The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (e)

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   ³                 -þ- Secret Island of Dr. Quandary -þ-

      You are here. . . .      Mouse                      Keyboard
Dr. Quandary's Traveling   Point to an area of     Use the arrow keys to 
Amusement Show             interest and click      move the pointer to
                           the left mouse button.  an area of interest and                                     
                                                   press Enter.
Troggle Shoot              Move the pointer,       Use the arrow keys to move 
                           then click to shoot.    the cross hairs. Press the
                                                   Space Bar to shoot.
            When Dr. Quandary tells you to select
            a prize, click on the one you want.    When Dr. Quandary tells you 
                                                   to select a prize, use the 
                                                   arrow keys to highlight the
                                                   one you want, then press
On the beach or on the    Click on the place       Press an arrow key to move 
trail                     where you want to go.    in a certain direction.
                                                   Press the same arrow key to
                                                   stop moving.
One of tlne puzzles      Use the commands on the   Use the commands on the 
                         Help menu for             Help menu for instructions.
Menu bar                 Point to a menu item      Hold down the Alt key and 
                         and hold down the left    press the first letter of 
                         mouse button. Drag the    the menu item. Then press 
                         pointer down to the       the highlighted letter of
                         desired command and       the desired command.
                         release the button.                                          Some commands have shortcut keys:
Sound Off/On = Alt+5
Music On/Off = Alt+M
Run Away! = Alt+R
Exit = Alt+X
Help = FI

Press the Escape key to close a menu
without choosing a command.

Load Game dialog box     Click on the desired      Highlight the desired 
                         filename, then click on   filename, then press 
                         Open or press Enter.      Enter or the letter O key
You can load a game only
from Dr. Quandary's      If necessary, click on    Press Tab to go from the 
Travaling Amusement      the arrows to display     list of files to the 
Show.  You cannot load   more filenames.           buttons. The active 
a when you are on the    To change directories,    button is underlined. 
island.                  click on the double       Use the Up- and Down-Arrow 
                         period (next higher       keys to highlight the  
                         directory)or any name     desired filename. To change  
                         in ALL CAPS.              directories, select the 
                         To change drives,         double period (next higher 
                         click on Drive.           directory) or anyname in 
                                                   ALL CAPS.
                   To change drives, press D.
                   To cancel, press C or the Escape key.

     You are here             Mouse                       Keyboard

Save as... dialog box    Type a name (8            Type a name (8 characters 
                         characters max) in the    max) in thetext box, then 
                         text box, then click on   press Enter. Theprogram 
                         Save or press Enter.      adds a.GAM extension.
                         The program adds a .GAM   To change directories, 
                         extension.                select the double period 
                         To change directories,    (next higher directory)
                         click on the double       or any name in ALL CAPS.       
                         directory) or any name    To change drives press D
                         in ALL CAPS               To cancel, press C or 
                         To change drive, click    the Escape key.
                         Other dialog boxes       
                         on Drive.                 
Other Dialog Boxes       Click on the desired      Press the highlighted 
                         button.                   letter of the desired 