Nights into Dreams (e)

                           Nights' Strategy Guide

the following Strategy Guide is by Bill Schimel

Q.What are you supposed to do?
The object of Nights is to get back your orbs that are stolen from you by
the Nightmarians.To do this you must collect 20 blue spheres and take
them to the large thing holding the orb.  Then take the what you get back
to the start. There are four colored orbs to bring back. So get 20 blue
spheres, take them to the Orb holder, it blows up, then back to the

Q.How come i keep getting F's and C's?
The way to get a high mark is to get a high score. The higher your score,
the better your grade.

Q.How do i get a high score?
Simple. First collect the 20 blue spheres as fast as possible and blow up
the Orb holder to get the colored orb. Then your bonus time starts and
points are sky high! Fly around the course and try to get as many links,
tricks, and items (stars and spheres) as you can. When time is almost up,
come back to the start and set the colored orb in. You should get a good

Q.What are links and tricks?
Links are how many rings you fly through or items you get in a row.
Tricks are when you use the L and R trigger buttons. The only ways to get
points for tricks are to fly through a Blue and yellow ring and do as
many as possible, or collect items while doing tricks. Try this: Circle
around stars or spheres and while they are catching up pull off a trick.
You get good points for that.


Always finish the course before the time is up! Turning back into one of
the kids almost definetly gives you an F.
The last levels can only be accessed by getting C's on all four of your
charcters course.

To play the two player mode, beat all 4 regular courses and you will
fight Reala. Then you can access the two player mode in the options.

In the 5 th level for both characters wait until the light hits you, then
you will be flung to a platform. Jump off and then do all four courses as
fast as you can.

Thats it for now! The next installment of this guide will have the points
needed to make the grades and how to do each of the trigger button
tricks. I will also have a guide on how to beat the bosses.


There are 7 Night Marens to beat

PUFFY - A Large Female Rabbit Balloon
- You have to grab her and let her go to knock out bars, or walls. Wait
til you get her in the right angle then let her go. Probably the easiest
Night Maren most people probably know what to do here.

GULWING - A Tadpole looking creature with bat wings, and tail with spikes
on it.
- You have to either hit it on the top of the head or bottom. Best plan
is to wait for it to come to you, be a little above it when it does and then
speed up and hit it. Gulwing will lose it's head and another will grow in it's
place. Just wait for the head to grow back, and hit it again. Place youself
always a little above it so you can repeatedly hit it as a new head appears.

??? - A Giant fish with teeth, sorry I forgot its' name - You have to hit
it by going into one of the small fishes that will shoot you across the 
cylinder. You have to find a fish that is aiming right at the giant fish. 
When it is hit it moves down if it was on top, and moves to the top if it 
was hit when it was at the bottom of the cylinder. So you will have to 
always go from using the shooting fish devices from top to bottom back to 
top and so on.

Reala - The Opposite to Nights.
- You have to do a 360 around Reala, 3 times to beat him or her. The best
way to do this is to hit Reala, this will make him/her lose control for a
bit. Then you can speed up and 360 him/her. Keep hitting Reala to through
him/her off balance and do the 360.

??? - This Night Maren likes to light up the mouses, jumping from one to
another. - Best thing to do here is to hit the mouses the Night Maren
lights. You can only explode the ones that are lite. By doing this, you 
will remove mouses for the Night Maren to jump to. When there is no other 
mouses the Night Maren can jump to, you can hit it yourself and win the match.

??? - This Night Maren throws cards at you to slow you down. It looks
like a bat with a cape.
- To beat him you have to hit him about 10 times I think. To reach him
you have to speed towards him. When he lets the cards go, stop speeding by
letting go of the speeding button. By doing this, you will be able to avoid the
cards much easier than when you are speeding. Just dodge up then down then up
and then down again. When you reach him, hit him. You will push him out of
his cape. He will float back to his cape, to start throwing cards at you
again. Stand right in front of the cape and the Night Maren and hit it when it
gets close to you or speed up to meet and hit it. Repeat the process and
youwill win the match easily.

Wizeman - The last Night Maren and the largest one of them all.
- He throws rocks at you first, just speed towards him low or high, you
will be able to avoid the rocks this way. Reach him and the other Nights
will help you break the barrier and hit him.
- Next he throws rows of rocks, If the rocks are moving upward, go under
If they are moving downwards go above it and you'll reach him fine.
- The last thing he throws are two Twister. Go straight though the middle
and between the two twisters.
After this Wizeman will repeat the process again.
