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Psychic Force 2012 (e)

          P S Y C H I C __F O R C E
         / _ \   / __ \/___  |/ _ \
         -/ \ \ / /  \ \   | |-/ \ \
            / // /    \ \  | |   / /
           / / \ \    / /  | |  / /
          / /___\_\__/ /   | | / /__
         /_________\__/    | |/_____\
          T W E N T Y - T W E L V E

         FAUST'S PF-2012 FAQ/MOVE LIST
          Last Updated: March 08,1999

 UB = Up Back       U  = Up           UF = Up Forward
 B  = Back          FC = Full Circle  F  = Forward
 DB = Down Back     D  = Down         DF = Down Forward

 G  = Gaurd         L  = Light        S  = Strong

Basic Moves
 FC+Gaurd    PSY Barrier      Proctects better than gaurding
                              alone. Also pushes enemy away.
 (Note that there are other moves listed alongside this one
  in the instruction manual but I have yet to figure out what
  most do. Hopefully will have that on the next update.)

Special Moves
 Name            | Motion                | PSY | Follow Up           | PSY |

 Electric        | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Magnet Anchor   | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 30% |
 Lightning Hound | B,F+L                 | 40% | Any Direction + L   | 40% |
 Lightning Sword | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 40% |
 Thunder Break   | B,F,F+L               | 45% |
 Excursion       | B,F,F+S               | 60% |

 Holy Whisper    | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Sweet Tone      | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         |  0% | B,DB,D,DF,F+L       | 20% |
 Prelude Key     | B,F+L                 | 20% | 
 Sonic Rhapsody  | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 40% |
 Reverse Noise   | B,F+S                 | 45% |
 Saint Requim    | B,F,F+S               | 80% |
 Holy Purge      | F,F+L                 | 90% |

 Air Crescent    | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Air Slasher     | B,F+L                 | 40% |
 ??? Dance       | B,F,F+L               | 45% |
 Vortex Stream   | F,F+L                 | 50% |
 Mirage Step     | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 50% |
 Tri-Crescent    | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 50% | B,DB,D,DF,F+S       |  0% |
 Earth Gale      | B,F,F+S               | 70% |

 I apologize for not translating Genshin's moves, I know basically no Kanji.
 ???             | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 ???             | B,F+L                 | 30% | F,F+L               | 30% |
 ???             | B,F+S                 | 40% |
 ???             | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 40% |
 ???             | B,F,F+S               | 60% | See Below           |  0% |
 Follow Ups to Above:     U,DB,F,B,DF,U,L+S,G+L,G+S+L
 ???             | B,DB,D,DF,F+L+S       | 70% |

 Hydro Spiral    | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Aqua Javelin    | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 40% | ???                 |  0% |
 Hydro Blade     | B,F+S                 | 40% |
 Hydro Trap      | B,F+L                 | 45% |
 Bubble Mine     | B,F,F+L               | 50% |
 Aqua Gimlet     | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 50% | ???                 |  0% |
 Serpent Press   | B,F,F+S               | 80% |

 Blaze Shot      | S or F,F+S            | 30% | ???                 |  0% |
 Spark Rain      | B,F+L                 | 40% |
 Fire Blast      | B,F+S                 | 40% |
 Burst Whip      | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 40% | ???                 |  0% |
 Hyper Napalm    | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 40% | ???                 |  0% |
 Flame Chaser    | B,F,F+L               | 50% |
 Atomic Burner   | B,F,F+S               | 80% |

 TOW Missle      | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Boost Arm       | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 30% | See Below           | 30% |
 Follow Ups to Above:     B,DB,D,DF,F+L
 Stun Koredaa(??)| B,F+L                 | 40% |
 G Cracker       | F,F+L                 | 40% |
 Plasma Cannon   | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 45% |
 All-Range Missle| B,F,F+S               | 80% |

 Shining Arrow   | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Prism Reflector | B,F+L                 | 20% |
 Reflector Dash  | F,F+L                 | 40% |
 Seeker Ray      | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 40% | ???                 |  0% |
 Prism Seal      | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 40% |
 Angel Halo      | B,F+S                 | 50% |
 Arch Angel      | B,F,F+S               | 80% | ???                 |  0% |
 Trinity Ray     | B,F,F+L               | 90% | ???                 |  0% |

 Darkside Soul   | S or F,F+S            | 30% |
 Dark Wedge      | B,F+L                 | 40% |
 Shady Cloud     | B,F,F+L               | 40% |
 Shadow Daggers  | B,DB,D,DF,F+L         | 40% | Hold L              |  0% |
 Negative Drain  | F,F+L                 | 45% |
 Mirrored Coffin | B,F+S                 | 50% |
 Black Sun       | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 70% | Hold S              |  0% |
 The Darkness    | B,F,F+S               |100% |

 Gravity Bullet  | S or F,F+S            | 30% | ???                 |  0% |
 Meteor Hammer   | B,F+L                 | 30% |
 Shaving Wall    | B,F,F+L               | 60% |
 Meteor Butcher  | FC+L                  | 70% |
 Asteroid Belt   | B,DB,D,DF,F+S         | 70% | See Below           |  0% |
 Follow Ups to Above:     B,DB,D,DF,F+S
 Gravity Infinity| B,F,F+S               | 90% |

 Well, hope this helped you at all! Hopefully there is a
 way to get the secret characters on the Dreamcast version.
 After I go through the game with all the characters I will
 make an update stating if that does anything. If you happen
 to know how to get the secret characters or anything else
 such as the names for Genshin's special moves please e-mail
 me at! Thanks all! :)

 Also, feel free to use this FAQ for your websites and such,
 just make sure to leave my name on it! And if you do use it,
 please mail me so I can add it on a list of where to find
 this FAQ and send any updates to it.

 Sorry this FAQ is so short, I want to add more about the game
 such as the storylines and general information, but for now
 this will have to do.