Of Light and Darkness - The Prophecy (e)

Of Light and Darkness is a unique adventure game. It does not really 
contain "traditional" puzzles as other adventure-type games do. The main 
thrust, or goal of the game is to Redeem the Apparitions. And the game 
is not linear; you don't have to redeem the Apparitions in any 
particular order. Reading the manual that comes with the game
- Book of the Damned - should give you some insight as to what is 
expected. At the end of this walkthrough, you willfind a list of all the 
Apparitions, their Artifacts, and their Sin. But basically, to redeem an 
Apparition, here is what youmust do : You must know which Artifact goes 
with which Apparition; which Color Orb goes along with theApparition; 
and you must knowwhat Sin the Apparition is guilty of so that you may go 
to the appropiate room to redeem them. So, it is thus:

                            Color Orb
                         Sin (Sin Room)
For the most part, it's fairly easy to find out who an Apparition is,and 
what color Orb goes along with them. This can be done by first reading 
the manual, and then by also going to the Mask Room - which Underground.  
The Mask Room is very helpful, especially in determining which Color 
goes with an Apparition. Going to the Mask Room should be your first 
order of business upon entering any Level. There is a Map that comes 
with the game; familiarize yourself with this so you know where various 
places are. 

In regards to the Mask Room, this is how you get to there: upon starting 
the game, click forward till you reach the Clock; then turn slightly to 
your right, and click forward down that "street". You will now be facing 
the Hall of Pride. But, just to the left of the Pride, you will see 
revolving doors; click towards these. Once inside the tunnel, turn to 
your right and click forward; when you're facing the giant Mask, your 
cursor should become the "grasping hand". Click on the giant Mask and 
then you will be transported to the Mask Room. The thing to do in here 
is to click on the colored stars that you see around the room. Upon 
clicking a colored star, you will see three Apparitions appear. The 
"Color" star that you clicked corresponds to those three Apparitions. 
(Now upon going on to Levels 2 & 3, some of the Apparitions "colors" 
stay the same, but, sometimes they do not, so pay careful attention). 
You may then click upon each of the Apparitions faces when your cursor 
turns into the Victrolla/Phonograph icon. You may in this way learn more 
about each Apparition ( Note: there is also a "Black" star in this room 
which is a little difficult to see above a doorway; but this particular 
star does not come into play until the second and third levels ).  

Now, when travelling through the village itself, pick up all the Orbs 
and Trans-Portals that you come across. 
Throughout the game, whenever you have to use the Orbs to blast an 
Apparition, the Orbs themselves will constantly re-appear in more or 
less the same places where you originally found them; though there is 
some variation among thethree Levels ( There are also "Black" Orbs, but 
these also do not come into play until the second and third Levels ). 

Mastering the Trans-Portals is very helpful; using these will transport 
you instantaneously to a given spot. This is very advantageous when you 
are "pressed for time" with the impending Apocalypse. With the 
Trans-Portals,just remember where you were when you used it; it will be 
in that same exact spot when you come back to retrieve it. 

So keep your inventory stocked with Orbs and Trans-Portals; you're going 
to need them frequently. With theTrans-Portals, examine their 
"appearence" in your inventory; highlighting them will help to view them 
better. Then,use the Map supplied with your game to match them up; this 
way you can see which Portal will take you where. 

Another feature in this game that is useful is using the "Pause" button 
that is located on your keyboard. Thiswill "freeze" the game and stop 
the clock. Remember, you are racing against time and the impending 
Apocalypse.Pausing is handy for when you want to stop and think 
something through, or maybe to jot down some notes fromsomething you 
just learned in the game. This way, the clock isn't running. 

Besides the Black, there are three "colored" Orbs : Red, Green, and 
Blue. You will need to combine thesethree in different ways for the 
various Apparitions. 
Some just require a single Orb, a Red, a Green, or a Blue. 
But forthe other colors, here is the combination of Orbs you must use :

Yellow = Red & Green
Magenta = Red & Blue
Cyan (Light Blue) = Blue & Green
During gameplay, if you hear the voice-over say, "Attention ! You have 
one minute to send an Apparitionback to the Dark Isle using White Light. 
If you do not, the Apocalypse will soon be upon you"; In order to create
White Light, you must combine Red, Blue, and Green Orbs in your 
inventory and then use them. But to do this whenyou hear the 
announcement, an Apparition must be within your sight. Sometimes they 
are actually present in theVillage; but if they are not, you must then 
go to a "Device" room and find them. You may then blast them with White
light. You cannot just blast the White light without having an 
Apparition present; it will just be a waste of your Orbs. 

 As for the inventory itself, this is how you access it : click on the 
right mouse button; this brings up theinventory. While still holding 
down on the right mouse button, slide the mouse cursor over the desired 
item you wantin your inventory, and then click the left mouse button; 
this will highlight that item (remember all the while to still beholding 
down on the right mouse button). Remember with the Orbs, while holding 
down with the right mouse button,you can left click on more than one orb 
for certain combinations, e.g. Red & Green = Yellow. This also applies 
whenredeeming an Apparition : besides clicking on the appropiate Orb(s), 
you must also click on the Artifact that belongsto the Apparition. So, 
after selecting what you want from your inventory by highlighting 
it/them, exit inventory byletting go of the right mouse button. Then, 
hit the Space Bar on your keyboard; this will cause the items to be used
that you had selected in your inventory. This will be, for instance, if 
you made some "White Light" to blast an Apparition back to the Dark 
Isle,  if you selected a Trans-Portal, or if you're redeeming an 

When you first start the game (or another Level), you'll notice that 
most of theDevice Rooms are empty;there will not be Apparitions or their 
Artifacts in the rooms. When they do appear, you can click on the 
Apparition'sfaces and they will speak, or you can put your cursor over 
the Artifacts themselves until the cursor turns into the 
Victrolla/Phonograph icon, click, and then you will hear more 
information. But remember, you CANNOT take anArtifact while the 
Apparition is still in the room with it !

During gameplay, you may notice periodically "flashes" of different 
colors; this means that Apparitions thatcorrespond to that color have 
entered the village. This also means that their Artifacts are now 
available - unguarded -in their Device Room. You can also do this 
yourself if you desire a certain Artifact; you can "force" an 
Apparition.Here's how : if you are in a Device Room, and the Apparitions 
are there with their Artifacts, make some "White Light" from your 
inventory and blast them. But, you will notice that this banishes them 
as well as their Artifacts. Thenquickly, go back out to the village and 
go to the Clock; but, make sure that your back is towards the Famine 
Room when you are facing the Clock. Now, tilt your view upwards so you 
can see the stars on the Clock. Move your cursorover to the now darkened 
star that corresponds to the color of the Apparitions that you just 
blasted with White Light;your cursor should now turn into the "grasping 
hand". Click now on this star and you will see the appropiate color
"flash". Those Apparitions have now been forced out. You can now go 
quickly back to that Device Room and theApparition's Artifacts will be 
there but the Apparitions themselves won't be. You can now take the 
Artifacts. Also, youcan take an Artifact out to the Clock, and, 
highlighting that Artifact in your inventory, left click when your 
cursorturns into the Victrolla/Phonograph icon underneath of the Clock; 
this way you can learn more about the Artifact, it'sowner, it's Sin, 
etc.  And try to make efficient use of taking Artifacts. Say, for 
instance, you notice that two Artifactsare both redeemed in the same Sin 
Room; then take both and act accordingly. 

Now, there are Rooms and there are hidden Rooms. By this it means that 
certain Rooms are accessed byclicking on a certain something. This 
certain something turns out to be a star, but not a "colored" star like 
on theClock, for instance. Here are the Rooms that have these stars : In 
the Radiation Room, turn to your left and you willsee a star; click on 
it and you will be taken to the Hall of Lust. After you've entered The 
Office, click on the star on thedesk and you'll be taken to the Hall of 
Anger. When in the War Room, turn to your left and look for the star on 
the wall; click on it and you'll be taken to the Hall of Accidie 
(Sloth). When you first enter the Earth Shifts area, clickforward one 
more time, and then look very carefully over at the wall on your left; 
there's another star which will takeyou to the Hall of Avarice (Greed). 
When you are in the "street" and facing the Hall of Pride, turn to your 
right andyou will see another star; this will take you to the El Dorado 

You will notice while in the first Level, that certain areas are not 
accessable to you yet. You'll notice thatwhen you move your cursor over 
these areas, the cursor becomes the "walking feet" icon, but, with a red 
slash markgoing through them. If you were to click on it anyway, the 
voice-over would say, "Not this Level". 

Then, in Levels 2 & 3, you'll notice that areas that were previously 
accessableto you in Level 1, are now notavailable, they are now 
"Locked". By this, it means that when you move your cursor over that 
Doorway, your cursornow becomes a little black Padlock. If you click on 
this, the voice-over will say something like, "The Mirror", "TheGuitar", 
or "The Cigar". This means that you must search for that item, that 
Artifact, which is now also the "Key" that you need to unlock that 
little black Padlock. Once you have found the requested "Key", stand in 
front of that Doorway, highlight the Key/Artifact in your inventory, 
exit Inventory, and then left-click your mouse button (in thisinstance, 
DO NOT hit the Space Bar). This will open the "locked" door. It would 
now be a good idea to get rid of thatArtifact/Key in your inventory, 
lest the Apparition that owns it comes after you. Once you've opened a 
locked door,you don't need that Artifact for now, that is until later 
when you want to redeem that particular Apparition. So, afteryou've 
opened a locked door, make sure that item is still highlighted in your 
inventory, then hit the Space Bar on yourkeyboard. This will get rid of 
the item in your inventory and send it back to the Device Room where you 
got it. Once alocked door has been un-locked, you can come and go back 
through it as you please; you only need the Artifact/Keythat one time to 
open it. 

At the end of Level 2, after you've redeemed the 21 Apparitions, you 
have to go down to the Hall of Mirrorsand attempt to solve the Orb 
puzzle; you will see a pyramid rise out of the ground with receptacles 
around it to placethe Orbs in. But don't worry, it's not meant or 
supposed to be solved now. No matter what you try, it will not work;Gar 
Hob supposedly does something to switch them around just to thwart you. 
You will just go on to Level 3.

Now, in Level 3, you are going to notice some Artifacts in particular. 
Thesewill be Skulls with colored eyes. These are Artifacts that you do 
not - I repeat, DO NOT - want to hold onto for too long. These Artifacts 
belong toDark Lords, and if they catch you with them, you will be 
punished severely. Some of the things they will do to you aredepleting 
your inventory, or (God forbid), put a CURSE on you ! So, to avoid any 
and all such things, just don't keepthese items in your inventory until 
absolutely necessary. For instance, you need a Skull to open one of the 
lockeddoors; get the Skull, use it to open the locked door, then 
immediately get rid of it from your inventory ! Other thanthat, save all 
three Skulls till the end, till the last (Note: if you do happen to get 
caught by one of the Dark Lords withtheir Artifact, and they punish you 
in some evil way of theirs, it's best to just go back to a previous 
Saved Game. But,if you don't want to do this, refer to the Quick 
Reference Card which came with the game; this will tell you what you 
must do, for instance, to "purify" yourself).

Also, other areas in Level 3 which will become available to you are 
The Abyss, which is to the left in thetunnel when you first enter the 
Underground from the revolving door; also The Nightly News, which is to 
your left
when you are in the Plague Room. 

So, in Level 3, after you've redeemed all of the Apparitions except for 
the ones with the Skulls, you neednow to go down to the Hall of Mirrors 
again and solve the Orb puzzle. But this time, you will have clues as to 
how tosolve it. When you click on those Skull Artifacts when your cursor 
turns into the Victrolla/Phonograph icon, they will say things like, 
"Blue is before red....", or something akin to that. Clicking on each of 
the three Skulls is giving youclues as to the order in which to place 
the orbs. It will be different each time you play the game. Listen 
carefully tothese clues, and Save Game before attempting to  solve the 
Orb Puzzle (Note: the word "Before" means "to the Left of").

After you've solved the Orb Puzzle, click towards the pyramid; you will 
now be taken to the Dark Isle. Then,enter the main doorway of the Dark 
Isle; once inside, click up the spiral staircase. At the top, turn 
slightly to your left,and notice the oval mirror. When you place your 
cursor over it, you will see the little black Padlock. Click on it, and 
itwill tell you what Artifact/Key that you need to open it. Actually, 
that item should still be in your inventory, just incase you haven't 
noticed it already. This is regardless of the fact that you may have 
already redeemed that particular Apparition which owned that Artifact. 
So, in your inventory, highlight the Artifact/Key that the oval mirror 
with thePadlock asks for, then left click on it; this will open up this 
new Mirror Room. This will be the room in which you willredeem the three 
dark Lords that are left. This will be the tricky part; you must be 
"sly", and quick. This is going to bea very opportune time to use one of 
the Trans-Portals; namely, the Hall of Mirrors Trans-Portal. 

 (Note: make sure you have plenty of Orbs in your inventory; you 
aregoing to need one of each - Red, Green,Blue, & Black - for the last 
Orb Puzzle in order to defeat Gar Hob. Because if you reach the part of 
the game whereyou are going to face the last Orb Puzzle, and you don't 
have the proper Orbs in your inventory, there is no "goingback" to the 
Village; so stock up NOW). 

Now, make your way back to the Village, and go to one of the DeviceRooms 
where you know one of theDark Lords is with his Skull Artifact; it would 
be best to Save Game before attempting this. If the Dark Lord is 
notthere and his Artifact is, then good, just take the Artifact. But if 
not, use the White Light trick to banish him, go to theClock , click on 
the appropiate star to "force" him, then go back to the Device Room and 
get the Skull. 

O.K., don't panic ! You need to waste some time here on purpose, believe 
it ornot. If you want, you can goto the area just in front of the Hall 
of Mirrors; wait there. BUT, here's what you must do: access your 
inventory, andhighlight just the Hall of Mirrors Trans-Portal. Now you 
will have to "listen" for something. The Dark Lordsannounce themselves 
when they are getting near you; this may be something such as an evil 
laugh, heavy breathing,what-have-you. So as you are standing there, when 
you "hear" the Dark Lord, immediately hit your Space Bar onyour 
keyboard, and the Trans-Portal that you had highlighted will take you 
directly to the Hall of Mirrors. Now alsovery quickly, keep clicking 
forward to the pyramid, Dark Isle, up spiral stairs, through oval 
Mirror, and then when youare inside of here, access your inventory, 
highlight the Skull and the appropiate colored Orb, exit inventory, then 
hitthe Space Bar on your keyboard. This will redeem the Dark Lord. You 
must now do this again for the two remaining Dark Lords. And as I 
mentioned before, it's a good idea to Save Game before attempting to 
redeem any of the DarkLords. Also remember to go back and get your Hall 
of Mirror Trans-Portal; it will be right where you left it when you just 
last used it. 

After you've redeemed the three Dark Lords, the Throne Room will now 
be accessible to you. The ThroneRoom is located just to the right of the 
oval Mirror where you just redeemed the three Dark Lords. In the 
Throne Room, you will have one more Orb Puzzle to solve (As mentioned 
earlier, you should have stocked up on Orbs, sonow you have at least one 
Red, one Green, one Blue, and one Black).  Before you enter the Throne 
Room, go backinto the oval Mirror room where the three redeemed Dark 
Lords are; you will be able to get clues from them on howto solve the 
last Orb Puzzle to defeat Gar Hob. Click on the faces of each of the 
Dark Lords. Sometimes you'll getlucky and each of them will give you a 
different clue; other times, each of the Dark Lords will give you the 
same clue.It's basically the same as earlier with the pyramid Orb 
Puzzle; e.g., "Red is before Blue, but not next to Black". And
again, it will be different each time you play the game, even if you go 
back to the same Saved Game just before thispuzzle. So when you've 
gotten your clues from the Dark Lords, enter the Throne Room. Inside, 
turn around and face Angel. She will give you one final clue on how to 
solve the final Orb Puzzle. The clues that you have received mayseem 
contradictory, or cryptic, but carefully think about them, and they will 
make a certain sense. When you think you've got it figured out, place 
the Orbs in their respective receptacles. If you've figured it 
correctly, Gar Hob will leave Angels body; but, if you've figured 
incorrectly, Gar Hob will have some bad news for you. 

So, if you want to figure out the Apparition's Sin and Artifacts 
yourself, read theBook of the Damnedmanual on each Apparition; when in 
the Mask Room, click on each of the faces; when in a Device Room, click 
on the Apparition's face; when in a Device Room, click on an Artifact; 
when you have an Artifact in your possession, take itout to the Clock 
and click it underneath of it (doing this under the Clock has the 
Apparition's victim tell you something). Doing all of these things will 
give information on who a given Artifact belongs to, and information 
onwhat Sin a given Apparition is guilty of (so you know what Sin Room to 
go to). But if you still can't figure it out afterall of this, look 
below and you will find a list of what you need; it will be listed in 
the order of Apparition, Artifact, & Sin : 
Mani, Yin-Yang, Pride
Ivan the Terrible, Sword, Pride
Aleister Crowley, Cross, Pride
Dagmar Hirt, Scalpel, Pride
Osira, Flower, Anger
Tiplotezca, Heart, Anger
John Wayne Gacy, Clownface, Anger
Tirinia, Rope Noose, Lust
Anka, Jolly Roger (Cross Bones), Lust
Wa-No-Te, Horse, Lust
 Serguis Orata, Oyster, Gluttony
Xuanchiquel, Spoon, Gluttony
Man of No Name, Abacus, Avarice/Greed
Droessus, Necklace (Wreath), Avarice/Greed
Alfred Krupp von Bohlen, Cannon, Avarice/Greed
Raj, Branding Iron, Envy
Shaamra, Chisel & Stone, Envy
Zanazca, Mirror, Envy
Jimmy Ray Christian, Guitar, Accidie/Sloth
Koobooragong, Round Stone, Accidie/Sloth
Piankhy, Square Stone (Plans), Accidie/Sloth
Heung Po-Chi, Silk Square, Accidie/Sloth
Caligula, Dagger, Nightly News/Plague Room (Level 3 Only)
Carlos Marcello, Cigar, Nightly News/Plague Room (Level 3 Only)
Marie Antoinette, Money Purse, El Dorado Room (Level 3 Only)
Shakem Ben-Jamin, Sheep Hide, El Dorado room (Level 3 Only)
Cain/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
Quechua/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
Alexander the Great/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
Amratus I/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
Admah-Najeh/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
Saman, Druid Priest/Dark Lord, Skull, Abyss/Mirror Room Dark Isle
( Extra Tip : Whenever you go to Save Game or Load Game, that Robot will 
appear. If you don't feel like listening tohim go through his whole 
routine everytime, then just as he is about to turn around to face you, 
Left-click on yourmouse button and it will skip his repetitive sequence; 
because after a while, this gets tedious ! )