NFL Blitz (Arcade) (e)

From: (Manic)
Date: 30 Jan 1998 00:51:03 GMT

Hot new blitz info.. Read the faq for the info..

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                          Manic's NFL BLITZ FAQ
                               Revision 3
                            January 29, 1998

What is this?
This is a FAQ for NFL BLITZ, the arcade game, by Midway.  This FAQ is maintainedand updated by Manic(  I decided to write this FAQ because I
wanted to contribute to the Blitz community in some way, I used to write a FAQ
for MK3, so I decided to do this, In addition to a web page, however, this
could be more up to date than the web page, but may also not have some of the
information such as strategy, etc.. that the web page has.  The web page will
be available at 

What's New?
1 New Code, 3 Hidden Characters, Stratiegies from the designers and me,
a special tip from me, block EVERY field goal.

In the secret codes section, anything with a ! in front of it, is something new
to this revision of the faq.  Anything with a * in front of it, is a code I
myself discovered, or was given directly to me by someone else, and I was
the first to publish it anywhere on the net. the same goes for the
glitches/bugs section of the faq.

Secret Codes

Show FG % :             0,0,1,DOWN
NO CPU ASST:            0,1,2,DOWN
Fog On:                 0,3,0,DOWN
Unbeatable Drones:      3,1,4,DOWN
No Fumbles:             4,2,3,DOWN

Show More Field:        0,2,1,RIGHT
*Tournament Mode:       1,1,1,DOWN
No Punting:             1,5,1,UP
Big Heads:              2,0,0,RIGHT
No 1st Downs:           2,1,0,UP
Stepping Out Allowed:   2,1,1,LEFT
*No Interceptions:      3,4,4,UP
*Power Up Teammates:    2,3,4,UP (maybe 2,3,3,UP)
*Super Field Goals:     1,2,3,LEFT
*Big Players:		1,4,1,RIGHT
*Big Ball:		0,5,0,RIGHT
*Super Blitzing:	0,4,5,UP
*Thick Fog:		0,4,1,DOWN

Secret Characters
TURMEL  0032
SAL	0201
ROOT	6000

Bugs & Glitches
These bugs and glitches will have the revisions that they have been
experienced on, just because it does not show it to be on a certain
version, does not rule out that bug.

v1.1 & v1.21
When you block a field goal, if you catch it and start to run it back, the
screen will not rotate, instead of running up field like normal, you will
instead be running down the field, it looks really strange, and makes it
difficult to do.

Somehow, when having 0,0,0 for the blocks on the matchup screen, I moved
the joystick all different directions, and managed to make it where I
could not move down in any of the play select screens, I was only able to
pick from the top row of plays, on both offense and defense for the entire

Heres the scenario..
3rd quarter, your up 35-27 and the computer is driving, you fail to stop
them from getting the TD, the score is 35-33 and you know they are going
for the tie, you read the offense wrong and the waltz in for an easy 2
point conversion, only instead of being tied, the score is now 41-35, the
computer somehow is given an extra 6 points.

Game Designer's Secret Strategies
I can not reveal how I came about getting this information, because then
more people will be able to get it before or as soon as I am, and I want
my page to have stuff ahead of other pages, but I assure you, this is
legitimate information.
Mark Turmell:

If youre in trouble, dump the ball off to another teammate by hitting the
B button to lateral to the teammate nearest you.

Man to man is your best bet when your opponent needs to pickup more than
30 yards.

Sal DiVita:

When running downfield with the ball and a single defender is closing in,
run right at him and stiff-arm him onto his butt.  It's demoralizing and
it's good for another 10 yards.

Never do a Suicide Blitz unless thereşs less than 10 yards between the
of scrimmage and the endzone. It's impossible to cover more field with one
player back and youşll be giving away touchdowns.


Jason Skiles:
The deep pass is a desperation move. Instead, throw short passes, then use
spin moves and stiff arm your opponents for yardage.

Rush the passer every single play. Hit change player right after the snap
and take over a lineman so you don't soften your pass coverage.


Jennifer Hedrick:

Use the Back Split play to dish the ball off to the side in the event of a
blitz. This still leaves two men open to the sides to pass the ball to.

Use "Safe Cover" for man to man defense and keep trying to intercept the
ball from the receiver. Every once in a while sneak in a blitz play.

ball from the receiver. Every once in a while sneak in a blitz play.


John Root:

The "Back Split" play is an easy 10 yards when playing against Mark
. . . every time!

I always use "Medium Zone," it's a good generic defensive play.


Mike Lynch:

When on offense, don't forget Spin Moves (double tap the TURBO) and Stiff
Arms (TURBO + B) to evade would be tacklers.

I don't bother with defense, it's not important.


Jeff Johnson (Japple):

I don't bother with offense, it's not important.

When you're on defense, dive at the intended receiver when he lights up,
and knock him down early in the play.


Luis Mangubat:

Press TURBO + A + B on the offensive snap to have your man in motion
become an extra blocker.

Don't forget to hide your cursor during play select. Push the joystick up
three times before you start to pick plays. That way your opponent canşt
see what you're up to.


Dan Thompson:

When running downfield, stay near the sidelines so that you can get out of
bounds and stay out of trouble.

To block a field goal: Position your man near on opening so that you can
rush in and tackle the kicker as fast as you can.


Brian LeBaron (Grinch):

Confuse your opponent by using your man in motion to back up your intended
receiver. Sometimes youşll be surprised at who turns up with the ball.

Always keep an eye out for the opening to try and get in there for a sack!

My Strategy
Mix up your offense, never go for the kill, work it slow and consistent,
occasionaly throw in a deep play, but other than that use 2 or 3 plays to
get your first down.

The fake field goal is a great a weapon, 4th and 30 from the 40, they
think your going to kick, choose fake field goal, and throw it to the
receiver just off the right end of the OL, spin him once as soon as he
catches it to avoid the defender and run for the first down.

As the designers mentioned the back split is a great play it gives you the
option of a pitch and run, throwing with the qb, or pitching it and
letting the back throw it.

Always attack the quaterback, do not give your opponent time to throw, mix
up the blitzes coming in from different sides and angles, but watch the
short passes, and pitch outs, if your not careful, they will kill you.  If
you get pressusre on the QB fast enough he can not go long.

A sure way to block ever FG, if you do it right is to choose safe cover,
bring the highlighted man down to left end of the OL and run him straight
at the holder, DO NOT dive, just keep running, and run straight into him,
you will block it.. I have done this dozens of times.

Credits & Thanks
Zio & Don, I got some of the codes from their pages.
Zio -
Don -
Midway, for making an awesome football game, hopefully they will keep it
up in the future.

Two people at Midway for the correspondence with me, and VERY VERY special
thanks to one of them for the information he has given me.  Both of them
know who they are, as do I, so I will leave them anonymous so they can
avoid the flood of e-mails.  Thanks

NFL BLitz is a registered trademark of Midway and the NFL.