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Nectaris - Military Madness (e)

Nectaris Military Madness

I.   ----------Introduction----------
     This is the first guide I've made and it covers a lot more of the details
about the mechanics of the game rather than the more generic concepts.

II.  ----------Version History----------

Version 1.0  Basic layout set up, Unit statistics finished, Modifiers complete
except for support fire.

III. ----------Table of Contents----------

I.   Introduction
II.  Version Hisotry
III. Table of Contents
IV.  Game Basics
.   Units and Statistics
.  Modifiers
.    Contact Information

IV.  ----------Game Basics----------

     Nectaris is a military strategy game set in the future on the moon.  The
player controlles the "Allied" forces in their battle to recapture the moon
from the "Xenon" forces.  Play is devided into turns where the player takes one
turn to move all of his forces and then the computer (or second player) takes
one turn to move all of their forces.  Each unit can move a set number of
spaces in a turn and then attack.  A unit can also attack without moving if
there is an enemy unit already in an adjacent hex.  The player does not have
to move every unit and can end their turn at any time.
     Each unit on the map is actually a squad of individual units.  Every map
unit has a number (1-8) denoting how many of that unit are actually in the
squad.  The maximum number of units in a squad is 8.  When the number is
reduced to zero, the squad is destroyed and its marker is removed from the map
     The outcome of a battle is determined by the attack and defense status of
the units, the number of units in the squad, terrain and experience bonuses, and
support fire and encirclement bonuses.  [section XXX]
     Victory is achieved in each map by either capturing the opponent's base
with an infantry unit [section XXX], or destroying all of the opponents squads
(with the exception of the Trigger).

V.   ----------Unit Stats----------

     There are several different classifications of units each with their own
special characteristics which will be listed along with the stats for each
individual unit.

     There are six stats for each unit.  G-Atk is the attack rating of a unit
against an enemy on the ground (most enemies will be on the ground).  G-Rng is
the range at which they strike the target.  If the range is anything other than
1, the unit cannot attack an enemy in an adjacent hex and must be at least two
spaces away.  A-Atk is the attack rating of that unit against a flying enemy and
A-Rng is the range at which such enemies can be targeted.  Mov is how many hexes
a squad can move per turn.  This is impeded by harsh terrain (anything with a
rating greater than 5%) and facilitated by roads.  Lastly Def is the units
ability to withstand an enemy assault be it from air or land.

     Infantry are weak and usually slow, so keep them out of direct combat if at
all possible.  Their primary goal is to capture factories to give your units a
place to heal and possibly get new units, or to infiltrate your enemy's base
and win.  They consist of the Robbie (tg16 Charlie), the Killroy, and the

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Robbie        10      1       10      1       3       4   
     Kilroy        40      1       10      1       2       10
     Panther       10      1       10      1       8       8

     These are the primary fighters of your army, they move fairly quickly have
good attack and have excellent defense ratings.  There are some that sacrifice
power for speed and others that are mobile fortresses that are slow but almost
impossible to stop.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Bison         50      1                       6       40
     Polar         60      1                       4       60
     Grizzly       70      1                       4       50
     Giant         90      1       10      1       2       80
     Titan         60      1                       5       50
     Slugger       50      1                       7       40
     Lenet         45      1                       5       30

     These units attack from a distance, putting them out of harms way and
deadly just behind the front lines.  They cannot move and then attack however
and cannot fight back if they are attacked by another enemy (even if the enemy
is another artillery unit).  Keep them behind the lines and out of harm's way
and they will be a very valuable asset.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Hadrian       45      5                       4       30
     Octopus       60      4                       4       30
     Atlas*        70      6                       0       20

*The atlas can only be moved by transport and once it is set on the map it
cannot be moved again so be cautious of where you place it.

     These are fast moving, hard hitting units that can also move again after
a battle takes place.  Use them to strike at a weakened enemy and then zip back
across the line to safety.  Be wary of their low defense as it makes even a
quick strike potentially fatal.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Rabbit        70      1       10      1       8       20
     Lynx          40      2       10      1       6       20

     These units are very powerful in attack and can fly over any terrain,
making them very good for strikes behind enemy lines.  You must always be
careful of anti-aircraft however as there are units specifically designed to
knock these birds out of the sky.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Falcon                        90      1       12      30
     Eagle         70      1       20      1       10      30
     Hunter        70      1       70      1       11      50

     These are the cannons designed to eliminate those pesky flying units that
make you panic with their wide range and heavy hits.  Be cautious and keep them
well behind the front lines as they are very vulnerable to ground-based assults.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Seeker        30      1       65      1       6       30
     Hawkeye                       85      5       5       30

     These vehicles are designed to move units very quickly across the map.  Be
warned, as they are very vulnerable to any attack and the units inside can't
fight back.  If you carry precious cargo, make sure that you have a strong
escort if you're not safely behind your lines.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Mule          10      1       10      1       6       10
     Pelican                                       9       10

     This consists of the Trigger, a landmine unit that cannot be moved once it
has been deployed, load it onto a transport and carry it somewhere to halt the
enemy's advance.  It cannot attack either so it basically just sits there until
its destroyed.  It can be very useful in forcing your enemy into a pinch with
proper deployment however.

     Unit:       G-Atk   G-Rng   A-Atk   A-Rng    Mov     Def  
     Trigger                                               80

VI.  ----------Modifiers----------

Each hex on the map has a percentage listed on the bottom part of the screen.
When a unit is in a battle on that space, its defense is modified by that
percent.  The most common terrain is the generic plains which gives the unit a
+5% defense rating.  So if there are five bison fighting on a plain (5 units
times 40 defense per unit gives us a base of 200) their actual defense rating
for the battle will be 210.  (this of course excludes all of the other
modifications).  Possible terrain boosts are 0%, 5%, 20%, 30%, 35%, and 40% for
roads and trenches, plains, hills, rocky areas, bases, and mountains.  Aerial
units do not get bonuses for terrain.

The second type of modifier (which is actually calculated before terrain) is the
experience modifier.  This step is never actually shown being calculated and is
a simple alteration of the base stat based on the number of battles that have
been fought.  It is a simple tiered multiplier that is applied before all the
other modifications.  I have a table of the ratios below.  (These were tested
thoroughly on a bison and sporadically on several other units)

Exp:  Ratio 
0     1
1     1.05
2     1.1
3     1.2
4     1.3
5     1.4
6     1.6
7     2
8     2

The next type of modifier is determined by the attack powers of adjacent units
either allies or enemies.  While attacking, support fire increases the units
attack rating based on the number of allied units adjacent to the enemy being
attacked.  While defending, it increases the defense rating based on the number
of allied units adjacent to the attacker.  

At this present moment, I do not have the necessary info to create formulas for
the effect of support fire on attack and defense ratings.

The actual bonus given to the unit is dependent on the attack/defense of the
unit considered (depending whether the target is attacking or defending) and
the number of units that occupy the space.  So a trigger, which has no attack
rating, will not give a bonus if the trigger's ally is attacking, but will
give a significant bonus if the trigger's ally is attacked.

Encircling an enemy entails placing units around an enemy so they are in direct
assault range no matter where they try to move.  This can be accomplished with
as few as two allied units, on opposite sides of the enemy (See below).  The
encirclement bonus, when achieved does not actually increase your stats, but
actually halves the attack and defense ratings of the enemy.  Needless to say,
this is a very potent tool for eliminating powerful enemy units.

 ___/   \___
/   \___/ A \  
\___/ X \___/  
/ A \___/   \  
\___/   \___/  
See how no matter which direction the Xenon unit (X) tries to move, it will be
in an adjacent square to one of the Allied units (A).  This is the simplest way
to ensure an encirclement bonus.

     ___/ A \
 ___/   \___/  
/   \___/   \  
\___/ X \___/
/ A \___/   \
\___/ A \___/

Here is another example of encirclement, notice that the allied unit does not
have to be adjacent to the target.

----------Contact Information----------

If you have any questions or comments about this guide, feel free to send them
to  (please remember to fix the address to
remove the '.nospam' so it will actually transmit)  Thank you.