage to heal Cyrus.  Blood remains on the bandage.

* Use the bloody bandage on the journal to open it.

9. Jailhouse Blues

9.1. How can I get inside the jail?

* To get inside the jail, Cyrus must annoy the Governor.

* To annoy Governor Richton, he needs to get inside the Palace to talk with

* Get the The Amulet [see 6.] and talk to the Palace guard about it.

* The Governor will throw Cyrus into a jail cell after their conversation.

9.2. How can I reach the rope in my cell?

* Did you examine any of the walls?

* One large brick is loose near the rope.

* Use the only thing you have in inventory on the rock.

* Make the key your active item and face the rock.  Use the key several times
until the rock falls.

* Climb on top of the rock to reach the rope.

9.3. Where did they hide all of my stuff?

* One of the 3 doors in the round "pendulum platform" room leads to your

* Since you are not armed, just run away from the guards and up a set of

* Your sword and other items are inside a room with a stove and tables.  

9.4. What opens the three doors in the inner chamber?

* The rope in the center of the room hangs above a special floor pattern.

* The pattern is made up of 4 tiles that sink down when stepped upon.

* To open each of the doors, step on only two tiles at a time.

* Walking on the center tile resets the puzzle and closes any open doors.

* Stand in front of the tiles so you can see all three doors.  Number the
tiles 1 through 4 from left to right with the number 2 being the tile in the

* Pick two tiles to try, avoiding the other two.

* Without stepping on surrounding pieces, step on tiles numbered 1 and 3. 
The middle door opens.

* Stepping on 1 and 4 opens the left door.

* Stepping on 3 and 4 opens the right door.

* Graphic Solution to the Floor Tiles Puzzle [see 9.4.1.].

9.4.1. Graphic Solution to the Floor Tiles Puzzle

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

9.5. What should be done with the wheel and lever?

* The dial on the wheel has a strange pattern, as if something else could fit
onto it.

* Three pieces fit onto the dial.

* To find 3 runes that fit, search the corridors that lead from the three
locked doors.
What opens the three doors in the inner chamber? [see 9.4.]

* When in doubt, read the directions!  

* The complete instructions are etched into the opposite wall.

* The instructions include the order you should insert the runes as well as
the direction each symbol should face.

* Ignore any symbols that do not appear either on your runes or the dial

* The dial symbols head up a column.  Rune symbols are etched beneath the
dial symbols.

* First find all three of your rune symbols on the wall, remembering there is
a specific top and bottom for each.

* Only one dial symbol is shown with the runes turned the right way.

* Turn the dial so the long end points to the triangle design (at the 5
o'clock position).

* Insert all three runes in the correct order and pull the lever.

9.6. How can I open the door with the Fist and Crown design?

* It requires a special key.

* The Fist and Crown are symbols representing the Crowns.

* Your sister was very good friends with Prince A'Tor.

* Find your sister.  She has the key.
How can I find Iszara? [see 9.6.1.]

9.6.1. How can I find Iszara?

* Joto, the mage, knows.

* Cyrus needs to get inside the Upper level of the jail [see 9.7.] where Joto
is imprisoned.

9.7. How can I get inside the upper level of the jailhouse?

* No matter what you do, you cannot go through the front door of the jail.

* The jail is a fortress with no other visible entries.  All doors are locked.

* Examine the front of the jail, to the right of the front door.

* Only the smallest of things can go through that hole.

* Have you returned the Amulet to the Governor?

* If so, go to the Mage's Guild and talk to Falicia.  If soulgems is on the
topic list, talk next to the Archmage.

* After the Archmage casts his spell upon Cyrus, return to the hole in the
jail wall and go in.

9.8. The Archmage turned me into a gremlin! What should I do?

* Don't worry!  This was supposed to happen.
When will the Archmage do this? [see 9.8.1.]

* Use your new size to your advantage.

* Did you notice the small hole to the right of the jail door?

* As a gremlin, Cyrus is just the right size to fit through that hole and get
inside the upper part of the jail unnoticed.

* Go inside and find Joto, the mage.  He can fix your condition.

9.8.1. When will the Archmage do this?

* Return to the city after you have escaped your first imprisonment.

* Talk to Falicia in the Mage's Guild.  Soulgems must be on the topic list.

* Talk to the Archmage after speaking to Falicia.

9.9. How can I communicate with Joto?

* Your vocabulary is limited.  Each word makes a unique sound.

* You want Joto to change you back the way you were.

* Several syllables, when combined, will form the proper sentence.

* Say "Change me back!"

* Chaa -- ange -- mee -- bak.

* Select the words in this order: Joto, Magic, Please, Iszara.

10. Flask of Lillandril

10.1. Where are the pieces of the map?

* Most of the pieces can be found by investigating in town.

* One piece of the map has an "R" insignia on the other side.

* Receive the "R" Restless League insignia inside the Smugglers Den [see 7.].

* Falicia advises one map piece was written on the bottom of a silver box
shaped like a ship.
Where is the silver ship box? [see 10.1.1.]

* Trithik had a map piece stolen from his boat.
Who stole Trithik's map piece? [see 10.1.2.]

* A mage named Joto is rumored to have one piece of the map.

* Joto was imprisoned in the upper part of the jail.

* Get into the Jailhouse [see 9.] to get Joto's piece of the map.

10.1.1. Where is the silver ship box?

* Who in town deals in silver?

* Ask the silversmith about the box.

* She doesn't offer a key to her warehouse, so it's wise to search her house
(near her shop).

* Go tell the silversmith what you found inside her house.  She will give you
the key now.

* Her warehouse is attached to her residence.  The door is around the other
side, facing the sea.

* A chest behind some boxes contains the silver box you seek.

10.1.2. Who stole Trithik's map piece?

* One person seems to know everything that goes on around town.

* Ask Dreekius, the bartender.

* Dreekius implicates the drunk, Krendal.

* Then offer to do a trade with Krendal.

* Find Trithik again.  He will give you a better description of the map piece.

* When you talk to Krendal again, trick him.

* Follow behind Krendal as he goes to check that the piece map is still where
he left it.

* Use a shovel at the tree when he leaves.

10.2. Where is the starting point?

* All you need is another map to tell you where to go.

* The Cartographer can make one for you.
The Cartographer won't make me a map! [see 10.2.1.]

* The map can be deceiving.  The shoreline is drawn at the very bottom only.

* Refer to your main map.  Try to match up the shoreline.

* Notice the words START (LEKI).

* The book "Redguards, Heroes and History" tells of the Saint Leki.

* A drawing of the Saint can be found in a village on Stros M'Kai.

* Leki is etched in the ceiling of the gazebo in Saintsport.

* The center of the gazebo is START.

10.2.1. The Cartographer won't make me a map!

* You must be missing an important purchase.

* The Flask was Elvan.

* A book on Elvan Artifacts can be purchased at J'ferrs bookstore.

* Looking at the book in inventory describes it in more detail.

* Visit the Cartographer with the Elvan Artifact book.

* Select "Buy Maps" and a new topic should be available.

* When given a choice, offer him a trade -- the book for a map.

* Leave the city and do something else.  He should have it ready when you

10.3. The map is wrong!  Am I missing something?

* Even if you know where it is, the game will not let you actually find the
Flask until you have all four pieces of the torn map plus another map showing
the starting point.

* There is more to it than just following the number of paces in the
directions of the map.

* Work with the numbers.  A bit of adding and subtracting needs to be done.

* There are only two directions to travel.

* Add up the numbers going forward (up and down) from the map pieces.

* 12+31+20 = 63.  This is your forward number of paces from the start.

* The other directional lines (left and right) cancel each other out ...

* Subtract the 4 and 5 from the number 25.  That equals 16.  This is the
number of paces you should travel in the other direction.

* The direction can be found by referring to the map you received from the

* Stand in the center of the gazebo facing west.  Carefully walk straight
forward 63 paces and stop.

* Now turn south (left) and walk 16 paces.  At about 12, you will come to the
edge of a sand bank.  Turn around and fall down the bank.

* Get into the absolute corner at the bottom of the sand dune and face the
sea.  Walk forward 2 paces.  Dig!  (Stand a little away from the hill on your

11. Rescuing Iszara

11.1. What tactic will defeat the two tower ghouls?

* Run into the cauldron room and see if they are still around when you leave
it.  (A few players reported they jump into the central pit.)

* If they are still around, drink a few precautionary potions and run up some

* They will follow, one behind the other, so you can handle them individually.

* Five or six good hits will kill each of them.

11.2. How can I get further inside the tower?

* The spiral walkway leading upwards has broken.

* Notice the bones that surround the central pit.

* Fill a glass vial with gold elixir from an adjoining room and pour it into
the pit.

* The explosion is powerful enough to assist you in getting to the upper

* Stand facing the upper walkway SW on the compass.  Pour the gold elixir
into the pit.

* Jump into the pit just as the explosion begins.  (It will probably take a
few tries to get your timing just right.)

11.3. How do I defeat N'Gasta?

* Your normal weapon does no good here.

* Ready the Flask of Lillandril [see 10.] and use it continuously to catch
his spells and fling them back at him.

* He moves from side to side.  Anticipate his next position and aim carefully.

* With luck and persistence, he eventually evaporates and is gone.

11.4. I don't understand what to do with the formula!

* Combine the correct ingredients together and pour them into the glowing
floor to open a gate.

* The formula tells you which ones to combine.  The sentence also tells you
when to pour each.

* Assign a color to each of the parts of the formula. 

*  "The jacinth wakes the rising sun.."  According to Greek mythology, a
hyacinth grew from the blood of a youth.  The jacinth could be red.  The
rising sun is gold.  Combine a red item and a gold one.

* Mix Orc's Blood with Amber and pour it into the floor.

* ".. the snow blankets the grass."  Snow is white and grass is green. 
Combine a white ingredient with a green one.

* Mix a Unicorn Horn with Hist Sap and pour it into the floor.

* "But night o'ertakes the mid-day sky.."

* Night is black and the sky in mid-day is blue.

* Combine the Daedra Heart with Ectoplasm and empty it into the floor.

11.5. Which question and which door should I choose?

* One guard always lies and one always tells the truth.  You are allowed to
ask only one of the guards one question.  But because you can only talk to
one of them, you'll have to figure out which one is which.

* Ask "Which door would the other guard tell me is correct?"

* The truthful guard knows the liar will tell you the wrong door.

* The liar thinks the truthful one will tell you the truth, so he will lie
about it.

* Both will tell you the left door.

* Go into the right door.

12. Goblin Caverns

12.1. Where are these caverns?

* Trinthik tells about Hunding banishing the Goblins under the earth beneath
Stros M'Kai.

* Mariah, who tends the park, watched one of the priests go to the park and
take notes about the waterfall.

* Look at the waterfall from various angles.  You will see why he was
studying it.

* You can slide down the bank nearest to the bridge and walk behind the

* Climb down the rope you find there to reach the Goblin Caverns.

12.2. How can I get further inside?

* Follow the arrows.  That's right -- jump down!

* The mushrooms make great trampolines.

* From your current vantage point, you might be able to see a lower cave
entrance beneath the bridge.  You want to jump to that cave.

* Remember that you can change direction in mid air using the arrow keys.

* I found this jump easiest from the ledge at the double doors.

* Line up the jump carefully.  Angle toward the cave and take a running jump.
 If you are lined up just right, it should take just one jump.

12.3. The sunken boat is a dead-end.  Where to now?

* The barrels each have a fuse.

* Light a fuse to blow it up.  (If you stand too close, you might die here.)

* The video shows stones falling into the river in the next room.

* Those stones now form a new pathway to follow.

12.4. Is the big wheel a dead end?

* There is another exit, but it is difficult to see in the dark.

* Jump onto the big wheel and drop to the ledge below it.

* Turn and walk up a slight incline in the dark.  (Watch out for the spider
in the ceiling!)

* You want to jump up onto the ledge where the spider is hiding.

* Remember seeing the rock pedestal with the drawing etched upon it?  Go

* Climb up on it.  It's a teleporter!  Jump off to a new location as soon as
you can.

* The large double doors are open now!  Go through them.

12.5. I need help with the second mushroom jump!

* Your destination is to the far left side.  The ledge is very hard to see
from your current vantage point.

* Angling your jump is the most crucial part.  Jump toward the arrow sign,
without running into it, and down to the large mushroom below it.

* While facing the edge, walk to the left side of it, a little to the right
of the light post.  Side step right (SHIFT+right arrow).  Back up to the
pointed rock.   Then, side step to the right again 5 times.

* Turn to the left slightly toward the direction of the arrow sign.  Angle
yourself so your line of vision is toward the far ledge to the left (your
final destination).

* Take a running jump; bounce on the large mushroom and, while in mid-air,
fly left and forward (using arrow keys) to the left ledge and safety.

* After trying about 50 times to make this jump, frustration and tired
fingers made me quit.  The next day it took me only 3 times before I made it.

12.6. Should I keep the dam closed or open it again?

* Did you search the dry riverbed?  There is an important item to find.

* After you find the bone key, let the green river flow again.

* Go back to the room with the wheel and turn it again to reopen the doors.

* The only way out of here is by way of the doors themselves.

* Jump up and over to the other bank.

12.7. What should I do about the creature floating in the river?

* This creature is your vehicle to another part of the caverns.

* Jump onto his back!  You can reach him from the broken cage.

* Get into the broken cage and turn to face the creature's direction.  Jump
when he is directly under the cage.  (This seems to be easiest from the left

* Ride around for a few turns to see where he leads you.

* You can jump to the barge if you time it just right.

* Perch on his tail section (carefully, as the tail is reported to be
dangerous).  He will stop and then swing around.  Jump onto the barge.

12.8. What will destroy the giant goblin?

* You are much smaller and quicker than he is.

* Dart in and out of the columns.  (This is easier to do unarmed.)

* His rage will be his downfall.

* Trying to hit you, he won't pay attention to where he is striking.

* When he hits a column, it will come tumbling down and kill him.

12.9. How can I leave the goblin caverns?

* There is a cage perched over the river beneath the colorful cabin.
How can I reach the cabin? [see 12.9.1.]

* Turn the nearby wheel to move the cage close enough to open the door.

* Get in and teleport to the jail cell.

* Leave via the rope to the waterfall.

* Jump into the water below the waterfall and swim until you are able to walk
up on the right bank.

12.9.1. How can I reach the cabin?

* Climb onto the yellow railing to access the cabin.

* There are potions and gold on the second floor.

12.10. Teleporter Locations

* You may have noticed an odd shaped rock with a drawing etched onto it. 
There are three of these teleporters inside the caverns.

* To activate it, stand on it.

* The three locations are listed in the next hints.

* Beyond Brother Kitral's body through the wooden door

* Jail cell near the entrance of the caverns

* Below and to the right of the giant goblin's cave

12.11. Talisman of Hunding

12.11.1. Where is the Talisman and how can I get it?

* Inside the head of the Hunding memorial (in Hunding Bay) is a small room
where the Talisman sits. The trick is getting to it.

* You can jump up onto the city walls with the help of the buildings.

* Beside the building where Kotaro sits at his table is another small
building you can climb up onto.

* Then jump across to the ledge of Kotaro's building.

* Tightrope walk across the clothesline to reach the next building.  Then
jump to the city wall.

* Follow the wall until you come to an upright pillar, which appears to be a
dead end.

* To get around it, walk backwards to the edge and let Cyrus drop down.  Move
to your right and watch Cyrus do a "hand over hand" technique.  Use the up
arrow when Cyrus can pull himself up.

* The Talisman is just ahead.

12.11.2. When can I use the Hunding Talisman?

* Hunding banished the goblins with it.  He opened up a crack in the earth
and they all fell in!

* Before you leave the Goblin Caverns, you exit through a jail cell.  In one
of the jail cell walls is a crack.  (Cyrus makes the comment: "I wonder what
is in there?" when you approach it.)

* Make the Talisman of Hunding your active item and use it on the cracked

* When the wall opens, go inside.

* Use your sword on the flames to get a permanent dose of strength.

13. End Game

13.1. Catacombs

13.1.1. The bridge will not stay up!  How can I cross here?

* Just run and jump for it.

* Back up slowly to one of the plates, making sure you are in "run" mode. 
Step on the plate and immediately run and jump forward to grab onto the
rising bridge.

* Then run and jump to the other side.

13.1.2. What is the secret to the weight puzzle?

* This hallway will be safe (and the door at the end will open) when all 3
star panels are in the down position -- at the same time.

* Weights are sitting on the floor in the preceding room, but there are only
3 -- one for each star panel here.

* Drop each of the weights on the first three panels.  Decide which one to
pick up to move to the fourth panel, the fifth panel and so on.

* Do not worry if you must use the weight from one of the other star panels
to get further forward.

* The first star panel will be the last one weighted.

* To make this easier, number the floor plates beginning with the one closest
to you 1 through 6.  Floor panels with the star design are numbered 2, 3 and

* Step on 1; drop a weight.  Step on 2; drop a weight.  Step on 3; drop a

* You have run out of weights.  Pick up one of the weights you dropped
before.  Be careful which one you choose.

* Drop that weight on 4 and do the same thing again for 5 and 6.

* The complete solution is in the next hints and begins after you have
dropped the 3 weights on the first 3 floor plates.

* Turn around and pick up the weight from 2.  Go to 4 and drop that weight.

* Pick up the weight from 1.  Drop it on 5.

* Your weights are now on panels 3, 4 and 5.  Pick up the weight from 4 and
put it on 6.

* Go back and pick up 5 and put it on 2.  (The door should open the moment
you step upon panel 2.)

* The door opens and the hallway is safe.

13.1.3. How can I get to the bottom of the revolving levels room?

* Pushing the panel starts (and stops) the movement of the levels. 
Alternating levels move in unison.  The top and middle floors (gray) move to
the left, while the second and fourth floors (brown) slide right.

* It is much more difficult getting around (or jumping over) the sharp blades
while the walls and floors are moving. 

* Some people find it easier to use the inside passages, since there are
holes and cave passages between floors (if you can find them).  You might
prefer to use the drop, hang and scoot technique on the outside ledges.

* Pulling a lever on the third floor down (gray), opens a nearby passage
leading to the bottom.

* Try a combination of both methods.  Begin by pushing the panel to start the
floors moving.  Slowly count to ten and push the panel again, stopping the
movement.  (The rectangle hole at the top should be just beginning to go
under the left side edge.)

* Walk over to the rectangle hole and jump down into it.  Very near to your
entry is a cave passage on the inside wall.  Follow it down to level 2.

* Walk outside the nearest arched doorway, turn around and back out so you
drop and hang onto the ledge.

* Scooting right, find a place to drop down to a narrow lip below you.  This
can be tricky since most of the ledges are not wide enough to grab onto.  The
one I found was shortly beyond the third doorway (two after the arrows). 
Drop to the right of the door to grab on -- scoot left under the opening --
and pull up into the doorway.

* Once up to safety, walk through the arch and turn to your left.  Notice a
blocked archway on the opposite wall.

* The lever which opens the blocked door is down the hall beyond it on the

* Pull the lever and return to the passage.  Walk down the steep incline to
the bottom.

* The below drawing is my meager attempt to illustrate the moves.
Revolving Levels Puzzle [see] Revolving Levels Puzzle

This section contains image data.  You will need to open it from within the
reader and print or save the image.

13.1.4. How can I kill the dragon?

* Your blade needs a little tempering.

* Get it white hot so each strike will do more damage.

* Thrust your sword into the flames of the brazier, then strike him.  (It
might be necessary to do this a couple of times, since it can cool off.)

* He cannot even see you if you stand underneath him.

* Hit him several times from beneath.

13.2. The Prince

13.2.1. Who can help me restore the Prince's soul?

* Do you have both the soulgem and Archmage Voa's Ring?
Where is Voa's Ring? [see 13.2.2.]

* Others besides those in the Guild use magic.

* Go see the witch.

* Talk to Saban.

13.2.2. Where is Voa's Ring?

* Archmage Voa's Ring is hidden in the Goblin Caverns [see 12.].

* It is protected by a big, mean goblin.

* Defeat the Giant Goblin.
What will destroy the giant goblin? [see 12.8.]

* Get the ring from Voa's body.

13.3. Palace

13.3.1. How can I climb up the fireplace chain?

* Move the kettle out of the way first.

* The chain is too hot.  Cool it off.

* Find a bucket in the kitchen and fill it with water.

* Use the water to cool the chain.

* When you climb up the chain, you will probably need to change your
perspective to see where you must jump.

* Jump off of the chain and onto the next level.

13.3.2. How can I get to the blue platform?

* The chandeliers are the same height.

* Jump across from one end of the room to the other on the chandeliers.

* Cyrus will need to get as close to the chandeliers as possible for his
first jump.

* Go up the steps and climb up on the railing.  Take one step to get to the
very edge.

* Jump to the first chandelier and pull up, if needed, to stand on top of it.
I can't jump to the chandelier using my Gamepad/Sidewinder! [see]

* Take a running jump to the next chandelier and the next.

* When you are at the last one, make sure you jump off of the very edge.  You
should land on the blue platform. I can't jump to the chandelier using my Gamepad/Sidewinder!

* If you are using a Gamepad/Sidewinder to play Redguard, you won't be able
to jump to the chandeliers using the normal method.

* Instead, use the keyboard "jump" key (the spacebar is the default key).

13.3.3. Where is the Governor?

* He is trying to evacuate the Palace.

* Governor Richton has an escape vehicle.

* He has just boarded the balloon and is getting ready to leave.
How can I get up to the balloon? [see]

* Hop onto the tail section and walk toward the balloon itself.

* Richton is waiting for you up top. How can I get up to the balloon?

* Find the large arena with a platform and an elevator.  Pull the lever there.

* Once up top, use the Silver Key [see] to unlock the door and

* Pulling the next lever lowers the lift bucket down into the courtyard

* Return to the chandelier room and exit the Palace to the courtyard.

* Use the silver key again to unlock the gate.  Board the lift platform. Silver Key

* The silver key sits out in the open on a table somewhere in the Palace.

* The room where the key sits is locked up.

* Get to the room through a blue podium platform.
How can I get to the blue platform? [see 13.3.2.]

13.3.4. How can I kill Richton?

* Drink an ironskin potion as well as a strength potion to get ready for your
toughest opponent.

* Consider your options, nave!

* Keeping your footing on the balloon is the trickiest part of all.  Get up

* Hit him about 10 times and he will fall.