Panzer Commander (Demo) (e)

Panzer Command (DEMO)

In the new Panzer commander demo there are different ini files, one of
witch is called config.ini, here's what mine looks like

; Panzer Commander Configuration file

; Level of detail settings
TextureThreshold = 300   ; Distance at which texture mapping ends
PerspectiveThreshold = 70  ; Distance at which perspective correction
ends (meters)
HighPolyThreshold = 50   ; Distance at which high-polygon models are
PhysicsThreshold = 35   ; Distance at which physics is enabled
SimWindowSize = 100   ; Size of main sim window
MaxViewDistance = 70   ; Distance beyond which no polygons are rendered
TextureSmoothing = TRUE   ; Allow smooth-shaded texture mapping
TextureFilter = TRUE   ; Bilinear or equivalent filtering on/off
Subpixel = TRUE    ; Subpixel correction on/off
AlphaBlend = TRUE  ; Alpha blending allowed for translucency effects
Dithering = TRUE   ; Dithered colors reduces color banding
PalettizedTextures = TRUE   ; Set 3D Hardware to use palettized textures

ColorKeyTextures = TRUE   ; Allow use of color keyed textures
FogEffect = TRUE   ; Allow atmospheric effects
SkyTexture = TRUE    ; Bitmap Sky
Particle = TRUE    ; Allow particle effects for explosions, etc
RealPhysics = TRUE   ; Allow real suspension physics rather than
simplified physics
Smoke = TRUE   ; Smoke and Dust effects
TreadTracks = TRUE   ; Tread tracks left by tanks
ParallaxForests = TRUE   ; Double layered forests with front plane
CoveredForests = TRUE   ; Roofs on forests
;HighPolyCount = 3   ; Number of high-polygon models permitted

; Realism settings
Vulnerability = 0   ; percent of penetration applied to projectiles
hitting you
UnlimitedAmmo = TRUE   ; Allow unlimited ammunition
UnlimitedFuel = TRUE   ; Allow unlimited fuel
FastReloads = TRUE   ; Allow rapid reloading of main gun
CrewVoicesTranslated = FALSE   ; Crew speaks in local language
FastTraverse = TRUE   ; Gun traverses faster
OpenCupInvulnerable = TRUE   ; Prevent sniper from killing commander in
ExtendedElevation = TRUE   ; Gun elevation goes higher and lower
ChaseView = TRUE   ; Allow an out-of-tank experience
FullRadar = TRUE   ; Allow intel map to show locations of everybody
VehicleUpgrade = TRUE   ; Give tank upgrades to player as equipment
becomes available
ExtraSpeed = TRUE   ; Let tanks go faster than they are supposed to
NoEngineBreakdown = TRUE   ; Let tanks run without ever breaking down

; Sound settings
Sfx3D = TRUE   ; Spatial (3D) Sound Effects
MusicVolume = 80   ; Volume of Music, 0 - 100
SfxVolume = 80   ; Volume of Sound Effects, 0 - 100

; Multiplayer settings
SessionName = IronCoffin
PlayerName = TreadHead
IP1 =
IP2 =
IP3 =
IP4 =

There are certain headings that are editable in the game, and most are
auto detected and shouldn't be played with. Level of detail for one is
set in the game and some 3D accelerator settings are auto detected and
may help as a tweaker... but anyway,
Realism settings is where the actual cheating comes in :) I havn't
tested all these but lets start from the top, (Note: please pay
attention to these settings, some of these have NOTES in them that can
be important, if ignored the game may crash)
Vulnerability - the lower the number the less the damage taken from
shells that hit
UnlimitedAmmo - Type TRUE after this setting for unlmited ammo
UnlimitedFuel - Type TRUE after this setting for unlmited fuel
FastReloads - Type TRUE after this setting to make your tank reload a
little faster than usual
CrewVoicesTranslated -Type TRUE after this setting to translate the
crews voices to English (NOTE: This setting will crash the demo if set
to TRUE, so if you have the demo please set it to FALSE, the full
version might support this option, but I don't know because I don't have
FastTraverse - I have no idea what this does :) Something to do with
making the gun TRAVERSE faster...
OpenCupInvulnerable - I have no idea what this does iether, probably
something to do with the full version
ExtendedElevation - Set this option to TRUE if you want your shell
barrel to aim higher and lower
ChaseView - Set this setting to TRUE if you want to be able to chanhge
to a chase camera veiw
FullRadar - Set to TRUE if you want to  allow intel map to show
locations of everybody (I think I know what this might mean :)
VehicleUpgrade - Set this setting to TRUE if you want to give tank
upgrades to player as equipment becomes available (NOTE: I think this is
a full version setting too... not sure)
ExtraSpeed - Set this option to TRUE if you want your tank to go a bit
faster than usual
NoEngineBreakdown - Set this option to TRUE if you want to be able to
run your tank at full speed without having the engine overheat and break

NOTE:Any of these options and settings can be disabled by typing FALSE
instead of TRUE, and it might be a good idea to use these in uppercase

Oh and the sound and multiplayer settings might also be left alone
unlwess you know what your doing, I think multi is also for the full
version only.