Ragnagard (e)

Date: 	Fri, 2 Oct 1998 20:21:48 +0800 (HKT)
From: Sham Bun 

#  Ragnagurd  FAQ ver 1.1  #

During all bloody battles, a transformation of power takes place. Will you 
summon the super natural forces of nature? The supernatural elements in 
Ragnagurd takes this fighter above and beyond where no other fighting game
has been before ...

t a b l e   o f   c o n t e n t s

1.  How to Play
2.  Movelists
3.  Boss code and Movelist
4.  Author's Notes

1. How to Play
|                                                                    	       |
|   A	               			     Light Punch               	       |
|   B                   		     Light Kick                	       |
|   C                   		     Heavy Punch               	       |
|   D           		             Heavy Kick               	       |
|								     	       |
|   ABC                                      Energy Charge                     |
|   BCD                 		     Energy Charge            	       |
|								     	       |
|   close -O C or -O D                       Throw forward                     |
|   close O- C or O- D  		     Throw back                	       |
|   O   O							     	       |
|   |  /   -O A or B    		     Cushion Throws		       |
|								               |
|   -O  -O              		     Dash                              |
|   O-  O-                                   Backstep                          |
|								               |
|   direction + AB                           Jump Attacks(in air)              |
|   -O + BC				     Blow Away Attack		       |		     

2. Movelists

Every character has 2 Super Power Moves and 1 Potential Power Move.
In this FAQ, a * before the move means it is a Super Power Move
and a ** means that it is a Potential Power Move.
To do a Super Power Move, you need an Energy Item, which can be collected by
fully charging the Energy Bar. Note that each character has 2 Natures. There
is a total of 4 Natures in this game; Fire, Lightning, Water and Wind. Except
the Potential Power Moves, all the moves including the Super Power Moves have a 
specific Nature. When doing Super Power Moves, you need to have the correct 
Energy Item. You can get the Energy Item by either Charging with ABC or BCD. 
In case you don't know the Chinese character next to the Energy Bar, below are
the symbols for the 4 Natures :

F = Fire
C = Lightning
W = Water
B = Wind

To do Potential Power Moves, you need to have 3 Energy Items and low life(red
shining Life Bar).

||:- Susano ___________________________________________________________________
| 								               |
|   -O  |  \  + A or C                       Koku Ryuu Sai                     |
|       O   O                                (Fire)                            |
|   |  \   -O + A or C                       Ryuu Ga Hou                       |
|   O   O                                    (Lightning)                       |
|   |  \   -O  |  \   -O + A or C            Ryuu Hare Ba                      |
|   O   O      O   O                         (Lightning)                       |
|   O-  |   / + B or D                       Ryuu Ga Raku Kyaku                |
|       O  O                                 (Lightning)                       |
|*  |  \   -O  | + AB                        Rai Geki Rin                      |
|   O   O      O			     (Lightning)   	               |
|*  ABC -O  \   |   /  O- + A.B.C.D.A.B.C    Nana Garera Orochi Nagi           |
|           O  O  O                 	     (Fire)                            |
|** |  \   -O  |   /  O- + CD                Sou Mei Fuu Rai Ken               |
|   O   O      O  O                 	                                       |

||:- Benten ___________________________________________________________________
|				        				       |
|   -O  |  \  + A or C                       Ryuu Sei Zan                      |
|       O   O                                (Wind)                            |
|   |   /  O- + B or D                       Sou Rai Raku                      |
|   O  O                                     (near opponent in air) (Lightning)|
|   |  \   -O + B or D                       Sou Rai Geki                      |
|   O   O                                    (near opponent in air) (Lightning)|
|*  |   /  O-  |  \   -O + AB                Seki Ryuu Sou Ken                 |
|   O  O       O   O                         (Lightning)                       |
|*  |  \   -O  O-  -O + BC                   Sen Kuu Hou Ou Yoku               |
|   O   O                                    (Wind)                            |
|** -O  O-  -O  \   |   /  O- + AB	     Shin Kuu Ren Zan	               |
|                O  O  O					               |

||:- Chi Chi - Ne Ne __________________________________________________________
|    								               |
|   ABCD at the same time                    Chi Chi . Ne Ne [enter] Re Ka E   |
|					     [exchange character]	       |
|   |   /  O-  |  \   -O + C                 Kururin Ko [Na Ge] {throw)        |
|   O  O       O   O                         (when close)                      |
|   -O  |  \  + A or C                       Rai Jin Ken                       |
|       O   O                                (Chi Chi's move) (Lightning)      |
|   |   /  O- + B or D			     Fuu Jin Kyaku		       |
|   O  O                                     (Ne Ne's move) (Wind)             |
|   -O  O-  -O + A or C			     Mane Mane Attack                  |
|   				             (Wind, Lightning)	               |
|   O-(hold)  -O A or C			     Ton De Ke Punch                   |
|   				             (Wind, Lightning)	               |
|*  |  \   -O  |  \   -O + D		     Boko Boko Drop		       |
|   O   O      O   O			     (Wind)			       |
|*  -O  |  \   -O  |  \  + AB                Biri Biri Cannon                  |
|       O   O      O   O                     (Lightning)                       |
|** O-  -O   /  \  + ABCD		     Ten Sei Fuu Rai Jin	       |
|           O    O							       |

||:- Gokuu ____________________________________________________________________
|               							       |
|   |   /  O-  -O + A or C                   En Satsu Kon                      |
|   O  O                                     (Fire)                            |
|   -O  |  \  + B or D                       Sou Shin Ni Ki Kyaku              |
|       O   O	                             (Wind)                            |
|   |  \   -O + A or C                       San Ren Kon                       |
|   O   O                                    (Fire)                            |
|*  O-   /  |  O-   /  | + AB		     Ren Sen Kon		       |
|       O   O      O   O		     (Wind)			       |
|*  |  \   -O  |  \   -O + BC                En Jin no Kei                     |
|   O 	O      O   O                         (Fire)                            |
|** -O  O-  -O  O-  -O + ABC		     En Bou Jutsu		       |

||:- Binten ___________________________________________________________________
|             								       |
|   -O  \   |   /  O- + A                    Juu Baku Kin                      |
|        O  O  O                             (Water)                           |
|   |  \   -O + A or B or C                  Sai Nen Dan                       |
|   O   O                                    (in air) (Wind)                   |
|   |   /  O- + D                            You Sen Nen Ja                    |
|   O  O                                     (Water)                           |
|*  during Juu Baku Kin,                     Juu Baku Ten Hyou                 |
|   |  \   -O  |  \   -O + CD		     (Water)                           |
|   O   O      O   O                                                           |
|*  |(hold)  O-  -O + BC                     Pun Jin Otoshi                    |
|   O                                        (Wind)                            |
|** O-  -O  O-  |  \   -O + ABCD             Hachi Mon Nen Ki Jin              |
|               O   O                                                          |

||:- Syuten-Dozi ______________________________________________________________
|								               |
|   |  \   -O + B or D                       Oni Hone Kuda Ki                  |
|   O   O                                    (Fire)                            |
|   -O(hold)  O + A or C                     Kon Gou Haji Ki                   |
|             |                              (Fire)                            |
|   |   /  O-  -O + A or C                   Daku Ryuu Nada                    |
|   O  O                                     (when close to opponent) (Water)  |
|   -O  |  \  + A or C                       Oni Kobushi                       |
|       O   O                                (Fire)                            |
|*  O-   /  |  O-   /  | + AB		     Gou En Shu     		       |
|       O   O      O   O		     (Fire)			       |
|*  when close to opponent,                  Ji Goku Naga Shi        	       |
|   O-  -O + C, |  | + C, |  | + BC          (Water) 			       |
|               O  O      O  O						       |
|** -O  |  \   -O  |  \  + AB,               Rei Shuu Ki Jin Yado Ri           |
|       O   O      O   O                     				       |
|   and then tap C rapidly                                                     |

||:- Seena ____________________________________________________________________
|               							       |
|   O-(hold)  -O A or C                      Two Launcher                      |
|                                            (Water)                           |
|   O-(hold)  -O B or D                      Tail Whip                         |
|                                            (Wind)                            |
|   |(hold)  O + B or D                      Dolphin Roll                      |
|   O        |                               (Wind)                            |
|   |  \   -O  |  \   -O + B                 Aqua Bell                         |
|   O   O      O   O                         (Water)                           |
|*  O-   /  |  \   -O + AB                   Bubble Spike		       |
|       O   O   O			     (Wind)			       |
|*  |  |  | + ABC                            Crystal Splash                    |
|   O  O  O                                  (Water)                           |
|** |(hold)  O-  -O + BC		     Two Mind Storm		       |
|   O									       |

||:- Igret_____________________________________________________________________
|           								       |
|   O-(hold)  |  \   -O + A or C             Soul Slash 		       |
|             O   O                          (Lightning)                       |
|   O-(hold)  -O B or D                      Ripper Haaken                     |
|                                            (Fire)                            |
|   |(hold)  O + B or D                      Bramble Ring                      |
|   O        |                               (Fire)	     		       |
|*  O-(hold)  -O  \   |   /  O- + AB         Trap Edge		               |
|                  O  O  O                   (Lightning)                       |
|*  O-(hold)  -O  |  \   -O + BC             Vigor Remove     	               |
|                 O   O                      (Fire)                            |
|** during jump,                             Hell Inhabitant                   |
|   rotate the level one cycle + AB                                            |

3. Boss Codes and Movelist
[Boss Codes]

There are 3 bosses in Ragnagurd. They are Behemoth, Eelis and Lucifer. 
You can use the boss codes in either MVS, Roms and CD version.

- Behemoth 
In Character Select, go to Syuten-Dozi, enter [B, C, B, C, B, B, C], then press
A or D to select.

- Eelis
In Character Select, go to Benten, enter [C, C, B, B, C, B, C], then press A or
D to select.

- Lucifer
In Character Select, go to Susano, enter [B, C, C, C, B, B, B, C], then press A
or D to select.

[Boss Movelist]

||:- Behemoth _________________________________________________________________
|   |  \   -O + A or C                       Wild Snap                         |
|   O   O                                    (Fire)                            |
|   |   /  O- + A                            Deadly Press 		       |
|   O  O                                     (Fire)                            |
|   -O  |  \  + C                            Nitro Break                       |
|       O   O                                (Lightning)                       |
|*  |  \   -O  |  \   -O + BC                Murder Fang                       |
|   O 	O      O   O                         (Lightning)                       |
|*  -O  O-   /  |  \   -O + AB               Howling Beast	               |
|           O   O   O                        (Fire)                            |
|** |   /  O-  |  \   -O + CD                Grand Explosion	               |
|   O  O       O   O                                           		       |

||:- Eelis ____________________________________________________________________
|   |  \   -O   O + A or C                   Nightmare Wing                    |
|   O   O      /                             (Wind)                            |
|   -O  O-  -O + B or D                      Phantom Kuroishi		       |
|                                            (Wind)                            |
|   in air, O-  |   / + B or D               Dancing Needle  		       |
|               O  O                         (Lightning)                       |
|   |  O + A				     Bat Illusion		       |
|   O  |				     (Wind)			       |
|*  |   /  O-  |  \   -O  |   /  O- + AB     Lunatic Jail                      |
|   O  O       O   O      O  O               (Lightning)                       |
|*  -O  |  \   -O  |  \  + CD                Killing Chariot	               |
|       O   O      O   O                     (Wind)                            |
|** -O  \   |   /  O-  |  \   -O + BC        Midnight Fire	               |
|        O  O  O       O   O                                   		       |

||:- Lucifer __________________________________________________________________
|   O-(hold)  -O + A or C                    Pentagram Dune                    |
|                                            (Lightning)                       |
|   O-(hold)  -O + B or D                    Pentagram Ruin                    |
|                                            (Lightning)                       |
|   |(hold)  O + AB                          Mind Wave                         |
|   O        |                               (Fire) 	                       |
|*  O-(hold)  -O + ABC               	     Dark Side Gate                    |
|                         		     (Lightning)                       |
|*  O-  -O  O-  -O + AB              	     Anger Body Sonic                  |
|                	                     (Fire)                            |
|** ABCD at the same time, 		     Flare Burst		       |
|   hold for a while and then release                            	       |

4. Author's Notes

 Special Thanks
 SNK		(http://www.neogeo.co.jp/) 
 [V.K]		(http://www2.crosswinds.net/melbourne/~aeri/)
 RL		(http://hem.passagen.se/ogg/)
 RAGE team	(http://home5.swipnet.se/%7Ew-50884/emulator/rage.htm)
 Game FAQs	(http://www.gamefaqs.com/)

 A note from the Author
 This is my second FAQ(the first one is Savage Reign FAQ). Again, I hope this 
 document is useful to those who play the game. This game is released in 1996.
 And I happen to find information about this game from the NGF Jun 96, Sep 96 
 and Oct 97.
 If you have any comments, please throw me an e-mail : eg_sbxaa@stu.ust.hk. 
 And be sure to check my page :


 And here, I want to use this little space to thanks [V.K] again, he did all 
 the move name translations for this game, and minor corrections.
 If you have time, please visit his homepage at


 What to expect in the next version
 I will add some combos for each character, if you have some combos that you 
 want me to include in this FAQ, you can submit to me by sending me an e-mail.
 I may also add profiles for the characters, currently I am looking for someone
 who can help me to translate the Japanese profiles.

 Copyright  1998  Bun.   No part of this FAQ is to be altered without author's 
 consent. Permission granted to freely distribute provided no fee is charged 
 outside of raw reproduction costs. Contact author for any inclusion in media, 
 print, or otherwise. Send whatever to  eg_sbxaa@stu.ust.hk

 The Ragnagurd is (c) SNK Corporation and (c) SNK Corporation of America.

Oct 98
-- End --