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Marvel vs. Capcom (Roll-FAQ) (e)

The Roll FAQ
by when you e-mail me
about this FAQ, make the subject Roll, or
I'll delete it.

Copyright info:
Let's make this simple. Anything Marvel is copyrighted
Marvel, anything Capcom is copyrighted Capcom and I
have no affiliation with either of them. I take credit only
for the effort I put into this FAQ. 


1. Introduction
2. Who is Roll?
3. Abbvs
4. Roll's moves of note
5. Pick a teammate, any teammate
6. Roll and MegaMan (What's he got that I ain't got?)
7. Vs. Strategies 
8. Other cool stuff
9. Roll's ending
10. Special thanks

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hi everyone! First of all, I'd like to say that this is my first
and I'd like to get your opinions on my work. The main reas-
on I wanted to do this FAQ is because of all those people 
(including and sometimes especially the others who wrote and
FAQ for her) who knock her two small disadvantages, but don't
bother to look at her SEVERAL ADVANTAGES! But that's neither 
here nor there. The point is, Roll is a good character on a good
game, and I want to prove it.

Chapter 2: Who is Roll?

Roll is a secret character on the game Marvel vs. Capcom. 
To get her, you must do the following movements on the
stage select screen, starting at Zangief. 
L= left, R= right, U= up, D= down.


One thing of note, you CAN'T pick another character before
her unless it's another secret char. Anyway, Roll is the little
MegaMan (Rock man in japan) and Proto Man (Break Man).
She was made to be a housemaid, but sort of... evolved past 
that lowly state. Mega Man goes through MvsC antagonizing 
his little sister to try and discourage her participation in such
a dangerous tournament by any means possible, but Roll truly
wanted to beat Onslaught and get a little piece of the Sun (not 
literally, of course). Dr. Light assumed that Roll would give up
on this mission, but quickly realizes that his little "daughter" is
growing up. You know, I kinda wish Proto Man was on this 
game. I think he's cooler than Mega any day. Oh yeah, as everyone else
says, Roll's so freaking CUTE, but I'm not going to discuss that
during my FAQ until later, because cuteness is only a temporary

C = turn 
MvsC = Marvel vs Capcom 
MM or Mega = Mega Man
FB = Flower Bomb
RBu= Roll Buster
TK= Sliding Trip Kick
RD = Rush Drill
BP= Beat Plane
HyR= Hyper Roll
1/4 & 1/2 = well, what do YOU think?
Fwd, Bck, DBck, DFwd = Forward, Back, Diagonal Back and Forth
WS= Weapon Switch
TH RB LSh= Tornado hold, Rock Ball, and Leaf Shield

The Buttons-
Picture the arcade pad.

O     O     O
J     St    Fe
O     O     O
Sh    Fo    R

Chapter 4: Roll's moves 

Roll Buster: 1/4 C Fwd
Roll takes out the old arm cannon that MM used in MMs
1,2, and 3. It's a very good but slow technique. Use it on
Strider, Zangief, Jin, or any other guys with horrid (or even
NO) projectiles. It's fairly powerful and can be done 
on the ground or in the air.

Flower Bomb 1/4 C Bck
I don't really get it. A lot of Roll players enjoy super-jumping
and tossing like 50,000 of these just to build up hyper energy
when there are several better ways to do it. This is a good move,
however, and should be used at discresion.

Sliding trip down and R
This isn't QUITE a special move, but it's still an incredible
move in her arsenal! She slides out, mimicking MM in tech-
nique and if successful, OTG's the opponent! I've seen it linked
to a Sh TH, but I never really tried it. This move can go under
just about any normal projectiles with the only exceptions in Ryu
and MM. She dishes out a good amount of damage, and it
can combo fairly well. A very good move. 

Launcher R
Roll does a kick that resembles the kick-off of Super
Bowl XXXIII (sorry, my friend made me say that). On it's
own it's not that good, but you can combo into it by using
a jumping, crouching, or standing Sh (or all three in that
order if you're skilled) and she can easily follow with a
J, St, Fe combo, then as they recover or roll(not Roll), you
can attempt to use Beat Plane to put the smack on them.

Weapon switch 1/4 C Bwd, K
This is easily explained. She's calls out Eddie, and he gives
her a weapon dependant upon the kick button used. Sh gives
the Rock ball, Fo gives TH (her default), and R give LS. Ene-
my Roll or MMers can steal the weapon you call out and vice
versa (the other way around).

TH 1/4 C fwd, K (after selected or at start of match)
Roll Shoots a propeller to the floor and a tornado 
similar in damage and looks to Storm's arises, juggling the opponent.
The distance it goes is dependant on the strength of the kick. The
strength, however, does NOT change. One warning, however: DON'T fire
it off farther than it's supposed to go! It will pass up your opponent
and leave you open (WIDE open) for an attack. The only exception to
the rule is if they're in a corner. It'll always (?) stop at the end 
of the screen.

LS 1/4 C Fwd, k (after selected) can be used twice
Roll pulls out her little gun and creates a barrier around her
that acts like she's blocking (for a couple hits) and she
can move around. After it's activated, she can shoot it off,
juggling her opposition for up to 8 hits. The start-up for 
activation is HORRID, but it's not so bad when she's FIRING
it, and she can shoot it in the air. The strength of the button
when you activate it changes the amount of hits the shield can
take; while the strength when you fire it adds or decreases the
damage it does. Use only at your discresion.

RB 1/4 C Fwd (after selected) then K (the ball)
She shoots out a soccer ball that she can kick! The angle
is dependeant on the type of kick used. Experiment on this move, 
because it has an EXTREMELY small lag time (for one of Roll's 
moves), PLUS it really acts like a stray soccerball! I just LOVE
kicking a ball in that smug-arse Gambit's face!

Rush Drill 1/4 C Fwd KK !HYPER!
She yells out "RUSHY!", and becomes an invincible drill car! This
move is even MORE protected than Hyper Charging Star!!! Not only that,
but she can CONTROL the car! Some people will try to cross
you up with a jump attack, but you can turn the car around
and lay waste to them! If you're familiar with button mashing,
Ps will make it dash and Ks will make the drill work (causing
more damage). There's a story behind the damage (lack thereof),
and here it is(the same goes for Beat Plane): Roll has always
been intent on watching her older "brother" fighting crime,
so she sort of... "picked up" some of her brother's techniques.
However, since noone tought her how to USE these weapons,
she's not as skilled at doing it like her "brother"; but at least
she's not a show-off like MM (more on that later). If they block,
don't be stupid. Move back and block when you recover,so you are less 
likely to get counter-hitted.

Beat Plane 1/4 C Bck KK !HYPER!
She yells out "BEATO!", and Beat (Peety if you watched that
crappy MM cartoon series back in the day) and become a fully
controllable FLYING ARSENAL! War Machine my arse! This is
where flying pays off, baby! Ps will shoot mini fireballs,
and Ks shoot Gradius-type missiles! Plus as an added bonus,
if someone blocks it, you can fly around them and whack 'em!
If they simply REFUSE to get hit, time it so you chip 'em, then 
fly up and back at the last minute so as not to experience, ahem,
reprisals. She can initiate this move in the air, too!

Hyper Roll 1/4 C Fwd PP !HYPER!
9 out of 10 Rollers agree, this move SUCKS! Sucks unless you
can get the lightening from her antenae to strike, which is
probably the hardest thing to do in the entire GAME! I'm not
exagerating either! It doesn't combo, it's easily seen, and
she can be hit out of it!!! PLEASE, if you know what to do with
this, (by the way, like CMA, I've tried to air-combo into it.
You can't. Trust me.) e-mail me and tell me! I'll give you
credit on my FAQ if you do.

Chapter 5: pick a teamate, any teamate

This chapter will be listed in five parts: Good,
semi-good, medium, not so good, and downright bad.
I don't particularly want anyone to whine to me telling
me that I'm wrong about these, because I've been around
the mill with just about any character, and I know
more than a little about EACH of them. However, if
you want to tell me some disadvantages or advantages
that I might of missed, feel free to to tell me about
it, and I'll respond in turn. Enough said.

These are my tried and true personal recommendations.

This is the team I use %80 of the time!!! Zangief, the
big basher, the russian roulette, the red cyclone! He's
the one character (besides Roll) that I've truly mastered!
He has distance, strength, holds, combos, an alternate ability,
and one of the few team supers that ties in well with Hyper Roll!
Plus some added bonuses like Mech Zangief(it's MECH, not mega!),
a level three super (which unfortunatly sucks) and if
Zang and Roll do the Double Final Atomic Buster, you get to see
Roll hanging on for dear life! If you can use Zangief,
go for it!

-Captain A-
This dude IS, hands down, a SUPER SOLDIER! He has all the
abilities that Roll faulters at: Range, priority, and supers.
Plus, he has the second-highest defense (tied with MZ, second
to the War Machines, who are equal in defense), two different
styles, a quick taunt (be that as it is), an aimable progectile,
a spaz, "beam", and an upper upper uppercut super (Final Justice,
Hyper Charging Star, where he himself becomes the beam, and
Hyper S&S)! He's got it all!

Strength, range, and a symbiote! I liked him in the comics,
I LOVED him in the game! However, you HAVE to play him intell-
igently, or you'll easily get punished! He also has a rather
funny advantage; on his ending, if he's paired up with Roll
and makes the final hit, Brock basicly tells Roll that he can
sense the goodness of her heart, and suggests a team-up! Roll
likes this and starts happily chatting. Then the symbiote takes
over his mind and scares her, so she starts crying! It's even
funnier than Roll's ending, which I'll get to later.

-Akuma (Gouki)-
I list this version of Ryu seperately because he's really NOT Ryu
anymore. Anyway, he can keep a distance, he's quicker, he
has combos, a level 3 super, a beam super, and an air
super. The only place he faulters is damage, but Roll can take
hits pretty good, so that's alright.

Personally, I like this form better than Gouki. He's like Ken
in Marvel vs. SF, except he doesn't set enemies on fire as much.
Try 'em both and choose for yourself. Say, why doesn't Ryu have
a Dan, Sean, or Sakura mode? Oh well, another mystery for another
day, I suppose.

-War Mach-
I'm pretty sure this would make a good team, but I'm not quite sure.
He has beams, a beam super, anti-air, an anti-air super, and a
one-button progectile. I just don't like War Mach.

Not quite enough, but hanging tough.

-Shadow Lady-
She's a secret char. I don't feel like writing out codes
right now, but maybe in a later version. Anyway, she has a
beam, and anti-progectile, a chipper, and a level three
(blockable >_<) super. She takes hits bad, and doesn't have
the Chun-li air super. Her moves have quite a bit of start-up.
Use this if you already like ShaLa.

Captain Commando is supprisingly similar to Dhalsim, right
down to the flamethrower, long, thin limbs, and baby on
a missile (uhhh... not really). He's a good fighter with an
anti-air that brings people to tears, but he can't go hit for
hit when it really counts. I'm not to fond of this Capcom
game reject, but he does seem to have some sort of fan club.

A flaming powerhouse. He is strong, but he has the worst
recovery time of anyone. Let him deal with speedsters.
He can go hit for hit, but sometimes that's not really what
you want.

Okay, but not really...

-Chun Li-
She has a poor launcher like Roll's, but with even LESS range,
she doesn't *really* have a beam super... I dunno... well, she
combos okay...

I don't like him, so I don't play him. I'm putting
him in the middle and I'll let YOU decide.

He has a fireball snuffer, but he's slow. He has armor,
but he's slow and has crap-range on his normal attacks,
he's strong, but he's slow, has bad range, and a horrid
recovery. It balances out.

-Spider Man-
Affectionately named "Spidey", this wallcrawler has speed,
strength, and combos, but just... doesn't FEEL right with
Roll. Like the others, use him if you want, I got no beefs with

Not quite fatal, but I wouldn't go to far with these...

He's so d*mned PREDICTABLE!!! Ryu was probably hot stuff
NINE YEARS AGO, but he hasn't really changed throughout
the entire crossover series!!! Gimme a break.

Ryu with out the hurricane kick.

-Orange Hulk-
I like this guy, but he doesn't compliment Roll
at all. Plus, I hate using two secret chars at the same time.
People always accuse me of cheating when I do.

Does the term "Skull and Crossbones" mean anything
to you?

-Strider Hiryu-
If I catch you playing on easy mode with this worthless,
moronic, Ourorborus-you-to-insanity, b*stard with Roll,
I'll PERSONALLY kick your ass! Of course, playing on easy
mode ALONE makes you a jerk in my opinion.

Not only is he cheap, but he sucks at being cheap, too!
His hits take virtually nil off of ANYone, and he doesn't
really have too much range to work with.

-Hyper War Machine-
Everything that made normal WM decent has been erased! He
has no beams, no flight, no repulsar blast, no blocking,
no NOTHING! Can you say "Bye bye"?

She's the wussier version of Morrigan with no level 3 super.
Don't bother.

-Red Venom-
People played this guy and called ROLL a joke character?!?!?!?!
This guy really makes me sick. He takes a jab punch like some
people take a shinkuu hadoken! And that's not even an exageration!
You'll be lucky to throw out ONE move before he's swept off the
battlefield in shame, leaving Roll to deal with TWO people!

There's only one left. The one I put at the very
lowest, the bottom of the list. The last person I'd
ever team up with Roll is probably the first one a
lot of people would. I'm talking of course about...

This little punk tied in with his littler sister...
I can't BEGIN to discribe what's wrong with it! Firstly,
well, let's do this in the next chapter.

Chapter 6 MegaMan vs. Roll

Let's start by putting the obvious advantages he has over Roll.

-Mega over Roll-

He's got a one-button, chargable progectile, less lag & recovery on
special moves, he's stronger (damagewise), has a true beam super,
the Mega Upper attack, which sucks anyway, and his arms are a
little longer.

Now for the part that apperantly everyone missed, how is Roll better
then MM?

-Roll over Mega-

She's faster, better at combos, has the FB, a quicker slide with
better recovery, she takes hits MUCH better than MegaMan (like 
1/2 the damage he recieves), isn't as cheap (but that's nitpicking),
she's more compatible with others, her normal fireball does chip
damage, she plays MUCH better up close, has less recovery from her
supers (she stops posing as soon as she returns to her normal
color, MegaMan, the blowhard, keeps that stupid smile for like
3 seconds after the move), she can easily combo into her launcher,
her Rush Drill and Beat plane do UNRECOVERABLE damage! That's right!
It doesn't really matter that they take less, because she only
gives 'em a sliver of red life!!! Joke player, my *ss! I can easily
beat (not Beat) ANY MMer with his little, underestimated, sister!

-Roll + Mega = ?-
As for them as a team, don't bother. They don't compliment each other,
thier team super sucks, MM sucks up close, they're WAY too pred-
ictable (because any "good" MMer would for some stupid reason try
to use MM tactics with Roll, which is dumb on it's own), they share
weaknesses with each other, they can't save each other if one them
dies (well maybe Roll can), I've beaten the tar out of this team
more times than I can count. Sorry, Novowels but this team just don't
work. Oh, yeah, you can't do the "forced cheers", that I'll get to 

Chapter 7: Vs. Strategies

Sometimes you WILL lose that partner, or you'll want
to fight as Roll against other people, so don't be too
supprised if this part of my FAQ helps you. Roll actually
has an easy time on many chars, so let's do this. At the
sub-title, I'll list the recommended weapon. This isn't,
however, a play-by-play guide; this is just friendly advice.

-Vs. MegaMan |if he's got TH, use LS, LS, use RB, RB, use TH|-
See last chapter and try your best.

-Vs. War Machine |TH or RB|-
This guy makes me laugh! Stay on the ground because %97
of his moves will miss you entirely! If he does repulsar blast,
his missile, or the crouching shoulder cannon, slide
under it and air combo or throw him. If he flys, waste him
with Beat Plane. Chances are you'll hit him before he can
attack or land. Your throws have priority and speed. But don't
try to avoid his supers, even if you think you can.

-Vs. Ken |TH on all forms|-
Usually Ryu will know at the start whether he wants to
use his initial hyper gauge to become Ken at the start of the
match, so that'll be his first priority. Don't be cheap. Let
him change, so it'll be fair. Actually, that'll be advantageous
in the end, because you'll have one more hyper gauge than him.
Punish his Fierce hurricane kicks with Hyper Roll if you can,
but if you can't get the timing right(which is completely and
fully understandable, I even have trouble with it), go for Rush
or Beat. The same goes for his Dragon Fist, although it's harder
to time it right. He's quick, so don't go for combos unless you 
REALLY know it'll hit.

-Vs. Gouki-
Keep an eye out to see if he's avoiding using supers, because
he might be trying to get you into the shun-goku-satsu move.
If you see this, avoid him, save a level, and watch to see if
the background goes purple. If/when it does, back up and IMMEDIATLY
go for Rush Drill or Beat Plane! If he tries Tenma gou zankuu (his
air super), either block or get behind him and Hyper Roll him.

-Vs. Ryu-
9 out of 10 times, he'll try to start the match with a shinkuu 
hadouken. Anticipate this, and super jump into either a FB or BP.
He's strong, but slow. !!!!IMPORTANT NOTE!!!! On fire ballers,
use Lou as you special partner! He'll shoot faster than Mega,
and his flame will protect Roll from jump-ins! To selct him,
hold start and St.

-Vs. Zangief |LS|-
Slide him when he tries any running moves, air-combo him
whenever you get the chance. Be careful, though! If someone 
picked him, then chances are they know what they're doing!

-Vs. Hulk (green)|LS|-
He has that blasted super armor, so don't try to 
launch him. One cute trick I learned that only Roll has the
ability to do, jump in or out at about face level (Hulk's face),
and fire off her Roll Buster. She'll be right above his Gamma Rip,
and she'll recover just in time to block if he tries Gamma Wave
or Crush. Avoid Gamma Quake, though.

-Vs. Hulk (orange)|RB|-
He has no super-armor, so her launcher works now. Don't try to
go hit for hit on him, because he's still strong and now he's a 
LOT quicker! Think Spidey with Hulk's moves! Stay low and you'll
do fine.

-Vs. Captain A |with shield, LS, w/out, RB|-
Don't get cocky if he loses his shield, that's probably what he
wants you to do. Back up, throw an RBu, and if he tries to Charge
Star it, he won't make it to you and he's open to whatever you want
to do to him. If he jumps, use Beat Plane, because he's likely to
double jump. If he attempts to cross you up with a cartwheel,
immediatly use Rush Drill and turn around! He'll be open and
in that type situation, it's him or you.

-Vs. CapCom |RB or TH|- 
Fun trick. Super jump in on him, but right before you get
into the Captain Corridor range, use Beat Plane! He's left wide
open, and you won't go any further. Fly down and hit him in his
recovery.  Block his moves and respond.

-MZangief and HWMachine |LS|-
These guys can't block, so avoid them and build up your hyper
gauge, then Drill 'em to death. DON'T underestimate them!

-Strider Hiryu |RB|-
This f**king cheap jerk is the stupidest player in the game 
and SCREAMS easy mode! However, all is not lost. Jump slightly up 
and shoot him when he runs in. He'll be knocked back into check.
If he uses Ouroburos, wait until he attacks, then DRILL HIM!!!
He'll take the damage and you'll get off scott-free! Watch the 
recovery, though! Teach those cheap morons that Strider isn't

-Vs. Gambit |RB or LS|-
This guy's cheap, but not *quite* as cheap as Strider. Back up
when he tries Cajun Strike and waste him! Work in whatever strats
you think will work against the ragin' cajin.

-Vs. Wolvie |RB|-
Slide him when he runs in, drill him when he jumps in, and 
make his life miserable in general. He's a pansy.

-Vs. Morrigan and Lilith-
Treat them like a dumb Ryu.

-Vs. ShaLa and Chun-Li |LS|-
They're hard, and all I can really say is, Be careful.
Sorry that I don't have any killer strats.

-Venom |LS|-
Block his V. Web and Drill or Hyper Roll him in recovery. Air
combo him when he tries Venom Fang, and try not to cheese him off.

-Vs. H Venom |RB|-
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This guy is the most pathetic wimp in the game!!!
He may be quick, but he's more obsessed with running around like
a moron than covering his own head! KILL him!

-Vs. Spidey|TH|-
Treat him sort of like Venom and watch his speed.

-Vs. Roll |same as Mega|-
Hmmm... not much I can tell ya here... just try and monopolise
on her mistakes.

-Vs. Jin|LS|-
Block his attacks and let him have it.

I think that's all of them. I'm writing my Onslaught tactics now, and
it should be here in a later version.

Chapter 8: Other cool stuff

This is the part I've been waiting for. My favorite observations 
about my favorite charactor.

Roll's taunt: She fixes her bow and says "Rocku sei nai wha?",
which means, "Can't you hit me?". She also says this becoming
Hyper Roll.

When you win, you can hold a P to make Roll become a schoolgirl,
or kicks to make MM come in and make her cry! These must be croc
tears, though, because she can press start and then smack MM right

Her entrances mock Strider's and her taunt mocks Ryu's!

Chapter 10

This is the ending. It might ruin it for you, so you might think twice
before reading this chapter.

Roll runs to Rush, who opens the progection of Dr. Light.
She tells Dr. Light "I did it! I beat the stage before Mega Man!"
Dr. Light, somewhat supprised says, "Oh, you did? That's great, Roll!"
then he sends Eddie out and says, "Roll, I'm gonna enhance your power,
now go!" Roll takes the enhancment Eddie gives her, and becomes
Hyper Roll with rockets! "Yes!", she says, "I'm ready to save the 
world!"... then MegaMan comes in and realises he was wrong. That
he was the weaker sibling. He starts crying, and it plays a dismissive
background music. Oh, yeah, Roll guest-stars in the credit roll, but
that goes with everyone.

Chapter 10: Special thanks

I'd like to thank Juraiprince for helping me with Roll's 
taunt's translation, and his cool SFA3 Guile FAQ! I'd also like
to thank CMA, Dogshell, RpM, and Sherman for THIER Roll FAQs. 
I thank CMA because his FAQ was the one in which I discovered
Roll, and DS because of his cool Roll website. Oh, yeah, thanks
to Marvel and Capcom for the best fighting game EVER!