Andere Lösungen

R-Type Delta (e)

R-Type Delta FAQ 1.1
Copyright 1999 Mike Walsh


1.  Copyright and Disclaimer
2.  History
3.  Controls
4.  Ship Descriptions
5.  Ship Weapons
6.  Notes
7.  Cheats
8.  Game Shark Codes
9.  High Scores
10. Special Thanks


This FAQ is copyright Mike Walsh 1999. If you want me to update this FAQ,
or do other FAQ's for other games, e-mail me at
This FAQ is provided AS IS which means that any problems this FAQ causes is
in no way my fault. All text is not for commercial use (e.g. Magazines,
All rights reserved.

===2. HISTORY===

V1.0 21.06.99 : Started this FAQ because of the lack of FAQ's on the game.

V1.1 22.06.99 : Decided to add a high score to the guide. For more
              : information, read "9. High Scores"

===3. CONTROLS===

NOTE. The controls can be changed at the options. These are the defaults:

Normal Shot  - Square
Rapid Shot   - Circle
             - R2
Force        - X
Delta Weapon - Triangle
Speed Up     - L1
Speed Down   - L2


NOTE. To get the Wave Cannon, use single shot to power up, till the bar at
the bottom goes pink/red.

SHIP NAME     : R9.
FORCE DEVICE  : Standard Type.
WAVE CANNON   : Blue shot fires and turns into several swirlling shots.
MISSLE        : Two missles home to enemies.
DELTA WEAPON  : Electricity buzzes around the ship.
ADVANTAGES    : This is the original ship from the first R-Type game.
DISADVANTAGES : There are no special features.
DESCRIPTION   : The original ship. Need I say more.

SHIP NAME     : R13.
FORCE DEVICE  : Anchor Type.
WAVE CANNON   : Electric bolts fire out.
FORCE DEVICE  : Anchor Type.
MISSLE        : One missle homes to an enemy. The explosion kills others.
DELTA WEAPON  : Two red lines go across thee screen.
ADVANTAGES    : The line between the force and the ship can destoy enemies.
              : Can lodge into enemies until destroyed.
DISADVANTAGES : The Yellow weapon is the worst weapon in the game.
DESCRIPTION   : The force can lodge in enemies, but the yellow weapon is a
              : let down.

FORCE DEVICE  : Tentacle Type.
WAVE CANNON   : Invisable shot fires out at fast speed.
MISSLE        : One missle drops down to the floor.
DELTA WEAPON  : The Screen "warps".
ADVANTAGES    : The Force tentacles can open and close.
DISADVANTAGES : The weapons don't fire behind very well.
DESCRIPTION   : The tentacles can be very useful.

SHIP NAME     : POWarmour.
FORCE DEVICE  : Bydo Type.
WAVE CANNON   : "Beasts" fire out in a 90 degree arc.
MISSLE        : Two missles home to enemies and don't get destroyed.
DELTA WEAPON  : "Beasts" go across the screen.
ADVANTAGES    : A more powerful version of the R9.
DISADVANTAGES : Only red weapon can fire forward.
DESCRIPTION   : An advanced version of the R9.


NOTE. The weapons are full up.

SHIP NAME     : R9.
BLUE WEAPON   : 2 Reflective laser.
RED WEAPON    : Circles from twice ship size to ship size.
YELLOW WEAPON : Fireballs fire up and down and bounce till they hit.

SHIP NAME     : R13.
BLUE WEAPON   : Two green beams fire and home.
RED WEAPON    : Thin powerful beam remains for a few seconds when you move.
YELLOW WEAPON : A thin beam fires from down to up in a half circle.

BLUE WEAPON   : A laser which, once hit, stays on the enemy until destroyed.
RED WEAPON    : When the tentacles are open, the beam is twice ship size.
YELLOW WEAPON : A whip type weapon with short range.

SHIP NAME     : POWarmor.
BLUE WEAPON   : Six lasers reflect (see R9).
RED WEAPON    : A pulse laser.
YELLOW WEAPON : Fireballs bounce higher (see R9).

===6. NOTES===

Here are the notes which are stored in the war record.
NOTE. This chapter is a GAME SPOILER! You have been warned.

Over 20 hours total engaged in combat.
Over 100 hours totaltime engaged i9n combat.
Over 1,000 hours total time engaged in combat.
Over 100 times played.
Over 1,000 times played.
Use of ship number 4 allowed.
Cleared easy mode.
Cleared normal mode.
Cleared hard mode.

Over 10,000 points using the wave cannon energy.
Over 100,000 points using the wave cannon energy.
Delta Weapon used over 100 times.
Delta Weapon used over 1,000 times.
Cleared a mode with only one credit.
Cleared a mode with only one ship.
Cleared a mode without using the force.
Cleared a mode with cannon only.
Cleared a mode without using the wave cannon.

===7. CHEATS===

Here are some cheats.

99.9%        : Pause the game, keep hold of L2 and press:
               Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Triangle.

Red Power up : Collect a red pod, then pause the game and press L2 and:
and missles  : Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Square.

Blue Power up : Collect a blue pod, then pause the game and hold L2 and:
and missles   : Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, X.

Yellow Power up : Collect a yellow pod, then pause game and hold L2 and:
and missles     : Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Circle.

1 Infinite Life                          | 8001014E 0009
                                         | 8001014C 0009
Stage 1                                  |
2 Max Delta Attack                       | 3008CD4C 0000
3 Infinite Aircraft                      | 3008C156 0040
4 Max Power Attack                       | 300D34D0 0040
Stage 2                                  |
5 Max Delta Attack                       | 3007545C 0000
6 Infinite Aircraft                      | 30074866 0040
7 Max Power Attack                       | 300BAECC 0040
Stage 3                                  |
8 Max Delta Attack                       | 3004C1D8 0000
9 Infinite Aircraft                      | 3004B5E2 0040
10 Max Power Attack                      | 30092B9C 0040
Stage 4                                  |
11 Max Delta Attack                      | 30076AE0 0000
12 Infinite Aircraft                     | 30075F12 0040
13 Max Power Attack                      | 300BE010 0040
Stage 5                                  |
14 Max Delta Attack                      | 30063DD0 0000
15 Infinite Aircraft                     | 300631DA 0040
16 Max Power Attack                      | 300A815C 0040
Stage 6                                  |
17 Max Delta Attack                      | 3005EE88 0000
18 Infinite Aircraft                     | 3005E292 0040
19 Max Power Attack                      | 300A440C 0040
Stage 7                                  |
20 Max Delta Attack                      | 3006D014 0000
21 Infinite Aircraft                     | 3006C42A 0040
22 Max Power Attack                      | 300B9990 0040
23 Max Beam Energy For R-13              | 80175498 0068
24 Invincibility For R-13                | 8017549C 0061
25 R9 Invicible                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 80172274 0040
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 8015256C 0040
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B1AC 0040
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 80151A88 0040
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014C9C8 0040
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D0A8 0040
26 R9 Full Beam                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 80172270 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 80152568 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B1A8 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 80151A84 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014C9C4 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D0A4 00EB
27 R9 Full Dose                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 801722D0 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 801525C8 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B208 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 80151AE4 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014CA24 1F40 
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D104 1F40
28 RX Full Beam                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 801746B0 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 80152568 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B1A8 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 8015391C 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014C9C4 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D0A4 00EB
                                         | D0010142 0007
                                         | 801540B4 00EB
29 RX Full Dose                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 80174710 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 801525C8 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B208 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 8015397C 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014CA24 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D104 1F40
                                         | D0010142 0007
                                         | 80154114 1F40
30 RX Invicible                          | D0010142 0001
                                         | 801746B4 0040
                                         | D0010142 0002
                                         | 8015256C 0040
                                         | D0010142 0003
                                         | 8013B1AC 0040
                                         | D0010142 0004
                                         | 80153920 0040
                                         | D0010142 0005
                                         | 8014C9C8 0040
                                         | D0010142 0006
                                         | 8016D0A8 0040
                                         | D0010142 0007
                                         | 801540B8 0040
31 Have Secret Aircraft & Choose Chapter | 80013A4C FFFF
                                         | 80013A4E 00FF
32 Have Gallery                          | 80013A44 FFFF

===9. HIGH SCORES===

At the moment, there are no high scores in the guide. If you want to get
your score in this guide, e-mail me youe score. But please note, I am a
trusting man and will believe in the scores. But the obvious fakes will be
deleated instntly.


Thanks go to me for both buying the game, and for writing this guide.
Other thanks go to Craig Bland for pointing the game out and for getting
reviews from various web sites. More thanks go to IREM software
engineering inc.