Oddworld Adventures (e)

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    A     D     V     E     N     T     U     R     E     S     tm  

\_.»        ODDWORLD ADVENTURES - Secret Rooms Information       «._/

                      DATE:      03 / 02 / 1999
                      VERSION:   1.1
                      AUTHOR:    Argönaut 
                      EMAIL:     oddity@lis.net.au
                      WEBPAGE:   http://oddity.cjb.net

\_.»                          COPYRIGHT                          «._/

   This Walkthrough/FAQ may not in any form be reproduced without
prior consent of the author. If you want to use this Walkthrough/FAQ
on or in your webpage/magazine/book/disk/cd or any other means of 
distribution (other than for personal use only), please contact me 
first ( oddity@lis.net.au ).

   The only places to find this Walkthrough/FAQ are listed below:

         http://oddity.cjb.net (Official)
         http://www.gamefaqs.com (Game FAQ site on the Web)
         http://vgstrategies.miningco.com/ (Game FAQ site on the Web)

   If you obtained this file from any other place that is not listed 
here, please contact me and tell me the place where you found it, so 
I can track down who has got this file.

\_.»                           UPDATES                           «._/

   1.1 - Second Version. Major Redesign on FAQ Width Reduced.
         Released 03/02/99
   1.0 - First Version. Released 01/02/99

\_.»                        GAME CONTROLS                        «._/

Activates Password menu & Chants ... SELECT
Use Item ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A
Jump ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B
To Chant ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SELECT
To Jump Up . ... ... ... ... ... ... B once while standing still.
To Jump Left/Right . ... ... ... ... B while pressing LEFT/RIGHT.
To Sneak ... ... ... ... ... ... ... UP and press LEFT/RIGHT.
To Crouch .. ... ... ... ... ... ... DOWN.
To Roll  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... LEFT/RIGHT while crouching.
To Pick Up Rock or Meat  ... ... ... DOWN while on top of rock/meat.
To Throw Rock or Meat (Normal) . ... A while standing.
To Throw Rock or Meat (Short) .. ... A while crouching.


Fart ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... RIGHT
Whistle High ... ... ... ... ... ... UP
Whistle Low  ... ... ... ... ... ... DOWN
Chant & Leave .. ... ... ... ... ... A
Just Leave . ... ... ... ... ... ... SELECT

\_.»                       THE CHARACTERS                        «._/

Sligs .. ... ... ... Gunned-up slugs in mechanical pants, with itchy
                     trigger-fingers and room temperature IQ's
Slogs .. ... ... ... They bark, eat live flesh, and are definitely 
                     not good with children, but they're a Slig's 
                     best friend. Their favorite bone is in Abe's 
Paramites .. ... ... On their own, they're cute in a stomach-churning
                     sort of way, but put them in packs and they get
                     vicious. Kind of like children. Oh yeah... don't 
                     back one into a corner.
Native Mudokon . ... Whistle back at these guys.
Bees ... ... ... ... Run run run away.
Bats ... ... ... ... Look out! These fly around and get in your way.

\_.»                  SECRET ROOMS INFORMATION                   «._/

   This FAQ is for the search of the Secret Rooms in ODDWORLD 
ADVENTURES. I will be gathering as much information as possible on 
where they are and how to get to them. Below there are three 
headings, FOUND, RUMOURED, and ODDSPEAK. FOUND will be where all 
secret rooms information will be placed. RUMOURED is where all 
speculated secret rooms information is. And ODDSPEAK is where all
the information that I have found on the net about the secret rooms 
will be. So on with this FAQ.

<<._ FOUND _.>>

   There has been none found yet. Check the Rumoured for more 

<<._ RUMOURED _.>>

   There is one really ODD thing that I found in the game there is a 
level where you start next to a door. In total two doors on one 
screen. Now Sometimes when I comeback to this door it is open but I 
can't get into it. What is stopping me and how do I get past it. This 
door might not be a door to a secret room, but I will try it next 
time I play the game.

<<._ ODDSPEAK _.>>

   Posted on GTGAMES.com by MadCow on 18:Jan:1999:14:55:13
   >>    This is what we know about secret levels 
   >>    1) There are more than 1 
   >>    2) If you look at the page about OA it has screen shots 2 of 
   >>       those arn't in normal levels (the one with poles and the 
   >>       one with platforms on a dark background) 
   >>    3) There are probably Mukkadons and Story Stones(?) in them, 
   >>       there is 1 Mukadon in the normal levels and I haven't 
   >>       seen any of the stones the "continue the story" or "do 
   >>       cool stuff" quoted from the manual 
   >>    4) It may have something to do with the voice samples. If 
   >>       you press start it goes to pause then pressing buttons 
   >>       gets "follow me", "ok", "go there" etc are they for fun 
   >>       or do they have a purpose? 

\_.»                    CONTACTING THE AUTHOR                    «._/

   Any type of feedback (other than abusive) is welcomed. Although I
can't promise that I will reply to every email I get I will try to. 
Any email that asks for specific help will not be read. All that I 
know about the stages in this game I have put here. If you are 
writing to me please put in the topic in caps 'ODDSECRETS FAQ REPLY:'
then what ever topic you want after it. This will help me moderate 
what mail is coming in from where. You can contact me at this 
address: - oddity@lis.net.au

   Anyone found abusing me will be automatically put onto a SPAM 
list that will be sent for NO profit to many spam outfits across the 
net. Yes I hate SPAM, but this is the only way to deal with people 
who just email me to abuse me. Thank you for reading this FAQ.

\_.»                    CREDITS AND THANKYOUS                    «._/

ARGÖNAUT (a.k.a Scott A. Moss) for writing this FAQ.

SAFFIRE for creating this game for the GAMEBOY.
ODDWORLD INHABITANTS for creating Abe and his puzzling world that 
   makes us really, really mad when we are stuck.
GT INTERACTIVE for distributing the game.

MY GAMEBOY COLOR for just being there. I don't know what I would do 
   without it. Yes I do, I wouldn't be playing this magnificent game,
   thank you. 
AEON for buying me this game for the public holiday where many 
   presents are exchanged, for some unknown reason.

\_.»            LIST OF PEOPLES INFO USED IN THIS FAQ            «._/


This File was coded in PEDIT (by Paul Brand) and re-edited in Notepad
                                              COPYRIGHT ARGÖNAUT 1999