Quake Mission Pack - Dissolution of Eternity (e)

Quake Mission Pack #2Quake Mission Pack #2
Dissolution of Eternity Secrets
By Brandon Fish
The second major official release of a Quake add-on by Id Software is Quake 
Mission Pack #2 – Dissolution of Eternity. The purpose of this document is to 
describe each of the secrets for each level within the pack. The purpose is NOT 
to describe the location of keys, or how to complete a particular section. It 
also does not describe most areas that are "secret" but don’t count in the 
secret area count. These will all come in a separate document. An online version 
of these hints including screenshots can be found at http://www.stomped.com. 
Parties wishing to publish this work in any format should contact 
Introduction – START
While there aren’t any designated secrets in this map, there is an important 
hidden area, the entrance to NIGHTMARE mode. To get there, go through any of the 
three normal teleporters to get to the Episode select area. Go forward towards 
the episodes and then wind your way back the way you came and you’ll be in a 
side area with a red button high up on the wall. There’s one on each of these 
side areas. Shooting each one lets you know that there is one more switch to 
shoot. It’s behind the teleporter. Just shoot through it, and it activates a 
lift at the area below the lava in the ceiling. Takes you right to the nightmare 
Deviant’s Domain – R1M1
  Jump into the giant slime moat. Don’t worry, there is an enviro suit and a 
  lift back up down there. 
  Enter the first building on the right. Before you can get to the upper levels, 
  you have to take an elevator up. Send the elevator up, and then step back off 
  before it takes you with it. Then fall below the risen platform to a secret 
  After the blue key, you’ll go down an elevator and have to jump over some 
  slime. Go into that slime and there’s an enviro suit to help you keep going to 
  another place where you can rise out of the liquid to a secret area. 
  After jumping off the second moving boat, go through the door, turn around, 
  and look up. Shoot the big button above the doorway and a platform will rise 
  with a goodie on the other side of the slime.
Dread Portal – R1M2
  In the starting room, you’ll see three small pools of water in corners. Jump 
  in any one of them and go underwater. You’ll notice a button on one of the 
  walls. Pressing it grants you access to the quad damage in the center. 
  Also underwater, you’ll notice that there are 4 exits to get up to the air. 
  The extra one is the one to the left of the button. Just go up that way to a 
  small hallway with assorted items. 
  After getting the blue key and lowering the bars, take the elevator up to a 
  tiny niche with a hole in the floor. Falling through the hole triggers a wall 
  at the end of the hallway to slide away. Get inside before the wall closes 
  back up. 
  After the blue key door, jump across the moving platform over the lava. An 
  elevator will take you down to a small room with monsters. On the far wall are 
  two buttons. Make sure you don’t press the button on the right. Instead, press 
  the one on the left and the ceiling will start to drop on you. There will only 
  be a small opening for you prevent yourself from being smushed. Once it’s 
  down, jump up onto it and wait for it to rise. At the top there will be a 
  passage for you to follow which leads to a drop into the secret area.
Judgement Call – R1M3
  At the very beginning before you go down either one of the side stairways, 
  you’ll be looking across to the gold key. Go forward to the edge of the ledge, 
  and Hop over the tiny railing at your feet. Then you’ll be able to fall over 
  either one of the sides to the ledges below. 
  In one of the earlier parts of the level, you’ll go through a door and be 
  faced with a giant red circle on the wall in front of you. Shoot it and a 
  small area opens up at the side. 
  After getting through the area with lots of zombies, you’ll need to take an 
  elevator down underneath. Go down the elevator, and walk through into the next 
  room. Turn around and above the archway you came in will be a red button. 
  Shooting it opens two panels on the left and the right of that same elevator. 
  Each one of those panels counts as a secret area when you go in. 
  When you go underwater, from the area in secret numbers 3 and 4, you’ll see 
  that one of the lights is flashing. Rise to the surface and shoot the light. 
  Doing so opens a wall underneath the water. 
  When you go through the gold door, an ogre will come out of the wall on your 
  left. Just jump back up into the same wall.
Cave of Death – R1M4
  After you go across the first bridge into the cave where you have to press 3 
  buttons to open the doors to the next part of the level. Go towards the back 
  of this cave and eventually you’ll come upon a place with a red button high up 
  on the side of the wall. (On the other side of this wall is the one of those 
  three buttons that you have to walk on top of to activate). Shoot this red 
  button, and an area to the right of the exit doors opens to give you an 
  When you get to a large circular room with water in the bottom, and platforms 
  above, jump in the water. Follow along the outside walls underwater and you’ll 
  pass behind a barrier with items behind it. There is also another barrier on 
  the other side that has the bars to the underwater passage way. 
  After getting out of the tram, and you go across a rickety bridge, look back 
  underneath the bridge and you’ll see a red button to shoot. A small panel will 
  At the end of the level, with the room filled with lava, there is a ledge 
  above you on the right that you can’t get jump up to. When you first enter the 
  room, look to your left and you’ll see a steel elevator that can take you up, 
  but it won’t become active until you climb all the way to the top of the 
  wooden spiral. Just climb the spiral and jump back down to the elevator.
Towers of Wrath – R1M5
  From the start, go out cross the "safe passage and take the passageway to the 
  left. Follow the walkway that’s on the right side of a room half filled with 
  lava. At the end of the hallway in the next area, shoot the light in the 
  ceiling and a teleporter will be revealed. It takes you to the "cage" over the 
  In the next room, down the elevator from secret number 1, you’ll have to go 
  down some stairs and then up a ramp to the upper part of the room. As you go 
  up the ramp, a secret area with some monsters in it opens behind you. Go back 
  and get what’s yours. 
  When you get to the room with the silver key door in it, there will be a pool 
  of water beneath some stairs. On the backside of the stairs is a red button 
  which when shot, opens an adjacent pool. 
  In the room of the silver key, look straight ahead from the cage the key 
  resides in. On the opposite wall a pool of light spills from a secret door. 
  Shoot it and it will open. 
  When you grab the blue key, two security doors open to some stairs leading 
  into the water. Underneath the stairs is a biosuit. 
  After you go through the blue key door, you’ll be airlifted to a room where 
  you must defeat some shamblers. On the right side, you should be able to see a 
  100 health power-up. You can get to it simply by jumping on the surrounding 
  When you come up an elevator to a small library, one of the faces on the 
  bookcases is sticking out. Press it, and the case opens up.
Temple of Pain – R1M6
  In the first building you enter, you have to go up an elevator and then jump 
  down a shaft into a pool of water. Follow under the water until you come up in 
  a hallway. At the other end of the hallway, you’ll see a piece of wood 
  sticking out of the ceiling. Jump up to touch it, and a teleporter to the 
  Pentagram opens. 
  At the end of the "cemetery, there is a red pentagram ceiling, and a pool to 
  continue on in the level. To get on top of the ceiling and to the level above, 
  go to beam on the left of the pool and hop up on it. Looking around the wall 
  next to it, you should see other small footholds that you can jump to. 
  At the gold key door, there is a thunderbolt surrounded by lava. Above the 
  thunderbolt is a shootable face that triggers a platform to rise out of the 
  lava that you can use to jump to the weapon. You can also get there by jumping 
  in one of the 4 stained glass windows in the gold key room. 3 out of the 4 
  windows have places you can jump into. 
  When you get the gravity belt, turn around to go back, and jump up to the 
  previously unreachable perch above the main room at the entrance of this part 
  of the level. 
  In the hallway leading to the gold key room, there is a curious red stone on 
  one side, and a giant face on the other. After you go and get the gold key, a 
  hole in the ground opens next to the stone. Jump in! J 
Tomb of the Overlord – R1M7
  At the beginning of the level, you have to press 4 buttons to awake the 
  zombies. One of the buttons resides at the bottom of a ramp with shooting 
  spikes along the way. At the very end of the spikes, you’ll notice that the 
  last spike shooter on the left isn’t shooting, and is a little darker than the 
  others. Press it, and half of the ramp opens up. 
  When you jump down the hole after hitting the four buttons, there will be a 
  pillar in the room that has the "death" stained glass on all four sides. On 
  one side however, the textures is reversed. Shoot it, and the glass drops down 
  and you can get inside. 
  There is one part of the level where two rooms are connected by a hallway and 
  also by a tiny under-water connection. Up high in the second room you can see 
  a nice with a Quad damage power-up. Around the room there are footholds that 
  you can use to jump around and eventually wind up there. 
  When you reach the moat of slime with a skull on the opposite shore, look in 
  the slime to the right. There’s a small alcove with some artifacts.
Tempus Fugit – R2M1
  At one point in the level, you have to press a button which "opens the 
  underwater passage". Go into the water passage, and before you make your third 
  turn (from square walls to rounded ones) shoot straight ahead. It opens for 
  100 health. 
  Above the gold door is a ledge to the left. Down the end of the hallway of the 
  ledge you can shoot the wall on the left side. 
  After going through the gold key door, you’ll end up at an acropolis with 
  several "statues". A miniature quake symbol sits at the center. Jump on top of 
  the symbol, and you’ll be teleported above.
Elemental Fury I – R2M2
  From the start, go across the bridge turn right. After pressing the button 
  that you need to get, fall underneath the block that’s moving in a vertical 
  From the Air Base, shoot each of the four numbers on each air duct. It 
  activates a lift behind the exit which takes you up to the Quad Damage. (Area 
  is accessible through ducts 2 and 4).
Elemental Fury II – R2M3
  In the Fire section, you’ll pass over a hump and go to a place which has nail 
  shooters leading to nowhere for no apparent reason. There is a fake wall, 
  which you can walk through after the nail shooters which takes you below the 
  "hump". Inside, there is a shootable switch which raises some steps to the 
  nearby 100 health.
Curse of Osiris – R2M4
  When you get the gravity belt, look to the right and on the ceiling in the 
  corner is a red button. Shooting it opens an alcove. 
  At the indoor "boat", if you go to the opposite side and jump to one of the 
  beams, you can see steps on the side of the boat. Jump to the steps and climb 
  to the roof of the ship. 
  At each cobra statue, there is a red light on the opposite wall. Shooting the 
  light moves the cobra and you can drop into a secret area. 
  There are two such statues. 
  At the end of the level with the Gold pyramid, shoot the left wall and a 
  teleporter is behind it.
Wizard’s Keep – R2M5
  At the beginning, when you go down the elevator, there are two bookcases. 
  Between them a wooden piece is sticking out of the wall. Jump up and hit it, 
  and a case opens. 
  In one part of the level, you’ll happen upon a red pole sticking out of the 
  ceiling, surrounded by some sharp spikes. Jump over the spikes and hit the 
  pole. A secret area opens in the next room. 
  The silver key overlooks a bloody shrine with candles on the shelves behind 
  it. A candle in the middle is dark. Shoot it and a panel will open on the 
  altar revealing a button. Shoot it, and one of the stained glass windows 
  When you reach a bright stained glass window at the end of a hallway, shoot 
  it. Momentarily, a platform will be activated beneath you which takes you up 
  to the overlooking niche.
Blood Sacrifice – R2M6
  At the beginning, you go through an area with spikes shooting up at you and 
  you reach a corner with two faces. The one on the left shoots more spikes. To 
  open the one on the right, turn around and jump up to touch the snake head, 
  sticking out of the corner. 
  After you ride the moving platform over the lava, there will be some skulls on 
  the left, and a texture that is slight miss aligned straight ahead, and a 
  little to the right. You should be able to see light coming from it. Just walk 
  right through it. 
  After going past a sawblade in the ceiling, you can shoot the wall to the left 
  and it opens to a nifty stash. 
  When standing at the giant frog and facing it, turn to the left and shoot the 
  wall in the next passage. (You have to open the bars first in the room to the 
  Down that same passage you’ll pass under a long wooden beam, and come to a 
  pair of skull pillars with a skull platform between them. Jump up on top of 
  it, and it opens a secret door at the end of the halway. Inside the secret 
  door is a teleporter which takes you to the area on top of the wooden beam.
Last Bastion – R2M7
  In the moat, on the left is an underwater passage to some armor. 
  After the squishing trap and the swinging blades, you’ll be faced with some 
  slime and a lightning bolt ahead. Above the bolt is a red switch. Shooting it 
  reveals a side panel next to the slime. 
  Go behind the squisher in squish trap to reach a button that opens a secret 
  door past the silver key doors. 
  When you get dropped down to "join the zombies", you must go down two opposite 
  hallways to press a button at the end of each one to get out. In each hallway 
  there is two candles. Shoot all four of them, and a secret door opens back 
  where you fell down. 
  After you lower the drawbridge and open the portcullis, go across and you’ll 
  take an elevator to a gray area. On the upper left-hand side you’ll see a red 
  switch that you shoot. Stairs come out of the wall so that you can get on top 
  of the wooden perch above.
Source of Evil – R2M8
There aren’t any secret areas on this level, but you’ll have plenty of artifacts 
to help you against the Dragon.